Homemade Eclairs Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 807

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[Music] hi guys I'm Laur Vali and on this episode of L Kitchen I want to share with you how to make eaes now I love eclaires and a lot of you have been asking for this recipe for a really long time and I also wanted to share it with you because I feel like EA's is one of those recipes one of those desserts that people just don't make at home they buy it at a bakery or at a grocery store but they just don't make them at home but after today after you see how easy this is you will have no more excuses not to make them at home they actually just require basic ingredients which you might already have on hand so it's like double thumbs up let's get started right away I'm going to show you how to make the custard first you'll need some whole milk for that some corn starch egg yolks some a pinch of salt and granulated sugar and some vanilla bean past paste you can also use a vanilla bean just scrape out the little vanilla bean seeds or whatever you want to call them um or you can also use vanilla extract if you want to but the vanilla beans like it just adds that really like luxurious vanilla flavor that you cannot replace I'm going to get started right away and the custard is really simple and easy and it's kind of like how Mya makes her custard for anything uh method anyway I'm going to put all my ingredients in my sauce pan cold because if you were to add your corn starch to something hot it were to it just thickens really right away and um then the eggs don't have a chance to cook egg yolks very easy I'm telling you sugar and salt and then a good spoonful of your vanilla bean paste about a teaspoon I'm just going to scrape it off with my wooden spoon cuz I don't want to waste any and now I'm just going to take a this is just a silicone whisk so that it doesn't scratch my My Pan and whisk everything together just to kind of mix it all and to break up the egg yolks and now I'm going to put this onto burner and cook it over about medium heat until everything thickens beautifully and I will show you what it looks like when it's there and it's kind of hard to tell you how long this takes it can take anything between like 3 and 8 minutes maybe a little longer it depends so just stand right here don't get on the phone and chitchat with your girlfriend if you want to you just got to stand right here and do it and then use your one spoon to give this a good stir and just cook it until it thickens and that's it that has thickened beautifully now be aware that sometimes cornstarch what happens is when it gets heated um it starts to going to get clumpy all you're going to do is just keep stirring keep stirring keep stirring and then it will all just sort of melt and this is what I want it to look like and it's really thick and don't be tempted to add any more milk because you need to be able to pipe this into your eayers and it needs to and you need to hold so it looks thick right now and it is thick and it's actually going to get even thicker as it cools but that's it's important for that to um for your Custer to be thick otherwise when you go to pipe it into U eclair nothing but a mess will happen and everything will ooze out and it's just a mess you need your custard to hold so what I'm going to do now is cover this with plastic wrap and I'm going to make sure that the top is actually covered from the plastic grap otherwise it just forms like a really strange looking skin on top of the custard and I don't want that so I just make sure that my plastic is actually touching the custard and I'm going to pop this into the fridge to allow it to cool completely and in the meantime I'm going to set up to make my actual eair shells in the fridge she goes to make the shells you'll need some allpurpose flour salt water unsalted butter and some eggs which I have on my back counter I'll bring them over when I move my mixer over which this is my way of so I'm telling you I'll show you later this is the same recipe to make my cream puffs um perid rals whatever it just really easy and it works every time in my sauce pan got my water and to that I'm going to add in a half a cup of butter or a stick of butter I'm going to put this on my burner I'm going to bring this to somewhat of a boil I mean you want the butter to be fully melted and then when it's there we will be able to add our remaining ingredients my butter is just about all melted I'm going to add my flour and salt I'm going to turn this off and now just using some elbow grease this looks odd this looks like it's never going to work this looks like a clumpy just curdled mess but by the power and magic of cooking and some good oldfashioned elbow grease this comes to together perfectly this is what it should look like now that I've stirred in my flour I'm going to turn the heat back on about medium heat and I'm going to cook this for about 2 minutes I've also brought my kitchen aid or my standing mixer closer to me and I have it fitted with a paddle attachment I've got my four eggs here I'm going to cook this for a couple of minutes and then we'll be ready to proceed The Next Step perfect okay I'm going to put my dough I don't know if you can really see that that well there you go now before I add my eggs you need to make sure you do this too turn your mixer on and let it sort of mix for about a 30 seconds to a minute that way it cools down your mixture a bit because if you were to add your eggs to a really hot mixture it could scramble your eggs and then you have a mess and you don't want that so I'm just going to let this go also at this point get your oven preheated to 425 and get a baking sheet ready with some parchment paper I'm I'm just going to mix this for about about 30 seconds to a minute just to you can see all the steam escaping it's just cooling it down that's good enough now with my motor running on about I'd say medium I'm going to add well I'm supposed to add one egg at a time but two eggs at a time is fine let that mix in again this is going to look like if you can see it right now it looks like it doesn't make sense it looks like it's all curling and it's not coming together but it will you just have to give it give it some time it's going of crank it up a little bit I'm going to add my other eggs you really should add these one at a time but you know even my eggs are have no patience before I add my final egg I just want to take my spatula and scrape down the sides of my bowl because that's really important because otherwise everything wouldn't be mixed as well as I'd like it to add my last one let it mix and everything will come together beautifully just trust me on this and that is what you are looking for let me get this paddle attachment off and then I'm just going to scrape it down with my spatula scrape it out I should say it looks perfect now I have a disposable Piping Bag that's fitted with a large round tip it says number 806 but I don't know I just use the largest round tape I can get my hands on on um and I have a couple of those in my drawer so that's what I'm going to use I'm going to fill this baby up I'm going to probably do it in batches because my disposable Piping Bag or my Piping Bag isn't that big but of course if you don't have a Piping Bag you can do what I do most of the time and just use a like reable bag and just snip off one of the corners and you will be in business just going to fill this up and now I'm ready to move this out of the way bring this closer to me you can see that my uh my parchment doesn't fit perfectly but hey who's here to judge okay and then what I like to do is I like to do about well it depends maybe about I would say 12 or 10 of of of the CLA of the CLA shells and you can see they're kind of like the size of a hot dog bun that's the best way I can describe it the size of a hot dog bun and then you just keep going until they're all done now all I'm doing is brushing the tops with just a little bit of water you know what works really well too is a spray bottle and just spray the tops with some water H it just really helps with their texture and their coloring as well I'm going to pop these into my oven at 425 for 10 minutes then I'm turning the oven down to 350 and allowing them to bake for another about 25 minutes or until they're a beautiful golden brown color and when they're there I will show you the next Next Step these were in the oven for 10 minutes at 4:25 then I turned the oven down to 350 and let them continue to bake for 25 more minutes and they're a beautiful lightly golden brown color they just came out but I want to share with you a really important tip when they come out of the oven as soon as they come out you take a skewer or a sharp pairing knife and you just make a little indent on both ends what this will do is allow the steam to escape and therefore it leaves your eair shell with a perfect texture so I'm going to do that and I'm going to let them cool completely and then we'll fill them and then we'll top them and then they will be ready to be devoured my shells have cooled completely and now I've got my custard that's been in the fridge for several hours so that it's perfect it's creamy and delicious I hav't snacking on this a little bit so don't judge but next we're going to make the chocolate glaze what I have here are some mini semi- sweet chocolate chips regular semi sweet chocolate chips will work that's just what I have on hand that's just the first thing I grabbed and then some heavy cream I'm going to take my heavy cream and put that in a small saucepan I'm going to bring that to a simmer I want that to get nice and hot that way it will melt my chocolate but in the mean time I have another uh disposable Piping Bag fitted with a smaller round tip and in here I am going to fill it with my custard I'm going to do half at a time again so I don't over fill my bag but you see how important it is that your custard is a little on the thicker side otherwise this will ooze out completely and it won't it won't stay in the Shell trust me one might have guessed that I learned that the hard way this works wonders then you just sort of get that ready move that to the side and this is how easy it is you can do one of two things you can stuff them like I'm going to or you can cut them in half I'm actually going to put this down or you can cut them in half like so stuff them put the top on and then glaze them but actually my cream is nice and hot it's starting to Bubble around the edges I'm going to pour that over my chocolate chips and then I'm not going to touch it or anything for just a couple of minutes let that do its thing set it aside in the meantime I'm just going to take my skewer and then just make a slightly bigger indent on each side side just a little one and then just start filling I like to do like half on that side and then turn it around stick it in there and fill it with the other half you'll feel the actual the inside of your shell sort of get plumped up from the custard and that's it last one excellent a little bit of custard okay boy is that delightful I'm going to set them aside just for a minute because I've got my chocolate here it's been sitting for a couple minutes and now I can go in with my little Half Moon whisk and whisk it up until everything is beautifully melted look at that gorgeousness and now I just take a spoon take some of my glaze and then just let it do that magical thing where it just sort of Falls where it wants to fall M way too excited you can also dip if you want to just take that and dip it right in I mean the world who whose pickle is the world that would be yours your pickle my friend you do what you want I'm actually just going to pick them in here this custard is like the most delightful thing ever look at that look at that I know I know and how ridiculously easy are they to make and with basic ingredients I mean these really are this is one of those recipes that really calls for the most basic ingredients you probably already have on hand which is another reason why I love this or I love them I should say just going to continue to dip each one I don't know what to do with myself you guys but I know what I'm going to do right now is take this very first one dip it and you should let these set the chocolate should be set but have we met there is no way in the world that I would be able to wait for these to set uh uhuh uh-uh I mean really mhm mhm are you saying that they are Perfection I can't even tell you how good these are I probably have chocolate all over over me and I wish I cared because I'm way too excited to eat one of these they are so good you will be blown away and how easy I mean the fact that it just takes flour eggs some milk some corn starch I mean it's just very basic stuff that they deliver the most amazing amazing eayers they might not look picture perfect but that is the point of homemade they look homemade they are fantastic and phenomenal I hope that you make these and if you do don't forget to share a picture with me on social media I always love seeing your Recreations and lately you guys have been stepping it up and I love that the recipe for these babies will be onl in the kitchen.com hope you enjoy spending time with me and I will see you next time [Music] bye-bye we'll be able to add our remaining ingredients look at me I'm A sly shly stick of butter Surly Surly look at thatly ha that's hot turn it down L turn it down there you go where'd it go
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 2,147,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, eclair recipe, how to make eclairs, homemade eclair, eclair, boston cream, easy eclair recipe, how do you make eclairs, best eclair, eclair recipes, homemade eclair recipes, custard, chocolate, dessert, cook, cooking, recipe, recipes, easy recipes, food, kitchen
Id: TjqL77M0R5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 23 2014
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