Million Dollar Cash Game S2E6 FULL EPISODE Poker Show

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[Music] from America and across Europe the big names have bought the big money to London and this game is all about making your friends go broke each player is starting with a minimum of one hundred thousand dollars of their own cash and if they lose it they can simply reach into their own pockets and buy back in the starting lineup for this games is a who's who of poker Lithuanian born Tony Chi now lives in Australia he is a player who likes to impose himself at the table and after tasting a little bit of success last year he's hungry for more Alain Cunningham has picked up five World Series of Poker bracelets and has nearly ten million dollars worth of cash in the bank [Music] another American andy block is a rock-paper-scissors champion and has nearly three million dollars in poker tournament prize money [Music] Chris Jesus Ferguson is a man used to success living in Las Vegas he has six million dollars in tournament prize money [Music] Phil ideas widely regarded as the best cash game player in the world this golf fanatic will be confident of adding to his tournament winnings peddling from Finland Patrick Antonius now lives in Las Vegas he is one to watch and this tennis player will be looking for the Aces Brian town sled is a famous online player but he is used to the big time and is a regular high-stakes cash game player [Music] hello and welcome to the Full Tilt Poker comm million dollar cash game in association with fifty London we have got eleven of the world's most notorious high rollers who have all bought hundreds of thousands of dollars of their own money to the table in order to try and make as much profit as possible over the course of this series let's get you straight to your commentators as the action continues Gary Jones is alongside David tablet button is in front of Chris Ferguson who is blind Phil Ivey big blind Patrick Antonius Brian Townsend he's gonna be first act I'm David Duckman alongside poker professionals Gary Jones and Brian towns has got a hand here on East 10 off suit he's gonna play looks like he's been at met 2100 well here's Alan Cunningham with pocket fives Alan Cunningham going the speed limit well at least in America that's a speed limit yeah wouldn't mean too much to the European especially the English audience 55 ours being 73 players gonna see the flop king queen Patrick Antonius ace 10 for Brian Townsend and pocket fives to Jack five and look at this another set for Alan Cunningham but unfortunately nobody's got anything jack the one big card that the other two don't have Brian Townsend might make a continuation but but I think that's gonna be all that Alan's gonna get well it's been one of those days for Alan or even where he hits his big hands he's not getting paid or 5,800 or it's getting out drawn of course he said earlier on getting turned over exactly flush of Patrick Antonius Brian makes it 5,000 to go called Alan's gonna call this doesn't want to blow away his opponent terrain Bob or Jack five deuce Patrick Antonius gets out of the way and here we are to the turn jack and the turn is another jack here at this point you hope to god your opponent has it jack unfortunately for Alan calling Amy does not well what Brian Townsend's probably thinking is Alan Cunningham's making the call on the flop with a hand like eights or nines thinking there's only one over card I might be good so Brian's going to try and blast him through this one try and get rid of him I can be pretty sure it won't just a question of whether Alan decided to call 600 or decides to raise it if he gives his opponent a Jackie or a race would be fantastic especially with the chips he has well at this point fouling Cunningham just merely calls you have to imagine Brian Townsend it's gonna shut down it's a question that does he shut down if an ace comes he probably does he probably doesn't put any more money in this pot now remember Alan Cunningham only started his hand with sixty three thousand dollars so there's no real urgency to get the money in there he doesn't have that much to start with the only thing that may speed him up is the spades mode audience well he's moved all in has announced all in I think this one's gonna be over and done with pretty quickly yeah yeah all the drama gone there Alan got about as much as he could out of that one yeah sometimes it's good to splay your assets quick and sometimes it's good to keep it to keep your opponent up up and betting and that's what he did Brian Townsend bad one more shot he was never gonna get any more money out of this one I don't think Alan so we just ended it quickly hoping that Brian's got a jack to get started one player is made the nominated dealer or button then the two players to the left post the small and big blinds these are false bets to get the action started the big blind is always doubled as small but unlike a tournament the blinds rarely change however they are sometimes increased to spice up the action we start here with $300 and $600 there's also an ante of $100 per player which must be paid if they want to play in a hand once the blinds and antes are posted everyone is dealt two cards we have a round of betting then three cards are placed face up on the table called the flop these are the community cards for all the players to use then we have another round of betting after which the fourth card the turn is placed in the middle this is followed by some more betting and the last community card the river then we finish off with a final round of betting the best five-card hand takes the money [Music] well we have now got one of the biggest games ever in the history of televised poker 500 $1,000 blonde to $1 antes it was a seven deuce rainbow here heads up action between Chris Ferguson and Brian Townsend both players have an ace here 5,000 but unfortunately for Brian Townsend Chris Ferguson's got two pair also Brian Townsend just brought another hundred thousand to the table before this hand started 303 it's gonna give him a few more cards to improve with this Brian can catch a 4-2 win this pot and that's pretty much it Chris Ferguson with top two pair and I'll be really surprised at Brian towns and sticks around here 14,000 pod is thirty one thousand nine hundred dollars and Brian Townsend he's going to call we are gonna see a river and unless Brian towns it gets real lucky and catches a four he's gonna lose this pot eight the rivers and eight changes nothing check from Brian Townsend over to Chris Ferguson Brian Townsend checks Chris Ferguson figuring out how much can I value but here part is forty five thousand nine hundred dollars can't possibly imagine Brian's gonna call this one no he lets it go he's gonna be pretty glad he didn't catch the five obviously drawing dead to a four there and Chris Ferguson makes a nice comeback once again this is truly the million dollar cash game now the antes are $200 the blinds are 500 1000 and we have well over a million dollars on this table Brian towns are now in the game from over but $300,000 Phil Ivey in a game for half a million Patrick Antonius there he's in the game for 200,000 he's got 300,000 in front of them Allen Cunningham out of this 1,000 Andy Bloch 3000 makes it 3,000 with the ACE 5 for diamonds passed around to the blind Brian Townsend decides to call just Tony G to go he's got a thousand in then the big blinds just gonna cost him two more oh and an ace Jack of Hearts he's winning right now how fast does he want to play this hand he's already clashed a couple of times with Andy block today Andy but pretty well giving the cold shoulder to Tony G I think it's more interesting what's going in the bar rather than wow what a flop for the ACE Jack your hearts okay it really is a monster flop he's a top pair nut flush draw he's in great shape here it's just got check-check oh wow that really is an action turn card Austin unbelievable card Andy block has made a wheel he has made a straight okay and amazingly no money has gone in a pot until the river Tony G has the nuts here he has the nut straight the nut flush I'm sorry short of a cross a straight flush Andy block with the wheel he's just making sure yes I do have the wheel now the question is does he just call about of Tony G or is he gonna re-raise it's been played so strangely it might be hard for him to give Tony there the flush he's just called well Tony cheese got the minimum in this pot I think if he'd have bet the turn he could have got an awful lot more probably thinks that Andy's caught the king and he's played it well but as it happens if you'd have backed the turn he could have got an awful lot more I think [Music] sitting down at the table and knowing can win or lose a million dollars this happens every day so I'm not worried about it I don't think it's going to be those sort of big numbers but if you win a few hundred thousand so it's the nice day kappa make even yesterday make a bit of day today and after 132 hands Tony G still in control up over two hundred and seventy thousand dollars Patrick antonius still up over sixty Allen Cunningham would have come back only down 6,800 down Phil Ivey still down two hundred ninety seven thousand dollars [Music] you [Music] hello welcome back to the Full Tilt Poker comm million-dollar cash game in association with 50 London it has been a blistering start to tonight's action let's hope it continues as we get back to our commentators Gary Jones and David Tuchman Philippe's raising it up to 3000 pushing a little bit with his ten nine one player to get through just Alain Cunningham in the big blind obviously the customary raise now it has the other car the Queen of Hearts 11,000 we always knew who's gonna be bigger than the ten nine in Phil Ivy's hand it's been a rear ace of eight thousand eleven to plate Phil Ivey still wondering what hit him he lets it go and this one goes across to Allen Cunningham as well and Allen Cunningham making a nice comeback he is almost $200,000 is only down 6,800 now now it's twenty nine hundred to play around if you're Chris Ferguson you really got a place in poker well he showed that he's not afraid to mix it up we saw an early position raised with suited connectors a couple of steals with things like six eight of Spades every time he gets a half and he seems to get outplayed though 3,500 3,500 for in brine Townsend that's the kind of chips that you want to sit in this game with over $400,000 sitting in front of Tony g-got the bun he's got the best hand okay and he's heads up with Brian Townsend part is about $10,000 to the flop to ten five ten five deuce both players have top pair we could see some fireworks here well if money starts going in you can be pretty sure that Brian's going to know his kick is not good you've got a diamond Gerrard there Brian Townsend just working out how much to bet looks like he's got about 9,200 70-200 was the bat 70-200 was the call quick call their part is now 24,300 to the turn no I turn us a nine changes nothing check big card would have been good for a brine that would have given him a lot of outs Rashad pop goes check check that check on the turn is gonna get Tony a definite call on the river it's gonna get him a bat Brian probably thinks he's value betting this hand you'd imagine SIL can give Tony sevens 8 something like that 20,000 20,000 the call from Tony G both of them with tens Tony G's gonna win with his kick up turn really wanted more money for Tony G there well I'm pretty sure that Brian was checking to call any kind of turn back there might have made a difference with the don't know what happened on the river that had gone the gone down that Street but chips baguette chips and Tony G wins yet another pot puts him above $300,000 in the black and a big grin from him and he's giving lessons as well that would have been a good value 8 3 for Phil doesn't take too much for him to pass those I think he's probably getting a little bit frustrated right now nothing's gone his way so far king queen or Sudhir for Patrick Antonia and he makes it 3,400 I wonder Tony G can't do anything wrong today he's gonna call Andy block seems to be sitting back a bit now he was a little bit more active in the earliest stages and we're gonna see this heads up Patrick Antonius against Tony G the two big winners so far King Jack not much there for Tony G at all not much there at all for Tony G check from Patrick it back from Tony eight thousand now Antonius has checked it - Tony G Tony G use his position and puts a bed in there they had a pot where this kind of thing went on earlier on where Tony G just checked that's when Patrick just checked pentacle and Tony kept betting and bluffing you wonder if Patrick antonius is gonna give him enough enough rope to hang himself well it's getting a bit scary out there he's got kings and queens but any tens good check Tony G obviously drawing Ted well he can split with a 10 not good when you're only out as a chop you can also possibly win it with a large enough that Tony G checking is if the cards might magically change 15 only about half the pot can't imagine him getting rid of Patrick here no that would really surprise me I don't manage in the Finnish superstar is not going anywhere and sure enough you're correct he's gonna call this and the pot is quickly $60,000 mouthguard 5 whoever is an inconsequential five of Hearts and if you're Tony TD just shut down at this point yes he has he's decided enough is enough well he played it with heart Sony unfortunately it cost him around $25,000 in that pot here we are at the ranking of the hands first we have high card in this case of king high would win it then we have one pair in this case pair of aces then two pair jacks and nines we'll do it then three of a kind three had the same one three fours then we have a straight five cards in order not the same suit then a flush five cards the same suit five hearts we'll do it then we have a full house three sevens two kings this would be sevens full of Kings former kinds for kings then we have a straight flush five cards in order all the same suit and here's the most beautiful hand in the world Royal Flush 10 to ace all the same suit button slides over in front of Andy block small blind Chris Ferguson $500 they blind Phil Ivey $1,000 first to act Patrick Antonius he can go back to stacking his chips Jack deuce not enough for him to plate suited connectors for Tony and that is enough for him he's just decided to flat call Andy block flat calls on the button with this we case Chris him with his jack 7 and the big blind of Phil Ivey also in with 798 ace okay Jake Ivey with bottom pair but Andy blocks got top pair no kicker but he is ahead 3000 3000 to the bet it's good night from Chris good night from Phil and good night from Tony G and Andy block wins a hand he's been waiting for this one for a while still stuck $40,000 Andy we almost forget that he is losing an awful lot of money in this game as well well speaking of losing a lot of money how about Brian Townsend he was late to the game but he is down over $100,000 already there he is SP rugby look at that a hundred and two thousand dollars down what does he view said he's a gambler and those large swings are nothing new to him certainly not he's had an open down here well it's a racing first position from Brian Townsend Aflac call from Tony gee these two ER to the flop Tony G trying to mix it up a bit with his aces if his seven comes down he might regret it 10 Jack Queen rights not much of an action flop especially with your opponent having sevens not an ugly flop for Brian the flop but come out something like deuce five nine maybe you get some action from the sevens he comes out deuce five seven you might get some action off the Aces this looks like a one-off bet to me bed of seven maybe he's showing what he's wishing for on the turn with the size of his bet 7020 cheers gonna bet here and I like the bet I think that kind of board you have to bet don't give your opponent a free trough any kind of flashes the ACE is there I think he sort of shows Allen Cunningham on his left if Allen and have been bothered looking there are 25 World Series of Poker bracelets in competition at this cash game over one and a half million dollars up for grabs as well the race continues after the break [Music] you [Music] welcome back to the Full Tilt Poker comm million dollar cash game in association with 50 London we've got 11 of the highest rollers in the game all primed and ready for action as we get you back to your commentators Gary Jones and David Chapman there's Tony Chee he's first to act not sure if he's gonna like the 10-5 offsuit though bit of a letdown after finding aces the previous and really quite impressed with Tony G's player today you notice that he doesn't play too many hands at a position now Chris Ferguson is in position he's in the cutoff seat with Queen Jack offsuit that's enough to play he's gonna make it three thousand ago now Phil Ivey doesn't have much of a hand but he might be playing the player here he's kind of re-raise yeah I think that's a good rear ace he probably knows that Chris isn't too comfortable playing at this kind of height of a cash game chris is in a good position to make a steel race Phil recognizes that rear aces and picks up the pot now Chris Ferguson a phenomenal tournament player doesn't have that much experience in cash game surprise that he's playing at this level 500 1000 blind to the $200 ante there aren't many people in the world that'll play this high but there's one of them [Music] I try to get myself into a rhythm and I just kind of play how I'm feeling at the time and figure out what's going on around me I mean it's not really a tactic I use it's just pretty much what my opponent is doing that day and I just try to make it to the proper adjustments [Music] Allen Cunningham first act 10 deuce spades doyle brunson want a couple of World Series championships that but 3,000 not for Allen Cunningham well threes for Andy block eight for Chris Ferguson few combinations of the flop to make a little bit of action here there's one of the eight going and we have two of the tightest players at the table battling it out with one of the loosest and the biggest winners Tony G can't avoid the party loves it and he's sitting there with a queen four of clubs it's a pretty ugly flop everybody okay not a diamond in anyone's hand everyone playing all black okay everyone checks alright that's no reference to Zealand right see still no help to anyone but a bet of six thousand from Tony G betting on at the pocket threes of Andy block can't like it much what's Chris Ferguson gonna do here to over cards on the board three diamonds but he does have a good shot you can't like catching a set if it gets better Diamond this one probably will go to the muck well at this point you're not calling hoping for your straight hoping for the gut shot you've got to be calling thinking you're good exactly and he's up against Tony G but but still nope that one goes to the muck another good bet from Tony G recognizing the other two very tight obviously didn't like the flop much and he picks that one up and add to his already impressive stack million-dollar cash game after a hundred and thirty eight hands it's Tony's world we just live in it he's up almost three hundred thousand dollars Patrik Antonius is adding to his lead here he's up eighty-nine thousand Chris Ferguson nice little bounce back up fourteen thousand and look at this Brian Townsend down one hundred and fifteen thousand and Phil Ivey still down to 94 well the buttons in front of Brian Townsend but it's already been raised up by Chris Ferguson hey presto he's got two fives he's got a caller from Phil Ivey finally found something he can mix it up with eight nine he's got position he's got connectors and Tony cheese not gonna go anywhere he's got a couple of axes there well a five six seven flop would really give Phil Ivey a chance to get out of it that would definitely be some action not quite five six seven but how about to pair up with Phil Ivey sadly it's three over cards to both Tony G and Chris biggerson's hand I'd expect a bet from Chris and probably a take it how about a bet from Phil that's what I meant yeah not much of there for everybody else now unfortunately some players might slow play two pair but on a board like that two diamonds a 1000 Jack's gonna bring a four card straight you just can't afford to give the free card nice bet for mr. Ivey Tony G in seat number two and look at that remember early on when he lost a couple of hands he was down to 54,000 here II bought the 50,000 and then doubled up and look at that now he has four hundred and forty five thousand dollars in front of him what an incredible turnaround for him we've had a race in first position from Phil Ivey it's round two the Manning shot Tony gee he's gone so silent Cunningham and an ace ten for Andy block he's foul it's the ladies the Chris Ferguson I've got $8,000 in the pot already and he is going to re-raise this here he's gonna make it 13,000 to play just not Phil's day and this is a pretty easy lay down here for andyblog out of position against one of the tightest players in the game still looks confused I mean I guess he's thinking is Chris Ferguson making a move could he be making a move I suppose but he's not the amount of times that Chris Ferguson's gonna make a move in this position if he's doing it this one time good look to him - what I say when I've got age ten he's let it go Chris takes it down well played by mr. Ferguson well nice to wake up in the big blind with pocket queens it's not a lot - whoo not a lot to do when you've got that kind of hand and we are truly playing one of the biggest cash games in the history of televised poker the blinds are 500-1000 the antes are 200 it costs $2,900 to play around the poker here some of the greatest poker players in the world really putting it on the line their reputation and their money well Patrick Antonius is gonna pick a better spot to put his repetition there's money in the line ace-queen for Brian towns and that must look like an absolute monster to him hasn't really seen much in the way cards so far today and he's raced it up Allen Cunningham with a SATA diamonds he hasn't seen that much either to be honest they say the diamonds not normally a hand you'd be calling a raise with for Brian Townsend is very aggressive and Cunningham knows that obviously Cunningham has positioned throughout this hand you also want a nice pot against Brian Townsend and sometimes you do make some strange calls against people you know you can beat because it'll always be going through their mind well that's a middle pair for Brian not much for Alan ma'am Alan's gonna have to pull a rabbit out of his hat to win this one cheque from Brian J cheque from Alan Alan cannot win this hand now thanks but that might might get Townsend paid off Cunningham's kicker does not play he has aces and 7 to the king kicker another thing that actually gets him some action in this pot of course exactly you can easily give Brian a stock ace 10 any hand like that your best five cards in Hold'em Townsend with aces and queens with a king kicker in Townsend puts in about a nine thousand dollar bet there 7 thousand seven thousand was the bat seven thousand was the court nice Queens two pairs basis and queens really the only car that was gonna cost them money the ace on the river you constantly have to adapt your style when playing top players if you do the same thing every time good players like Patrick Antonius and Phil Ivey and everyone else at table for that matter are gonna catch on very quickly and they're gonna take advantage of that so you really need to be doing things differently each time with the same hand [Music] you [Music] welcome back at the moment it is Tony G who's the force to be reckoned with let's see if he can continue to rack up the cash as we hand back to our commentators Gary Jones and David Tuchman Patrick Antonia is having a good time always helps when you're up thousands of dollars Phil over here that usually puts a smile on my face when I'm of thousands of dollars actions on Tony G and as usual Tony G rarely playing out of position throws it away in first position Chris Ferguson in the cut off those that don't know the cutoff is the one to the right of the button on the button is Phil Ivey pumping it up to 3,000 just putting the pressure on the blinds take up six our hearts you know for him that's the gap suited connector blank defense from Patrick Antonius as it happens he's got the best hand right now 8 for 10 well not anymore actually yes apologize there Patrick and Tony sexist top pair well Phil IVs got second ter it's gone check check both plays being a little bit sneaky taking turns the King of Hearts and now Phil Ivy's got more outs he can catch an eight a six or a heart to win this one I bet coming from Phil call call from Patrick to the river and the rivers the ten of hearts that was the perfect card in the deck it really is a live eight well you're talking about backdoor hearts here Patrick Antonius might not see it and he has trip tens part is 18,400 phil ivey vet 16,000 on the river and Patrick Antonius calls finally something goes spills wait a flush versus three tens and at last Phil Ivey actually winning a nice I spot around 50,000 in the middle yeah was around $300,000 behind now only two hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars I can't believe I'm saying now only 265 thousand dollars but it's less than it was Phil Ivey the consummate professional he knows he can't win it all back in one hand Chris Ferguson 74 oh come on Chris you can do it see feel like he's got 74 he's gonna play it looks like a flat call from Phil looks like it's not gonna be a flat call from Patrick Antonius know he's got the fives 500 Brian towns I'm gonna quickly call Tony G's out he was trying to sneak in Phil and get a cheap one it didn't work no and we're gonna see this head up heads up between Patrick Antonius and Brian Townsend to plaid pot is about $10,000 nine three three not too bad a flop for pocket fives if you're not gonna flop a set that's a pretty good flop I know there are times to get tricky but with pocket fives here you can't let Nova card come no you better nine or ten thousands what I've expected 7,200 I'm tajci Antonius puts a bet out there that's enough to take it down the button slides on over to Brian town I find cash came very more exciting first of all you can make more money than in play in tournaments playing big cash games and it's about real money you can lose a lot so it's a different game and usually it's very deep stack poker which is more skill and and I think the best players are the best high-stakes cash game players once again the blondes are now 500 1000 antes are $200 Tony G and the small blind and E block first to act he's not gonna play the jack deuce Christopher Gerson's got a couple of nines he likes it he's gonna make it 3,000 wolf the AC spell 3000 finally Phil Ivy's luck is starting to turn well he's decided to be clever he's called the three I wouldn't I wouldn't say his luck started to turn yet and nines probably gonna come well no nine but it's a good flop for Phil Ivey Ferguson's got the over pair and obviously Ivey has the biggest over Perry Oh Kris might regret giving that check he's not gonna know where he is now Chris Ferguson has been doing this all day where he checks it to Ivy ivy bets and takes it away you wonder Ferguson is gonna check raise here and if he does he can be in a lot of trouble pot is thirteen thousand nine hundred five thousand the call just a check call from Chris right turn is the five of diamonds I could be a scary card for both players I was actually at the ace of diamonds in his hand though and Ferguson is drawing two two outs here nine of diamonds all the nine of clubs will do it that's it nine of diamonds would be desperately unlucky for Phil Ivey you would give a full house the Chris and the nut flush it's a nice strong bed here but reliably $15,000 it's gonna put the heat on Chris Ferguson Chris Ferguson started this part 119,000 and he is going to call this bet 15 and this part is quickly turning into a monster to the river Queen of Spades changes nothing checked pot is forty eight thousand nine hundred Ferguson checks fifty thousand Ivy bets fifty thousand dollars that's a very big bet from Bill Chris gonna have to give this one some thought actually removed the glass is not something you see very often shows he's a bit rattled this is a very very big pot I love the bit by phil ivey it's kind of a big bit almost makes it look like he doesn't want to call finally Phil IVs luck starting to turn the cream always rises to the top huh and Chris Ferguson it's gonna make the call he makes the call I'm Phil Ivey makes one step closer to getting out of this hole how does slow play aces the interesting thing on Phil Ivey is he slow played it preflop by just calling the raise but then bedded it on all three streets and that a lot on the turn and the river and got the call from Chris Ferguson and look at this after 146 hands bill Ivey is now only down and I say only 191 thousand dollars but look at Chris Ferguson now Chris Ferguson after starting the day on top of the board up over 50 he's now down 50 Tony gee still on top of the board up over 290 thousand dollars so the big names of poker begin to come to the fore it's been another fascinating evening here at the Full Tilt Poker con million dollar cash game we'll hope for just the same next time but from all of us for now it's goodbye
Channel: The Poker Vaults
Views: 33,533
Rating: 4.8362575 out of 5
Keywords: Million Dollar Cash Game, poker, poker show, full tilt, full tilt poker, full tilt poker million dollar cash game, phil ivey, phil hellmuth, mike matusow, patrik antonius, sky sports, poker 2019, poker after dark, poker tips, poker strategy, daniel negreanu, pokerstars, thepokervaults1123
Id: _83ppHzFHFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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