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hello everyone and welcome to a really spectacular game from the Spanish league honor division between gookish and gawaine Jones uh I've received many many suggestions to show this game but I was like okay I know that gookish is like really dominating and he's winning pretty much every game so naturally you guys are uh suggesting games that he played but then I saw the game and I was like yeah okay I I realized why you guys were suggesting it so we are going to discuss many things in this video uh like just how many Indians are there in the in the world's top 20 classical players and many other cool things but first we need to check out this game uh so it's gookash versus green Jones bookish has the white pieces and he opens with D4 and the ratings below their names are their classical ratings uh as they currently are not the live ratings as you guys always um say uh that that I've uh like these guys rated this much and then uh well you know what I'm talking about uh but yeah okay plays the 4 we have Knight to F6 C for G6 by Jones Knight the C3 and the D5 we have the grunfeld defense on board and the most popular way of dealing with this is just C captures and D5 but gokish goes for Knight to F3 yeah he goes for the three Knights variation and of course I know you are wondering if Knight the C6 is the Four Knights variation of the groomfield and in fact it is not as it's not a good move so don't play this so Bishop to G7 by Jones and now Ponte E3 we have castles and sea captain D5 Knight captures and now Bishop the C4 uh putting pressure on the night tonight the B6 can be played you can challenge the bishop but also just Knight captures on C3 uh going in a in a more classical setup of B captures in C3 and pawn to C5 much like you would in a regular groomfield setup trying to put pressure on the center and uh take advantage of The Rook still being on A1 so here castles we have Queen to C7 and queen to E2 now of course if C capture Sandy for the bishop and C4 will be defended so this is all a very very known stuff and has been played before Knight to C6 with Bishop to A3 and now Pawn to B6 nicely defending the pawn here uh or rather you could for example capture it but then you just mess up your whole Pawn structure I mean you don't really gain anything this bishop just becomes too big of a monster Rook 8 to C1 aligning The Rook nicely with the queen and now Bishop to B7 and here there are some games where Rook after D1 was played also uh Bishop the A6 is a normal trying to trade off this monster Bishop but here we we have Rook after sorry here we have E4 by gookish and it is now as of move 13 that we have a completely new game so let's see uh how the game continues we have Knights day five challenging the bishop here and just the bishop back to D3 uh we have Bishop to H6 a very interesting decision by uh by Gawain uh moving the bishop away from this diagonal but it does make sense you you don't want white for example to double up Rooks on the C file or even just having a rook on the C file can be annoying with the queen on C7 so look back to B1 by gookish and now Rook 8 to C8 we have Pawn to D5 and now E6 challenging this uh Central Pawn structure we have Pawn to C4 and now Rook C back to E8 aligning The Rook with with the queen here so Queen back to C2 and now Pawn to F5 and um uh although this is a very nice Pawn break you can see that uh going really Advanced those Pawns in front of his King so it could be a bit dangerous with Rook after E1 and now F captures an E4 Bishop captures and E Capture Sun D5 we have C captures on D5 so he managed to trade off um strong Center but wilkesh at the end of this line is left with a very strong pass to D Pawn he has the bishop pair which could be very very important with the King wide open here imagine the Bishops on on these diagonals you do not want to see that and well it's just very interesting how how Gawain can even continue playing this here it seems that the only good move is Queen to D6 like you have to block this pawn and just hope for the best that's basically your game plan however he played Bishop the C8 he the bishop isn't very useful here so he wants to shift it over to F5 but now gokish plays a truly truly remarkable move uh and he plays Ponte D6 he gives up the pawn his prized past the pawn in order to open up lines towards the black king and this is just um well truly like something other out of the Paul morphe era here we have Queen characters on D6 not Catherine also doesn't help so Queen captures and D6 now Rook B to D1 now the Rooks are controlling the D and D file and it's very hard to find the square for this queen like of course if you go to here then Bishop B2 you you just uh you you just uh help out the white in in setting up pieces for the uh for the attack so Queen to C7 and now Bishop to D5 with the check and now King the h8 and of course Bishop to B2 with checks so what can you play here of course the bishop to G7 the bishop now has the return and Perry the the attack of the uh of White's dark Square bishop and now Knight the G5 I'm putting more pressure on this F7 square and here we have Bishop to F5 yeah trading Rooks doesn't help just captures captures and black is still left with with the same dilemma of what they actually do here so Bishop to F5 attacking the queen but now uh gookish plays a truly spectacular move he plays Queen to C3 and he offers his Queen uh which of course cannot be taken I will show why because it's it's just beautiful if Bishop captures in C3 Bishop captures with check now the black king really has no squares you have to block with the queen uh and now Knight to F7 with check the queen cannot capture uh the only thing you can do is capture with the Rook but then it's just a nice mating too as the queen of course is pin so yeah that's that's it and if you don't capture you can play King to G8 but now it also doesn't help you or just um getting destroyed here 96 check the King has to move again or you can block Bishop T6 it doesn't really matter everything loses the bishop captures King captures Knight captures Rook with check Rook captures an eighth Rook captures and E6 Rook captures sorry about that Rook captures an E6 Bishop captures and at the end of this very nice line uh White is upper full Rook so of course after Queen to C3 Bishop characters and C3 is impossible so here we have Rook capture Sunny one with check Rook captures anyone and fonte H6 uh but now uh uh Lucas actually has a beautiful beautiful forced Checkmate but I'm not just gonna show it to you feel free to pause the video and try to find the absolute best move for gookish while I give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on spotting this spectacular idea and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it is of course Queen captures on G7 uh I dropped the queen there sorry about that but I was too excited to make this move we can of course do it in slow motion there you have it Queen captures and G7 uh really really a wonderful idea and now it whatever whatever uh going does it's just a forced Checkmate in eight moves if we include the queen move that's basically a force Checkmate in nine so Queen captures Here and Now Rook the E7 and it was in this position on move 30 that Gawain Jones resigned the game as there is nothing more to be done here so what what an attack I will show you the rest of the game uh simply because it's uh it's a forced line but before we do that I feel that it is more than necessary to award good cash none other than the the legendary morphy head there you have it Gucci you have deserved it for playing such as in such a spectacular way giving up the D6 pawn and then everything just you know fell into the right place here you have no moves the queen can't move uh you can you you can't really do anything if you capture the Knight just Bishop captures on G7 and now you're just going on a nice King hunt King H7 Bishop captures and fade opens up a discovery you have to move the king another check now again you move the king Bishop F6 check you force the king down the board King H6 now rookie threatening Checkmate here so King H5 and now Bishop F3 check whatever you do let's say G4 doesn't really matter Rook to h8 will be Checkmate so however black plays this he will get checkmated in um well nine moves the most after the queen is sacrificed in this most most uh spectacular way not sacrifice but um given for the attack but this I mean seeing all of this um uh starting with uh just going not playing Queen to D6 is absolutely incredible after this just look at this D6 giving up a pawn taking control of the of the open file with rotate the D1 Queen C7 Bishop D5 check King has to move now Bishop B2 check Bishop has to block Knight G5 without a move leaving back basically without a move Bishop F5 and now Queen to C3 now getting out of the attack and offering a full Queen which cannot be accepted now Rook captures Rook captures and now Pawn to H6 and of course now comes Queen captures and G7 Queen captures and The Rook E7 and here going resigned truly truly spectacular and I know you guys are interested what does this mean for our standings in the in the world's top 20. and these are the standings so you can see uh Magnus still in first place of course with 2856 see it doesn't seem like he will be losing that anytime soon but he is a minus 4.7 uh after that lost the Hans Neiman uh so then we have ding uh also another member of the 2800 Club in um second place and then the the usual gang with Anand in nine still hanging in there in the top 10 but you have Arjun erigasi number 18 and good cash uh in number 20. he's currently on 27 30 and as he is playing more games in this league if he wins one more game he is very likely to overtake both Duda and Eric AC but then again like uh when we talk about Derek AC it will take a few more uh victories to to catch up the the to the likes of grishu Dominguez MBL mamidabra job of is that's another 15 points and that's basically a whole different power level uh so yeah that's the game and the the uh world top 20 uh standings hope you guys enjoyed the really uh spectacular game thank you for suggesting it as with so many things happening in the world I might have missed it as I'm not um you know vividly following the Spanish league honor division so again really thank you for such a suggestion and once again big big congratulations to gookish on achieving um uh such a masterpiece I mean this is uh this is a game you want to put in every book uh with tactics you know where you just want to show it to beginners uh and uh you know once they see it they will love chess for the rest of their lives that's the the kind of game this is uh so yeah and once again really hope you guys enjoyed it I would like to thank Dustin Lackey uh vasudevan sir nivasan and martial for your contribution to my channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you for watching and I will see you soon continuing to check up on your wonderful suggestions such as this one and whatever else happens in the trust world so thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 299,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, chess.com, play magnus, magnus carlsen
Id: Oyq2ckjOTUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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