Brittany Broski & Tana Drama Just Took a Bizarre Turn

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um Britney brosi this was a whole thing Britney Broski and tana controversy did people side with somebody who whose side are the people on in this one people's fan bases sided with their respective Britney brosi on like a bun I was kind of surprised they I was kind of surprised they brought it up cuz it's like they didn't have to yeah uh they didn't have to but I feel like this is the beginning of a feud I don't think Britney brosi would ever get in a feud not but uh I if I was her I'd be pissed really yeah yeah because Tana is just like airing her out for no reason seems like to me she she read the DMS let me watch it people don't know what we're talking about yeah all right seeing Britney Broski on Theo Von a bunch like all those clips and it was so funny she did amazing it was one of my favorite episodes of theovon Ever and I [ __ ] like she's hilarious I love her podcast I texted her and I was like I would actually fall over and die to have you on my podcast if you're ever feeling like doing charity LOL I love the way you ask someone yeah yeah I set it up very much like you are so above this but like if you ever wanted to come stoop down to the slums we're here and we'd love to have you Britney whatever and she said OMFG you know I love you but my fans would literally stab and Grill me on a campfire if I did I think that's a little dramatic I don't think they would care at all that's the I think the way that Tana articulates it is just like why' you have to say it like that I know that Britney is like very concerned with brand friendliness she wants to be like clean mainstream she basically wants to be everything I'm not which is fine yeah but I feel like that could have been worded a bit Nic nicer it doesn't yeah and at the same time it's you can't take it too far you know what I mean this is the internet I think oh I get brought up that's why this became a story I guess for us you want to say something no okay good stab and Grill me on a campfire and then I said why and she didn't answer me I see I really love her I think she's so funny but that really bothered me actually of I mean that's literally first of all so rude just in general that was true say you're busy like say you're busy don't say my fans hate you cuz like she has so many fans to say that well okay if she says she's busy she's not being honest and then she's going to want to reschedule and then you have to play this whole game of like how do I deal with this so she was honest saying you're busy is not better in my opinion she could have said I'm so sorry of so much going on right now I guess could have got out of it yeah well but is that true no you we don't think that that's true that that Britney's General fan base hates tan no I don't think they would care I don't I'm not super familiar with her fan base but when she was on our show there was nobody was like mad everyone was happy uh I think it's the at first I'm not I'm not sure about that when Tana was first on not Tana I mean I mean BR CU I mean I'm not you know have I has she done things worse than me I was looking at um canell has a Reddit and I was like reading through it and um what was it what was it I don't know but Ethan's goingon to need you're need your own it was it was that uh Britney's fans are very very very against James Charles and so that would be a major at least people on Reddit were speculating that that would be I'm you know how I feel yeah which I think is a compelling argument honestly but I still think that the way she said it was kind of mean but from well we don't know how she actually said it yeah this is Tana's right well she was like reading wasn't she was she that's what I took it as she was reading was she reading or was it hold on let me look again seeing Britney brosi on Theo Von like a bunch like all those clips and it was so funny she did amazing it was one of my favorite on ever and I [ __ ] like she's hilarious I love her podcast I texted her and I was like I would actually fall over and die to have you on my podcast if you're ever feeling like that she's reading from what her hands were just EMP she has a phone her phone was leaning up against her knees and now so she's reading the text okay you on my podcast if you're ever feeling like doing charity LOL I love the way you asked yeah I set it up very much like you are so above this but like if you ever wanted to come stoop down to the slums we're here and we'd love to have you Britney whatever and she said OMFG you know I love you but my fans would literally stab and Grill me on a campfire if I did stab and Grill me on a campfire and then I she's just joking around like I don't really care how she said it like if they seem to think that it was rude to put it like that but think she's just pretty joking around like I don't think she's over but I think the the the more serious thrust of what she's saying is that my fans don't [ __ ] with you and they would be mad at me if I went on your show and so and I have no idea if that's true or not but like if that's just BS but um I think I think the phrasing is just like her being hyperbolic she could have explained cuz she I mean you know yeah probably could have given a followup to that I suppose and she didn't answer me I like both of them though so I mean BR but Britney is a I mean she's she's she's done no wrong yeah they both rock yeah I mean we hate to see it yeah you know what they should both come on our show and squash love right that's way too good to be true yeah see everyone in room love her I think she's so funny but that really bothered me actually I mean that's literally first of all so rude just in general that was say you're busy like say you're busy don't say like my fans all hate you cuz like she has so many fans to say that like that entire group of people would stab and Grill you on a campfire for associating with cancelled is like CRA which is yeah yikes like that you're basically saying that many people like who look down on us and don't like us but at the same time people have done this to me where it's like you invite someone on the show you decline and then they air it out like that's [ __ ] up I if I was Britney I'd be pissed about this oh hell yeah you know what I mean I think I think they were go ahead Queen no no no no I insist I think that they both have reasons to be upset with one another I guess yeah it seems like Tana was just genuinely like she was hurt about it and she wasn't trying to expose her but in the same time Britney I feel like was trying to be upfront with her and just you know not trying to be rude by just telling her what it is so so hard is this tough man so hard I think there was some crossover like cuz I love sure crossover for sure and if you're like Theo is controversial like I guess I just is Theo controversial yeah yeah he is oh yes wait what happened I mean he's like on his rightwing rightwing brain sometimes I thought far from the worst and he and I mean the big thing with Theo is that unlike most of those right-wing Comics he's really [ __ ] funny yeah I like he's able to skate around it a lot but yeah he's got some weird takes sometimes he's by far in my opinion the most palatable of all those absolutely he's and he is very funny he really is no he's hysterical he kind of makes fun of them the kind of the other right-wing comedians too the the Rogen heads dude he has a beautiful mind the way he just like makes [ __ ] up is so outrageous and funny funny dude makes me giggle like no other um so but he's controversial okay I didn't know that like to the point where Britney's fans would be upset that she went on a show I think the James Charles thing yes I'm talking about Theo oh Theo no cuz she did go on his show yeah yeah it was great yeah yeah that does kind of poke a hole in that theory she brings it up to me here a little bit I well the James Charles Association might yeah when I was reading their sub uh people in the comments kept being like how can she not go on canceled but go on H3 and Theo Bond like we were the two or those were the two we've got to be worse than Theo no okay great no no but then why does he have like 20 ads per episode because he has a different audience yeah I want 20 ads per episode [ __ ] hate him wait k what the what was the question if you're worse than more controversial like brand safe yeah you're you're worse yeah I feel like I'm more talk m name is more baggage these days what well because I mean the things that like people you know criticize Theo for are just he talks to conservatives it's just that's that's literally just bog standard conservative [ __ ] it's like half the country thinks that you know style of humor is a little more you know loose yeah a little like edgy edgy exactly guess I don't know I'm comfortable saying I like I like him he's a nice I'm not say I don't but you asked why he's controversial that's that's mainly why all right well you know listen we've been good for so long you know who's who could possibly say I'm controversial at this point like for real who who it's helped you're a family man for God's sake I'm a [ __ ] family man you've been I'm heteros sis tra as [ __ ] we are yeah you you're doing better it's just we were in a in a deep hole that you've been digging your way out of we got a ways to go it's true it's been like 2 years yeah exactly it's like The Dark Knight Rises maybe maybe stay stay on this path and in a few years it'll it'll all be you left and then right when we get like uh one of our big sponsors back I'll do I'll like do some the dumbest thing ever and just the da hell fresh comes back yep I'll be like man anyway I love not no I'm kidding Nazis I was going to say I don't obviously I think we think we understand just to give you an idea although it probably have to be worse than that we're gonna stop dissing the Nazi I just want my burrito back what what would I say that could get a I'm kidding stop all right let's keep watching we're almost out of time by the way we're at we always have had that kind of relationship when I see her we have a lot of fun but I know she doesn't want to be on the internet with me and it like makes me feel like you know what I mean like I'm like oh F that gives me like like a guy who doesn't want to be seen with you Vibes like it just is like feels icky I'm not saying everyone has to do the [ __ ] canceled podcast at all this just reaffirms to me that is no matter how well the podcast is doing or like jelly roll wants to come on or like someone huge wants to come on or like you know what I mean like that there's always going to be so much of the influencer space who I mean first of all I I feel like with all the peace and love in the world Tana didn't have to do all this probably didn't need to it out publicly like that no but at the same time I'm sure you can understand like her frustration with like no matter how far she goes people are always going to hold that [ __ ] against her well welcome to the club [ __ ] you know what I mean your podcast is called cancelled right you know kind of in the name we we live by the sword and we die by the sword Tana you know you can't have it both ways mhm it's what mama taught me oh yeah I forgot yeah somebody in the chat just point out Theo just had Tucker Carlson on recently oh I didn't know that that's gross I hate that's what I'm saying is it's like it suckss because he's he he seems like a good dude and he is very very funny but sometimes he a little too much Tucker is such a [ __ ] ghoul yeah that's pretty like yeah he sucks [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 89,791
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Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila
Id: uPfhiJMNt70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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