Mike O'Hearn Destroying Chest With Heath Evans

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well we got the beast the built ready crew is in the house today we are going to do a little chest action yes little is never a little it's always a lot to get a chest like that will grabs fun so we're going to start off with incline oh my god how did you know that because I've known you for years and that's what we do every chest day because because the foundations you just stick with the foundation build a strong foundation and then you get to build this massive upper chest I'm trying for all you guys out there if you're a male and you who are born with somewhat of a lower chest already if you're not we're going to help you get there but the upper chest is what creates the superhero body it really is there for testing we need to even it out that is why in my recommendation first of all for longevity better health in the shoulders and in the arms and in the chest is the incline you can always go back to flat bench to get that lower chest yep we're going to show you some other options that we stay injury-free I can also add this we treat them right to the side when you work this what does it do to the lower chest see how an optical illusion it just pulls it up and shapes it live on the incline I promise you it works look how much bigger my hand is maybe not look my job [Music] Oh nice this is you'll notice that on a bench press as Heath could tell you from looking from up here down I'm taking this bar all the way to the upper chest so I'm not taking it down to the lower chest where I normally do my power movement I'm taking it up high so we'll try to show you that when he thumbs in on this one there's some questions we frequently get I'm gonna give Mike a lift off and I'll talk to you to talk you through it one of those questions it's like kind of how do i how do i get the lower chest like these answers always been the same you already have a littler chest it's diet that's not allowing you to see your lower chest everyone has a lower chest mid chest is most the time developed on people upper chest is what's document so as you develop the upper chest on these extreme angles this bar path is is on his collarbone so again don't get lost doing 365 get lost in the fact of the angle that he's attacking you saw those elbows are pinned out they're not tucked down contracting the traps or excuse me they're the lats for a power movement it is all upper shelf isolation and it works so it's a tougher tougher exercise guys again you guys know when I bench press pull those elbows in take it down even on the incline I'm down here I know it's hard for you guys to see compared to up here today so I was talking to the folks on Facebook about the difference between being able to move away with athletic speed and power versus slowing something down and controlling and pressing through the weight I had the speed but didn't have the real strength of power Mike has both so I've had to kind of flip to try to teach my muscle how to be strong with controlled weight and not like punching someone like I did on the football field for all those years so the first set of three it was a struggle at 3:15 so it was slow and isolated I'm gonna move this one with a little bit more speed so people can kind of see the difference of ease of weight when you cheat the motion but yeah again again first one barely touch my chest and then press him through all right and you saw this druggable 3 I probably had six in the tank there I was gonna crank that out with that speed it's a very different world you know so one is very applicable for the sports world train slow I promise you you will play slow trying to build muscle there is definitely a recipe for success with not just people under attention but actually just as Mike would say contracting this muscle and never letting it off I mean your your foot is on the gas squeezing on muscle the whole time through and you see it whether it's his legs whether it's his biceps whether just chest there's never this relaxation point in the middle of his reps it is a constant squeeze constant tension since he looks like a nurse this might be confusing to you guys that are watching this unless you see something different and the thing that's a great point is you can watch it but you may not see what we're doing and the concept there is that if you see a guy's squat and you go oh it's what okay but what else is he doing where's the foot position what's the speed he's doing that is he stopping is he flexing toward has he taken on the negative and then exploding to the positives there's so many facets to it so I would just say especially from this page there's a there's more to that exercise than just the basic movement you guys missed Bryce ology this morning but we took his squats up a level to where they should be now and now he's doing 405 for eight and again I go back to the beginning of this is that he's not a fitness guy even though he's now going to be working with Jeff and but I started YouTube channel become ultra famous and quit his job but with that being said he got eight with 405 and again that's a good hundred pounds more than he did eight years ago seven years ago so for everybody out there to understand that oh you peak when you hit 40 he's gonna be even better at 50 so for you kids if you understand that I know that you guys may look at this and go I got time I got time trust me this kid back behind me graduated high school at 240 yeah I graduated up almost 275 pounds so 238 to be exactly but you know we round up in this world but for you guys if you guys can absorb this information now at such a young age you will destroy me by the time you're 30 and that's kind of what we're trying to teach you guys we're trying to teach you this stuff so you can be better than us and don't make our mistakes I was shaking my head because he's so nice and kind of loving he actually firmly believes what he just told you everything is step true go ahead Mike yeah it's all true but Mikey's a brigid specimen and there's there's the Reggie Bush's of the world the Michael Jordan's of the world they're just they're just different Mike he's different in a lot of ways can you put your head back yeah can you put it forward holy cow this is crazy he just put his head forward and then back and he didn't hurt himself okay I'm trying to analyze this when you are stretching do you move different parts of the body do you rotate don't stretch yeah can you search your neck I mean one side goes a little further than the other but you know on top of that this neck smashed into guys over 300 pounds I don't like that my point is this a lot of you guys there and a lot of you guys there are gonna complain that I just did this I brought the bar down I lifted my neck up and this allows me to flatten my chest out well you don't want to fly chest up I do I do because if I flatten it out I can stretch more into the curve okay now I'm still keeping the pressure on the chest cuz the chest is in front of the shoulders I stretch have raised the head I relax it and I press up now for all you guys are gonna go if you can't move your head when you lift you sure can't you sure can you don't hurt yourself which was my metaphor on using heat here that sometimes you guys become too much of a snowflake and everything hurts you but you guys get out of position it's okay you're not going to be in perfect position all the time and you can stretch no I do this yeah you're a 500-pound in in bench and yeah would you ever do that under 500 pounds no okay so keep 365 extremely lightweight so what's he doing he's dialing in to a completely different muscle fiber than he would be on a normal in crime under max effort max tension max weight there's a time and a place the other day when 405 one squats instead of compressing like we're taught to get your strongest position he's literally squatting down trying to relax everything in him and then literally just drive out of a certain part of his legs to attack something that he wants to work on so do not take a coaching point and then take it to the extreme that it's not meant for this is hey look at the upper shelf all right you've got it a certain way by let's dabble with this motion let's try it with this way oh let's take this dumbbell incline and twist our hand a little oh shoot look how that works all he's trying to do is give you detailed approach to get the goals that you want but if you're up but 300 pounds incline don't be going on a high incline with pounds lifting your head up trying to kind of pull your shoulders out of it so it's all chest you're gonna hurt yourself take the wisdom that's being passed on apply it accurately all right so just be smart because this stuff frickin works and it'll give you it'll give you what you want it's going to give you that upper shell for your chest but you got to do it appropriately again push slow twitch and fast twitch muscles you two kinds of muscles obviously I spend most of my time doing the slow twitch muscles I have a I'm lucky in the sense that I can always go back to fast twitch so you guys see that when I try to get 20 on squats or 20 on bench and stuff I can always go back to that but that is because of 40 years of training my recommendation for you youngsters is do both do the slow twitch do the fast twitch if you are getting ready for athletics switch from the slow twitch to the fast twitch and then if your offseason go back to the slow twitch then go heavier weights and be smart and healthy again we want to be healthy for a long period of time so train them both we still do a lot of fast which after the main lifts are done we'll get to some secondary stuff and we'll kind of just kind of bust out reps whatever it is at that sit so take them both do them both again light weight heavy weight yes low reps high reps yes slow twigs fast which yes none of it matters none of it matters if you're not dying I'm sacred his last words chefs all at once one jerk I said please so six hits a three two three four five six seven eight and nine just for you guys to understand I did two or three sets of three through six Authority the goal is six sets of three but you could see that I went from slow and controlled with pauses to just fast just explosion work and so I could still get with the same weight that I was trying to be over isolated with almost ten reps so that might help you guys decide how much weight to use when you're trying to do this okay I'm going to much harder when you go slow second exercise is cables where'd you get these cables Mike yeah you didn't have these last video thank you buddy appreciate it so here's the thing with the cables just so you guys I see this a lot big step way forward no you don't even understand way to make yourself a lot stronger I don't understand that it's just you're forcing you're trying to hold yourself still instead of being in a strong position which is right here and if you just want to hit more of the mid-chest you can just our children more just want to hook you guys up also deep lines you can just set up the bench here and go down low so let's do this a lot of you guys ask about the lower chest if for some reason you are a male that does not have a good develop lower chest here you go after the basic bench press or incline one thing I'm doing is taking it behind me when I come up it's not over its behind and then pulling forward show the wrong way not behind so this upper this lower upper okay show us some kid okay fine all of my coaching points you know you want to get glutes and growing in there just take this stuff that's embedded on the internet which is one thing that I got from watching Mikey sometimes a slight little twist of something might change something drastically so for me on that lower one when I take these pinkies and put them together at the bottom this comes in off all right so you got to take again what he tells you and then like he said I'm supposed to feel this upper okay I feel it oh but I twist it and Oh something lights up or maybe you don't feel anything at all but take the tools and practice with them huh you learn that just from watching and trying it yeah you have to ask man it's a sheesh also another thing for what he's talking about his eyes I think you'll admit when it comes to mind muscle connection there's a lot of them that you don't connect with you were focused on not gonna guys head completely off and that takes force speed and power equals force so he focused on that we're from the age of eight and nine years old I was posing in a mirror and I was trying to bounce my chest by 13 you know so I'm trying to get the mind and muscle connection which is the complete opposite of what he was focusing on so for my little tweaks my little turns can change a muscle position where if you really listen to him more than me when it talks about isolation you may get more benefits from somebody that hasn't done it for that long you've mastered it and I'm just still trying to figure it out with so listen and relate to his points about it are you coming up and over with your thumbs are you coming underneath with your pinkies that just changed everything just this changes everything now I know again I'm gonna say this from my expertise and I know you're going to have your experts that say this changes nothing and this changes everything alright walking forward and walking backwards two different directions okay you're still walking you're still moving the arms forward thumbs in isolating lower chest again elbows shoulder rotation hand position I'm sorry guys I just realized that you guys have so much to dice you know dissect and listen to on the internet from so-called experts that absolutely know nothing they've read books and then they write it down go listen to stand effort and talk about his coaching and what he believes is proper coaching it's somebody that played in the NFL for it Keith he's talking about this that does weight training they accomplished something study it apply it see if it works on you then see if it's transferable because it doesn't matter how great of a coach you are how great you look if it cannot transfer it doesn't work well this and this is not hating this is I've shine above on y'all take the people you follow ask one simple question what have they done and what's the fruit of their life so in my world the faith world I've follow a bunch of pastors but you can be sure I'm a look at that pastors life today what's the help to this church what's the health of the people around that means perfect but it means that his there's been power in what he's preaching there is a whole bunch of really pretty bodies male in females that are really good at technology and they're really really good at taking people's money stops right there so you can take 35 year career and say hey it's not just a good-looking body and not just crazy strength and not just XY and Z but hmm how many thousands of people as he applied to power bodybuilding how many trophies does he have what he's he done stay in efforting like the claim to fame is I have BB Pro but also one of the strongest humans ever walk this earth so he's done it both been around for decades and decades and decades so listen just do some research on your sources a pretty body doesn't give you the right I stay in my lane the first I would always help them on a step the first year or two but I was learnin I'm telling you what to do now I've taken waste time they applied it I've seen that it works I apply it to my expertise so athletic realm and then I try to feed you guys with it but some people are getting suckered in by a bunch of crap so check the fruit of what of what someone's settlement right because most of time you're gonna find there ain't no fruit and it's just thank you thank you thank you thank you how much knowledge was just drives a lot and then if you know what truth is I've heard it for four years it's repetitive but they when I heard this great information it may be boring to us we've talked about it a hundred times but it's still great information for them to get out there today there's so much information about upper chest speed slow fast twitch muscles slow twitch muscles what's important what's not how to stay safe how to protect your shoulder longevity you name it it's all in there guess what when you go from Jack Nicklaus Tiger Woods the Great's of golf to the Great's and quarterbacks whatever it is every day there's a lot of boring repetition over and over and over and over again and that's how the grace stay great if you want to see something just let us know subscribe to our Channel remember my free newsletter just go to my website scroll to the bottom of the page hit like and enter your email done deal we'll be here all week also just tell us who you want to see what do you want to see and how you want to see it yeah I don't know but don't eat your Titan meal plan because all this working out stuff ain't gonna be crap right boys learn for me where can they click to get that Michael her lifestyle at Heath Evans bodybuilding.com all yours go up there this right here
Channel: Mike O'Hearn
Views: 80,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike ohearn, bodybuilding, mr universe, health and fitness, health, fitness, golds gym, Arnold Schwarzenegger, workout, work out, diet, exercise, nutrition, mass, size, strength, body building, power bodybuilding, hall of fame, hall of fame martial arts, 4 time powerlifting, chest, chest exercises, how to build a big chest, how to work chest at home, home workout for chest, training chest at home, how to maintain chest, at home chest workout, workout chest at home, pec workout
Id: RjIDrok8do8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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