Mikey Family & JJ Family - NOOB vs PRO : Submarine House Build Challenge in Minecraft (Maizen)

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today Mikey and I will have to build submarines in order to protect our families a volcanic eruption is coming soon I just couldn't believe what I heard are you kidding me right now let's just go to the laptop now and I'll show you everything I'm sure you'll be very surprised when you see what's going on there now you can watch the volcano erupt with lava he's destroying most of our village we don't know what to do about it we wanted to tell you about it take care of yourself and get ready oh no I can't believe my eyes right now is this really going to happen to us let's go Spin the Wheel of Fortune now in order to find out what materials we will use to build submarines I'm going to start turning this wheel now I hope that I will come across good materials now I will finally complete this task with great success I have to do everything possible to save my family aha I saw that bad materials had fallen out to Mikey now and he was very upset but I was lucky and there are high quality materials in my chest well now the moment has finally come to build our submarines I am sure that we will be able to do it therefore now in no case will I waste time and quickly solve all the problems that surround us we have very little time left we have to hurry up I find it very funny to watch him build his submarine out of such terrible materials I'm sure he won't be able to do anything now he doesn't understand at all what the consequences will be if he makes a mistake now I have built an incredibly beautiful submarine because it has a huge number of panoramic windows I can see everything that is happening around me soon I will arrange the necessary equipment to make it all look beautiful we need to hurry up because in the near future the volcano will start erupting and then we will not be able to get out of this place now I have already placed a huge number of chests in order to put things there it's time to put up death masks and laptops the good thing is that Mikey doesn't have such materials and Equipment he has to do everything he has I really like the fact that my family helps me a lot he makes sure that I do not give up in any case and continue to work I really have a lot of things to do right now that I must definitely finish but it's still very early to think about it I have to arrange things and decorate the interior of my Submarina my family should live in great comfort and not deny themselves anything therefore in no case do I stop I keep working on it great now I have already arranged a huge number of things that will be useful to me in life I already have washing machines laptops and more in this room I'm sure that when Mikey comes in here he will be very surprised that I did something like that no one has ever made such a beauty out of a submarine it makes me very happy I will definitely put an ice cream machine for my son and much more therefore in no case do I relax and continue to work I will still need to run upstairs soon in order to strengthen the frame we are his submarine the main thing is that everything goes well and in no case leads to bad consequences I never would have thought that such a terrible catastrophe would overtake us the volcano will explode in the near future but unfortunately this is the reality we have to accept it now I'm already finishing up with the work that's going on there's still quite a bit left inside to decorate what's in this room and I'm going upstairs right away I still have a lot of work to do there to be honest I like the fact that I put big paintings here and decorated everything with different plants it looks really modern and my family will definitely like it I never would have thought that I would be able to build a submarine so quickly because it's really a lot of work and I appreciate it it seems to me that Mikey built it terribly and no consequences of the disaster Will Survive he will surely crash and get upset more than once because his submarine will not stand up well now it's time to go downstairs and see how things are going I have a very bad feeling right now I don't understand what it's related to it seems to me that someone is down there I've been here for a long time now while you don't understand what you were doing I looked at what you really built in this submarine get out I don't want to see you and I've hit you many times now he's finally left my room I hope that I will never see you here again I'm here again and you won't just send me away trust me I will do anything to hurt you I was incredibly surprised when I saw the materials that you have inside right now I'm very tired of him that's why I won't let him come down here anymore I still have a lot of work to do and he constantly distracts me it really pisses me off he's probably going to come up with some other way to get in here right now I'm really wondering what he's really going to do to get in here because I have closed all the exits and in fact it will be impossible to get through here you were very wrong I'm here again you thought I'd never be able to get to you but you were very wrong I'm not just going to leave it like that I will definitely punish him for such actions so now I'm going to finish the job that awaits me here after that I will immediately go to the submarine that Mikey built I will definitely surprise him and make him very upset and regret contacting me great I'm sailing up to Mikey's ship now and I'm going to get inside soon I am very interested to see what he really managed to do there I wonder how much time he spent building this horror why do you call my submarine that he looks fine from these materials that's the most I can do no one has ever made such ships out of such materials to be honest it really motivates me to keep working and now never come near My Submarine again I see that you've already looked at everything go to your place yipp wow you're talking to me very badly and it honestly upsets me very much okay I won't stay here any longer because you disappointed me very much everyone go away I still have a lot of work to do in the near future you have no idea what it's going to be like great now I've already done a lot of work work and taken a couple of things from Mikey we need to hang a special bed seat now after that I want to definitely make an exit of this submarine I'm sure Mikey will want to get back at me in the near future but I won't let that happen so now I'm carefully watching what he's going to do I have a very strange feeling it is connected with the fact that he is probably planning something bad right now he will do everything to destroy my project I wouldn't let him do that in any way that's why I'm hearing some strange noises now we urgently need to go outside and see what's going on there I hope that my plan will work and I will be able to sink his submarines now with the help of dynamite I need to pierce the Hall of his ship and then he will go to the bottom in this confrontation I will definitely keep the victory oh no I'm not doing anything right now I don't understand why Dynamite doesn't penetrate it ha haa you naively thought that you would be able to blow up my submarine but this is impossible because it is made of the highest quality materials now is the time to go to him and also do something bad I'm madly angry at him right now that's why I'm doing everything in order to slow down his work and ruin part of his submarine go away I don't want to see you anymore I'm very upset that I couldn't do anything I see that you are constantly mocking my ship and completely do not recognize it of course it's really terrible and I don't understand how you can even say anything about this terrible project I don't have time right now I've already looked at everything I need that's why I'm going to my submarine as soon as possible I still have a lot of work to do it will take a very long time but surely Mikey will still want to come in here and ruin everything I've built here I don't want to let him do that so now you just have to wait for him to come here again I'm sure I've already conceived some terrible plan and then my family will suffer I don't understand why he's doing all this right now we have a joint problem let me go now I don't understand how you manage to catch me every time the volcano is going to explode soon but Mikey is constantly bothering me he's always bothering me I don't know what to do with him anymore why is he always trying to ruin everything I'm going to create I need to go upstairs right now and see how my family is doing after that you need to go into the water surely now Mikey is once again trying to destroy part of my submarine I'm starting to hate him incredibly much because he does everything all the time so that I destroy him you're hurting me now once again I don't understand how you can make me look bad I am very surprised that you have built such a structure I really like this project therefore I appreciate it with dignity I won't waste any more time because I still have a huge amount of work to do go to your ship and try to improve it we will soon find out who did it better so let's not waste time and finally he will never come here now I'm very tired of him I have a very bad feeling it feels like there's going to be some terrible accident soon maybe I'm just winding myself up I'm working very hard right now and to be honest I'm incredibly tired but it's definitely not worth stopping we have very little time the volcano is going to explode again soon I can feel it something is happening up there again I see that he's laying out dynamite and it's already annoying me I will do everything to make him cry now why are you hitting me now I just wanted to make fun of you it's incredible how you managed to get rid of me so quickly you're just disgusting I'm starting to hate you because you're always trying to make things bad for me but I won't let you do that anymore so if you have any problem I won't even go to help you wow I just saw some strange fish that has very big teeth surely they have sailed here now and we need to see what is happening there please save me because I'm in a very terrible position right now I am being attacked by toothy fish and I can die at any moment won't you help your friend out now get on my boat soon and now we can beat them I am sure that they will not have a single chance to get into this part of my boat I think that it is necessary to destroy them as soon as possible because they really bring us a lot of problems wow you have a huge number of different things that you can use to fight them I'm incredibly surprised now that you can destroy them without any problems to be honest it makes me very happy I'll be heading back to my place soon yes I will destroy all these fish otherwise you will not be able to just swim to your boat I am very glad that everything turned out to be realized the fish really couldn't ATT attack us but that's not the worst thing because I feel like a volcano is going to explode soon you need to be ready for this shoot them now shoot I see that there are very few of them so now I'm jumping into the boat and going to my place thank you for helping me in this situation great now I am very surprised and have never seen such creatures but this definitely won't stop me now I'm going down again and I want to do a lot of work there I already have a special plan for how I can realize my ideas I also need to put a huge number of things inside in order for everything to go the way I intended I don't understand how we ended up in this situation at all to be honest it's incredibly difficult to get out of it I'm doing everything to make it on time in no case should my family be affected by the explosion I have to do everything is planned I will not relax in any case I never would have thought that I would find myself in such a situation well I'm finally very close close to finishing this job Mikey's coming here soon I am sure he will be very surprised by the construction that I have already managed to build the main thing is that he does not interfere with my business and does not get in the way I am sure that he has already finished building his ship but he definitely won't be able to withstand the catastrophe that is about to happen therefore I will not even waste time on these Reflections and continue to work effectively Mikey will have to come here soon and I can feel it I see that there is a huge accumulation of toothy fish and they probably start attacking my friend I don't have any other options you have no idea how scared I was while I was swimming towards you it was really very terrible and these fish are constantly attacking me but besides the toothy ones there were others let's try to destroy them now one I don't want to leave it all just like that I'm in the mood for a Fier battle wow you're really doing very well that's why I'll support you now I'm going to destroy a couple of these fish they also bother me very much and interfere with construction the eruption of the volcano will begin soon and we are wasting our time on it I can't afford to be distracted by all this yes now I'm using missiles to destroy these fish to be honest I like it very much soon I feel that I will get an incredible amount of emotions from the fact that we will defeat them now I'm starting to finish building part of my submarine but in principle I can say that she is ready disaster is about to start and the volcano will start erupting oh no I knew this was going to happen now huge stones have fallen and I am very happy My Submarine is withstanding this terrible torrent of rocks that are flying out of the volcano we need to wait for the end of the bombing now and then immediately go outside I want to see how my friend Mikey is doing there I see that everything is going very badly for him therefore it is urgent to save his family and in no case let them get hurt now I'm urgently running upstairs and getting into the boat I need to get my friend Mikey out because he's in a terrible position I hope that I will be able to get to it before its construction sinks please help me I do not know what to do now because I am sure my submarine will not withstand such a terrible stream that flies from the sky I will be incredibly grateful to you now if you do get me off this terrible submarine I don't understand how you even thought of doing something like that I hope that all this will withstand such a terrible bombardment I am sure that in the near future there will be nothing left of your submarine as soon as the volcanic eruption passes we will immediately go upstairs and take a look I will only hope for the best it seems like the bombing has already ended therefore I need to go upstairs as soon as possible and see what's wrong with my boat I hope she stays safe I don't want to lose such a huge amount of materials I am now extremely pleased with the result but Mikey's boat was wrecked after all the good thing is that I was able to save him and I am very happy about it my submarine withstood a volcanic eruption that's how our incredible story ended thank you all so much for watching subscribe to the channel like it and leave your comments
Channel: Paper
Views: 890,867
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Keywords: minecraft funny, minecraft, funny minecraft, minecraft but, funny memes, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, noob vs pro security house, maizen raft, maizen lava securuty base, maizen nether base, maizen volcano, volcano house minecraft, jj & mikey, mizen, Maizen art, mikey turtle, maizen fnaf, maizen security house, hypercow, hyper cow, maizen challenge, maizen noob vs pro, maizen house build challenge, mikey family & jj family noob vs pro, mikey vs jj submarine house
Id: Rwh7P8iAk2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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