Mike T Artworks: Illustration by the Way of Sculpture - Mike Thompson - ZBrush 2021.7

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is up everybody welcome welcome sword deep what's up jenny max joe [Music] emotion what's up everybody welcome to the stream jmurf me what's good um so x-men today right like i've been spending a lot of time working on like a lot of time working on the bishop and cyclops and all that um i got a client that wants me to do some stuff and i got to do a bunch of x-men and i don't have a lot of time to do it so that being said um i need to sculpt these guys and get them in a cool pose and start to figure out how i'm gonna paint them and and all that uh doing well thank you thank you thank you um so yeah this is what i got um i always wanted to do a cyclops i'm cyclops colossus always like this dude um again this is one of those one of those things where plenty of people have done it before me especially wolverine oh my god everybody's done wolverine before me but um you know i gotta i gotta i gotta shoot my shot you know what i'm saying um as far as colossus goes my my my hero daniel bell did a one so great that as i was working on mine i was like let me pull the trigger and buy mine from sideshow before they're all gone so i have one coming myself uh probably next week i believe um without the uh without the lockheed but um i i dig his so anyway um that being said let's get into it i see there's not a whole lot of people in yet hopefully we get some more folks filtering later on but uh in the meantime uh let's come over here and let's move this over here and turn on my my lines here so i started to figure out what i want to do with his costume obviously i have to sketch everything out first um i'm gonna do that with um i'm gonna do that with the wolverine also actually i think i did do it with wolverine somewhere let's say open desktop desktop um i believe i kind of did that already um this one maybe oh no i guess i did i kind of figured it out right just a really super loose sketch but um oh another thing that i'm doing you guys uh i need your help um i am gonna be one of the people zbrush live presenters doing the sunday for me it's afternoon i guess morning for west coast folks um the zbrush live summit challenge thing where we have to reimagine somebody so i don't know exactly what i want to do i did start tetsuo from akira but it's not really a reimagining it's just my take on it so if you guys have ideas about what you would like to see me do it could be anything right like it could be santa claus it could be neo it could be whatever um just a fresh take on whoever it is i gotta do it and i don't know what i'm gonna do yet so i'll give you some help heads up i know i'm gonna get a lot of hate from this i'm not a big dragon balls guy so i already have people asking me to do dragon balls guys anybody that knows me knows i'm not really not really dragon balls dude i mean i could spite sculpt somebody probably if they said hey you can't do dragon balls guy then maybe i would do it but don't be reverse psychology everyone that's not cool all right just kind of figuring out i want to do this i kind of mixed up his boots from the phoenix force boots and the old uh i'm going to say john byrne version of these um so it's a bit of both a little bit of both ton of coffee for that yeah no doubt well i think it's only an hour right which is actually a short stream for me and the good thing is i don't have to do it's not like what other folks are doing with the um the sculpt off so i actually could come in with my guy like started already or half done or whatever i could i could do something that i've already started right but that's not fun so maybe what i'll do is i'll figure out a base mesh or whatever [Music] um i got to do a lot of this art and i actually even have to do a deadpool so i might be um [Music] save uh x2 stuff save yes i might be kind of messing around with the deadpool today too but if i come over here to this um you can see i have like low-res versions of the sculpts that i have going on and um i'll just kind of be noodling away on these today and keeping it moving alice in wonderland always seemed like a good idea imagine maybe maybe i don't know maybe like uh alice in wonderland but with um somebody you wouldn't expect uh let's move all this stuff so as you can see i kind of got the pose kind of figured out and have been working on the muscles a little bit i think i'm missing his ribs on the other side not sure i'm just going to keep keep on doing my thing on this also the hands are like really kind of crappy i know i promise never to do hands when i'm in here because it seems like i'm always doing hands and stuff but i leave hands for last because i'm not really excited about doing them so maybe i'll just kind of scope in a little bit and then move on to the next thing [Music] a lot of streaming so today i'm doing this tomorrow i have um stylist league and like i said we're working on uh anime stuff i'm working on my tetsuo and i wanna might be being like super optimistic but i wanted to do uh canada canada as well um we have ir sculpts on this week ian who is also going to be one of the people on sunday doing the um the zbrush live presenters oh god i wish i knew the exact name the thing for zbrush live not zbrush live for the summit um he's one of the guys ashley is hosting with paul gabery which is dope big fan of ashley a cubed want to get her on to uh stylist league soon um she's one of my faves saying and little known fact spoiler alert she is a woman so that's also dope we gotta represent females are doing big things so this is pretty much what i did for everything for this i kind of chopped off like i normally do i chop the arms and then kind of position them where i wanted and got them into a decent pose i think i have one of the originals where it was all cut into pieces on my desktop i think maybe not now see i do i just don't know where it is anyway what's up andy thank you yeah no i'm not doing the sculpt off sort of not sculpt off i'm not messing around with that i'm not putting myself out there like that too many good people that are way faster than i am so no thank you [Music] stay in my lane i think i'm gonna be smart about this too because i have two fists that are pretty much exactly the same i'm just going to do one and chop it off put on the other hand clean them together [Music] so so and i know i have the mush the muscles looking kind of pillowy right now i'll dial that back a little bit later but i just kind of wanted to get real big roided out muscles to start with and then i'll make them look a little more realistic um after i have everything laid out before i put on the costume i believe this is an old hand that i had on my original wolverine which uh i went back and looked at and not really a fan pose was very stiff um just not super good good to see where we you know how we progress so i was like all right i'm gonna steal the gloves off of this guy and then i got rid of the glove part and the only thing i kept was the fist and even that needs to be re-sculpted so kind of shows you where i was first started this all right what i miss uh oh show enough hmm sure enough could be dope you know what write that one down that's a good yeah jay murphy i think that's who that was right yeah all right if i go with that one i'll shout you out all right hey horsook i think i have some reference for some fists too somewhere now do right there nice thank you oh thank you thank you all right um do [Music] uh [Music] hmm transparency in the pure ref canvas um it's under the settings if you right click it and go to settings it's in here somewhere um colors background color here there's master opacity you just click on it and drag it either down or up be careful you don't drag it all the way down because it makes it impossible to see when you make a new one and then you'll be like lost um on the desktop so don't do that escape there you go [Music] now [Music] you got it hey marquette [Music] [Music] what's up s t n s w have you checked out the kryptonia collectibles by daniel bell no i have not you know that was a thing i don't know what kritoni is i like krypton [Music] [Music] it goes off all right so i'm not going to spend too much time on this hand i just want to get it a little bit better that was when i started and then i can do something fun maybe start deadpool since i gotta i'm gonna do so many guys and i don't have that much time i don't know what i was thinking about taking all the work [Music] wow [Music] okay good enough bruh what's up [Music] oh also i don't want the razor claws i'm gonna go with the claws that are rounded because [Music] it never made sense to me that uh when magneto pulled off the adamantium off his bones it's a deep cut there's some nerd comic book knowledge but when magneto ripped off the uh adamantium he had like bone claws right which look like bones not like razor blades so i'm saying um that being said i'm going to remake these claws because they're only placeholders anyway before i do i'm going to just because i think it looks cool i'm going to throw [Music] colossus in here kind of like checking them out like yo what's up what you doing dude [Music] well if anybody comes in late they can see something on the screen of just the claws [Music] [Music] all right so i'm going to use um [Music] i'm going to use the z modeler give this some more thickness whole thing [Music] some folding lines in here get rid of the ones i had before that made it so sharp do [Music] do nothing do a thing there it is [Music] it's a little sharper than i want all right let's see what i missed here uh hey what's up in india thank you thank you brand new to zbrush inspired me jumping nice john any recommendations for anatomy tools tutorials of books yeah actually i do i get a bunch um so you can pick these guys up fairly cheap these are the 3d total guys um and they have i just painted the the lady here uh because i wanted to be able to see the muscles um but yeah there are the realistic ones there's planar ones that are dope um there's a whole bunch of really nice models of these right if you want to go for [Music] more of the baller brand there is the andrew carr's anatomy um anatomy tool fella here right it comes in different colors but these are great because you can take off the limbs and check out them check them check them out or check out them up close right they have little magnetic things head comes off still it's even on lazy susan so you can rotate it around on your table uh so this is sweet it's gonna be more expensive than the smaller ones obviously and then as far as books go ah i have it in here i have a few good books um uh the one that i like the most uh hold on a second let me get it all right so big fan of strength training anatomy um by frederick delaviere there's the name right just pause it later and get the book but it has uh different poses like lifting weights and stuff different poses at the you know the machines you get to see how all the muscles contract and kind of uh expand and then there's this one anatomy for sculptors which is fantastic this is a kind of pricey book i think it's like 50 60 bucks but it's totally totally worth it so here you go [Music] what's up ml creative all right what i miss here yes yeah hoover has it right there strength training anatomy is my fave did you ever think of making blade oh blade would be cool writing that down writing that down thorn scenario i've been calling you thorn that's a long name all right blade like that thank you thanks rob chica you have a nice day as well all right uh what a mess mike thanks thank you oh man it's too kind all right so let's get back into it how i was getting ready to use this on my screen that would have been good it's a sharpie let's turn on dynamic okay so these are a little more bony still have a couple of lines that i need to get rid of here holding holding edges need to go [Music] [Music] and don't like that [Music] oh because i got rid of the line here [Music] you know the best way to do this i'm bugging is just do a cylinder and then bend it why don't i do that doing too much right now as the kids say just want a cylinder [Music] [Music] [Music] um hmm hmm two maybe four okay the one that actually does it though i don't really use this deformer so i'm not going to use this the one is that actually bends it how about [Music] this is too small how about i don't do any of that i just do this let's just pull it down something i really kind of didn't get into enough is the deformers i i do use them just not as much as i should [Music] [Music] [Music] my hmm uh okay there is my claw [Music] i shouldn't move this off the center of the axis but it's not a big deal just re-center it position okay now should be able to have symmetry again which i do good oh another thing that this is like some adhd business right here but cannot have the claws be longer than the forearms sorry i just can't do that i can't stand when i see claws that are on the other forearms because they got to go in the forearms there's no way that they're going to go all the way in and hide if they're longer than the forearms let's fix that i hate when i see comics and he has like his three foot long claws and his form is only [Music] two feet however long form is [Music] they do look small though i might make it bigger i might have just broken my cardinal rule in front of everyone and embarrass myself [Music] they look man tiny all right maybe they'll make it bigger never mind all right um aaron weld [Music] right i i know the guys at pixelout are gonna be mad i'm bringing up the fact that z modeler or uh i'm seeing modeler um polygrouping makes the same colors over and over and over again pet peeve i can't get around i have to bring it up sorry kyle in advance all right let's see what i missed [Music] upload on making blade all right maybe i'll do that blade that blade sounds good thanks titan can you guide me to classes for beginners you talk if any so john i do um i do mentoring for zbrush and also painting so if you want like some beginner stuff i can do that for you um or you i would say start on the pixelogic page for the zbrush classrooms because they're really good and it's all it's all free you know me i'm sorry about that bad what's going on outside what the heck is that [Music] um see i start there and um youtube has some fantastic tutorials for free and if you want to uh you want to dig in a little deeper uh just holler at me on instagram or something like that i got you all right let's see what these claws look like they actually might not be too bad i'm over here saying they're too small they might not be this maybe i just inflate them a little bit and i'll be okay oh they're kind of tiny jeez is maybe everything but the tips nah that's too much i'm going to size them up a little bit okay hello [Music] another one [Music] all right let's see um what else [Music] thanks dario uber great work keep up the keep up the great work thank you uber what's up boots [Music] thank you thank you thank you mid one does the magic sup what's up jay jay what's up man [Music] today's an old friend of mine that has helped me build two computers [Music] talk me down off a ledge when i was having bios problems i should get the job done yeah it might have played let me see what happens if i just do it a little bit just a little teeny place that's oh now let's try like five well i know they're gonna print well so that's a lot though maybe like two two yeah i think two is the one dynamic turn that on that that's it right there all right so now i'm going to duplicate these i'll tell you why sub [Music] get tool of the other ones delete these duplicate these let's call them clause just clause because they're not clause 2 anymore all right and solo all right the only thing i care about now are the end caps on these things let's turn off dynamic [Music] i'm gonna grab caps these yes and a little too much okay and we'll just group these all together and do an extrude [Music] i'll leave the ball [Music] just going to keep one of these and turn it into something that i want to use so let's get rid of all except for this one deleted close holes i really don't care about that end cap [Music] [Music] just making a little sheath parts that cover the blade um and let's invert them and flip this and then i'm going to give it some thickness thickness there you go [Music] hmm [Music] i'm just gonna add a crease here to hold the edge a little bit and i want this to be like low just drop it down to two oh don't delete don't delete the edge i want to crease the edge there you go [Music] this is better just making one and copying this because then i know it's going to all be right i'm going to do this a bunch of times oh this one what's going on here oh wait crease edge loop complete do the whole edge not just one edge [Music] there you go wrap this little centerpiece here masked everything else it's hard to tell i did not [Music] [Music] these are gonna be so small it doesn't matter if they're not quite right all right so now i got the little bullet cap things that go over the uh the blades [Music] so let's scale it up because i think it's too small and turn off that [Music] okay drag these straight across and just duplicate it doesn't make sense to really get them exactly where i want until i have the fist completely sculpted like right now it's sketchy at best so i think i'll just kind of get them in position then i'll duplicate oops duplicate these three and drag them over to the other side then i have something just there [Music] a little bit to me anyway uh [Music] [Music] well this isn't the fun part this is the tedious part actual sculpting is the fun part i feel like i always come in here and do two tedious stuff with you guys i don't want to do that i do fun stuff so i think after i get this squared away maybe we'll mess around with uh kind of figuring out a deadpool since i gotta do him too and again if you came in late i know everybody and their brother has done [Music] all these characters um but i love the x-men not gonna lie and i um and i have to do them for uh client um paintings so i figured i would sculpt them and then use the reference to paint guys makes more sense to me that way you know i can light it and get it exactly the way that i want all right so those are oh a um just okay i don't love them but maybe what i'll do is i'll come back to those later on fix that side and then do the other you see i'm stressing like just the little bullet caps on these things like that's stupid i don't do that uh alright so i will move him over here maybe get him in a kind of a cool pose angle like that and uh i need to do [Music] i gotta make a deadpool [Music] and i will start from i got this really good resetti base mesh that um looks like this and this is kind of what i used to make these guys uh rather than remaking the uh like redoing all the not the uvs but the polygroups and i guess i did have to redo the polygroups all right so i'll just show you what i did i smoothed out all the details and kind of resculped it up anyway but i like this proportions a lot so uh shout out to ralph grissetti one of the best in the game i will uh clone this let's call this deadpool whip [Music] and i think this is all make sure this is all one thing it's not it's not one thing all right so i'm gonna dynamesh this together this dynamesh hopefully to one thing take some time okay in the meantime let's see what i have here oh uh what i missed okay cool w okay good that's all one thing oh three million that's big all right i'll make it smaller so let's uh go over here jamie for jamar fire says how'd you get the boot in there so what i did for the boot was i took a scope that i already did and i went to my preferences uh gizmo 3d and then i did [Music] how did i record the gizmo reset the gizmo next gizmo [Music] i saved it is oh cam view sorry cam cam view maycam view all right so when you click on this what it's going to do is it's going to take all the angles of this thing it's going to rotate it around uh kind of shift it around and everything it'll save your model no matter what you have and then when it's done it stores it as one of your cam views and then you can like select it after you save it um which is what i did for the timberland i'm on the east coast we love tim's and i just did that scope for uh it's from a statue that's coming out soon so saved it kept it for myself detuned lo-fi mkbhd intro that's a lot i don't know what that means you said a lot of things explain it to me off space rob space yeah um yeah colossus ain't having it um okay cool yeah so all right i'm gonna take this and now i'm gonna go through and i'm going to see remesh it super low i don't really care if i lose the detail because i'm sculpting it all back in so i will turn off half let's turn this down two [Music] and maybe i'll do a half first because it's three million that's a lot so this is going to take some time think about it if you have any questions hit me up the idea on these let me switch to my camera [Music] is that [Music] when i paint these things i did some x-men cards once before and this is kind of what i did i made a juggernaut in the sunspot so if we look oh that's full sunspot so if we look at these that's what i did for them for their x-men [Music] what's it called [Music] ultra x-men line and uh after i did the scope uh you may think that this juggernaut is familiar why because it was my hope at first and i repurposed it to be juggernaut work smart not hard you guys and then it's still remission and then i did a um their ultimate uh or ultra x-men or not x-men uh spider-man and i did the same thing for these so i sculpted them um kind of lit them in key shot and did the cards [Music] i don't know what i was thinking usually two is my limit i told him i would do five and they're all due like super soon so that being said all right we have the base mesh here okay it's pretty clean let's do half again [Music] turn off half i'm going to set this to 10. [Music] let's make some groups make my life easier here [Music] so [Music] and look at that auto groups green and slightly different green green slightly different green purple slightly lighter blue blue green look at this anybody see a problem here purple purple green green yellow yellow purple purple the hell with this that's all i'm saying i love this program this is infuriating that's all okay i'm just gonna say that i'm gonna leave it be guys that's my pet peeve there's a one thing that's a pet peeve those are supposed to both be good that's on purpose green auto groups let's see just something that come on baby oh that was kind of different i went too fast all right just screw it x man thank you there you go maybe you just have to do one at a time that's all it is anybody else has that problem i know i'm not the only one it's arms [Music] gotta group yeah next group and the head is i don't care about the face this is deadpool when you're wearing a mask over here let's auto load these [Music] those are different and the hands [Music] okay all right so um everything is kind of the way i want it to be and now i can do uh z remesh keep detect edges keep groups let's say half and i will z remesh now hopefully it should respect these lines a little bit and uh give me a nice break so that i can deform it and post it the way i want um kind of kind of not so much all right so what i'm going to do is i will polish by groups or features rather check back the detail now i'm going to instead of saying half let's say 10 is the target and let's see what this does pretty good half tv mesh okay that looks looks pretty sweet actually all right so i'm going to save this and this is my base mesh now so i will call this start here save copy this and paste it back into my uh deadpool oh this is the deadpool okay all right so good i already have it get some reference here okay like right now it doesn't really matter because it's just a strong man so i want to make him muscular but not huge all right he's not going to be huge just get some good a little too diesel but i'll use him as a ref [Music] i also want to be about the i'm kind of making sure that my heights are right so wolverine if you put him next to colossus he only comes up to maybe his pecs i think he's short um and i want deadpool to be taller than wolverine but not as tall as colossus so let's get let's get him together wow he's freaking huge huge all right so here he is and your that down some does that that's weird that guy feet on the ground that guy okay i mean he could be a little small let's make small yo that is weird i've never seen that before why it's doing that but i don't like it let me save this all right so now the good thing is he does not have any um does he have some divisions let me see oh he doesn't have subdivisions why does he look so smooth i don't have dynamic turned on a hole in his head oh quick edit turned off that's not supposed to happen there you go sorry that was weird so you would think that i would be happy because i have really clean topology here but i'm going to screw it up i'll duplicate this and i will um use sculptures pro just to get what i want here to solo it yeah there's a hole in his face let's close that hole it's good hannibal group that uh let's divide it once delete lower now i can use my sculptures pro let's get rid of the ears a little bit dude and i'm just going to do this fast you guys have seen me do this before i'm just kind of figure out my uh end marks what happens when you have a whole bunch of stuff to do and not a lot of time to do it but this is good right i was talking to my son today about this and we're kind of similar because we both work better under pressure so um if i had a whole bunch of time to my hands i would take forever to do a piece c bishop which is like i've been working on it for years now and then i have colossus and wolverine about 75 of the way done in a week so that as well [Music] [Music] i used to think working from a base mesh was cheating but i mean if you go in and re-sculpt everything anyway is it you know i think you're just saving time [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] these are good like warm-up exercises to uh do obviously the more you do them the faster you get and when i really want to make sure this is right i'm going to look at all my reference and everything this is just kind of me putting stuff where i believe it should go [Music] to start all right done and done so um oh got holes let's close the holes [Music] that up there i don't want to do the ryan reynolds thing i like it but i mean people are doing that to death i'll just go with the like comic version all right have you tried the gizmo dynamesh and remesh you know i haven't tried that yet sounds cool though oh there's so much that i haven't really missed with when poly group colors do that yeah yeah all the time hey gabriel yeah you might have you heard me talking mess hit pause like okay get like the version where the colors are slightly different we're going to give you green and sage here is violet and purple reimagine spawn yeah you know i was thinking about spawn i was thinking about spawn eight heads tall yeah you know i i would measure it out um i guess because it's just for painting i don't really i'm not going that hard on it just yet kind of guess where the eight heads are i have done that though i just like to put it next to the dude for wolverine i put it next to him and when he came up to just around his waist i was like that's about right so let's see flip it it's here on the line and he's there let's turn off solo go back all right so oh i know what to do let's flip it yeah yeah i do want to do like something where deadpool is kind of facing off against cyclops and he's like dude you gotta be kidding me back up son so now we have some good guides i'm going to zoom you mesh again keep the groups now the only thing about when you use the um when you use sculptures pro it makes these weird kind of rogue polygon colors here right that's not good and then when you z remesh and use by poly groups it screws it up so i'm just going to group this whole thing and let's do it again let's say um turn off half set this to 10. uh copy this and secret mesh oh wait wait wait i see why i did that last time let's turn this down aborted by user i don't know there it is oh that's that's pretty damn son that's what i'm talking about sometimes z-remesh does like some really nice topology so i can't stay mad at you z brush all right so that'll work um i like that a lot actually actually i'm gonna keep that as my base mesh how about that that will be the base mesh let's project my history this is the old one i like those stuff all right i'm going to keep it as a second base duplicate divide object all right that's all i need and that's all step down now i can start to get in here and start doing my thing shout out to eric sosa who came on the stylist league stream with uh bradley and i and um and was kind of giving us some pointers as to his workflow he's got a really good one that saves a lot of time like i wouldn't be able to go through these guys as fast as i did had i not used the magnify brush never used that before i used inflate magnify does a much better job just kind of getting those forms to be larger and still retaining the shape that you want all right so big shot to him what i'm going to do on this is it will be probably more diesel than it needs to be and then i'll i'll crank them down that's kind of how i like to work because deadpool is not a it's not a really big guy just a little guy [Music] so [Music] um uh were you into traditional sculpting before i started uh no actually i went backwards i um i've been drawing all my life and painting and then i started sculpting because i needed reference for when i'm doing stuff like this right so i was having a hard time when i was doing the hasbro gi joe guys um figuring out how to get the gear and everything to look properly lit so i started off with dazz 3d and then poser actually then daz and then i had a friend who um was using zbrush and he's and then ever since then i've been using zbrush to um to help with my paintings so that's how that worked i did get into uh sculpting since i started using zbrush like monster clay [Music] so okay [Music] are you unveiling any new features update for the summit they usually do i'm not no no uh usually we do the uh the tips and tricks i didn't do that this year because i was too busy i did one for the last summit which would basically was how to make straps and panel loops and stuff not panel loops but stuff for your clothing on your person um this year i didn't do anything i've just slammed click save just in case it's magnified since i'm using amazon stylist league that's right jay a whole lot of good tips on uh on my stream with uh danny and and bradley you gotta check those out we got i think how many are we on now bradley if you're in here what are we on tomorrow 20 maybe 21. some guys in the system to complete is it possible to sculpt the sculpted miniature for 3d printing from start to finish without using z-remesh i'm sure you can i know people that only use dynamesh to do their whole thing so you totally could do that brain i need to let you set up the lights in an overhead room ui yeah constantly losing lights behind the dam okay magnify brush yes magnify brush 100 messages yo when is your zbrush course coming out uh comics legend i mean the oh painting oh like poly painting that could be part two so i have the oh it's on sale this week by the way if you guys haven't picked up my um my uh anti-venom of course um they have it on sale on uh art station uh so it's a good time to pick it up but um yeah i i was thinking about doing a poly painting [Music] um and and like prepping for 3d next like cutting and keying and all that [Music] all right so now this guy's stiff so let's mess around with the pose a little bit just to get him i know i'm going to repose him but bothers me to be so stiff uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh oh oh get a little bit of an s to this thing before i even get into the sculpt you know what i'm saying i want to do like a really crazy pose on him too because he's deadpool this is fresh right here it's really fresh i like that i don't want to do something that somebody already sculpted to but like this toy thing i could probably do i like the 2d stuff this is i keep coming back to this this might be the way to go that might be the way to go all right like the proportions from this one it's pretty good proportions i like those a lot actually yeah i got people in the neighborhood that love to play music i can't stand just saying i'm i'm sorry and rev their engine in the parking lot you killed it dude i'm becoming more and more like grouchy and like turning into that dude that tells kids to get out of his yard but i can't help it man hashtag okay okay all right another thing i'm probably going to end up doing is splitting this thing into pieces because i want to go hard on the pose um so rather than having to worry about destroying his pecs um getting his arms where i want him and all that i just slice stuff off and then start going crazy then i dynamesh it back together basically by pulling it back together his neck is doing some weird things uh so this will do save and if you just came in i'm taking suggestions for what to reimagine on uh sunday for the um summit kickoff i'm gonna be in there reimagining something right now blade is looking real good blade and um show enough from last dragon [Music] now um step up a little bit revive this again okay and uh suppose i want to do i think is this one it's the move right there let's start tearing in the shreds [Music] [Music] green and green of course it is at least i can see the difference between those all right that's cool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] batman ah don't do that all right every once in a while it'll give you a nice clean break and then if you you can't step down the subdivisions or else it'll do a weird steer steppy thing so uh just kind of back up and fix it so it's going to have this for both hands so i don't need these hands at all i'll probably steal the wolverine hands so i don't care about the hands [Music] thanks and feet red and red [Music] cool so now um yes i do want to ah don't do that oh yeah okay i do want to z remesh now i'm going to delete lower nz remesh style that okay [Music] so that should be doing its thing let's see what i missed um oh gross good let's try it again [Music] i used i use the tips for this maybe i'm on a knife so done gonna be a hammer dude [Music] digital painting [Music] oh uh a tutorial for that yeah i could do that you know what i get so much less interest on on painting than i do for sculpture i don't know why but i mean if there's an interest for people seeing the way i paint and short face mesh and finish the modeling t-pose before closing no no no i go right to the pose but i try to get some of the muscle at least the definition the mass figured out then i posed then i sculpt uh torso means seem a tad long nah because he's deadpool he's like thin and long so i don't really care about that mike tina house what up bee yoda centipede static shock yoda centipede please please expound on that static shock maybe legs are too short so i haven't changed any of the proportions of grassetti's thing so you calling brassetti out is that what you guys are doing calling garcetti out you don't want to do that um i was thinking reimagining blade wesley snipes great what do you think about the legs okay okay i think you guys need to have a conversation with mr rafael garcetti telling that to his face um okay i don't know why it's doing the whole [Music] bugging out thing when i zoom you mesh let me try this more time [Music] see we mesh curve strength all the way up maybe half let's try this turn a little bit try it again [Music] um static shot all right static shot b is pushing hard for static shot static on it and what was the other one well what's the yoda centipede tell me more about that mike can you show briefly how you make key cuts not straight cuts for instance curve cut on arm shoulder waist yeah i could do that okay that worked well let's do it again mesh back off okay now we're talking mesh time okay cool let's project back the history let's see if i can get it a little i'm losing fingers though but it doesn't matter i don't even need these hands these hands are nothing to me uh so that being said let's let's delete the hands how about that delete well maybe i'll split them because then i can tell the size split them close holes now do half mesh there you go now project history okay all right that works for me um key cuts okay so let's say i was doing say i'm doing this so let's say i'm working on this guy right and i want to you want to hide the cuts right so if i'm if i've got his deltoid kind of going into his bicep it's a good place to hide it because you have a natural kind of a you know separation there so what i did was i made the key and cut it away like this on his arm so that when i slide it in here like that there's very little i need to do to clean up that line it's pretty clean um so the way that i did that was put this back all right so the way i did that was i basically did the separation on the delt right where it's kind of hitting the um the uh the biceps here wrap it around the back to where it naturally would kind of like terminate on the on the traps and so now if i was gonna take this let's clone it okay uh let's get some detail back i'll just project the history back okay so now it's nice and clean so what i would do now is take these arms i'm gonna slice them off like this i would uh you don't you can't have lower subd levels so i'll delete lower and i'll split hidden okay and now i'll come down here to this and i will um so now i kind of have what i want right this is okay but what i probably want to do at this point is mask off this orange part and inflate it a bit right let's use the magnify since we're all about the magnify today now maybe i'll use a plate all right it's gonna kind of get this to be decent shape and then smooth it all right so i have a pretty clean clean edge [Music] right so then i put my key in there put the key in and i would merge that together so let's just say uh duplicate and i'll make a cube [Music] and if this is my if this is my key what i do now is i would just kind of place it where it needs to be [Music] saving [Music] so then i would just make sure that i could turn on the body now and i can see there's a gap there right i don't want that gap so what i would probably do is come back over to my arm solo it i have the part mask that i want to be masked and then i would just kind of drag it in a little bit right [Music] and you know inflate it or whatever just to make it fill this space so that i don't have a gap there and once that's done i can boolean the key to the arm and then clean that up and then i would do an inverted boolean where i take the key and the arm and i back it out of the body and then it's a perfect fit every time so that's how i do that i missed um [Music] fellow purple ui user nice shane yeah i like to call mine vibram vibranium purple okay so now i have [Music] this kind of the way that i want it um what i would do at this point is let's say no divide and project back my details divide history i do an awful lot of this and you would you might say to yourself like there's got to be a better way why does it keep going back and forth but every time i sculpt in these details and i see remesh i have to divide less to get the details back right so now this is only 153 000 um points but i'm keeping a lot of those details because i z remeshed it and if i step down you can see how it keeps the contours of the muscles because they're sculpted there right oh there's a method to the madness y'all all right so now what i can do is i can take the arms i know that i want to do some pretty extreme stuff with these arms i'm going to split these let's step up to the highest subby level delete lower split hidden kind of like i was doing a second ago and uh solo out the body close the holes all right those are closed same thing with the legs split those off split split split hidden close holes down the legs close holes arms holes all right so now i can start getting into this pose right so before i before i really start to break symmetry with this guy i want to figure out um his gear so it makes more sense to do it in symmetry than out so let's just look at something that looks pretty good [Music] ryan reynolds thing is pretty comic accurate so what i can do is start to just rough in buff in the gear where it's going to be it doesn't have to be great and also i deleted my um i deleted my lower subdivision level so i actually can turn on sculptures pro and i don't have to worry about really screwing up the topology i'm gonna give myself a bit more topology i'll just divide it again figure out this piece right here let's cut lines soup well this is good for me because what will happen is once i actually start sculpting i'll know where this stuff is supposed to be and even though it's not perfect i can reproduce it without having to have one side you know be up high on the other side [Music] [Music] i don't think i liked [Music] [Music] [Music] side [Music] [Music] [Music] i can't believe you guys were calling out rafael grissetti that's real messed up [Music] go back and look at the names [Music] um [Music] hmm hmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay face [Music] so uh what a mess when i miss when i miss um 90s biker mice from mars full throttle wow that's too deep a cut me too deep swamp thing is cool um sounds like a lot of work though for an hour yoda's centipede not as good a static shock okay bad idea hey bro what are you working on oh um deadpool all right you're right bro legs a little bit too short okay all right sebastian and paul red note to self reach out to rafael gorsetti let him know those guys are gun inform thanks so you first need to make polygroups when you want your cut's correct yeah it helps definitely helps it's good on the island i need to swap over not gonna lie hey mike how you doing what's up how you doing anybody of course touch on rendering your render there is amazing oh this is bpr thank you um it does not go into render how's everything else everything else uh exercise to help observational skills when which help with design excess etc let me think on that g is a cardinal sin that's right b something tell them um all right let's come over here and look my eyes are too far apart here way too far apart okay uh let's undo all of this figure out where the eyes are first and foremost [Music] oh uh sim oh man okay i don't know why i gave him pupils [Music] right [Music] all right so when i'm doing this it's like uh it looks bad until it doesn't so you know this is going to go through a whole lot before i get to something that looks like the wolverine or the cyclops or colossus rather behind it never off the bat look still ever another reason why i'm such a big fan of ashley she can make stuff look dope like right off the jump she's very good at sculpting stuff fast which i could never do i do find the more i do it the faster i get but like in one session she can do a whole dragon or something which is crazy to me [Music] [Music] yeah that face looks jacked up i'll get it not right now though at some point more interested in working on the pose so maybe what i'll do so that i can keep it in symmetry is i will kind of chop his head off the shoulders [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] figure out the rest of his gear [Music] thank you oh that goes down [Music] [Music] [Music] it's so fresh it's a nice one [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] do all right um let's see i'm going to save and i should be able to start closing oh let me get the spoons are i kind of like the one that doesn't really happens that's kind of dope i like that i'll just draw them just so i haven't [Music] if i do put them on i'm gonna i like that tall ones yes i'll do is i kind of put a couple of uh options and then i'll do little ankle joints just in case right um oh and this arms similar deal [Music] okay so i can figure out my pose here i'm gonna borrow from this one do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] split this too because it's going to be it's going to be a mess on this knee if i just try to do it without doing that split [Music] solo let's close holds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i'll be resculping a lot of this anyway so it doesn't matter if it really gets kind of screwed up it's another reason why i don't mind [Music] you know not really getting too deep into the pose or the uh the the sculpt before i pose so i generally end up having to resculpt a lot of it anyway [Music] got about another half an hour left you guys if you uh if you're around sunday uh 10 30 pacific 1 30 eastern um [Music] stop by the uh zbrush summit uh zbrush live presenters thing it's got a name you guys it's robert paulson um i don't know what the name is but check it out come check it out um i'll be in there along with many other dope sculptors ashley adams and paul gabry are going to be doing the commentary and we will be we're going to be reimagining things right just kind of what if samuel jackson was santa claus also samuel jackson totally could be santa claus i'll be fresh merry christmas mother so that's what we're doing let's take lose it i'm going to call this pose with oh i did want to split [Music] oh and the eyes [Music] this is where it helps to have low topology um because what's going to happen is it's going to get kind of ugly so maybe what i'll do is clean this up [Music] do so holes um all right now i think i will i don't want to do this i think i'm just going to split it into parts lit mast parts holes down oh take uh how do i do this i gotta sculpt it anyways it's gonna get ugly but it's okay up easier to do it that way it unmasked i find that when i'm doing these really extreme poses it's easier for me just to really slice it to pieces um and then fix it uh later kind of put it back together later that's what i did with my venom that's why i have like such an extreme pose on them [Music] and then i'm going to have a come on now i'm going to have its back arch up as well [Music] oh man i haven't answered questions in one time um and when are you gonna finish cyclops boots bro why you do that to me don't do that to me at some point at some point wu-tang clan a member of the group as a comic character that could be dope i came in late when you get a chance could you show how you project history how project history works yeah so um what i could do is if i come up if i hold down control or command on a mac and i click on the timeline slider here what it does is it records the history right so then what i could do is i could go and smooth the crap out of this like that right and then if i hit project history it should fix it all right but i'm using sculptures pro so it messed it up let's do that again smooth it it's easier probably just to sculpt something on there so like i just do this all right like that and then if i hit project history it should fix it okay easy [Music] i did not answer questions sorry i'm trying to get too much done all i'm in here is possible i'm killing two birds with one stone because i'm going to use this later on to paint deadpool meantime gotta sculpt them anyway why not just show off the process um i mean i want the arms to move i'll make sure the head moves on the eyes i want the eyes to move [Music] [Applause] that's gonna get kind of screwed up but it's okay sculpt all that back [Music] you know what i'll do that i said i was gonna lower the topology for this first so let's do a little d remesh and project i will take this whole part solo it out i've got groups my stuff i don't want that to be two groups i want that to be one group and let's see remesh this thing um i'm gonna say 10. see what else i missed [Music] hi mike what do you use to shade your characters alex from ethiopia um i just uh i'm using the bpr renders in here uh using my the the material i have the basic material that i kind of just tweaked it a little bit to pick up the um the occlusion a little better and uh and the specular it punches it a little bit so if i were to take this guy and let's go to something that you can see let's go over here okay and if we do a shade on him like a bpr it looks like that right but if i use my regular basic material really [Music] it looks like this so i will go to um it's easier to see when i have everything on here so let's get rid of these render okay layer bake create cheese so and this is especially good like i wanted his arms to have the detail of the um like this stuff in there then i do render with the one that i made and i render and hit layer make [Music] and you can see the difference like it just picks up more of the shaded areas a little more nicely and it pops those um specular areas a little nicely er nice early you know what i'm saying later merge yes these [Music] the arms getting there it's a little better uh let's actually try a target of five and uh let's check the details [Music] let's say half turn off smooth eject mesh and uh i'm getting greedy i'm gonna try one more time zebra mesh half okay all right cool step up project project okay okay so now i'm going to get a whole lot less deformation when i go in and do my posing which is good [Music] actually smoke that a little bit [Music] [Music] he's also got a bit of a twist going on so [Music] i don't want to move the head just yet because i'm going to mess with the head so this is going to look weird ask that [Music] oops turn off symmetry [Music] um [Music] grow this one grow grow grow grow there you go it's a lot it's one of those things where you got to play around with it and had i not had i not gone in and remeshed it down low it would have been a nightmare like this thing would look so jacked up still looks kind of crazy but i can sculpt back the things that are bad like really bad ish this is a mess kinda let's see here [Music] um [Music] just easier sometimes just to grab your smooth brush and just start messing with it until it doesn't look as terrible [Music] now had i split his torso from his uh from like his pecs i wouldn't have all this stretching and stuff going on so this is probably one of those ones where i could have done yet another cut and saved myself some heartache but you know this is like a good exercise sometimes i can see this arm needs to come over because right now the pec is all jammed up into it wait [Music] let's turn that off [Music] [Music] gotta be careful too because [Music] don't have cap [Music] masked [Music] oh come on or this one [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] gotta keep track of what's masked [Music] [Music] hmm that's crazy probably end up um re-sculpting the head by itself then placing it later because like it really doesn't matter since i kind of chopped off the shoulders anyway but so if that is the case let's see i'm going to duplicate this that off come back up to this one so now i can start to figure out like where the head's going to be and then i'll just fix it later way off the um off of the vertebrae or the uh for the folks that were talking about proportions earlier and like the legs and all that this is why i don't sweat that early on like that means nothing to me because it all ends up getting re-sculpted over and over again and i look at it and check the proportions and make sure it's all good after it's imposed like it doesn't really make sense for me to do it before you was messed up what you did to rafael garcetti though that's doing it son nobody's messing with foreign that's just basically a whole bunch of checking at this point right like just seeing what looks good what doesn't um what needs to be fixed what got broken in the pose and needs to be completely redone so and i could either just kind of grab these end caps and stretch them out or i could insert like a sphere or something and then dynamesh that into place fix it that way and then i get rid of the breaks and the geometry again if i missed any of your questions in here which i probably have um ask me again tomorrow night in the stylist league let's go over to uh youtube stylistly give us a subscribe and uh every friday night we're in sculpting something i'm working on tetsuo from akira bradley is working from somebody from i think fate stay night or something i don't know where this is ian sorry uh ir sculpts is working on um the new um all might from what's the thing um my hero academia yeah join us ask a question in there i'll be happy to answer won't miss it and uh and also you know what i might have a good time in there join our discord also uh stylus league we have a lot of videos on youtube of previous uh projects and what we do in there if you're not familiar with it is we will choose a topic and spend a month so four fridays basically getting it put together so you can see the process start to finish basically if you're not careful you might learn something before it's done so this is a little less uh offensive than it was before and this is kind of what i'll keep doing i do like that i described in where the details go because now it's one less thing that i have to try to figure out and i can start to make these suit you know details uh much easier now actually keep tweaking it because right now he's still very stiff he should be like way more whole lower body can be bent in some more let's see if i can do that while i'm here i think i've got a few more minutes oh i got two more minutes all right so let's call it a day for deadpool um and uh let's see i'll put him here he's work in progress um then i have my wolverine which is also work in progress he was looking kind of big compared to deadpool let's go back yeah okay deadpool's got to be bigger wolverine's tiny he's a little dude um he's diesel but he's a little dude so you got wolverine and then we have colossus so these are all going to be on something that i can't talk about right now but you'll see it when it comes out not the sculpts but the paints all right let's see thanks mj came in later when you get a chance to show how you okay i did that already let's see your characters did that already what's up nj going ham on the x-men trying to ashley who uh yeah a cubed you gotta know who a cubed is a nice song nice sick work hey there she is what's up ashley we're gonna get you on the show ash uh that'd be looking good um are you modeling by cintiq yes absolutely so i am on a city 32 let's get this to full screen yeah so it's not focusing but you can see big let's see that posing process thank you couldn't help uh you chop it up and reassembles cool could never get this way posing oh yeah you 100 percent can because i'm still working on getting better if you slice them off move them and recreate the filter why do i over complicate yeah man do that learning a lot now this is the thing if you guys are going to make like uvs and all that your uvs are going out the window if you have like a really nice base mesh with good uvs it's out you're gonna have to do it all over again but for me i don't care you know what i mean i'll make some quick and dirty uvs in zbrush and then throw in let's see i think i have my latest this was latest a couple more minutes on the cap i have [Music] just really nasty uvs and it worked out kinda nice zombie caps on the cap this is it no it's not [Music] all right well i have one somewhere please believe me let's see thursday yeah here you go all right so if i turn off all of my notes let's turn off the notes group turn that off over here and let's make a layer a little white [Music] turn it down you can see that even with like really suspect um uvs which is what these are they're not really good actually bradley made me maybe these i take it back bradley made nice uvs um [Music] but he did it after the fact so you can totally do that anyway that's my time you guys uh if i missed your oh and good thing too because zbrush is doing that thing where it does not it's gone now um anybody could get this tell me how to fix this before i get out of here see what it's doing now at the bottom i don't know if you can see it but there is just a little icon for zbrush uh you can't see my pictures in the way hold on turn off camera [Music] shut off the camera all right look at this you see what's ah damn it turn off the bar all right turn off the bar okay now you see what's happening right here can you guys see this how do you fix this anybody ashley paul if you're in here kyle then nothing i can do will be maximize zbrush the only way i can fix this is to quit and restart it so that's a bummer um so if you know how to fix that let me know in the meantime i'm going to i've got the wrong one all right in the meantime i'm gonna dip out of here you guys uh take it easy be safe see i missed a lot of stuff join me tomorrow for stylist league uh friday night and um ask all the god i missed a lot of stuff sorry you guys yeah hop over there and and ask me what you want to ask and i will see everyone next time all right everyone take care oh did anybody answer how to fix this thing it's displaying on a different screen no it's not usually happens with two monitors let's do something let's see go to um home display display [Music] let's change this to um mirror mirror mirror mirror it's only on one zbrush no no it doesn't it doesn't matter [Music] it doesn't matter you guys sorry anyway yeah if anybody knows how to fix that let me know all right everybody uh take it easy wait alt tab tab tab see brush is right there but even if i tab over you see it's on in there now and let go no good no good no good all right anyway all right everybody i again for the 20th time everybody bye bye jane stop this crazy thing all right peace
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 7,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uFzU_qNherM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 4sec (11224 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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