Mike T Artworks: 3D Sculpting Venom - Mike Thompson - ZBrush 2021.6

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[Music] let me know [Music] [Music] anyone there it is all right cool skulls hello oh hey all right what's going [Music] hello how's everybody doing uh welcome back [Music] hope everybody's having a good week maricat says hello [Music] all right so just to let you know i'm trying to mess around with something i [Music] it looks really dope the degree of difficulty of getting used to this is crazy yeah so um i can do this thing where i like rotate around and stuff which is choppy when i'm on obs but i can't control it right i if i was flying an airplane [Music] all right so i'm trying something new this time music is loud let me know if this helps is that better music is loud hold up how's that is that better you guys let me know this is all fluid right here we're just figuring out as we go i'm in slow-mo okay that's good i'm in slow-mo much better all right excellent all right cool so um i'm gonna start something a little different here i don't do a whole lot of uh like shameless promotion but i have i got a couple things i want to talk about uh at the beginning and the end of my stream thanks man thank you lewis thank you thank you all right so i'm gonna switch screens here you can see at the top of my screen i have the mic drops live um that's my stream that i do for myself uh that i want to uh promote here tomorrow i'll be doing one and i have a a guest coming on uh point pusher danny williams if you guys don't know who he is uh look up point pusher best game in the best name in the game and um a really awesome artist and cool dude tomorrow all right and uh at the top you can see my youtube is just my tr work without the s so youtube we're gonna do some housekeeping real quick some promotion and then we can get into that man just just make any more details thanks more detail yeah i know i'm new to way like crazy on this so um i just put my link in the chat for my for my youtube you should subscribe if you haven't subscribed because like i said tomorrow night i got danny williams coming on point pusher i'm gonna have some really good music we're gonna be kind of chopping it up and talking about nerd stuff and sculpting and uh the business and what else uh nft art all kinds of really cool stuff right so the other thing i want to show you real quick before i get into this is here i have a i have a gum road finally that i'm promoting and it's for my anti-venom um so this is going to be uh it's going to be pretty big it's over 10 hours of video um of the whole process of this guy so like on the left is what he started off looking like which is pretty crazy and then uh i just go through in detail until you get this level of detail right this is the venom but i wanted to show people because it's not done yet still sculpting away at it and recording video already i already i think i already have like 30 hours of video that i need to chop down and do narration over and everything like that but yeah this is the deal so if you want to grab this the pre-order is 25 and uh it's gonna be probably double that when it finally comes out um i might throw in some extra content if you pre-order as well all right that is it now no more plugs let's get into the thing with the sculpting what do you think about game artists not optimizing graphics at all nowadays um that's not good i guess you know i don't know that that's cool stuff to print and play around with oh um also i got my any cubic um photon x mono photon x set up i have everything i need and no excuses to start printing so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to start off with this venom head and [Music] print that out so as you can see this is going to be my base all right i got this building here that i kind of chopped up so he will sit and kind of sit on him like this come on there you go he's going to sit on like this right i still got to do the spider on his back um but yeah this is this is kind of a deal so today what we're doing is we're going to continue detailing start poly painting and getting this guy really ready to go and then um i think on the next one i'll probably start cutting him up cutting him i ended a sentence with a preposition i apologize you know when i get rid of the build get rid of the building now the mouse works look at that that's crazy the building was heavy a lot of functions going on there painting tutorial what's up theory how do you learn anatomy how did i learn anatomy i'm still learning anatomy i got books and pictures and all that all that so um it's a work in progress you guys you can see here i started adding some vein veins multiple veins to him and it helps um kind of went in and beefed up uh the proportions where it should be he's a big boy um went in on his feet a little harder so that's cool the now the sad thing about that like the feet this foot anyway is pretty much completely obscured by the symbiote so you're not gonna really see it when i link him on here but but i like the idea that i can rest him on this base and he's gonna be solid and i can really lean him forward you can see like that angle is crazy so i can lean forward like that uh how far have you done how long so i started ronnie coleman that's what's up lightweight baby oh no i don't know that don't be dis and ronnie coleman is that a disc tell me that's not a disc don't break my heart in here um i probably started sculpting six years ago seven years ago not a disc good man all right um yeah so uh i have pictures of some of my older stuff it is pretty pretty bad so just letting you know that all right i'm gonna hide some of this stuff the head oh also went into his tongue and started adding some teeth i wanted to get gnarly with this so i got teeth on his let's hide that all right let's hide the symbiote so yeah like teeth on his tongue i'm gonna continue to make that even crazier that's what he yells when he deadlifts like it oh oh my gosh yikes 800 plus that's great um so uh yeah started adding some teeth to this guy's tongue uh started detailing the inside of his mouth and the way that i set this up so far is because there's a lot of overhangs i have it so i can turn off like the top of his head i can turn off this part and um those will probably be all joined together with the gums and the teeth and so now you can see i can get in here and really go hard on the inside of his mouth print this out as one piece um minus the tongue i'll turn off the tongue and the tongue teeth let those off there you go so yeah this is gonna be the inside all right i don't know if you're gonna see this but i've been sculpting i have an issue where probably go a little too far on stuff but it is what it is uh some of the old stuff yeah you know what i can show you some like an old hulk i'll find it it's really embarrassing how to get in collectibles industry just uh you know um put your work out there get an instagram page post up work and then bug the but the heck out of them until they you break their spirit and they have to respond uh many many teeth whole lots of teeth thanks carlos appreciate it all right cool so that is valve we got some spit all right so it's going to look something like that if i turn on the poly painting on it looks a little nicer yes you know what i'm saying all right so head is off body is on you can see that i started to kind of set that spider in his chest um sculpting in that i really went crazy with the arms here um and the fingers so let me show you what i got everything is probably groups i can hide it all right but um the fingers look wild right now that's because i um all right so yeah i thought it might be cool rather than having his nails look like this which is what they were before i thought it might be kind of cool to go through and make it look like they are kind of the symbiote melting into the nail you know what i mean so then i sculpted them into the hands and stuff so that's what all this is about that's what i'm doing right now let's just keep detailing away on this real quick if you have any questions i will answer those i'm using sculptors pro with this so like if i go too far because i kind of like the way that these look over here the thumb is a little like that's a little heavy so if i turn on my sculptures pro i can just kind of delete that all out just to raise it away you know might be a little much much but i did this with the spider also on his chest so i want to make it feel like that thanks carver thank you that's a little question yeah no i break symmetry as early as possible [Music] good i'm glad you joined too i'm glad all you guys are here it gets quiet when i'm by myself so you can see i've just been kind of noodling away on this hand um i want these fingernails to be thick too because i am printing them more than likely i'm going to print the uh the hand with the nails out all at one time so i don't want them to break all right so if i like hide i hide the rest of the body and i come over and turn on my i'm gonna have to undo disable sculptures pro turn on back face masking and now i can come in and really thicken these up i just want them to print nicely so if i didn't have the back face mask turned on then what happened is like when i sculpted the top of this i didn't have it on and you see it pulls through the other side of the geometry if it's thin so just setting that up so it's all good super excited you guys i got to talk to uh an actor yesterday who's like a fan of his stuff that was like bugging out you know when you talk to somebody and you're like yeah i gotta i gotta chill i can't nerd you know nerd out on this person because that's probably not a good look when you are a grown man but uh yeah that was what happened [Music] all right so now i can turn on sculptures pro again and uh now i can oh i gotta turn off the auto mask okay turn off back face now i can get back into the daily deal mike can you talk a little about your process inside the z and says he brushed to prepare the model for substance painter yeah um i'm gonna modeling printing my own cartridge nice nice mean boy the cat also very rem very memorable name back on he is swollen base this whole thing off of not my body having a good good topology is important for print yeah so not so much um you don't have to have really good topology but what's going to happen is if i decide that i want to go in and um and texture this guy um or use something like you know nano mesh or whatever in here to get some really cool textures then um having good topology kind of helps you know the closer your um your polygons are to being like a square then i think the better you're gonna do but i talked to guys who are like really successful sculptors who just don't they don't care about topology are they not slaves to it let me not say they don't care about it i will be plugging my stream with danny all the way through this thing so if you are not already please subscribe to my youtube channel tomorrow i'm gonna have point pusher on anybody who has been on facebook um and sculpts should know uh danny's work he's dope worked with a whole lot of animation studios video game companies uh new yorker and just like all-around all-around good guy last time i saw danny we were in new york together at the uh comic con he came out and we both were doing stuff for the wacom booth and uh get the hangout i love that this industry is one that you know um you can kind of meet your your heroes you know what i mean and like hang out with people who are just doing super high level work and they're very cool about it um felt the same way when i got to meet daniel bell you know i'm not gonna don't worry i'm not gonna name drop stuff on this thing but just telling you there's a lot of really good guys in the industry and uh and i think that's what makes it special right it's like a close community the zbrush community i think i think all right so um that a little see how this looks yeah i want to look kind of gnarly before he was you know he had like a really nicely manicured hand and i'm feeling like venom probably would not have come from the salon you know especially during covet respects the fact that uh you gotta do your civic duty all right all right so this arm is kind of the level of finish that i'm going to have when it comes to the veins i only had a few more on the back here voided out [Music] i'm not trying to get beat up by these guys for real let's see do i have a discord i do not have a discord yet um truth be told i am not a giant fan of discord yet i know that i will need to get on it but i don't know every time i get on there like my resolution on my screen is terrible and uh i'm not trying to buy another service just yet reference image is a bodybuilder without claw damn you are right free hugs for all i took liberties with the claws thank you thank you what's your favorite sculpture faber sculptors uh daniel bell i mean i got a lot of favorite sculptures i like joe minna i like eric sosa there's a lot of there's a lot of really awesome sculptors that are doing crazy things so [Music] a whole lot of guys oh a lot of fellas of course danny's work is dope thank you please increase your voice volume uh all right that's turned up let's see i mean i can let's see tell me if i start to get feedback is that any better check check check check check falco yo mike which muscle are you looking for which muscle um i would like the muscle that makes my stomach not look the way that it looks at the moment whatever that muscle is cool yeah no i'm pretty through the anatomy part of this right now like right now it's all kind of just noodling away at it detailing it um i lost my place oh i was gonna do some veins turn on my lazy mouse so the thing about this is i'm going kind of hard with the with the veins normally you would probably want to do this on layers and then you can you know multiply them and turn them up and all that good stuff um i like to have uh i like to have my model kind of hidden when i'm doing this so i will i usually sculpt it in and then i saw a nice trick on youtube where you can um uh you make your layer after the fact and then you um you smooth out all of your your veins and um and then you kind of run it backwards and it and it does the uh you know it does the does the thing there which is pretty pretty fresh i'm gonna try that so one thing i learned with 3d printing is you usually want to go about one and a half times the depth of um of what your what you actually want in order to see it right so if i'm looking at my i'm looking at my hulk here like this detail was carved in pretty light it's too bright it's too bright anyway let's see you can see like the detail in the hair and everything or the there you go that's pretty good yeah i did i dug that in pretty deep in order to get it to work right now it's not focused on me hey i'm here here all right whatever messed up my camera [Music] [Music] so [Music] kind of working on the veins it's it's nice having pressure sensitivity i can't imagine doing this with a mouse you know anybody that's interested i'm on a 32 inch cintiq pro and uh i don't know i had a friend send me the space mouse i probably wouldn't have bought this on my own only because i know how i am i'm gonna try to make this thing work but i mean it's dope like you know i can do things like kind of line this up and then just rotate around like that's pretty fresh you know it does cool stuff let me stop talking crap about this thing case the uh 3d connection guys it's cool it's just i don't know that it's i don't know i got used to it all right and if i ever go too far on this let's see what else i missed all this bunch of voice is better now good looks awesome thank you muscle mic it seems like that's like an ironic thing you're calling me that thanks man any recommendation courses tutorial anatomy when it comes to sculpting yeah man there's um well just so it happens you know there's this thing that there's there's there's this thing that uh that you could you could get as a tutorial tutorial you came for the sculpting not for the english language which i will butcher let's see no there's a whole bunch of stuff um youtube is your friend and if you want to get my gumroad then i would be very appreciative how do you do the surface so the surface um i used my um clay build up and just did a whole lot of scratching back and forth in different directions to get it to look this way so what i can do is if i want to let's say that some of these veins now are okay but i don't want them to be as uh you know kind of apparent as they are i can switch back to my clay tubes and um you know like a low opacity with a little buildup i can just kind of this is how i got the surface i would like rotate look at the muscle from one angle and then rotate and you know kind of build up forms take away forms you know the ironic thing about this it's interesting it's like when i first started drawing faces so if you guys don't know me i'm uh illustrator by trade like that's my that's my bread and butter that i've kind of made my career of uh thus far but um i always enjoyed you know illustra sculpting and learning how to sculpt but when i first started painting faces it was a wrap like it was not good at all i couldn't get likenesses i just was not very good at it and this is around the time i was like right out of college um but i i took a job where i had to paint people like i was doing all these wrappers and uh you know magazines and stuff like that and it was um trial by far you know like i i either had to learn how to figure it out or else i would not be able to keep the job so that's kind of where i am with anatomy when i first started anatomy just like when i was in college i you know the whole thing was i'm like all right well i have a body i know what a body looks like and i started sculpting it and quickly realized that i you know would post things on facebook or you know we didn't have our station back packed in but um you know just the forms and stuff like that and you know folks are brutal they will let you know when you're not doing it right so i found out that my insertion points were all wrong and you know i didn't have the uh the contraction and stuff like that with the muscles the stretching and contraction and all that good stuff and uh and it showed in my work you know luckily i got to meet ryan kingsland and um and talk to him and he gave me some really good advice along with you know some other really awesome sculptors and i just practiced until it got better i'm not trying to get like blasted for having something look crazy you know and by no means is any of my stuff perfect but um you know if you mess with something long enough it gets better i think that was long-winded i don't even know if i answered your question uh what kind of brush do i use for vayne's just the standard brush standard brush thanks iron man all right to use geometry do you use hd german no no you know what i have friends that use hd geometry i i never used it you know like i mean i would probably be dope if i come in close enough on this like i could probably subdivide it another time because like in his knuckles here you can see that there's this pixelation that's going on um but uh you know i i don't bother with all that mess plus is it really going to hold in the print you know zbrush or blender i'm imagining that's what you're saying so i personally am a zbrush dude but i will let you know i want to learn blender also i got friends man danny was showing me this thing with blender that's like a workflow that was crazy um i was talking to paul gabry about it yesterday i'm like dude you know i want to get that in the mix for my or my pipeline you know maybe sculpt it in here i know that blender sculpts also but i'm comfortable you know where i am so sculpt it in here maybe take it in there do some cycles renders um you know get some real-time lighting and things like that could be kind of fresh all right so that is that's kind of what i want to get with the rest of the body so let's look at the rest of my that sounds annoying sorry don't hold it against me that was annoying um let's turn on his uh oh you know what probably can come back over this arm do the same deal now i have this arm kind of incorporated into the uh the symbiote so that's why it looks this way uh let's flip this hide these right so yeah if it looks crazy it's all kind of chewed up that's because if we come over to this and turn on i think it's this one turn on this wide like this that's right yeah so it's kind of like in the in the arm you know what i'm talking about all right let's go so you can see i just kind of have this under the skin and i want it to poke out in interesting places out of the way uh when you're printing would you say yeah i mean the more uh pronounced the detail is in your in your sculpt on the screen the better it's going to translate in your um in your final print so like if i was looking at here's something hold on a second okay so if we were looking at um this hand and get it to focus don't look at my face um uh it's not focused it's focused on me way back here let's see okay if we were looking at this hand you see the pores are in there like on the screen like it's it it doesn't want to focus but if it did just take my word for it i got pores and stuff in the hands that looks crazy on the um also look at the size to this hand not for nothing but it's a big ass hand my friend and i got comments as such in the uh when i showed pictures of my health but um yeah the uh when you look at it on the on the actual sculpt those pores are dug in deep like it probably looks like 2d but they came out just well enough to hold this is the thing i was just showing you this is the resin port so this is not the original the original was printed with uh pla and that's um after i made a silicone mold imported and uh made the thing you guys know what i'm talking about so i just got to make sure that for these areas they're just going to uh they're not going to be so thin that they break apart my cat knocks this thing down or whatever i mean but it's a wrap if he knocks it down if she knocks it down but let's not talk about that all right oh my gosh i missed a lot of stuff what tool are you using to make these veins yeah that was just the the standard brush um your call badge on the top tools you can't see yeah um that's just standard sorry it was just a standard brush that is a great digital oh thank you thank you thank you um one of my students okay yeah i did teach some uh some stuff i guess you know years never really got with it i hope it's good yeah they just added some stuff to make it really kind of work with zbrush i know that uh mike pavlovich is uh he did a video on it um but it man it takes some getting used to how did you keep that photo down keep that photo down what you talking about uh wolf no this is covered weight this is all this is fat i just i'm wearing a cool shirt that's all cool shirt yeah no that whole center section is out of control um a urine quarantine affected your process i would like to say that it has um i don't normally go outside um i'm not a i think the sun is overrated quite frankly just letting you know that a whole lot of people get real excited about the sun not fan um so i stay inside a lot so i say all that to say um toilet paper wise absolutely 100 percent covetous it's terrible and i don't leave much more than that oh why you crate i t m great idm uh i don't know what that means got better yeah yeah reference is all just i'm pulling it off google it's all just google stuff and um i got a lot of stuff you can see i'm using pureref here uh i think i'm gonna find an early picture of this uh i have a lot of videos oh look at this this is gnarly this is what i use for that tongue did you know that geese were this scary they're like this is nightmare fuel right here just letting you know my boy tony gore told me about the inside of a goose's mouth and i haven't been right since cat's also kind of scary on the inside oh here this is good this is good i like this dude this'll work um oh the nails let's get back to the nails real quick i got a lot of comments online that this guy was looking like sabretooth because of the way his nails looked and that was a 100 correct call so i've never painted saber tooth yet but you know anybody that knows me loves other knows that i love to uh recycle my stuff so don't be surprised this is saber tooth in another life just saying so right now i'm just kind of using sculptors pro to figure this all out where i thought i was let's turn it on that's better um yeah and uh and then if i need to what i could do is i could uh go in z remesh to make it look better [Music] and you can see this hand doesn't have as much detail on it i don't have the uh kind of the cracks and the knuckles and all that yet [Music] but that's nothing but the damn standard [Music] brush [Music] so yeah if you guys like this please uh subscribe to my youtube um i'm gonna be doing a lot more plugging today and um and hopefully that that leads to some more traffic like i said tomorrow i'm gonna have uh danny williams point pusher on with me tomorrow night and uh and that's gonna be fun danny's been doing it a long time anybody who's interested in industry workflow and the pipeline of uh creating game assets or animation you know danny's work with dreamworks he's with netflix now netflix animation and uh he's just like a boss when it comes to that also nice guy [Music] this is all just me kind of just messing around and trying to find something that i like you know i don't know what this is going to be exactly but i like the idea of this becoming the nail you know [Music] just feels a little more like something that would happen with them [Music] and if you guys like this and maybe missed earlier stuff or want to see like the whole process i mean like the whole process um check out my gumroad that's mike t artworks gumroad at my tr works no that's not where it is at all and uh and you can pre-order my anti-venom which is is this but all of it and narration like it's a lot brush oh more transposo i want these knuckles to be gnarly that's the thing the more disfigured the better like gross what else did i miss here [Music] oh thanks man currently working on men's physique type model watching nice yeah do you think do you think thank you really cool thank you anatomy monday yeah you know what it's crazy i do like if i post up on uh on the pixelogic or um you know zbrush or the uh yeah like the zbrush groups on facebook when i do just a i get a way better response than showing the whole thing so anatomy mondays could be dope [Music] um also if you guys have ideas for mic drops like uh i used to do a thing on youtube where i would do these really short little bite-sized clips of tutorials and i called them mic drops um i got a couple on there now but if you have any ideas for things you want to see it's kind of like uh you know i would say that i'm ripping off acid zbrush ask zbrush but i feel like mine might have been right before those came out only i did not follow through so kudos to uh to joe and paul and those guys for actually doing what they said they were gonna do give me ideas for what you want to see and i can pick those up again you know what i'm talking about back oh i posted my uh first piece of nft artwork to you guys some hip hop stuff from back in the day so wish me luck i also want to be a millionaire or a several thousand air i'll talk about that tomorrow all right so the nail's looking kind of crazy now maybe it's a bit much just dial it just back little bit [Music] trying to figure out stuff i get quiet just gotta forgive me i'll start talking in a second and read the comments trying to figure something out yeah this is basically a lot of me building up and then digging in on this surface like that's a lot of back and forth rotating and seeing what it looks like all right let's see what i missed any tips for sculpting muscles use a lot of reference it's what i do and drink your milk and stay in school don't do drugs kind of 3d printer using i have the any cubic photon monox and the wash and cure ii just got it yeah standing standard brush with lazy mouse's veins that's all i'm doing and then i'm going in and uh i'm not messing with any of the the radius settings or any of that um not using an alpha because i want it to be kind of soft but like i'll go over the veins with um clay build up sometime just to just bring them down a little bit maybe they they get a little too high and i want to bring them down a little bit smooth them out but i don't like smoothing because then i lose all my surface detail i kind of like the fact that i have this texture here you know and if i go in enough directions then it just becomes kind of a texture you know it doesn't look quite quite as cross hatchy as the illustrator i don't mind that though i mean i kind of like the cross hatch nature of this it's pretty fresh kind of a happy accident if you will and then moving the light around helps also get a better idea of what i'm looking at it's out of here get out of here's in the way all right and then yeah just kind of moving my light around him still let's see what that symbiote is doing in order to tell where it should be smoothed out [Music] i don't know for certain if any of this is gonna work or not i'm just kind of messing around and doing stuff and then seeing if i like it so far you know it's not catastrophic i have uh i have backups of this thing saved like different iterations so if there's a point where i go too far or feel like i kind of mess something up i can always dial it back yeah i like that look all right let's get the rest of these fingernails done and move on i think the hardest thing about this is time management because i will i'll kind of get caught up in the minutia of this thing and spend a long time on a part and then i'll look up and it's dark outside you know so um that's not good i find that i have that problem with my stuff right like if i'm working on a project for like sideshow or something like that the date is like the the deadline is what it is so you can't really mess around on that deadline when it's your thing you can you know do what i do which is on a lot of pieces get 98 of the way done and then lose interest and start something new so that's not good having this printer now is uh oh man i am back this is my back face mask um having this printer is a giant plus because i can actually print these things myself and not have to depend on anybody and um and so that the likelihood of them just getting completed and i got this hope that i have half molded behind me i've got like a 60 pound mold on the ground with just half of his upper body done it's crazy so i gotta finish that i actually have to finish that soon before my silicone goes bad because that wasn't expensive i'll be selling those by the way pay for all this silicone resin as long as having thickness it's all right this is all going to penetrate inside of the hand so the fingers i'm not sure if there's the hand that faces up or down i think it's the one that faces down so you probably won't see this but again my adhd won't let me not put these details it's like when i used to paint i would paint these pictures and zoom in super far on the canvas when i started doing digital painting back in the day way back when computers were first invented and um and i would zoom in really really far and paint on this detail and the thing was only going to print out like this size so it's a giant waste so again time management all right here we have two left we've missed would be good to see the brush yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so just so you guys know i'm only using the clay build up the damn standard and the standard brush and the move brush that's it so even though this thing is covering it i would rather people go to my youtube and just ask me what brush i'm on and i'll be happy to tell you like this is all today is like it's all about promotion i don't want to cover up [Music] i mean i guess i can move it down all right don't be in here making a whole bunch of sense let's move this down i'll move it down here like this and then i'll move it back let's see what we can do here all right how's that all right that's better i hate it when people tell me things i should have done in the first place but thank you it makes way more sense all right um material mat cap using yeah so this is just the standard uh material that i went in and i tweaked to um to make it uh to make it pop a little more right so if i come in here and turn off my light i have a bounce light turned on turn that off you can see that this is what it looks like so this is mine and this is the regular basic material see the difference shadows are a little heavier and um and that's it you know not a giant difference see let's do this i'll do a render okay and then layer a create t frame frame so i can do with the space mouse oh snap y'all i'm getting better with the space mouse all right before it was just like all over the place it was crazy you would get seasick if you tried to look at motion sickness all right so that's basic now let's try that's mine and now if i render this and i bake it layer fake you can see they're close they're pretty close all right mine is maybe a little bit darker in the shadows so that's all i just played with the sliders in the material um so layer merge yes all right i can see hollywood trucks in my city with like what the hell hollywood trucks what you talking about falls um [Music] 100 messages all right cool so if you guys like what you see i'm not kidding i'm not kidding i'm going to plug the crap out of this youtube.com my tr work please subscribe tell a friend all right tomorrow i'm gonna be streaming i'm gonna have a whole lot more goodness it's not only going to be stuff that you would see in here there might be a little more foul language because it's you know my thing and uh i know the kids like that and um what else danny danny williams is gonna be their point pusher so you know it is what it is you gotta join let's see everyone is asking about anatomy and how do you feel basic form female cursor looks different yeah my cursor is crazy i had somebody explain it to me and um has something to do with stream labs i think or my settings it's something 10 years [Music] yeah you gotta keep doing that artwork man let's see if cursor only looks like that and she's some kind of bug yeah yeah it's not just me boom that's crazy thank you crazy hands thank you uh reposition the claw on top of the brush using cool floating under the cursor very curious about how you can tell more wait what's floating under the cursor very cursive curry curious i don't talk so good tell me more about it um under the cursor i don't know what you're talking about does it look like a barcode because that happens in the streams as far as anatomy [Music] all right i'm gonna do this again um full screen camera so a lot of good books this is a great one by sarah simblet anatomy for the artist [Music] fantastic they break it down really well like overlays like the tracing paper overlay shows you the bones they get real deep into it so anatomy for the artist is one of my favorites right the strength training anatomy books are fantastic by frederick delaviere right um let's see also just get ripped that's that's a great way to learn anatomy i think that's how boris did it right forest vallejo f-r-e-d e-r-i-c v-i-e-r strengths they have it for men and women can't type so good training anatomy that's one uh anatomy for artists oh you guys can't even see what i'm doing anatomy for our tests well i guess you can't see tis artists that's one um this is not an anatomy book but i got this and it is dope this is great this book is so fresh ultimate sneaker book look how thick it is i love it got it on sideshow um i did some stuff for tashan for their like 100 best illustrators series and they have that book but anyway get that and while you can see it black panther good for anatomy um full screen and then you know like these guys these guys too are great and um and this i just painted but yeah these are fantastic i love them so really a lot of really good reference it's like show and tell today um what did i miss hollywood bro real life transformers and breaking bad netflix facebook yo i don't know what that means paul's is like cryptic i don't know what this stuff means sorry for the character and i'd be able to use toilet paper because the big nails gross pretty gross vinegar thanks mike yeah you got it now for artist scans are good reference too absolutely um big enough to hide the actual shoes and yeah absolutely yeah it comes with a pair of jordans inside inside the book is it just pictures of sneakers um just pictures of sneakers how dare you how dare you do you mean just pictures uh no those figures are from uh 3d total 3d total you can get them from there okay where was i back on the thing and also get my gum road i go through doing all of these muscles all of these parts everything that you see me detailing here you see it go from looking crappy to looking pretty good to looking like the thing it's supposed to look like so if you haven't already check out um check out this thing it's my my gum road for anti-venom yeah you guys know what i'm talking about all right i know plug my plug plug hey listen man if i don't plug my stuff who else is going to do it i got kids to feed by feed i mean put through college very scary the whole college thing by the way yeah so you can see like 99 of what i'm doing is done with the clay build up clay tubes rather no clay build up sorry and damn yesterday what i do and what i'm gonna do for these nails is when i get these forms kind of the way i want then i can go back and refine them and smooth them and stuff i don't want it to look like bone claws or anything like that but i do want it to feel a little less like uh you know just a scallop shape there you know something a little more organic everything organic some more definitions man i yesterday it was yesterday yesterday [Music] [Music] [Music] mmm all right one more fingernail to go we can do those toenails this is not the the nail stream this is not the pedicure stream you guys i know you're like yo if he does one more nail i'm done and to that i would say somebody's gonna take these nails who's gonna do them if not me [Music] you'll see it's not a back face mask let's just move this out all right that's better all right turn my back face mask so if you're new to zbrush and you ever have that problem where you have something that's thin a thin mesh that you're working on and when you sculpt one side it's affecting the other side uh you want to turn on your back face mask and that's going to fix your problem there uh the only thing about it is you can't use back face mask with sculptures pro enabled you turn it off and turn it back on and keep it moving i missed some stuff going on what do you think about 2021 i love it it's dope they keep putting more and more great stuff in you are welcome i need fix it spray well listen if you're talking about typos you came to the right place hey peter's animation is one of my son's friends nice very cool very cool this is crazy so my my i i have some friends of uh i don't have friends my son has friends who are like these youtube influencers who have just followings that are crazy let me know if you're one if you're one of them um because i keep bugging my my high school son to reach out to his high school friends and tell his dad how to do it to get my youtube following up these kids are just born with it you know i used to make fun of my parents because they couldn't get rid of the flashing 12 on the vcr i know that you guys don't even know the vcr is like date myself like crazy but um yeah uh i thought that was hilarious and now i am the guy who doesn't know technology the way that kids are just basically born knowing it so that's real talk all right let's see uh where are you doing job now oh i am uh so i'm i've been freelance for a long time i'm working on a project for uh like a sculpting project for a client right now and um and i see i haven't done any painting stuff this year i don't think so just kind of working on my own my own things a lot of self-promotion getting ready for uh some more movie poster stuff i usually get hit with that when i'm not expecting it well like i was saying earlier i got to meet this actor yesterday it was dope um so hopefully things cross i'll be doing some new stuff soon um that would be cool that would be cool i love new clients yeah i've been freelancing since 2003. awesome yep oh yeah come with me absolutely 100 let's see that is a link to mcgum road thank you [Music] and like i said if you uh pre-order it's 25 now it's probably gonna be like 50 or 60 bucks when i drop it so get that pre-order in you guys what i miss how did you put a shoe instead of oh okay all right so i did the shoe for a client and uh i am in an area that's still like we still kind of love timberlands here so um after sculpting that i just made it a um i made it my cam view so just lit it and did the cam view and uh i think i did it showed you guys how to do that like two streams ago it's easy it is not hard at all you just go into your um let me save this i don't think i've saved yet yes so if you go into your preferences and go down to cam view you can say make cam view and then what it does is it will pan around the thing that you have and make it into something you can rotate around like i would i would do it now but it's i don't want to do it right now but it's easy hand is made thank you thank you thank you new to zbrush where can i learn how to pose um i mean they have books for it i have a friend who's an animator so that helped me i would show him my stuff and he would kind of tell me where i needed to work on a little bit um so get a friend that's an animator i guess is what i'm trying to say now youtube everything youtube and uh books danny like i said is in the animation industry and tomorrow he will be um co-hosting my personal stream so that would be a fantastic question to ask danny like i said he's worked at dreamworks blue sky he has worked on video games and um and currently he's doing stuff at uh netflix for their animation department so um come back tomorrow night and hit him up i'm sure he'd be happy to share something you know what i'm saying hello from jamaica what's going on man i would do a terrible jamaican accent but i'm not going to insult you um i've been to jamaica a number of times by the way i am a fame as soon as this coven messes up with i would like to go back i'm just saying how many years does it take for a person to achieve at least a level work simulator yours three years five years maybe more uh um i mean there are guys who are way younger than me who are doing way better work than me uh so i think it's all subjective um daniel bell is a perfect example like daniel's a young dude who like i hope that one day i can be as good as him so um that's just what it is uh i think that you know you get your 10 000 hours you don't have any choice but to be better than where you were before you know i've been doing this probably messing around with zbrush for six years seven years and um my stuff now from the beginning was it was ridiculous like how bad it was so um you just put in put in some hours and you'll get better that's what i would say and buy my tutorial also and you'll be like way better let me talk in my buy my book i have my book yeah nah nah just practice okay all right cool that's done let's look at the rest of it now all right his feet look funny without nails by the way let's turn his head on turn his toenails on let's get the spider back on his chest and i did a similar thing with the spider on his chest i decided to go with like a you know real kind of drippy look on that which i'm i'm digging it um if i do say so myself so i'm gonna keep going with that motif and uh and go very hard on the on the drips just kind of cutting it in and out of the skin to make it feel like it's actually sitting on top of the skin as opposed to or embedded in the skin rather as opposed to just sitting on top of the skin i should do some poly painting i'm going to do a little bit of let's do some more veins and then um and then i'm gonna do some polypainting all right so we're doing veins that means we need some reference let's get a render turn off the rim light again all right let's see if we can get a decent render nice thanks false intensity uh you talking about the intensity for the brush i was using let me know which brush i was which which one you want to know are you printing this one at home how much you decimating without losing details yeah yeah 100 gonna print it at home um decimation you can go you can go pretty far without losing detail so um yeah i can't wait to print on this this annie cubic so i follow this guy named uncle jesse on youtube who's like he's a printing guru um he's the guy i look you know kind of watched to learn how to do stuff on my printer in the back there the um you know that's the uh ender five so i would watch how he did stuff also just so you know i buy whatever grassetti buys so grassetti bought an ender i bought an endure um it's like that the neighbor of borat grassetti got the uh the photon monox i got the photon model you get the ipod i get the ipod mini um but yeah no um and i love it so it's it's dope i can't wait to break it open and actually use it oh very cool thanks for the answers uh so the intensity i usually turn it down for the um when i want to keep the detail i turn it down right when i when i uh want to just go over the surface and start to kind of hatch in some of this detail like i have on you know his muscles and stuff here that is at a low intensity but in order to get there i had a whole lot of you know building up those forms and then knocking them back you know back and forth until i got something that that i kind of liked um but like now on this spider for example the heads like this oh kind of all right let's turn off that color okay here's what it is let's turn off the head i don't need that i think i said i was gonna do some veins on his leg so let's get those done those are the old toe nails before that's why they look so glamorous got just some just some really nice toenails you guys you can see i put some veins on his leg his uh left leg and that is the way that i want this uh his right leg to look just so feels realistic this is the original venom i did by the way you guys so you can see this is this has come a long way this was using sculptures pro and we had to make the entire thing out of a z sphere so this is all just one continuous mesh but that was what three years ago two years ago three years ago i think whenever they came out sculptures pro so you see you get better all right [Music] i really only want this much visible turn off the spider spider you can keep on the toenails [Music] and i have lower sub d levels on this guy too so i can step down right if i decide that he's looking a little too tom flats in the legs you know what i mean like a little too thick there's such a thing it's too thick let's turn that down um but he you know he didn't skip leg day let's put it that way um then i can mask everything that i don't want to affect that i do want to yeah i don't want to affect and then i can move this over here so yeah that's looking better [Music] now before i get into doing this i noticed when i was being real like nervous about putting the veins down because i didn't want to mess up the surface i was doing pretty crappy veins so like if i don't sweat it you know it they generally come out better and i just had lazy mouse on [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] and i think the trick to making these things look a little more realistic is um varying the strength and the thickness you know so that you have some that are pretty heavy and then some that you know get lighter or whatever so i have enough leg reference this guy is crazy so i noticed this last night he doesn't have knees you guys is that crazy this dude doesn't have knees it's like the uh the the techno guys on american gods that don't have faces it looks like somebody photoshopped out his needs for real please tell me who this guy is and why he doesn't have knees this is bugging me anyway oh dear palmer what's up he probably laughed like since he typed do you think that recreating a 3d model from another artist um just like thinking about your skills yeah so um this is the thing when i was learning how to paint i would have influences that i wanted to be like and i would paint in a style that was similar to theirs i didn't necessarily recreate their painting but i definitely went in and uh and painted um stuff that would look like you know norman rockwell or whatever um i think that's fine you know what i mean um as long as you eventually land on your own style i get this question a lot from from kids that are becoming artists or young young folks that's not a real old brother from the young folks um yeah when i went on that trip to south america for wacom and was talking to like young kids they were asking about getting your own style and you know why is it so hard when does it happen and all that and it's one of those things where for the longest time i would just kind of mimic stuff that i liked and i think that sculpting is no different you know if you're a fan of you know eric sosa's sculpts and you decide that you want to i thought i had it's in the other room i have a thanos that he did and you decide that you want to uh you know have your stuff look like that by all means you know try to try to make it look like his at some point after you've done it long enough you'll start to do things a little differently and get your own style you know as long as you're not passing it off as an original thing you know if you do do a scope that somebody's already done and just say hey this dude did it i'm a fan and uh and they'll probably i mean they might even repost you so this industry is very cool like the whole art industry is just very very dope you know um even the conversation i had yesterday that i was mentioning earlier like the the person is also an artist and uh and i think just creatives tend to be a little more chill with i don't know um trying to help other artists get where they need to be you know it's not necessarily a rat race for us there are some guys that are jerks like don't get it twisted there are definitely some people that are not cool um but you know there was a thing that morty says in the citadel of rick's there's more of us than there are of you um if you guys don't know that line then please stop what you're doing and go watch rick and morty right now one of the best shows in modern history i think anyway yeah so it's just a lot of a lot of back and forth until we get something that looks pretty good now on the screen it might look heavy like i said but you know is that going to is that going to translate into the um into the uh the print i don't know let's see muscle now body builder legs all right so clearly i don't have enough reference for legs i got some feet i don't have enough for legs so let's go to size large let me get some more reference here that's good uh what else i want the side and the back there's a side ah it's got watermarks that's good this dude is crazy but that's like what venom's leg would look like though that guy is insane you know what's better for this a lot of times is uh women bodybuilders because they have less fat on their legs and um it's more defined it's let's see and of course it's scary when they're all romanian stuff like vascular but good reference great day in the morning yeah like look at this so the definition in her legs is bonkers you know um so that's uh they don't get as mass as much mass so it's easier to see the um definition i think i'm not finding what i'm looking for i'm not going to spend a whole bunch of time on it it's whatever this is not bad yeah you can tell with this one i just kind of didn't know what i was what i wanted to do here so let's give it another shot looking at my statue so like like i was saying i have a reference everywhere so this is the uh andrew cars anatomy tool statue the big one um so that's nice to look at too he's fine these fine things don't make much sense on his legs it's easy to go too far though so that's why i like to keep my lower levels of subdivision because i can always go in and kind of knock it down or i can just take my clay build up and sculpt it back so you know if it gets too too crazy all right so if you guys like what you're seeing please follow my subscribe to my youtube and come back tomorrow night when i have a point pusher on with me i'm gonna be doing more sculpting just kind of hanging out and talking about the industry taking questions um you know it's always nice to talk to somebody else in the industry and just chop it up for a while i love that especially when they're in a different side of the industry you know like i don't really i don't really deal with you know animation teams or anything like that so it's nice to hear the way that the whole process goes down from somebody who is a professional all right uh thanks for the answer always a pleasure and inspiration hey thank you thank you thank you hello hello hello happy to see you too center the grill oh nice yeah yeah yeah yeah the grill very cool so i've been to ultra rios or chorios and um i was in the grill uh is negril where duns river falls is i can't remember i went to duns river falls it's dope i'll say so you're learning something differently yeah absolutely might like to have the brush you work with the brush i'm working with mostly is just the clay build up brush which comes standard with zbrush i just have my i turn my intensity down that's the only reason why it looks this way question about z sphere yeah hit me um is the tutorial a summary of these uses no no no no no so the tutorial that i'm selling is not that it is this um all right so this is starting off from just this base mesh this was just a base mesh that i posed and you know the one on the left is what it starts at and the whole process like everything so what you guys are getting here is like little snippets of the whole process you might see me working on a hand or detailing or you know do a little posing or whatever this is all that um and you can see it just gets more detailed until finally now this is my venom because the antivenom is not finished yet i just wanted to show like the state that it's going to get to but ultimately it's going to be a done version of this guy um and uh right now like i said i have about 30 hours that i need to edit down to i want to get it to like a tight tin with narration and music and um and it's the whole soul spiel all right so that is that and that is on my gum road if you guys are interested with a pre-order it's uh there's a link what did i miss um can you show me wait can you show me drawing a sphere by clicking on the surface drawing a sphere by clicking on the surface what do you want to insert a primitive um this has subdivision levels so i can't on this but let's go to something that doesn't so if we go back to his spider i think i got rid of subdivision levels on this so if i wanted to insert a sphere here i'll just go to my brush insert by pressing i click on imm primitives then i'd come over to sphere insert sphere and just click and drag like that and there it is and then if i wanted to separate that from the thing that i'm working on uh while it automatically masks whatever you were drawing on you would just hit um split unmasked parts like that right and now it's just the sphere so if that's what you're talking about that's how you do did it yes yeah come back down here all right question i know a lot of people don't use bodybuilders for anatomical reference and it's exaggerated version of the human body do you often use such for anatomy so i am mostly doing super characters so i do um now i'm working on a line of characters for myself which are going to be not quite so jacked up they're going to be like regular regular people so i would use you know more just physically fit but not you know voided out guys i keep saying that really bodybuilders let's say that because i don't know what these guys are doing i don't judge them and would you expo would you oppose the point of view and consider bodybuilding photos as great sources for general anatomy of musculatures no no i think it's great i mean i use it you like some of my 3d models online made my day nice john doe if that is your real name very nice nice nice yeah there's a lot of great stuff online man um i don't get stingy with likes i don't know what the deal is some people just like they don't want to give up the like it's crazy so crazy what am i doing here what happened oh i'm on the wrong brush there you go yeah now some people don't want to give that like up they hold on to it real tight i'm not going to like this thing but uh no if i see something i like it [Music] so let's say if i am uh if i'm sculpting something and those you know like the build up lines just get real heavy right let's say i'm trying to contour a little better and i decide i like that right i don't want to keep all that hatching in there so because i have the lower subnet levels i can kind of jump down and smooth these out a little bit i i don't want to jump too low because what's going to happen is going to uh i'm going to lose the shape but if i step down a little bit and smooth them like this and step back up it's a little less harsh you know and i could keep going until it was you know baby smooth if i wanted to but i like having that in there like honestly i really kind of like having some texture in there yeah there's another brush that uh my buddy o'dell who was in here a little while ago um kind of turned me on to the uh the clay spin brush which is dope um so that's that's uh it gives a really nice surface as well i got friends that do crazy things like my buddy odell works on stuff for like walking dead you know um like i said danny is is doing stuff for like high budget animated movies and video games um you know this i'm telling you i i love this industry this is great get to meet your heroes don't get a big head ordeal all right so again um probably don't want to spend too much time on this because if you remember when i turn on the symbiote it uh it totally obscures that light you can see some of it all right but i know it's there so i'm gonna leave it alone all right the feet are kind of close as they need to be the toes i'm going to rework but i'm not going to do that with you guys i will do that later and i do want to uh do want to get back on that chest and the spider so let's unhide stuff oh i said i wanted a poly paint so it's three o'clock i'm done at four o'clock let's do a little bit of poly painting um i'm not gonna go crazy but i do want to come in here and do a little bit and um what i'll probably do is uh at some point i'll repaint this in in substance painter but for now you know i wouldn't mind getting a little bit of color on this guy [Music] turn his head on for crying out loud looking crazy turn that head on um i think i'm gonna start on his mouth because his mouth is looking very flat so and you can see like see how sketchy this looks that's because i was using that uh the clay build up and really just kind of um work in the forms you know lack of a better term then i can come in and kind of smooth it all out not smooth it but you know make it look better [Music] and so this workflow is like a preview of what you can expect from that from that gum road you know like that's the whole meal this is just like a little appetizer foreign so i'm doing now is just going in with a lower uh intensity and sketching on top of this uh everything i have right here i'm not smoothing like i'm not a giant proponent of smoothing out the things that you spent your time building up um i would rather kind of sketch into it with either a positive or negative setting and uh and get the forms that i want i think that's a little better for me and then if i do smooth one i'm stepping down although this does not have subdivision levels this is using sculptors pro [Music] all right so once i start to get this looking the way that i want it then i can go and do some poly painting in here all right cool so that's kind of what i wanted to look like i am going to turn on sculptures pro and just tap some of these areas down where i can see those hard lines it's crazy because you know what this is under his tongue i would be incredibly surprised that you can see any of this but i did have it just flat before and uh the inside of his mouth looked real corny so that being said i was like yeah let me go ahead and do something my reference go i believe this was my cat mouth rounds or the right this pythagorean i'm not a big old snake aficionado i think it's a rattlesnake as i get flamed to death in the youtube chat there's clearly a uh copperhead and uh i don't know jack crap about snakes all right i'm gonna turn off this uh bounce light that i have because it makes it hard to see what's going on let's turn that off and go center up that light which looks pretty good and now i can start just painting in some stuff let's see what i missed how do you keep that photo down this is a reference application called pure ref it's uh you can uh download it and donate if you want to it's it's amazing that's how i do that um thank you when i get the tutorial when will it be ready yes so i'm looking to uh have everything done and edited in the next i would say month and a half two months um and the only reason i say that is there's a lot of content now but i'm not done i want to add to it and um and i want to uh i just want to make sure that it's full you know what i mean like so um that's when it's going to be finished but like i said get in on the pre-order now because when it comes out it's going to go uh to 50 or 60. i have a lot of chuck full of content how do i smooth jagged edges after using deformation tools um you're not talking about smoothing you're talking about um like if i had the let me see i think i have something i can kind of use as a reference so if i go to the body and go to this spider right um it's not the good one that's the good one all right so let's say i had something like this and you see how the poly groups are looking real they're real kind of janky um what you can do is you can go to polish by by groups right i have mine kind of on my desktop here or on my uh ui but under geometry i think it's um all right i'm not sure where it is in here [Music] oh it's under deformation sorry deformation go to deformation polish right so like polish by features and if you open you can either have the closed circle or the open circle and open will kind of make it more harsh right so we come up here to polish by groups and have that turned on and then i slide the slider see what it does there it gives you some really sharp sharp lines so if that's what you're talking about that's a way to do it now you might lose some of your forms so be mindful of that but um what you can do and i saw this on a daniel bell video is you can do a save state with your history then polish and then project the details back and it keeps those edges nice and clean that's one to grow on all right what was i about to do poly paint right yeah um we have a tutorial to present your work in photoshop uh we talking about rendering um cadmium let me know if that's what you're talking about i don't i don't have one but i mean we can probably find you one hello antonio what's up tony over there in the house y'all right let's go thank you dude you even look good and the modelers thompson's although i don't know um oh the mouth thank you thank you i spent a lot of time on this you know like this is one of those things where you can tell that um this year the just the workflow is crazy that's the thing when you're a freelancer it's feaster famine and like the past two years have been non-stop but for whatever reason the beginning of this year just slowed down a little bit so i'm back on track now but i had some time to mess around do my thing all right um i'm gonna turn off sculptures pro uh i have my standard brush set up for only color and i have the intensity turned up and now all i'm doing is i'm kind of just going in in those recessed areas and painting in a darker red first i like to build up my colors but this is going to make this feel more dimensional especially if i was to take it into something like keyshot or tool bag and assign materials and lights like really nice lights um the poly painting just jumps off right if i really wanted to go super hard and make it look like the inside of a mouth i would go into substance painter and you know paint in specularity and all kinds of stuff to make it look like really gross i guess is what you would say the inside of a mouse mouth looks like shout out to the dentist i think that i could never do what you do because mouths are disgusting on the inside as opposed to the outside of a mouth you guys know what i'm talking about couldn't pay me enough to put my hands in somebody's mouth it's gross i'll paint one though all right so just quickly knocking in some color in those recesses i would do the same thing with the the holes on the gums to make those feel a little more um recessed sorry about that [Music] i promise you i can drink i just can't do it in the street in a stream i can't drink i'm broadcasting 100 it goes into my lungs the water every time all right so that's not bad and then i would just uh go to something lighter and start to hit the higher parts all these models are game ready not at all not even a little bit i don't do anything that's game ready i don't really mess around with i don't mess around with anything that you would use in a pipeline so now i could pass this model off to uh you know one of my friends who could read topologize it and project those details back and make it game ready but this is all high res stuff like i think right now i'm at uh about 24 million polly's for everything god late sorry guys all right so it's getting there now i want to go into like the crevice part here like really go hard wow hmm all right so that's getting more like what i want [Music] [Music] [Music] oh the model that dropped all right let's turn on the bottom of his daw to see what this looks like i need to turn on everything just turn on everything for a second and then i'm going to fill this with uh toy plastic see that looks better it's looking kind of flat still i don't love it like reflect plastic a little too reflective skin shade skin shade's not bad let's see what the render is like so i don't love the way that skin shade renders but i do love the way it looks in the viewport maybe when everything is on it'll look better oh let's see are you gonna print this piece yes yes i am nice cadmium thank you thank you shout out to cadman whalen holy world man thanks for the info all right i'm just gonna go back to my startup material here and move on to the next thing uh it's on his tongue that tongue looks juicy now this is uh you can see i went into some poly painting on this already and if we were to render this see it looks pretty good so let's do a little bit of this to the body i think turn on the body and all i really want to do now is just kind of paint in some of the recessed areas get some uh get some detail and shading here let's turn this up why this is set to 100 i'll use alpha this should be much darker i don't know why it's drawing like this my intensity is set all the way up to the top here i can't make it any more intense [Music] and so i don't want to spend too much time on this because i really want the sculpt to do majority of the work here i think i have enough detail that it kind of does this only makes it look a little better um when i do a render and uh and then it also gives me an idea of what i'm going to do um what i'm going to do when when i need to paint this thing after i've printed it this would move faster if my uh what if it's a wacom tablet thing let's take a look i noticed there was an update for my computer watch i don't have any pressure sensitivity start off blazing those i don't know what yeah it's crazy not doing what i wanted to do i only need to restart z worse or something usually just going in and kind of tapping in some shadows where they're supposed to be really sets the thing off i know i could use the zbrush uh ao preview shadow thing i don't really like doing that i want to fake it i'd like for this information to be here so if i take it to marmoset or tool bag or whatever um you know i have it and also when i start to lay in the blues and purples into his skin they have something to kind of build on so the shadows are already there do if something gets too harsh i can either do uh i can just paint it back by using the the rest of the skin color just painting over it or i can uh i can just blur it out making sure that i have only the rgb selected for my blur and not the topology as well [Music] turn his nails back on so we can see what he's looking at um i can use my space mouse space there you go all right so now i'm going to go in and set my smooth to only rgb not the z add so now if i wanted to smooth back some of this black i can turn the intensity to 100 which it is and now i can smooth it so that it's not quite so harsh it's a nice little workaround sometimes it blurs it too much so i like to just you know just kind of paint back and forth when my or z brush breaks i could say i could have been a dentist instead take the high pollinated substance and pain without you being um can you do that i thought you need uvs to paint in substance i usually just bake down to a lower like when i was doing the carnage oh my gosh you can't breathe carnage carnage carnage i'm just a messy boulder yeah i don't know what it is well yeah no i um i just baked my high high res down to the low res and then did the um did the uh the thing you know the thing you guys painting all right let's see what i missed uh dude my wife is already complaining about work honestly nice all right i'm not trying to start any fights you know i'm my name is bennett i'm not in that is it possible to reach to apologize model and getting ready yeah 100 percent tire wolf you can definitely take uh something that's got a tremendous amount of detail and reads apologize it project the details down that's what uh you know that's what the guys who work on you know aaa games do you take these amazing sculpts like the god of war stuff that uh raphael rossetti did and um and make it so that can be put into a playstation 4 game you like to vodka i don't know what that means i don't like vodka is vodka being a thing is that what kids do now are they vodka ink because if so count me out um questions are coming i want to know the best software for you yeah uh so there are some good ones um there's a an application called rism or rhizome that uh that is really good i was talking to paul gabriel about it yesterday i'll usually either like lately i've been doing a lot of quick and dirty uvs in here and getting some you know good enough results to get what i want usually it's just texturing but um um yeah uh if i need something a little better i'll go into uh i'll use maya you know but i mean you can use a ton of applications to uv thanks thanks kevin i had to clear my voice sorry guys that was insane hopefully i was muted because i will probably make everybody leave immediately if you were to make this character wait a minute if you were asking how to make this character their previous streams onto oh yeah yeah 100 so this is like part 5 of this venom um that i've done in the uh zbrush live stream so if you want to see this guy go from a very meager state to where he is now then yes those are all in my in fact if you go to my youtube and subscribe i have all of my zbrush lives there i think i have like 40 of them and uh had like two and a half to three hours i think the first few were a couple hours and then three hours after that so there's a grip of information on my youtube uh you should subscribe and then join me tomorrow for my personal zbrush or my personal stream with danny point pusher williams hey is that daniel williams is that no that's that's not that's not plain pusher there's a daniel there's another dan in the world what did i miss how long did you take a long time i've been working on this for a long time i mean just the zbrush lives alone i think i'm up to what uh probably like 15 hours onto the zbrush live maybe and uh and then i work on it kind of on my own so the thing about it is when i'm doing my own stuff i'm not in a hurry so i will uh i'll spend a lot of time on it it's good too because you know if i'm working for a client sideshow or whatever they they want it to be the best thing ever and uh i can't rush that out you know they have a deadline but they're pretty generous about giving you some time to really cook it all right so you can see that if i were to turn this off i supposed to turn this off the poly pin helps hey i don't know it's hard when you look at something forever then you can't tell maybe did something maybe didn't do something i think it did do something and now i could go in and start to build up layers of blue until i get what i want that's that's the real [Music] and if this were um if this were a regular dude i would probably go in and start painting those veins and giving those some color as well and then use that as a base for the stuff that's on top of it works on the spider let's hide the legs [Music] and crotch there all right let's just stick with what we got here uh oh i'm missing something spider where's the other side all right so i kind of just did like a quick and dirty version of wrapping this guy around the side the legs here um so i need to make it fit more now and because the mesh is thin um i'm probably going to want to use inflate on those edges to uh to even forgetting you know ugly [Music] do [Music] so [Music] which key should i press to see the small screen on the left small screen uh the promo piece i don't think you can i can make it bigger boom unless you're talking about the oh i don't see oh sorry guys i have my reference kind of covered up there i'm not really using it but good to know that it is covered up sorry about that all right let's save don't lose my work because that has happened before will i be streaming on my own personal channel soon yeah tomorrow oliver um tomorrow i'll be streaming uh and i'm gonna have danny williams point pusher um on with me as well i have a whole lot of good music tomorrow i got uh i got my friend super dave west producer for de la and chuck taylor um hip-hop artists from the from the west coast um who are he laced me up with some really good music that i can play in there that's gonna be tomorrow night i'm working on the project oh if you ever want to scale i don't know if you were talking about this enough but if you ever want to scale these thumbnail view or the cam view uh the thumbnail view you can just drag it and scale it the cam view you uh just under your preferences you can change it so my preferences here see i i have mine turned up but i can make it small if i want to teeny or huge huge huge we've worked on our project some time now and the 3d meshes palette is filled with too many custom meshes it's a way to delete them oh yeah yeah yeah all right so you're talking about up in here in this area uh who am i talking to rafael so if you want to clear out your um this uh thing if you have a whole bunch of stuff that's open up in here you just hit the r and that'll clear it out now if you need to get back to any of those meshes you just click on the the tool and they'll populate inside up here and you just click on them and bring them back all right so if i had a whole bunch of stuff open that's how i would get to it but i hate when that happens i know exactly what you're talking about [Music] let me know if that was uh what you're talking about though which helped uh hannibal's asking about the space mouse it's the one that doesn't have the screen this one the i think it's just the pro i don't know i like it but i'm still getting used to it so i can't give you a thumbs up or down yet hannibal click and delete all sub tools another tool oh yeah okay cask was saying damn this looking good thank you don't want to save can't undo deleting from the palette uh if you're talking about from the sub tool palette yes then that is just hitting delete if you were talking about just having a bunch of like if i was to clone this and work on it somewhere else then you just hit that r and delete the stuff reference books anatomy for david robins really good recommendable cool i'll check that out i will copy and paste that because i'll never remember it i'm imagining that this is probably german fun fact i was born in germany you guys actually have german um all right cool i'll check that out later i like the beer i like beer we like beer that's my friend squee thanks cena let's just go face uh what do you use to run the final images i'm either going to take this into keyshot i have some rim and some images i have some images that are rendered in keyshot um usually if i'm doing stuff for clients that's what i'll give them just a really clean ao render i think i have one here to show you but then if i um if i want to do something that you know is maybe a little more blinged out i'll take it into uh marmoset tool bag so like this is an example of my old um artwork for uh anti-venom this is what it used to look like uh this is just something that i i sculpted quickly got a nice render out of uh i think i use arnold and um in maya and then i use that to paint a card for um paint a card for upper deck yeah but now um i'll go into keyshot and get something that looks like this right like these are these are more kind of my speed now sorry hold on one second uh my daughter got her first vaccine shot what's up i don't know how she got hers before me that's real messed up but i'm happy for all right uh yeah so i'll use i'll use uh keyshot and you see uh this is like kind of nice so anyway um that's that uh point bush's name is yeah dan danny williams um daniel absolutely it's funny i thought you were him for a second wait a minute he got formal all of a sudden i'm going to have to go man beaten all right congratulations on work fantastic thanks at least i probably missed them oh is this dan oh is that okay there's danny right there dan will see he's real informal he doesn't even use all the letters can't work with light like this any color rim lighting suppose you do i see you sneaking in the room danny you always work without symmetry most of the time only because i i uh think that i get a better a better um i get a better word i gotta sculpt everything twice but it's good practice me let's see uh do you draw a tablet of some sort yes i'm using the let's get the big picture full screen i'm using the cintiq pro 32 if this was my hand which is huge you can see that the monitor is even bigger there you go [Music] he's totally voided out dude you know just ran some prince on the back nice uh thank you thank you what time are we streaming um 10 o'clock right danny 10 o'clock uh eastern that would help yeah so 10 o'clock eastern um what's that seven o'clock um west coast yeah friday night so this is gonna be nice because i uh it's the first time i'm going to be able to you know kind of not have to do all the building of the questions and all that stuff have somebody else that really has been in the game for a long time who can you know show a different a different workflow you know what i mean like i love that that's my favorite part about knowing guys in the industry because they can you know show me something that they're doing a particular way that might be way better than the way i'm doing [Music] let's see done hulk yeah hulk was before this i i wasn't gonna do a venom but i um everybody else did one so i was like yeah let me do one two i'm like slowly making my way through the whole venom verse i got the anti-venom carnage this guy i want to do a gwenem probably next that'll be fresh and uh just keep going you know why stop [Music] i wonder if i can get the uh i don't know where the alpha is but i want to try to i want to try to get the alpha of the spider on his back and start sculpting that also [Music] oh wait then i'm alpha oh sweet that was easy all right so now i drag this out as oh i didn't want to do it on this though oh crap um let me reset my brush pay attention to what you're doing you guys don't do what i just did sit on a brush okay now standard i'm going to do drag rack and i want to my alpha i want to use the spider and let's see i'll do that as the i want to do this i'm going to duplicate this tool clone it rather clone all right got that delete my lower sub level delete lower now for my mask i want to what can i do let's brush mask gonna try match project mass mask can't talk no that's not the one i want i want mesh i want mesh extrude i think okay and then see is this it yeah that's it now i want to go to the uh i want to go to picker right and i want that orientation to be on continuous which it is depth let's continuous so why is it let's see dynamics that's not doing what i wanted to do all right that's not the brush i want rush m maybe it's mesh extrude bro let's get yeah whatever all right that's a new feature i'm still trying to figure out you guys i saw paul do it a million times and it's not doing it for me but um i do want to see something next if i just drag this out okay how did i do this last time yeah you know what i'm not doing this i'll figure it out later i did it for the front i can't remember how i did it last time but i'll do it again later couldn't talk [Music] nice ut super sculpting like a mentorship or anything like that yeah hit me up in the um uh dm me uh give me a follow on uh subscribe on youtube and then dm me and uh and we can totally talk about that i actually have been doing tutorials and uh not tutorials but like uh one-on-one sessions and stuff like that [Music] ryan kingsland vertex school what's up man thank you [Music] thank you ryan is dope that's the guy i was watching when i was learning how to do all this i actually taught a class for ryan back in the day yeah if you guys like this uh please give me a subscribe on my youtube got a lot of mo sculpting to do [Music] i'm done here i need to drive like an hour south i'm not looking forward to it i haven't really gone anywhere since i don't know um a year ago [Music] so not real excited but i need to do it like watercraft against the sand nice let's just call the face transform into a collectible any tips for veins distributed throughout his body including his back uh i just i'm hand sculpting mine so i think uh that's the way i would that's the way i would do it just hand sculpting because you don't want it to look like it's you know an alpha or whatever [Music] okay so that's kind of that's kind of what i was thinking for the spider i'll get the back and worked out i'm gonna work on that tomorrow night and uh just keep it moving [Music] oh yep all right so that's that i'm gonna have danny doing a lot of talking tomorrow i think people are tired of hearing me so just giving you a heads up work on my stream son people want to hear from you so what i really am just looking to do here with this is i want it to be really textured before i even get into the texturing like i haven't even actually started texturing yet but um i definitely want this guy to feel rich before i get into you know that part of it working back some of these uh these areas where the striations might be too heavy from the strokes [Music] [Music] i like having some of that but i don't want to feel like a sketch you know what i mean until i get something like with my drawings i um i like for my drawings my paintings i like for some of the pencil lines to still be visible on the final piece all right so that's call that good enough let's head back on uh let's give them some toenails toenails back okay and i want the toenails to kind of feel like the fingernails so let's do this i'm gonna hide oh come on seriously rush i want the so i want that and no head no spider all right i just want the feet whoa that's heavy oh i didn't change my intensity i forgot i had to reset all my brushes you know what are you doing all right rgb turned off there you go so i think this is the foot that you almost can't see any of it so i'm not gonna spend a ton of time on this this one the other one i think you can see more i say that and then i start detailing stuff that you're never gonna say where's the semi-let's see turn that on i bet you don't even see this toe at all oh you okay all right no you know what you kind of see it's tough i meant to do that you guys that was the plan the whole time i knew that you could see all of that toe so yeah all right i'm not gonna sweat the other ones i will come over here and do these though this whole foot is out what am i doing on tonight wait a minute um i'm done oh my gosh i went over all right sorry you guys that's uh oh dude i've been sculpting the whole time with me on there oh that's my bed okay so this is what that's nobody wants to see that probably lost like a hundred people this is what i was just working on the toe sorry you guys does mike knowing no no wow look at that that was a long time that was a very long time that it was just me yikes yeah sorry about that you guys i made a lot of cool stuff while you weren't here but anyway um that is uh sorry you lost the last probably 15 minutes looking at a a big ass picture of my my head um but yeah so uh join me tomorrow night where i will not be doing that and i'll be doing more of this guy all right if you haven't already give me a subscribe uh youtube youtube um slash mike t tr works artwork no s all right and then the uh the last thing i want to say is if you like what you saw if you guys dig this and you want to see more um in addition to subscribing uh please check out my um check out my that's it check out my gumroad all right um it's coming out soon pre-order is open now 25 now when it comes out it's going to be 50 but um i walk you through the entire process of doing anti-venom and getting all the details and everything over 10 hours of content sculpting posing a little bit of poly paint and maybe i'll do a whole another video for taking it into substance and really painting but this is gonna have plenty you guys so um check that out please give me a follow and um thanks for coming all right everybody be easy peace peace let me stop this thing there it is right there all right peace everybody
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 8,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, zbrush tutorial, zbrush beginner tutorial, zbrush 2019, zbrush 2020, pixologic, zbrush free, z brush, sculptris, zbrush live, zbrush download, zbrush core, zbrush trial, zbrush brushes, blender, 3d coat, 3d modeling, digital sculpting, zbrush student, etsy, zbrush character modeling, zbrush character, zbrush sculpting, zbrush realistic face, 3d printing software, 3d modeling software, zbrushcoremini, zbrushcore mini, zbrush mini, figurine, zbrush 2021
Id: Trjr84GCwEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 38sec (11378 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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