Millie Bobby Brown Is Freaked Out by Grown Men Dressing Up as Eleven

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-Last time, I think, you were here, you were just kicking off this crazy, crazy whirlwind of a year. -Yeah. -You had a great year. -It was a really good year. I was really happy with it. It was crazy. And now this year is kind of even more crazy. -It´s getting even -- Right? Because now you´re known around the world. -Yeah. -I mean, it starts -- Obviously, that´s how people get famous, but, I mean, there you go. [ Laughter ] You´re on the cover of these magazines. -Yeah. -By the way, looking so gorgeous in both of these. -Thank you. -Congratulations. [ Cheers and applause ] Do you like doing the photo shoots? Do you like going to award shows? You´ve won so many awards, too. -I mean... -Thank you for coming to the Golden Globes. -Oh, my God, that was so fun! -It was fun, right?! -Oh! I loved it! [ Cheers and applause ] -You were the best! -Yes, thank you. -I love seeing the whole gang. -It was so fun. I feel like award shows, for me, are just so interesting. Because, like, obviously, I love being there, and I´m so grateful to be there, but, like, I just get so hungry. So, like -- [ Laughter ] -Yeah, there´s not really food at those. -No, there´s no food. And when there is food, they´re like, "Eat it now, or it´s gone." And I´m like, "Okay." So I like -- And then I had the hiccups. So it´s, like, awful. [ Laughter ] Right? So I just kind of -- You know, I just never eat. So I put like -- It´s like a decision. Either, like, with my Nutella sticks or my phone in my bag, which one would fit. So I chose my food, you know? So there I am at the Golden Globes like... -Wait. Nutella -- I know those sticks. -Yeah, they´re so good. -Yeah, the ones you dip -- I mean, of course, they´re for kids. But I love them. [ Laughter ] I mean, I know them. -Yeah, so good. -When you did Eleven, and we talked about it, and you did the bit on the Globes -- You know, we had you in the wig and everything like that. And now it is like one of the most popular costumes all around the world. -It´s so crazy. -Isn´t it cool? Last year, did you see that, as well, people dressing up as you guys? -Yeah, I did, but I can´t really, like, think about it too much. ´Cause if I think about it, it freaks me out. Grown men are dressing up as me. [ Laughter ] -Yeah, yeah. That´s -- Yeah. That´s the part you don´t want to think about. -But I think it´s cool. I mean, I´m definitely grateful for it, and people are really funny, and I get to see all those videos and pictures. But I´m a big fan of Halloween. Like, I would dress up all the time. But I feel like, this year, I´m gonna come, like -- I´m just gonna let everybody else dress up. But I did kind of find a costume that´s kind of perfect for me. -I know the costume that you found, because I have a video of you trying it on. I think this is gonna work for you, but your entrance was a little shaky. Here´s Millie with her new costume that she might wear tonight. ♫♫ [ Laughter ] Oh, my God. -I mean... [ Laughing ] -I mean, yeah, you´ve got to go with Baymax. How does that work? [ Cheers and applause ] That´s the best costume. -My dad -- We go into a Halloween store, and my dad´s like, "I dare you to get that." And "I dare you to go into the lobby of the hotel and, like, ask for a room key in it." [ Laughter ] So I´m like, "Yes, I´ll do it!" So I put it on, and I went in there. I was like, "Hi. Can I have a room key for like da da da," and they were like... [ Laughter ] "Yes. Can I see your I.D.?" -Yeah. Do you change your voice if you´re in that? -You know, I feel like Baymax has a very monotone voice. [ Laughter ] -That your Baymax impressions? [ Both laugh ] I love your family, by the way. I met them last time they were here. -They´re crazy. -Oh, they´re so cute. Oh, my God. Your little sister is -- -She´s so annoying. [ Laughter ] -No, so cute. Oh, she´s adorable. Oh, my gosh. Well, last year, you guys -- You and the cast dressed up. -[ Laughing ] Yes, I remember this. -This is just bizarre. -It was so bad. -Just explain it to me again ´cause I -- -It was just such a weird picture. -That´s Gaten. Finn is -- -Finn is a whoopie cushion. -How did he get that costume, and what is he doing? -So, I honestly don´t really -- I think Sadie and Gaten look the best. -Yeah. -It just makes me laugh. And so, then -- And then there´s Noah and I. And Noah and I had a very interesting story, because Noah -- I was like -- It was last-minute. We had five minutes. I was like, "Noah, grab any costume. Just like, I don´t even care." So he goes into, like, Walmart or whatever, and he´s grabbing the costumes. He´s like, "Size 15 outfit, but it´s fine." We get there, to this neighborhood, and he´s like, "Okay, put it on." Noah, it´s a size 5. It´s for a 5-year-old, okay? [ Laughter ] He didn´t see the -- Like, he thought there was a one in front of it. It was clearly not. -He thought it was 15. "We´re not 15. We can fit in it, yeah." -So we, like, got scissors, and we cut it. So I was a bit of the Flash, he was a bit of Harley Quinn. So we, like, cut it, and -- It was the worst costume. But we had -- [ Laughter ] -I mean, you´re wearing 5-year-old Halloween costumes. Look, it barely goes up to his shirt. It´s like... [ Laughter ] It looks like a bellman -- Looks like a bellman zombie. -Yeah. -It´s the greatest. -It´s really great. -Did anyone recognize it was you guys at all? -There was like one group that was like, "Hey, you guys look like the cast of ´Stranger Things.´" And we were like -- "Ha ha ha ha!" [ Laughter ] -"Yeah, take care, you guys." -"Okay." -"Take care, man!" -"Trick or treat. Let´s go to this house."
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 6,879,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Millie Bobby Brown, Freaked Out, Grown Men, Dressing Up, Eleven, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, Fallon Stand-up, Fallon monologue, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, El, Intruders, Once Upon A Time In Wonderland, Godzilla: King of Monsters, upside-down, demogorgon
Id: cTYMO998stI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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