Mikrotik Hotspot+M-tik voucher gen+Bandwidth Management

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hello mangaka mikrotik uh for this video uh we will set up a hotspot plus bandwidth management for this tutorial is voucher generator empty voucher gen in gaga meeting and then young bandwidth management [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see similarly nothing guys by the way uh no default configuration you know i think microtech i'm using rb951 ui so young local lan is two three and four then ethernet five on gagamite hotspot paras outdoor and then yeah bridge now hot spots [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] then check settings for ip firewall rule [Music] so similar nothing guys dynam bridge okay so click the long tung plus sign then the name long nothing is local or as is [Music] yeah then okay then next is easy set up nothing young port okay at tayo then set up nothing new port two us local lan so i'm connecting to ethernet to become a disconnect tile guys click okay then add the nothing [Music] then okay then your internet 5 outdoor access point so internet five then young bridge bridge has hot spot okay then okay then again step [Music] check ip firewall so settings open molecular bridge at the settings use iv firewall then ok then you next step nothing but the next step [Music] addresses for local [Music] and hotspot [Music] okay [Music] dot 16 that 10.1 24. then your interface pipeline young bridgeland paris aloha then apply okay then government i know address for hotspot then slash 24 then interface filling your young bridge hotspot again apply okay [Music] addresses [Music] next is yo dhcp server for local onion [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] server [Music] then connect iosa internet [Music] using ipdhcp client okay ip dhcp client attire then please nothing you adding one interface which is ethernet one at default route yes nalang use pure dns yes then okay nothing not bound then [Music] then you're [Music] source nut then out interface you're nothing one ethernet one then action mascara click ok [Music] i'm sorry then set nothing young wireless at the same time he had nothing just a bridge for hotspot so young wireless nathaniel wl [Music] five [Music] you [Music] access point ap bridge [Music] [Music] [Music] wireless then bridge and hot in yeah then click your okay okay then [Music] router system reboot yes so you know i think initial setup guys so the apatomy ip address now [Music] connect io via ip address nina mac address [Music] hotspot configurations but the link [Music] then connect papaya [Music] okay [Music] ip hotspot [Music] then server hotspot setup click then hotspot interface bridge hotspot [Music] [Music] [Music] okay next again password then next [Music] okay [Music] [Music] just to give you an idea [Music] mangel using connections eight and bytes [Music] pocket markings a bandwidth management magaza [Music] so click plus sign forward chain then punta taya's advance so in big connection uh 1m but us depends on 1024k for 1m up to unlimited okay zero then your connection is eight so big connection sha edition ganetta [Music] your action attend mark connection connection mark big gun [Music] so go an attentional comment big connection okay protocol tcp then apply nothing sha okay nothing rule for udp connection comment change nothing to [Music] chain connection mark and big connection then action mark pocket so for this tutorial pocket meeting and pass through no then click ok so you're now attending big connection so government small connection [Music] rule comment nothing small connection click ok forward chain protocol tcp then punta tayasa advance connection byte 02 one zero twenty three k let's say you're not in big connection is one zero twenty four to zero then your connection rate zero to one hundred k [Music] or small connection then action mark connection win attention small con [Music] udp then click okay come on i am comment okay okay [Music] so youngsha then gagawan pocket marking worldwide chain connection mark small con action mark pocket [Music] light pocket pass through no and okay [Music] foreign [Music] it's a big one and it's a small corn [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing much download [Music] okay [Music] m okay we go now to next step so download thailand [Music] [Music] m net framework so install nilanto then after you may install mcgregor start gaining pc restarting microtech you know [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] then double click now [Music] m [Music] vulture generator [Music] [Music] young [Music] wrong username and password [Music] [Music] dashboard [Music] so right click then add profile okay so for this one for example one day validity two days okay one are for example one are validity share user uh one lang then rightly meet your upload one nothing download feeding individual [Music] then [Music] one day validity share user one download validity day one then price [Music] then auto delete the laptop [Music] then right click delete profile okay [Music] validity [Music] auto remove voucher so young script gagawashing scheduler [Music] system scheduler again [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign copy paste your language then enable okay [Music] guys [Music] foreign [Music] profile [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] pocket [Music] and [Music] yo [Music] [Music] upload download login okay in priority modify so for this tutorial the long pocket marking long so [Music] ornament [Music] okay then you log out copy paste your end okay [Music] [Music] and [Music] foreign so onion work around and work around jen settings [Music] profile [Music] then say [Music] degenerate tire support id to generate then voucher template emitting qr1 then choose server hotspot user and password length so for long for this tutorial then gagawa muna tayanan tatlaw user name prefix [Music] [Music] username and password [Music] for this tutorial then young format young username padding number wedding letters depends for this tutorial random young username and password random then same profile hotspot so go atta for 1r validity then uptime so see the nominee [Music] [Music] then generate so missing word with name rate limit so [Music] then okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] configuration so time dashboard okay [Music] [Music] okay [Music] 32 say one then log entire [Music] [Music] internet [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and reconcile your magmodifying portal using adobe dreamweaver notepad plus plus or young front page microsoft front page [Music] so internet tire [Music] pressure active [Music] scheduler okay [Music] so quantize the system [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mag disconnect n [Music] so delete melon [Music] hot spot [Music] by the way guys indiana [Music] [Music] b [Music] [Music] [Music] so that's it guys for this tutorial [Music] please for don't forget to subscribe to my channel ramming salamat at mabuhaya
Channel: Marcopolo
Views: 5,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MikrotikHotspot
Id: BwVGu5A679w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 2sec (3122 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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