Who Wants to be a Millionaire: David Goodman's Million Dollar Winner (Full Complete Run)

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[Music] okay everybody here's how it works now since we have a visually impaired contestant on tonight's show i will read the question and the answers aloud first and then as usual the question and four answers will appear on your screens the one who puts those answers in the correct order in the fastest time will be our next player audience we need complete silence here thank you very much here's the question put the following nobel peace prize winners in chronological order starting with the most recent a desmond tutu b monakambagan c doctors without borders d the dalai lama a desmond tutu b monaco c doctors without borders d the dalai lama [Music] okay everybody time's up let's see the answer in the correct order starting with the most recent doctors without borders dalai lama desmond tutu and monaco bacon that's the right order who got it the fastest time the winner is david goodman hi david right over here [Music] [Applause] so it's david goodman 24 years old from olney maryland nice to have you congratulations nice to be here what do you do for a living david i work as a consultant for an environmental uh firm out in fairfax virginia i design training materials really yeah and you've chosen your uh your sister yeah i brought my sister stacy she helps keep me calm that's right is she an older sister yeah she's my big sister uh-huh and you've always relied on through your life you've gone to stacy yeah she bails me out when i screw up how you doing stacey good how are you nice to have you here all right so you're all set here huh you know about the rules you know about the lifelines 50 50 ask the audience phone a friend it's all here david so if you're ready let's do it let's play who wants to be a millionaire here we go [Applause] for 100 according to the common phrase something that goes around does what comes around never comes back keeps going gets dizzy what goes around comes around i say a comes around the right answer for one hundred dollars here we go for two hundred dollars traditionally what type of fruit is given to a teacher to make a good impression would it be a peach kumquat apple watermelon well when i was a senior in high school i was voted the teacher's pet but i never brought my teacher any apples but i'm going to say see that's what they bring the teacher an apple 200 here we go for 300 right now what term coined in the 1980s describes people who spend all of their time watching television remote controllers sea slugs teletubbies couch potatoes that would be d couch potatoes yeah couch potatoes they're the ones who watch tv all the time five hundred dollars coming up where in the body would you find the jowls the leg the arm the jaw the toes uh let me see job giles and joy they go alike yeah 500 bucks going for 1 000 right now what to play as a ride on during a traditional game of polo zebras horses mules ostriches bee horses that's what they play polo on those horses [Applause] [Music] all right we're back now with david goodman he's won a thousand dollars he's going for two thousand all his lifelines are with him where'd you get all your knowledge i just read a lot and you just retain a lot of it huh yeah it's really weird it's it's i just have a pretty good memory and it's most of the time i don't even know why i still have stuff in there yeah sure i guess it's a gift i guess let's make that gift pay off all right we're going for two thousand dollars you turn away from a million david all of your lifelines are with you let's play here we go for two thousand dollars what is a swizzle stick designed to do walk stir write dance swizzle sticks are designed to stir that would be b final and bb yeah you're right they stir [Music] [Applause] four thousand dollars right now how many atoms of hydrogen are in one molecule of water one two four six [Music] the chemical formula of water uh is h2o so that's going to be b two final answer yes got that right too for four thousand dollars [Applause] here it is now for eight thousand in what city does the television drama homicide life on the street take place new york philadelphia baltimore los angeles well i am from maryland and i do remember reading in the papers about real arrests happening on the set so i'm going to say see baltimore make that your final answer yes yeah that's right baltimore that's the location [Music] [Applause] okay he's seven away from one million all of his lifelines are with him here it is for sixteen thousand what is the glockenspiel car sausage musical instrument rifle well both my sisters have been in bands before my older sister's actually still in marching band and i i know a glockenspiel is c a musical instrument c final answer yes yeah you just won 16 000. [Applause] [Music] we're up to 32 000 right now which u.s president is known as the great communicator franklin d roosevelt lyndon johnson ronald reagan john f kennedy well i usually remember seeing reagan referred to as the great communicator i will say c ronald reagan final yes says it's his final answer ronald reagan the great communicator the right answer [Applause] [Music] of a sudden david goodman is a triple threat man here on his way to one million dollars five away from the million and uh the three lifelines still here so now you've won thirty two thousand can't leave here with less than that this next question you know sixty four thousand dollars here it comes in the godzilla movies which of the following mythical creatures was not one of godzilla's enemies cyclops megamon king kong the smug monster okay [Music] all right now i know megalon was one of them i believe there's a godzilla versus king kong [Music] i will say a cyclops confident yes final yes it is cyclops the right answer here it [Applause] is going for 125. could be going all the way will return [Music] [Applause] david goodman 24 years old from aldi maryland on his way perhaps to winning 1 million dollars he's four questions away now and still has all of his lifelines you've had two friends on the show before right close boyhood friends uh no these are guys i went to college with uh-huh and they both got on the show yeah and how well did they do oh well my friend adam won 16 and my friend jason 125. so you're looking to be jason right well i'd like to he wants me to also yeah he said i talked to him on the phone before i left and he said he wants to know somebody who won a million is it incredible that the three of you know each other and you know how tough it is to get on the show and we're using some of the same lifelines yeah oh good that's great all right and uh but your mom is the real fan of the show oh yeah she's she's just obsessed with the show regis uh-huh yeah wouldn't you have brought your mother instead of your sister if she's such a fan well i brought my older sister because i i need her to keep help me keep a level head and mother doesn't do that well my mother's a wonderful person but she's very emotional sometimes and she she'd probably be a little too excited and make you excited yeah yeah a little too excited all right i'm sure she understands that okay you're 164 000 you're four away from a million david you know that yeah okay here we go for 125 000 let's play in the 19th century route which the u.s government forced cherokee nation members to travel became known as what [Music] chisholm trail trail of tears northwest passage the long walk [Music] the 19th century route the cherokee nation uh that would be b the trail of tears be sure of this yes i am final yes b right 425 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy you are in terrific shape right now you know that i feel pretty good three lifelines three questions away a lifeline a question maybe yeah okay so you're 125 000 should you miss your day but you'll lose 93 000. well we're talking about a quarter million dollars right now and here it is for 250 000 [Music] the lilith bear musical tour was named for what character from ancient text lot's wife adam's first wife helen of troy abuse of lyrical poetry in uh some ancient hebrew mythic texts lilith is adam's first wife so i will say the answer is b adam's first wife i saw you not but that when i first brought that up yeah so you think that's the one i think it's b talking about big money and i think i'm right and i'm gonna make it your final lens i'm gonna do that [Music] you're right for 250 welcome back he's going for a half [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right david there it is david goodman only maryland 250 thousand dollars your mother must be going nuts right now look look mom look what your son is up to 250 thousand dollars good for you well what are you gonna do with uh this big box well i got a few things first of all i have to get a car you don't have a car well i'm using one of my father i'm using my father's car right now and sooner or later he's gonna he's gonna want it back yeah i think so yeah so i have to get a car and then i'm going to find a place to live that's closer to where i work because my commute's just awful is it oh yeah yeah traffic's terrible what did you do before you got this job oh i just i just graduated from uh college well that's right you went out to graduate school didn't you michigan yeah i got a master's degree in public policy from the university of michigan uh-huh all right you're doing it five pounds and uh but here you want two hundred and fifty thousand should you miss david i gotta remind you two hundred and eighteen thousand dollars you would lose we're looking at a half million dollars are you nervous oh yeah so am i let's play for uh 500 000 coming up right now [Applause] what is the number of the us congress currently in session 104th 110th 106th 115th okay well newt gingrich came in and the republicans took over the house in 94 and i believe that was 104th congress uh so in 98 they would then elect 96 they would have elected 105th and 98 would be 106. and i will say the answer is c 106th okay we talked about a half million here yes i am i gotta ask you is that your final answer that is my final answer just one five [Applause] [Music] see it paid off to bring your older sister she's really calmed you down all right pal here we go we're going for the big million right now you can take three lifelines i think i will if you need to only john carpenter you recall a very first billion dollar winner from hampden connecticut went through the entire stack without using a lifeline all right going for the million should you miss you're gonna lose 468 000 this time yes but here it comes for you one million dollars right on the line in the children's book series where is paddington bear originally from india peru canada iceland well first thing i'd like to do is use that 50 50. why do we do that good idea computer please take away two of the wrong answers and uh leaving him one correct answer and one incorrect answer peru or iceland so we narrowed it down to two okay hmm that's interesting uh tell you what since i've got it i think i'd like to use the audience why not we can do the whole thing audience we need a little help here on your computers using b or d please vote now [Music] well all right uh there's a slight uh winner here 57 feel it's peru 42 iceland anybody you want to call oh yeah i i don't really feel safe with that 5742 that's somebody put c yeah one percent voted for whatever c was at the moment all right well let's see i'm gonna call my friend a guy yeah what does he do uh he's a phd student in math at the university of michigan mad man for paddington bear all right let's call my daughters see if you can you know it already don't you you're toying with us aren't you let's get a guy on the phone a t and t b can help us [Music] hello a guy yep regis philbin here from abc's who wants to be a millionaire hello reader we've reached a crucial point in our game show with the david yes and he needs your help desperately okay now listen to her guy yes we're going for 1 million dollars for one million dollars this is the last lifeline he has and you're it okay okay okay you're sitting down yeah this is for the million bucks when it comes on the line you're gonna read the question of the four answers okay one of them's the right answer david you've got 30 seconds starting now in a children's book series where is paddington bear originally from in the children's book series where is paddington bear originally from peru or iceland peru or iceland one of those two positives [Music] uh sounds like peru are you sure sure [Music] had the audience go with peru then her guy yeah came at 100 all right but i think you knew it all the while well it's an awful lot of money to risk yeah i don't blame you sure so we narrowed it down we went through it all right so what's your final answer big boy [Music] i will say be peru if you miss you're going to lose 468 thousand dollars you just give me a final answer what do you wanna [Music] i think i need a moment [Music] i will say be peru i'll do it and that's your final answer yes you can buy a new car you just wanna [Applause] [Music] good luck david that looks huh and there you have it david goodman 24 years old he's our youngest million dollar winner ever and there he is with his sister who had more than a carving effect on him she was ripping all the way all right we're gonna take a break in here we'll be right mom is back have a heart attack this is just unreal [Applause] unbelievable turn of events around here joe triller remember him 25 years old won the million back in march and then we went 40 shows without another one and now we've had three millionaires in the last four weeks what's going on here let's try for another one
Channel: Motherland Darren's Sessions
Views: 62,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9D2m57DqhMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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