MikroTik VLAN Configuration.

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hello guys so in this video i want us to go through how we can set up and configure vlan uh in our microtech routers so basically what i have here is a microchip router and we are going to add different devices to it so that we can configure the valence so that we can also be able to see how the different ips of the separate vlans will be assigned to each and every user so basically we can set up maybe a few devices so let me start adding a few devices that will be connected to this microtech router that i have i'm going to add another micro tick there i'm going to add maybe a third micro tick and maybe just i'm going to add also a pc so for this video we are going to set up maybe three uh vlan for for our main micro t counter so maybe we can just add a few nodes over here such that we give them the different ips so we have we are going to have vlan 10 vlan 10 of which we are going to use 172.10.10. [Music] dot one slash 24 then we are going to have vlan 20 which we are going to use 172 about 20.20 but one slash 24 and maybe we can just add another villain maybe vlan 30 which we are going to use 172 [Music] 30 30.1 24. so those are the ips that we are going to use for the separate vlans that we have so let's start by now connecting these devices to our core microtic router here maybe we can rename this and say maybe this is our call apply yep so let's connect these devices let's link them up so ether2 is going to go to let's say if it has zero then if the three is going to go to zero here as well uh ether four is going to go to eta zero of the pc so basically that is how it's set up so the next thing we need to do is we need to login into a microchip router and now start the configuration so i'm going to log into that microchip through winbox as you can see here it is the body is chr this is a cloud hosted router and the configuration that i'm going to do this is going to work similarly as as it would if you do the same configuration on just a physical router that you have with you so we log in it's going to ask us to input a new password for info change so as it is we already inside our core microtic router we can come and maybe set the identity here to call as well okay so we need to maybe make a bridge of some of these networks that we are going to use or even if you you wouldn't want to make a bridge because this uh as you can see our our devices are connected to different ports so okay for now let's not make the bridge what we will now need to do is to create the villain come to the interface come to vlan and add so this is going to be vlan 10 the villain id is going to be 10 and this is going to be on ether let's come back to our diagram again so we want this to be this micro tick 2 over here to get its iep from vlan 10 and as you can see it's connected on it this is definitely the third part [Music] okay we go back to our micro to our wing box this is uh ita iii because we have eta one and eta two have been taken by our let me show you itawan and ether2 have been taken by our cloud and our not i'll give an explanation of that maybe sometime later on so this is connected to eta3 so the interface is going to be ether3 apply okay then we add the next one let's say this is going to be vlan 20 the id is going to be 20 and the interface is going to be one two three it's going to be four apply okay we come to the next which is going to be vlan30 the interface is the villain id is going to be 30 and the interface is going to be one two three four it's going to be five apply okay so we now have okay see there's an error here let's rectify this this should be 10 apply okay so we've now added our valence on our call microtech router so the next thing that we need to do is we need to assign the ips that we we said right here this we need to assign these ip addresses to to those vlan ids so the next thing that you need to do you come to ip address then add our first ip is going to be one 24 and this is going to be on ether three apply okay we need to add the second one which is going to be 172 but 20.20 dot one slash 24 this is going to be on ether four apply ok then we need to add the last one which is going to be 172.30.30 [Music] dot one slash 24. and this is going to be on ether five apply okay so the next thing that we now need to do is uh we need now to to configure our dhcp server so you come to ip dhcp server then dhcp setup we're going to assign that to interface 3 next the ips 172.1010 0 that is the address space everything the dhcp network looks good the address range also looks good because now this is going to be the ip pool that these uh device are going to be pulling from so next maybe we can change this to 8.8 to 8. next list time is 10 that's okay and setup is complete for the first one we need to set up the second one okay just a dhcp setup we need to set this up for ether 4 next next everything looks great next next next next finish the last one oops setup this one goes to ether5 next next next next okay we are now done so after doing this configuration our device is down here these devices should now receive the different uh ips that we've created for the villains that they are connected to so what we now need to do to confirm the same we now need to log into these to these [Applause] devices individually so that we can be able to see the iep addresses that they have been given so to log into this microchip over here through inbox uh dns 3 has provided a micro tick per se that is has provided a protocol that we can use to connect to it through gns through gns3 and that is roman so what we need to do is we need to activate roman for this device for this device and also for our core router we need to [Music] to enable roman so for them for our first score machine router that is all we need to do is come to tools roman enable okay that's it so for this we first of all need to get into it using the console so we'll come to the console web console uh the default login address for micro tickets admin the password is blank you'll say yes for y then it will ask you to input a new password one two three four not an advisable password but for demonstration purposes one two three four enter so as it is now we are inside that micro micro tick router we want to enable ramon so that we can be able to log into it using micro tick so to enable roman through the console what you need to do is just say tool roman [Music] uh enable to roman set enable yes and it said we can also maybe give it a name by saying like system identity set name maybe we can say take two just for demonstration that's it so we also need to enable roman for the third micro tick which is this so we we also need just to come and click on it right click and open the web console and good thing about gns is that the web console will just keep opening on one page and different slides as you can see here so it's admin and no password for now yes it will prompt you to input a new password we'll also do one two three four one two three four we do the same to activate roman so we say tool roman set enable yes enter let's change the id we are going to say system [Music] identity set name maybe we are going to say tick 3 enter so for these two microtic routers over here we are now able to log into them through mic through wind box so what we need to do is we need to come to our first microtic router which is the core microtic router we had then come and open a new wind box and now for you to get access to to the two other microtex that we had you now need to come and say connect to roman our password for that microchip was also one two three four then you say connect to roman so we are now going to see the roman neighbors we can see tick two we can see tick three so let's login to them the password is the same okay that is stick two and we now need to come to ip because now this is going to be a dhcp client address and you can see now it has been given the ip of 10 that is a let's see the ip address that has been given to the next micro tech router that we have more win box let's connect to roman and tick three there it is then connect then we also need to come and check the ip dhcp client yeah and you can see that it it also now has an ip of 10.2 that's the ip for that and [Applause] this is uh also now that is our call just a minute ip address and you can now be able to see that the iep addresses are different because of the vlan configuration that we have done to our core micro tech router so that is how you do the configuration for the micro tick and we can also maybe check for the pc we also will also access the pc through the console so it come and say right click open web console and we already inside our pc so what we need to do is uh configure the pc such that it's also able to receive an ip that is a an ip dhcp client so how you do this for from dns console what you need to do is just say ip dhcp enter and now it's going to it's now going to search for an iep and you can see it has an iep of so guys as you can see these are three different uh devices connected to one router and vlan is configured and you can now be able to see that they have different uh iap addresses maybe in our next lesson we are going to go deeper into villain where we will now talk about trunking villain trunking we also going to talk about management and stuff like that so for now we'll end the video from there please guys be sure to like subscribe and leave a comment so that i can also be able to know what you think of my videos and what you need me to do next so guys from for me it's goodbye see you next time
Channel: Mr. WISP_254
Views: 1,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mikrotik, ubiquiti, ubnt, pppoe, hotspot, wisp, bandwidth management, xceednet, network, wifi, mr.wisp254, Mr. WISP_254, brian onuko, onuko, oktiq, internet, vlan, unms, unifi, unifi controller, static ip, ip, mikrotik configuration, ubiquiti configuration, wisp africa, haplite, winbox, mikrotik for beginners, ubiquiti for beginners, tenda, tp link, tplink, router configuration, router, dashboard, dhcp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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