Millionaire: Shiva Oswal makes history, becoming youngest ever, worldwide, to win $250,000!

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Welcome everybody   It's Wizkid's week we've scoured America for  its greatest young minds and now we're giving   them a chance to win a million dollars today  right here, on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Welcome to the show This is a great week. Let me tell you  about our first Whizkid. Most students   take the SAT when they're about 17 but our  next whiz kid received a perfect score on   the math section of the SAT when he was  11 years old! (I got 11 questions right). He's from Cupertino California.  Please welcome thirteen-year-old   Shiva. Are you ready to go today? Yes sir! I like that I like the energy   Well you're about to face 14 questions the  money value is growing from 500 dollars, all   the way up to that $1,000,000; you have your  three lifelines and because it's Wizkids' week,   we've added a special fourth lifeline just  for you called cut the question if you get   a question that you don't think you can answer  you can just cut it and we'll replace it with   an easier question. All right you can  use that lifeline up into and including   that $50,000 threshold question. All  right are you ready to roll. Yeah!  I feel good about this ;let's play  Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. Watch out for that five hundred dollar  question, good luck. Hhere we go: a geologist   would likely be least helpful for answering  questions about which of the following   granite boulders, precious stones, igneous  rocks, fruity pebbles. Oh geologist covers   like geo stands for earth so geologists would  probably be running around answering questions   about the earth granite is a type of rocket as  part of the earth precious stones find in rock   igneous rocks are well one of the three classes  of rocks and Fruity Pebbles D final answer hide $7,000 question a subtle hint  that he's one of the good guys the   name of which of these characters  from the Transformers movies roughly   translates to best first rampage  Devastator Optimus Prime bone crusher so I'm not a big Transformers fan but I'm gonna  take the cool best first and my knowledge of   Latin prefixes best in Latin is roughly optimal  that's where we got the root optimal and first is   like prom my primary sources secondary system  are sources so I'm gonna walk and see final   answer really don't like I like the transformer  series no no so I'm just wrong yeah I'm sticking   with it you got it right I didn't like the last  $1,000 let's go for two whose website includes an   FAQ section that answers such questions as why  is it that alligator moving is a dead or fake the Gateway Arch Central Park Dodger Stadium  Everglades National Park I don't think they're   many alligators on the Gateway Arch in st.  Louis Central Park Bo Catcher in the Rye there   are dots in Central Park but no alligators  Dodger Stadium no alligators I like some   sports fans so I guess you'll find out who's  running around it's Everglades National Park   the final answer makes the most sense to  me - you got that's $2,000 then this will   get you to 3,000 in chemistry class you  can enjoy all the primary colors just by   observing sulfur since it burns blue is yellow  when solid and melts into what color liquid   orange violet green or red primary colors  so I think we all know the primary colors   but give me a second I'm going to say deep  red I'm gonna say you're right $3,000 all   right this fifth question with $5,000 is the first  threshold you can get to so here's your question popular at Chipotle carnitas consist of  crisp shredded roast pork and literally   means what in Spanish little pieces little  meats little strings little mouthfuls so I'd assume carnitas means  little so be final answer $5,000 played a great game we're gonna come back  we're gonna add to that five thousand next das wall is my whiz kid at this current moment  and you are whizzing through the board right now   five questions in $5,000 in the bank all four of  your lifelines are on the board again you reach   that threshold so you can't lose that money that's  definitely yours all we can do is add to it it's   a nice position to be in so let's add to it right  now and let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire   here we go $7,000 question is up next here it  is which of the following fictional comic book   characters has won a Pulitzer Prize Bruce Wayne  Clark Kent Tony Stark Bruce Banner I wish I could   say my knowledge you're probably too busy studying  and getting A's to read comic books okay final   final all right we will cut this question we'll  get you a new one but first let's have a little   fun you want to take a guess Clark Kent yeah it  was Clark Kent do you know who that is Superman   oh he was a writer at the Daily Planet as well as  alter ego there okay enough with my knowledge of   comic books let's get rid of that question here's  your new question allowing users to exercise   free speech on their wall posts according to a  Virginia Court liking something on Facebook is   now protected by the what first amendment second  amendment third amendment or fourth amendment   well I don't think I need to call up the lawyer  for this one that would be your dad a a final   answer First Amendment free speech is right seven  thousand and you still have three more lifelines   if you need a chance to get to five figures here  $10,000 is what this question is worth now that   the test has reverted from a 2400 point scale back  to a 1600 point scale which of these represents   a perfect SAT score in Roman numerals what a  coincidence M VI c CL x md c x VI c md c is 1600   so i'm pretty sure it's that one month let me you  look at other ones XVI C would be a 16 less than a   hundred so like 84 CL X would be a hundred and 60  m VI C would be 10 94 so C final answer whatever a   perfect score is at the time you go to college  you'll be getting it that's right well done now chance to double your money  get to $20,000 with this question   there has never been a US president whose  last name has either started or ended with   which of the following letters D P Y or I  well I actually know all the 45 presidents   of the US well look at the shock on my face a  little organize and go through them so George   Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James  Madison James Monroe John Quincy Adams Andrew   Jackson Martin Van Buren William Henry Harrison  we haven't eliminated any had John tire let's see James Capo okay P is out so I guess  not the answer choice B is out uh   James Buchanan Abraham Lincoln  Andrew Johnson Lewis's as Brant Rutherford Burchard Hayes Oh God James Garfield  I would get rid of the D so it's between y and I Chester a Arthur Grover Cleveland get  rid of the D again Benjamin Harrison   Berger Cleveland again William McKinley great  McKinley gets rid of the Y so D final answer this is why I love this week this is why I love  whiz kids you got it that's right that was awesome you still have three lifelines stick around welcome back it's Wizkid's week's hit Oswal  so far putting on an absolute clinic out here   up to $20,000 you're only six questions  away from that $1,000,000 and again all   three of those lifelines still up top  there if you need them let's get back   to your game you ready all right Sheva  let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire   next question is worth $30,000 and here it is  which of the following is not an anagram for the   closest planet to the Sun nor subatomic particles  the Sun creates nor all of space and time iron Tunes sir Venu topaz ski car  Karimi so a pause planet to the Sun   is mercury so there goes up there goes D  the subatomic particles the Sun creates   our photons I think maybe not it's all  space and time is like the universe so that go get what's of B universe this  was an ANC iron what does the Sun create   what does the Sun create this fire mine do you  still have three lifelines you have asked the   audience you have fifty fifty and you have  your plus one okay hopefully this can help   us out we're gonna take away two incorrect  answers hope for the best here that wasn't   nice at all hey and C is what we're left with  still two lifelines you're it twenty thousand   dollars and just to remind you right  now you'd be risking fifteen thousand   you leave with five this is a chance to get  to 30 yeah so let me think about this deeply   Oh see final answer what just came to your  mind oh I think a is neutrinos it is you got it okay you're at 30,000 this next step is  worth $50,000 it's the second and last   threshold you can get to so big step here you  ready all right you're doing great here's your   $50,000 question which of the following  countries do not border each other at all Uruguay and Paraguay Romania and Bulgaria  Afghanistan and Pakistan Niger and Nigeria   definitely not see it could be a let me  look at the map quickly in my head this   you know there really is not a map down there  is you don't think I'm gonna go a final answer risking $25,000 you didn't take much  time there and you had two lifelines you still have two lifelines  because you got it right nicely done nineteen fifty thousand and now you're four let's get good fun stick around   here's your question of the day though  he's synonymous with thug life who studied   ballet in high school and starred as the  Mouse King in the Nutcracker Tupac Shakur   the notorious b.i.g ice cube or eazy-e  answer to that question was to pasta cool welcome back I'm here with Wiz  Kid Sid Oswald just got to $50,000 way to go my man so you reach that threshold  that money is safe you can't lose it now you   are four questions away from 1 million dollars  and as we look atop the board there you still   have two lifelines ask the audience and your plus  one your dad is behind you should you need those   along the way in the next four questions how  does it feel good you've already earned fifty   thousand dollars yeah have you ever earned  that much money in your life working no I   mean you want 13 now yeah ah yeah you should  get a job you know you've played a great game   so be proud but it could even be better yeah  so let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire   good luck here's a $100,000 question if the  Earth's 4.5 4 billion year history were condensed   into a single year Jesus wouldn't show up until  New Year's Eve at approximately what time one   hour before midnight 15 minutes before midnight  one minute before midnight 15 seconds before   midnight think about this so 2,000 divided by Pike  4.6 billion is effectively 1,000 divided by 2.3   billion which is 100 divided by 230 million which  is 1 divided by 2.3 million so 2.3 million I guess   divide that by 365 so 2.3 million divided by let's  see that's about that's but roughly 3.6 million   divided by 3 point 65 million divided by 365  it's like 1 million divided by 100 or so I know see final answer Shiva that was one of the craziest things  I've ever seen your math is spot-on you go there was you're at $100,000 when we come back you  are three questions away from $1,000,000 I think you can do it as well thanks for watching  I'm Chris Harrison this is Shiva see this time welcome to wizkid week where we're  in the middle of some serious drama   thirteen-year-old shiva Oswald has won $100,000  and is about to try for a quarter of a million   can this young genius keep climbing  and put his name in the millionaire   record books we're about to find out so  let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and welcome to a very special day  in a very special game in a very   very special young man from Cupertino  California please welcome back Shiva   Oswald again well you have put on an  absolute display I've seen your math   skills your history skills oddly enough the  only thing that almost took you down was a   superhero Superman but you got by Superman  and you have made it all the way to $100,000 I know you're only 13 but what do you want to be  when you grow up what do you want to do that's   a question now I think no when I enter the job  market a lot of jobs that don't exist right now   might exist LEDs well I can't say I'm a hundred  percent sure but I probably I'm probably gonna   major in computer science and then maybe go  to business school so I can make more money   something too something tells me you will invent  the job that you will have and then we're all   gonna be working for you someday that's why I'm  being so nice to you right now okay so you're at   $100,000 you really have played a phenomenal game  you're just three questions away from $1,000,000   I don't know how much you watch this show  because you're so busy studying and doing   all these great academic things but very rarely  do you get to this level and you still have two   lifelines well you do you have ask the audience  and you have your plus-one who is your dad who's   sitting behind you so you're in good shape  as we get back to your game and your first   question days gonna be worth a quarter of  a million dollars are you ready to play all   right you guys ready very special this could  be it let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire good luck to you $250,000 question is on the board certainly a bizarre term a  bezoar is another word for what the end of a sidewalk a cat's hairball  a wrinkle on a shirt a round of applause I think I'm gonna ask the audience  final okay all right audience very   rare you get brought in for a quarter of a million   dollar question but you're here now so  pick up those keypads and your votes now all right shovel let's take a look at  the results see what the audience has   to say well not overwhelming but 42% say be a  cat's hair ball second place was D a round of   applause with 27% and again just to tell you  where you are in the game you're at $100,000   with an incorrect answer you give back 50,000  you leave with 50 is the chance to get to 250   and you still have one lifeline and that's  your plus one your dad well it's the $50,000   loss $150,000 game I think the audience  knows what it's doing but it could just   be guessing you still have one more life  fine I hope they know what they're doing let me think hundred thousand five twenty  stuff I find left on the board and yes walking away with a hundred thousand  is always an option you can always do that   I'll just call my plus one okay such a final  final all right let's bring your dad down here not to tell you how impressive this  young man is he's had an incredible   run can you help us out I wish I knew  anything about the hairballs of cats I've had wrinkles on a shirt they've never  been called bazaars a round of applause for   a visa that kind of sounds like a roar I  don't I don't think so either the end of a   sidewalk I've never seen that referred to I  think that so I would say my recommendation   to you is probably back 200 grand and that is  the option you're at a hundred thousand dollars   which is a lot of money you can walk with that  and I don't have to tell the math whiz what the   math is here giving back fifty or getting  to two hundred and fifty but it's your call you know what this is Vegas let's go the house of babes no I think I'll go be you're willing to make that your final you know I'd be final it's a big guess and a big risk and I'm gonna let you know  how you did right after this   well I'm about to risk his week  I'm here with Shiva Oswald who's   just locked in on a 250 thousand  dollar question you locked in be a   cat's hairball the audience 42% of them  anyway went with that you roll the dice if you get this right your two  questions away from a million   so you took a gamble here and  locked in be a cats hairball your dad wasn't so sure about this gamble but you got it right are you out of your mind $250,000 does that mean anything to you you're just  here to beat the game you're here to win   this game and let me tell you about this  game you're now two questions away from   conquering it two questions next one worth half  a billion and then the million dollar question and you were cool as a cucumber I'm more   nervous than you are right now  how's it feel what can I say oh my god well it's been a journey for the best you are the best okay well  you were willing to roll the dice on that   last one if you're in the same position  it'll be interesting to see if you do   it again for half a million dollars are  you ready to go yeah alright here it is $500,000 question is on the board though now associated with Barack Obama  who used the actual word change more   than any other president in his inaugural address   Theodore Roosevelt John F Kennedy  lyndon b johnson george HW bush I don't think it's a oh my god I probably  lean toward thee but only slightly so Shiva your dad's not here this  time so I'm gonna play that part for   a second you're a $250,000 that is yours  to walk away with should you choose this   is to get to a half a million dollars  but if you are incorrect you're now   risking $200,000 and you leave with  50 unfortunately no more lifelines   but this is all up to you think I know  the answer but I think I'm gonna walk I think I'm gonna walk final okay  well done congratulations what   were you thinking John F Kennedy well  done because it was C lyndon b johnson you gotta feel good that was an amazing  run thank you for taking us on that journey
Channel: GameShowsAreFun
Views: 3,630,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Millionaire, Millionaire Whiz Kids, Shiva Oswal, Shiva Oswal Whiz Kid, Cupertino, Cupertino CA, Cupertino Whiz Kid, Youngest $250000, 300000 winner on Millionaire, Indian Genius, KBC, Indian Whiz kid, Indian American Genius, Shiva Oswal Genius
Id: nbsxPi8JufM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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