End Times Bible Study

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[Music] [Music] well welcome it's time to get going here tonight and uh thank you for joining me here in person i've got a couple of announcements before we get into the bible study here this evening first uh the next two weeks there's not going to be a live class the next two weeks it will be recorded it will be available it will be released at 4 pm on sunday afternoon next sunday afternoon i have i have another obligation and i'm not able to be here for the for a live study so i will pre-record it and it will be released at that time and you can watch it online and then the week after i will be out of town at a wedding in the state of washington so i will not be here that weekend but it will be pre-recorded so everything will be available so make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel or are on facebook so that you can get the uh get the notification uh the class is uploaded and ready to go and the week after that we'll be right back in our normal our normal schedule uh the only the only uh sunday i don't plan to have something available either in person or live released would be on our on easter sunday so um so don't plan on anything that day uh just be spending time with your family in in in worship and uh just spending time with them on that day but other than that uh we'll be here every sunday afternoon all right let's start with the word of prayer and let's dive into our study here today father we thank you for uh for the opportunity to gather here to open your word together there's something special lord about the opening of your word and the corporate study of it there's something that it does in our hearts is there something that is encouraging and strengthening about it and i pray that you would be here tonight and that you would be doing just that that you would be encouraging and strengthening us lord as we seek to understand the events surrounding the end times whether we're in those now or whether they're going to be sometime in the future i pray that we would have an understanding give us ears to hear in the eyes to see your truth we thank you for what you're going to do among us here tonight we thank you for the presence of your spirit in this place be with not only those that are here but those that are watching this online lord bless them and protect them in jesus name we pray amen all right if you have a bible please open it to daniel chapter eight and if you are following along on an app on your phone uh or a tablet i am reading from the tlv version so if you want to follow along word for word the tlv version which is called the tree of life version it is a version um put out by uh by scholars and theologians who are part of um messianic jews they are they are jewish believers in christ they're what you would hear that is a messianic jew or a a jewish believer in yeshua that's what they would refer to themselves as and uh it's probably what i find in it is uh there's so much accuracy that they have left in from hebrew understanding and jewish culture that they have left in it to help it to become more understandable for us and that's why i really appreciate and like that version so well and then it reads really well additionally so today we're gonna be in chapter eight of the book of daniel and i have talked about these timelines that the bible follows we have this timeline um that we've been covering on sunday mornings that is in the book of matthew the matthew timeline really shows the word uh from jesus directly to the disciples that would be you and i we are disciples of christ we are followers of jesus uh as savior and and as such that matthew 24 section is not only written to the disciples of that day it's written to us as well there's a couple of other timelines in the old testament that are really important to understand one is the nation of israel's rebirth and that's one that i talked about the very first night the nation of israel was reborn according to god's specific timeline nothing could happen in the end without israel being a nation and without jerusalem coming back into the capital of the nation of israel that had to happen and there was no nation of israel until 1948 and when that happened in may of 1948 all of a sudden now everything was almost in place for the fulfillment of that timeline another timeline is the book of daniel and the book of daniel is really clear on the whole idea of of the antichrist kingdom it really defines and looks at where will the antichrist come from and what will the antichrist be like and that's what daniel is really trying to uh to point us to it's what all of the visions of daniel really relate to and so we looked we've looked at a couple of daniel's visions we looked at daniel chapter 2 where the king king nebuchadnezzar who had he was the babylonian king which is now modern day iran the iran iraq area is now what was then the babylonian empire this is uh where daniel would have been taken into captivity daniel and his friends the king of babylon had this vision and the vision was of a statue and the statue was made up of four different kinds of metals and we've looked at that as four kingdoms that will arise uh on the on the planet in that same region and how that is a fulfillment of the things that have happened and the things that will happen daniel chapter 7 was what we looked at last week and last week in daniel chapter 7 it was a picture of four beasts so not four kingdoms now now it is four beasts that daniel saw and each of those beasts really corresponds to the same countries or the same empires that the nate that the statue was in daniel chapter two daniel chapter eight is what we're going to dive into today and we're just going to do a verse by verse study of daniel 8 so i would encourage you just to follow along with me and i'm going to do a lot of starting and stopping and describing and talking about things in this i'm going to read all of daniel 8 and then we are going to um try to make sense of it and try to make sense of what is going on again this is about the rise of this beastly empire the beastly empire is coming to into existence in daniel chapter 8 there is another vision that daniel has that is going to describe all of this so let's start there daniel chapter 7 that we looked at last week by the way this was daniel chapter 7 is kind of misplaced in the book of daniel daniel chapter 7 really goes between in the timeline between chapter 4 and chapter 5. that's where it fits in daniel chapter uh chapter eight also fits in that timeline because what happened between daniel chapter four and daniel chapter five was you had king nebuchadnezzar and then in daniel chapter five you have his son king belshazzar now king belshazzar being the son of of nebuchadnezzar his empire was stripped away from him in daniel chapter 5 in this incredible exchange that we know as the handwriting on the wall and you can go back and read through this but basically daniel's uh daniel interpreted uh what was going on of this hand that appeared and wrote on the wall uh wrote these these words that said uh mini mini tackle which meant basically uh god has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting your kingdom has been divided and given to the medes and the persians and uh that message that was given to him basically took away the kingdom uh from the babylonian empire so now daniel 7 8 really belongs in between there in the white spaces between four and five but we're going to pick it up in daniel 8 and try to understand and interpret what is going on so now daniel chapter 8 it says this in the third year of the reign of the of king belshazzar again this is the son of nebuchadnezzar daniel says a vision appeared to me a vision appeared to be daniel after the one that i had appeared that it appeared to me earlier so he's referring to this vision of the beast that he had already had now he's having another vision in the vision i saw myself in the citadel of shushan which is in the province of elam so let's just stop right there for just a second and understand where this was so you can if you want to you can pull out a map on your phone or i'll just try to try to quickly kind of draw it out but if you think of um there is the the uh a c uh persian sea that is here in the middle east and over here you have iran and then you have basically iraq over here and these are not obviously completely accurate but then you have saudi arabia that is over here and then you have israel which is right over here somewhere so that's kind of a picture so now the reason i bring this up is he says i was in i was in i was in the citadel of shushan in the province of elam now that would be right in this area right here somewhere right in there is about where daniel was so he was in the iranian empire today the babylonian empire at that time now this is going to be important because of the vision that he's going to see you need to understand the context of where he is located so you have iran you have the persian gulf you have saudi arabia you have iraq you have kuwait is over here you have israel you have the mediterranean you have greece up in this area you have africa over in this area so that's kind of the the picture of the map in a very crude drawing let's keep going in the vision i saw that i that i was beside the oulai canal again that's right up in the same area the oulai canal is right up here in that approximate kind of an area i lifted up my eyes and here's the vision that he had he said look behold there was a ram and the ram had two horns standing in front of the canal the two horns were long but one was longer than the other but the longer one grew up last so let me erase this and let's just keep a little a few little notes on what he is seeing and then try to make some sense and in fact the interpretation is going to be given uh by an angel and this but there's more to the story that we can understand ourselves so he says look i saw i saw a ram and it says that the ram had uh uh let's see i held i beheld a ram and the ram had two horns standing in front of the canal the two horns were long but one was longer than the other the longer one grew up last so it has two horns and the both were long but this but number two was longer and it grew up last so picture this this growth of horns one is growing up and the other grows up even further it's longer it grows up last so that's what he's seeing i saw the ram charging toward the west and toward the north and toward the south so which way would that be well charging toward the west toward the north and i saw it charging toward the south now again where where was he seeing all of this well this was this area by iran over here and that would mean he is charging up into into what is modern-day iraq over toward the west into um toward israel he's marching over through uh through jordan through iraq through that area marching down into saudi arabia that is the direction that this ram is charging no animal could stand against him none could deliver from his hand so he did as he pleased and he magnified himself now while i was contemplating this behold there was a competitor a male goat came from the west so it came from from the west so now you have a goat a male goat and this goat is charging from this direction it says it's charging from the west crossing the whole face of the earth or crossing the face of the whole earth without touching the ground so this is a supernatural magic flying goat that daniel is now seeing in his vision this super goat is is is coming to the rescue or coming in some manner no what it is is it's just a metaphor that is being used he's not literally flying it just means with rapid speed think about this just with rapid speed this goat is charging across what is the face of the earth now the face of the earth at that time was very small it wasn't a large area you're going to have europe and asia the middle east that is in africa really is the key parts of the world so this is not a literal charging across the entire globe this is the known world of the time so this goat is charging super goat is charging toward the ram or toward the direction that the ram is that's that's what he is seeing in this whole thing now if you look at chapter five let's get pick it up right there verse five while i was contemplating this behold a male goat came from the west crossing the face of the earth without touching the ground now the goat had a con conspicuous horn between his eyes now so this is a one-horned goat this is a goat this is a unicorn goat uh one horn between his eyes so this is this is a unicorn super goat against the ram with the uh weird growing horns that's that's the picture that we're seeing here that is taking place uh verse seven uh well verse six he came up to the two horn ram that i had seen standing behind beside the canal and charged it with raging strength i saw him attacking the ram furiously striking the ram and shattering his two horns now the ram was not strong enough to stand against him so he knocked the ram to the ground and trampled him no one could rescue the ram from his power so this goat super unicorn goat just destroyed the ram knocked him down trampled this ram broke off both of the horns and the ram is now gone the ram is doa no longer no longer functioning so that's what he's seeing this goat charges destroys this ram and no one could rescue this ram from the power of the goat the male goat became exceedingly great but as soon as he became mighty the large horn was broken so the horn the one horn has now been broken and instead of this one horn that was there now in its place four prominent horns grew up toward the four winds of heaven so in its place four horns grew up okay out of one of them out of one of these four horns came forth a small horn which grew exceedingly large to the south and to the east and toward the beautiful land now the beautiful land that's a reference of israel so out of one of these four horns a little horn a smaller horn another horn grows up and this small horn becomes extremely large to the south to the east and to the glorious land israel so it comes to the west so this is a reference to the antichrist this is the little horn the small horn this is a reference to the antichrist where does the antichrist come from it comes from one of the four horns that came from the one horn that had just destroyed and trampled this ram so all of this is going to make sense as we put it all together now this small horn verse 10 it grew as high as the host of the heaven and it hurled some of the hosts and the stars down to the earth and trampled them what is the host of heaven what are the stars of heaven well later in the book of daniel he refers to what the stars are what the host is and this is a direct confrontation or a direct persecution of the of the holy ones of the followers of christ this antichrist will grow up and as it grows up it will begin to persecute god's people it will begin to come after the holy ones of god and so remember as jesus says in matthew 24 that great persecution is going to come this is no surprise because this one the antichrist is going to bring intense persecution as his empire is growing across the especially the middle east but really there's going to be influence around the entire world that's going to come against the holy ones of god keep going so it grew verse 10 as high as the host from the heaven it hurled some of the hosts and the stars down to the earth and it trampled them it set itself up to be as great as the prince of the host what is the prince of the host that is a reference to it's a and most of your bibles will have a capital p prince of the host is a reference to messiah in other words this antichrist this little horn will grow exceedingly powerful persecuting christians and will set itself up to be uh be really like the prince of the host it will be as great as the prince of the host so this antichrist will begin to proclaim i am messiah i am to be worshipped when you look in revelation at the beastly empire and you think about the mark of the beast that has to happen the mark of the beast without which you cannot buy or sell well it says of that mark of the beast that it's going to be a part of this empire and it will have to do with the worship of this empire specifically the worship of the antichrist who has set himself up to be the messiah that's why i tell people look you're not going to accidentally take the mark if you take a vaccine you know regardless of if you believe in it or don't believe in it i mean it's completely up to you that has nothing to do with the mark of the beast why do i say that because there is no beast yet there's no beastly empire yet god would not allow you to accidentally take a mark without purposefully knowing what you're doing you cannot accidentally take the mark of the beast and then forever be damned because you did not know that's not god he doesn't operate like that you will know when the mark of the beast is there and you will be forced to worship the beastly empire through the taking of the mark you will know it will not even be a question it will be obvious when the mark of the beast is apparent and the mark of the beast has everything to do with the worship of an antichrist who sets himself up to be like the prince of the host jesus he will set himself up he will begin to proclaim himself his kingdom you will need to worship him and in that worship you will take upon him his mark this is another this is a side note and we'll look at this later but did you know that the children of god are also marked that in the old testament talks about the fact that we are marked with the mark of god we are sealed with the seal of god and so the ones that are not marked with the seal of god will be marked with the mark of the antichrist but that's a that's a completely side note okay let's keep going so verse 11 again now this antichrist this little horn this small horn set itself up to be as great as jesus the prince of the host it took away from him the daily offering and the place of his sanctuary was thrown down now that is a reference to the temple of god the temple of god which will be rebuilt the daily offerings and the daily sacrifices will stop and he will throw this down now this is what is known as the abomination of desolation when the antichrist sets himself up as great as jesus stands in the temple of god that has been dedicated to yahweh god and proclaims himself to be worshipped and his empire to be worshiped that's what daniel is referring to verse 12 the host was given over along with the daily sacrifice in the course of its rebellion it will hurl truth to the ground and in what it does and so what is going to be hurled to the ground well look at what it has has already said in verse 10 the hosts were hurled to the ground the stars were hurled to the ground and trampled the sanctuary is hurled to the ground and truth is hurled to the ground so you're going to notice that those are the things you're going to see that the antichrist will hurl down truth meaning everything that we have looked at and studied and say this is the truth of god's word this will be trampled upon this will be thrown out and thrown down the sanctuary will be thrown out and thrown down god's people will be persecuted thrown out and thrown down that's the trampling that is the hurling down of those uh of the things that that um that it refers to in that paragraph there's a hurling down and a trampling upon that will take place well let's keep going and then we'll we'll and then i'll we'll fill in some of the blanks here verse 13 then i heard a holy one speaking and another holy one said to the one who was speaking how long will this vision last meaning the daily sacrifice be forsaken because of the rebellion the sanctuary be surrendered and the host be trampled then he said to me for 2300 evenings and mornings then the sanctuary will be vindicated so what is all of that about well so daniel is seeing a couple of angels basically having a conversation one holy one is speaking to another holy one and the reason they're saying it is not so they're trying to be secretive they're saying it so that daniel can understand and daniel can make note of what things are going on and so daniel gets a specific number in mind and the number that he hears whoops oh stuck okay the number that he hears as these angels are talking are 2300 days now that is i think it's about like 6.3 years i don't have my calculator on me but you can do the math 2 300 days divided by 360 days in a jewish calendar it's roughly six six and a third years so he says specifically from the time how long will this vision be from the daily sacrifice so from the time of the daily sacrifice and this is an interesting kind of number that theologians really have wrestled with this prophetic people have really wrestled with this how long will the vision last how long will it be the daily sacrifice will be forsaken because of the rebellion the sanctuary be surrendered and the host be trampled so in this time the three things that he says that are going to happen and it's going to happen over 2 300 days will be the daily sacrifice will be uh will stop he says that people will be persecuted that's the host that is being thrown down he says specifically the rebellion the sanctuary will be surrendered so the temple will be surrendered he says until the time it will happen for 2300 days and then the sanctuary will be vindicated well what does that mean that the sanctuary will be vindicated the sanctuary being vindicated is the day of christ's return it is where jesus comes to the eastern gate remember he told the people in the book of acts the disciples were standing there they were watching him ascend into heaven angels all of a sudden were standing next to them and said hey don't worry about this you're going to see him return in the same way that he has ascended he's going to come back in the same manner he is going to come back in he departed into the clouds he's coming back on the clouds he's not coming back everywhere we will know when he comes back but he is coming back to one specific point he's coming back to the same place he left and that was on the mount of olives where's the mount of olives it is right next to the temple it is right next to the rebuilt temple it says in the old testament that he will come to the eastern gate by the way the uh the the muslim people in fact for centuries they have uh blocked off the eastern gate and it's it's stoned up you can't even go through it now because they have been worried about this event actually happening or people in the name of christ storming the gates at that place thinking that they are serving god in some manner daniel gives a specific number a specific timeline so really what you could do you could say you could say from the time of jesus's return if you count back 2 300 days you'll know uh when all of these things are going to happen now some theologians have really wrestled with this and said i that they believe that this time is the time from the beginning of the daily sacrifice to the persecution to the temple being surrendered at that three and a half year mark and then the sanctuary will be vindicated so you can then watch and say okay is the sacrifice starting again the temple has there are plans in the jewish nation to rebuild the temple everything is in place they have actually been breeding all of the animals the priesthood is in place the utensils are in place they the temple location has been in question a lot of people are coming to the realization that where they're looking to rebuild the temple uh is not even the place that it should be built that the place that it should be built is in the old city of david and it could be built anytime when that is built when the daily sacrifices begin and they want to begin and by the way how crazy do you think the world will go when they start slaughtering lambs there again the world is going to go insane they hate israel now you just wait when they start doing this they're going to go the world will go nuts because they will have more reason to hate israel but some theologians believe from the day that the daily sacrifices start that that's the the countdown clock that you could add 2 300 days to that day and maybe come up with a potential of maybe when the lord returns i don't know we just know that daniel saw something and it had to do with jesus's return to vindicate the sanctuary okay let's keep going because i need to get through this and i want to interpret and tell you how this stuff has all been fulfilled already not all of this a big chunk of it okay verse 15. now it happened that while i daniel was watching the vision and trying to understand it behold standing before me was one with the appearance of a man then i heard a human voice coming from between the banks of the uli calling out saying gabriel make this man understand the vision so again you have one angel talking to another angel the angel gabriel you've probably heard of the angel gabriel there are only three mentions of gabriel in the book uh in the bible one of them is in the book of daniel the other happened around the christmas story first gabriel appeared to zachariah who is the father of john the baptist and then a few verses later he appears to marry herself those are the references to gabriel gabriel by the way is not an archangel michael is the archangel michael is the angel over the nation of israel it is the he is the defender or or that angel is the defender of the nation of israel that's regardless neither here nor there it's just an interesting fact gabriel is the one that is standing there and he says help help daniel to understand what he just saw so gabriel came near to where daniel was standing and as gabriel approached daniel was terrified and fell on his face but he said to me son of man understand that the vision pertains to the time of the end okay so this is how we know this is not something that happened in the past it was not fulfilled by an antiochus epiphanes that some theologians think gabriel just said it's this is for the end this is going to happen at the end the vision you just saw is going to happen at the end part of it three quarters of the vision are already fulfilled years and years centuries ago but the last part of that is for the end i'll show you that in just a minute while gabriel was speaking to me i fell into a deep sleep with my face to the ground but he touched me and stood me up and said behold i am going to inform you about about what will happen later in the time of wrath for the vision pertains to the appointed time of the end again that's a reference this is not just for the past this is for the end here's what will happen at the end the ram you saw with the two horns stands for the kings of media and persia the buck the male goat is the king of greece and the large horn between his eyes is the first king the four horns that replace the one that was broken represent four kingdoms that will arise from this nation though not with its power and so here's what he says he gives us the explanation this explanation already happened it was already fulfilled it was fulfilled after the time of daniel before the time of jesus now the babylonian empire had control of the region and the reason was in daniel 5 it was taken over from the babylonians it was given to the medes and the persians this is the representation of what he says is the ram the ram had two horns and so we had the mede the medes and the persians one horn was smaller than the other and the second that came later grew to be larger and it grew for a longer amount of time well that is the medes were number one horn and the persians were the second horn they from the babylonian empire took over the whole region they took over all of what is modern day the middle east and daniel just said according to what gabriel said that that's exactly what happened then you had a second animal you have this goat on this side and the goat charges that direction the ram had charged this direction these directions in order to take control now the goat is going to charge at the ram the super unicorn goat that we have and the goat is the king of greece well who was the king of greece it was one horn one large horn that grew up and this is the king alexander and alexander was an incredibly powerful king and he conquered the region without without difficulty whatsoever it fell in a quick amount of time but when alexander died his kingdom was split into four and the four horns that grew up after alexander who was the large horn were these you had the kingdom of ptolemy you had the and i want to tell you where all of these are from because this is going to be important celesus i don't know how you pronounce his name um you have the kingdom of uh cassandra i could say any pronunciation and you'll just believe me because nobody knows um and lysomic something like that okay so the here's where these guys these are the four kingdoms that grew up out of alexander's reign you have these four kingdoms now this is why this is important because every one of these kingdoms covered a different part of his territory the first kingdom was the kingdom that is modern day egypt the second kingdom that grew up is the modern day middle east and this middle east covers turkey iran syria jordan iraq afghanistan the whole persian area that's where this empire covered the third empire is the empire that covers greece and macedonia which is just going to be to the east of greece and then you have the asia or the area that also covers parts of turkey and bulgaria okay so this is greece and macedonia so this is why you know some scholars and some books that you'll have written or read will say it's got to be a revived roman empire none of these were roman empire this was all a different or it could have been the eastern leg of the roman empire but it really wasn't this is the areas that became the modern day ottoman empire this is why i have stressed that this has to be the kingdom the the fourth kingdom has to be the ottoman empire that went away that has come back again okay this is the area now here's what it says out of now this is all way in the past that's way in the past this is way in the past but daniel's given this vision of the time of the end so what does that mean this is the time of the end but all of these things are way in the past well it is the one part that is at the end that is the most important when you understand this and the in part was this a little horn came forth out of these kingdoms now what is that going to mean it means that a little horn is going to come forth from one of these empires one of these regions is where the antichrist will come from so the antichrist either has to come from egypt well that doesn't make a lot of sense because egypt is not involved in this in fact egypt will have a different war going on according to scripture the middle east absolutely possible greece and macedonia they don't maybe they just don't have the the same power or the same ability to fight but maybe the turkey bulgaria area all of these the middle east turkey bulgaria is most likely the place that this is going to come out of so that's the warning that daniel gives that this person will come out of one of these areas it doesn't have to follow sequentially immediately he says this is the time of the end in the last days a little horn will come forth out of one of these so be watching these areas understand i don't think egypt can even possibly fulfill it but the middle east greece and macedonia turkey bulgaria iraq iran my my belief is it's going to be one of those areas that you are going to see this antichrist arise now here's what he says and let's kind of go on to finish this out um let me pick it up verse 20 again the ram you saw with the two horns stands for the kings of media and persia the buck the male goat is the king of greece alexander and the large horn between his eyes is the first king that's again alexander the four horns that replaced the one that was broken represent four kingdoms that will arise from this nation though not with its power all four of these rose out of alexander's kingdom none of them ever had the kind of power that alexander had now toward the end of their reign when the measure of transgressions is completed what is the measure of transgressions when all of the transgressions have been completed when all have come to an end when the fullness of time comes jesus says later when the when the fullness of the gentiles is at hand when all of these transgressions have come to a completion then meaning at the end out of one of these places a stern-faced king a master of intrigue will arise well who is that that is the antichrist the antichrist will rise he will be a stern-faced king he will be a master of intrigue meaning this idea of master of intrigue destined really to do evil he'll be dynamic in his leadership abilities he will be able to sit at a negotiation table getting everything that he wants to get and make the other person feel good about giving them giving him everything he wants to get you know he will be that kind of a person he will be the kind of person who will have uh this ability to to intrigue people and deceive people at the same time people will naturally flock to him and want to follow him now again if you look at the middle eastern empires you look at the ottoman empire you look at somebody rising up to that level that every every muslim in the world wants to flock to them and join them and be a part of their jihadist movement i mean that's power that's influence that's mastery of intrigue his power will be mighty but it will not be by his strength alone why not because he will be demonic in his power satan will give him power in fact at the very end satan will even transfer power to this person giving this person incredible power and incredible ability he will cause extraordinary devastation you know we've we've thought about well what would that be like what would be extraordinary devastation you know we've i've used the example before of like world war ii was extraordinary devastation it killed it was like 50 to 60 million people uh 6 million jews i think there were another 10 to 20 million that died just as as consequences of it through starvation and through disease and through poverty that's nothing that that is just nothing compared to what this one will do the extraordinary devastation that this one will do and he will succeed in whatever he does meaning he is not going to be thwarted he is going to succeed it's not going to we can't stop it it's going to happen it will come upon this world we cannot stop this from happening he will succeed in whatever he does you know we look at today at the political climate in our country and we think man we just we've got to stop things we we you know we want to stop it we need to stop it things need to change uh things that are happening now are terrible when he does his stuff nobody will stop it you cannot stop it he will succeed in whatever he does he will destroy both the powerful and the holy people again meaning persecution toward believers persecution toward christians persecution toward god's people now those people that are persecuted the book of revelation specifically talks about them their martyrdom and their role as martyrs of god and we'll get into that when we get to the book of revelation look more by his cunning he will cause deceit to prosper under his hand and he will consider himself superior now remember one of the things that jesus warned about specifically in that day people will be deceived they will be deceived and they will fall away the world will be deceived there will be a false prophet that will arise all of this by the way parallels in an interesting way everything that the muslim community talks about in the quran in the hadith about their end times philosophy and their end times belief did you know that they have a full end times belief system in their teachings and all of it is the opposite of what god says and so potentially probably that really is where the antichrist comes out of and it's amazing some of the things we'll look at some of those things that it says that this antichrist will do and how it parallels what god says of this person his cunning his cunningness will cause deceit to prosper the world will be deceived and the world will fall into deception more and more and more we are already being deceived the world is already succumbing to deception uh every day you hear about it in fact i worry for my kids and my grandkids i i'm concerned for them because what kind of a world are they going to be in they're going to be in a world where deceit has become the norm the lie has replaced the truth in fact i wrote this quote down and i let me read this quote um i keep a i keep a notebook and a journal and i just write things uh dresden james i don't know if you know that name or not but dresden james said this this listen this quote he said and this was years ago when a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations the truth will seem utterly preposterous and it's speaker a raving lunatic did you hear that when people have been sold over generations a web of lies and it's just been subtly and gradually influenced and introduced into the society over generations when you have somebody coming along who speaks the truth they will seem like a raving lunatic that is where we're headed we are we have been sold a series of lies for long enough but even to speak out against the truth makes you seem like you're the lunatic i mean we were taught this truth there are two sexes there are men and women god created the male and female now to say that in fact it's probably dangerous for me to say that on the recording because youtube will probably bullet because that has now become sexist racist that has become you're an idiot for thinking that there's only two sexes you're the raving lunatic for doing that and so that is how we have we have been deceived this antichrist will will sell a bill of goods to deceive people further and further and further to the point that to speak truth or to say anything contrary will make you seem like the raving lunatic and not the one who has been sharing the lies for so long he will he will consider himself superior superior to whom superior to god superior to jesus himself in fact the antichrist is the coming muslim mahdi the mahdi is the one that they believe will come who will take over the new uh empire of the uh the new caliphate this person will be the coming messiah and we will see this person for who they are the coming antichrist who stands against everything of god and this one will proclaim himself to be superior over all he will even stand up against the prince of princes who is that that's jesus he will stand up against jesus yet he will be broken but not by human hands jesus will return and this is where his wrath will be unleashed and jesus will ultimately win the stone in the chat in chapter 2 that was cut out not by human hands that comes down and destroys the feet of this statue will be jesus coming back and destroying the antichrist and his empire daniel concludes with this now the vision of the evenings and the mornings that has been told to you is true but seal up the vision for it concerns many days from now what is that that means it's it has nothing to do with daniel or his time it has nothing to do with any of the times leading up to the end time the ones who live in the time of the end will start to unravel these mysteries because it's meant for that generation we know up until 1948 it was not even possible so every generation between the time daniel wrote this in 1948 could not have possibly been the end times since 1948 it has only become apparent that it's a possibility and until 2017 when jerusalem was finally declared the capital of israel it was never fulfilled but now it's it is and now it is potentially there and now we look at it and we start unraveling it that all of a sudden now it's no longer sealed now it is starting to come to light and you will hear more and more pastors who are boldly talking about this who are boldly proclaiming this even though it's not a popular message i would encourage you to listen to things like i've encouraged you to listen to israel 7. make sure you listen to that news i've encouraged you to download the fai bible app they live in the golan heights they do incredible teaching they do incredible outreach to the minister to the to the uh region there listen to their stuff it is so good listen to uh to the teachers that you respect and really value their opinions who are not just kooky who actually give good teaching and good uh verse by verse x exposition about all of this this vision has been sealed up but at the time of the end it will be opened and people will start to put it together not everyone will believe it not everyone will see it but those who do believe it who do receive it are in a right position verse 27 that i daniel was stricken and languished for days then i got up went about the king's business but i was astounded at the vision and no one could explain it so daniel had this incredible vision this incredible insight we know it's the time of the end it's a time given about the time of the end we know all of the book of daniel is really mostly dealing with the beastly empire that's the timeline that he is on and the timeline that he follows and for us it's starting to come together and starting to make sense of what this could possibly be and how this could possibly work well next week we are going to get into daniel chapter nine we are out of time here today and next week there will not be again class or a bible study here in the church i will be pre-record recording it and i will have it available next week on our youtube channel on our website and you can link it on our facebook page that'll happen for the next two weeks there will be a teaching it just won't be live and then after that we'll be back together okay let's close with a word of prayer father help us to understand and interpret the things that we see before us happening that the things that are potentially going to happen help us to understand and have uh insight into those things help us lord to have hearts ready and prepared father if we are going to go through times of persecution strengthen us and help us we're going to need you lord desperately and i pray that you would be with us and protect us i pray father that we would be warning others as we see these signs unfolding and we see events coalescing and coming together help us to be warning others before it is too late we want to see them lord accept you before the door is shut and there is no more opportunity father we pray for our loved ones we pray for our family members we pray for our friends we pray for our acquaintances that we would be an influence in their lives thank you father for your word thank you for the things that you're teaching us we pray these things in the name of jesus amen all right well thank you for coming
Channel: Journey Church Gillette
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Id: gUh89mtIOlc
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Length: 54min 50sec (3290 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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