Midsomer Murders - Season 11, Episode 3 - Left for Dead - Full Episode

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh hello as you probably know ELISA Bradley's house is about I already told you I'm not interested if we are to stop this bypass with my blokes working for Jack Purdy Oh is here why turn money where else is there work round here [Music] [Music] wrong it's Linfox don't know about the bypass petition [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] did he fall Oh with the marks on the wall and the position of the body I'd say was more like he pushed and the wife well there are no obvious signs of injury but given the state of Osman cold someone was looking for something if it was some kind of breaking why not take this sort of a service and those candles I felt it as soon as I rode by what did you feel mrs. Fox I was I never married oh I'm sorry what did you feel then whose Fox I'm psychic it's a curse I've had to live with ever since I was a child I knew for instance that this bypass was coming and I tried to warn people when you came here to do see anyone oh no no one comes here it's not that Ron and Libby you don't like people it's just you prefer to be private you knew them well um as well as anyone I I helped them a little yes back when their son Michael was killed Michael Wilson yes of course did you learn I'm not really he was covering this below me at primary school and he was playing on his bike up that Lane the car came around the corner and I can sense what happened here inspector and it won't be the last [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah we were talking about you last night yeah discussing marc-patty stag night hey you know I'll be with Louise on her hen night I'm sorry to interrupt your reunion but we do have a possible double murder here yeah I was just in your way to knock on some neighbors doors what a good idea Tom may I introduce Charlotte Knights our usual photographer self sick so I've called in Charlotte to help for years don't worry I'm not a complete novice I've done some police work before I've got a studio in the village you knew the Wilsons yeah years ago me and Michael were best friends but after Michael died mr. and mrs. Wilson cut themselves off from everyone [Applause] that's the man that you should be arresting Jack Purdy were crimes against the environment against humanity are you responsible face hey you see what he's done to my car 56 grand maps were think of the damage it's going to do to the environment you're thinking about the damage and I'm gonna do to you why isn't it down yet we're gonna bye brother look Assad the law if this isn't down by tomorrow night I am set to lose ten grand in overrun charges what's gonna happen when Alyssa's son comes back you still think Patrick's coming home after 19 years you remember it all then you could forget he's alive Lin can feel it put me in the digger I'll flatten a lot of them tell me something I don't already know [Applause] Charlotte make sure you get details of the stairs how you doing oh yeah okay I think how's your mom by the way oh she picked out a Tamsin I don't see how that much who could have done such a thing I remember coming around here for making jam with them like just laughing and laughing the DCI in the kitchen mr. Bullen obviously Michael's death had a huge impact on them one of the neighbors just said she heard mrs. Wilson calling out his name long after he died not right here your mains electricity have phoned no gas Michael died they cut themselves off literally and what are we to make of this table set for three were they expecting someone or had they already arrived did you do it what the damage the jackford his car I told you we do not engage in that sort of action he told me you've got the Y's at Greenham common the company run in living or dead do you remember how they came up with a search and about trip I knew how it felt to lose a son some ways it would be easier to believe your dad to not live in hope I can learn little brother miss look out everyone the cops there lean on Enoch she forgotten you were a copper or we don't like to speak about his misspent youth so late no worries I had a busy day what happened then Dunford got in there did he smash him up for a 50-quid fix break you just come off duty any good at this not really no you're on his demon he's not coming to the wedding is my best one so they've gone to the right but he and Lou in uniform together we were called to their flat we've beaten her up that's why she left it [Applause] knew we were coming here at me um FN it's just stacee jaxx wife hey you still a copper guy is a detective sergeant now you know mm-hmm any chance of locking him up you really so stupid to think of this makes any difference hey how's your car mr. perfect so sorry my brother's had a bit too much to drink don't you dare apologize for me who the bloody hell's paying for this wedding a-and your honeymoon in the Seychelles me don't you ever forget it [Music] [Music] have you seen this but came back about ten minutes ago you said there'd been a fight where is he you were right Lin consent something can't [Music] [Laughter] with Jack was it did you bother coming why do you bother inviting me happy happy come on I need a drink yeah good idea it's 18 Portland by now okay now what you mean it's me mark finally persuaded him we torch at course don't know boy [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. party I am so sorry this was one of them [Music] buddy [Music] this is very important here so make sure your site now seems to be in a struggle here but Purdy was definitely killed on that spot and then dragged across to his car I'm pretty sure the wound was faithful but I'll know more after the p.m. now as you can see there's a fair quantity of blood so whoever killed him would have been covered also paint on the shoes more than mr. blood Ben good night was that you were with Jack fairly last night when you left the pub around 10:00 I think you gotta let him drive he told everyone he wasn't feeling so good and he was gonna walk home didn't get very far so Jack Freddy's Nova yeah juice you said you were going bowling we did Jack was his usual loud competitive self and then the hen party turned up yeah he knew he planned to go no he loves it oh no about you but I was a bit uncomfortable about the way he was with Louise how do you mean I was all over her and really winding mark up and his wife was there Stacey's used to that's scar and his um it's just like the one Mark Scott so the boy is the stag party they were over the Six Bells once the girls they were a swan yes after bowling we went for curry and ended up here about ten did you see jeopardy not after the bowling alley so as we arrived to the six bouncer jacksonland Fox and one of her supporters sputter things Davis Jack threw something at him and the land Ralph well we know that the bypass protesters have targeted the participant we call someone vandalizing the car excuse me sir [Applause] I suppose you must think of me as like a chief suspects well why would I do that three bodies in two days and I discovered them all did you do object burned his car with paint no I did not I actively discourage anything criminal do you know who did I understand there was an altercation last night yes there was without any provocation that man attacked poor spud with a placard now I know what you're thinking it's not immediately went off and found himself a can of paint do you think that's what happens well to tell you the truth I don't know he's a lovely lad but he does sometimes get carried away where is he now [Music] they've made our lives hell hate mail phone calls children are frightened to go to school have you reported this to the police of course we have apart from the protesters who else mother wanted Jack dead yeah what is she doing here oh she's been helping us taking photos of scene-of-crime trust her if I were you why'd you say that see jack mark Louise you know what they were like a secret society i am i loved my husband not many people dare to I know you must remember what happened to his father yeah he was the driver of the car that killed Michael Wilson his parents you found dead yesterday the sins of the father this happened jack burdened last night Jack patty was count police seem to think it might have been spotted Jack Pardee is dead no no we cannot celebrate a man's death at least without him he won't be pulling house down [Music] you have any idea who might have killed your brother to be honest I can't think of many people who didn't at one time or other want my brother dead most of his life he was a bully and the cheat he go into the bypass and bought of Hardwick farman of the bits of London you don't know the contract to clear the site I didn't care he trampled over to get what he wanted to cap it all they found that some of the Lund that Jack had Paul was rich with gravel and sand which he's been selling to the road builders made of double killing he's dead I understand that you met at the bowling alley did you meet up again after them we were in the six bells that girls were in this one Jack left around ten which is about the time you arrived at the Swan did you see him no I told you did he call you at all sent me a text yeah he sent you a text what time was that 10th I remember and of what did the text say members of the face miss me we're gonna have to cancel the wedding that's entirely up to you it's all arranged that hotel food well either way you won't be able to have a honeymoon it's all booked I'm sorry but you'll just have to cancel it but say yes you and your friend at the party last night are all possible suspects do you understand yes we need to be here the chat God he's gonna be a best man I mean even pranks at school and you're both in the force together I want statements everyone in the hen party and at the statement until do yours and I want you to do it must be this man but before I chose the bridesmaids I'd like to arrest the bride and groom that's what it takes how're you doing Oh shucks motto keep your enemies close to keep your friends close to still Libby Wilson died of natural causes a fatal embolism Ron Wilson on the other hand seems to have suffered a series of injuries before falling or being pushed down the stairs cuts and bruises to the face as I thought he fell backwards his left hand reaching out you can see there's marks on the wharf led to the raw finger ends so not an accident or self-inflicted then it's possible but unlikely she did a good job Charlotte yes more like the safer forensics the fingerprint report their copyright I've send them back to check excuse me such mark Purdy at the front desk said it was urgent and if they pull the house down the whole thing will collapse on top of him he said what he wants he wants the demolition to be stopped he thinks it's worth the risk spud are you there cannabis after foundation this is Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby from Causton CID I need to talk to you sir regarding the death of mr. Jack Purdy why me Omni you had an argument with him last night he attacked me did you pour red paint all over his car spud look I do respect your right to compel me but I have a murder investigation to conducts and I will clear the sights and get that young man out of there that means the house are they demolished they will demolish the house and build the bypass no matter what you do you can't have the dog yeah I took his to the Seychelles you need to know I'm not about to do arrived I I've been looking through the files Michael Wilson's death once I got to do anything what a suspicious death of Michael's parents the murder of Jack Michael was in the middle of the road it was an accident I know there was a full investigation I know your father was completely exonerated I made a bloody difference till he did you bud the old man he started drinking serious benders and about a year later he drove his car into a tree you think he did that on purpose gratefully some of that was oh come on spud the inspector doesn't want to arrest you you just want to talk to him don't you the starters but I guarantee he will be at your station first thing tomorrow morning and if he's not clear the site and do what you have to you should be on our site along side of law and order how would my Patrick return home if there's no home to return to the boot spur tree house um we went missing 19 years ago it's his birthday next week it'll be 30 I'm sorry by the way inspector what that petition or petition when I went to Iran and Libya is I had a petition for them to sign and the shock of it all I must have dropped it right as far as I'm aware there's no petition found at the Wilsons now why don't I believe you well why wouldn't you names and addresses supporters no you want to listen in you want to interview trait it's what you people do [Music] [Music] door behind you please your break there [Music] lovely really lovely who's my parents we need to see it yeah my mom today come on girl happy happy ladies and gentlemen I've investment those trousers are a bit short I was lucky to get these was the only suit they had left oh very nice yeah make sure you keep an eye on those two we don't want the happy couple disappearing into the night I wish you hadn't told me to do this before can't be any worse than your best man then was a ladder all right he kept calling me Jenny he was nervous who's Jenny ex-girlfriend I wouldn't have minded but she was there at the wedding it should have been me I'm glad it wasn't me thank you I'm glad he's dead first time in 19 years I felt free I saw you you're about the other night you're jack please wait in here please okay and no getting Missy cuz I gotta find your own police it wasn't me you think it was mark you saw the way Jack was behaving tonight smile look with Jack dead we could come clean about everything even blame him I mean he was one who was already and Mark are getting married and we are getting out of Dunston even though it was love no no he didn't such a pre-wedding nerves is it well it's never too late to change your mind happy happy girl you and Mark were best mates a primary school now yeah we've been up to all sorts that was before Michael Wilson got himself killed on the road what happened after that huh how do you mean everything seems to stem from the death of Ron and live his young boy Michael according to mark his father killed himself because of it I wouldn't mention that in your best man speech no what do you remember of Patrick Bradley not much he was always a bit of a loner Michael Wilson was killed 20 years ago Patrick Bradley went missing one year later oh did you read the lads report or what he found at the Wilson's house about the fingerprints yeah only three sets confirmed in the whole house and Libby Wilson and one other set yet unidentified [Music] [Applause] I know it wasn't money mr. Purdy may I just say that despite my opposition to what your brother was doing I was deeply shocked and saddened by his death his murder I wasn't ELISA little knew he was going to die not exactly you said you could sense it we were friends of Patrick's what are you frightened of nothing over the years you've blamed us for what happened to Patrick did happen to him that's what I want to know these this is my wedding day you believe in ghosts go avenging spirits that's what didn't records they are come on listen we have a lot to do you need to be careful mark Purdy clear off or have you both arrested [Music] [Applause] what was that about nothing hey look very smart hardly recognize you Charlie that's my vote for the best man right yeah yeah safe you think it's true it's about a month since someone you know it there was a line of people wanting Jack dead you wouldn't need a ghost but we both know his ghost it would be come on photos together yeah okay happy happy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] just bride and groom [Applause] [Music] actually [Music] and one with a lovely couple Stacy congratulations thank you it was good of you to come I know you killed him I'm sorry but jack told me once if anyone was going to kill him you three would be the ones to do it girls [Music] good afternoon ladies and gentlemen as I'm sure you all know I wasn't first choice for this most important role our thoughts go at this difficult time to Jack's Widow and his lovely children who I think make wonderful bridesmaids so my first task then is to raise a glass to the bridesmaids I think we've got some presents for them then I say she's taking the girls home come with they're not feeling well no Stacie's accused us of murdering jack [Music] [Music] it's worth checking anyway we were just looking for that petition I remember drop not only is this the scene of an ongoing police investigation yes I know what you're going to say that were trespassing technically yes not really do you know I've never actually been inside this house in all these years and this must be spud yes I told you I bring him around first thing this morning that you said inspector these petitions are very important to us people trust us with their names and addresses the paint on your trainers same color as the paint contract Paddy's car [Music] if we can have our lovely couple please to the dance floor [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so when do we go give it another 20 minutes you know the pastors yeah free at last [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey Charlie all right I see the guns yeah tomate tell you what Patrick's mother said to us outside the church no I didn't what guys Charlie ghost what it's all kind of disre matter these are pictures speech was probably the worst 15 minutes a mile away [Music] okay I admit it I free to go at me I got mad and I know it was wrong to murder check birdie I never touched it or just through banks over his car birdie was around the corner knocking off some burden a sexy wedding dress come on [Music] do you believe in ghosts we get quite a few calls people saying they've seen a ghost whatever but there's always a logical explanation what if you can't explain it and I go sounds like cleaning patron [Music] what'd you say to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] Louise and Mark had a row she went outside Charlotte came to find out heard screaming she'd been stabbed why there's more [Music] [Applause] she's arrested oh sorry mr. CEO [Music] it wasn't even a real argument we were gonna elope from our own wedding why would he want to do that because she told us we couldn't leave but we wanted our honeymoon we wanted to get away according to witnesses you were arguing about Louise seeing Turk a night he was murdered I told you we contrived it she was going to go out the back of the hotel I was going to go out the front I put the bag in the car and then I heard the screaming oh so you knew did you that Louise met Jack and that he was killed yes and what did you think of that she told me she saw him I have a witness a witness who saw them kissing in the lane the back of the saucer matter they're both dead what do you think Louise meant when she said he's come back I saw him back from the dead maybe she thought he was Jack or maybe it had something to do with the day Patrick Bradley disappeared 19 years ago how you feeling it's fine until you walked it sorry do you think the killer's in the photographs it's possible the image of finding Duane's face before louise died she said he's come back back from the dead we think she might have been referring to Patrick the day you went missing you were with him weren't you you Mark Louise Jack you think someone's trying to kill us all just because we were with Patrick no I didn't a trick left of his own accord and Weil searched for him Patrick's mom has always blamed us but it was her fault wasn't it she shouldn't have let him out on his own should she I was 13 and we went out on our bikes up to Bluebell woods Patrick's hours and tagged along and we we went down to the river but Patrick decided to go it wasn't until we got back that his mum came around and told us Patrick hadn't returned her having looked for him we we searched for days but uh do you think that Louise did see that we Bradley that's what she meant when she said he's come back and it's possible but now why wouldn't he go to his mom or to the police in the hell why would he want to kill the Wiis do you remember on the morning of the wedding it was just as you were arriving in fact Linfox for sir and Patricks mum well they both told mark that him and the we should be really careful how do you mean if it wasn't a threat exactly it was it was more sinister than that Oh scar on your wrist when I was a kid I was a real tomboy used to be climbing chains playing football I'm sorry I wanted to do that last night but this is the last one I have that's on his 11th birthday four weeks before he disappeared [Applause] there's more in the house and I left an onion where were you last night between the hours of 10:00 o'clock and 11 o'clock do you think I care with that woman you're wrong nor Jack Purdy much as I wanted to the day it happened the day I saw those four kids and that looks on their faces they know what happened to my baby boy [Music] this is gonna sound ridiculous but what if Patrick's mother has decided to take revenge and dressed up as Patrick it you're right that is ridiculous yeah initial findings for Louise Purdy oh thank you Joe quick the burns on her arms work from a cigarette deliberate but the shape of the burns suggests it wasn't an accident stevan yeah it went into her back between the ribs and from the marks on her arms and clothes I'd suggest there was some kind of a tussle and she was stabbed while she after the birth night say sir you get a full report at the end of the week thank you if it were Patrick you just said that's ridiculous yes I know I did but if it were at Lois Purdy did see Patrick Bradley last night what would he look like now she saw him how could she have done who else was she talking about then but look at this we're looking at Patrick Bradley what he murdered jack he murdered Louise and we are going to be next it's not Patrick who is it Rex you just stick to what we agreed I thought you hated the way Jack treated us I'm beginning to understand why he did why anta [Music] but we get through the next few days and we'll be ok the next few days the next few days Marga you said that 19 years ago it's never gonna be okay [Music] don't hey come here wonder what your friend the photographer would make of this she's not my friend she's a friend picture of Patrick aged 11 years before his disappearance and now thanks to the miracles of modern science hmm could be spider here's another theory this is better oh right spud is really Patrick and he came home to his mum saw the house was about to be knocked down and with the help of his mom is exactly his revenge on Jack and Mark Louise and Charlotte exactly revenge for what killing him no they didn't kill him and why the revenge you can't have it both ways can you can I ask what's his real name it's bad he said it was Sam Thomas no criminal record no prints maybe you should try Taylor Taylor where I come from people called Taylor become known as spud Taylor tater spud [Music] well [Music] we have a warrant the sentence arrest this is Sam Taylor spud right little eco-warrior your father's one of the cost three counties criminal damage affecting behavior position we need to know where he is please miss Fox Charlotte you're gonna be okay you're gonna be okay that's good so [Music] so what are we looking for photos of the best man speech well she must have given it to me for a reason [Music] is that who I think it is [Music] two people have been murdered another seriously injured all right yes no thanks to your friend I wouldn't go down there if I were you well I'm afraid I don't have a choice come on spud we know you're in there you'll do yourself a favor I tried to warn you they're all booby-trapped it's not him well that's what we thought he might look like now this was taken by Charlotte do you're winning and this is what he does look like coppy I know for certain de Patrick Bradley's dead [Music] I've read through all the files mr. Purdy everything the two of you are friends said to the police 19 years ago and I think it's time you told us what really happened that day we set off the four of us Jack and Lou Ian Charlie what do you want Patrick Bradley does he want that you ain't coming with us you're basically wrong nope he doesn't want to you might got it for my birthday but somehow was the sum of your father died and that affected your brother very deeply didn't it but we're gonna public phone welcome come on I'll race you what's he doing ready steady good isn't it in your statements at the time he didn't say anything about going to Hardwick farm Jack told us what to say this is a tax idea there was a crumbling old barn I wish so it is asked why we did stop smoke drinking that [Music] what are you not gonna nothing [Music] and everyone was laughing and Chuck had him pinned down just like my dad used to finish Jeff no no Jack no Jack and then he took his cigarette honey go on a day [Music] the whole thing was crazy maybe it was a drunk and there maybe with some evil spirit inside his butt he didn't end oh there it didn't what happened knock he got him outside and we told him we count to 20 [Music] 20 seconds to run and if you caught any run they count it down I don't play anymore jack oh my boy I want to go home he said you wanted to come with us be part of the gang I won't tell anyone I promise to anyone it's tell anyone what I can't swim [Music] Chuck was holding him down I didn't want Patrick to die I could still hear the shouting and then silence where is he he's not coming back up Patrick and drifted downstream and Charlie was pushing his stomach and the loo tried to give him the kiss of life but it we have to get rid of him hey we all go to prison just leave him no wonder it was us of course they will he told us tell us what where to hide him what did she mean by that that Patrick I told you where to hide him he wasn't allowed near the old Hardwick place so his mum wouldn't think that that's where he'd gone so where did you hide him Tommy well it was real no it was real it was too real you'd have to swear not to tell we have to swear make a pact yes Chuck you too I swear on my blood but I'll never tell a living soul I swear on my blood my blood I will never tell a living soul whatever you swear it again what about his bike chucked it down the wall [Applause] I was over there so the wall must be over over here somewhere come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no sign of him SART you've got to go up to Harvard firm hardwood some yes it's it's in the woods to the north of the village is where we started our protest [Applause] leading here looking for the remains of Patrick Bradley Lagoon Sam Taylor you sir you are under arrest what for where do you want me to start Hey is there anything down there [Music] so what did happen to fluctuate Bradley's body no foxes got his or something look Kylie's new one that her agent sends out what do you think oh it's lonely isn't it and that is what is missing at the Wilson's house yes yes top where are you going [Music] [Music] [Music] come to arrest me I'm so sorry I'd like to hear I wanted to come forward the day it happened I was a coward do you think I'll be able to forgive me still in the photos hello who's that [Music] I thought he might like to see these [Music] [Music] funny never I think of like it's always sunny he's dad Papa most amazing down in that cellar cellar we didn't find a sauna [Music] Patrick Bradley why did you come because that is who you are and is this you've been watching me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by huh [Music] my whole algas coming you found photos [Music] me but not me another boy another monocle Michael that was killed [Music] [Music] he fell Kris Pearn Woollett Patrick who made all these lovely models run to me and you went on holiday in a caravan come to telling plain fascinate you wanted to find out who the boy was boy in the pictures that's my home what do you want what does he want to play with us she says these people what are you looking at nothing [Music] mark not sure please help me he said you wanted to come with us they caught the guy but I can't swim now so time to learn [Music] it was mark Purdy as hell do you done they took you to the well @hardwick farm and Patrick they believed that you were dead loose but then like Jesus I was born again tonight the top ah and you came here no mom and dad's Rona Libby they brought me here and they told you that your name was Michael Michael and that you were their son they kept you down here safe room away from the outers the out is want to take me and kill me I'm special is that why you killed a jack birdie they wanted to kill me [Music] a thought I was sure God who that irresponsible fast but then also invested it's like [Music] one just me he wasn't just man Mar was that Charlie we chased you into the water we all get it I got him I got him Hey [Music] [Music] he went to the wedding Patrick with your camera okay no that's not right she'll be jacking the kissing they were but it was marking though [Music] Oh [Music] Mountains only dead you know if I get lost that's right I drink Bradley yeah [Music] hello [Music] sir.you down this up [Music] bwah right you're right how'd you do this he also killed Louise and Jack how according to Mark II and the others killed him and pushed him down the old well Patrick it was Mark who did two torturing let the chase get out of here where were you gone yeah what's this doing here what is it it's so nice little foxes petition against my purse everyone's name here Patrick didn't know what his full name was I told him what his fault [Applause] [Applause] get all the statements are brought into the station the sushis and get a couple of officers over to pick up our friend market birdy is all the same to you sir I'd like to be the one to arrest him [Music] [Music] [Applause] Ron and Libby Wilson yes I know they stole my child because their son was so cruelly taken I always come back to me I told you he would it was Patrick and mrs. Bradley she's waited 19 years for this no Harlan giving her a few minutes more thank you [Music] you you
Channel: FilmRise
Views: 100,606
Rating: 4.8353415 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Midsomer Murders, Based on a novel, British series, Detectives, Crime scene, Murder investigations, English countryside, Suspect, Mysteries, British accents, TV, Free TV, Television, Free Televison, Series, Full Episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 22sec (5602 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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