Military Surplus Canteen Comparison

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hey guys recently we did a review on different military surplus mess kits from around the world I mean it was a lot of different designs it's really cool to see the unique way that a lot of these militaries come up with their systems and so today we're going to be taking a look at canteens and these are from different armies from all over we have a number of different ones these are available at the Sportsman's guide in fact I want to thank sportsmen God for sending these I requested them I said this is great the mess kit video did very well and when I saw all the different canteens you know I love this kind of stuff one thing about military surplus is that these are made and designed to withstand combat and to really be rugged and long-term use and so that's one of the cool things about it and typically the prices are right you know you go to your standard you know store your camping store whatever and a lot of times you're finding items that really are inferior quality for even more expensive prices now I want to start out with the most simple designed this is from Denmark it has the the crown here this is from the Danish army it's just a plastic in fact honestly it looks very similar to a toy in my opinion I just thought it was kind of funny I thought that it kind of looked like a hand grenade and Sarah Mac thought it looked like a ham and it's really funny that Danish hams are so popular so you know this is though very simple design is 20 ounces it is made from this plastic there's no cover to it but it does have a lanyard here and it is plastic considering there's no real way to strap this to anything I mean you can definitely slide it into a pack cloak make sure it's closed down well and a lot of times you know there are certain little pouches on a lot of different backpacks where you can slide it in like this so steel has a lot of options even though it doesn't come with a canteen cover here on the bottom it does say Denmark and of course you've got your crown now one of the things that on the sportsmen got a website was it did say these were Dutch so but this is what's listed and again they were $4.99 and the Dutch may use these as well but I know that they've upgraded since this time but it's just a very simple design of the prices right I believe they're like $4.99 and this is from Denmark the next is a Bulgarian canteen this is for the Bulgarian army and to me is the most interesting I think because of the wood cover on here it's just really cool and this is wood so very neat design it is an aluminum inside the aluminum top here and then you have a chain that holds it on as a lanyard right here there is a belt loop as well that just snaps in very simple but it does have to be a pretty narrow belt loop in fact there's cork right here in the top so I love this one I mean just the wood the feel of this and of course these are used and they're gonna have some little Nick's and scuffs on here but that's just part of the nature of surplus and one of the things too especially with these you know they can't have odors from being stored over the past few years and so you're going to want to really clean these out now this just has the clip it doesn't really have a belt loop but if you had a strap you could attach it or you know even a belt loop if worse comes to worst but the thing is you can clip this on to about anything so even though it doesn't have you know the belt loop per se you can't clip this but I think the way I would store this again it's just in a backpack you know with the belt loop it's not really that good so sliding it down into a pack works just way and these are actually a world war two designed so to me this would be more of a collectible but definitely could be used and these I believe run like $29.99 but they're the most expensive out of the bunch but again wood covers world war two design so it's pretty cool canteen system now next we have the Swedish military canteens these do come in a 2-pack they do have the wool covers on them again they are aluminum bottles and they have a leather tether and so it just fits on I mean these are really beautiful canteens though we have a belt loop here leather and then you have your clip this is a little bit more setup for a regular belt right here now I really like the system on here a little better than the others as far as the simple ones because you can definitely run this through a belt a pack you know you're strapped then it's a real positive lockup so while this would shake around a little bit it does retain on your belt very well and it's easy to remove really cool design has snaps all the way here now I'll tell you when you take these snaps off putting them back on you just kind of stretch it they do fit in fact I took these on and off this one in particular has a small little like a belt right here to kind of hold this the top of this cover into place so and it is again leather fits in like this but the other one did not have that one thing that I've seen is a lot of times when you have two packs it's one that's really in good condition and one that may have a few issues this one see that it's kind of coming loose right here thus freeing a little bit but these snaps you can get them but you've really got a stretch to get it and we stretch this all the way up and I'm gonna go ahead and pull this open because I want you to see what's inside and you can see it's just an aluminum kind of a teardrop shape it's definitely got some scuffs on it these are again surplus guys so you know again these have to be cleaned really well but if you want to use this even just for something for display but they can be used so really cool has a little loop here built into the top of the canteen yeah snapping these in just stretch it a little bit you can get it and I'm not gonna go all the way up but it's not that difficult once it gets to the topic it's a little more difficult to snap but I don't know why you'd really need to take these on and off too much these do come in a 2-pack and I believe they're like $12.99 so they're very reasonable and a lot of cool features these are from the Czech Republic these canteens are vintage they're cool I love the wool covers very similar to the ones we've just shown but these have leather harnesses all the way across this is a really cool design same kind of buckle system went ahead and had this one I out of course it is already in the OD it's got its Nicks and scratches has two little mounting points here and it has like a just kind of a rope a little string to hold this together and these are branded the top itself is a plastic and then the cover or the canteen itself is aluminum one of the things you could get cork it says this on the Sportsman's got a website they do have some cork ones from what I understand though the cork was was changed to the plastic because cork could absorb like chemical and a chemical attack chemical agents and so they did away with cork plus I'm sure it was more expensive but I just slides right in seals it up you can't open this up without having to take your belt and loosen your bail just makes it really easy to do it so you can really put this onto any kind of belt webbing again you can attach this to any kind of pack it's just very versatile 19:55 is embossed right here in the top so these are definitely cold war-era this one did not have the small little cap that was right here which this one does and some I've heard they say that you can pop this off and put purification tablets in there and this one does come with the harness I just had it off so you could see but really cool designs a little bit different color this is a little bit lighter gray this is the darker but the wool pattern is pretty neat and this does keep these insulated for hot or cold now these do come in a 2-pack I believe they're 1699 very reasonable about 850 apiece for a vintage really cool canteen design next we have the German canteen this is very reminiscent of the original World War 2 canteen designs that the Germans used but this is definitely an upgraded version one thing is is the body is like a closed foam pad I mean it is soft and pliable it's really a nice feel to it it's gonna keep it quiet as well and then you have your straps which I think the originals were leather and these are you know some kind of pleather or synthetic material and then we have you know our clip our belt right here and then on the back we do have a belt loop and there is a way to you can remove this just pop it open attach it to a belt if you need to or you can leave it like it is you can obviously run this through your belt loop or you can just pop it and slide it through your belt or any kind of strap or anything else for that matter it's a little bit tricky to get that in just right here we go so now we have it of course you know walking around town but it might not be the most popular but definitely you can strap this on to whatever you need to so this is a lot of features and of course the Germans always like to do things you know really right I mean that's one of the things I've always admired about the German military and then this just opens up we're gonna get out our a little canteen cup which i think is nice as well there is a strap here that holds it and then you have two little ears here or little butterfly grip so you can pour this in obviously this is aluminum you can see it but what's kind of neat is the the canteen itself is plastic plastic top and the plastic tether and then it's kind of that translucent plastic here again a soft body on it makes it nice I really like this canteen and if you've ever seen any of the old vintage World War two documentaries or any photos I mean this it looks a lot like the originals strap this in bring over your strap slide it back down and so that just keeps it more secure there we go so really cool design very well thought-out and again you get your cup these I believe are listed as new and they're one quart and these run $8.99 almost sportsman's got website which i think is a very reasonable price for something this cool now we're gonna go to the other side of the world and this is a Chinese military canteen it's the People's Liberation Army it's got that kind of funky kelly green color nice canvas straps though I really like the strap system it does solidify all the way around the bottom so it holds it just kind of cradles it and then you have a shoulder strap that is adjustable of course with a shoulder strap here or actually gives you enough room to actually over around your neck again this is somewhat adjustable so we can bring this out even more we want to get it down a little bit lower but there you go a little shoulder strap action not really any belt loops you could maybe run a belt through here but I don't think that would work too well but it definitely works this way of course this label here I have no idea what that says and then we have our small little cup I believe this is like a three ounce cup and then we have a cork with a cap this aluminum which I thought was really interesting then here though we do have aluminum and there is a cork seal all the way around it and these look actually pretty new I mean there may be some storage things here but otherwise our storage where but otherwise these are in really good condition so just a very unique very large canteen I mean you can see how thick it's probably the largest canteen we've got maybe outside the u.s. canteens that we're going to show here in just a second and these are on $7.99 so very reasonable price for a lot of capacity and a very different type design all right last but certainly not least the US military to court collapsible canteens and of course these have been around for a long time they're great I love the two quart version these are somewhat collapsible which makes it a little easier to carry your top is tethered some do have the little spout here to be able to drink through you know straw or through a biological suit these do not and I think that they're actually these caps available on sportsmen guide you can order separately but it does come with the canteen cover and of course we've got this one arty done but I wanted to show you without it it does come with a strap now this one came with a tan strap to match but this one does come with a green now of course the Alice clips can be used as we talked about you can also strap it like this and then of course it'll loosen up even more but it definitely gives you a lot of options and then again even if you wanted to run Mali through here or you just want to slide this in a pack I mean they all work that way as well you have your little clip here and these are insulated and I think they used at Yeti maybe or some polar bear but here we go this is synthetic material and there's information really here on how to fill it things like that you do have metal d-rings on either side for your strap which is fully adjustable and the clips are metal then we have Allis clips on the back and I think these could be replaced for Molly straps or something like that and there are a lot of different designs around these of course the US military has now gone more toward you know hydration bladder and a lot of especially in combat situations but these are still being used and then they have the standard cup with a canteen cup with the you know the covers that we've seen before and I've showed those before this is a little bit more of a modern design now these are in really good shape overall I think the Sportsman's got at least the listing I saw I think it said that they may be a new condition but these have definitely got a little bit of at least storage marks on them and some maybe some staining so not really sure but this also has a small little pouch here to be able to put water purification tablets in to keep it handy so a neat system these do come in two packs and they're $24.99 and I think one of the great things though about these over a lot of the others is that these are plastic this is a nice little setup so again guys I want to thank sportsman's god for sending the various canteens for this review and to check them out all the different designs if you go to the Sportsman's guide website click suit zero zero in the coupon code they'll give you $20 off any hundred dollar or more purchase and that's not only on these canteens but everything on their website and so check them out but guys I'll tell you these little old canteens just really cool to look at and definitely collect but in a survival situation these could really come in handy and again the price is just fantastic be strong be of good courage god Bless America long live the Republic [Music] [Music] these are made to withstand military combat now the first one I wanted to bring to you to me was the one that was the least interesting yeah I'll do that again these do come in a 12-pack and they do oh yeah these come in a twill pack along with Budweiser now these are from the Czech military un these are from the Czech US military [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 73,316
Rating: 4.9155674 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper, Surplus Canteens, Military Surplus, Canteen, Armies around the world, Collection, Militaria, Collectables, Sportsmans Guide, Water, Military Canteen, Europe, Germany, Czech, Bulgaria, China, U.S Army, Sweden, Danish, Denmark
Id: dq6AyW4ZyUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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