#AskZBrushLIVE - Pixologic Paul Gaboury - ZBrush 2021.6.4

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all right all right all right hi everybody welcome hi alex hello everyone a motion bug i see you're in here rocking and rolling um so as usual let's just make sure we've got good video i see good video um you guys are going to let me know about audio specifically uh i'm using even a different microphone yeah audio is perfect all right so good good volume good everything on your guys aside you don't need to turn anything up okay audio is good all right i see from goodbye from mexico thanks for coming in wavy gravy thank you ian i saw your question come through can you use a rain mash to create some uh sacred geometry and a ring and then let's see and then throw in some booleans sure you can use yeah i use a raymesh a ton to do stuff um especially also for something like jewelry there's just so many repeating things uh for something like that as well um so actually that going into today's discussion and what we're gonna doing for today's stream we're gonna do actually let me let me move let me move this up let's see if i can move this uh it's being blocked so now the the positioning hold on i'm gonna see if i can move uh that program that's showing you guys my shortcuts give me a sec because i just see now that my title bar is there it's blocking it a little bit for you guys so let me see i got to figure out how to select this again where are you there you are uh it's not hold on let me minimize it's not let me move it let me see if i can oh i don't it's not let me move it oh well okay okay so this this stream is going to be all about um questions so it's going to be like an ask zbrush live so a lot of you might put in questions through obviously the ask zbrush tag through twitter okay so i'm going to cover some questions that have been put already in there and then as we're going along here for this stream i'm going to be taking your guys's questions i.e what ian's asking right now he's asking because he has a student who's working on that this week so and if you have something maybe in an example two of an image that you can share in the chat that'll help too and that would also help give a visual for everybody else and give a visual for me or something that's trying to be creative so if you've got something you can share that would be also very helpful and throw a link in the chat that we can all click on and take a look so what i'm going to do is cover some questions again and then take questions as we're going here with you guys okay and then we're just going to be firing away all cylinders so take whatever you got to do for notes however you got to take your notes figure that out and then go from there right and then we will be rocking and rolling and covering a lot of things so let me get into my pre questions that you guys have asked so we're going to start with something um we're gonna start with this one so someone sent in how can i use the transpose smart mask brush this is a little i think a little hidden gem uh especially it's really for hard surfacing okay so i'm going to undo this and to alex no it's not possible to do what you want to do no so this brush okay so there are a couple transpose brushes now so obviously there are hold on let me get my brush palette higher okay so when i hit the b for the for the brush palette there's actually three transposed brushes now so you got your normal transpose which is going to be your everyone's default now there's a cloth one for the dynamics because now you can use transpose to do stuff with the dynamics okay and then this is the one that the person's actually asking about uh how do you use this transpose smart and what's the point of it okay so let me first just start first with the regular one okay because it's what it is it's about the masking okay so that's where the difference is going to come into play so let's let's load this guy just so we have something different and i'm gonna solo this out so the only thing we're looking at is him okay and now i want to be able to through here okay i want to just mask along the topology so this is what the default gizmo is doing you can see it's it's in essence walking down the topology for masking because obviously if i wanted to pose an arm i'd want to i would want to base it upon that topology flow that's happening right so i'm just holding ctrl and then clicking and as i keep dragging my hand down you can see my cursor keeps moving moving moving moving moving moving right and there you go right so that's what this one is doing okay now the other one is doing something very different so i'm going to go back to this because it's really for hard surface that's what it was built for it was built for using it with things like the clip brushes and trim brushes and things like that as well okay so this is what i'm going to do is switch now to this brush now the new one which is our transposor again let me i was working on a different resolution i got to get used to this smaller resolution now so here you go right this right the transpose smart okay and what this is going to do is something more like what we have here so this has got a flat surface so when i grow this masking it's now looking at the normals all facing the same direction right so you can see that all those normals because they're all part of that flat surface are all now being masked off that's what this one does it's to help with this ability to mask based upon plane shifts in essence okay and then i can even add to this masking right so if i want to come up here right same thing i'm holding ctrl and i click you see it just starts to do another math right again it's looking at plane shifts and then it see it's stopping right here because this this part of the model right right here is a completely different normal direction it's perpendicular so it's not being masked off that's the point of this okay so what's nice is i can actually even start a mask like this that i can come here and do the same thing right so well and say i want to start masking again here but now i want to add right so now i'm adding to the existing mask that we and then as if i keep moving and moving and moving you can see the mask just keeps growing and growing and growing and growing and growing because now in essence by me moving my hand further and further and further away from that first normal vertex i clicked on i'm telling it to keep evaluating keep evaluating keep evaluating and keep evaluating okay so that's what's doing this okay and call it no you can't close holes is always going to do triangles you'd have to use the z-remesher to turn it into quads so the close-hold algorithm is going to do triangles there's no way to make it do with just quads so again let me start with this again we're in the different transpose we're in the transpose smart okay because that was the question that came through i'm holding ctrl and i'm just clicking dragging and then obviously this is giving the flat side here all masked right and now if i want to add and keep adding to this masking i'm going to hold ctrl i'm going to click somewhere else on the mesh and then i'm going to switch my finger to only shift so you see now i'm only holding the shift key right and so that's the benefit to that okay so that's what you guys are going to be able to do as far as using that okay so that's how that works i'm gonna see actually let me see let me give this one more try if i can right click [Music] let's see if i can move it i gotta remember how to use this again i'm just seeing if i can quickly change the location for us uh because my screen let's see let's give me one second let's see on screen display position and now i don't have it to come up yep oh well guys i don't i don't have time to see why that moved on us okay right so in essence if you are taking something like this you know just taking some design wise right and then we throw something like dynamesh at this okay and now we've got a dynamesh surface and then now i want to start using say something like the clip curves and you want to start clipping things right you now have the ability if you're going to switch to this you can mask off see portions of the model right so i can re-dynamesh and then grow that and then add to that and see see how it keeps growing if i keep pulling it keeps growing okay so that that's what that's doing and that's actually built in also spotlight right so if i take an image let's just let's just select an image here so i'll just select this one let's add that to spotlight all right and let's go to the textures here let's let these images load let's load a couple images here okay and i'm going to say let's do this all right so let's go in here okay and do this kind of a thing now what i can actually do is switch to paint in spotlight and it allows me to paint right so you can see right now i'm painting with white right here let's pick a let's pick a let's pick a brighter color let's uh let's pick some kind of brighter color there we go like that okay what you can actually do is the same thing right you can see when you're in paint i can actually grow the painting inside a spotlight as well okay so now you have this ability okay and then now obviously the benefit to this is if you guys if we switch it to instead of like this blue and we switch to black okay pure black as you can see is transparent right so this is going to allow me to in essence mask out portions of the image you can see same thing as i move further and further away it tries to evaluate the surface more and then you do stuff like this right so this is kind of that same thing that's built in there okay so that's what that's doing all right so there's that question answered for us okay let's move on to the next one right but let me see i saw something come through let me look up my uh um ruben i would the best thing is this is a that's a lot of back and forth we need to do a lot of things to for your system um so i would probably send in a um a support i would make a conversation in her support t rubon so we can go back and forth with you and do some looking at what could be your problem it's too hard to tell you i don't i don't know i gotta find out a lot of information from you so i couldn't give you anything really per se okay uh um okay so your question is about about when you're making closed holes right so his question or her question is when they're doing closed holes okay um you're getting triangles right so i'll just do it with the trim curve because it's using closed holes anyways right so you're getting say something like this okay and now you want quads here the only thing you're going to be able to do is use z-remesher okay that's going to be in essence the fastest way uh besides obviously retopologizing this right so you can use zero measure based upon polygrouping with one click but if you only based upon your question you only want to remesh this one piece this blue part that's easy actually you would just click on this blue part right here and actually use the z remeasure okay but then this is what the freeze border is for so you would turn that on and then you'd remesh and then what the remesher is going to do is look at the border edges and start there and make sure okay that the vertex points don't change along those border edges so then this is what you would get because it's got to go and say well i'm remeshing but you see this topology over here still got to be connected right and of course this topology's got triangles and quads in it right and there's different vertex pointing along here and that's why you're going to get the geometry like this around the edge because i told it to i told it i need to freeze that edge border but at least now you're quoted if this is some if that's what you're looking for this is a possibility now if i do the same thing without free sporter you can remesh okay and then you'll get something probably more what you're looking at but we still got to weld it right so you can see there's actually two polygroups here now right so then this is what you're gonna get if you don't turn on the freeze border when you're looking at just a chunk of something for remeshing so this might be helpful for you depending what way you want to go you either freeze your border and then do that or you turn the freeze border off and then this is what you get so you'd get cleaner geometry like through here right but it's got to still weld everything back together for us right we need this to all be connected so it's creating an actual some more other topology there for you okay so that's that's the two ways you can do it of course for me if something i'm using close hole as well and i just want to change this up obviously i like to use my old keep groups right and then i remesh this and so obviously the whole yellow is being evaluated and the blue parts being evaluated and then when i get back from my remesher i'm going to get something that's looking at the blue right so now i see i can get an edge that's perfectly along that blue and then the yellow is just obviously remeshed so hopefully that answers your question okay that helps nice duck i wish i knew doug okay so my next question that came through on the wire i'm gonna start calling it the wire right is let me just move a model away so we see the question completely is how to hollow out a mesh with a hole down the middle okay so i'm assuming this person this person their question was really long and i couldn't obviously they wanted a cylinder then they wanted to hollow up the cinder cylinder and then they wanted a hole in and then they wanted to close the tops right and they're using dynamesh okay here's something for me guys for all of you i no longer at all use dynamesh to do all this stuff like say articulation making keying if i need to and we're going to get to a question down the line where i'm going to give you an example welding things together i don't use dynamesh for any of that anymore at all and i know a lot of us are still using dynamesh to do that kind of stuff and hopefully in this stream you're going to see here specifically also with this question why i don't use dynamesh anymore okay i'll use dynamesh for a certain part here okay but i do no longer use the way when dynamesh was first made especially for those that have 3d printers and things like that we were putting a bunch of meshes together and then using dynamics so they would weld i don't do dynamesh for that at all anymore nope not me that's not what i do it for and i'm going to show you a couple things here starting with this question okay so i think what this person's probably looking at is taking let's just take us i would say let's let's even just even if they're not this is something maybe that you guys then will get to understand the challenging part of this right so i'm going to make a cylinder that has an inner hole going through it down down the center right okay um and then my spans you know i don't i don't really find i don't really care about my spans per se because i'm going to divide this up because obviously i want to do a little something with this cylinder so let's say we've got something like this we've got a cylinder that's got a hole going through it and now i want to create also inside i want a shelling to happen okay so in essence i want some thickness to start happening in there okay so a lot of us will do this okay in our sense and i'm going to let's divide this up a little bit just so it's clean we have some nice clean topology so it looks more like that okay and then a lot of us are gonna go hey i need now to put some hollowing in this cylinder but then the added thing is it's got a hole going through it okay so we will say let's even go in the mode because part of that question they were asking was with dynamesh so let's just dynamesh it so now i don't have a you know cleaned polish in a sense it's got some density here it's not all perfectly quadded like it just was before i turned it in dynamesh you know we're at 90 000 ish so we were at 151 divided and then now i'm at like 90 thousand but you can see obviously i got nice quadding going through here then we get up here you got some quads and there'll be points where maybe like down here we've got some triangles okay so in essence i want to create a shell and let's say i want to create a shelf for this for 3d printing now this is really why i'm saying it's important for you all so normally i would have something that's very detailed in fact let's throw some details on this let's grab some standard brush and let's just throw some detailing on this outside here let's also push it in a little bit in fact let's even go up more in resolution and then so that we can even get a little bit more detailing get something a little bit better let's throw just something simple on this so we have a visual idea of what i'm going to do here let's make that arrow really look up look down okay so now i've got like you know sculpting in and out right we've got different surfaces here see i've got something sculpting now inside here i've got sculpting outside here i got a lot of stuff okay so now what i do is i'm not concerned about the detailing say of this model and trying to hollow it out based upon this detailing i just need a hollowed-out surface so in essence the hollowed surface the inside part which no one's ever going to see unless they break the 3d print in this case right if we're talking about a 3d print okay so all i really care about is just creating a shell for me that's all i'm looking for right so this is and in some cases i know john i see you're in here you might have something where you're seeing in a couple million in dynamesh and then you guys are trying to weld things together and maintain all your sculpted detail we're going to get to this a little bit later this is why i don't do it through dynamesh anymore and there's a question that we're going to get to that completely relates to this but i want to first start with shelling out this so what i personally prefer to do for shelling out okay is instead of trying doing everything in this one mesh an ie this is the mesh that's got all the details on it i'm just gonna duplicate it all right and then i've got a version of the mesh that i don't really care about the details in all honesty because i'm going to use this to create the inner shell is now what i'm going to do right so i want to use that to create my shell so i'm going to use dynamesh to create the shell for sure right because we have a create shell option here it's just going to be the fastest and the easiest way to do this okay so i'm going to turn just turn on poly frame so you guys can see the model okay and i'm going to switch to any insert mesh brush it really it doesn't matter what insert mesh brush you have okay unless you're going to try and do something specifically okay so i grab any surface it doesn't it's not really going to matter what the surface is honestly and then now i'm just going to hold the alt key and i'm just going to draw on this so you'll see what will happen is that sphere is sitting inside where i drew right so i drew at the top here so that sphere is sitting now inside it's been turned white which that's telling you visually id that it's a subtractive piece and that's also why it's inverse inverse because i'm using it as a subtractive piece right so we are changing the polygroup to white and we're inverting the mesh okay because i was holding the alt key again when i drew that out all right and then now what i want to do is actually move this away okay so you can clearly see that spherical shape now right okay so now i want to say all right let's go ahead and clear our mask okay and then now i'm just going to hit create shell here okay and what zbrush is going to do now is analyze the mesh and go okay well you've got a dynamesh so i'm going to create a shell for you based upon the dynamesh and this is what i mean by the detail doesn't actually matter for this particular subtool because it's the inner shell i'm just creating inner shell because i e i need to save money for 3d printing material or i need a shell because i want to do even something sculpturally what you're going to see here in a second there's many ways to go about it obviously number one thing is 3d printing i want to save money on the print or in some cases you know if you break a toy apart it shelled inside also because manufacturing right it we want to save money for that too manufacturing wise and then we've got to create molds and all that all that stuff's important to us okay so what what's happened here is we've now created two versions of this cylinder so there's an inner body cylinder okay and then there's the outer body so that's what a shell is right so if we look at this right you can see there's now a shell there okay and you can see we've got that here let me turn on display properties double okay right so the problem in the question that person had is when they were dynameshing right they were creating when they're dynamesh it was going across both things and creating a hole across the top here right so what i'm going to do now is this i'm going to get rid of the green part okay i'm going to delete that so i'm just using poly grouping and i'm going to go to delete hidden in my tool geometry okay and then now i have this and then this is the shell i get and in all honesty for the purpose of printing and supports and things like that if i'm i'm gonna pr i'm gonna polish this like again i just need it to be a shell i don't need it to be for the purpose of what i'm doing right now perfect and then the reason why now i've done this is the sculpted version let's say this is even 10 million 20 million right i don't have to worry about oh what resolution do i need to be on to create the shell because my shell is actually on a completely different resolution it's not going to matter okay and then now me i turn this to subtractive and throw on live boolean boom right and now what this opens up for me actually is even better i've got non-destructive type of a workflow for myself for now like hey if i'm gonna print say i've got my form two over here resin there's times where i need to put little holes just so the the print won't stick to the bed right so now i can say append and you guys will now see what's gonna happen here let's just append here let's append a cube right and then now let's say this and let's let's cut through even now the cylinder something like this right okay and then now if i turn this onto subtractive you can clearly see i just created a shelled surface right there done right and the big part here is okay is just like john's saying right now i'm going to create a crazy bust that's crazy detailed the inside doesn't need to be crazy detailed i'm never going to see it so i don't try to create the shell anymore or dynamesh on that one mesh anymore i just duplicate it i make that shell and i'm using live booleans right and then now as an artist even if i want to make two pieces of this right the best thing for me would be to do this okay i'm to take a cube because this was also in the question how i want to make two pieces of this so let's actually let's center this let's make a cube let's size this up right and then here let's just turn it so you guys see it like this and i'm actually going to hmm [Music] yeah let's make this be something more like that okay and now i'm going to say let's do a let's do a edge loop through here it's going to think about using mirror weld but i'll just use my old handy dandy z modeler okay so now i've got a cube that looks like this okay and what i want to do now is i want to duplicate this so i want multiple hats right so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to fold her up here uh let's just call this left side for now okay and i'm going to say okay this is one folder so this has got my cylinder piece it's got the inner shell and i've got a cube i'm now going to duplicate the folder okay so this is why i like the folder up because i want to duplicate it right so i want to make more than one of this okay and then i'll rename this one let's rename this one right side and this is also gonna be a reason why i like folders here in a second people this is why this is why i like me me some folders okay now the cube is actually going to be my cut line right so i would probably do a cue mesh and then just go boom right so let's turn this folder off right and then now this is subtracted so there there's the one side right okay so there's the one side okay let's go ahead and now go and turn this back on and now let's go to this cube and then this cube needs the opposite direction right so i need this right and then subtractive and now if i turn both folders on it looks like the completed cylinder right but if i now go okay now give me the right and left side i can now easily just go right here right to my settings and i say boolean folder or boolean with dynamic subdivs if i'm using dynamic subdivs so if i bully in the folder the great thing about this is i'm going to get both sides in the same tool and i don't lose all my folder structure if i find out i can look at this and maybe i do a quick test print and i go this isn't working for me okay i can go back and just make my adjustments that i need to make okay so there you go i got my left and right side so this is how i would hollow something out that has a hole in the middle and make sure that i'm not just closing off the tops as well this is an example for it okay so and the high res again john it doesn't matter about the high res okay it really doesn't matter okay so as an example since since you're bringing up let me now put this in context this is what i'm trying to say this is this is something for me like i'm trying to get my point across here if you're high res it doesn't matter okay so what i want you to look at this is not trying to use the high res version to do in essence your cutting up your shelling like don't do it for that is what i'm trying to push it to okay so let me hold on i need to get here let's see i think this one let's load this model paulo you control the thickness once my model loads i'll show you control the thickness um with your dynamesh shedding there's a thickness slider right next to create shell let's wait this is a big file so let me load this so that i can get this point across of what i'm trying to get across here for you all okay so give me give me a second let this load so go to your dynamesh settings okay and then right next to create shell there's a thickness and bye great to have you i'll look and see the image let me get to that image while we're waiting for this model to load let me see in the chat you said you have an image i don't see it i'm missing it does anybody else see the image that ian shared am i just missing it i don't see it ian can you put it again or someone can put it again okay so you take an example of my gremlin right all this is being done in essence in this kind of way right so you can see all my folders with all the stuff that i'm using right to cut into this right so what i mean by that this is clearly this is even a decimated version right and i have all the details but now i need to create a shell as an example right so that's important to me to want to create a shell for this okay and i accidentally told it to trim let's see i want to make sure i don't have a shell on this already it's to to my point john it doesn't matter that this is detailed it doesn't matter okay so there i've got a detailed version and in this case it's even decimated so it could be a dynamesh it can be subdivided it's not even relevant okay so what i'm going to do again this is the sculpted version of him right so let's just clone this to only look at this just this one right now so of course i don't want the sculpt i need it to look like this when i print but now i need inner shell to save some money right for this so this is my point i'm going to duplicate this okay and now this duplicated version i'm going to dynamesh it but i don't need to worry about dynameshing this at any resolution to maintain like i can even start super low i'm not trying to keep the details like i don't need the crazy details of this i'm just trying to create a shell that's it so i just need the general of look of this gremlin right even that that's enough right there that's that's more than enough okay for me to create a shell with i've got enough of the details here to create my shell so now this is the one i want to create my shells off of right so back to inserting again right i'm going to grab an insert mesh brush doesn't matter what the shape is holding the alt key dragging out and now i'm just going to move this away right and now we've got a create shell option here right so if i clear the mask i want to create the shell right and then that's analyzing this to create that shell okay so again to just reiterating what i'm trying to say of how i like to create show then there's like a shell which has got some pretty pretty colorful thickness but now i can say delete hidden i can re-poly group this right ctrl w and then i can even now hit this with a polish if i want to and it once again i turn this on and then this is my subtractive and then now if i throw in append a cube right and then we'll turn this to a subtractive and then you guys can see the shell okay obviously that's a really big shell right okay there you go so there's that question and then printers accept only one million john that's why you have the decimation master just decimate it down just keep decimating down and then to the point where then that software can accept it in fact most of the software i'm using now can accept millions right so and the dog's talking to you guys about fdms or ffs okay next question how to mask a straight line okay so this question came in they're trying to figure out a way i would assume they're trying to make a masked line along even some kind of surface right so let's just take go back to this model because then we got something like this and let's let's grab this okay and this is what i have for this so this is a live boolean version of my model here okay so let's just add some divisions here in fact we only need the one side for this right now so i'm just going to delete the other side so let me undo this we don't need both sides right now that way we can just look at one side and pay attention to the one wing here and let me divide it up so we got some more topology here okay that's good enough so [Music] if you guys especially for something like this you're trying to create masking lines right to maybe do you want to do some more kind of like scribe lining here that i've even done okay so i want to be able to when i'm masking let's select my mask pen right i want to be able to mask here but i need it in a particular even maybe angle right there's maybe some interest here that i want right so and then maybe i go a little bit smaller okay so number one this has got intense this has got pressure sensitivity right so if you notice when i start masking it's a lighter mask and then i push harder it's a darker mass so if i was really going to probably do something like this i'd probably go adjust my my sensitivity okay so you got tablet pressure right here okay so you can see there's there's five graphs here and so this mask and my finger is still in control see when i let go of control now i'm on the imm primitive so it's important to hold my finger down for control so right now i'm allowing this masking brush to have a variation in size intensity and also rgb intensity when i'm going to use it okay so number one i don't want any change in the size so i'm going to do this with my graph so when i go and mask no matter how hard i press the size is going to be the same but now we have the thing where my intensity is different right so that's what these sliders are controlling i want to be able to control my intensity right and then this would be say my z intensity now also right so that way when i'm using this this is now all i get see no matter how hard i press i'm very light right now barely touching my cintiq to i'm pushing down in my cintiq there's now no difference right in that mask okay size and it's at a hundred percent so obviously this person was like well i need to make a straight line now okay so of course you can hold the you know try and do this with the shift key but really the best way to do this okay and i'm gonna this is gonna be the best way to do this me i would go into the stroke palette and i would turn on lazy mouse is what i would do okay and um my lazy radius i don't need it to be very high i'm going to put it around 10. right so now all we're doing is just now gonna get even a better mask okay because of the lazy radius right and a lazy mouse giving me something like that now i want to get a little something instead of like this i want to be able to really say i want a certain angle here right so if we look down at this part let's go a little even a little bit smaller i want to do this and then now i want to go straight here straight across and then do this right you can see there's a little waviness in here and then obviously this is based upon the quality of my mesh so here we'll go up to 17 million so the masking will get even a little bit better okay so what i want to do now is this i want a line that goes there to there then maybe even follows this and then up now oh yeah 45 degree angle definitely a 45 yeah definitely and then now i'm going to follow that see that that's giving me the ability now to kind of sit here and with this and go i'm going to put a new little design in this and go now i want to start from there and it's going to do that then maybe i want to even do that come out like that that works and now i want to come back here and say this line is going to go in like that and then this line right okay this line i want to go from there and i'm looking at the red not well look at the green we can go to the green if you want right so i want to just give it a mask like that right and then the benefit of this kind of stuff is we can inverse the mask right now we got something like this going on okay and then now i could go down here to deformation here i'm going to hide the mask right now so the mask is still there right and then i can say let's deflate it a little bit and see i can i can put a little kind of like design in this and for me i would probably say let's i like to do like in steps so i'm going to say negative one and see maybe that's just what i want i just want a little variation so i got my thick my deep in essence my deep scribe linings and now this is just a sculptural thing and because i want negative one i can come down here and say repeat to active which is this one and then it'll do a negative one again negative one again so this is this is the benefit to this right is me allowing that so that's how i would draw with a straight line okay and so how you make this happen is again i'm holding the ctrl key because i'm on the masking pen and then i'm clicking and now when you do this you're just masking right and i'm not even i'm not even holding the keyboard right look up here okay and you can do this right so now i'm going to do this but then now switch to the shift key so my finger's still on the keyboard so now i'm holding the shift key and then i'm doing now and i just keep moving my hand and letting go the shift key holding the shift key letting go the shift key holding the shift key letting go of the shift key holding the shift key letting go of the shift key to get stuff like that okay and then again the pressure is going to be important okay so there's also your tablet right here right this is where your pressure sensitivity is as well and obviously you could just use a mouse instead if you just use a mouse then it's always 100 right but if you use tablet right this will also could do the same thing okay but this is also this tablet settings see this use global button here on the brushes when this is on for any brushes it's now looking at these settings for the sensitivity okay and when in the brush palette and this is off then it's looking at the graph it's now ignoring these settings right so this gave the ability for us to really hone in our brushes to have anything like that okay so there you go there's that question that's that's how do you make a straight line for masking purposes so that's the way i would do that okay [Music] just looking at just reading what wavy gravy i'm keep trying to keep up with you right now are you i like hold on i'm seeing if you're asking me a particular okay so you're talking you're talking to somebody about unity stuff it looks like okay all right so let's look at our next question coming through on the wire okay here's our next one and this is actually going to lead me to some other another feature too so how do i polygroup multiple meshes at once many you probably know this right but obviously this is coming through it's still important to understand this okay so let's take a look at this let's go ahead and let's go back to let's grab this guy okay and let's delete this and then let's say this particular person also brought up they were making scales and they're using like insert mesh brushes actually right so let's grab let's grab something here from let's be different here let's grab something from here that has some scales here we go imm scales all right so as a user when you guys are drawing something out like this as a let's get to it as a user okay so i'm drawing out right this so i can draw and create scales along its back right this now is going along a curve right and then you've got scales which this particular brush had already polygroups so the top half's got its own polygroup and the bottom half's got its own polygroup right so what this person was wanting to do is say something like this and they were like well i need to be able to assign different polygroups to each one of those scales okay and i'm going to assume this person wanted this because they also wanted to do some selection masking and things like that right so that the answer to that this one is really easy it's a one click button option right and again a lot of you probably know this but this is going to lead me into other features okay because i don't know if this person's going to watch this or is watching this right now so auto groups is just going to do that right auto groups allows me to click one button we go evaluate of course i left my water in my house evaluate all the surfaces and every mesh that's individual right gets its own polygroup okay so however you don't necessarily have to do this like even in this scenario especially for what that particular person was maybe going down the pipeline with is if i like say i want to start editing these scales and maybe i even want to edit individuals like i can move individual scales without doing any masking right so you can see i can just and play with just even individual scales start adding a little bit of asymmetricalness to this and there's no mask at all there's a mask but it's an auto mask and the thing i want to highlight about this is it's not just for this brush and i'm sure i know i've shown this brush multiple times but this is and then i can even go to a draw size of one and i can actually move the piece individually based on camera angle where i want it even to sit as well i don't even have to move switch to gizmo and see i'm just moving the scales individually okay and what i'm using right now is the move topological brush right so i'm in move and then i got over here the move topological brush so if you look if you look screen screen screen left there you go right so this is now using topology right to do this for me even though it's got nothing to do with polygroup so the reason why i'm bringing this up people is this this is not just only this brush again like i can switch to like say even something like clay buildup so obviously when i start sculpting on these right i want different things happening across the across the scales maybe right maybe even i'm going to start dividing this up a little bit right so let's divide it up and then now i'm going to start working on like a certain scales here okay what i can do is even limit this brush so even though without masking all i'm doing here is in auto masking okay i'm just turning on topological that's all that's on in that move topological brush it's not it's the move brush it's just that options now turned on and then the range has been set differently if i remember it's sitting at three maybe one three see sitting on a range of three so in essence three times the brush size so wherever i click wherever that vertex is that i click you're allowed to go three more times brush size out and that's the only part of the topology you're allowed to move so i'm just now turning that off or clay buildup so when i go to sculpt right i can only sculpt on the mesh that i click on see i can't it's not going to affect any other scales okay so this is one thing okay so now let me work backwards and that person also was asked obviously asking that question about individual polygroups but this also leads me to something else okay when i first drew this out right i have different scales here and they're all different polygroups so what's also very nice that we can do now in zbrush is i can show i can show a section of these right like this right so i'm just showing a portion of the blue scales and the green scales now what's really nice for us to be able to do now is this i'm going to just zoom out and i'm going to tell zbrush give me all of them right this is a big one for me so this was just added in the last patch so we're in 2021.6.4 right now okay so this is now selecting based upon polygroups is what's happening here now so i'm only showing a little portion of these scales okay and it could be okay it could be even just even one polygon really from each polygroup it doesn't matter the number of polygons as long as there's at least one still available like this right and then boom i just right got all of them right this is huge huge this is different than that so you see i only got one scale i only got each one scale i'm saying no no no no i want this green poly group and that blue poly group give me all the meshes that are sharing that same polygroup this is this is new okay this is in the visibility there's now a new grow to polygroup and i'm using the shortcut ctrl shift q okay so my point here is this person most likely was asking the question is because they wanted to do stuff like this they wanted to go sculpt on individual scales they wanted to mask out individual scales you don't technically have to right because of the topology option that i was showing you as well but if you do there obviously is the auto group is a great way to do it okay and then that person was also asking using masking right to do things as well and i was just showing the masking to do that okay but the auto groups is going to allow me to do this and it's based upon visibility right so you would hide a portion and so this is why i'm also showing the selection abilities because maybe i only want maybe maybe you want something like this and now you only want like these sections right so i'm going to grow out all of this and now i want only that auto grouped and then now these scales are all still the same polygroup right and then now those are all individual poly groups and then now the body right so it's wherever i want to do right okay so there you go that's a great way to do that okay any questions about that one so far let's do right we got some i got some more here hold on johnny boy i've always wanted to array a piece of geometry along like a polygroup strip replace the faces of a poly loop with an insert poly face design maybe um i feel like there's a couple things you're asking me here honestly so you're trying to let me re read the question from my head to gather all this information again i've always wanted to write a piece of geometry along with a strip okay that's easy replace the faces of a poly loop okay with an insert polyface design yes nano mesh is going to do what you're saying johnny right so yeah you're going to be able to do that with nanomesh like if we took something like this ring and make poly mesh and now along this ring i want like spherical shapes or even like diamonds let's say it is an actual ring i want diamonds or something like that right i can grab any inser mesh brush okay and turn that into a nano nano nano nano okay and then now i can say in this this is now an actual new z modeler brush so i space bar and i'm insert nano and then i just say poly loop right and then now that orange line says word for this the poly loop right then i can say oh i want a spherical shape instead right and then now i have that okay so obviously that's nano that you're bringing up to do something like that now i've got this nano repeating spherical shapes and then i have the ability to even change the offset if i want to right so this is the beauty of nano is there's ability to edit after the fact right and then we can even have a little more fun and even tile it you know maybe two by two kind of a thing and then i can scale it still change the scale of them right all this can be done because i'm in nano now another thing to think about for this obviously is don't forget about some stuff that we have discussed before what i'm going to do now i'm just going to create another polygroup here it doesn't it doesn't have to be poly groups it could be also a creased edge right then let's grab something else let's grab an insert imm curve okay and i think maybe this will dress i got like stitches now so i'm drawing a stitch right now i want the stitches to be in a certain location so what i'm going to do is just show these two poly groups only these two poly groups and nothing else okay and then now i'm going to go to a stroke curve modifiers right and then we're going to go only polygroups and then click frame mesh and what that's doing it's dropping a curve where the two polygroups meet and then now i just tap and then you get the stitches and now it's just how big of stitches do i want there so you had brought this up so i'm not sure if this also what you were looking for right so this is just another way and i can do that by polygraphing i can do that by creasing or visibility okay cool sound good okay hopefully if you got if you got an image or something johnny that would be best so i can see what it is you're trying to do it pull up an image and throw it in the chat for me okay so that we can take a look at it let's while you're doing that i'm going to move on to the next question that i have here's my next question okay what the heck is how does remesh by using okay this is for me what i was already talking to you guys about i don't use dynamesh to weld everything together anymore i don't i don't there i don't want to sit there and be playing with the details so let's grab a different version of my let's grab an older version of mr gremlin here i guess since he's still up uh let's go with this one [Music] okay so again dynamesh can do that dynamesh you can weld things together right but this question is perfect for me for something like this right we've got now i've got a sculpt on my gremlin right so there's the head is its own piece okay and then you can see all the other parts in this particular folder their own piece now what we normally would do is say okay i need the head and the ears and the eyes and the teeth and the mouth and the gums everything's got to be welded together okay so looking at this number one i'm in a folder so let's say i've got see the mouth okay i'm sorry the mouth the head ear ear right then i've got there's the shoulder pieces i've got legs here okay and i got more shoulder pieces arms torso right there's different parts and then the the teeth and the mouth see they're in different spots as well okay so here's what i like to do all right let's go ahead and let's just rip actually this out of this folder and let's just put it down in this bottom folder here okay so let's put our teeth down there let's do the same thing with the eyes let's put our eyes down there okay and yeah let's do the gum okay let's take the gums let's put the gum down here too uh let's see i got the eyes right yep let's get the spikes okay here's my head spikes and do this okay so now we've got spikes we've got eyes we've got teeth and we've got gums and things like that so normally especially if i'm someone that's going to need to 3d print this or i need some or something now i need to maybe i need even need to remesh it i need it all be together right welded together right so what i'm going to do now is the old way that we would do this and if you look this particular one has they have we have subdivision levels on this okay so i'm just going to delete them so you guys can see the density we're playing with right so every one of these has some dub subdivision so this is about six million right so we'll go down a little bit just for sake of time and then the same thing for the ear we'll just go down a little bit and that just so i don't have to sit here you guys don't just sit here for what i'm about to do so i'm just going to go through these and i don't actually need to delete i'm just going through and showing you that they have subdivision levels and there's different polygon counts this is the main thing that i'm trying to get across is that it's got different polygon counts to get the details i needed the head to be sitting at like tens of millions to get the details that i wanted each ear need to be sitting at six million right so when we're talking about things like dynamesh now we're going to talk about things like let's go ahead and turn off everything else but this head part that we're looking at right now okay we don't want that on let's turn that folder off oops that's that not that one this one okay so now i'm looking at just only my head sculpt right and i need this all the weld together especially if you're someone like john if you're still in here right so i'm just gonna merge now by visibility okay because in essence now you've merged it so that's one thing solved but now i'm sitting at 10.4 million i don't care what you try to do now you will never get the dynamesh to get to 10.4 million so that's the problem is now as a user i'm sitting here i'm going oh i need to dynamesh this because i need this all well together dynamesh is going to do it the problem you're going to have is i'm not going to be able to get my resolution high enough to weld everything and maintain all the detailing right i can crank this all the way up and i still will not be able to perfectly maintain the detail like we're getting better right but looking at it closely you know there's a big difference still here right so i just have to keep i keep going up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up in my resolution i probably even say at a max resolution it's it's going to do a pretty good job let's see what it does let's let's try it let's go all the way let's go all the way to the top and let's max resolution this out well let's see let's see what we even get there okay it's not bad this is 3.5 million however guys this is 3.5 million it's not the 10 million i was sitting at so there is going to be loss of detail in places because you can't just say take something 10 million and then maintain it like it did a pretty good job at 3.5 million did a really good job right because a lot of part of that 10 million was internal geometry that we didn't need anymore right so you can see if you start getting close you can see where you're starting to lose some detailing right if you're taking something especially i printed mine really big that loss in detail is going to show up in the print now if i'm printing really tiny it's not going to matter but if i'm printing really big i don't want to lose it i don't want that i want i want that right i want to maintain as much of the detail as i can right and this is why i don't use the dynamesh anymore to do this i now use live booleans which goes right into this question what the heck is remesh by union okay what does this do for you guys this is exactly what it does for you guys okay we are now sitting at 10.4 million okay so this might take a minute i'm gonna open up my gizmo here so i'm just hitting the w key or w w and i'm gonna hit gear and now i'm just gonna hit remesh by union and i'm gonna sit back and what's gonna happen here is zbrush's live boolean code is ran and then now everything is welded welding together is what i want to have happening here right so that's what this is for this remesh by union is for it's for looking at the model right evaluating and then saying hey i just want everything to weld together and then so it's just using live booleans to do this in essence that's all that's all it's doing right so i know if i turn on liabilities okay and so obviously live bullions needs to be on for this to work right and then so that's what that's the point of that remesh by union okay is to run that and so that all this can well it's about making one sub tool weld everything together that's what it's about right taking all this so if we take this here let's take it in a simpler context let's just take a cube as an example right we'll take a cube we'll make this so you guys can just understand a little bit of what's happening here right so now i have something like this there's still one sub tool right so if i want to now remesh by union they're they're union now the internal geometry is now gone and i didn't have to worry about dynamesh and resolution okay or anything like that that's why i don't this is why i don't use the dynamesh anymore to weld things together doing all my keying my articulation i don't have to worry about using live booleans the number one thing i don't worry about is do i lose any quality okay okay so wavy gravy uh we don't the zbrush doesn't accept step files so you got to convert that to polygons anyways and then that polygon geometry is a mess it's even worse than this geometry so yes it'll all work yeah you can bring it all in and that would work yes absolutely as long as you can't do booleans unless things are you know closed surfaces so if you're going from something a cad program for you make sure when you in when you're exporting make sure all the vertex points are either welded okay from whatever you're using solidworks rhino whatever you're going to use just tell it when it exports to make sure everything is all the patches are welded then you're good to go if they're not all welded at least make sure all of the vertex points line on all up on all the patches and then in zbrush you can tell to weld the points okay so in in the geometry modified topology there's a weld points with a tolerance slider and then yeah as long as it's shell together then yeah you could just use live bullions you could then weld everything together in that sense okay does that answer your question wavy gravy i just wanted i just wanted to say wavy gravy name you got a great name i love it okay so uh will this is the same sub tool that's yes so this algorithm is only running on the subtool that's it so if you're merging a whole bunch of stuff together and you want to get rid of the inner shells and then enter geometry and then have it weld that's when you run this right i already showed though the folder ability right too i could have over here technically i could have just done this i could have just said okay this is the only thing i'm looking at in the folder and i could have technically just ran live boolean here right and then just said boolean folder and it's going to run the live bullions on this it's the same thing except now i didn't need to merge everything i'm letting live boolean do the merging for me right so that's the thing we're doing merging for us all and we're deleting all the internal geometry so kind of the same thing a dynamesh is doing but then i don't lose any at all sculptural detail not one so i don't have to worry about a resolution slider okay well make believe tv in order to do a boolean option you got to use triangles so in order to clean the topology you're going to have to remesh it there's no way around that you're going to have to rematch that section or remesh the whole thing right and that's why we have a a zero measure so you can do a one-click solution right so if you look at this the head ended up being here here's the head what did this one end up being see it was 8.6 million when it was done so we went from i was like 2.4 million right all the sub tools so to about almost 2 million of the vertex points were sitting inside the gremlins head right and then now they're not and see yeah and then everything is now welded see so this is all welded together and then now what's beautiful about this everybody is even after this right especially for someone like me maybe i'm gonna print this out and go you know what i want to go bump the details a little bit more in this area right you can now say all right let's go ahead and let's select this portion now and i don't need the back okay and i'm going to switch to my damien standard right and i'm going to say okay now i can sculpt right so clearly i can still sculpt so this is the benefit of also our live bullion is we're maintaining the topology however now i don't even really care about the topology because it's going to be 3d printed or whatever it's going to be i'm going to turn on sculptures pro and now i can get even a better stroke because now i can visually just work on this and just get maybe even a little bit more of a quality of a stroke even smooth it down and i have full control here now just to based upon this is a game changer for me this came out for 20 2021.5 is when we did this which was only december like this is not that old right so we've released four versions i think in the last six months in all honesty it's been it's been uh it's been a fun ride i'm sure for all of you as well right so this is also a workflow for me i don't even have to worry about cleaning up topology also too if i'm just trying to get more details right and then any brush is going to have to give me the ability right to do that right and then right now i don't need live booleans anymore i got the auto mask on so let me turn off the auto mask on this and so i can also sculpt right with this as well okay so we can grab any brush like a lot of people like the clay right to build up some surface and then of course the benefit here is we're dynamically tessellating as we go okay and right now it doesn't have subdivisions because when you use the live booleans we can't keep the subdivision levels so no it doesn't have subdivision levels okay it did the original one did right before i did all the welding together like this is something i'm going to do last obviously i'm not doing all the welding until i'm ready and i'm done right but yeah this one all this one had subdivision levels so you can see there's your subdivision levels so and i actually made this from scratch in previous streams and i showed the whole process of how i made this so you can see how low i am which is just a zero mesh version and then i just kept going up to get more details okay so there you go so that's what the remesh by union is going to do for us okay nice doug only if you get it wet right so let's move on to my next question okay here's this is a great one segway how do i merge subtools and maintain my subdivisions okay so in this last thing we were merging okay and it was i wasn't worried about subdivision levels now i am worried about subdivision levels okay now i want to be able to merge this head say with the ears okay so let's move the ears up and let's put the subdivision levels back on this okay and this ear let's also put the subdivision levels back on this here okay so now we've got an ear that has subdivision levels and you see i have an internal this is all for 3d printing okay and then i got this here so this one's sitting at five they're both sitting at around 5.9 5 9 and 5 million and then this one's sitting at 5.6 now what becomes important to us is this how many subdivision levels do each one of these action meshes have okay that becomes important number two when i'm gonna go merge down what's that polygon count gonna total okay and depending on your system the most you can go is a hundred million polygons per mesh okay so in your preferences you go to mem and you can see right here my max poly per mesh is set all the way out to a 100 which is a million okay so this particular system i'm on i can get to 100 million polygons on one mesh so those are the first two things i got to look at everything i'm going to merge is it going to be more than 100 million okay if it is then you're not going to be able to merge all of it together in this in that sense okay so what i'm going to do now is look at okay the head's got 7 and then the ears got six six okay and now this head's sitting at number six so what i'm gonna do is i'm actually gonna delete the higher so that they all have six this is really important they all got to have the exact same number if they don't have the same number and you merge that's when you start losing either your subdivision levels completely or you'll lose some of them okay so now when i go to now to start merging this down okay i've got the the head right and then we're just going to look at the head with the ears here now in this sense okay now i want to start merging down so now i just merge down i say okay and then i want zbrush to merge obviously the head with the ear right and then it's looking at everything it's evaluating okay you got a head that's sitting at 5.6 million it's got six subdivision levels you want me to merge now with the subtitle below it that also has an ear that has x amount of something like what that one whatever one we're at now the 5.9 and then that's got six subdivision levels right so you can see this is the mergings taking some time because it's evaluating both of those subtools and looking at those two subtools and seeing what is the subdivision level counts at and how many polygons is in each one of those right and so when it merges down i want them to be together right but not lose my subdivision levels and there you go so let me move this up and you can see now i've got one ear in the head they're now one sub tool so now that sub tool is sitting at 11.5 million now but i did not lose my subdivision levels so i can walk down and up so this is how you would do that okay now the thing to keep in mind if you're going to merge okay it's always going to take and look at what you're merging with so if i wouldn't emerge say with the eyes you see there's no subdivision levels on the eyes so what's going to happen is i go to merge the eyes with now that that head and the ear i'll end up with no subdivision levels i'll keep the quality but i'll have no subdivision levels right because they don't match because the i's got zero so zbrush is going to go okay well the head's got six when the i's got zero well i gotta merge but there's this one's got zero so it's gonna just go i'm gonna go with what the lower number is in subdivisions so if the i say if the i had three subdivision levels and i merged down that head and that ear that would merge with the eyes and now i'd go from six subdivision levels only to three okay so obviously you would want if i want to merge the eyes with the rest you would want to get this up to six subdivision levels would be the goal right and then this for eyes that's just crazy like i don't it's just spheres right so i would probably replace these eyes like me i'd probably go back down to this where it's just let's get rid of the subdivision levels completely like these eyes are at 50 000 polygons for like eyes like i don't i don't need this right so i this is something where i would go okay i know i need to get a six subdivision levels but i just need the eyes to be smooth for me okay so i'm going to remesh this and i'm going to remiss that it's down into the hundreds right so and then i'm going to say okay they can be symmetrical and then just remesh this so really what i want is my first subdivision level not to be at 50 000 polygons i want my first subdivision level to be a lot less right there and then now when i divide up i and i can divide up i'm not going to get into those crazy numbers in the eyes so there i'm not even at a million and it's the same eyes there's no difference right so that makes more sense because then when i go merge now these i's right with what i've already merged up here i'm adding another million to the 11.5 million and then i'm not losing my subdivision levels just keep that in mind remember ie if i'm if i set this at four right and then now i go to merge this down okay it's gonna drop the subdivision levels to four now okay cool any did everyone understand that anybody lost their hold on let me go under what about that little section under the right eye after the rematch my union it still has its polygroup are you able to get back that missing spot by using let's say the move brush um i'm not well obviously you're talking about one after i welded everything together hold on let me grab the welded version this is why i like folders people this is why i like folders okay you're asking something about the eye and poly grouping okay number one it's it's awesome that it maintains the polygroups i would want that right 7s are you still here okay i would still want this polygrouping and this is on purpose i did that if you're talking about this how the eyes got this that's on purpose i did that sculpture i kind of wanted to put a scar across his eye that's me i did that in the sculpt in the original sculpt i didn't want it to be a perfect eyelet going across if this is this the part you're referring to 7s is this part right here is that what you're referring to so obviously you can use the move you can use any brush you want on this okay but now you know you're working with 8.7 million with no subdivision levels and it's got to have some obviously triangulation where all of the meshes met with each other okay you're not supposed to feed him under i love me some gremlin man it's one of my all-time favorites does that make sense 7s that was on purpose if that's what you're referring to you can see on the other eye i don't have it on the other eye it's fine right and i want poly grouping because i wanted to be able to do certain things with this so let me go back to my normal transpose because we started this stream on the different because i want to maybe do stuff like looking at this right i might want to start looking at well do you want to mask out a certain section right so you can you can start doing stuff like like this right in essence and now i can work on just the eye or i can flip it and now the eye doesn't get touched and now maybe i want to make that eyelid bounce a little bit more come off the surface a little more if well in this case it's welded now 7s so if i move if i move this it's moving the scar okay you got to remember that but i could also say here let's reset all my brushes because i've been messing around with these okay so i can say also if i want to mess with that that eye part okay i can also do this i don't even have to mask right and i'm actually only sculpting on the eye part or vice versa so i'm only sculpting on the eyelid part and then it's not being touched on the eye because i've got different polygroups and then now i'm telling the brush all the brushes this is a global setting to only pay attention to one polygroup and whatever that one polygroup is the one i clicked on that's the only one you can sculpt on right and then no these are welded now so this is one piece there is no more energy apology right there is no more um what am i doing there is no more inner topology right so you can't move the eye or move the eyelid back but this is another reason why i'm using folders if you don't like the result you just go back and grab the original mesh and fix it cool does that make sense i'm not sure if i'm answering questions i'm not sure i'm assuming you're trying to ask can i still go adjust the eye or adjust the skin no because it's all welded you can but then the things i'm showing you if not then you go back to the original mesh okay so there there you go there's that um okay so wavy gravy now we'll move on to your quick question so just adding you just want to add an image to the surface noise yeah that's that's really easy to you can only add one image at a time though so you got three types of noises and surface noise you have either this graph okay which is this noise or you have your noise plug-in but if you want an image you just click on this down here in the in the bottom the bottom left alpha on and off right just click on that and then it's going to launch and then here like say here here's an image that see now i've got an image in there right and then now that is being controlled by this slider so i'm going to get rid of it and let's zoom into a part where you could see this let's go right into there and so now this is just repeating here let's bump the scaling so you can really see it okay and then now this is just going across the whole gremlin okay easy way to put a pattern of course on him so it's just repeating the image that's it that's all that's happening here so that's where you just click on the alpha on and off uh the noise plugins the noise plug-in itself is like yeah a procedural item that's being evaluated by 3d and then allows you to adjust okay um by default everything's 3d being assigned being applied by 3d if you're going to use the uv option then it'll go look at your uvs and apply the noise based upon a flat surface instead of just a 3d surface okay you don't need uv mapping it's it's a it's an applying it's not necessarily a projection because if you look you'll see some stretching i don't want to call a projection per se it is and it sees they're stretching because it's it's just whatever way the model's sitting to the to here that's being applied but then there's normals in the back you know doing this so then that's why it stretches right because it's just doing this to the alpha it's just yeah and i guess camera plane projection i guess if you want to go that way okay there you there you have it oh you wanna you wanna make it stripe real quick if i was making this stripe i'd probably just do this right and then say let's go let's go a little bit further back there and then now let's fiber mash it like if i was going to turn them into stripe yes yes right and let's i'm going to make the gravity go negative so it goes up let's add some more length in this right let's make sure let's change the color so it's not black right and right now you can see everything that's being made let's let's make the coverage bigger yeah so you see kind of them are all over the place the reason why this is also happening is doubles on okay so there's fibers being made inside as well so you want to turn double off for this okay because i don't want that happening with the fiber meshes i don't want double to be used i only want the fibers to be grown a certain way right and then now i want gravity to take over this and then i also want some more segments right and then now i probably want the gravity going positive in this sense right so you start to get something like that yes all right moving on to the next question let's keep rocking and rolling here let's see where did i leave off okay merch subtitles we did all right here's a good one i thought this was a really good one this is a great question to ask because there's actually more than one way to do this okay so how can i copy a rotation from one sub tool to another okay so i'm assuming this user was trying to rotate meshes right and they had multiple obviously multiple sub tools so they were turning something right let's just say something like this guy right so if we're rotating this right we want maybe other things to rotate with it and there's going to be more than one way maybe even to do this right and in some cases maybe you even made your model the wrong direction maybe you modeled like this right which it should be forward facing z should be the way it goes right and what i want to do is re-fix this i need it to be facing forwards because right now i'm facing x with the body and i want z okay so let's just say as an example since this guy is facing the right way right now what's going on mike mayart okay let's say oh it's facing the wrong way i need this guy to be facing positive x okay just rotate the monitor oh characters today i like it mike all right so this is what they're asking i want to rotate this to now facing the right direction but every subtool needs to rotate okay so let me show you one way first all right so one way would be using the deformation sub-menu okay so i got this menu right to be able to rotate this right so i'm gonna say all right rotate right here is in here and i'll rotate along what i'm going to rotate along the y so i'm going to turn off the z and hit y because i i want them to turn like this as if it was like a turntable where there's a pole going through from his feet to his head and i'm on i want to rotate around there right so now i can say and i'm showing this because there's something cool i'm going to say this and i'm saying 90 degrees okay and see he rotated one direction if i do a negative 90 degrees let me try and see if i can stop that save should go turn off my saving okay now we're gonna have to wait for my shave i didn't i don't wanna mess with the while it's saving now so in essence i'm trying to rotate the model which is one subtool and then i want all the other subtools to rotate with it right that's what i'm looking for i might i might kill zbrush because i have a lot of stuff loaded that's big and let's see if i can if i can make it escape well i don't want to you guys don't need to see wow saving look amazing i'm just going to close this we don't i'm not going to sit here and wait for a safe pointless pointless point let's play something okay and get launched okay it's launching okay so again to this question all right uh let's go here and again let's just load him again all right and then let me actually turn off let's turn off these quick saves and turn off my screen saver now back to this again i can now say over here once again i'm going to rotate by the y and then i'm going to say negative 90 and see he turned now i need all the other ones and this is why i'm going to show this to you guys all i need to do now is this go to the bottom of the menu and repeat to other bam i'm showing this to you guys is because there's a lot of things inside of deformation like contrast smooth inflate inflate balloon that's just not about rotations right i might want to do an like if i want to do now an inflation to him and now i want every other sub tool also to inflate with that exact same inflation i can now hit repeat the other and then they all inflated with the exact same inflating okay i don't know what you're referring to alex i don't know what performance issue you're referring to i just didn't want to wait for a savings out of performance you just got to go create and i have a ton of tools loaded that were really big so it's probably going to be a gig or two and i didn't want to wait for that file to be created but if you're zbrush sense um cpu and then the number of threads and then the speed of that is really important your ram the amount of ram and the speed of your ram is important and then your hard drive like those three are the most important things for zbrush okay so this is why i wanted to show this but realistically i'm not going to always want to do this right and then now you've got right see the subtools right have some removed and some or not right so let's reload this guy back now to just be back to the beginning okay really if i'm gonna do what that person was asking in the question i'm gonna use the gizmo number one i can go anyway i don't need to do any sliders right i don't need any settings i need typing i can just be looking at the model look from the top and then just rotate what if i want an exact like 45 degree angle okay so you can see all the other sub tools need to move with it because now i've got subtools here i've got 11 of them all you need to do is throw a party man okay you just gotta have a bunch of us over and you gotta throw a party with a bunch of pizzas i.e a bunch of subtools so that's what this icon right here is that's what this icon right here in my gizmo is this is going to allow me to tell zbrush hey i don't want to just move scale rotate the selected sub tool i want to move scale rotate any of the other subtools that are visible and i haven't selected out so now i can see move 45 degree angles and then they're all on a 45 degree angle right or i can see undo as a group and then a 90 degree angle that's very different than what i was just doing before when i did the undo's before i was only undoing the rotation deformation at a sub tool okay this because it's an action of the gizmo i can undo the whole item as a unit and then you got to remember obviously with this on okay i can select out parts that i don't want to move or rotate right so i have this ability here to do that so again i'm just holding down ctrl shift and i'm tapping on the sub tools that i want fully rendered so i can see okay all that and then move everything around and whatever i don't want ctrl shift tap and then now i don't want those and then you guys can also just draw out whatever's in the green box is now going to be visible for moving rotating and everything else everything that wasn't in the big in the box stays put that's it that's how i would do it me i would use the gizmo now the video stopped for facebook people i see it's still going on youtube what about everybody else rio said it just i don't know if it's on rio's side or what about the rest of you watching on facebook is it still rocking and rolling for you if not everyone else is still fine too i see it moving on youtube for me so okay so it if it's a facebook issue i would recommend rio for you to jump to our youtube channel or our twitch channel because they're not having any problems there okay okay all right so yes so vendor what he what veterans at will is asking they're asking well what if i have a folder right this is the point of folders too this is why i am using folders on every single piece that i do i am using these folders it is a just a changer for me for production wise and i'm not wasting our time naming them okay and so what i'm what it is here i'm even going to collapse the folders here we have the ability to do this by folders i can click on the gear and then that's what this first option is transpose set is automatically turning on pizza box party and then every sub tool that's in that folder is automatically visible to move scale rotate and then everything else automatically gets right in essence unselected but now the beauty is i can go back and go okay not just this folder let's add now transpose add the other folder and so now i'm moving two folders at the same time not just one so if you guys had something like you know 15 folders you can actually go and move five folders 10 folders 11 folders eight folders all at the same time scale those rotate all those at the same time okay so this is something that i also while i do this and let's say i do this and now i'm like okay now i don't want this folder to move anymore this folder the second folder i click on the gear and that's what the transpose sub is it subtracts those select those sub tools from the folder from this and now see i'm moving those and those other ones stay put so we have you have the options here to do what we want to do for me this is how i like to use it and in fact i use this to pose my hard surface stuff too inside of zbrush it just makes more sense it's easy to do okay does that make sense to everybody so and as far as e h edmonds you're asking how would you uh mirror a rotated object using one of the objects local axes that's pretty easy to do for sure okay so let's undo this it doesn't even really matter we can stay like this if you want to okay let's just do this and let's select this these boot let's check the knee pads okay so number one you're gonna need symmetry right so you can see if we sculpturally right you can see where my symmetry is let me see let me let me just make sure you guys can see it pretty well okay so you can see my cursor is on the left okay the left uh screen left his right but screen left knee pad and then there's a red square all the way over on the other side right which is just sitting there in space because by default zbrush is looking symmetrically at the world space i.e this green line is the center of the world so that's why when i'm doing this you can see the cursor now screen right and that squared little dot screen left okay are sitting the exact same spot in the world first of all do you understand that right to make sure you understand this so what i want to do now is you're asking well i want to rotate right based upon the models individuals right so if i now go try and rotate this right you're getting this kind of a thing because it's based upon the rotation of where this is sitting so if this is sitting here and now there's symmetry and now we are making some modern art baby yes yes it's because now i have a symmetry right and it's just messing it up so you want number one the thing you want to do is now change the way first the way symmetry is being looked at so all you need to do is turn on local symmetry here that's it that's your number one thing you're going to want to turn on there is i want you to locally look at these knee pads as individual shells don't look at the world anymore so now if you'll notice when i go and now put my cursor right notice now the other side is sitting where i want it to sit right so when i sculpt on this knee pad it's sculpting on the other knee pad this is also going to go into play for my gizmo and so now if i want the center of this that's what this icon is right here this is center so now just move the gizmos to be dead center of the sh the bounding box of these two knee pads but they're it's being done individually now if i come out of symmetry and do this you'll see the gizmo snaps to the center between the two knee pads if i turn symmetry back on and tap on that see they go back and in essence we have two gizmos now okay and then now when i rotate right they're going to act more as individual pieces and also when i go to scale right and scale these up and down and then this is now they've crossed over that's why it's stretching like that okay so this is now but see individually can be now rotated moved scaled and they're not if i turn local off i start scaling see they move away from me they move also with local on it changes the world for you okay was that e h edmonds i think you're asking that question that should that should answer for you okay so moving on then let me continue down okay so here is another great question that came through is how can i adjust the root of a fiber mesh all right so you guys might not be aware and raise of hands go ahead raise your hand who's used fiber mesh and one two three raise your hand all right all right i see there's a lot of people raising their hands great super fabulous i don't see unless you guys do a hand emoji right so when you guys do this or okay well if you're going to use something like fiber mesh let's use him let's do this and just because we're talking about fiber mesh i'm going to do one of my favorite things for fiber mesh one of my favorite favorite favorite favorite features of fiber mesh is doing something very cool right so i'm going to do this let's go ahead and click build up let's start saying i'm going to give this guy a beard and he's he's maybe a soldier from the silver wall little abraham lincoln like right so he's gonna have a nice nice beard i'm just gonna start sculpting up a nice looking beard shape okay so this is obviously starting to give me a sculpting approach to a beard right but what we want is not a sculpted approach we want actual fibers yes yes why not there yes there this is very interesting beard for sure just coming off his face like that yes perfect perfect let's give him also a little bit of maybe let's give him a little bit of a mustache in here too maybe not as not as strong just just enough right just a little bit in here yeah maybe a little stubble a little bit kind of a little bit what i got going on right now like i like to call this lazy face lazy face i didn't feel like shaving lazy okay say something like that let's let's give it let's let's even give in some eyebrow you look weird without eyebrows right so let's go a little bit stronger and then slowly a little bit and then a shorter burst smaller okay perfect perfect okay so what's really great about this what i love when you guys go and create some fiber meshes okay when i hit preview i get fiber mesh everywhere okay you guys also now know there's fiber meshes being built inside right so i don't want that i don't want display properties double turned on i want to make sure this is also happening because i don't want any fibers why waste that it's inside no one's going to see that anyways okay so now i'm going to go to fiber mesh and hit preview and you can see it's very different now see the fibers aren't shooting out they're only shooting out this direction there's none shooting inward into the model okay so right now we're just getting fibers everywhere okay and it looks at polygon size it looks at multiple things what i'm going to do now is this i'm going to switch my morph target back to just the demo head and then now go to more fiber mesh okay and now i'm going to have this but now i'm going to tell fiber mesh okay to only look at the morph target and then voila i've now got fibers only where i sculpt it so it's now looking at the original model that i stored a morph target in where there was no sculpting change okay and then now it's only going to give me fibers and if you notice the length is also being controlled by the sculpting that i did how much i pulled it out so now it's just like okay what kind of fiber meshes do i want i'm going to go bigger just so you guys can visually see better and i'm going to go with less just so it's just easier for you to see in the stream um let's give it some color yeah why not let's give it some green hey he's cool he's hip man he's got blue it's like i'm doing me i'm doing you know today's dates all those kids we've all got dyed hair okay and so when you guys now go to accept this all right there is something happening with these this new sub tool you can see this one says fibers 14. we are tagging this inside of zbrush so in essence zbrush knows this is a fiber mesh and now there are certain things you can do to this that you cannot do to any other mesh because it's tagged as a fiber mesh with that said you can hurt and destroy that tag by doing things like dividing splitting it up right using group splits and things like that will delete the tag but what the tag does for me is say hey you know okay blue's cool okay but what i really want is to put a texture on this right but you can see there's there's no uvs so i can go now to uv map okay i'm going to go to create and hit this button see there's a fiber uv and then now see now i've got uv boom grab a texture let's use this and now you can see that texture is being applied across every single fiber right so if i had stuff like a feather or anything like that this is what you're going to get now okay it's something like that right so again i am what do i want across there okay so this is the the beauty of fibers is it's tag something what that also means if i switch to the grooming brushes okay these are brushes made specifically for messing around with the fiber mesh so it knows that there's a tag on this mesh of being a fiber mash so if i do like groom hair toss this is where the question now comes into play if i'm grabbing this you can see i can just toss around these fibers but notice the fibers aren't ever coming off the surface and also notice the fibers don't change in length no matter how much i pull on these their length maintain is being maintained compared to if i switch to a move brush see it's just changing it okay so it's because there's a tag on this and so what we've done is we built the system wrapped around this so this hair toss in the brush palette there's a whole menu called fiber mesh and this is what it's looking at it's looking at these sliders and go okay you have turned up some sliders here in this fiber image menu for this particular brush and one in particular preserve length so the preserved length being at 100 is why when i pull on this they never change in length if i want a little bit then i drop this down and now it'll just slowly change it's not a lot but it will because i'm i'm allowing the length to change so that's what this is this is allowing do i want the length to change see see i can now change the length so every time i keep pulling see i can change the length that's that's what that slider's doing so what a lot of you might not know is besides this this right you can already see two ways i showed you this tag being important showing you with uving now i'm showing you in the whole brush palette you can make any brush and if you want to turn it into a fiber mesh brush then you want to use this menu right and you want to be looking at all these settings right here to control this what also is happening is in your auto masking menu there's a button called auto mask fiber mesh so by default we are masking that very first polygon at the root and we're not allowing you to move it but we're doing it based upon a button we're not actually physically masking we're doing one of our auto masks so if i turn this off now i see i can start pulling the fibers away from the body so it's still tagged as a fiber but now you can see the diff this is why we have it on by default because if you guys were to do this you'd be like whoa why is that going off the face so much that's why it's on by default okay so there's that tag that's going to answer the question that came through which was how can i adjust the root of a fiber mesh you got to make sure you turn that button off if you want to go adjust the roof with that said though let's not forget this is still tagged okay so i'm going to i'm going to turn off the painting right now so we're just looking at this okay and in fact let's let's recreate let's put a little bit more in him let's now let's go and do a little bit more uh let's go back to fiber mesh let's do a preview this time this time is going to do it white let's do some more fibers this time just so there's some more volume in there okay and i'll go bigger coverage okay and then i'm also going to add more segments and i'm going to get rid of most of the twist i'm just going to put a little bit of a twist in there okay and then i'll get more aggressive with playing with the gravity so maybe it sticks out a little bit more now okay okay i like this one i'm going to accept this one this is asking do you want to go in pretty fast preview mode okay i'm going to say no okay so all i did with segments is i had more topology in each one of the fibers that's important because something else i want to show you guys is this i've now got this fiber mesh right so if we look at just this it looks you can clearly see a face already happening in here right so what also you people can do which is really really nice is in masking there is obviously a mask by fibers right so i can do mask everything and then fiber on mask so if you notice only the tips now right see there's only parts of it being masked and unmasked right i can i can do also just fiber mask it and now all the roots are masked off from the tips so if i want to play with this i've got a graph right so i can adjust this and then see now it's see really only only the the tip from a couple of the the spans from the tip backwards see can be moved right that's what this is doing and then of course i can flip it and then now it's the opposite right so you can see barely being movement and see now the roots have all the movements and the tips barely have any room because the mass still i would probably need you know if i want to do this i would probably do something more like that maybe more like this and now mask right and see now you can have different results with this okay so that's because it's tagged so unmasking is if you've already got a mask like i do now see i've masked off a portion and you hit map fiber mask on mask now it only applies it to these because these fiber meshes were originally masked off it ignores these ones now over here to the left it's only looking at the ones that were i masked off like this as you see i'm only really playing with the tips now so it's just a way for guys if you guys ever wanted to do this or you're trying to like kind of groom it this is the kind of stuff that will come in handy for that especially obviously a lot of you're probably seeing hair cards in the gaming world right now okay so there's that question done right so those are all my pre questions what was that eight questions and obviously we branched off into a lot of other things here okay and so let me see did i miss anything coming through the chat um rio um crystal you were saying actually keep the pattern as the ring and remove the plain band underneath are you talking about when i grabbed the taurus and i made the little spheres all over it okay now i'm reading your question take an alpha and use it in a make a pattern on a band in an array say eight or so and then possibly rotate them to overlap each other to add texture well i would probably use a raymesh to do that rio that that's what i would do right so that that's what i would do um is my audio gone bad now or something because i see someone saying please increase from your audio and you guys had said from the beginning my audio was great right so to your question rio are you still here i don't know if you're still here or not so hit me up like if we were talking about this i would use a ray mesh to do something like this okay oh my oh hey rick send me send me the image in here in chat rick put the link to what you're talking about do you have a link to it because i can't uh getting to my emails is going to be a whole another task i'm not on a computer that i really go to my emails with hold on let me see if i can get logged in i'm assuming you sent it to my pixel logic email address is what i'm assuming let's see make sure my caps lock's not on let me see hold on let me get into my emails here let's see let's see if i can find okay i got it except there is no oh there let's see open a new tab so you're talking about this so if you're trying to do a pattern like that you're trying to put on a wrong along something like this you're going to need to use surface noise and you're going to need to use uvs if you're just trying to take that image of that pattern and have it going around if you're just trying to take in essence a model of that ring with like in the the silhouette of that if that's where you're going is the silhouette of that shape then that could that can be a ramish that you can do that would be easy easier to do to do that okay um so obviously i probably want some roundness so me i probably you could go about this actually many there's a lot of ways you can go about doing what you're what you're asking if i'm looking at just silhouette wise of what you brought in and i'm not because i can just make first the shape so i would do say from what i'm seeing the silhouette i would do say something like this right and then you can say all right let's even just say here in this case i can do symmetry radial and i got eight of them right i can just mask off that pattern right and get eight eight of them right where i want them okay so but you could also for this just just make this also so i can mask these off right and then that's going to be the silhouette of the pattern and then it's also following the curvature and i'm just using radial symmetry to follow the curvature of the torus okay but you can also just make something from that as well right you can go at this in a different s in a different way okay you're going to want to have some roundness in there okay let's say i don't know like i don't even have to do the round let's just let me just simplify it okay i'm gonna just make the shape real fast okay that that what you're looking for right so i'm gonna i'm gonna take a cube okay i'm going to say no no no and then i'm going to switch to z modeler i'm going to inset say something like that something like that then i'm going to q-mesh it in so there's that okay we want it more rectangular right so i'm going to actually do a mirror and weld now along the y so i get this i'm going to now do that and let's now do a deformer just to make things easier symmetrically and then now just do this right so you see how this is deforming also the shape see that so this is why i would switch to just only the gizmo right and then switch to now symmetry along the y center so this goes to even that one question and now i'm doing this and see these this is not getting stretched over here there's no stretch happening here and here it's very different than the deformer was stretching it because it was just moving those points along okay this is different i'm just now just straight up moving them i'm not deforming them so you want something like i don't know say something like this back to z modeler okay and then i want an edge loop here okay so i actually want this along also the x and i want it to be straight like that then i want to take these and do that let's say something like that and then now i'm going to say polylupit let's go somewhere around maybe i'm going to go a little bit more thicker there and then i don't know i'm thinking of putting a pattern in here maybe we'll do something like this something like that okay so now you have something like that right and now you want that to go in a circular fashion around a ring what up randy dice okay number one you'd have to turn this dyno i would turn this on to see what does this look like dynamic right is that really what i'm looking for so i turn on dynamic subdiv to see is that really what i want or do i want to start throwing some creasing at this and change this up a little bit right and then i could probably do something more like that let's say this is more maybe the shape i'm looking for and then now you just are not just a ray mesh it that's it okay the other thing you're going to have though is this is flat you need to have some roundness right for it to fit nicely around a ring okay but array mesh wise right so i say array mesh and then i would say array and you want eight of them and then i would say let's rotate them now along the y 360 degrees three six a and then now just move them apart from each other and then there you go and that's starting to give that repeat and then this is this is a nano i mean i don't know i'm sorry this is an array that whatever i do to one it's going to do to all of them okay and then now i could even say let's apply the topology and now let's even use now a deformer bend curve and i'm going to say let's go along the x make a point make it symmetrical and i can even see put start putting this kind of bend in the model as well even though i started squared i'm using the deformer to give me in essence this shape now something like that right so that's a way i'm just gonna lock my door okay so i think that's kind of what you were going for now you can put patterns on this you can do whatever you want to this okay so but if you've already wanted then think outside the box like grab a cylinder it's already round right it's already got some roundness and then just use this to your benefit build your model off of this then right you figure out you figure out quickly the the math wouldn't be hard to figure out like i've done that in the past okay i've got 17 divisions so in essence what i'd be doing is i would be making this a poly mesh and saying i only really care about these faces right here right and then i don't need those and then now i build from this so now i delete hidden this has already got roundness in it see right and then now i say back to z modeler i can do something as simple now as delete and say i don't want that that that that that that that that that there and i've got the roundness turn on dynamic and then now dynamic even has thickness so i can have something like that happening right out right out the back and so this is this is a a plane in essence this is this is not anything it's just a plane and then now the new zbrush you know you can even use extrusions right and i can highlight the ones i want and i can extrude them out right so i can do this symmetrically and then now just extrude out if i don't want movement like that then i would say extended sides so it gives me that right and then there and then now d and then now you can see there's there's my shape right and if i don't want to look at it smooth now you have that make that a mesh and then there there's my mesh and it's already got a bend in it right so then now you do your ramesh this i'd probably now unify it so it's there in the middle and then now do the same thing that i just did just how many ever you want right rotate along the y 360 degrees and then now i'm just switching to gizmo it's a snowflake and now just moving them apart wherever i want right and then now that i have this i can even edit all of this right this is just coming straight off so these i can now just move to where i want it to continue the ring something like that right and then because i'm low polygon i can do all this and then i can say how about that center it right and then i can even adjust and do something like that it's endless here and then i can even give this a new poly group right see these three faces they're the same three faces and then down here you can make mesh and see how it gets closed off for you all the way around except to there now i can just say here where i hit make mesh i can close it and then boom there you go now just dynamic on and i don't need thickness anymore and now look at it smooth and then there you go right there's so many ways to go about this so many ways okay and the other way would be another way would be just take this right and use something that's new inside of zbrush even too right i can let's take this all right and then i'm going to say let's turn on for me i'm going to turn on live booleans i'm going to switch to let's use project mesh project i'm going to switch to rectangle and i'm going to grab say the star and then now you guys can do this and then now that star c is following the cylinder and i made it a new subtool at the same time okay yeah i'm going fast unfortunately because i have to get going soon so i was just trying to show and give ideas sorry i'm going so fast so then obviously now just turn this back on right draw out your mask right oh i can't let me hold hold and then there see so there's there's a lot of ways to go about this there's there's so many ways to go about that right and then it's projected to an already rounded surface and there you go and then if you've already got the ring size this is going to stop right at the ring size so you know the ring size is correct oh okay thanks yeah normally i like to slow up though so you guys can at least take in the information all right rick there you go you need thickness because you got to 3d print it you got to have thickness to 3d print it okay it's just this this is why also i'm doing this stream today kind of like a live acidity brush with you all so you guys can see stuff live in me trying to do it with you or see it and then you guys can go and look at right so unfortunately i got to get going but before i do let me look at if i missed a question in here right don't forget why we're talking about it like this don't forget about watch this i could also do this watch this boom look at that i've got it cutting into the shape as well and giving me that now okay to your thickness rick you're going to have to set it you got to set it first and then find out and use if you're going to if you need thickness then that's where i would start if you need to think this would be a certain millimeter point 2.5 or three zero millimeters then there's multiple things that you're going to need to do you can use ring master to do that and it would give you the thickness right there right but if i don't have it like this right i don't have this right and let's just say this this part right now right only this these stars let's delete the rest what am i doing my brain is fried it's really time for me to leave okay so this is where i start using the plug-in scale master right and then i would say set scene this is in a millimeter world boom right and then now this is set in a millimeter world which by the way zbrush is is millimeter okay in the world and now geometry i turn on dynamic and i can just give it thickness but i want the thickness to be like where do i want this thickness to be so you see how kind of both the front it's moving kind of like both ways like this i'm going to do this and make the offset only go out so now it's only moving c outward and then obviously negative is only going inward so i go outward right and now because i've set with scale master the scene what it also did is set this transpose line so if you look at the top up here right this is giving you now measurements in millimeters so whenever you drag this out right you can see your measurements that you want right in here okay so right now this this this is a really really tiny so i can say no no no no i want to resize this okay this this ring needs to be a lot bigger than this let's say it needs to be 50 right and everything updates and now i'm going to resize just that and then now this is going to be a lot bigger right and then now when you're doing this gizmo right this is probably well i don't know i don't know i'm just picking a size right now seeing you can even do this with this i can click and i can wait until i get to [Music] whatever millimeter size you want i'm just looking at the top you could this is just one way and then say there there's two millimeters so now i just make my thickness right i keep going until it gets out to that line just one way and then i say apply and then now i've got a real mesh with that thickness and then now i can even take this snap point it's that point it's two millimeters there that's two millimeter there so that ring is two millimeters i needed all the weld now so this is where we talked about earlier everybody this is why i would use i don't need to dynamesh this that's not really necessary i don't have to do that because i can just come here and say remesh by union okay i gotta turn off symmetry okay and then now it'll weld everything for me there it's one mesh now that's it done send a print okay hopefully that helps clear it up some more too yes and you can control it like this is all recorded so you guys will be able to watch it on our youtube channel or our twitch channel again watch it anytime you want any speed you want and then obviously you guys can here email me if you have any questions about something so this was just me doing a live um ask zbrush in essence so let me give you my email address yeah but rick i would use i would use you don't need to do it this way just go get the the ring master plug-in it'll do all this already for you it'll already give the ring size and give the thickness you need just go grab that plug in that's what it's made for it's making it was made specifically for making rings okay uh all right everybody thank you for watching thanks for being a part of this stream hopefully you have fun hopefully you learned a lot hope you took away some tricks and some tips continue sending in your questions to the hashtag ask zbrush to twitter that's where i was grabbing all these original questions okay and we'll continue to do streams like this where i'm just gonna answer those questions live and then also take questions as we're going right so this has been a lot of fun hopefully you all take took a lot away
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 5,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, zbrush tutorial, zbrush beginner tutorial, zbrush 2019, zbrush 2020, pixologic, zbrush free, z brush, sculptris, zbrush live, zbrush download, zbrush core, zbrush trial, zbrush brushes, 3d modeling, digital sculpting, zbrush student, etsy, zbrush character modeling, zbrush character, zbrush sculpting, zbrush realistic face, 3d printing software, 3d modeling software, zbrushcoremini, zbrushcore mini, zbrush mini, figurine, zbrush 2021
Id: PJRfVzfsezU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 23sec (8363 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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