MikroTik Tutorial 14 - Full Bandwidth Management pt2 - Queue Tree

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and I will do that is will go to Q's so what accused just closed off this and then we are going to use Q tree so before in a previous video I will show you know to use simple cues but now we are going to an advanced Q which is q3 so we're going to create a queue so the before I create the first I'll create an ik you let me just give you a brief overview about the queue above q3 so the difference between simple Q and Q 3 Q tree is that with simple queue the queues are angled in order so the first queue at the top of the list so let me let's jump back to this so the queue like this queue at the top of the list would be undo before and excuse you realize there's a number so it is is that this cube annual before this one and this one in this one so if for instance you are found say 20 30 queues then the person that is at 30 that person would actually get the target in traffic last however with queue tree all the Q's are processed at the same time so that is the big advantage that huge tree of over over simple queue all right it isn't it require more configuration to get its work in but it's much better and it's more efficient so with the other qq3 and we're going to call this one all bandwidth or bandwidth and the parent is global and this marking so I'm going to use in a mark and then we're going to set a limit marks limit which is the maximum traffic that will pass through this rule so but this this rule will be managing both your upload and download so we're going to create one called so when based on the connection speed so I'm going to set this one to say 10 10 megabit and the priority when you set it to 1 so the purpose of the priority is as it says this queue will get more priority over other queues that is the purpose of the priority so certain queue that you want to get traffic class or the things that are more important of others like voice voice over IP traffic or browse in traffic you can prioritize your gear traffic so we're going to okay this make add on another queue I'm going to call this one download and the parent know is going to be all bandwidth so this Q will be a child of all bandwidth and then the packet mark would be client download so this will be all the download traffic and then the queue type to type would be default then leave that default and the priority would be true so wanted our 1 priority below the mean q can you set the bandwidth of 10 gigabits per second supply it up and click the next one for HTTP traffic the HTTP download and that will be a child of download and if your see you know where the rules that we had created in model rule those rules are no right now using those rules are the pocket marking we are now using them to create the q3 so download the GP download and when they give us a priority one then look a bit and create another one for all right so going to create a queue for other any other traffic so other download not going to be the parent will be downloads priority one selector six so I'll describe a lower priority and then the mock snow will set at two five five megabits for that they realize the the queues are no in IARC al-manar they're in a higher grade mana so we're going to create some cues know for upload and then the parent know would be our bun which is going to be a period of that I have no particular mark in the pockets and then the max limit so might depend depends on your connection you might need to change the mocks matter fact you might need to change all of these limits depends on your connection depend on your connection so if you have a say for instance you have a upload speed of say five twelve you would put it like this so the five twelve kilobits per second you put it 512 and put the key give it is 512 kilobits are entering saves 128 or anything that night that is Paquita bits and four megabits if it is say a two megabit connection you use a two and am for that so I'm setting mind to one megabit okay and now I'm going to create upload rules of role opera upload queues for HTTP traffic for similarly to the download I'm going to create out a road so I'm going to set this to prior to 6 bucks to 1 when you trade a pocket Marnell to eg TP up okay serialize them put it on upload so I'm going to change that because a parent should be upload right so now that is how it's supposed to be going to do other when you set a limit to 512 K in the topic of this priority suppose to the prior to 1 I want to give HTTP traffic high priority all right so peer-to-peer we're going to create some peer-to-peer queues so when great peer-to-peer download queues first download p2p download pockets we're going to give that party it oh one other thing that I've missed thought just going to do that shortly are I didn't set the the queue type so I'm going to do that after this for all of the manual to explain whatever what the queue type you should use for this so I'm going to set the limit for this to tool to the 6k okay then we'll create a next eat up here create a parachute or upload I'm going to be four parents can upload peer-to-peer up and limit at 2:36 you think I'm going to make an exchange to limit a peer-to-peer download and with increases to say one megabit download or download all right if you're not seeing these two these columns in terms of the max limit are the limit that you can click you can click here show columns and select additional columns that you want to to see in your listing all right the next thing one thing that I left those I'm going to go through that quickly is the queue type so you're seeing we have default default smart small and all of these one that we are really considered that we are going to use is the PC Q so it mean per client queue what that does is that let me show you something quickly so this is an example of a PC Q and what it does say friends I have a 512 connection 512 K internet and one user is currently connected then that one user will get all the bun weight however if two users are connected that banner it is split equally among those two users and if see if seven users are connected it split equally across those seven users so that's all happen if the PC Q rate is equal to zero which that is what we are currently using which is the default default is set to zero and that we the apartment is really spread equally so you'll need to really worry about the MOX bandwidth per se if everybody is connected everybody will get some some of the Bandit so I'm going to use pc q download for download traffic for all the download traffic oh I didn't set the order for this I'm just correct that we realize that creating these queues is quite a number of steps and it might take a little while you cannot use it you will make mistake but you just need to go through and check out they go along so I'm going to those so for all downloads I'm going to use the pc q download default and then now for all upload I'm going to use pc q upload default all right so now I've created all the Q's so I'm going to show some more columns just just going over this window so you can see I might add some more columns so I'm going to show you the parity I'm going to add this the Q type we are seeing the qtek that is being used to realize we are using default for this because we want to really split up the bandwidth in this area based on the traffic and then pass it through download and about download limit is 10 megabits all right and this is the average rate alright so I'm going to do a test no to show you like the elements of the queue so what I'm going to do just for this test I'm going to reduce the download to one megabit just by this test are no no I'm going to leave it as this so I'm going to research so you can select all our reset counter reset all counters and the reset all the counters to zero and then I'm going to do a download and test that alright so now I'm going to do a download test I'm going to download a file you realize I'm using HTTP so this is the URLs if you want to do a similar test you can use you can go to that URL and do a download test so I'm going to download a 1 J Omega bike file it's going to save that and then you're going to see the queue in action so Fe no because I'm using I'm browsing this really browser in traffic he realize that the queue is no working so it's no queue in limiting the traffic to 10 the maximum of 10 megabits it's limiting the traffic so that is the queue in action when it is read that mean that et percent of our more of that queue limit is being utilized at the same time I'm going to do one for our current alright so I'm going to do one pattern so starting here I'm downloading Ubuntu I'm going to start up nut and same time we're going to watch the peer-to-peer going to look at the peer-to-peer tube and see what is on in the matter I'm going to stop the download and the password on load alright so now download us the peer-to-peer download I've started and you're seeing where the peer-to-peer traffic is going to so no you can actually limit peer-to-peer traffic on your networks so this is quite limited to one megabit and two peer-to-peer upload this is the current upload at least taken place so you can actually limit those those traffic so if you have a problem with peer-to-peer traffic on your network you can limit those but one thing to note is that based on all peer-to-peer works you realize that some of the peer-to-peer traffic goes through the other connection so the other download queue some of the traffic goes over that queue so in order to manage that traffic much better you could limit the other data download traffic 3 1 megabit so now you will have a better control over peer-to-peer traffic and at the same time maintain the quality of your browser so if I go back to browsing and resume download I resume the download you see where the download speed gets priority over the upload so typically so this is all you would configure your cue tree and it might be a involved process but it really works and you can change the values and make it even much better so that's it for this tutorial I know that you stab it's longer than the others but it's a lot of stuff and I hope that you enjoy it and if you liked it please give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed already please subscribe so thanks for watching and stay tuned for more videos like this bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TKSJa
Views: 128,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mikrotik, routeros, router os, router, wifi ap, network, network configuration, Mikrotic router configuration step by step, wifi configuration, mikrotik setup, routerboard, Winbox, routing, networking, security, ACL, CISCO network, WISP, QOS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2017
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