Mikes Redbar: Bad Friend Andrew Santino gets HECKLED!

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okay uh let's see we've got a lot to do here today and we've got to decide well I think I probably made the decision already uh we got a new heckla tape okay people love our heckla tapes this is where some some listener of ours show us up at a comedy show and they scream red Mar watching and interrupt the whole show and the comedian usually uh uh uh what do I do well we've got a new tape now here's the dilemma the heckla and his friend who have the same name I believe these are really I hope I'm even getting this right so the original red bars watching guy he's who we call the hecka however he's not the guy you see on all the tapes it seems to be different guys every time right but they're all working with the heck right on making these tapes happen and every time one of these incidents happens the original heckla is the guy organizing all of it or sending me the tapes um but it's always a different guy who did it am I getting that right because I think it's confusing for people I think people think the hecka guy is the one who's doing it all but I think we're calling anybody who does this the hecka as well now the original Heckler what he likes to do is people will go to a show they'll disturb the show they'll send him the raw tapes and he puts together those cute edits for us with the music and cuz these tapes could be kind of hard to follow they're not you know these people aren't the best videographers if you catch my drift now the hecka couldn't put an edit together in time but he did send me the raw tape and the Heckler seemed like he really wanted me to wait till next week cuz he loves doing these edits so this is our dilemma should we see the tapes now or do we respect his right to be cute and do his editing which no offense but we don't really need right whop but because we love the heckla and he enjoyed is editing these tapes do we want to respect his cuteness his right to be sweet cute and do this little thing that he's fallen in love with doing now I've seen the raw tapes of the heckled man I'm not going to give that name away yet but maybe we could do a quick little vote do well they're all going to vote that's why I said we're probably just going to be watching these tapes right now [ __ ] the Heckler right let's do a vote though just to see do we respect the heckler's right to Cen it well that's what I I'm going to ask the listeners was he more like oh I want to make an edit but he like please please let me you could tell he wanted to make this edit but do we really I've watched the raw tapes they're not that good I don't know what he could possibly do to edit these tapes to make it good so why wait but maybe that's why you shouldn't be seeing the raw tapes and we should always just be respecting the edit it's just going to be rock music fonts too low to the bottom of the screen which I like strange croppings which I like yes so what do people say have they voted press one if you want to see those tapes now [ __ ] the Heckler let's take the Heckler down press Che if Mike this Heckler has been very nice to us let's respect his privacy and not his privacy let's respect his right to edit the tapes let's respect his nobody's going to say two right they want to see that [ __ ] tape right now right one person says respect the hecka most other people say watch it now oh there's another two I respect we can't well don't say respect to the hecka just say one or two one means you want to watch it now two means you want to wait there's a lot of on there's no reason to wait except that the Heckler wanted to edit this like he always does how about this we watch it now the Heckler makes an edit we at it next how about everybody promises to forget what we watch now by next week so that let's like don't tell the heckla but in the CH tell who's watching now pretend that we're seeing it for the first time next week I love the heck but you know so do I I want to watch the tapes you guys want to see Andrew Santino get hack off all right we're watching the tapes but I mean we have to we can't be sit on this for a week here so this was funny throw up that post put it in next upep cuz people heard about this via a Reddit post first so check this out I'll show you this in a second there were people on Reddit going did you see what happened at the bad friends show with Andrew Santino and Bobby Lee you know they're doing these shows at huge theaters now every week they got to do two huge theaters big big big big big Andrew Santino doesn't work well in a giant theater I mean it barely works well at a comedy club but in these giant theaters I'm watching some of this footage and I'm listening to his echoey stale very basic Open Mic level performance I mean you guys saw cheeseburger right imagine watching cheeseburger with no direct audio from the mic and just hearing it from the back very unenjoyable I'm going are people even enjoying these giant theater shows where a guy I mean a giant theater show is supposed to be set aside for Legends the greats somebody who's really done this for a while that can command a 6,000 seat room andreww Santino is not that guy he comes on with his cheap little t-shirt and jeans from Target and just talks like a normal guy I mean there's nothing going on here you'll see what I mean here it is Red Bar is watching and this was the Reddit post that got everybody talking look at this bad friends live Minnesota very nice bad friends live um where was the okay here it is it's in the thread here on Reddit it says no one is talking about the young woman oh no that's not it got taken over such an awesome show the dude on the stage that just went to pee okay do we know where these comments are now they put this in I didn't see any oh look here it is this was the top comment when I first okay hecklers were on the balcony directly above me it sounded like a group of people it was I couldn't make out what they were saying but it was weird and definitely threw off the vibe for a second thank you hecklers would love to know the people sitting next to them's experience okay yeah I was wondering that too when you see this tape the hecklers are sitting there screaming and talking but there's people all around them and the people are just facing forward they're afraid to look back at the Heckler you'll see what I mean uh this I don't like to see Andrew brought the energy level right back up after that good to see no down vote that down vote that here's another one it was just yeah down vote that am I don't think I'm logged in it was just one guy shouting we were on the other side of the balcony not sure what his argument SL isue was all we could hear is him yelling hey Andrew over and over really curious what he was so passionate about okay probably Andrew Santino's cheating allegations in her you eaten decline somebody says that was so oh Ethan decline eatan declin nice somebody says that was so strange and uncomfortable any anyone know what the Heckler was trying to yell and somebody responds with red bar is w in also something about Andrew's hair plugs okay what was that supposed to mean no more questions no more questions let's see the tapes are you ready for the tape hold on I'm going to do something while we watch the tapes I'm going to do two of these oh look what I found the other day my old gun cool and then the of course found had a old plastic gun and then the bullets for the plastic gun very expensive rounds very expens okay you want to see these damn tapes okay yeah I was doing some cleaning of the drawers I found my gun and some bullets all right here it is Andrew Santino not Bobby Lee we don't get Bobby Lee I guess it's the bad friend show and they go upset separately Andrew does his stand up then Bobby does his standup but they did it to Andrew centino when I heard about this I was imagining it was like a podcast Taping that would be that's what I thought it was maybe it is maybe they both do stand up then they do a pod I don't know but here this was the uh interesting one and I'm glad that the Heckler filmed this look at this it's a video of the stage before the show started okay and it says get involved in the show be a bad friend okay so he was simply following the onstage instructions got it get involved in the show well he did let's see we've got two tapes here uh let's see this here it is I guess it's just going to happen and why is he wearing spy glasses I don't know what kind of equipment was used here today here it is look at this big theater and here's Andrew Santino bad friends okay let's take a look let's take a watch shut up shut the [ __ ] up everybody in yourse everybody in your nose I'm kiding [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm wait wait wait so it's tough to see here with this big thing look at Andre so you're ruining the shut that's what respot so hey Andrew hey Andrew Andrew red Bar's watching in his first you're going to ruin the show how would that ruin a show I just yelled it seven or eight times Show's fine let's see that go down again it happens rather quickly shut up shut the [ __ ] up everybody in your nose everybody in your nose I'm kidding I'm [Applause] kidding they're getting mooded sounds to make oh that really gives me some Power some energy there it sounds like there's a lot of people screaming from different leg screaming booing quite the chaos but listen to what Santino says person who's going sit down someone who's yelling oh yeah a lot of people yelling at each other now it Causes Chaos wait wait wait yeah that's what I want to hear you're going to ruin the show ruining the show they're booing you shano good night they're saying huse is women a weird thing to do that guy getting kicked out of the show Jared for giving it up for you for the hecka nice everybody knows I'm kidding I'm just kidding so what's interesting is you see the Heckler still seated now did Santino did we catch him saying he's got to go or something like that let's hear that again say good night what a weird thing to do give up for that guy getting kicked out of the kick him out enough of that guy let's see everybody knows I'm kidding I'm just kidding about that by the way okay so that's the most losery part do you see this he goes that guy's got to go blah blah blah but the guy is still there he's filming I guess it takes security a long time to get up to the balcony there Andrew Santino loser isly goes right back into the bit where he left off so no you're going to ruin the show and then once it calms down he goes so yeah like I was saying uh uh uh that sounds that's the fastest rebound I think yeah we usually don't hear that usually there's like 30 seconds of back and forth they try to address it they make a few jokes the crowd pretends that it's so funny because they don't know what to do but let's see watch this again so the Heckle happens and he go here let's hear the beginning what he was saying see if we could catch that sh shut up shut the [ __ ] up everybody everybody in your no [Music] I'm everybody knows just trying to go everybody know everybody and that's he's trying to do his bit everybody knows everybody knows he said that about six times now and he's going to say that again once the Heckle is over he's going to go so yeah everybody knows I mean that's pretty [ __ ] whack bro show say good night say good night what a weird thing to do up for that guy enough of that [Applause] guy see everybody knows everybody knows I'm kidding I'm just kidding about that by the way that that we can't live in a world let's see what happens next now the tape's just rolling we all know that yes I'm making a joke but when I read the article so he sounds a little thrown up he sounds a little amateur everybody knows everybody she was a little scared there right it's so funny to me and we've seen this with every guy that get tackled none of them have any good comebacks none of them you know they worry about hecklers a lot they've been doing this for years as well how do you not have something in the chamber for the Heckler you know you've got signs up don't they kind of want a Heckler because of all the Tik toks and stuff yeah don't you want a nice little video of you destroying a Heckler isn't that worth some money for you guys on Tik Tok there was a piece of me that was like you still filming and this is what I found interesting the rest of the audience right in front of the Heckler nobody turns around to the group of Heckler they're all just staring straight why aren't they all turned around and going what did you do why are you doing this you're ruining our experience they didn't care look at this guy he's very scaredly just staring straight at the stage which is too big let's see what happens is it never beened I did feel for a second you've been there and they're so slow at you're like are they coloring are they cooking D we were done you know this is the wildest [ __ ] is me and we spend a lot of time in Tex so much time okay some action here man they love guns they love guns one more time in you're out the security a that funny usually it's a quick throwout it's the police are invol why did he get so many chances so that you could hear the security guard finally comes up to him here and he goes one more time and you're out of here we spent a lot of time Texas so much time uh if you're Texas you know man they love guns they love guns one more time you're out where you in Texas they're like you want to she's looking for ruing the show thanks for ruining the show man did somebody else say that I think so thanks for ruining the show so the show to you is now ruined D you hear that Santino your show is ruined for ruining the show thanks for ruining the show man you're welcome we're good man don't then at some point I was like it's our last was our last week and I was like should we Bob was playing as Nintendo switch see what happens next he didn't even look up I was like do you want to shoot guns and he was like too loud like a dad I was like that's right buddy they are too loud huh they are too loud those things we're just waiting it made me think how right Bobby was this is how brilliant Bobby Lee is truly what he said okay I've got one more tape here what happens Heckler asked to leave yeah someone in the chat says go back he says Red Bar yeah in a whisper are you talking about Santino no I think somebody in the crowd just said that okay no big whoop all right here's where he's going to be asked to leave or asked to walk outside let's see what happens here whole minute Bob was playing his Nintendo switch he didn't even look up I was like do you want to shoot guns too loud like a dad I was like imagine hearing this echoey too loud too echoey but it made me think how right Bobby was and this how brilliant Bobby Lee is truly what he said spoke volumes because I thought I grew up this is why the Heckler needs to edit these things before sending them to me look at this cinematography this is what we get here huh it was funny how in the last video the security came up and he was still just filming and he didn't tell me to put his phone away here I think this is where I see this guy's head move let's see what happens here that's the solution you're never going to stop the gun problem in America you're you're never going to stop people from getting there's too many of them you can stop who wants to get a gun that's a good solution want to acquire a gun how changing the sound if you emasculate the sound of a gun got to talk to I got to talk to you outside nice would that help I don't know but I don't know a lot of talk very I love the escorted out the building thank you so much to the two new hecklers very nice we got Santino you ruined at the show that's what his fan thanks for ruing show thank you cheers to that throw in that new Buster Rhymes while we celebrate the latest victim of red bars watching
Channel: 444 clips
Views: 17,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redbar, mike david, scarsclub, jules david, taylor swift, kanye west, joe biden, donald trump, MLK, BLM, joe rogan, whitney cummings, bobby lee, santino, brendan schawb, chris delia, fools, radio, radioshow, swifties, cringe, notcringe, democrat, republican, jay z, drake, fool, drakesafool, ihatedrake, drakehate, hi, hello, funn, cute, girl, cute girls, television, late night, jimmy kimmel, TV, explosion, allegation, paul brothers, big mike, jake paul, logan paul, bill maher, steve-o, 444, mcdonalds, show
Id: nX7juTyStDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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