Mike Postle FRANTICALLY PANICS As The Scam Falls Apart

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what's up guys Doug Polk here and welcome back for another episode apostle hands today we're gonna be taking a look at a hand from a PLO session that Mike pasal played what's very interesting to me about this hand specifically is that there was an error at the stones table where they're reading the hand as a No Limit Hold'em hand but it's actually a PLO hand so the result is that you can only see two of the cards in the stream when they are actually four the result of this is that Mike is not exactly a happy camper on that note let's go ahead and jump into the action and we want it to hit on the stream absolutely want it to hit on the stream because we get the commentators cut better I mean throw us a bone right at least a white bird one white birds all I ask we are still in Hold'em and Mike pasal raising it up to 20 as he likes to do Steve's gonna calm with the a six of clubs our hand begins at one three pot limit Omaha now the hand is gonna be a little bit confusing because it could only see two cards for each player when they do in fact have four so bear with me and understand that these are only half of each player's hands the owner they gotta player decides to call into the pot and now the actions on pasal who looks down at jack four plus two other cards and does decide to raise it to the size of the pot twenty bucks now because this is pot limit Omaha lots of people have hands they decide they want to play so let's take a five wave flop five way now seven five calls two so ten eight for flop Steve flops the nut flush draw what else we got going on here it's funny Mike hits the only pair he's still only 23 percent Steve with the nut flush draw it's because he has two overs and clubs has the highest equity in the hand at the moment he seat bets out he's gonna get rid of three oh wow yeah Mike puts 80 and Steve instantly clicks up to 230 Wow and that's probably gonna fold around to Mike if if we stay consistent at this table for what we can't call with bottom pair here oh yeah oh yeah Mike might see one more card make me Alya the flop comes 1084 now let's look at this with all the hands of what we do know and let's just think about what this might mean for possible if in fact he did know the hands at the table we can see that SS has the nut flush draw now currently in this spot possible has top and bottom pair we know that because he eventually tables his hand so he's got top and bottom up against the nut flush draw and then really the only other hand that interacts with this board anyway is Dale does have a gutshot what's interesting to me about this hand is that postel is visibly upset with the situation the cards he's constantly trying to get them to read again and and trying to get them to pick up into the reader which is weird because he doesn't do this in any of his other hands in fact in most of these hands mike is very stoic until the decision on the river in which case he oftentimes will laugh as he makes a decision but not in this case in this one he is frantically trying to rescan his cards in the middle of the hand why is Mike doing that also after the rewriting of the cards Mike continuously looks back down in between his lap another question it would be why what's down there well we do know that Mike oftentimes does have his phone on his lap so he's spreading his cards out to get them to read and then read checking something in his lap interesting anyway Mike does decide to bet 80 bucks and now the actions over some other players we see SS here has the nut flush draw this is a hand you're gonna want to at least call with in fact to give it up flush trial plus some other stuff to go along with it in pot limit Omaha you're supposed to be raising at least I think because I'm not very good at pot limit Omaha SS does bump it up to 240 to go and now the action is back over to pasta with his top and bottom pair now this had been an interesting spot because if SS has something like let's just say ace king 10 6 where he also has the nut flush draw he's actually ahead of top and bottom pair so you have to be careful when you have top and bottom here in pot limit Omaha top and bottom pair isn't nearly as strong of a hand as is in No Limit Hold'em because there are just so many outs that your opponent can have the Putin move here is to call and play the turn which possible decides to do and let's take a turn when Steve wins Steve's bread cards out it looked like he had four cards is this is this a PLO orbit I think this is a pilla orbit but the the game in the system didn't get changed so it's only picking up two of their cards yeah I I think they both have four cards because this hijack and cut off the buttons in one there at hijack and cut off right now so we're missing two of their cards I'm pretty sure this is a PLL hand so we might have to wait to get the cards turn face up to know what's happening here Mike Bettes again and Steve raises again whatever Steve has behind he might have a ten with his eight six a club he might already have trips he might already have a boat we don't even know Mike Mike there's four cards there yes the world solid so this is either an epic Bluff but Mike not Wow okay I can't wait to see these cards I hope I hope we get to see him the turn comes in offsuit 10 which is amazing for Mike pasal he now has the second nut boat and his opponent is drawing dead to his flush and he doesn't know the other two cards however he does know it's very unlikely he's beat the only two cards that his point would have to have to be to be behind here are ten eight specifically which is very unlikely especially given that he can see two of them potentially and also has a ten himself so Mike does say to leave the turn here which is a bit of an interesting choice and he also sides to lead for a very small bet in fact you're spending 130 here almost a price where he wants his opponent to draw I wonder why now SS can absolutely have hands like a boat here and so he raises to 400 bucks which is a very credible bet I think he should probably raise it a little bit bigger to allow himself for him to jam there ever but at the same time is a paired board to card will be very important I don't hate the idea of a race here in SS his shoes but I will say I'd probably prefer not to have a hand like a six of clubs I know he has two more cards we can't see the issue is that when you block these drawers you're upon my bluff with well your raise is less likely to work anyway he does make it 400 to go and now the actions back over to pasal facing this raise from what is a lie bluff Paulson makes the correct move and calls but I also want us to watch opossums body language here in this hand over all those hands where he always has his left hand tucked away while he's staring into his lap and he's not moving very much this is totally not the case at all here he has both hands up you can see them he's playing with his cards he's doing a lot of things here that are not normal from what we've seen and really any of the other hands that we've seen from Mike puzzle so the question becomes what is different about this hand specifically where Mike would be acting in this way and I can't think of anything so let's go ahead and take a river and Steve is a tough player so it's showing the check mark for Steve but that's for only two of his cards we only know two of the four cards in each player's hand so he's got at least ten yeah we do not know the outcome here it's a check to Steve Steve is looks like he's thinking about sticking some more chips in for a bet and I really hope we get to see these par 1 point 4 K uh-uh he's grabbing a bad eye and just from Mike's body language I just don't think he's gonna call whatever happens here Steve is such a rock-solid player he's being so meticulous about stacking up a come-hither bet 1 point 4 K pot and he's gonna make this really small get some of that thin mint value where's our thin mints there it is he's going to value town looking for the fin mint value here on stones live oh he bet 600 guys still get bad 1,400 I'm sorry I'm surprised he left himself with like 100 yeah they just need to only leave that little behind right why not go all in there Oh Mike is Mike's takes a call in let's see what we're working with here Mike tables 10 what is it a 10-8 did he make a full house Steve does not look happy Steve you're late I think mike has a full house there the river is an ace very interesting card here now because if SS did something I'll have a hand like ace 10 well now Mike possible is behind so I'm err maybe even a hand that a say so it's less likely because opponent did not raise preflop so in this situation now fossils tends full of for his in a much more precarious spot and he does check it over to his opponent now SS thyroids decides to fire out 600 bucks in the river and now postel isn't a genuinely tough spot because his opponent could have him beat and he doesn't know and we can see that this is the body language of someone that doesn't know there's no laughing there's no just there's no just like confidence he is any genuinely tough spot here because he doesn't know what his opponent can have and additionally the stream doesn't know what his opponent has either look guys there are so many individual events that you can't say 100% for sure this guy is cheating based off this hand alone but the the culmination of all of that evidence together is really damning and I think that when we see a stream where there's something streamed hand where there's something wrong with the stream showing the cards and we see genuine frustration out of Mike over the course of it it's definitely something to add into the pile oh yeah and Mike makes the call because like he's a god or whatever we've had a lot of great content here in the channel lately and if you want to make sure you do not miss a video make sure you have notifications checked in the bottom right so you know when the new videos come out and I'll see you guys again soon you
Channel: Doug Polk Poker
Views: 1,856,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poker life, daniel negreanu, dnegreanu, fedor holz, pokerstars, poker stars, high stakes poker, tv poker, tom dwan, wsop, world series of poker, high roller, nosebleeds, live, stream, poker, rio, las vegas, texas holdem, cash game, one drop, poker news, phil ivey, main event, final table, poker central, pokergo, royal flush, quads, insane, sick, poker after dark, imovie, wsop vlog, maria ho, phil hellmuth, super high roller, 2019 poker, poker 2019
Id: EUd8tlRVcFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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