Million Dollar Cash Game S4E8 FULL EPISODE Poker Show

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[Music] hello and welcome to the hottest poker table in Europe here at the Full Tilt Poker net million dollar cash game we have assembled a who's who of poker brilliance and watching it all breathlessly for us a Robert Williams to the third and David Tuchman well we've got a hundred and sixty four thousand chips there and an empty seat of Tom Dwan those are his chips but he's taking a little bit of a break he's had a rough go of it he's now down three hundred and thirty six thousand dollars I think he deserves a five-minute break you know sometimes when you're losing and your mind's not quite there that's a good time to take a break it's probably a smart move on his part sir I'm only gonna raise this up with th10 action on Allen Cunningham I think I know why Allen Cunningham's mojo is lost I think I know why he hasn't won have you looked at that sweater you can't win wearing a sweater like that I mean whatever you call it I don't jump or a cardigan a sweater it's ugly no matter what you look at well Allen Cunningham gonna re raise this with King 10 of clubs ace 10 off suit probably not a hand you want to get involved with out of position but that's not gonna stop Cyril moly huh oh wow we could see fireworks here top pair from Uli and a flush draw for cutting out with a gut shot well theoretically we should see fireworks I mean Cunningham with a flush draw a gut shot straight draw Morley with top pair and the ace of clubs in his hand moly is a three to two favorite right now to win this pot if it goes to goes through the river well I got a feeling we're fixin to find out how lucky or unlucky that sweater really is well lucky or not it's ugly well action is on muli and only gonna call this I remember Cunningham did we raise him preflop so Mulder you might slow down a little bit and we have seen that eight of hearts completes nothing I wouldn't be surprised if one check check right now what do you think you know I wouldn't be surprised if it went check and now Cunningham made a big bet right here Wow he takes the free card well I wouldn't that one yeah you got me on that one well how about the eight of diamonds on the river and if you're if you're a MOLLE at this point you probably put Cunningham on something like pocket jacks pocket kings maybe I mean the way you played it preflop and then check the turn you know all the same I think you got to give Allen Cunningham a chance to Bluff at you check it down than he does yep check check exactly how it goes and I'm only gonna win this with aces up aces and eights dead man's hand but Allen Cunningham avoided going broke right there and a lot of players would have gone broke with Allen Cunningham's hand a little bit of interpretive art for the Full Tilt Poker net million-dollar cash game and speaking of art I think that this Frenchman's played artfully today maybe masterly looking for words here but quite a number so far I'm speechless let's just get to the poker artistically that's what I was looking for raised 2,500 Matusow raises it up I think he is getting a little desperate 6-4 offsuit for the mouth or five handed here I mean the cards can't mean nearly as much now he's in a bad spot there's got Antonius to his left the last thing he wants to see is getting he doesn't wanna get smooth called he does get smooth call Antonius with a suited King this is a spot for Andrew Feldman he's got ace queen and a small blinds tell me this is not a raising spot well it's five handed it's it's a perfect squeeze play spot I mean I'd be shocked if we didn't see a rear ace right here by Andrew Feldman if he's playing his normal game which he hasn't been today you said you told me you played many hours of this player and you said he's very aggressive he's very creative an excellent player and he should flourish in a short-handed environment this is where an easier a spot right race 10100 and that's what you see finally sure what he was beginning to make me second-guess myself but that's the Andrew Feldman that I've played a lot hours well it's the one I've heard about okay boys I found the six for offsuit couldn't resist and that's what I was waiting to see and finally Andrew Feldman sorry finally says you know what okay I don't care what we're playing I can play this game and Madison gets out of the way and now antonius calls now even Antonio's calls you you know you have the best of it and you got first bluffed position well Feldman also he's been playing so tight yeah that's why I would lean towards a fold with us Patrick Antonius well heads up does that position on him but like I once again Feldman's been playing tight and he's got first bluff position nice fold by Patrick Antonius I [Music] am I and refer minute when the UK are open for in 2007 for $250,000 I realized I had what it takes up at the top level when I started to make in a day what I was in a year at my local supermarket when I realized that there was a huge amount of money for me to make then I knew I had to tell him to progress to the very top me it's all about your real analytical approach to the game and your gut instincts and it's sort of a natural Thailand you've either got it or you don't [Music] well there's well over 1 million dollars on the table among these six players and this is how it lays out Patrick Antonius with nearly 700,000 and he's up almost 300,000 alan cunningham down nearly 150,000 Tom Dwan down 336 thousand dollars Patrik Antonius is absolutely dominated this million-dollar cash game and I think the two players in this game that can actually keep him and check our Phil Ivey and Tom Dwan and Phil Ivey has left the game and Tom Dwan is having an absolutely awful sir moly considering his options with the a Sadoff suit well I think first he's just trying to figure out exactly what happens you've got a small boy in the big blind and a straddle from Patrick Antonius sometimes we call that the big big blind and I believe it's $4,000 raised from Andrew Feldman and a call from Cyril muli pulled around Tom Dwan not gonna play the jack 6 Patrick Antonis at 10/9 this could price them in well he's already in there for 1200 and there's a player in there only nice thing about a hand like a 910 is the flop either fits your hand or you fold so bad not a bad hand to call in this spot say well that flop does not hit his hands oh and it doesn't hit Feldman's hand either one thing you don't want to see when you got those Kings that dreaded ace out there at forward is ace Jack for a couple of spades moly with top pair he also has the ace of spades to boot yet be surprised look at this Andrew Feldman realizes that most likely with two colors his kings are no good and muli taking the reigns taking the bull by the horn leads at the pot well it can't betting big I mean the pot was only 13,500 lowly bets 14,000 once again over betting the pot did he's consistently done that tonight over betting the pot and when he gets paid off he gets paid off big Fellman drawing slim now I think this particular instance betting big by muli may not pay off because Feldman's got a really tough call with two kings with an ace on the board he probably could have milked him four seven eight nine thousand but he bet a little too much there 14,000 he's gonna have to found this pot a MOLLE maybe if muli checks one time gives him a free card and then bets the turn he gets paid off one Street that's so much in battery bets a smaller about to start with one of the one of the two all right well moly though new to the game is now up 70 $4,300 [Music] welcome back to the bright lights in London where some of the biggest names in poker are trying to make as much profit as possible in order to capture that title well how'd you straight back to your commentators Robert Williamson the third and David Tuchman funny thing Patrick Antonia is just laughing about that he would play that I believe he wasn't bluffing there I think Patrick Antonia is totally would get these steaks up out of the mud well the real you realize if we jump the steaks up Tom Dwan and Patrick Antonio's would be the only two players at the table that would be comfortable playing higher stakes I think the Frenchman might be comfortable as well good cool to all you people up there that are watching and commentating on my cards don't laugh too hard well mine is now looking up to the heavens and it's actually us commentating we're definitely not gods but I do appreciate the compliment I think he was maybe looking for some divine intervention and this is truly a marathon of poker games 24 hours of No Limit Hold'em and all these players they've all played long long sessions it's not a foreign thing for them to play 20 hours straight 21 hours straight Owen Cunningham with the pocket sevens we're not join the poker at least enjoying Mike Matusow rendition of what was that mr. Sandman thank you there you go bring me a dream we had a raise there from Allen Cunningham a call from Tom Dwan and then over call Antonius and Sarah moley and you said that brings in really I don't think he needed help coming in this pot absolutely not ace ten suited he was coming in no matter what well there's the flop and there's the ace this is the case of this hand here really nothing there for anybody except Morley well somebody might swing at it though you never know yeah I've no doubt somebody might swing at it but at the end of the day you know we're looking at an Ace King six flop with a couple of diamonds out there it checks around three of hearts on the turn pot once again is $8,900 and you can see Mulia is a 95% chance of winning this pot Cunningham is the only one with outs you know once I decide to check that flop I might just check again right here if iMovie checks in the mail buddy how about the bet how about a big over bed Wow 18,000 into a $8,900 pot hmm and takes it down there blow him out of the water moly I think moly loves moolah and he's getting plenty of it you know he's having a good time I got to tell you Tom Dwan and and Mike Matusow are sitting there saying I can't win any money in this game I can't win any money in this game well Sarah moly having no problems he's up nearly eighty one thousand dollars I'll miss her very very very comical very comical us master doesn't like his cards in Madison's defense I will say he's in a tough spot because he's not getting the cards but on top of that he's got a really tough player to his left so every time he does come in antonius is smooth calling him so he rarely has position Patrick and Tony's gonna raise this up with two nines Feldman out of the way Sarah moly yeah well the funny thing with ceremonies we cases but he keeps flopping them yeah well I'll tell you what when at first you do succeed try try again well I mean he's way behind almost every single time but he constantly flops the ACE pot is $5,400 well he doesn't flop the ACE this time finally an iceless board and if you're antonius you gotta like this board it's only won over card to your pair you know it looks like a pretty safe board it's kind of surprised he checked it though turn gives a 7 oh moly picked up some outs they might actually get paid off here as well if Patrick antonius does decide to bet or I guess he's gonna have to call looks like bully's gonna bet bet say it doesn't know this thing's the one thing that makes you a little uncomfortable the pot was 5,400 moly over bets the pot now if you think you're good you've got any you're gonna be calling pretty big bets member moon doesn't play small pots I like a flat call there though I much prefer a flat call than a raise right there control the pot size a little bit Queen of Spades on the river changes nothing it doesn't figure to help your opponent now moly comes out that's 26,000 35,000 I think you already checked he did okay I was gonna say if he bets that big can Antonia's call no we'll never find out antonius ones that ones pair nines I don't think Willie's been fired two bullets on a bluff too much tonight well I was losing a lot as that pot came down and I picked up to Jack I called felis race with a Stan which was just the standard call and a [ __ ] face ace Jack what a flop Oh while this is hit usually stops bluffing in those kind of boards in my opinion efya he doesn't have it I wanted to make a little irritation race I bet he raised me and I reread him his eyes are just lighting up here he's gonna re raise right away I was pretty happy that here we raced in the flop so I thought it might work this pot is already a hundred and seven thousand dollars number recall I will not put him on an ace in his hand so I was pretty much thinking if he has tabs for nothing huh ten would be a huge river it's a queen they're all talking at the start of this and now everyone watching this pot is three hundred and seven thousand and it could be getting bigger when the river car came when it came clean I was a pretty safe car I thought I didn't think he had a spleen I'd be trying to think how much can I bet here and look at this this is the bet it's two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars the river was really a tough decision this could be his one chance to get out of it what do you deal with your Patrick Antonius I knew I had one one hand especially when he took that long to call me so I was just hoping he called at that point just feel the tension in the room oh cool he says cool this is a monster and it is the hand that Phil Ivey has been waiting for eight hundred and seven thousand dollar pot incredible it was nice to make a comeback and end up winning that day and we nested when that big of a part this is absolutely unbelievable the way we play poker in these things like it's just it's just the chips this is the amount of [ __ ] pop chips like you don't you don't think of the guy backing up to two thousand four million dollars it's it's just you just look how much there is in a pot and how much potential a he he bet you know it's nothing personal nobody takes it personal we just you're having fun and competing against each other those be kind of happen sometimes and and always played perfect [Applause] [Music] still five players at the table and it's an interesting dynamic I've got Alan Cunningham we've got Andrew Feldman and I got Mike Matusow all playing relatively tight we have Patrick Antonius Sarah muli and of course Tom Dwan playing quite loose and aggressive and I think what you're seeing is the result of that serum lowly building a stack and Patrick and Talia's building a stack why isn't it working if it's home to London well I think once you get that losing mentality sometimes it sticks to you like glue it's a grand old game it's a high-flying game and I got nothing at all ever another over race by the Frenchman Cyril mulling over race I mean it's it's a monster race cool you guys can play I'm gonna watch you guys play every night doctor one minute I'm dr. passion I can't patient alone and Antonius called that big race and catches the flop it stopped there he was behind but now he's a big favorite a four-to-one favorite to win the hand flop top pair three hearts out there tough hand to continue on with and it goes check check three of spades that's a real good card for Antonius his hand yeah I like that one yeah makes it look like he's probably got a swing at this just to keep muli from drawing at a lonely age or lonely heart used to bet something at this spot six or seven probably even bet eight thousand I think 7,000 of it it seems about right 7 or 8,000 Emily with absolutely nothing is going to call well if a heart comes here well it could could still this pot well it's might that might be the exact reason why he's calling hate I don't think he's gonna steal it with the 8 of clubs on the river this powder just $5,900 it's an interesting decision here does Patrick value bet this try to get a little more out of bullying or does he go ahead and check I don't prefer a check here and let moley try to hang himself 18 well the only thing that the way moolies played this hand I mean he's almost played it like he has a small pocket pair that's true I mean obviously we can see what he has obviously the right play is to check and let him bet because we can see the cards but if you can't see the cards but I put myself in Patrick's hand you've got your spot I might put moley on like you know a pair of fives the 5 of Hearts something like that maybe no it didn't feel like that to me no okay well you know better than me felt like a heart just a dry heart that's why I probably would've give him the chance to Bluff any way you look at it Patrick Antonia is having a great day he's now up over three hundred and eight thousand dollars [Music] viii Jack when there's a race in Falls everything that you can toniest holding court Sarah moley having a good time as well both players are up a lot of money probably the reason why they're smiling now in Cunningham he's not doing quite as well we're four handed here can't play tight now Kenya no way gotta play some hands four handed well Madison's gonna play Cunningham raised it up at the ace eight Madison calls with Jack nine Patrick Antonia to the jack eight suited he's got a call as well if muli calls this could be our first family pot in a while I think he's thinking about where we raising cool and there is he's gonna call this one he's playing all the hands he's definitely one of the more creative players at the table before handed right now this is poker king six deuce six and amazingly nobody has anything swing-and-a-miss say bad about about about ass swing exactly what you said there oh not a tear for anybody Cunningham though gonna make the continuation bet fuss and he gets it through everybody wellhow $4,500 gets done and alan cunningham can breathe a sigh of relief on that one one of the few sighs of relief he's add today that's Jack 9 suited look like two aces well Antonius is gonna raise this one don't blame him the funny thing is some players might be content well I've won four hundred thousand dollars I'll take a break no I Antonius once at all I believe he does and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets it ladies playing he's playing great making good decisions Cunningham calls here's the flop flop comes ace queen six but not a surprise both players miss yeah the situation the original raiser is in the driver's seat they both check this flop actually it's another Queen that's a Hold'em card for sure surprised if we don't see a bet here from Patrick Antonius a little something at least well I mean Cunningham is pretty much giving up on the pot and sure enough I mean Cunningham has no interest in the pot Patrick and Tony says okay I've got position I'll take it down yeah I don't understand exactly why Allen Cunningham call that preflop if he's not gonna make a move at that some of the time but one thing that's so good about Allen Cunningham I'll say straight out is his ability to adapt to different tables tonight he's just been a little bit off obviously I mean if you need any evidence of Vallon Cunningham's domination at the poker tables how about over ten million dollars in tournament winnings numerous World Series of Poker bracelets or hey you can watch any any of the first three seasons of the million dollar cash game yeah he's definitely been dominant it's just not his day here's the flop King King seven and Mike madiso might have cried himself up a hand unfortunately for him Patrick Antonius doesn't have much but 7,000 and Madison gonna lead right into Antonius well that's how you win a big pot but I think at this juncture - Oh might be happy just to win any pot I mean sometimes the best way to get an aggressive player to make a move on you is to bed into him but mattis how doesn't give Antonius a chance I think Mike mattis has been playing too tight for that I think you needed to check that and hope to god that Patrick Antonius bluffed off a little money I'm just happy to win the budget Mike Matusow by the way has been here throughout the entire cash game 24 hours straight poker it is a grueling grueling task to play 24 hours of this kind of game I mean you're talking about being a hundred percent focus their concentration has to be there and it's been a roller coaster ride for her Mike Matusow he was up a hundred thousand then he was even now and then back up about fifty thousand now he's up about fourteen thousand nine hundred dollars hi I'm Mike Tomas the matter so my biggest poker achievement is making two final tables the Walters of Poker Main Event I don't know why I lived there because it sucks but I lived in Las Vegas since I was 10 I've been there for 31 years you know I might not look 41 I am I act about 12 I learned everything on my own I was natural I was just a great poker player from the beginning I'm probably not near the could have poker players I used to be because there's so many great players now I mean I'm top 15 all the time money list I mean and I've played probably less tournaments and anybody that's in the top 15 so you know I can't complain [Music] by the way short-handed game like this four-handed 5n that we are 5 handed again Cassandra Feldman returned to the game in a short-handed game like this I personally big big fan of the straddle because my straddling you often by yourself the button yeah I don't mind it but I think if you do you have to match it up with a looser style of play that a couple these players are willing to do well that goes without saying so far tonight not as if he hasn't played extremely well in all varieties but Patrick Tonia's has played very well from the straddle position go partner well Patrick Antonia I mean I think he's just I mean these are all phenomenal players Patrick Antonius throw at just another level oh look at this plop wow it's a pretty good flop ceremony with the sixes Patrick Antonius with top pair and the flush draw I think we'll just see a flat call of from Antonius he doesn't want to isolate himself against the bigger ace well it's already isolated well it's only heads-up I know but he's out of position and if he re-raises he could only call by a big race yeah your hundred-percent right he does call here the correct play I believe 7 Hold'em card check it again if I Patrick Antonius let the Frenchman hang himself I really can't beat any big aces still have a flush draw just in case I need it guys check check moly needs a 6 and only a 6 POTUS 18,000 $100 here's the river king the king of clubs now if Antonius thought he was out kicked before the king has probably got to save him right cuz now he's got aces in 7 to the king kicker yeah now that pretty much gives Patrick Antonius a free pass here he figures to have the best hand he's definitely gonna try to make a value bet now he is gonna bet here looks like about 15,000 11,000 it's actually eleven thousand eleven thousand dollars into an $18,000 pot 11 thousand / - Mooly and Molly can only beat a complete bluff I mean now even if Patrick and Tony has had the kenai heart draw you got there to beat him - I don't think Milly can call right here I'd be surprised if he does I'm orally with two pair sevens and sixes he's reaching for chips he is going to call does pay him off this hand was masterfully played by Patrick and telling us the fin really played that hand extremely well give him a lot of credit what happened he ever missed a flop it's almost not fair good-looking guy he's tall he gets the women and he's up over $300,000 I'm Patrick Antonio's one of the biggest tasks impersonal road a lot of players that they have problems in other fields game select selecting good games you know money management problems takes a lot of conditioning you have to be mentally in good shape because just the one one kind of tired moment can cost you so much money so you have to always be fresh when you play because there's really not room for any any mistakes like that it's not really how creative place intestines is if you have bad sessions so so always give you a game you'll be fine yes the straddle is on I'm gonna raise the straddle with any two cards I like fashion I have passion with any card that makes sense they have to make sense though my doctor like these two cards make no sense so I can't do nothing Matis Alex that went from I'm raising with any two cards okay I'm original they need two cards that make sense okay these cards don't make sense I'm not raising I think he was looking for an excuse just the folding actually seems to sometimes like to listen to himself doc Feldman completes there with the king don't blame him figures to have the best hand against a random hand well he'd be wrong in this case she's actually out kicked both players the king muli with the better kicker he's also suited some people might say - hey Feldman's got to flush draws you know with muli playing so aggressive it like this I'm definitely gonna play back at him some you know he's really being aggressive and over betting I think in a full ring game morally would have a lot of trouble playing his kind of style but he's adapted to us it's a short game and a lot of these players at the table I'm not playing that aggressively Rudi is actually playing perfect poker for this exact table I think bullies playing perfect against the three tight players but I don't think he can afford to play that style against Patrick Antonius and that's what we've seen so far button in front of Patrick Antonius and it's a great point you bring up about nerve muli has been dominating this table his aggressive play except against Patrick Antonia Patrick Antonia seems to have his number only up about $40,000 but he's probably down $40,000 to this man minimum muli could stay out of Patrick and Tony's this way I like his chances are tonight I'm due to catch something that makes sense eventually I guess sir Emily's not gonna listen to my advice he's mix it up with gesso again Patrick antonius well I mean moolies playing every hand he's given up position to Patrick as well it's a dangerous proposition who's nine oh wow it's a nice nice flop for Patrick Antonius I don't open and straight draw bullies still with the best hand presently Patrick and Tony's gonna put some heat on muli I'm only gonna give it up Patrick and Tony's the nice semi-bluff in position takes down the pot and at this point tell me if I'm wrong I'm kind of convinced if we played this for another 24 hours or the 48 hours Patrick and Tony's would have every chip on the table right now the way it's going Patrick antonius is just dominating this game and it's gonna continue if they keep playing that tight [Music] Tom Dwan still taking a break from the table five players battling it out five players table over a million dollars at the table Patrick Antonius with over seven hundred and twenty five thousand of it matter of fact I believe he's got as much as the whole table together right now that's a dominant performance well serum ruler with pocket sevens on the button how about a little race these races are just just huge oh my goodness well Antonius just definitely not gonna fold here danger Will Robinson danger let's see how this one's played out now lowly started the pot with one hundred eighty thousand eight hundred and thirty eight thousand dollars Antonius obviously hasn't covered eights for Antonius moly with the sevens and here's the flop oh it's about the same again as he said over said nope but Antonius does have a flush draw any spade or any eight would do it for Antonius he's a two-to-one dog no sound well he plays this it's got a set it's kind of bet pretty big with three spades on the board I like a big bet here finally I'm gonna favor one of the bets I know he's gonna make anyway anyone $1,000 the pot is only eleven thousand nine hundred the big put was Pig pop was king let me get a king with you and a lot of players might say wow what a big bet you're only gonna call but what a hand has you beat you know but you know what though since morally does this all the time it might actually work twenty one thousand dollars back over to Antonius pod is thirty two thousand nine hundred dollars you could see the fans watching this actually might be a tough spot for Antonius to call he might actually be debating a race here does have a flush trial just in case he's behind well the hand like pocket eights here I mean it's almost like you'd wanna play small but morally doesnt let you play it well that's the problem if you just flat calls bullies got the bull by the horns tough spot for Antonius really tough decision yeah everybody watching intently I mean now we can see that the spate is good if he hits it but Antonius doesn't know that well he has an overpair and a spade he's got Antonius practically drawing dead to give us one out does my opponent already have me beat or does he have just a big spade in his hand or does he have me beat and a bigger Spade in his annika that's that's the twenty million dollar question or in this case the $21,000 that's right the twenty-one thousand dollar question while the action is on Antonius look at the tower of chips in front of them trying to figure this one out counted out 21,000 chips slice Liam towards a call he has called this pot is now fifty three thousand nine hundred oh it's very interesting here Antonius now is open-ended any spade Patrick Antonius is all-in muli calls Patrick Antonius can catch a six a Jack a spade or a set or an eight and Tony's is gonna win this pot everybody on their feet watching this one I'm thinking on why I don't think I would write it for oh good luck to the river it's the queen of diamond cold Patrik Antonius does not get lucky moly rims with a set of sevens and two hundred and seventy seven thousand dollars and cimoli didn't listen to my advice I said not to tangle with Patrick Antonius he doesn't listen to me any doubles through him just goes to show you all the dealer's gonna count this one down but we can tell you muli wins a monster pot now has over a quarter million dollars in front of them that's not a bad night's work everybody watching discussing that one well maybe we'll get this game out of the muck look at that smile their eyes smile from the Frenchmen it makes it makes it a little easier to go back and forth across the English Channel that's for sure well there still count from the chest but here is the leaderboard Patrick Antonius still on top but look who's catching him Cyril moly now up a hundred and seventy seven thousand dollars he's threatening to win the fourth season of the million dollar cash game Allen Cunningham at the table still down 150,000 dollars I mean that's like unbelievable he had to be like 90% that have if you factor in the outs and you start thinking of how many outs that Patrick had going into the river what are we talking about here he's still a three-to-two dog anyway a look at it going into the river but against a set though I mean you're talking about open ended with the flush draw against most hands he would have been against he would have been a favorite but up against a set was one a few hands he was a pretty good dog see if he can lose a pot there's a chance I can win a pot no now there's hope look at all those chips per ceremony still stack him up and it's gonna take him a while to stack these up nothing's sweeter than a repeater all he's dreaming about now is winning another pot it's almost as if this guy just walked off the street wins a cool 177 thousand dollars but no he's a serious poker player he plays the Bellagio he plays in the big game they're actually lives in Vegas about three months of the year playing poker lives in France the rest of the year but anyway he's got a lot of money in front of them doesn't he's definitely showing some level of expertise here tonight that's for sure well I think he's a little bit loose kanyon you know I mean I think that's what it is definitely unpredictable Tom Dwan had a little trouble till now Patrick and Tony's has had some trouble with him flop is Jack eight six and both players with the same hand oh and they both make the nut straight but there's three diamonds on the board so somebody could have a flush but not real possible it just Cunningham's today I mean he finally hits it straight and it's the same hand as antonius he hits his gut shot and it's still no good and I don't think Alan is thinking about whether to call or not I think he's trying to decide whether to call or to raise you know sometimes you got it sometimes you don't there's some days you just you just stick your head in the toilet nothing's going your way absolutely wouldn't be surprised if I saw an all in here oh wow didn't even give me a second to get it hardly out of my mouth oh cool Patrick calls all in from Cunningham a call from Antonius and this is gonna get chopped up an anti climatic moment with you the one holding a diamond in their hand it's a quick call they're from Antonius with no diamond than his hand raised another 40-something thousand now you know that's not nothing to blink at that's for sure and you like when you snap called you King flush I'm just trying to get away from the five threes the seven threes and the nine deuces guys straddle here from moley Allen Cunningham not gonna play this one and now it's no surprise that Morley has been able to win a couple of big pots he's giving action and sometimes the get action you've got to give action one of the reasons why Feldman and Madison and Cunningham as well or having trouble you know winning any pots that's not giving any action that's one of my mottos in poker give action get action I'm only gonna check this one and we see it heads up Feldman muli King Jack nine and Mully way ahead here and a bet you get done I mean Feldman just you know he completes with three five and then he checks it even this little pot here thirty three hundred our pot well he bets five thousand no I mean I understand Feldman doesn't have a hand but why even complete with five three offsuit out of position well especially against an aggressive player that you're not gonna try to make a play against I mean if you're gonna complete in that spot you need to lead at some of those flops well that's my point I mean Andrew Feldman obviously his reputation precedes it him I mean I know he's a very good player but it just it's odd because for you to make any money with five three you have to hit a hand but you have to hope your opponent is a good second best hand the odds of that are just slim aren't they very tough yeah an Andrew Feldman has a very very bright future in front of me the poker world I have no doubt about that I don't think we've seen the best of them today that raised us mm I would agree I would agree I think he's playing a little out of his comfort zone - it doesn't matter how much money you have if you're not comfortable playing the stakes you're playing then sometimes your games just a little off and I think his games just a little off today action around - Cyril muli it's got the love handle 6 9 offsuit and he's gonna rearrange this 600 now Cunningham's got position on him and he's got a Sten it's a vulnerable hand what do you do if you're Cunningham I guess before I can even answer Tallinn Cunningham MUX his hand moly by the way now up a hundred and eighty-one thousand dollars Antonius only up one hundred and eighty-eight thousand dollars it is a race to the trophy how's it been going for you in the last couple of hours a little bit better being had an eventful couple of hands and I've sort of been grinding away nicking a bit of my money back and hopefully I'll soon be the in in the green I'm playing really well and getting a little tired right now I'm just deciding whether I want to one or two in the morning make that decision up here real soon please you look too far down are you it can all change so quick in a game like this yeah I mean definitely like no Tom stuck a lot so he's you'd expecting to be very loose attempt to get his money back in yeah anything you just said you what you're down around 130 but nothing that can be turned around in quite a short time in a game like this no I'll just when a couple passes in be right back in it will supports the atmosphere like at the tables alone is it kind of loosening up a little bit for a while it was kind of loose now I don't know I think everyone's a little bit tired but I sense a second wind coming on the players you
Channel: The Poker Vaults
Views: 114,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Million Dollar Cash Game, poker, poker show, full tilt, full tilt poker, full tilt poker million dollar cash game, phil ivey, phil hellmuth, mike matusow, patrik antonius, sky sports, poker 2019, poker after dark, poker tips, poker strategy, daniel negreanu, pokerstars, thepokervaults1123
Id: zJm-XhTKkbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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