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[Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] um my [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] there will be [Music] [Music] you were able [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] of your day [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] this evening oh god move in our lives oh god move down in our lives oh god move in our hearts this evening [Applause] we bless you we bless you we bless your name we bless you oh god we give you glory we exalt your holy name we exalt your holy name oh we exalt your holy name we leave your name in this place we leave your name in this blessing for there is no other name that has been given to men than the name of the lamb of god and so we exalt your name jesus we exalt your name lord we love your name jesus we declare that your name is lifted we declare that your name is enthroned we declare that your word is forever established in heaven we declare that you alone are the king of kings you alone are the lord of lords you alone are elohim you alone are mighty you alone are greater you alone are worthy and we worship your name oh god [Applause] father we worship your name father we give you glory we adore you jesus we adore you jesus we give you glory we bless your name oh god oh we give you praises oh god [Music] we won't shape you we won't worship you we won't ship your name we won't ship your name [Music] we won't ship your name somebody won't ship his name somebody won't ship his name [Music] oh we give you glory jesus oh we give you glory lord how we give you all the glory how we exhort your name lord there is no god like you jesus there is no god like jehovah [Music] there is no god [Music] like thank you jesus [Music] where [Music] [Music] [Music] away [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where [Music] foreign foreign [Music] we foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign um we bless you jesus we [Applause] baby father we bless your name father we give you glory father we honor you father we all know you you alone are worthy you alone deserves the glory we worship your name on god we worship you for your word our glory belongs to you all glory belongs to you we bless you jesus we bless you lord we bless your name oh god there is none like you jesus [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before you we are [Applause] oh we won't shape you we won't see [Applause] we worship yoga hallelujah [Music] um [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] um [Music] oh i [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um foreign cool me [Music] father we bless your name [Music] father we give you glory [Music] you are the lord of lords you are worthy to receive glory oh we bless your holy name jesus we won't ship your name we worship your name oh we give you all the praises we give you all the glory jesus you are worthy of me tonight we worship you lord we won't keep your name jesus oh we give you glory yes we all know you lord yes we you lord oh we give you praises we leave your name on high we lift your name on high we lift your name on her for you alone deserves the glory is [Music] oh we won't shape you jesus [Music] we give you glory lord we give you praises alone what do you want they are your lord what they want in your love [Music] precious lord we worship you hope we give you glory we give you [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] healing now [Music] i [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign is [Music] i uh [Music] i [Music] [Music] lord we give you all the praise somebody just lift up your hands to jesus [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh jesus we give you praise there is none like you hallelujah hallelujah [Music] i want to thank god that we're here today but uh before we can even begin just to hear the word i want us to read the scripture in the book of second corinthians uh ii corinthians chapter number 11 is the scripture that i'm going to be basing even as we begin to hear the word today but i want us to make a prayer so that by the time we sit down something has already happened in our spirit so verse number 21 yes from verse number 21 and god is going to bless us and the bible says to our shame i say that we were too weak for that but in whatever in one is bold i speak foolishly i am bold also guru verse number 22 the bible says are they hebrews so am i are they israelites so am i are they the seed of abraham so am i verse number 23 the bible says are the ministers of christ i speak as a fool i am more in the labors more abandoned in stripes above measure in prisons more frequently in depths often continue the bible says from the jews five times i received forty stripes minus one he says three times i've been beaten with the roads once i was stoned three times i was shipwrecked a night a day i've been in the deep continue it says in the journeys often in perils of water and in perils of rubbles in the perils of my own countrymen in perils of the gentiles in perils in the city in perils in the wilderness in perils in the sea imperials among false brethren verse number 27 say in wariness and in toil in sleeplessness often in hunger in past in fastings after or often in cold and nakedness continue and he says besides the other things what comes upon me daily my deep concern for all the churches praise the name of the lord now the apostle paul at this point in time we know that many at that time had an argument of whether indeed he was a true apostle so he begins uh to explain himself as an apostle and against by telling them the kind of things he has gone through in the line of duty praise the name of the lord i know most of us are reading all those things and those are not things that you have physically gone through but i tell you the truth this man went through went through something praise the name of the lord and now he performs basis of what i want to talk about today before i can get there i want us to i wanted to ask us even as the church a question how deeply concerned are you concerning the assignment that god has given you how deeply how deeply moved are you towards the assignment towards the reason for the ordination that you have how deeply moved are you because to the extent you are moved you are willing i say you are willing to go through what you need to go through so that god can be glorified in your time praise the name of the lord i tell you the truth we are living in a world where we have christians that easily break look at your neighbor ask them do you easily break ask them if they easily break that's why today i want to ask to tackle a topic that says i will not break praise the name of the lord but before we get to that i want us to make a prayer and tell god may you give us such a move such a will such a concern for the assignment that is of our lives that we may be pushed to the limit to ensure that we see it come to pass praise the name of the lord i don't know how concerned you are about the elements in church today i don't know how concerned you are about what god needs to do in our environment but if you are that man that is saying i live to see something done in my generation if you're that person that says i live to see an accomplishment as pertaining to the kingdom in my time if i'm speaking to you i want you to open up your mouth and tell god by the power that is in the blood of jesus [Music] somebody that is saying in the name of jesus i am given i am given i am given i am given to the mandate of god in my time i have given to the mandate of god to the true reason of my call oh sandra basundra the apostle paul says he's been in peril on shipwrecks he's been in peril he's moved through issues things have been happening causing him eight countries of allah the pain at times but at the moment in time he says my concern my focus daily was on what god needs to do in my time i don't know what we have gone through as christians but i want to ask you is your focus on the move of god in your time is your focus on the move of god at that time announce and say in the name of jesus [Music] is the reason to which i was called i say in the name of jesus you have been called for an assignment that is bigger than you you have been called for an assignment that is bigger than you and i say in the name of jesus as you function as you function in that call begin to excel may it begin to settle as the core reason of your existence in the mighty name of jesus i say in the mighty name of jesus beside the other things what has come upon me daily has been my deep concern he says for the churches he is an apostle oh to preach to the gentiles and for him them that had been entrusted to him were far much important than what his body was worth far much important than what he seemed to be what pray and announce in the name of jesus i am going to focus on the reason for my existence my focus is clear and there is a reason for my coming it is bigger than what i feel it is bigger than how i appear it is bigger than me and it has to come to pass [Music] [Music] how we worship you lord and we honor you in jesus name we have prayed trusting and believing and everybody say amen everybody say amen you can just put your hands together for jesus for an opportunity to break the bread of life today not ordinary not every other time we have opportunity to hear from him and i want us to welcome and say precious holy spirit this is your service come and take control in jesus name and everybody say amen so you may have your seat so that we can continue to dive in deeper into our topic and i want to say i thank god for you and as we begin indeed god is going to be leading us want to welcome them that are watching us uh from at home be it uh wherever it is it on your way from work could be you're listening to us from your car we say may god bless you we hope that the message that is going to come to us indeed is going to be life transforming and i know god is going to bless us amen amen so i want us to receive greetings indeed from our pastor who is the angel of this house uh today couldn't be with us but indeed we are here if the word is going to be preached amen so i want us to still just focus on that scripture for a minute and i want to speak on a topic that i've turned that you will not break praise the name of the lord say you will not break hallelujah now i want to say this that anything any invention that exists on the face of the earth has been made for a particular purpose hallelujah and the greatest strategy of any man that makes or rather comes up with a new invention is that he gives the invention what we call the ability to be able to handle the purpose to which it was made for hallelujah praise the name of the lord so there is nothing that has been made on earth that has no capacity to accomplish the exact reason of its existence amen so uh as man we have been made in the image of god and when god made us in the book of genesis he already spoke the exact intention to which he expected man to express on the face of the earth hallelujah now genesis 1 26 you can go there so that we can begin to understand that god did not bring us on this face of the of this earth so that we can fail in whatever is our god-given mandate we love this scripture and somebody told me that genesis has always been a pivotal book to any man that is preaching indeed if you want to begin to preach you begin from the beginning praise the name of the lord so in genesis 1 26 the bible says let us make man in our image and then he says according to our own likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over the cattle over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth praise the name of the lord now god decides to make man in his own image image is likeness and at this point you need to understand he decides to make a he makes a man that he makes a creature that is like god you hear me very well at this point in time whatever god communicates through this scripture is the capacity that he has placed in man and he said let us make man and then let him do this that's why i began by saying every invention in its making is fashioned with the capacity to accomplish its purpose anything that indeed lacks the resilience to go through the reason of its existence then that particular kind of invention it becomes what we call a broken invention it is an invention that cannot go on to serve the reason of its existence praise the name of the lord and i want you to understand me and hear me very well you have been made in the nature of god hallelujah because he is placing you on an earth that was created by him there is no one best to handle this world other than he who carries the exact nature of god do you hear me very well he couldn't put a cow in charge because a cow does not carry its nature so any master builder has to build something that is ready and willing and able to perform the exact functionality it was sent to do praise the name of the lord so the ability not to break in your functionality is what we call resilience praise the name of the lord and if there is something that is lacking in the corridors of what we call our christian faith is we have very weak believers praise the name of the lord sorry to bring it this way but we have people that cannot go through the waves and motions of life and come out as strong as they're supposed to be i tell you the truth we are supposed to understand that we have been brought for a reason the only way we show fit that god made us and sent us is if we are able to withstand what comes our way praise the name of the lord so i'm sorry if you didn't come with a notebook today you're gonna be looking at me like that and wondering what is happening praise the name of the lord i tell my church up there that most of the things you remember are the things that you write down hallelujah do you know why you take keen interest into writing and that is how it becomes understanding you know when you type you can answer messages at the same time as you typing that message from god praise the name of the lord so i want us to understand today today i want us to begin to build men that are resilient hallelujah let me tell you i blame some bit of preachings that we've had in the past i blame some causes of presentations that indeed have destroyed our way of functionality let me say let me tell you these things the reason as to which we have been brought uh to the place we are today being weak is because we are used to being encouraged you hear me very we are used to being encouraged and giving information that is not always accurate okay now god does not want you to escape every problem sometimes he wants you to withstand some problems you hear me very well the preaching we have these days is how you are going to get out immediately from a circumstance many have not told us how to go through a circumstance i promise you a storm is a storm in the sea and as long as you cannot withstand the period to which men enter into the storm then you are not resilient enough the training in the barracks is somewhat near to war itself because if you can withstand the atmosphere in the training ground you are ready to enter the battlefield you see if imagine if you had a soldier that is put down by flow and so when they're being trained they're in conditions where flu should come so that as you continue training and fighting through flu you become resilient to flow our bodies have been made or rather built in a way to which they go through particular circumstances and after a while they are used to these circumstances and it is no longer a problem why do we have athletes that perform at the highest level what happened is that they woke up every single day 3 a.m while we are dreaming of what they have praise the name of lord so they woke up at 3 a.m to run in the streets so that they can build their body to a particular capacity of handling such long stretches and when they get the competition it is another running day for them you hear me very well so while we are saying no human is limited what we were not told while we were sleeping he was training while they're even trying to make conditions good for him to achieve what he needed to achieve something has to be clear the man had built resilience you see we are seated here i don't know how many of us can run from here to the stage i'm sorry i have no problem with anyone but i'm trying to ask you how many can run if you play football and you know when you've not trained and you get to the pitch and they start juggling the ball around there is some particular voices that come from your chest that suggests that you need more training do you hear me but if you do it daily then you begin or rather start to build some muscle amen i tell you the truth somebody said you will never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice in the presentation of the word it has always been us being given an option to come out of particular situations sometimes there is no option sometimes it is just about you going through it until what you need to gain from it you have achieved it praise the name of god so in 1st corinthians 11 go back i want us to go through it and then we begin to explain a few things concerning resilience hopeful time will be enough so that we can be able to have all of it hallelujah now in first corinthians 11 from verse number 21 uh he says to my shame i admit that we were too weak for that uh he said i see that we were too weak for that but in whatever anyone is bold i speak foolishly i am bold also continue and he says in verse number 22 are they are the hebrews so am i are they israelites so am i are they the seed of abraham so am i and so are they ministers of christ i speak as a fool i am more in labors more abundant in stripes above measures in prison more frequently in depths often and these are the bible says from from the jews five times i received 40 stripes minus one if you check deuteronomy 25 verse number three you will understand the essence of this particular form of strokes and what happened now there was a mode of punishment called vlogging and uh it comes very well especially when explaining it throughout what happened to to christ jesus and so vlogging was a criminal punishment to men that had done criminal offences and so now in this particular verse in second corinthians we see paul is explaining to them that he was flogged not once five times you hear me now the vlogging was to be for 40 stripes but they normally give you 39 because it was believed if we get to 40 you die so what they wanted is that to flow give 39 lashes to a point where you can suffer enough without dying praise the name of lord so the man is explaining his predicaments as an apostle and he says five times do you know who have flogged me the jews people who are supposed to be supporting what he stands for so the vlogging is not just painful enough the betrayal is as well do you know why paul is also one of them he said you and i'm telling you the truth you need to understand this guy he says am i a hebrew is even bringing it out to them saying outwardly i am like you guys but you see because of the course and in the line of duty the man is beaten up i want to speak to somebody and tell them that we were called yes and we are in christ but nobody said we are going to have it easy amen i i know i'm still in spirit praise the name of the lord i'm still speaking about a god of victory hallelujah to resilient man praise the name of the lord because there is something that is killing the body of christ and it is what we call expectations that are not from god and every other time nobody tells us that when we step into this line we signed up for battle we signed up for a race we signed up for something to which a lot will be taken from us praise the name of the lord like look at your neighbor and tell them you will not break praise the name of the lord paul explains his escapades and i want to tell you the truth as as as a christian you need to prepare yourself tell your neighbor prepare yourself because if you're not going through anything you might just be about to go through something praise the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah let me tell you the reason they say we suffer for christ it's clear we suffer we have three types of people i tell you the truth we are people who have just suffered we are people who are suffering hallelujah and we are people who are about to do what to suffer proclaiming his word has never been easy anytime you stand up for jesus he says he that claims to be of me must first carry his cross because at the end of the day he is known because he carried his cross calvary was not the place of his destruction it was the place of his introduction because there can be no man to be introduced to the world unless they are willing to go through something and i know my god that i cannot go through through these things i tell you i also know you're god he knows that there is something you need to go through it so that you can be made what you are praise the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah and i want to tell you the truth resilience is something that has been lacking in the body of christ and the levels to which it has been lacking is what i want to explain i'm going to explain some types of resilience types of resilience types that we should be looking out for i'm telling you i know god will help us the first type is what we call psychological resilience second type is physical resilience the third type is what we call spiritual resilience then finally we have emotional resilience hallelujah praise the name of the lord before we can get to explaining those three uh b are these those four types hospital five ten say something just to back up my point that you are not built to break hallelujah now peter an apostle of jesus christ you please go to verse number 10 or else you i don't want to preach you someone else now he says of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched i said five ten five ten five ten i promise you you are about to try and give me your sum but i will not respond to your pressure goods but may the god of all grace hallelujah how many know the grace is sufficient now let me introduce you to a god of all grace it is who called you to his eternal glory by christ jesus so when you got born again hallelujah and he says after you have done what after you have done what suffered a little while will do what he will perfect you he will establish you he will strengthen you and he will settle you now problem with the christians we have today they want the god of all grace who will settle them who will strengthen them who will establish them who will do what perfect them but they will not suffer i tell you the truth i don't know any one man that ever became a master on anything and it costed him nothing you hear me very well preaching will cost you time and labor and toil in the presence of the lord i tell you the truth breakthrough will cost you time in prayer anything you want to see that you do not have one way or another you will pay the price for it yes jesus paid it all but he came as a model to how you were supposed to live your life so in his paying he woke up at three so if you sleep up to six you can't walk as he did praise the name of the lord i know we love it when we are told you know what it doesn't matter what you're going through hallelujah you don't have to do anything god has already done it for you news flash what god has done he has allowed you to receive this to receive his spirit but i promise you there are dimensions you will never touch unless you are ready to discipline yourself according to his move you hear me very well you don't pray you fall into temptation whether you are in god or not you hear me very well you don't seek him you don't find him though he paid it on the cross hallelujah if i'm denting your theology i'm very sorry i did not intend to do that but also i do not intend to lie to you amen now let us begin with physical resilience now we already see what paul has gone through in his missionary journey and i want to tell you the truth especially men that are called how many of us love prophecies that have been called to the nations hallelujah praise the name of the lord and that you know what i see nations calling and you hallelujah jesus nations nations no one is calling you for a vacation praise the name of the lord being called to the nation is not a reason to even give you to even make you happy at all no it is reason to tell you that there is work to do which nations it means there are languages i need to learn it is work to do which nations there are things i need to start getting used to it is work to do nobody ever called you to be mediocre when nations receive you they expect you to deliver but if you sit here dreaming of nations you will get there and come back you will have wasted somebody's time praise the name of the lord tell your neighbor pastor has not thwarted your prophecy nations are still waiting praise the name of the lord but i need you to understand resilience is what makes men ready for assignment okay and physically to be physically resilient is to able to physically withstand or adapt to challenges and adversity amen do you know why fasting is so hard on becoming personal today let me know let me let me walk back do you know why it is too hard to fast there is a resilience physically that is lacking now i tell you the truth the ability to physically withstand you are not born with it you grow into it it is the place that is only produced through discipline physically hear me very well understand me that the bible says the bible tells us or rather in fact i think i can actually use this particular scripture but you can also go to matthew 26 so that we can see what is happening there let me show you a time when the disciples could not withstand what was going on physically amen matthew 26 verse number 40 so that we read it at that point 26 40 the bible says then he came to the disciples and they found them doing what praise the name of the lord how many love their sleep you know you know there are vows we make especially when we're in trouble lord if you take me out of this trouble every day at 3 am i'll be in the closet waiting for you prison in the lord and at 3 a.m there is such there is such an abundance of sleep the mattress is softer than normal praise the name of the lord even the flow even if you're sleeping there it cause sort of begins to welcome you and tells you you are doing good so he found them sleeping and said to peter what could you not watch with me for an hour one hour praise the name of the tell your lord there is a level in prayer called the one hour level anyone that can go beyond this one hour level has mastery over the flesh is the name of the lord if you if you have a problem we've seen keep happening in your life iniquity it's a rating of issues please master the one hour level just try pray for an hour daily this is you praying one hour and then say praying and listening to worship i pray for an hour take one hour finish the one hour pray you know pastor it is not about the length that is listening speaking pray you hear me because unless we are able to withstand this thing physically even spiritually to be a problem and it tells them why can't you watch listen to what it tells them it is the watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak now we have used this scripture as an excuse for sin no it is not at this point in time jesus is admonishing them that you have to deal with your weak flesh you have to make it enter into a realm where it can withstand what is going on she is not asking them he's not telling them that it is not at night you know some of us are like you know we understand it is at night have you ever entered a club when people are partying where does sleep go have you not heard men giving escapades of how they used to hope from one to another and they didn't sleep some even take serious lethal alcohol and they are still walking as if nothing has happened they have mastered the art to put their body together we of the faith have mastered the art of giving excuses lord you know me he knew you from the beginning even before you appeared to stop reminding him you know me my spirit is willing my way but my flesh is with no that is not a prayer of encouragement no he is telling you there is a level of resilience that you have to enter where you tell your flesh come on it's not time to sleep it is time to tarry in the presence of lord men that took their flesh put it in a box and they tell it you know what you need to do as the spirit wills paul says i beat up my flesh beat it up i tell it what to do if ot can train his flesh to have muscles aha i can train mine to pray people will wake up at six to go get money they have trained their body to listen to the alarm where money is calling but no one has trained himself to hear the alarm when prayer is calling shaytanian way you hear me very well you have to enter a level of resilience where you tell your body you know what i need to put you together it is time for prayer no time for stories some of us time for prayer a text comes in high and without debating can i answer do i pray and you answer because the flesh is always weak when it comes to the things of god but it is strong when it comes to nonsense let me ask you have you ever slept in prayer but you watched the movie the entire night pastor you're becoming personal here i need to be i need to help a generation hallelujah a series people stealing you know they are stealing i see this has held you captive for years he taken over your life you are looking at this picture you say i can stop watching this it has taken over your life for an entire night one week you slept on a series but 24-hour prayer voltage came you prayed for an hour you prayed for 30 minutes and then you went to take a rest and the way movies are captivating now listen to me what does he say continuously is verse number 42. again a second time he went away and prayed saying oh my father this cup cannot pass away from me unless i drink it your will be done okay now now jesus is waiting for crucifixion and his flesh begins to speak hey i need you to understand me very well his flesh begins to speak what it does not want to go through what it needs to go through is that familiar they want to fasting is that familiar yeah it's familiar yeah day one your flesh has to go through it but it is not willing to go through it and you know how we openly become too weak to jumpstart ourselves to that realm but jesus tells them that my flesh is not under my own soulish desire it is not it is not going to be controlled by what i want my flesh is under subjection of the spirit i pray in the name of jesus may your flesh be under this objection of the holy spirit you hear me very well may you speak in tongues until your flesh aligns the flesh has to be the slave to your spirit you have to conquer it possess it of all its strength deprive it of what makes it what it is by beating yourself up in prayer and as jesus was praying the bible says a second time he didn't go away to say that he's weak he didn't go away to listen to us come on but they don't pray but i listen sermons praise the name o lord am i against listening to them no but a dead spirit cannot in any way perform some things and mysteries that will be laid even the ground has to be prepared before you give it seed oh do you have a problem with that if i scatter seed on hard ground what am i doing the birds will have a feast and the birds are the cares of this life the reason to which you need to have resilience will scatter it away as he says in verse number 43 he says and he came and found them asleep again and their eyes were heavy can you relate even after the first prompting you shut down the alarm and you snoozed praise the name of the lord now allah must come number two your eyes are still heavy continue he says what he says so he left them and went again away again to pray this time he just left them and he prayed the third time saying the same words continue and he came to his disciples and said to them are you still sleeping don't be shocked even in this summer some of you be sleeping ask them are you still sleeping behold the hour is at hand and the son of man is being betrayed into the hand of sinners continue and he says rise let's be going see my betrayer is at hand there are spiritual transactions you cannot maneuver if you have no mastery over your physical flesh you hear me there are things we can never do if we have no mastery of our flesh if physically we have not learned the resilience to do so it's a problem i love how how pastor does it most of the time he can be preaching in different places in a day but at the end of the day he still comes and says we still have to do the bible study we still have to do the midnight prayer we still have to do there is a level to which you have to be resilient enough to allow your body carry you to the place of your functionality tell you the truth we have them that are weak and christians are weak lazy to be precise most of us i pray that you forgive me for my language not that i am here to in any way intimidate anyone but to bring a point that is going to kill a generation if we do not watch out hallelujah can i ask you a question when you first got born again how was your commitment even in the doing of the things of god some of you when you knew god or when you were new even in a church you are far much better than what you are right now and you know it i don't need to shout it you know it you used to do so much these days you're too important praise the name of the lord it is not important crying out it is your flesh that became weak it it is no longer doing what it needs to do if it were crusades speakers were on your shoulders to the truck if it is prayer you are their seeks without fail but ever since you became great praise the name of the lord hallelujah tell your neighbor pastor loves you today tell them you have to be physically resilient what is the name of the lord weakness is the problem of this generation we don't want to do it the way god would have us do it amen i'm coming to emotional resilience you're like this is where we have a problem emotional resilience how well a person copes emotionally with stress adversity or challenges job to nine ladies i'm sorry i'm not on your case but it was the perfect example of a scripture praise the name of the lord hallelujah yeah please don't start a revolt online and say a pastor jimmy is on the ladies but this next scripture begins with the word then his wife so please i have no problem with ladies amen now the bible says then his wife said to him what do you still hold fast to your integrity cast golden die now please man i don't ask you to speak his job i i praise the name of the lord but there is an answer here what the job said he says but he said to her you speak as one of the foolish women speaks i have not called anyone and you understand me shall we indeed accept good from god and shall we not accept adversity in all this job did not seen and one of the serious measure of emotional intelligence is what comes out of your mouth you hear me very well how you react to a situation we're able to assess the faculty of your emotions praise the name of the lord you hear me very well what job was going through had nothing to do with him the meeting that the devil had with god he was not present so you see even how he reacts to what happens is what amazes me everything was taken destroyed all those things including his children he fell down and worshipped the lord he was a man that was so in tune with god to a point he understood that at this point in time i cannot react to this issue emotionally praise the name of the lord but now here comes the wife who is emotionally taken over by circumstances christians can i tell you something in the line of duty people will hurt you in the line of duty people will undermine you in the line of duty things will be said that will indeed penetrate to you to your soul but resilience is how you have trained yourself emotionally to cope remember one day i how this preacher that used to train us allow me not to speak so much and as he used to train us one day he was in a group he would tell you pastor jimmy you'll be preaching in the first service then you come very early you're ready then time for preaching you would stand and preach i would preach powerfully praise the name of the lord and he will look at you say amen so i'm imagining you're supposed to say a man and you're looking at him you're like i'm the one supposed to be preaching today it was my turn praise the name of the lord tell your neighbor emotional intelligence and you know what happens in such a scenario you're the one who's supposed to be leading you are not supposed to be singing and it has not happened so you always tend to react as if it is your work you know the way we've owned god and his sanctuary and like the song i wanted to sing today was what god wanted to say i came from lying to yourself praise the name of the lord say what i heard today is what god wanted people to hear keep lying to yourself right now i am preaching it is the word of god for now whether you have a thousand revelations or not it is the word of god for now praise the name of the lord i'm sorry bro i'm being very honest with you you hear me very well so it does not matter who and nobody is a monopoly of the presence of god nobody owns him so emotionally we were tempted at times you would look at the preacher let me use me because you guys are too holy prison lord look at the prison a man you don't want to say it out then afterward you'd want to ask around how was this how did it go did it bless you yeah someone blessed me but i wish at this point he would have please wait for your tongue you will preach yours praise the name of the lord job's wife said cast this god and die and i want to speak to people even when things have not been going your way and you've made some particular prayers emotionally to god god if you don't want these things you would have said where where emotion and you say kill me today kill what are you telling god it is you who has not mastered resilience the faculty of emotions tell god i shall be say i shall be emotionally resilient [Music] praise the name of the lord in all these things the bible say job did not sin against god [Music] he refused for him to be attacked emotionally he said no you may say you may do things that hurt me but i choose that my wellness is better than my appetite to get back praise the name of the lord men that control what they say are able to master emotional resilience praise the name of the lord hallelujah one day a man told me pastor you like laughing you keep laughing every other time i told them that is the only thing that you can do without angering anyone praise the name of the lord it is only thing that you can do and quench that sometimes you say things that are hurting and when i laugh i forget them it is a strategy you can copy mine i promise you laugh when even there is nothing to laugh about just laugh it's easy now when you're frowning hallelujah or can i say something that is human very practical praise the name of the lord and then i'm there maybe i'm looking at pasta you you feel it is there you want to pour it out and i've noticed you're always doing it and most of the people were always hurting you and you react like that at them that are in authority maybe your mom your pastor your dad so you can't answer them what is that that keeps a guard on your mouth i think you need to see everyone as your mother do you understand me so you want to say something you've never said praise the name of the lord say my father in the name of jesus make me emotionally resilient cause me to be able to cope with anything that affects me emotionally praise the name of the lord hallelujah and guys i want to submit to you part of the problems we have in the world and in ministry today mostly have been caused emotionally okay oh someone was hit on the head because someone got angry it is emotional and it is a resilience we need to look out for yeah you can you can get a chair don't freedom okay you're good yeah it is indeed a problem because men have refused to master this kid please can i submit to you don't make it easy for anyone to make you angry don't make it easy some of us are too easily angered even by nothing he said you have a big head and when you look at the mirror your head is not big you can confirm why are you angry you can't confirm they said you're not beautiful ladies oh yeah nobody has a problem it is not my beauty hallelujah so if i don't think you're beautiful it's my pro my problem not yours hallelujah when you left the mirror you were smiling forget what i am saying confirm what you did when you were at home praise the name of the lord hallelujah amen now there is what we call psychological resilience now it is the ability to mentally withstand or adapt to uncertainty challenges adversities sometimes it is referred to as mental fortitude praise the name of the lord tell your neighbor sometimes it is referred to as mental fortitudes amen now philippians 4 8 gives us a command as i address a matter as i address this matter philippians 4 8 bible says finally brethren whatever things are true whatever things are noble whatever things are just whatever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatever things are of good report if there is any virtue if there is anything praiseworthy meditate on these things listen to me your brain rather your mind in this case your thoughts have to be governed by god we have issues of depression we have issues of people having mental breakdown as much as we want to make it medical i promise you is because there is a governance we don't have over our over the faculties of our mental status i tell you the truth if a man guided their thoughts if you are careful to know what comes into your head and what does not are things that won't ever come close to you you hear me very well the other day somebody asked me pastor you know i get anxious and i ask them so what are you anxious because philippians tells us do not be do not is not a statement of they are not requesting you it's a command now god does not command what you cannot do i told you for you to see the expression of this resilience you have been fortified to do what you need to do you have the capacity to do so people i'm sorry i'm not against what doctors do about mental health but i promise you if you're depressed there is something very wrong going on around you i promise you there is a gift that has been opened and every thought settles as low in you including including suicide as it is it is a depression it is a pity you dug and entered you hear me it is down there so the other day i was looking at a study why are young people very anxious in the air i realized a form four ones have eight praise the name of the lord hallelujah it's true so from foreign okay so he cannot get over eight what happens he stops thinking about how to get aviation then he realizes you a university graduate is still looking for a job reasoning oh lord then he's given schemes to get there quickly then it disappoints them because there is a reason and i hope that is given whenever you see an easy way out then it disappoints you so after disappointing there was a deadline you had given to the people that are watching you you know by this month i'll be driving a v8 and they're waiting so there is pressure to deliver that is what we call anxiety i don't know if i'm speaking to somebody now as it continues as you continue to be anxious you hit a pitfall called depression because it is anxiety that is the tool that is used to dig the pit of depression now we start praying for you as us to live over things that you didn't need why would that man need of need of hate at that time okay even you encompass why would you need particular things at that time there are so many expectations in believers that i promise you god is not willing to meet them in your terms and i want to make it very clear i know that is what you think that is what was introduced by that evangelist by are we together you hear me so there are patterns of thinking we have to shape patterns of thinking that there is no solution to a problem other than giving up who said so who said there is another way out [Music] he tells them what finally brethren this is my discord to you whatever things are true we have so much false in our head we have so much things that are not noble in our head things that are not just things that are not pure things that are not even lovely we have too much appetite in us and so when it is not met in that realm we relapse okay let me ask you how many here can promise you promise me and our goals you've not thought about money are you guys have you guys seen what is what our world where we are going into i'm not outside of this equation i'm telling you one hour does not end you've not thought about money it is date 10 you're already asking yourself the next month and that'll be parented you know these are just things that appear in your head so that you don't think about god remember he is the one that holds your head together the thoughts come in zippy saying wow sir as she is leading the prayer you are thinking of that bad luck and you are crying not because it is her ministering power you know your thoughts have won that hobbies are more cozy tell your neighbour mentally psychologically we need to gain fortitude praise the name of the lord let me go quickly i think my time is almost up sometimes i just get too too caught up even in what i'm teaching finally spiritual resilience so you don't even have time to really dig in deep but as i give these practical examples is for you to understand so that you don't think we are not preaching about something outside this world i want to preach about what you go through so we go to spiritual resilience we have done physical resilience we have done emotional resilience we have done psychological resilience now we are doing spiritual resilience praise the name of the lord now this is the ability to press on to the mandate in regardless of present adversaries to press on to the spiritual mandate in regardless of the present adversaries i want us to go to first timon second timothy force for from verse number seven second timothy four from verse number seven and i know god is going to bless us i'm telling you these things to provoke you in your inner man what does paul say is he says what he says i have fought a good fight i have finished the race i have kept the faith eight and finally there is a laid up crown of righteousness which the lord the law of which the lord the righteous judge will give to me on that day and not to me only but also who who have loved his appearing now this is a man concluding an error of his administration and so i want you to see the two types of men like we have solomon that says all is vanity praise the name of the lord he finishes by saying on my ears under the sun i have realized everything is vanity and you know the way we even sing the song and we make it look like we are encouraging anyone no he was saying that because he had not been able to achieve his god-given mandate so it is vanity now i want you to see a speech of victory for a man that has won he said what i have fought a good fight you hear me very well i have finished the race and is even telling us he has kept the faith which is the measure of spiritual resilience to keep the faith is to walk or rather to be able to move in the exact demands of this gospel so this is not the faith where you to believe as though they are you know the way we say no this is the gospel he had been entrusted with the gospel but him he has kept the faith he has not deviated even once by virtue of all those persecutions he has not fallen short and he says finally there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness how many of us love the crown and you know the way we keep saying nikki malizakazi little vanish but nobody told us how we finish there is some resilience that is needed spiritually you hear me my brother listen god has keep this for everyone who has loved him because to love him is to hate the world to love him is to hate being in the flesh it is to indeed be able to succeed spiritually you hear me very well everybody has a god-given mandate on the face of the earth if you accomplish it you are able to give a victory speech this speech is not for everyone it is for men that are able to succeed i know we write it in funerals i don't know the criteria because not everybody finished there is some died in the middle of the race that's why we call it premature some lost the faith sorry guys today i seem a little bit hard this is how you train soldiers they are not trained in the in the environment of leisure we have to put an illusion of war for them to understand what the battlefield is like and i want to tell you the truth born again as you are there will be time you will go through something praise the name of the lord tell your neighbor neighbor tell a neighbor neighbor it is your suffering that has produced the best of you count it all joy when you go through various trials hallelujah because perfection maturity is for men that have overcome resilience is the exact ingredient for overcomers it is what men that overcome are made of praise the name of the lord hallelujah you see job says in 21 chapter number 1 21 verse 22 he says and he exclaimed i left my mother's womb naked and i will return to god naked the lord has given and the lord has taken away may the lord may the lord okay you will shut my mind but i will preach preach the name of the lord the lord has given the lord has taken may the name of the lord be blessed look at your neighbor ask them how many times do you say that in a tough situation look at the reaction of their faces that is the fun part praise the name of the lord habakkuk 3 17 verse number 18 then i'm going to mention a few things i'm going to pray and then we're going to go home 3 habakkuk 3 17. now there's a prayer that was being made here the bible says though the fig tree may not blossom nor fruit beyond the vines though the labor of the olive may fail and the fields yield no food though the flock may be cut off from the fold and there be no heart in the stalls continue he says yet i will rejoice in the lord i will joy in the god of my salvation people of god it may turn how ready are you if it turns people of god it may fail how ready are you when it fails people of god it may come against your knowledge it may be what you did not deserve i know i know i know you did it and you deserved to be praised but they may fail to do it what happens if it does not happen the way you expected it tell your neighbour i will not break tell them i will not break because unless you are able to go through it [Music] then you are not worthy to follow him because he went through it to deliver us was work to set us free was work somebody was resilient in the process so must we be in ours praise the name of the lord i know that i am called i know that i am a man and a woman of god but how much can you withstand do you know why we listen to generals of old them that have made it their stories normally if you have people that have visited generals and they will tell you their story is normally out of things they overcome hallelujah we have a generation that might have nothing to tell the other generation because we are still in depression we didn't overcome praise the name of the lord we're still anxious about things we're still worried we're still fighting i pray that in the name of jesus if the lord is raising an army may we be fortified for battle may we be ready to go through it and survive hallelujah we are not bringing casualties up no we are bringing men of all people that are ready to say father not mine but you will be done judas is about to betray him and he tells him do it quickly he was hopefully waiting now charged up to go through it quilterness experience is for everyone sorry you can't understand god that brings water from a rock if you're in a clean pastures you can never know miracles don't happen when place in places where things are easy the greatest acts of god were in the time you were in turmoil the greatest miracles you saw in your life were not in the time you were okay it was when you had no money but you still ate supper had people with testimonies that they cooked with no gas these miracles are not present everywhere hallelujah praise the name of the lord tell your neighbor let him do it quickly ah praise the name of the lord feel characteristic of resilient men number one they know the ways of god you hear me very well romans 8 28 says and we know in all things that god works for good to those who love him and those who have been called according to his purpose listen no problem is permanent every issue has a time limit but the strength of going through something is the understanding that it is go i'm going through it but god in his working he's making me praise the name of the lord the ways of the lord may be mysterious as many say but if you are able to know that through this thing god is doing something in your life you will say all things work together my wilderness works together with my abundance you hear me all things work together for good there is a time you will go through it amen god is not and that's why when jesus was making his priestly prayer he said lord these ones don't take them out of the world let them be in it so that they can glorify me you understand god is not just giving you ways to escape all the time no yes he does that but there are times he keeps quiet because in your going through it you become wiser praise the name of the lord hallelujah hmm can i ask a question maybe i don't know i would understand that question you know you have to remain with 50 bob to know it can be supper for three people ah come on how am i speaking to myself okay yeah it is that day when you had no money and you bought skumaya 20. and something there okay and you did ugali and you ate and you slept and the next day you looked for another 50 pop you were in days and you had prayed for abundance you had prayed for a thousand but you got 50. now this what happens you might think god did not answer your prayer for supply no he answered you say lord help me so instead of giving you more money he gave you capacity to stay without money he he didn't understand me very well so now you know that 50 bop is enough for you he did it that capacity is what i'm calling resilience he did it he did in fact he answered your prayer that's why now you have 100 000 and still you're not extravagant you know that there is seed time and there is harvest time now you understand that token 50 book in gujarati you have light for the night karusa praise the name of the lord may the lord give you capacity he understand me very well it's not your ordinary preaching today may the lord give you capacity amen these are men that don't compromise like job allow me to go quickly my time is up i only have five minutes these are men that don't compromise we together in all these things job did not sin the reason i need you to be resilient is so that you don't give in to the demands of this world tell your neighbor i will not compromise these are men that are patient roman 12 12 rejoicing in hope patient in tribulation continuing steadfastly in prayer resilient men are patient if you want it quickly you can't wait for it you can't you can't how many things you prayed for in 2020 and when the end of 2021 and they are still coming patients abraham at 99 was patient he did not whoever bible says in his trust he did not consider the womb of sarah they are over 90. what are you telling me he was patient that they ask my wife something what if god decides a particular thing with a pringle that will come after 90. is he a bad god sometimes we take too long to grow it's only at 90 when we'll be ready resilient men are contented paul tells the church of philippians i have learned how to be in much and in luck i can do other things through christ who gives me the strength i know you guys use that as an example it does not mean doing things it means being in a particular state you can in luck and in abundance do you know why people get money and do very funny things is because they are used to abundance so when luck comes it is like that is not god it is not the devil either it is you praise the name of the lord understand me and hear me very well there are things like in philippians 4 there is a time to be contented hallelujah this is a time to be contented now uh resilient men are men of a sure foundation it is in the book of matthew that we see he that hears my word will be founded he's like you here's my word and does it he's like a man that was built on a farm foundation on a rocky foundation you hear me but he does that hears it and does not in any way follow it that one is a man that is not a wise builder he is not on a fuel foundation some of us break because of how we were grounded your knowledge of scripture your knowledge of god determines your resilience what's your foundation where are you planted are you planted in god or are you planted in your own things men of the world determine hacks of the world to go through but men of the world are planted in the word to go through ask your neighbor what's your foundation listen to me these are men of prayer that is my final point hallelujah i've told you jesus was almost breaking in prayer but at that point in time there is something that he did he prayed and he prayed and after praying in verse number 43 of luke 22 he says an angel appeared from heaven to him and strengthened him and being in angus he prayed even more honestly and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground when he rose from prayer he went back to the disciples and he found them sleep and exhausted from sorrow and why are you sleeping ask them get up and pray you will not fall into temptation he knew the risk of relapsing is so high jesus knew if he stayed like that he would not have gone to the cross so as he's praying and gets him and he's saying i will be a wheel take this cup away from me and then he realizes the flesh is on a rampage but i got a system called prayer as i'm praying something begins to happen an angel appeared and it strengthened him it is actually god 43 and it was it an angel appeared bible says an angel appeared to him from heaven strengthening him what did he do after that 44 and being in agony he's dealing pain he's going through it he prayed more honestly and then he be then his sweat became like great drops of blood [Music] what kind of a prayer is that that's why sometimes i pray and sweat and i try to confirm you know we might just be there praise the name of the lord so the accolade is there the agony is still there rampaging hitting against him he is about to be crucified but at this point in time he decides i am not going to break why because something has to give i have an assignment that is bigger than me stand up on your feet as we pray first corinthians 11 29 so that they can see it i finish with what i started with quickly quickly first corinthians 29 11 29 he says for he who eats and drinks and i know the mana it's no second second i mean second second sorry second second that is another salmon for another day hallelujah now second he says who is weak i am not weak who is made to stumble i do not burn with indignation you hear me very well wait fast i think it's not the scripture i'm looking for um false believers 28 yes 28 28 was the scripture he says beside the other things what comes upon me daily it is my deep concern for all the churches praise the name of lord i want you today as you make this prayer and leave this place i want that which comes to you daily as we read what paul was going through forget the shipwrecks forget the periods forget the problems forget what you've been hit with focus on the assignment his deep concern for the churches was louder than what was being than the lashes was going to his back his deep concern for the churches was louder than what was happening it was louder and i pray today may that which god has obtained for you be louder than what you go through may it be louder than what you see may it be the reason you still hold on may it be the reason you are fortified may you be resilient for cause may you wait for it because unless a man is resilient a man is willing to wait for it sometimes it is just a patience away sometimes it is something like a tunnel in a tunnel we don't turn to the sides we don't turn to the other side we walk on straight facing towards the light and there are men in a dark tunnel going through dark issues and they're asking god have you forgotten about me no i tell you the truth he is present right there with you as you walk the stretch of the tunnel you are heading towards the exit you have an opportunity and a choice to either feel bad about the situation or arise and pick up your mother and begin to walk to watch the exit and i know something is up with god that sometimes he keeps quiet because he wants you to understand that this thing is not meant to kill you you are not meant to break you have the infrastructure to contain what encompasses the calling that is upon your life the things you will go through in the line of duty it doesn't make you affect soldier it makes you a man that is able and i say today you are a man that is able you are a being that is able you have the infrastructure to succeed and i say you have been fortified you have been fortified you have been fortified yes sister it is hard problem it is heart i know it is eating up i know you feel like losing your mind but i pray psychologically may you be resilient emotionally may you be resilient i say in the name of jesus physically i know that job is eating up to you but i pray be resilient something is coming i say spiritually keep the faith run the race i say fight the good fight do not find yourself in things and quarters i want to prophesy to somebody's life and announce in the name of jesus you are living a life of a resilient man i announce in the name of jesus you are walking in the ways of a resilient man you are not breaking anytime soon you are not losing your mind anytime soon you are not falling anytime soon you're gonna walk in the dictates of jehovah he has you covered i say he has you covered it is not too hard for you when you get to the end something is gonna happen count it all joy when you go through various trials and temptation i pray in the name of jesus as you go through it something is happening something has happened something aria kuba there is a race that i must run oh there are victories still to be warned i pray for somebody today you don't give up now you have no ability to give up now knees are being strengthened men physically are coming back to shape emotionally you're coming back to shape you don't need to answer everyone you don't need to touch everyone you don't need to be here break you are a strong person i know i know you are now a single mother but you will make it in the name of jesus i know he left you with the children you will make it in the name of jesus i know they fired you from that job you will make it in the name of jesus i know they called you good for nothing you will make it in the name of jesus and it puts you down but you will make it in the name of jesus i see men making it i see people climbing out it was hot but not hotter than my car i know it was hard but i'm not due to break [Music] they tried to bring him down and he decided not to preach again but he tells god you have deceived me and i have been deceived that was not deception it was god blessing a fire and a demand from your ministry and he said your word is like fire shut up in my bones and i announce in the name of jesus because of this resilience may there be fire in somebody's life maybe a messiah in somebody's life let there be fire that kickstarts you in that journey and tells you you know time to give up now it is not time to break now it's time to arrive and get on to it do what you need to do [Music] man and woman of color you will not break today you will not lose hope today i know they say they don't love you anymore it is just fuel for you to study [Music] thank you lord jesus besides other things word that comes upon me daily is that my deep concern was for all the churches i say your deep concern is changing your concern is changing what makes you is changing it is changing in the name of jesus it may you be resilient amen i want to say may god bless you as i usually say we are limited on the platform we may want to continue to pray but we have to cut it here so the giving details are in your screen [Music] we don't do this for an offering but if you want to partner because this is what helps us to come to you every other day remember later on tonight we still have the moments of bible study and our god is going to bless you and us wait for it we are going off there but even as we are there you can continue on in prayer i know god is going to bless us in jesus name for you who are here i announced [Music]
Channel: Life Church Limuru
Views: 765
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: sfElQTdjpn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 1sec (7681 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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