Million Dollar Cash Game S4E7 FULL EPISODE Poker Show

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[Music] million dollar cash game from here in the heart of London we have already seen some fantastic cars which can only get better as the stakes get higher we'll hand you straight up to your commentators to talk you through the action it's the Full Tilt million dollar cash game I'm David tuckman alongside Robert Williamson the third we're watching some No Limit holding action and not just any element of action you're watching some intense action and some of the best players in the world that's Gus he turned it live yes foreign this nice gentleman Andrew Feldman has this idea that you're a great poker player I don't know where he got this from but somewhere deep down somebody told him this so he's found a way to folder or an over pair to you like they're nothing I have too much respect for his kids 2300 32. sorry 3200. with the 10-6 suited Tom dwan raises everybody else gets out of the way and that's just a question discuss Hanson want to call this out of position yeah of course he does well he's gonna play his Rush he's Gus Hanson you know what though the stuff that he just played on on Chris Ferguson and Andrew Feldman I don't think that's going to work on top one well I agree with you there pretty pretty good flop for Gus Hansen they flops a flush draw yeah Tom twan's still in the lead but you can see the percentages it's pretty much a coin flip yes you can see I'm sure we'll see continuation bet here from Tom dwan maybe a check raise by Gus Hanson I doubt we see Chad call no I don't think pot is eight thousand dollars Tom dwan cutting out some chips 5500 6 000 somewhere in there in the continuation bet range of course he likes smallish type bets that's six thousand two hundred and he bet six thousand two hundred pretty much dead on Robert over to Johnson this is one of those spots where I always have trouble you're out of position with a flush draw how do you want to play it well both players fairly deep stacked well Tom Dewan not as deep as he was see a check raise here actually I don't think a check call with no over cards to the board would be in Gus Hansen's uh best interest pot is fourteen thousand two hundred dollars if we do see a re-raise I'm gonna see probably like a twelve to fifteen thousand dollar re-raise now the interesting thing is normal times if somebody check raises Tom Duan here well Gus Hansen's actually uh called it's it's irrelevant but I was gonna say sometimes Juan will call anyway yeah anyway well Tom dwan cannot win this hand Unless somehow he gets ghost hands in the fold but you and I both know there's no way he's folding the flush this is kind of a tough spot for Gus Hanson he almost needs to lead here just because Tom dwan could have one club and take a free card yeah this is uh there's a tricky one for Gus Hanson if he leads 12 000 roughly Tom Juan probably list lays the hand down well the interesting thing is Tom's one is such an aggressive player there's a chance I mean it's gonna happen to other people too that is the massive stack of Patrick Antonius those black chips by the way 25 000. stack of 20. we're talking a half million dollars in just black chips it's a pretty awesome feeling to have it sitting in front of you but it's not very good feeling to see that across the table from you in another opponent's hands they'll never be a day without sitting in front of me if it's sitting in front of me I'm getting up and I'm walking away that's why I'm a commentator not a focal player well certainly not to this level at least Gus is actually playing a little bit faster today I I didn't see the chips I obviously meant to make it too Gus is actually playing on relatively fast speed today this fast game already messed you up into putting in 26 000. yeah I don't understand how it happened oops oh here's the Flop three ways check 10-10 well dwan's opening day with the queen nine Cunningham and Hansen with a whole bunch of nothing Hanson's got the gut shot that would be surprised uh checked around to him if we saw a lead here by Gus Hanson oh there you go yeah that's four thousand doesn't surprise me whatsoever well dwan's not gonna go anywhere he's open-ended right ah you probably at least call not a flag call yeah tomtwan did call Cunningham gets rid of his Ace five and we're heads up dwan vs Hansen pot is now 15 300 the turn is the deuce of Spades that's what we call in this game and he goes check check right now handsome with the best of it he's got the king now both players have tens and Deuces handsome with the best hand right now King High Queen I found the big king Tom Juan just knows he missed an opportunity there I guess oh why didn't I bet I know I have the best pants I would have wanted to come over 26 000. I'm Gus Hansen I'm a professional poker player for 10 years now before I started playing poker I was a professional backgammon player for like five six years a couple of friends of mine played a lot of Poker and it seemed like an interesting game a lot of big tournaments a lot of money a lot of action so I decided to give it a try and now we're here [Music] winning the the Aussie Millions uh was a big accomplishment that was a big tournament 750 players pretty happy with the end result of that [Music] just being a professional Gambler for 15 16 years and I'm still around I think it's a pretty nice accomplishment [Music] seven players and well over one million dollars actually at this point we are approaching two million dollars yeah I was gonna say we're closer to the 2 million mark on this table wow philippi's got another 300 000 he's sitting out Andrew Feldman opening under the gun oh yeah he represented England's England is a teenager playing badminton bet you didn't know that I actually didn't I played a lot of cards with Andrew Feldman that I didn't know that thanks for that little information on them if he challenges you to a badminton match go to run I'll know to run well we're gonna see this three ways and here's the Flop eight deuce deuce well Andrew came in with the worst of it he's flopped the best of it though check he's got eights up I don't think you can let any free cards come off here I think we're gonna see a definite bet 4500 or so is that 4 200. well forty two hundred you're gonna have to work on that I'll tell you Tom dwan with a whole bunch of nothing but that doesn't really mean anything yeah I would be surprised at all to see at least one air call here and we did and he's gonna float one off and see what happens a lot of scary cards for Andrew Feldman plus he has over cards I mean he does have legitimate over cards well he didn't hit his over card but the King of Hearts has to scare Feldman I mean that could be a card that maybe Juan can use pot is now fifteen thousand four hundred dollars and uh Andrew Feldman trying to figure out what to do I think the reason why Tom don't checks well this is really interesting now Andrew Feldman with a full house but Tom dwan he's got eights and Deuces with the ace kicker does he think maybe yeah does he think maybe that is Ace is good yeah or maybe it's a tie but five thousand oh nice little bet wow and insta fold by Tom Dewan kind of surprised about an insta foam in that spot yeah I think Tom drawing just to read on Andrew Feldman Andrew Feldman by the way up 35 000. which considering the size of this game is easily overcome you know 35 000 that's a normal swing for this big of a game he originally bought in for a hundred thousand lost that bought him for another hundred thousand but like I said total lost thirty five thousand two hundred dollars still a lot of work to do if he wants to start making a profit two players at this table by the way bought in for four hundred thousand dollars each one is Patrick Antonius one is Tom dwan two thousand both fortunes going reverse ways yeah especially uh you look at the fact that Tom dwan had to rebuy because he got felted by Patrick Antonius you know Alan Cunningham raised it up with nine six plus folds around to the big blind Andrew Feldman and the big blinds pretty creative for uh Alex Cunningham who plays fairly snug tight tightish tight player oh look at that Andrew Felton with the Queens Gotta Love looking down at the lovely ladies in this kind of the spot even against a tight player like uh Helen Cunningham now if you're Feldman what kind of hands do you put Cunningham on he's raised in early position ah I want to find out I'm gonna see exactly where I'm at so I'm gonna re-raise right here right so does Andrew Felton exactly what Feldman does and Cunningham quickly he can't muck his hands quick enough well when you're not running good you're not running good and right now Alan Cunningham has got to be feeling a little dejected well Chris folks is taking his bow from the competition right now I'm just quickly talking through how you feel it's gone for you so far oh uh it's went well I'm up 100 000 so um yeah it went very well today you've been here a number of times before can we expect to see you back next year yeah I'm pleased I really enjoy this event uh it's a lot of fun I mean they're great players it's not a pushover field at all um but I like playing against the tough fields this is still a cash game that you know draws you from from across the world to come and play and is it one that you you know you value coming to no no I I enjoy playing catch game I mean uh obviously most of the poker you see on TV is from the big tournaments and I enjoy playing them as well but the cash games is definitely more action it's more exciting to be at the cash game unless of course you're at the final table of some big tournaments but that's hard to get there here you can just be at your own little Final Table playing for some serious money against some of the toughest players in the world so it's kind of fun [Music] foreign [Music] million dollar cash game the action has been intense six players at the game and there's a little shake-up in the lineup we've got a new player here it's Cyril muli he's bought in for one hundred thousand dollars he's a Frenchman and he plays often in the Bellagio in Las Vegas plays the big game at the Bellagio so obviously not scared of the big Stakes here we've lost two big players though Gus Hansen the Great Dane has left won about a hundred thousand dollars he's out of the game and Chris Ferguson Jesus himself is out of the game as well he's also won about a hundred thousand dollars so we're six-handed here Tom dwan the mouth Madison Patrick Antonius Andrew Feldman Cyril muli and of course yes Alan Cunningham blind still 300 600 or the running ante of one hundred dollars and I'm not sure how familiar these guys are with Cyril muli yeah I don't think I don't think they're that familiar with them I know I'm not well he plays the big game of the Bellagio so obviously he uh knows something well takes down that pot I think it was a walk I think they folded to him look at that that fear the respect the French minority Garners they didn't know if there's going to be any cash buttons in front of Andrew Feldman Andrew Feldman he was a paper boy who turned 20 pounds into four million pounds it's a pretty good uh return on investment I'm not that good at math but that's a real good return you think Tom dwan trying to get some of his money back maybe he can help some return on his investment he's in there with Ace 10 of Spades phrases it up to 2100 foreign the table is with mooli but at the same time how familiar is Molly with Tom dwan you know I would say that uh if uh Cheryl moly does play in the big game in Vegas and I've seen him there before he's definitely got to be somewhat familiar minimum with Tom dwan well check check check check and now mooli looks like he's gonna fire a little bet and it's an easy call an instant payoff by Tom dwan checked it to him accurately got induced the bluff by mooli a little bit of pot control but the ace 10 and at the same time he induces the bluff well played by Tom Duan absolutely obviously if there was some easy set of guidelines that you could follow to be a you know high stakes cashing player and win lots of money then none of my friends would be working nine to fives and they'd all be winning all the money that said the best qualities that high stakes players have are being intelligent and rational and controlled and being able to process the information that uh that they can pick up and apply it to their opponent's games and figure out how they should play their hands um but there's no you know golden key of oh I figured this out now I'm gonna win money in poker they're crossing a lot the actions on Mike Madison who continues to uh talk about how many cards he's not catching oh what a surprise Mike the mouth has turned into Mike the complainer this is turned into Mike the complainer when was he ever not Mike the complainer that's true that's true true well these players literally putting their money where their mouth is no pun Intent no no pun was completely intended there's mooli there's a Frenchman he says that he lives about three months a year in Vegas plays poker and makes enough in the three months to live the rest of the year in France he's definitely got enough to wear beautiful scarves or uh why would the Frenchman call that that's not a scarf is it I don't know what language you'd call it but I wouldn't call it beautiful in any language well here's the Flop king queen seven and it's uh mooli versus Juan and Juan definitely playing I think dwan wants to see how mooli plays let's see if maybe he can get some chips back from this guy but he's gonna check and fold that one and Molly takes it down now we're six-handed we've been playing seven-handed for quite some time how is playing six-handed gonna change the dynamic of this game well basically the hand value has changed as there's less players hand values go up so uh should see more air calls more air Bluffs uh value of each hand being higher now any Ace is playable versus before maybe small Aces weren't so playable I think we should all go skydiving right after this game ends I will do anything in life but skydive it would have been like more exciting or crazy it was pretty much probably right yeah just falling down and open the password and that's the first yeah but the first five minutes the first five minutes had to be a rush right [Laughter] five times probably nicer if you can fly yourself yeah yeah Animal House two seven that's sure has uh been mixing it up Bully's playing a lot of hands for moonwalk yeah he's in there this time once again a screen eight check mooly's come to play he's flopped top pair and Mike Madison's flopped second pair turns the Jack well now a double gut shot for Mike Madison as well as second pair Madison can catch a nine or a king to make a straight spot for a value bet by muli what's the one thing when you play those raggedy Aces even if you're flopping Ace it's tough to really get any value out of it 5500. well he's gonna do it here scope and it's a 5500 bet from Molly and a call from matisau Mike needs a nine a king or a queen how about a deuce that's not a good card for Mike matiselle pretty much a blank there and it's gonna go check check I mean you got Ace with a with a bad kicker no wow maybe a little value bet here wow he's doing more than a little value bet 15 thousand to that pot fifteen thousand into a seventeen thousand dollar pot yeah I don't like that bet at all I don't I well remember earlier on we saw Gus Hanson over bet when he had the hand and he got paid off by Chris Ferguson could it happen here again it's the over bet maybe make it look like a bluff you know you know definitely that's what he's going for here for passion huh fashion only for one minute pot is thirty two thousand three hundred and it's 15 000 for Madison a call getting just a little bit more than two to one do you Bluff a lot maybe I don't know one of those parts there where you start thinking well what hand is my opponent betting I went check check on the Flop it's so unfair that you guys have played all these hours and I've never played I mean as Madison can only beat a bluff that's the problem no I'm gonna get shown a bluff if I fold this in just don't show me a bluff if I fold this hand whatever you do do not show me your blood because I will go off the deep end foreign left wondering if he was bluffed out we know he wasn't I would have showed that just the six and muck the other car just to kind of get under his skin a little bit just a little bit I've only gone twice [Music] how excitel's just raised it up knew he had aces pre-flop I was looking to flop something big we were both playing pretty deep and I flopped two pair and that's always a great stop for Mike manusau I let out and uh he raised me and I put a pretty big re-raise in and got him to commit 90 000 with one pair come on and Seidel moves all in Seidel moves hold on a second this is going to be the biggest pot we have seen so far you want me to give you insurance they were offering me insurance I don't even know what insurance I would have took it if I if I ever hang on one second all right just go forget it one time okay one time I even knew it I kept yelling I'm gonna lose I'm gonna lose I was so negative at the time because I used to just lose every hand I played in poker and the river is a seven I cannot believe it I left the poker that's why I want to do something you guys don't know how bad I run in poker it was pretty shattering 154 000 pot you know where I'm like almost three to one favorites I got Eric Seidel to put in all his money with one pair 75 000 on the flashlight I'm running status I'm trying to get insurance to go are you crazy you're such a huge favorite and I said you don't know how bad I run in poker I want to get insurance uh that one uh definitely hurt uh I was that was really bad that was the worst one I think I've ever took you guys just think I play bad but Mike I'm the unluckiest player I told you guys how bad I run in poker nobody knows but me [Music] this guy in this whole entire place beat up on the rich guys six players at the table you wouldn't think it's a big game but you'd be sorely mistaken over a million dollars at this table what and some of the biggest names in poker as well true to go with all the money no a raise from Ellen Cunningham King Nine not normally a great hand but remember we're only six-handed he's in the cutoff seat taking a shot at it you know actually a tidish fold by Tom Durr uh Tom Duan on the button a 70th holded and of course you call him Tom Durr because it is Tom der dwan his online name is Dirk Antonio's gonna call this well Cunningham's flop top pair Patrick Antonius with a gut shot I need to Nate to make the straight I got shot in an over car to the board that comes into effect sometimes back door flush draw as well a baby one I was about a two to one dog but he's bet four thousand dollars over to Cunningham that's an interesting bet because if you put Cunningham on big cards is that one of the reasons why I bet yeah no I really like a raise here all in oh wow that's a little bigger raise than I was imagining huh all right he's going to probably take this pot right on down obviously Antonio's cannot call it all in but did Cunningham make this play and try to make it look like a draw like it make it look like a semi-bluff I get called Maybe by a pair of sexes I mean it was such a big overbed by Cunningham it was almost if I I might put my opponent on a draw yeah I don't like it at all no okay got top pair why not try to get some money in there why shut out your opponent some of these players the best in the world sometimes the unconventional play is the only way to get the money in the pot I don't think Alan Cunningham's on today I think we're seeing a different version of Alan Cunningham today than we normally see oh he's lost his Mojo somebody give him his Mojo [Music] welcome back to Central London where we have some of the biggest names in the game all of them with an unlimited buy-in which can only lead to high stakes poker let's have you straight back to your commentators let's take a look at a leaderboard here a million dollar cash game Patrick Antonius dominating the competition he's up 267 000. now you don't see many winners in this leaderboard because a couple of the winners have left Chris Ferguson Gus Hanson both left Tom dwan Alan Cunningham are big losers Tom dwan nearly down three hundred thousand dollars that's a lot of cash or Cache as they might say well Andrew Feldman he doesn't play very often but when he plays he seems to have the big ones with big slick uh Sam Wooley with the ace Jack now everybody else at the table is very familiar with the fact that Andrew felden's been playing very tight Sarah mullet he doesn't know this he hasn't been here all day matter of fact he may not have played much with him Andrew Feldman oh the Flop misses both players terribly and Feldman does not make a continuation bet Molly doesn't bet as well and you wonder how this one's gonna play out no Four Diamonds doesn't really change much is Molly gonna take a shot at it I wouldn't blame him if he did you probably can't foam though here can you see four twist straight on the board all babies why would you put your phone on a five though I mean the way he's played it I mean Feldman raises pre-flop and it's gonna just check and shut down I would have let it on the Flop I prefer a lead there but sir I'm moving up over ten thousand dollars pretty good for 10 minutes thousand thousand dollars a minute it's not bad work if you can get it I'd do it for 100. I mean for me like when I plant an eight if I play an eight-handed O8 game I know where I'm at and every hand and I never give it and Mike the mouth continuing to talk Mark the mouth by the way up a little over twenty thousand dollars now he was up over a hundred thousand at one point it's definitely hunkered down here bleeded off some of those profits back he's almost in this like uh preservation mode trying to not lose his profit sometimes that's real bad well you know what it is you know what they say if you're scared of losing what's going to happen more often than not is you're going to lose we'll get a raise here from ceremully who's definitely not afraid to mix it up plus he has a legitimate Hand ACE nine suited Tom dwan not a legitimate hand but will for Tom Joanna it is come on Jack Deuce it's Suited and he has flopped a flush draw Molly has absolutely nothing pot is 6100 and Tom dwan is a favorite right now even though he is technically behind Molly bets 4 600. wouldn't be surprised to see a check raise here by Tom dwan cool no how about a call Scott is now 15 300. he's worried about having no overcards to the board I don't think he's worried anymore three of hearts on the turn completes his flush and Morley can beat absolutely nothing yeah but he might Bluff at this he's been bluffing quite a bit I mean he can beat Jack 10. and I'm inventing a hand he can beat I think if movie bets it'll be on a complete Bluff and then shut down on the river if he gets called but uh otherwise I don't think we'll see it but I think he's been prone to bet here ten thousand well maybe maybe he's trying to represent the hearts maybe he thinks he got called by a queen or something like that and he can represent hearts and take it away it's what he's gonna try and he bets 14 18 000. he's not shy about putting chips in the pot tell you that much almost a pot sized bed that almost forces Tom dwan to raise here because Tom Dawn can't take a chance on letting uh ace of hearts or King of Hearts or pardon me Queen of Hearts have a free draw at this I think we'll see a re-raise from Tom dwan here thinking about folding that's for sure exactly my thoughts yeah he's really going to choke on this hand if he gets raised that's for sure it's not just going to be a cough well the one thing about muli's hand I mean he can put ships out there because if he does get raised it's an easy mock obviously he's got absolutely nothing that's true I I prefer like a ten thousand dollar bet versus uh 15. 36 200. I've been asking some players of the ace nine let's say he has the Ace of Hearts if he would have bet in that spot it's actually a really dangerous spot because then you can actually get raised off of a big draw which can be you know catastrophic in this case though he's getting raised off of nothing Tom dwan does worry as he takes your advice he's raised it up to 36 200 and Molly clearly taking his time to stop him from betting Adam next time obviously he's not going to do anything this time but you wouldn't think so but you never know I mean we've seen stranger things action is on serum really it's 22 200 to call pretty sure he's not going to smooth call can you imagine a raise or a fold here but we'll see what happens yeah I would say we'll see one or the other part of sixty five thousand five hundred ceremully he's asking for a count yeah he is asking for accountant maybe he's trying to figure out if dwan is actually pot committed well you might be considering uh over the top here wow with nothing but air well he's gonna fold yes yeah just because there's a new player now on 20 seconds oh Feldman Ace Queen gonna raise this one up Sarah Morley gets out of the way you know Alan Cunningham I really like cards mucks I really like Andrew Feldman's short-handed game I think the six-handed really plays to his game and Tom Dawn's game as well I think those two this really does play well to them to them I know you say that and I can see that with Tom dwan I haven't seen that from Andrew Feldman at all I've got to be honest well he's flopped top two I mean I see every single time if if Feldman has a big hand yeah he knows what to do with it but I see him playing a lot of hands somewhat passively and that's my only question I mean I'm paid to pay the truth this is what I'm seeing I'm curious what you think I think it was more when it was seven-handed now that it's six I don't think he's really played it too passively time will tell he takes that one down with top two [Music] it's the Full Tilt million dollar cash game I'm David tuckman alongside Robert Williamson the third yes that Robert Williamson third the Phenom the PLO expert but today we're watching some No Limit Hold'em action and not just any No Limit holding action we're watching some intense action and some of the best players in the world I mean really this is just half Omaha you get half as many cards he said he has something to call the open Raise under the gun by Andrew Feldman and look at this Ellen Cunningham looks down to see two Cowboys now it looks like a great spot to kind of try a squeeze Cunningham he's got a big one and you see how Tom Juan's game is I mean he he'll call a raise with five six but he's not gonna call a raise and a re-raise with a hand like Ace Jack and Ace jacket the mark for Tom's one wow Sarah muli's gonna call this it's a pretty loose heads up between muli and Cunningham well mooly's got black cards and there are black cards out there Unfortunately they don't match for them well he needs running clubs some sort of running cards to win this one you can see his percentage is only a nine percent chance of winning this pot there's a slight chance the reason it doesn't add up to 100 is because we can have a choppot that can be a straight on board twelve thousand dollar bet from Cunningham and he had to bet a pretty good sized bet just to protect this coordinated flop and Cunningham gonna take that one in a moral victory for Alan Cunningham hasn't won many pots today for tonight Cunningham still down a significant amount of money and there it is 121 000 in the hole it's not much if you say it fast but you'd have to say it real fast I'd be looking fresh as a daisy if I had over 600 000 sit in front of me too I don't know about you David and Patrick Antonio's right now it's 666 000 in front of him he's up 266 000. but that's Alan Cunningham's hand eight six of Hearts he's gonna play it I think he's reinvigorated with these two small pots he won Antonio's gonna call it the queen nine I don't mind that in position against once again a fairly tight player and Alan Cunningham who's starting to loosen up a little oh Sarah I'm only going to call as well and we're gonna see this flop three ways hearts for Cunningham hearts for Cyril Morley and not a surprise that no hearts come out actually kind of a blank flop yeah nobody has anything usually Patrick Antonio is still at the best of it with Queen High checks around here's a turn five of diamonds the first aggressor in pots like this is the one who takes the pot down they check the Patrick Antonius again wow I can't believe he checked there see I would have I would have been inclined to bet on the turn if it checks all the way around to me in the Black Island Cunningham gets lucky on the river catches the six I think see how this one plays out considering a value bet but it'd be an awful thin one what could he get called by oh that's I was gonna ask you okay back to the six can you get I mean I guess he can get called by a five or a deuce yeah pretty thin pretty thin but actually the action on Cyril mully first yeah Sarah moley here maybe looks to steal the pot now this is interesting because it might actually get through nine and he bets nine thousand into a sixty nine hundred dollar pot and Alan Cunningham forced to fold but one of the reasons Cunningham forced to fold is Patrick is still yet to act behind now this is interesting I think Patrick puts mooli on nothing but can you call with just Queen high or is he forced to actually raise very interesting spot yeah I'm surprised if we see just a flat call it's got to be a razor a fold here I don't think he can flat call if he does wow what a great call I mean the way mooley has played this it smells like a buff it looks like a bluff we can see it's a bluff but I think Patrick Antonius knows to Bluff well it doesn't matter does he call or does he raise it's either an air just a flat Bluff or he could have hit a pair on the river here or maybe betting value-betting a jack that he flopped to begin with unbelievable now it's a great call by Patrick Antonius you know I got to tell you I've been we've been doing this series for four years this is the fourth season of the million dollar cash game and never before have I seen somebody make a call with Queen high and it be good unbelievable sometimes the lady that's the trick I was trapping all the way Patrick Antonius a little bit of humor there [Music] I'm Patrick Antonio's one of the biggest tasks campers there are a lot of players that they have problems in other fields game selects selecting good games and and you know money management problems it takes a lot of conditioning you have to be a mentally in good shape because just the one one kind of tired moment can cost you so much money so you have to always be fresh when you play because there's really not room for any any mistakes like it's not really how great to play some sessions is if you have bad sessions so so um always give your right game and it'll be fine let's take a look at a leaderboard here Patrick Antonius after that unbelievable call with just Queen high is now up two hundred and eighty thousand dollars let's take a look at the other Spectrum Tom dwan down 264 000. ceremully by the way the new player at the table down a cool 28 300. got a fast start but has slowed down since that point kind of bluffed off his money a few times here well maybe setting him up for a bigger play by the way though mooli only has 71 00 he only bought it for a hundred thousand so yeah I'll see how this one works out oh there's a raise from Tom dwan Spades Patrick Antonius made a tightish fold well Feldman's gonna call this on the button with deuces that's gonna bring Molly in yeah yeah and that's probably gonna bring in Cunningham as well so many times in that first collar causes the Avalanche what we call in poker well if you're Andrew Feldman you gotta like that because you want more players in there when you have Deuces if you hit your set you're getting better odds yeah absolutely oh here's the flop three five eight five three and a four straw for Cyril muli and to flush drop of ceremony the best hand right now is Tom dwan with a pair of fives a lot of dead hearts out there Cunningham with the Ace of Hearts Feldman with the deuce of hearts pot is nine thousand four hundred dollars and it's another oh big overbed here by Cyril muli wow thirteen thousand into a nine thousand dollar pot and actually even though Tom dwan currently has the best hand mully with two over cards and a flush draw would normally if there wasn't so many hearts dead would be a favorite here and he still is even with the even with the dead even with the dead Hearts yeah you saw the percentages there Tom dwan 45 chance to win the spot mooli with 55 we're gonna see a turn it's the queen and that's exactly why you pointed it out not only could Molly catch a heart but he catch a queen or a nine well mooli could play this really tricky right now and check this now that he hit his hand well the interesting thing is if he continues to bet big I was the only thing I was going to say does DeJuan continue to think maybe this guy is on hearts yeah I think if he BET's too big he's gonna lose Tom dwan Tom dwan's got second to the bottom pair I mean that's third pair to this board 29 000. wow that's another big pot he asks how much you have left and by the way Tom dwan is in terrible shape he needs an ace or a five and by the way the ace cannot be the Ace of Hearts that's what I was fixing to add yep no dwan has got the money in good several times hasn't gotten lucky now if he gets his money in it wouldn't wouldn't be in a very good spot you have a black Chip no I didn't have that chips you want that account how much I had no no no four days close enough and dwan getting a countdown here I mean this is intense 29 000 from Wooly Bully is pot committed by the way he only started this pot with 71 000. it's just a question does dwan want to put them all in 20. and Juan's all in moly calls and one needs a five or an ace that's not a heart he is in terrible shape this pot is enormous pot is a hundred and fifty thousand dollars to the river it's a six of diamonds it's a blank and Tom dwan loses a hundred and fifty thousand dollar pot Sarah muli plays it hard he plays it fast wins himself a monster pot and Cyril moly Guillotines Tom dwonner maybe Tom dwan did it to himself since he's the one that puts cereal movie I think dwan put him on Hearts I mean I really think he put him on a draw and he was correct until the turn he did have a drawing hand but unfortunately the turn he hit his Queen I mean I think if the heart comes I think Tom dwan gets away from that it's the queen or the nine that really killed him absolutely see wow Tom dwan now down 335 thousand dollars
Channel: The Poker Vaults
Views: 84,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Million Dollar Cash Game, poker, poker show, full tilt, full tilt poker, full tilt poker million dollar cash game, phil ivey, phil hellmuth, mike matusow, patrik antonius, sky sports, poker 2019, poker after dark, poker tips, poker strategy, daniel negreanu, pokerstars, thepokervaults1123
Id: QnQvbCP89SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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