Millionaire Salesman Explains How Get Rich on a Low Salary

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by 20 years old I was making 500 Grand a year selling cars if you want to smoke everyone if you want to beat everybody out there I watch people's eyes I could see into their soul this is what I learned big influencers like us that do big [ __ ] even they're not who they say they are and they're going around telling people they were once someone and they're not that person anymore I made a vow like dude my secret My secret is and his first question I want for you is a good one I think anyways is when you think of all the things you went through who did you need to become to be the person sitting here today well it was somebody totally different than anybody else in my family um had had ever been right so what happens is obviously a lot of people um who they are their identity right is their mom their dad their Grandma their grandpa their your weight what you look like how much money we had the [ __ ] we ate um you know like what kind of cars did we drive growing up dude like we never had money like all these things built an identity in my head so literally I'm going to tell you this um these questions you're asking until I was 18 years old dude we didn't even I didn't even journey into like trying to think bigger or trying nothing inspiration get a job stay out of jail um my mom left when I was two uh five brothers and sisters Jerry Springer [ __ ] show never had more than five bucks in my hand at one time it's ain't a victim story like it's just like that's my come up right yeah so so you're surrounded by a bunch of people and I'm not going to say losers I'm going to say but by people that had low standards right compared to the to the life that I would want my kids to have low standards we were just uh we were just going through the motions of just normal mediocrity nobody's reaching for more but um when I was 18 years old um I had straight D's um in Oklahoma a tornado comes and wipes out my high school so I was gonna fail and I was going to go back again because I was making straight D's right which and a couple FS which means I wasn't going to pass so I was going to have to redo the grade but since a tornado took our school out they said anybody with passing grades just got to pass just yeah so so I just passed and I'm like oh hell yeah I don't have to redo my my deal because I never went to school I barely showed up I have no idea how I made it even through school I cheated all the time and and I'm not a bad person I'm not a bad kid nobody ever explained a standard nobody ever explained what winning looked like I played some sports man but nobody was watching the games nobody was wanting me to be to nobody was wanting me to be great and I'm going this I I have been talking to my kids since they were born about who they're going to be how great they're going to become the way they're going to be World Changers how they're going to impact people's lives I have I have embedded that into them their brain their heart their mind their soul I say hey kids they're seven 10 and 12 since they were one I said do you want me to feed you ice cream right like a little baby you know and make you feel good like a little kid or do you want me to treat you like the bad ass that I know you're going to be and the leader that I know you're going to be like tell me how you want me to talk to you and they're like Dad talk to me like a leader okay cool then let's go that way even my daughters you gave them the choice yeah I'm saying hey do you want me to feed you ice cream and make you feel good and treat you like all the other little kids or do you want me to treat you like The Savage that I know you're going to be look I want you to be loving but I want you to impact other people's lives and I want you to be an example see I didn't get that talk okay so like we didn't have any standards we didn't have anything to look up to I mean my dad had a Dodge Neon at one point that I thought was so cool couldn't believe it you know it's like it's like it was the new car it wasn't a $400 car it was like you know uh it was just it was the bankruptcy car right like they put everybody in the but my point is is that I when he had have the Dodge Neon I was like damn this is crazy my standard of life was just you know like this is this is it this is how we're going to roll until we die nobody went to college in my family which that doesn't matter but nobody really did much of anything but when I was 18 years old and I graduated right and the tornado tornado took out our school a guy told me he goes hey dude you want a job and I said yeah and for 200 bucks a week uh he paid me to clean up uh construction work right because the tornado smoked the whole city right may may of 1999 five mile wide tornado went through Oklahoma and smoked everything hundreds of people died it was crazy [ __ ] it was like a war zone so they paid me 200 bucks a week to work from 600 in the morning till 10 o'clock at night picking up stuff anyways after four weeks dude I have fiberglass all in my body I'm smoked everywhere I am finally making some money and I'm like dude this [ __ ] sucks like this sucks I I mean like this like I graduated and this is my life now dude I was sitting there at my buddy's house and his older brother I was talking to some girl and um he had a little bit of a mouthpiece just a little bit and he goes uh he goes dude listen to me he goes if you could sell cars you could make $5,000 a month I was like dude first of all if I had $5,000 I'd be rich yeah I'd be the president of the United States I mean because you're thinking you're like dude I mean I'd be rolling around in Ferraris and [ __ ] right cuz you don't even know what anything costs cuz you've never had anything many times somebody says the word thousand you're like oh dude that's like the news people make thousands of dollars like those are the rich people right and I didn't believe it but this is crazy dude I showed up he gave me a job okay had no experience no nothing he goes dude just be nice to people show up to work be on time you'll beat most people and I'm like dude it can't be that easy I show up first day I get what's called a lay down so you've been in sales that's where somebody just says yes you don't have to be good they're just like yeah sure hey I'll take it I get a guy that says yes my manager Pages me in the office he says yeah how much money you just made I said if I just made five bucks I'm starving I want to go get something to eat he goes dude you just made $1,700 at that very moment life froze right I I I I literally realized that this was my way out like Sals was going to be my way out like it didn't matter so you talked about like who do I need to become right to like to be this best version yeah until that day I never even asked that question or I never even cared about that question honestly I was loser um and I'm going to tell I really was a loser I didn't think about other people I had Bad Manners I didn't care about customer service I wasn't thinking about anybody but myself and overnight like just all this changed and I was like dude this is my way out I said okay so I'm going to master the craft here I'm going to create Mastery like Kobe Bryant did basketball I'm GNA do this in the sales did it happen in that moment yeah I changed immediately man there okay there has to be an epiphany bridge in everybody's life yeah where someone went from here to here and something either really bad and like look I got my toe cut off when I was years old okay my dad smoked four packs of cigarettes a day I would wine complain cry in the car I I would be choking on his smoke and I would be like Dad please man roll the window down but D's like nah nah this is back in the 80s dude where they they made you choke out but when I was four years old my 10-year-old sister ran me over on accident with a riding lawnmower and it it ripped my toe off there was blood everywhere my dad went took me to the emergency room um the doctor goes there's a good chance your son's going to die he it took an hour to get there he goes he's been bleeding out he's lost a lot of blood my dad that very moment quit smoking you know that had to happen for my dad to realize that hey my son may be gone I'm done smoking all right I'm done I've had enough okay I know a guy just got cancer guess what he quit smoking the day he got cancer it sucks that he that he couldn't give it up a little too early I think there's a Epiphany bridge in everybody's life where something happens and they the yeah like I'm sick I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired dude and by the way maybe there's a life that you didn't know existed and um you know so anyways that was mine dude I made that money uh it was like my veins changed I was like oh my god this is my way out and here I go that year I made 150 Grand in sales at the end of the year I was 19 years old go back to my dad right I was still living in his house I just saved all my money didn't really talk to my dad because I was at work from 7 in the morning you didn't tell him well I didn't have time to talk to him cuz I was working from 7:00 in the morning until 11:00 at night I worked six seven days a week I never took off I was addicted I loved what I was doing I was obsessed I was AF freak my dad didn't know what was going on okay I mean he's always gone did you think to yourself if I told him he wouldn't believe no I didn't care I wanted to tell him I was too busy working dude it's like it's like I was becoming this new person yeah and then um anyways I I asked my dad I said Dad I need to do my taxes and I gave my dad my uh my w [ __ ] his he go what are you doing he goes dude you start paying rent right now like this is [ __ ] cuz I wasn't paying rent nothing I was just living in my I was living at the store and I was coming home at night to sleep wake up go to the gym go back to the store anyways um I went and bought a house I went and bought a new Corvette because I was a poor kid so first thing you do first car go buy a brand new Corvette I'm like dude I got a roll man I'm ready to go I want everything now I've never had I'm not telling anybody watching this that they should do that but that was my deal I went from broke to being like nobody taught me how to spend money save money I'm like I need to get a house I need to get a Corvette now I'm in the game by 20 years old I was making 500 Grand a year selling cars and I want to tell you something this is what I learned the the best advice that I could give anybody I've lived on since I was 18 years old if you want to smoke everyone if you want to beat everybody out there most people learn enough to make just enough to get to their standard to have the life that they want and then they slow down and stop learning they set up camp that that's everyone and by the way I know a lot of people that are even big influencers like us that do big [ __ ] even they're not who they say they are and going around telling people they were once someone and they're not that person anymore and so I want to tell you that I made a vow like dude my secret My secret is I'm not smarter than anybody but I will out self-develop everybody and I I studied everybody I studied the way they talk I studied the way they spoke I I studied the way they walked I studied the way they treated other people I studied the way they cared I I studied whether they were speaking just with word tracks maybe something that they memorized or whether they were speaking with their heart and they believed what they were saying I watched people's I could see into their soul and see who they were and I studied I was like man look if I look into someone's eyes and I can see their soul and I can see they don't believe or they don't care about me as much I've learned that they couldn't close the bigger deals so I tricked myself completely to become a person yeah and and honestly I'm GNA tell you this I never had a good leader I wish I could tell you I learned from came into your life and yeah n NOP my wife my wife came into my life she drew a hard Line in the Sand and she goes I will not tolerate these things and as long as you do this we're good and and I needed that hard deal and I was like okay damn man all right and I never had a mom so I was like all right Mama you know yeah let's go but that was the person that changed my life my wife's advice has been the greatest advice but what I did is I had a bunch of shitty leaders I had a bunch of people that told me to do it all the wrong way not to do yeah and listen dude because I did the wrong things I made the bad mistakes I know now had I reverse engineered this and done it this way then that would have worked so now I do everything that no one did for me and it's all working and that's what I'm telling you is that in society all these bad leaders still exist all these people that are saying hey if you want this John you got to sacrifice this to get that no dude you don't have to sacrifice your family you don't have to sacrifice being close to God you don't have to sacrifice your health that's a lie dude that person doesn't believe they can have it all they have low self-limiting beliefs yeah they're one-dimensional dude because they're one-dimensional they don't want you to believe you can have it all screw it my wife one time I was playing that game of like making a lot of money she's got a beautiful house you know she's got everything She Wants cars her purse is full of money we're killing it dude my wife goes dude we've learned to live without you we we we don't even need this money I married you to be with you you're not even present and I'm like what do you mean and I go through this victim story my mom left when I was two you don't know what I've been through and she goes shut up I'm so sick I was cool that you changed and you became this but dude okay 1.0 turned into 2.0 where's 3.0 Andy yeah 3.0 Andy says all right now I've learned how to make money now I need to master having a good life she's like dude if you want to chase your whole life that's fine you're not going to be present with us and we're going to learn to live without you you're gonna be just like everybody else it's the facts or you can slow your ass down right now you can own your life which nobody does because everyone else owns their life but you can known it and there's 60 minutes in an hour you can go to work and you can work your ass off and don't call me show me when you get home how much you missed me how much you love me walk into the front door with your eyes on fire walk in show us some damn love don't bring us leftovers we're sick of seeing the leftover [ __ ] Andy she's like I watch you sell motivate and Inspire your team all day long and you come home and give us [ __ ] she goes I wish I could have some of that [ __ ] yeah just wish I could have just a little bit of that and dude I'm like I'm I'm doing everything wrong in life man and so at that point I started to change is that when it started becoming about other people well yeah I think that until you start making it about other people I think sound like you got really good at being Andy but when did you start I was unfulfilled yeah yeah look dude I'm going to tell you the truth until I was 39 years old yeah right which is why I'm not long ago I'm 40 43 now right I'm about to be 44 the reason why I'm so crazy now and I run so hard is because all I'm trying to do which is what I know you're trying to do is that you're trying to make people not have to go through that [ __ ] in our businesses that we're involved in every day I see businesses struggle because people have personal problems not not business problems and they don't they think they're business problems they're personal problems they're going through divorces and and and they're not there for their kids and they're getting fat and they're out of shape and they don't look they look in the mirror and and they don't like themsel their families are fighting people are sleeping in the same bed they're miles apart and and it's all for one simple reason man it's because we're in the era of the worst leader in the history of time and by the way um good preachers are ones that went and slept with a lot of girls that went out and a lot of people like what do you mean no that went out and got drunk that went and did some stupid [ __ ] that went and robbed a house and said hey that's stupid and now I'm going to go talk to all you and I'm going to explain to you you don't want to do this stuff this is the bad stuff and they changed Paul right Apostle Paul was one saw yeah so the old Andy was like how much money can I make and it was like that was my deal yeah it was like selfish deal but now it's like dude I want to make my my wife proud and you know what's made my wife proud watching me change other people's lives I've watched her eyes light up when I'm a good man yeah and and in the beginning it was for her because I was trying to figure out how to change but cash in a check was always like yeah and then I would help someone i' be like yeah and I'm like dude like [ __ ] yeah like this this helping somebody overrides cash in the check so literally in 39 years old um I I dove into fitness really hard um I quit my job me and my wife started our business um I took her with me I said babe if I if we're going to do this like I know I can't do this without you so I need you like this is the time I need you for the first time in my wife's life I was listen I'm I'm a great husband I'm a great husband I'm better than most I'm I was a level two to my 10 what I could be for her and I was playing small I think people need to understand that cuz you're doing better most don't mean [ __ ] okay you need to play to your max potential I could have been way better to her and so I I for the first time I said babe I I need you to uh I need I need you to support me I need you to go with me I don't need you to be behind me I need you to be next to me with me um I'm lost but like as long as you support me I don't care about money I just need to hear I need to hear you say Andy I'm proud of you and I'm proud of this guy you're becoming and a lot of people they hear that and like ah come on listen dude I swear to God my wife says I'm proud of you dude dude that is the language for a man yeah that's what I'm saying like that gets me going watch out like I'll go to war oh yeah so when I did that my wife she's like okay okay all right all right 3.0 here so my wife took our million-dollar house which in Oklahoma was a lot of money here you can't buy a cheeseburger with it but in Oklahoma you can buy really nice [ __ ] right um and she sells it she gives up her house her home the place she's ready for her kids and she goes we're going to go get a rent house because I know this business we're about to build going need some Capital yeah well and it's going to be hard and we're going to go through some hard times so she was I'm going to give up my deal and we're going to go we so I she explained to the kids hey man Mom and Dad we've always made you keep the house super clean we're selling all our furniture we're selling our house we're going to get mattresses we're going to sleep on the floor it's going to be like a party every night it's going to be like a tent we're going to live low for a year and Mom and Dad are going to build a business we're going to change people's lives we're going to go we're going to sell all your toys we sell everything but we're going to be together we're going to be close and Dad's going to be present mom and D are going to get close and we're going to have a good time together and dude as a family we grow really close me and my wife started training courses we started recording we started making content um I couldn't even get on a a camera I had my phone I was like hey babe it's she's like Andy no no no you got to have some energy man let them feel your heart and dude she was like someone's on the other side of that camera Andy if you're going to change their life you can't seem like you're staging it you can't be scripted you got to be real it's like she was like brainwashing me to become a genuine person because I was so cold-hearted from years of cell of the thrill of the kill right so as I transitioned out of this dude I started to realize that man like dude I'm actually me so I got in great shape I looked in the mirror I like me I'm good to her she's proud of me the kids are looking up to me as their hero I like me I'm like okay cool the only thing we're missing now is money and then I learned you give away as much value for free yeah as much value for fre everybody told me hey charge for everything tell people that you got something badass and then and then make him pay for it no dude give it all away for free so we we shot YouTube videos man you just flooded YouTube every day we did two 30 minute long form videos a day for a year teaching the same stuff other people are charging thousands of dollars we gave it away for free for free here it is talk tracks everything well that's how we took Grant Cardone out of the automotive industry yeah um is that we gave away the stuff he was charging for we did it better for free and it was just me and her and I said Hey listen me I'm not going to ask you for anything all I want is just subscribe like comment below and dude even if you have a question just text text me i' text me I'll help you with anything you need see I saw Gary ve doing text me dude you were early at that but see but Gary ve was using a text Community because I'm so [ __ ] I don't even understand that it was a text Community I was giving them my real cell phone so I've got people texting me 20 times a day 50 times a day and I'm just like yeah what's going on I hope you do better I'm giving I have no money I have nothing to sell it's pure value yeah and and and a year later after shooting free YouTube videos I uh I decided babe I need to make your course okay and we made one and it was like $299 and I didn't even have it completed yet but she goes hey it's New Year's Eve why don't you go out there just tell everybody it's a pre-launch and if they get it tonight it's going to be 600 bucks we get it for $2.99 first time we've ever put out anything for sale overnight we went out there and set put a link on YouTube we woke up the next morning with 150 Grand in the bank damn and we just gave away a lot of value um anyways um three years later we built a ninef figure business um everything started with giving everything away for free and the cool thing about this is this is that if you're a real good coach you'll give away everything for free because tomorrow you're going to be better than you were today yeah and people will pay to get a piece of that of you tomorrow if they can see your change yeah and they pay for the implementation not the information yeah and proximity yeah yeah proximity support because dude I'll rip your ass apart like if we're on a call like we're going to do a coaching call here in about an hour and dude like when you show up on that call like pen PP piece of paper get ready to row total Recreation guys your life's going to change we I'm walk you through A to Z on your new life it's like dude when you're around people that have that energy that have that fire that drive yeah it's like dude you're like okay wait a minute man this guy's running at a higher frequency than me he's running at a hot 120 like I'm in increase idty and that's what I did is that I created this guy but my wife and when I was 39 years old I was alive but I was really dead now I'm living life um I I tell people all the time write down a piece of paper what you want dude if you don't have your health you're going to you're going to lose done okay you're going to regret it if you don't have if you don't take your family with you when you lose them you're you're going to hate yourself or when they learn to live without you you're going to be miserable if you don't build a team you can't build anything big in life um I have a massive team of about a hundred guys out here uh men and women every day um they're fire breathing dragons they run hard they I don't have to tell them what time to get to work they know to get in here they go to bed tired they wake up hungry they've all moved across the country to be here every one of them when they moved here they didn't know what they were going to get paid they didn't even care they gave up great jobs making a lot of money to come here to change people's lives our mission has been about total Recreation our goal is to totally recreate everybody I don't care who you are your marriage your kids your wife and by the way I have a sales training company but that's just the decoy we're good but that's like that's like yeah it's the CH the broccoli is if you're good at sales dude it's always a bigger problem than that yeah and I loved geeking out on sales but the biggest thing is is that we've just we've gone so wide now um I just always wanted to be somebody that I was proud of and I'm going to tell you anybody watching this my physical fitness was the number one thing that fueled me to become a new person every day that I would start to see a different person in the mirror I would start to believe that I was a different person yeah um that's why I shaved my head that's I'd get a tan I'd go do anything just to see a different freaking person I CH I'd burn my clothes I put a Elliot shirt on I'm trying to figure out how I can see a different version of me visually and um yeah man and the physical part changed the mindset part and the mindset part just fed into our business well dude the the thing that I keep coming back to personally that sounds potentially that you're after is becoming the person you needed most in your darkest days yeah you always chase what you don't have is when you're a kid when you're an adult y yeah it's like you know these people that have it easy as a kid yeah I feel bad for them they get their ass kicked as an adult but the people that struggle as a kid it's like all they want see as a kid I was never loved and I'm not being like this like never love no no no it's like like I want love now and I want people to feel it like that's why when we're around people if you've talked to my my guys here I bet every one of them hugged you yeah well they didn't hug me but they shook my hand well they give me that hug yeah right because they'll always put your put your arms around you because they they they just love people man like the deal that we love we're we all go to church together every Sunday beauti we run together as a pack all of our families are together um you know it's like dude I always say this if you can't find it you know build it right so like what do you want okay can't find it build it I want to talk about time and Faith uh first time when you look at like your process of buying back your time right because I know you're also a person of standards and saying clean up your [ __ ] [ __ ] like do all that but how do you think of your time in regards to the like early days when you're starting off it's you and your wife but then how who are the first few hires to help you elevate to get get the space for you to do more like how do you think of buying back your time as a leader well if you're going to build anything great and you're G to have time you're GNA have to have a team okay an individual can be beat but a team can't be beat so if you want to build something that you can't tear down build a team and and I didn't say build a a a company of employees employees will work for a check okay a team will run through a wall for you okay I always say there's like three types of leadership right and there's like self- leadership which means that whatever I'm going to ask anyone to do I must do myself because I can't give anybody what I don't have or what I'm not right so if I that's why I said like double standards the reason why I said that we're in the era of the worst leader in the history of time because everybody's a double standard and son of a [ __ ] they tell the team to expect this but then they don't do it themselves or they tell you to do this but they're really not that way at home right so number one I believe in like self- leadership the number two is then you start lead other people and when you lead other people there has to be a circle of trust which means you're the person they want to become dude it's 2023 2024 we're in the era of the influencer everybody's on their phone even in the car people are driving down the road and they're doing this like nobody's paying attention people are out at dinner what are they doing doing this heab how's the food good okay they're here like nobody is really where they are they're all here okay so what does that mean everybody's looking for something so if you're going to lead a team now you have to be it's a good point everybody's looking for something dude they're there so here's what I want to be with my team I tell them look dude I'm going to be the most interesting person I'm going to be the person who's in the best shape for you guys I'm going to be the person with the most energy and you call that shot yeah well because if you don't dude they're GNA own your people man I mean dud listen to me okay I always say this if you're a leader if you're a boss if you own a company you can fire somebody but they can also fire you and then go work for anyone they want okay so how can you keep their attention how can you keep them off your phone phone off their phone how can you if I if I grabbed somebody's team and I said hey uh let's say it's Johnny and he's got 50 people on his team I'll say hey Johnny bring your team in here just pay him a little bit extra and see who walks forward no no I just say hey everybody here's a piece of paper do me a favor I want you to write down the name of your mentor on a piece of paper and then and then when you're done fold it in half you guys can leave the room we're cool thank you so much me and Johnny are just going to open these up we want to see who you guys look up to when when they leave the room and Johnny their leader is sitting there and I open up all these piece of paper I say Johnny where where [ __ ] is your name Johnny [ __ ] yeah where's your name Johnny where's your name see they're not looking up to you you're not who they want to be they don't want to be like you they look at you as a boss you're they're your employee and that's it I don't want that you know what I want I want when my people show up to work I want them to think I can't believe that I get to work here like like I can't believe I get to work here like I want them to sit there and question how does this place exist why did Andy do like awesome work for money like I know I need money to live but like I don't work for money like I don't I don't do any of this for money I do this because there's something here that exists and I'm tell you what it is it's in the beginning a leader that follows what they say they're going to do and then secondly and then it's a person that leads everybody else to believe that they're capable of doing the same thing that they're worth it hey people will never out earn their own selfworth the leader's job is to create the worth in the team to dude i c i brainwash my team to believe that they're worth it and that their their their confidence exists and that they need to be certain of thems and I see it and I know it and I tell them who they are I call it in them I won't let them believe anything else but that I brainwash them yeah I do not care the news brainwashes people to be scared I brainwash my team to feel powerful when they're around me and that's why they want to be around me more because I keep making them feel that way and then the third level level of leadership I say is to make your leaders right the people that you're building yeah make leaders yeah so I got a whole company here that is leaders breeding more leaders like they're so addicted to what we do now and holding themsel accountable because they have a standard that other people are watching that they want to keep holding that standard getting even crazier totally immersing into being a greater version of themsel every day 3.0 4.0 5.0 and then also making other people that way it's a total freaking freak Obsession around here it's awesome and and you can get paid gray I call Heaven on earth like you change other people's lives um social media to me this is a is an accountability tool yeah every morning you'll see me at the gym working out every every morning you'll see me kissing my kids when I'm at home every morning you'll see me with my team every morning you'll see me uh out with a sales team or out on a stage or out doing something every every day like because if you if you quit seeing that then like then you should be worried I yeah I stop showing up yeah so like to me people like oh why do you need social media well number one that's the era we're in and everybody's on their phone so if you're looking for your audience if you're looking for your next hire if you're looking for your people if you're looking for help they're here like so let's not be dumb about that yeah okay and then number two also on top of that um if you want to build a business right we get, 1500 leads roughly a day that come in where people text in 91821 0254 and they say hey I need help you changed my life can you help me with this so I wanted you to know that whenever people that number I mean me and my coaches we're all here to help them um so I don't run ads I don't I mean we get 150 million views every 28 days on social media we don't spend we spend zero dollars on Advertising um and you know like hey I think I should advertise but look dude uh if you you talked about Alex Rosy right yeah he he said if you build a product so good yeah you don't have to advertise it's when you have a shitty product and you need to keep chasing a new customer because the old customers are falling off so we need new ones to come on then then that's a problem we've uh we do need to Market but we can't even handle the leads we got coming in I'm just going to be honest with you like you know our goal is to have a billion dollar company and 300 employees and and it's like or 300 teammates I mean it's like it's just uh it's just crazy but dude we love what we do I think that anybody um anybody and I mean anybody that's watching this everybody can change I was dead I honestly looked in the mirror I didn't recognize myself I was like dude that isn't even my body that's an alien's body that's not me like that's not who I thought I was but then I really took a good hard look at me um the good thing with every company is that everything falls right and and Rises on the leader and then also everything happens is the leader's fault good or bad and then also um the the leader is ultimately the problem and the solution so like all of us right now we can all change everything in our life um but I I really truly think that a lot of people are just going through emotions right now and um I think that a lot of people aren't fulfilled we're in an era right now where people are chasing success and money and they don't even know what that means and uh they're unfulfilled and I'm telling you when you play the chase game and you don't own your life you're never going to make it you're on a treadmill yeah you're going to end up sacrificing [ __ ] you're going to regret yeah I love the out you can't out earn your own selfcon is that it yeah you can't out earn your own selfworth or you canot earn your own self-image so good right like whatever you think about yourself is the end of your paycheck so Andy I want to talk about faith cuz God showed up in my life at 17 sounds like he's showing up quite a bit in your life how do you think about co-creating your life with God like when you think of because I'm sure you've experienced these moments where you have a idea you write it down you believe it and just this crazy situation happens and all of a sudden that crazy that thing happens and the more you're vibrating at this level it's probably happening on a daily basis yeah how do you think of that cuz I think that's a level that most people that are performing the tactics if they don't have the faith part they never get to understand the potential yeah well so the biggest thing is is number one if anybody's ever tied anybody um once you do you'll understand the principle of giving and then receiving right and um I remember writing checks that I knew that would probably bounce um in church and uh there there's a company called The Life Church Craig Rochelle M right yeah follow him on Instagram he's great great guy when me and my wife started in Oklahoma at Craig Rochelle watching him on you started there we used to watch him when he first started his ministry got read a couple his books yeah and I used to sit there and watch Craig and at one point in time me and my wife um we gave everything we had all the time everything like everything we had and my wife uh uh or one day the preacher came up Craig relle came up and uh goes hey we've got this uh meeting we want you guys to come to I never even met him I just watch him you know what I'm saying and I listen to him I look up to him and I'm like about what they're like well you had given the most in this uh Church um than anyone else so we want you to know where we're putting the money and you know I didn't even know that we were uh giving we were just giving everything we had all the time and we were so lost and we just needed God and we needed him in our life and um you know this is going back you know 10 years ago right and he had seven chur churches at this time this was one of them and he was building the Online deal and I remember man I was like dude I don't even care I just wanted to give it away to people that could use it better than us and because I was just going to go buy [ __ ] so we just kept giving it away at that point in time our life we had some of the biggest blessings we were having our children all these things were happening we're just we were lost but we were also like so happy there was these blessings I started to realize with humans like it's not possible with but with God it is possible it truly is possible it's not a saying it's not a t-shirt deal it's not a book that motivates you it's not a mo motivational speech it is real and I'm going to tell you this every time that I've leaned in and and you know it's like when things are good we always seem to lean out then it gets hard and we come back it's because we're stupid ass humans right okay yeah but we have always prayed every night together me and my wife um we we believe that without God we're totally screwed and um at the end of the day he's our foundation and honestly the first two years I didn't talk about God a lot um because I was like if hey if we talk about God we're probably L some people I don't know man I don't know how to integrate it right like like but then my brother who's super cool yeah he goes dude you need to tell people the foundation of your life and and we did and but then I because I cuss right so I thought well but damn you know I cuss and you know I did all this stuff a long time ago he goes Andy it doesn't matter your goal is isn't to be perfect your goal is to tell people where you find your strength and if anybody thinks you're perfect right like they're an idiot anybody you look up to dude they've all screwed up they've all done crazy [ __ ] everybody that you look up to even Craig R that's why I love these preachers that have been through stuff that tell us like hey dude that one time I did all this stuff and it was horrible I shouldn't even be allowed on this stage but but I changed you know what I mean and I found my grace in God I asked for forgiveness and then this happened and you're like oh man well [ __ ] that can happen to me now that's what I want um but anyways God is the foundation of our life um without him we would be lost anytime if you make it and you make a lot of money and you build something cool without God there's a good chance it'll go away or there's a good chance you won't have any peace okay like the peace thing um you'd say what's your biggest uh how do you know like that God exists the most well because in pure chaos I can be at complete peace like complete peace like I don't in the storm in the storm I get stirred up man like I really don't yeah I get fired up I get excited I get ready for a challenge but I honestly stay at peace and I feel like that's the reason why anxiety is never tore us down and when we make big moves we don't worry about it and you know we take our family with us we call our own shots we're not we're not crowd Pleasers we do things Our Own Way um you know and but God is definitely our foundation man and you know just like with you and honestly dude with a lot of people that are successful they they repeat this same story that me and you are telling right now all of them do so if you listen up it would be hey get right with God okay take your family with you right don't be one-dimensional you can have it all right if you give up your health to chase money okay I'm just saying if you do you know if somebody gave you $1 million cash but they said you couldn't wake up tomorrow taking it yeah no because you like no I want to wake up so act like today's a $10 million [ __ ] day yeah yeah or act like hey my health is more important than money yeah so like if you look at your priority list today like shouldn't your health be before money like if waking up was better than $10 million like wouldn't your health be better than money yeah well then dumbass get get in the gym and by the way um as parents right like being an example for our kids and our PE our our our team or people that look up to us or people that we're coaching dude when we don't take care of oursel it just lets them know it's okay not to take care ofs you don't keep the commitments you make to yourself they know they see it yeah dude like like to me the foundation the Foundation of me of everything we've built um other than trust loyalty never lying keeping your word has been physical health because to me this like we're in a we're in an era where everybody's mentally [ __ ] up yeah like they're all mentally screwed and if you look a lot of them are overweight okay um Andrew Tate whoever you watch doesn't matter I don't care I don't really watch him a lot but I remember him saying something I said dude that's the truest thing I ever heard he said this guy emailed me one time goes He I'm going to kill myself I'm going to commit suicide he said hey man I can't stop you from doing anything you got your mind made up on he goes let me just ask you one favor though he goes go in the gym get a six-pack first if you'll go in the gym and you'll get a six-pack and you still want to kill yourself then I get it he goes but I'm willing to bet that if you'll go to the gym and you'll get a six-pack by the time you do you're gonna want to live a great life he goes just promise me that you'll get in the gym get a six-pack and then you can do whatever you want after that that's awesome the guy message him along the way right and you know he's he's intrigued by it and this guy's he loves his life now yeah he's a coach he's teaching other people he's into fitness there there's something about man like this mind like it starts to go crazy when we don't work on ourselves yeah and I think that people need to understand when they get in the gym they work on themselves and when they do they they they become a new person it's like total Recreation every day you're working on yourself cuz everybody wants to suck everything out you suck the life out of you you got 20 other people that want your time right now yeah dude so if you don't put you first and you don't make a little bit of time for you I promise you somewhere along the way you'll stop being you and you'll start being what everybody else wants you to be yeah exhaust the body to tame the mind that's the way I think about it I go in there to to get my mind straight last question was you land the plane because and a and a fun one you talked about people you admire and you know they're real I saw your real recently where you got to meet Andy Priscilla and you know they say don't meet your Heroes oh how did like how did you feel after that tell us about that moment because it looked like here's a f you know you know game recognized game you know and and again social media is one of these things where you can literally be fans of each other and when you meet so how'd that go down what did you take away from so we were an event and uh dude you know I've been doing my deal had my head down I watch my people that I look up to um and I live by these standards or these values you know or or maybe some advice that people give us and uh literally um when I met him he goes dude I want to tell you dude he goes I watch your video I I see what you stand for I started watching your [ __ ] I wanted to see if you're real and he's like dude you're one of the realest [ __ ] out there coming from the guy yeah and he goes uh um number one he grabbed his wife he goes come here he's like uh we need to I want to have you out to our place so we fly out next week no [ __ ] yeah to go to Andy frella we go to his HQ we go there at 2 o'cl and then we go back to his house uh for dinner that night and uh he's like you know how many people you want to bring out with you I said 15 and he's like done 15 people you me my wife our house um let's uh let's let's let's talk about life yeah man and Andy's podcast the mfco project back in the day yeah like dude it shifted everything I coach with Ed he's my private coach and um great guy dude it's just like you get around good people man you get around good people and but those are but those two guys Andy and Ed they're completely different they are the same but they're completely different and uh they are the realest they are the realest people that that run in the game right now Bradley is my brother I look up to him a lot he tells the truth he makes me giggle he's hilarious funniest guy in the world but Bradley uh Andy frella Ed milet those guys are awesome uh you know muscle Keaton is another guy that I really hang out with him in Utah yeah I love him he's amazing and you know just th those would be some core guys that I would tell you that listen they love their families their families are everything to them they also love what they do they don't don't work for money they work for what they believe they they chase what they believe um and dude they're not going to change um no matter what they're on this Mission and dude they're they keep attacking every day they're Relentless they're smart they keep evolving um they're awesome man so any but but no Andy Andy's amazing dude like dude I'm just I'm just getting started with a very early business right so we're just getting started we're like brand new um so like I'm totally coachable I'm so open-minded I know I'm probably doing a lot of stuff wrong but I got to be doing some stuff right so like I just keep watching everybody I keep watching really I watch people lose more than I watch people win say more yeah well because when I watch people lose it really shows me what not to do I watch I watch more people tolerate shitty employees than ever before and I'm not doing it which is why I'm very careful about who I'm Who I'm around here because proximity is a big deal also I watch a lot lot of people that build shitty cultures man and you know Turkey stallions don't run with turkeys you know what I'm saying like like if you're going to build a a [ __ ] culture on on turkeys you're not going to have any stallions around no you know and then also leaders I watch what people do leaders usually the end of your fate is your anger I watch a lot of people as they forget where they came from and they come up the end of your fate is their is your anger yeah because dude like you know like I'm a short-tempered guy um betrayal I hate it when if I feel like you're going to betray me I go from zero to like 120 real quick and I want to kill somebody yeah because I've been betrayed and I hate it but I also need to back off and say man that's not me you know what I mean like that I'm not going to fall for that I'm not going to get triggered with that man but I watch people that still get triggered and what happens you come from nothing you build something great someone gets in your way bam you make a fast impulse reaction you [ __ ] tear your emtional STP oh yeah and it's a trigger and dude I know my weakness is that when I feel betrayal you're too quick to react super quick yeah like I want to kill someone yeah and I that I know that's your Shadow that's your Shadow side yeah that's my old me so I say and that's why I was like okay cool man no big deal and we just dust our feet off and we roll on but I know that's my weakness and that's why I always make sure that I'm around people that I know won't betray me yeah that's my inner circle and Patrick B David's another guy look up to oh dude those are literally my favorite people but anyways but with those guys I look up to them none of them have disappointed all of them are amazing so my goal is is just to keep being that example and uh you know hopefully to do some super cool crazy [ __ ] and to grow my brand where one day they're like dude you inspired me man you know like that's my goal I want to pay it forward and actually as them as me being the student watching them as the teacher to now grow so fast that now they're like dude man you insired our ass you know that's what you need to Ed myet calls you and go bro you kidding me come hey hey come come hang out with your boy and tell me what's going on yeah you know so that's what I want us to do and I think that's our next chapter is is listening to what the teacher told us I love it Annie thanks for time man that was incredible appreciate it cheers
Channel: Dan Martell
Views: 89,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andy elliott, sales training, get rich faster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 16sec (2656 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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