Midsomer Murders - Season 9, Episode 5 - Four Funerals and a Wedding - Full Episode

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[Music] I need a drink PAH doc [Music] given now forgive and forgot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Friday kids I agree to one day a week only popular demand rector he's dead no I asked you to take this down Hewlett I will not have skimming turn propaganda here it's community information oh there you are how's the new job Anthony I have change for you having a woman for a deacon and a skimming done with that sound and fury and uh nauseating proliferation of salad lunches broughton certainly hasn't settled down much in my 40 years absence Oxford is dull by comparison as is quite frankly this issue of my final resting place there's a disease tree jutsu come down soon in the east corner so long as it's a comes without to protracted an illness you look to be in rude health bad habits catch up with one in the end Antony as you know how did church deacon Abel wrote and anyway who said anything about a natural death [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I'll leave the follow file on your desk for Monday no and that over no no I thought you were keen to get off not particularly mrs. Barnabas mother's staying for a couple of days Kelly's turning up - it'll be two days of lurid medical discussions and the footie if permitted at all be on the portable in the bedroom lightness and a complete my weekends enjoyment I have community liaison duties to perform in Broughton a skimming t'nuk nothing good can come of it Jones nothing good [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight's the night power you're gonna pay your bar bill on this night history will record the riders of Broughton seal the fate of the skimming Tain's forever well grandma thinks we ought to come with you - broughton - the skimming Tanvir what about some shopping in Oxford Broughton's very green what oh it was a mistake I suppose you'd call it at the Somme in 1916 Montague Marwood big local landowner he raised an entire company from the village whole generation of men and then one night he led them all to a terrible death leaving their wives and children to starve the women formed a self-help group the skimming to society they worked together they raised money educated each other and took control of the village how do you know all this it was a story I heard when I worked in the Land Army during the war the Second World War the Society is still going strong I believe and the centerpiece is the skimming to ride as I understand it that ride is a barbaric medieval ritual revived by the skimming - ladies to humiliate their men folk yes I'd really rather like to see it unmissable there that's settled [Music] we're having a party next week we'd be honored if you join us fellow denied it and we'll see you at UH 9:30 tomorrow at the committee rooms for the pre fare briefing I'll be there great to meet you mrs. D yo Duke I'm hard to believe you're related to our public enemy number one I assume you'll be staying for the fair tomorrow cousin actually I'm making a speech the skimming Tunes are making me honorary president one wonders why you chose to stay here at the Knox and not down at Ames confirm oh but Antony sleeping with the enemy is so much more interesting Chloe and Nate serving in the cover could I come up from your project for your meeting yes but about the archdeacon's letter perhaps I might call on you later if you like [Music] welcome to the best you're calling is not available the message after the tone this is Mildred down with us at the Knox I think you will know why I'm calling [Music] [Applause] apologies chairman the medical emergency open the off-license Lake did they doctor oh the cruel perspicacity attention members we could all settle down please I call this meeting of the writers Club to order um before we begin Roland and I would like to thank you all for your prayers and kind support since Vivian passed on much appreciated door Ellen oh yes Polly Polly do you mind blessing Anthony make it a good one we beseech the Lord that it may please vie to strengthen such as to stand to comfort the weak hearted and give us courage to beat down the skimming Tain's under our feet our mean historic news members the tyranny of the skimming Tain's is finally over I can safely say that tomorrow will be the last time that we bow our next to the yoke and submit to the awful humiliation of the ride you're not married to eschewing did well the rides are similar some old conflicts in the village right enough but it's just that Anthony assemble two prongs strategy one Anthony's new blood he's bound to be nominated tonight so we've been training with Blue Bell and we're confident number two a little offensive Antony make no mistake gentlemen the monstrous regiment the battle for Broughton must be joined once more [Music] okay [Music] well done Polly well skimming since it looks like Gant and Roland have guests that the Reverend might just be nominated as our rider this year they've been secretly working on his technique I saw them in the paddock last night he was hopeless what about the legal issue though cam can't really get us outlawed for discrimination the legislations been around for ages but it's for the protection of women no cuts both ways fee our Constitution explicitly forbids male members which strictly speaking has been illegal for some time are we making a mistake nominating Gant at all I can't let him dictate to us he's got to be stopped have a quiet word with him tomorrow before the ride he won't listen and we can't let him close us down or stop the ride Gantz a throwback mum he really believes that women are the root of all evil if Flores talks failed we'll decide on a new action plan as soon as Affairs over for now we have to cast our votes and nominate our Rider coming stammers I'm just returning your flask doctor a doubt found it at the Hermitage it's afternoon [Music] mr. Marwood very kind of you you you didn't know my wife personally i regrettably know her lead mother and yours were friends of mine many years ago before I went abroad coke obesity well thank you and good night with stamps [Music] I'm serious about pursuing this legal nonsense against the skimming Tain's deadly they'll ever fight on your hands and they come looking to me to heal your wounds good night chants night cover brandy Mantha me not tonight Rolly we must have clear heads for tomorrow and I have some business to attempt [Music] come in [Music] you worried about Gant he certainly stirred things up you got me home in a bit see you later [Music] I straight from my path like a lost sheep they are followed too much the devices and desires of my sinful heart lead to beat down my enemies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm you know you'll frighten someone to his grave one of these days trouble sleeping old friend quiet in the van shudder here spirits help I'll disagree with you there [Music] [Music] is John Knox Oh an infamous Scots misogynist long-dead probably whether men hide from the skimming Tain's brother appropriated that's case I don't think a modicum of respect is due to the men who sacrificed their lives in two world wars mind you if I hadn't died this would be a much happier village it seems perfectly happy for all of us there is a time ordained by God the Father Almighty a time to plant and a time to pluck up and in as much as that time has now come for our dear just happened to be arriving but this is a Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby of Causton Police he's doing the honours with the starting pistol this year yeah Antony Gant cousin of the deceased mrs. Mildred Danvers I came up just now to visit couldn't get a reply now Polly brought the passkey doctor Oh dad as you say this doctor um what's the cause of death the heart it's actually had a history I understand nothing for you to ruin your weekend over mr. Barnaby no surely all right of the skimming to society um would you excuse me I've got rather a busy day shooting competition to house before the Fair begins yes well I should go and make some arrangements history of heart attack [Music] [Music] dr. yes did she have something in her hand when you came up here oh yes a flask I moved it to examine I know where is it stranger oh there now here it is nothing untoward I hope [Music] [Music] better safe than sorry Jones be busy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mrs. Hastings condolences Anthony I've just heard about Mildred still not a mercy call I imagine I come to parley [Music] did mrs. Danvers have any visitors last night I heard Mr Gannett asking if he could see her after the meeting it was something about a letter what meeting was that riders club they were all here Omar Birds reven Gant the doctor poor old Oliver the gravedigger he talks to dead people Oh and I saw mr. Marwat in mrs danvers' room when I took up her cocoa a half Nilus they knew each other mrs. Dean of his mother from years ago apparently she attended his wife's funeral yesterday who made mrs. Danvers cocoa last night dad did he the copper I'm Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby is Cathy Hewlett church deacon I've just heard about Mildred Danvers do you know how she died that has yet to be precisely established why do you ask I heard her talking to Anthony Gant yesterday about her burial plot she told him she doubted if her death would be a natural one choice everything all right possibly not I pulled out a team never a dull moment she's broken it seems wouldn't you rather drive over to Oxford mum oh don't be a [ __ ] Joyce this is much more fun shopping Jones where we got sir we've got Mildred Danvers 878 deceased and you don't think she died of old age let's say I got reasonable doubt gets you out from under anyway I'm not in the habit of using murder as an excuse no of course but there are upsides but it's a bit late secure the scene as best you can hold on to that for B'Elanna I gotta make a call [Music] Oh marvelous baggy skin because no two shots ahead your nap you're next to shoot [Music] the skimming Tain's are having the best of the luck early not luck no they're just better than us I'm afraid I've been for a long time there's acceptance in the main the riders aren't much of a match for the skimming Tain's these days so what can I do for you Mildred Denver's her death might have been due to foul play what if it makes you say that we believe her hip flask might have been spiked oh I I never met her until yesterday there was coffee for the guests after the funeral and I was introduced briefly and I believe that you went to see Mildred after that meeting last night that's right yes of course I did um yeah she left her gloves behind I return them to her Henry final shot to you a bull's-eye would tie the competition [Music] congratulations wisdom thanks Lorna Hastings our chair this is my daughter Fiona and you've met Cathy I understand our invigilator for the scheming turn ride ladies Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby I understand that you all knew mr. Danvers can you tell me when you last saw her no funeral I saw her briefly last night before our meeting and there's anyone here know of anyone in the village with a reason to harm her why well Cathy could tell you um she overheard mrs. Danvers suggesting her death might be an unnatural one let's hope she was mistaken I'm afraid that's our cue mr. Barnaby retribution time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I'm part of it and I'm standing in for missing anything in the flask 10 year-old brandy and lashings of barbiturates maybe I should stop the proceedings possibly happy huh I'd like to see you try welcome you all to this year's skimming tomb there as you all probably know it traditionally starts with a unique event so without further ado I'll hand you over to the chair person was Laura Hastings for this year's engine ride nomination [Applause] charge is for flagrant misogyny and the nominee is the Reverend Anthony [Applause] skimming Tain's have laid down their challenge now is for the rider to show his mitt the women may beach the rider freely with their skimming ladles but not impede the donkey's progress if the rider can lasts a course without falling off his mount he wins the right to suspend the ride indefinitely if not the riders must return next year to try again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm a skinny confetti [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's being shot [Music] well don't look at me [Music] [Music] because then you best if you go help or volunteer if I can get mom away from all the excitement yes Jones Jones leave that it's pointless I've got uniform collecting all the cameras someone somewhere I saw some useful foot ah good thinking sir oh thank you so glad you approve Allen you are Allen aren't you and Tom Barnaby Causton CID and you worked for the Reverend Gant's didn't you mr. Nye pay me or people here I mind him Polly told me that you talked to the to your people they talks to me chatter chatter Ellen did you see the Reverend Gramps this morning before the Rhine morning Reverend Moore nning Allen and did the Reverend Gant seem as usual salford no problems miss Lorna she never come Lorna lonely histories there was a Barney lawn Hastings and the Reverend gaps they argued this morning she never come your I fell friend anything I can do to help mr. Barnaby I wanna hear it's quite special you know what I mean yes doctor give me a list of all those people who were prescribed barbiturates for during the last year that would be very helpful where's God quite a bit first off valium found them in a desk against name recent date only two pills left thing is though if Gant did spike Mildred's flask last night and he was the first person in her room this morning why leave the murder weapon for us to find why indeed how look at this sir windows been Jenny now I sent a PC straight over here to watch the place after the shooting sir the river and get left here just before the ride the intruder got here denim or during the ride yeah didn't think that's hard to say all this stuff it looks if the Reverend Gant was trying to mount some sort of legal challenge against the skimming tenacity it is a Milford Danvers effect something yeah it looks like it maybe she gave them to him sir or maybe not [Music] our sneakin mr. Barnaby that's devastating news Mulder it was a great mate we um we met in Africa in 75 now Antony was a a one-off I was wondering you know if any ideas about motivation for murder yes I can't imagine it Antony was a troubled soul pretty obsessive obsess about worth trying to prevent the incursion of women into all aspects of life its honor loser there obviously what's your appointment of miss Hulett as his deacon was that intended to underline that point cruel I know but educational compromise whatever Antonis strongest suit yeah I understand that you had her some reason for writing to mrs danvers was that's something concerning Reverend again yes very sad I mean I used what influence I have but he had to leave Oxford wound up back in Broughton for his sins poor man what seems oh it was some embarrassing as it was a young man on a posh christened party oak Tony was gay we know and well he beat had a few and here this young chap were discovered great him behind the champagne fountain I wrote to Mildred about it when she first got back to avoid awkward questions for Antonia you don't eat the dead I could have caused some kind of problem I don't think anything at the moment Archdeacon old patients prescribed barbiturates during the past year as requested Thank You Hubert Reverend Kent yes he lived on his nerves did Anthony Cathy sprained her ankle last month couldn't sleep and Rowland Marwood his mother's illness took a toll seems you were a bit quick to assume natural causes doctor clearly I was yes to mrs danvers' have any enemies you know of in the village of him someone settling old scores was coming to me for she went away but her fighting days were long over mr. party the early evidence suggests that mrs danvers was murdered by the Reverend Kent to stop her exposing young secret in his past except everybody knew his secret everybody knew that Antony and Henry Marwood real half-brothers yes Henry's father was a bit of a Roma Antony was his love child his parents died in the big fire in 1960 Henry's parents were killed in that fire too when they yes and it was them but he has no memory of their others to family friends so devastating tragedy that's who Allen talks to you know all those poor souls lost that night six still it's to all intents and purposes but I often think he remembers so the rest of us [Music] yeah thanks me the barbiturate found in Mildred's flask doesn't match any of these not first it's the sword used by vets Fitz we're going to need an incident room hey James [Music] very photogenic sir oh thank you anything from the lab yeah there's traces of old lime water on the trigger of Fiona in scums gun and an eyelash that isn't Mildred's in the bottom of her flasks emergence of prints of the flask as well Mildred Danvers doctor O'Dowd Henry Marwood [Music] [Music] I hope I'm not interrupting no Satmar Woodhall ah the ruins of luck has not been with us for quite a while so what can I do for you Mildred Danvers hip flask your fingerprints on it I've been such a fool I really don't know why it's I suppose I haven't been thinking very clearly I lied about gloves there was the flask I was returning to her then why didn't you tell me that straight away it was cowardly well you just said that you suspected foul play and I oh I just didn't want any more fuss after Vivian I I know how it looks I'm assuming that you knew about the Reverend ants troubles in Oxford yes we all wear that Mildred Danvers knew about them too No so you weren't trying to save your half-brother from exposure then no no I have no idea why anyone would want to do away with mrs. Danvers or Anthony [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's mrs. Hastings by the way I lost my husband in Assumption rumors that we're all raging deixar Danes confirm our erroneous but they're less popular for that how can we help we've had confirmation about Mildred Danvers death it wasn't natural causes it wasn't suicide it was indeed murder and I believe that one or both of you had information that's relevant to our inquiries I'm not sure what you mean mrs. Hastings two people have died here in the last 24 hours can I recommend that you cooperate without prevarication it's my fault I asked Lorna not to say anything the day after Mildred arrived in the village she shared a confidence with Lauder and I we already know about the scandal that brought the river encounter to broaden what was Mildred's reason for telling you about that she was aware of her cousin's attitude towards women she thought the information might prove useful so when you said Mildred might have been murdered I saw Gant last night you see coming out of the pub what time was that about quarter to 10:00 I was locking up the committee rooms and you've withheld that information come on you murders not an accusation you make without firm evidence mr. Barnaby is that why you went to see the reverend Gant at the rectory this morning mrs. Hastings no no we had other things to discuss like blackmail yes Peggy and I agreed the legal thing was a serious threat so I went to talk to him and suggested that if he drop it the legal action that is you keep his little secret those were the broad strokes it work he was understandably upset but he agreed to reconsider which is why none of us would have any reason to shoot him mr. Barnaby is that was your next question Gant's gotta be our man hasn't he something to hide plenty of opportunity and he was spotted no George Bullard said that the cocktail with Mildred Danvers drank would have killed it within half an hour now Gant left the pub quarter to 10:00 Mildred Danvers didn't die till after midnight you see still plenty of time for someone else to visit her it's true what about Ganz killer well I suppose shutting down the skimming turn society am I to provide a motive what are you doing here my job Saints got my job I understand everyone can't and you didn't or see eye to eye is that true you could say that when the bell rang for the start of the ride you said something like um it's retribution time I didn't shoot him well someone with a very good eye and a rifle very like yours certainly did me and see were on the green all the time our guns were locked in fees car outside the committee rooms don't leave the village ladies they want to talk to you again [Music] [Applause] [Music] who poisoned Mildred I have no idea do you know who shot Antony no of course not then what's going on I don't know what to think don't you trust me Peggy even now [Music] don't sir good news only please mum in-laws not leaving with two more days I've released mrs danvers' body for burial you and I are going to attend the funeral any notable Epsom teas crocodile tears that sort of thing well the good news is forensics found another eyelash on Fiona in scums gunsights yeah they did a DNA check and it matches the one in the flask so odds on were talking one kill now all we have to do is put a name for the DNA and we're out of here yeah you know that means earlier he's getting a voluntary mouth shot from every single person in this village including the skimming Tain's yeah well that was the bad news part of the good news - only for you Jones I'll get a uniform - sorta yeah it's not a uniform job that does look at my shift got the kit in my car you can get started as soon as we establish the position of our sniper clock tower sir what's gonna be isn't George top now for a video footage taken by spectators who established a accurately whether eating was when the bullet struck we've calculated the angle at which the bullet into the skull and a presto oh that's amazing George thank you so helpful his marvellous isn't it hello there Helen Ellen I wonder if you could tell me what did you do after your anger bill to start the ride did you see anyone go into the church during the ride chatter chatter too busy they don't like that sir hey Josh you ready as I'll ever be thank you I'll good morning Cathy I'm sorry to disturb you I need to take a quick look in the bell tower if I may I suppose er thank you oh and DC Jones here has something to ask you what [Music] [Music] open wide miss Hulett [Music] [Music] [Music] forensic evidence places your gun firmly in the bell tower in school I told you I didn't shoot Gant from the bell tower or anywhere else and you did see did you not in your statement that you and only you had the keys to your vehicle and the gun rack and there's no evidence to suggest the car was broken into no but I lost my keys actually well thought I did well you didn't mention this before what did you mean cap or in the middle of the crowd everyone was just lling to see I put my hand in my pocket I seen the keys had fallen out and when did you rediscover them not until after Gant was dead and we were asked to given our rifles I wasn't even thinking about it we're about to the car but my hand in my pocket there they were I thought I'd made a mistake so can I get on now [Music] Smolin girls ladies I'm DC Jones and I work with DCI Barnaby he's asked me to ask you all for voluntary mouth swabs for DNA tests voluntary yeah answer's no then refusing to cooperate implies you've got something to hide all right you can do me first don't worry DC Jones I'll be gentle [Music] pop Roland I wanted to DC Jones is here he wants to test our DNA all right [Music] Thank You mr. Barnaby mrs. Hastings mind if i disturb you for five minutes some files i need no no please helps us thank you are you getting anywhere information gathering anything I can help you with and yesterday no Henry my words wife Vivian but not well she'd been ill for years I do ask information-gathering successful afternoon like blood out of a stone sir that was the easy bit well thanks anyway Oh mrs. Hastings before you go would you mind letting DC Jones here take a DNA sample [Music] [Music] funny as ever long and busy as ever your time for an old friend not right now Karen it's always cruel postponements with you females well you're not I felt about you all these years what sport this armed murder makes you think Mildred's funerals in less than an hour I'm over the house for five minutes it's important it concerns Henry and Peggy [Music] how did you find out same way as you did I should imagine poor Vivian was ill and getting worse Peggy and Henry lonely I'm tired of fighting their families empty battles I won't be talking you can count on me [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thought we should meet on neutral territory what do you want a truce and an exchange of information very funny things have changed Fiona you could say now we have interests in common [Music] [Music] you [Music] before we begin Peggy has asked to say a few words we're here to mourn the first of two untimely and violent deaths but surely we're also here to ask ourselves how on earth has it come to this I don't know why Mildred or Antony were killed all by whom but if it had anything to do with our past conflicts here I want to say that the time to forgive is now right now because because Henry Marwood and I are in love in fact he's asked me to be his wife and I've accepted in going public now I hope we will persuade others that it's time to bring peace to Broughton come on everybody I say bravo to Peggy and Henry for having the courage to forgive the past and look to the future come right well if you finished Peggy will return to the business at hand hmm in the midst of life now do you trust me no but you were right after all I will not have everything my family has worked for given up to a Marwood so what will happen will she bring him here let him just take over everything the more wood steps alone I'll probably bankrupt us don't be an idiot fee Peggy's fallen in love she hasn't taken leave of her senses I can't believe you're even thinking that Lorna we have to stop this marriage happening fine just cause or impediment so what is just cause it's possible Henry killed Mildred or Gant what reason could he have the DNA never lies that's what DC Jones said if he mr. killer they'll find out eventually it might be too late by then you knew them Lana the Marwood you worked for them there must be some skeleton in their closet this Vivien more woods death she was demented poor woman but she was still young what suddenly she gets pneumonia and dies very convenient in light of the thing with my mother [Music] no point in meeting here anymore a coming you really should have told anyone Peggy I'm Barnaby why not you've got nothing to hide anymore [Music] this you really shouldn't have told I [Music] never thought I'd be this glad to be enough pub with no women we collecting DNA swabs doctor and take their germs here's have a little problem persuading the labels well if you need my help I've had some leverage well even skimming Tain's needed doctor sometimes are you serious the hardy Irish and I'm at your service Anthony you never married then doctor not for the one to trying mr. party no skimming to what have you not the one I wanted I'll catch up food talking of skeletons and closets I'd forgotten about this I uh found it when I broke into the rectory it was fees idea I was looking for what he had on us look this man's got to be Henry's father and that's Mildred so was she Henry's father's secret lover you want to leave the case of me I'll lock it up in my pharmacy covered hit my girl to arrange the appointments in the morning so I know they'll be fine you go back we'll mix all that locked up safely doc you're a staff where are you going oh the South's myself in cheap whiskey as is my preferred habit you're a rider we've got a duty to fight this marriage grow up rolling maybe a kick up the arse um well I don't think so mr. Marwood grateful to you bad [Music] [Music] is this where they met [Music] she completely fooled me she lied to everyone dad was the same try to get him to talk about what was going on once so you knew what they were doing even before your mother died not but I have my suspicions [Music] her death was very sudden I am wondered why they'd [Music] you know seriously [Music] you must have hated my mother [Music] [Music] [Music] from it [Music] oh I'll sorry to make you miss your breakfast mr. Barnaby that's no problem what's happened I was in a surgery finishing something off about 11 o'clock I felt something land on my head the next thing I know I'm on the floor it's 4:00 in the morning anything taken my wallet some prescription sheets my kids and imagined oh they didn't get into the pharmacy covered covered was locked tight everything's here missus robbery maybe the attacker wanted it to look this way Roland Marwood could have had a pop he was looking for a fight in the pub last night I'll have a word if you like sir no no no you got the DNA samples to collect [Music] Kieran's been attacked Roley the police want to talk to you why me well you weren't exactly friendly towards the doctor last night were you I was drunk mr. Marwood you tell me where you were between 10 to 13 12 last night upstairs in my room don't lie Roley but I was like I saw you leave the house all right I was with Fiona and skom threw out half - if you must know we were discussing our common dilemma [Music] apologies for the choice of rendezvous there Mari and thanks for coming that's cool ah this is hard Henry I realize it must have been a shock no I didn't mean that no I'm delighted about you and Peggy I really couldn't be happier I Kirin told me about Vivian hmm see she says you're talking about going to the police talking I can't tell you what to do Henry but just remember what you've got to lose I can hardly forget Lorna but in the end it's a question of conscience then I suppose you're right [Music] goodbye him me [Music] look really not sure I don't want to get done for ignoring evidence missing scum what can we do for you I'm here to demand an exome ation it's not a joke sir Roland says no post mortem was carried out on Vivian's body even he suspects Henry he's got motive his affair with my mother and now there's new evidence to suggest he might have murdered Mildred you've got to dig up Vivian she serious yes I get the idea what new evidence did you get this when he broke into the rectory I was cat actually but the point is that must be Henry's father with Mildred maybe Mildred had something on the family and he killed her to keep her quiet maybe he poisoned Vivian - Ben says that some poisons can stay in people's bodies for years after they've been buried any proper police investigation well what a well informed constable a bin is thank you I'm sayin scum thank you for coming you know I'll hold on to this minute if you don't mind in the meantime might I suggest and you leave the proper investigation to the police I come clean and arrest you Henry Alec you [Music] sorry doing true like a word view mr. Marwood Padme [Music] you're here to ask me if I met at my wife yes Betsy this Thank You Vivian loved life she was terrified of losing her independence but even more of losing her senses she was haunted by that she wrote that to me when she was first diagnosed she insisted that if I I truly cared for her I'd be prepared to see her off before she lost her dignity and did you one night Vivian and I both had flu had gone to her lungs and she had a terrible temperature but she was more rational than she'd been in months but I'd had some very strong sleeping pills I fetched them I brought them back to Vivian's room but she'd fallen asleep so I just sat there and I watched her I suppose I must have fallen asleep too because I woke up sometime later in the bottle of pills was on the bedside table half empty Vivian is dead I'm not trying to escape any of the consequences of this I'm just trying to tell you the truth of what actually happened I had intended to help her die that night but in the end she helped herself [Music] that's Anton his funeral what are you gonna do I have a word sir it's our murderer her eyelashes are on the rifle abandon the flask you look happy [Applause] everything all right it's Kathy she doesn't appear to be here and the church is locked but I've just been to a courage it's not a school what are you getting it there all right you know where our deacon is Kathy good any idea wishes chatter chatter now I don't like that too busy [Music] check the children know a happy chap don't suppose she is [Music] blunt-force trauma to back of skull sometime before midnight I found these in Kathy's cottage under her bed back to killers then don't jump to conclusions Jones we're never gonna get out of here always sir Groundhog Day well at least we've got some new leads to follow we have need a file from the archive Marwood hall fire hall this 1960 sir and George George need a DNA sample from the body ASAP right we do have her DNA though sir many times over it's a no William just indulge me some clarification well identification of the people in these photos it's my family and some friends and well that's my grandfather there's my mother as Mildred isn't it hmm Spezza dear looks like it and this man that's Fred Hastings I think Lana's husband oh there's Lorna doc don't see my father anywhere next to noted no no that that's not my father what that's my father there we look very alike but I've never seen this man before face and Clyde P's and Q's better mindin hello allons can you show me where little Benton Hastings was buried please Lorna Hastings child [Music] Allen when we met before you said that mrs. Hastings never come Lola never came did you mean here to the graveyard no one ever come for him poor baby [Music] hello Jones sir they finished in the show chart yes sir you've got a theory haven't you I know that look well I may have half an idea clue I'll do better then you get yourself back to George Bullard as soon as he gets the DNA from Kathy Hewlett's body ask him to retest it against all the samples we've already got okay why and then and only then you may read the name here to try and work out how I got there [Music] mr. Barnaby yeah come in [Music] tell me doctor did you mean to take the flask that morning we met in the NOx no I know but you can tell me who attacked you last night don't you have no idea how it terribly you do have doctor you can tell me who attacked you and who the murderer is because they are one and the same person [Music] [Applause] [Music] got you a new match I think you'll find that's who it is [Music] clever champ that boss of yours [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you went to the police you used me I had to try and stop them by accusing my father of murder you said it not me well hasn't worked No I'm sorry Roland [Music] I was wrong truce [Music] ah see sanski cooperation with the other half of the human race you tell me where mrs. Hastings is really she had an appointment in Oxford moment Henry of take me to the station [Music] mrs. lonely Hastings I'm arresting you for questioning on suspicion of murder no wait this is ridiculous Peggy I love you both please [Music] [Music] can you tell me the name of the man in this photograph please his name was Jack Braintree and he is the real father of Henry Marwood isn't he yes he is but the man piggy in scam is due to Mary isn't really Henry ma what is he he's actually your illegitimate son by this man I was due to be married that month Jack was an acquaintance of the Marwood family a teak farmer from Burma he caught Mildred's eye I knew and one night he caught me by the time I discovered I was pregnant Jack was long gone so a year after the babies were born Benjamin and Henry a fire broke out Marwood horn you're trapped with the babies in the nursery your husband dies trying to get to you I could hear little Henry screaming smoke was so thick I thought if I died saving him Ben will be all alone so you took your own son and left little Henry to die I knew what would become of Ben and me without Fred to support us and I was right I was let go weeks after the fire it was Peggy's mother who gave me work a Danes confirm but things didn't go so well for Henry mark would didn't they I mean later on you had to watch him being dragged down by debts he's inherited well there was no way to go back by then but then years later fairy tale comes true the two people you care most about in the whole world I'm in love they plan to marry but he hadn't counted on the return of Mildred endless idea no she recognized Henry's paternity the moment she met him at Vivian Marr woods funeral so that night she invited you to go back to her room I guessed what she was going to say I'm really very sorry Lola but you committed a terrible crime I feel bound to inform the relevant people as soon as possible I asked Mildred for a glass of water and while she was getting it you put the poison in a flask but you know then did you that Mildred had kept the photograph of herself inject Braintree see this photograph was one of the things that Gant had taken from Mildred Danvers and you saw this paragraph when he went to the rectory against a clever fellow put two and two together and now he has something to fight your attempt at blackmail think of it as a mutual conciliation Huntley I may have other bargaining tools at my disposal such as such as the question of what you were doing at the knocks last night so you stole Fiona in scums car keys we took a rifle from the back of that Land Rover you went to the church tower and you waited I fired the pistol to end the ride it wasn't difficult to know the excitement [Music] [Applause] I thought that was enough you didn't count on doctor Adele's offer to assist with the DNA sample today No so you couldn't kill dr. O'Dowd but you did kill Kathy Hewlett Kathy brought me the photograph I knew when I I was losing control [Music] Kathy unit had to disappear entirely to make her a plausible suspect bigger plausible killer he put her body enhance his prey and he went back to her cottage you've collected a few other things planted a bit of evidence to make me believe that she should run away did you seriously believe that you'd get away with any other there's no getting away with it is the mr. Barnaby at least it's all over now thank you do you want to see her please [Music] [Music] [Music] we commend unto thy hands with mercy most merciful father the soul of this thy sister departed Katherine Elizabeth Hewlett and we commit her body to the ground earth to earth ashes to ashes dust to dust sure certain hope light friends were gathered here on this special day to celebrate the marriage of Benjamin Thomas Hastings and Margaret Gillian angstrom joining together of two people in holy matrimony but in a greater sense the joining of our own community dearly beloved we are gathered together here in the sight of God and the face of this congregation joined together in holy matrimony this fan [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: FilmRise
Views: 283,840
Rating: 4.7832422 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Midsomer Murders, Based on a novel, British series, Detectives, Crime scene, Murder investigations, English countryside, Suspect, Mysteries, British accents, TV, Free TV, Television, Free Televison, Series, Full Episodes
Id: DIlTX7iU220
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 22sec (5602 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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