Midsomer Murders - Season 11, Episode 7 - Talking to the Dead - Full Episode

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[Music] don't you want a dedication hello it's not Nesta [Music] well it's blood all right whether it's humans another matter and this is how it was filmed yeah same as the other college breakfast on the table tea still warm kept on the hob no sign of the occupants if that isn't human blood George what is it four people live in these cottages no sign of any of them I'll get the lab to run a check didn't the postman call us it notice the blood stain running where is he on his rounds as far as we know that big house we passed on the way here Priory you know see if there's anyone you know so George in this cottage we got mister and Stanley good fella what about the other Thomas's marlane : did you know them I did the postmortem on the ten-year-old son Peter he ran away from home after an argument found wandering in monks Barton woods for a couple of days he was alive when they found him but he died soon after suspicious death no no no no he died of hypothermia when they found Peter he was gibbering no one could understand him the locals had it that he was speaking in tongues isn't it some kind of mystery surrounding monks Barton woods I don't know any details time and how you wants Wally's stone local historian is the Vicar over the boat Clayton a bit of a Hellfire and damnation man to you they called him brimstone there's no one in here the Priory I made some inquiries though it's owned by a Linton pargiter he lives in London but the place has been in the family for as long as anyone can remember who lives there now he does last a departure this big place where we can retrieve him make you rich he wanted to look through the window place is stuffed with antiques right check his details ring oh you drive it key something off a boat Clayton vicarage I want to talk to the river into stone monks bottom woods haunted apparently by what the ghosts of monks mr. Barnaby men of the cloth who died violent deaths there was once the throw religious community at monk's Barton prb was destroyed during the dissolution of the monasteries and the Priory is all slit and the soldiers arrived the monks fled into the woods you had to dance lauded local legend says that their death cries can sometimes still be heard this village is obsessed by monks Barton legends but plagued by ghost hunters fanatics freaks half the villagers among them I'm a man of God mr. Barnaby there's no place for superstition my religion Sara could you tell me please about Peter Thomas the boy had a silly argument with his mother ran away got lost tired of exposure Sara it was said that when he was found he was some speaking intact yes that's a nonsense and me a blasphemer sand on some sit there I preached a sermon against it did you press my jacket why was he not sound sooner the woods must have been his playground no Collin and Molly Thomas lived all their lives here in Berkeley they only moved to monk's Barton after Peter died Molly got the idea that she be nearer to her dead son spirit up there she thought you might be able to get in touch ask for forgiveness I had a breakdown wasn't in the right mind come true people mr. Potter be simple minds can be easily ensnared at the talk of ghosts ghouls and The Walking Dead frankly I'd have preferred a city parish but it seems I'm not thought suitable oh don't you think to be spurned for the strengths of one's belief did Molly Thomas if she come to you for help I suspect my wife all the good it did do you think that this is Thomas was unbalanced mr. stone she was a woman in grief what do you know about monks Barton mykes Barton Oh apart from the two cottages it's just the Priory now with Stanley good fellow and his wife to look after it Colleen or Molly Thomas Collins the manager of pinions Woodyard beau Clayton after Peter died Molly insisted they move up to monk's Barton did you know I was part of the investigation into the boy's death while he was in a bad way so the good fellows what caretakers they managed the Priory in the woodland that surrounds it Stanley Goodfellow used to be a gamekeeper up on the Farley estate so a normal couple Nesta was known to be a bit lower they say she had a couple of affairs you know just the usual yes just a moment can we pick this up later okay drink after work yeah great mrs. pargiter Padgett is on his way here's keys to the Priory just where he said they'd be first post post on call this morning where's the post got scared and forgot to leave it we'll ask him I'll check for return post nice telly plasma screen every moment of footballing magic in high-definition it's expensive fifteen hundred two grand on a laborers way what you didn't hear it it's a fox didn't sound like a fox to me oh all right it's the howl of a werewolf ravening for blood lucky I'm here to protect you [Music] what's that oh that Jones is an Iron Maiden have some medieval instrument of trance slow lingering death in exquisite torment different interrogation techniques in those days all right you take a room upstairs I look down here and make it quick doctor you don't expect to find them [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you slammed the door yeah any punctures no you slammed the door no punctures no punches ah that gems is because this version of the Iron Maiden uses a mechanical device to do its work see it's still being impaled immediately the victim would suffer the slow advance of the spice it's neat good job this is the more sophisticated version isn't it otherwise the keys breaking yeah so take something take the polish of the table what sustains it could be that's forensics sir two pairs of visitors on Jones there's the part we spoke on the phone Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby of course since the ID Chief Inspector oh yeah did you do this no sir we did not there's the signs of a break-in perhaps you care to take a look around see if you've got anything missing apart from my tenant workers you mean just in time I got you a chicken jalfrezi didn't have time to cook thinking Lorna what busy they love yes I went to a fascinating talk at Beau Clayton village hall Cyrus no value Oh for crying out loud he's a very interesting man not a stream as a car the show complete early yes he was he call himself the Ghostbuster ghost hunter doctor you have a closed mind closed I'm a copper I could spot a phony a mile away and Cyrus Levin you fits the bill exactly what's he doing in Causton a ghostly Marx he's here for the anniversary what's on the nursery of the massacre it's tomorrow he's holding a ceremony of spiritual healing in the woods did I order that [Music] unquiet spirit sleeps I feel something [Music] something tremulous in the ether that speaks of bloodshed and darkness [Applause] [Music] quite well Oh render company of troubled souls excuse me mr. Levin you are you a seeker of the truth no yes well not in this officer Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby and Causton CID and these woods sir are off-limits is this a crime scene well no it isn't quiet these woods are full of voices of tormented Souls mr. Barnaby and I'm here to bring them peace with the express permission of mr. Linton Bahji to our tjuta full an express permission Oh mr. Potter our mission begins [Music] restless spirit speak to me uncaught spirit speech [Applause] my god [Music] the spirit presence cooling for help we must go deeper always deeper [Music] how long has it been - well it's a shallow graves some insulation given a state of the body insect infestation and so on at least three days you must alone : Thomas is this him I met Molly once but never Colin being able to talk to the dead so is this Colin Thomas or Stanley Goodfellow either of them I've never seen that man before I was drawn to him Barnaby called by the dead this officer will take your statement mr. Lloyd I know then you can go go go where must be plenty or did I'm needed here I'm blessed with a great gift so this man isn't one of my tenants no I don't know who he is yes we'll be asking you to view the body in case you can identify a lady why would I know it's just for elimination purposes excuse me let's go mr. Forester I understand you've given Cyrus a venue full access to the woods yes I have well it's making my job very difficult so you know some people think that mr. Levin you is a charlatan fraud you share the view on the contrary I think Cyrus Lavanya was gifted psychic if the troubled souls of those who were murdered are still wandering these woods perhaps Lovano might find a way of bringing them rest my granny used to read tea leaves she saw ghosts once walk through the wall why don't they use the doors like everyone else any news on those stains about the window lab report says there water stains we might need traces of blood all not ectoplasm there someone clearing up a blood stain over other blood stones a good first coverage definitely human almost Anton expected us he asked about the poster sam Nelms lives in Boca Layton and yes there was a delivery made that morning [Music] charlatan Antichrist how dare you come to my parish and you are the Reverend Wallace stone I am the guardian of the moral health of the people of this parish people you seem happy to corrupt with your wicked talk of psychic powers more than one path to the truth Reverend stone less if there are restless souls in Moncks Barton woods then it's God's task to give them their rest of that have an unscrupulous Markovic that's stronger they do well to watch your tongue I foresee big trouble between those two I don't need a crystal ball for that [Applause] anybody in what Causton CID what do we know about mr. Knowles in a postman in beau Clayton he three years before that delivery driver sacked before that milkman sacked what thought to be on the fiddle I gave a statement we know that mr. melons may we come in itself be difficult just now we know that too she's shown none of our business hostile Elms unlike the postal packet you were supposed to deliver to one of the cottages up at monk's but the what must have been something to deliver a why would you have gone that there must have been a packet or when I put it through the letterbox what's so spooky holding the place deserted like that I forgot about it later I realized I still having still don't be worth much killing little plastic statue that is it it's an it's key look Joe syrup beautiful that is was it funny boy you seen anything unusual up at the monks Barton cottages recently recently of course I seen the lights in the woods of a dark morning I've heard those weird noises but seeing as the woods are haunted that's only to be expected you believe those stories do I look simple listen um be better if you could keep going about things you know keep quiet about a theft know about my friend your boss will have to know about this yeah well jobs are easy enough to come by but some Caesar speciality act what did you call it net what a net ski some of them were the fortune others not on this one go and ask the expert as discussed John temple yes I remember she came in asking for evaluation and was not ivory was not old 1950s thereabouts and carved from whale tooth eighty quid perhaps hundred her best I made her an offer over the phone she turned it down and I returned it but post I don't haggle I'm mr. Smith sergeant Jones mr. Smith [Music] creatures of Darkness Amy Crixus of Darkness eme creak sizzle darkness hear me Vanetta k was taken to Temple antiques by a mrs. Smith obviously nest a good fellow or Molly Thomas yeah well it's okay I'm certainly came from the prior I think the president mr. Paget er has been strapped for cash hmm you say some kids call the station yes up here on a dare saw lights in the woods Oh that'll be the wandering souls of the Dead the entire population of the boat suffering from ghost fever the flame of love bo bomb speak to me I'll just admire you axe now these words Aria and out now mr. Barnaby were conducting a healing ritual panga has no place in a circle of to Phoenix we were expecting a spirit presence are you yes well I'm sorry but this area really is now off-limits so I'd be very grateful if you all leave and I'll arrest you you heard that we all heard that the dead are speaking to me [Applause] you must have had itself it was a fox on it was a bird or whatever sound like a parrot no you're right it didn't no no [Applause] [Music] until what [Music] but I would never leave them to this humble Turin they'll be my very own assassins they'll take the princess a gown of silk a golden crown but these I'll drench in poison so strong that anyone who touches them will die in agony but a thing that tears my heart is what must happen next I shall kill my children kill them both no one shall save them no one shall own them and when I brought both Jason and his house to ruin I shall leave this land unnatural woman flying from the death cries of my darlings from their blood their blood [Music] how is it I can bear such guilt but not the laughter of my enemies 12-bore shotgun apparently shot in the back it was Molly Thomas wasn't positive ID from mr. Padgett oh yeah Bullard think she don't even dead a few hours what do you think I think she goes to the phone she doesn't make it she pulls the table over she turns the radio on full blast to an attract attention I think the effort of beaching for the radio must have finished her off so the question is how did you get back here and where from and why did you come back where's Padgett at know you were back to pry room she was shot in this room weren't you she was shot in the back she wasn't running away it looks as if she was facing the wall whoever killed her couldn't look her in the face when they pulled the trigger [Music] speak to me and I will bring you peace those who worship false gods I say you must suffer the torments of Hell through all eternity well that was my rehearsal for some I'm sorry what I said I wasn't really listening so you were out walking mr. Potter am i right yes in the woods they are my words Barnaby yes though you're not intimidated by a talk of ghosts then I frequently walk there I've come to no harm but you've seen the lights heard strange cries from time to time my family have lived with these phenomena for many many years if there are ghosts it would seem I've come to terms with them so you're coming back for me a walk you hear the radio you go into the cottage and you find mrs. Thomas yes you didn't say anyone here a car driving away the place was deserted just Molly tonus lying in the radio on you're quite a collector mr. pancetta in a small way most of the piece is acquired by my family over the years of course some of them have gone to my least favorite charities my ex-wives also collectors in that way so you've got valuable antiques here family heirlooms and no alarm system I did have one intended to go Austria four times a week for no good reason Stanley and Nesta good fellow kept an eye on things but they're not here a mr. pajetta but two murders three people missing don't you think you'd be safer staying at the pub in BO Clayton but there's no alarm Barnaby as you pointed out and all these valuable things as you said did you see that indeed that it did I think Jones whatever is in those woods this time we met it face to face come on the ghost her faces oh I think they do yes except the headless ones [Music] [Music] stay close I will did you hear that where's that coming from I think it came from over there huh there's an echo in there how to tell Jones where are you I'm here sir where are you sir Jones sir [Music] are you there sir Jose oh is that ha yeah I heard you call for help I did not call for help I was attacked by an owl I saw something what I don't know but whatever it was germs it was not a curse someone has been tracking me but now I am the tracker come on [Music] [Music] excuse me I'm looking for dr. Makai a mr. Barnaby yes I marry my guy Stanley's upstairs thank you this way [Music] Stanley is suffering from dissociative trauma he experienced something so terrifying his mind has simply closed down on him its defense mechanism of course Oh at the moment Stanley Goodfellow is the only man who can solve the disappearance of his wife and team other people my problem is we can't speak well he's not saying anything anyone can understand words are a danger to Stanley just now his subconscious is telling him to reject speech because whatever happened to him lies beyond description but when will he be he's lost touch with reality mr. Barnaby it isn't possible to say when you won't return if ever excuse me positive ID from the met Terrence Paul leather part of a well-organized London gang which specialized in nicking antiques what's it on your way back I want to go out of the village pick up on the local gossip Gail are you free this evening after work for a chat yeah where should we go a pub yeah yeah lovely [Music] and here endeth the first lesson here we give me a second the met said loud there could be linked to half a dozen robberies involving antiques that's an antique sofa junk temple yeah what do you say about missing it when he reckoned it was worth about a hundred quid he said it was a modern piece nothing special you know meaning well maybe he was trying to con her into selling it to him for a song you know in either case it must have been taken from the Priory why it didn't charge it to report the fair see that yeah oh you win really just go crazy be us night there you go my lord hello mister gnomes I'm an alleged thanks to you lot gardening leave oh don't let me use the RuPt you sir you carry on what you see I'm saying something weird going on all right spirit spooks I don't think so should we sit and wait for them to come outside chance Detective Chief Inspector mr. Padgett er I was intending to come to see you I heard you did Stanley good fellow you found him yes indeed your woods is it true that he's lost his mind he's under medical supervision at the moment as I'm hoping to be able to speak to him in due course but it was supposed to be delivered to the good fellows not really their thing we wondered if they were taking it in for you no no no this has no great value it's nice enough I'm going to an Antiques Fair in France for a couple of days I'd be grateful if the Priory could be kept under police surveillance while I'm away mr. Padgett ah two murders have been committed both bodies were found on your lab visit to France after the question Regis I have business to attend to friendlier gents [Applause] [Music] [Music] not his nets okay then of course it is he's up to something we mobile yet pitstop will change sir oh good time in the Traffic Division not wasted then miss incursio infernalis adversarii omnis legio omnis congregatio ET secta diabolica gaze your Christie [Music] [Applause] [Music] I use it yields that rakaat Apotheker should look [Music] the powerful feet department [Music] if there are rescue souls in these woods they are the souls of godly men this is the work of God's minister to bring them deliverance and you saw no one just sitting up in his grave as if it would judgment today gases first more than gases causing expansion and consequent movement sometimes happens in the morgue really body rising under a sheet babies Barrett there's a shallow grave like the other victim who's barely covered in ice whoever buried him must have been in a hurry or didn't have the tools to do the job do you know who he is yes it's calling Thomas positive ID from Steve's shotgun wound twelve ball by the look of it so we've got two people dead one man one still missing why are these people what wasn't about them who made them the victims oh there's something they're still not saying isn't that right let's start again have another look around the cottages [Music] [Music] [Music] take it a Florida in the name of Nestor Goodfellow with a note saying see you at the airport note signed sex-bomb our overeager post my abs I wonder if her husband knew what [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't kill him Sir he'll kill himself because I was a fast [Music] the boat taking robotic whoa [Applause] Boston necessarily [Music] take a look around the back [Music] please don't say it was a hunch observation first time we called didn't you make sure he doesn't dive out over that window escape or something Maria ride was it did you find anything no few coins in a jar well they might have a few other bits and pieces hidden away why were they hidden they were ratty nicking stuff up in the Priory no no kill em like that you had a look around and the good fellows cottage as well didn't need to do see anything you fancied in there can't get a 40 inch plasma screen on a mountain bike I am the way and the truth and the light says the law for tempters and blasphemers abound and those who love evil are in our midst the times are out of joint and wrongdoers prosper in the spawn of Satan multiplies whether virtue finds no respect for who does not know that in the face of such evil it takes a man of courage to stand up and afraid and say I am for divine justice and retribution [Music] [Music] sternly did you know sadly the Nesta was getting ready to run off and leave you wonder if you knew that [Music] you hold the key somewhere inside sorry what and do you the number plate of the SUV was on the computer stolen from an address in Chelsea a week ago right let Chelsea know it's been spotted here and get our Traffic Division door child fula yes such I'll see you later I don't know why you're coming you've already said you think he's a fake well he's a prime suspect this office does suddenly turning up in mid-summer there's opportune don't nothing maybe all this psychically drew that cover for something more sinister but it's ridiculous Tom why else would he want to kill anybody because I want to talk to the powers with which I have been gifted let me to the grave of a man who'd fallen victim to the forces of evil I intend to use these same powers to envision the whereabouts of a missing woman mr. Koontz out I'm so glad I came the knife of light will point the way I shall fall into a trance concentrate on the strong psychic projection of her fear and I shall seek her out in a dark night of her distress ah nice could be the sign of twitch [Music] wait is that iris what is the point of talking to someone who is incapable of listening you might do worse than follow up on what he said oh you mean the inspired vision well let's see a dark place he says three people have died two were buried in shallow graves of course he talks about a dark place and the sign of the witch but which is stock-in-trade and the phony psyche of course which is about to be top of the agenda I'll see a trick all that one [Music] [Applause] it's fine there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I say you're right of course I'm right ambush me what happened Pontius and the other two loaded some furniture into the SUV and drove off that's why I had to stay in the house others antiques he's got down there stolen still in there good chance to nab him no we should wait he doesn't know we're on to him I don't want to scare off the delivery boys did it occur to you to follow them I made a quick phone call they won't be looking for a woman driver [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh-huh I see well you're absolutely said okay thank you my gun morning sir call from the lab blood in the good fellows cottage definitely not Colin Thomas's so if not loud this is not Colin Thomas was that person a few questions yeah Hodges has got more than a few to answer well you go well I thought we were I don't know and your pods aren't temple there's a long rope come on maybe if we get off the track maybe walk and after the news here on radio Causton just been published and asking him about his recent sensational experiences in the famously haunted banks barton woods yes I was time we get in there gotcha sound you're hearing germs it's a sound radio signal being blocked somewhere where it's not going to me right there you are yeah I think you'll find this little gizmo who is well stocked with mysterious noises and I reckon you'll find a few others like this caste Osiris Levin you how did you know that no well last night after my cargo stuck a mile through these woods I could hear the cries I knew them as there's some sort of rational explanation and I thought how convenient all this was for Cyrus Levin you obviously the woods weren't full of his supporters Stooges whispering on cue and then I thought I heard this buzzing sound like you want to jump yes oh absolutely fine sir thanks for asking yeah well come on and then I thought it's not ectoplasmic eruption we're talking about here it's radio waves and then you found the body I mean wow that must have been one hell of a shock wasn't it I mean yes it's like me you've been gifted with special powers [Applause] Gail oh yeah um now thanks for letting me know awesome this my last meeting was a complete sellout so I will be holding another one tonight at both Clayton tunnel and although they're those who would prevent me I have every intention of returning to monk's Barton woods where you'll be talking to the dead well that's all we got time for so it's a big thanks to our guests these psychic adventurers Cyrus look where's our psychic adventurous teen the monks retreat I shall go there I want you to go to Temple antiques whatever was shipped over there last night yeah [Music] [Applause] a local radio show that seems more beer for someone like me bigger but most important thing is to get the message across loud and clear loud and clear mr. Levin yeah like the signals from your transmitters Barnaby what are you talking about do you not know mr. Levin you I'm talking about the mysterious cries in Moncks Barton woods but of course there's a logical explanation isn't there as you will know where do you transmit from sir your room here your car or do you have an accomplice who helps you with your special effects I've never seen this object before I find offensive but people like you is it 2 feet of other people's anxieties their pain you trade on their weaknesses listen to that how spooky is that frighten me to death Detective Inspector Jones ended sergeant I was wondering if he'd had any more contact with mrs. Smith the woman who wrote in the Netscape no I did agree to phone if I was just passing I thought it just as easy to pop in will you excuse me hello yes yes [Music] Oh Gail there's pictures on here of some items of furniture let's see if art and antiques can recognize something right Sarge are we still on it's just the past night you're on extra duty of course Gail Gail look no workplace involvement it's just tough to have a proper working relationship if we also have a relationship you think so it's never been a problem for me in the past vile and untruthful accusations have been made against me does who I can say that step past and then don't be even thrown aside to believe now it's here that front aside why because you've been exposed as a liar and a cheat that's soldiers but if it's the truth and it is which is why you're slavish followers have abandoned you I never put transmitters in trees no of course not look now everyone's seen you in your true colors why don't you pack up your tricks and your hocus pocus me leave I won't be leaving I will return in two monks Parton hood in the hope of bringing peace to souls in torment poison ravana your fake philosophy is poison your ridiculous rituals are poison your poison [Music] [Music] Jones sir quick response from the photos that took a temple antiques for items definitely stolen two suspected table with a water stain is part of them all taken from a large house in Devon the Devon Police pretty sure the London gang was involved they turned them over but no result so the stuff must have gone to a receiver the next day Parcher two offenses it two deals including John temple who's got the outlets in this country Ella brought that's why he wanted to go to the antiques fair in front and the guys in the SUV are is distributors now all we have to do is find the murderer Barnaby if check the buildings and the ground EE he's not here I'm sure of that on the phone you said you found a weapon oh yeah no one touched it no it split on the blade what kind of a knife is it it's a a Chris it's collector's item that an antique go back up all the way all right time to put the squeeze on mr. Linton Pontius huh it's not hurry right take the upstairs rooms down because [Music] [Music] I heard one of those yes I know it was me seriously miss judge Cyrus Levin news pal jitter not Levin you responsible for the strange noises in the woods is we're keeping the locals out when he was taken to the very of stolen goods and the mysterious lights must have been from the Vans delivering the dodgy antiques well he's packed a suitcase whoo it looks like he'll be back oh we will they ticket guess we're to Florida pargiter and Esther good firm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the woods behind the fry rate [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] how long can we keep this ah Sammy a week very good and it's very good had me fooled where is he instantly where is this stay there [Music] Josh [Music] [Music] right I'm gonna talk to mr. good fella or she hey mr. temple on the visit [Music] [Music] [Music] once he had started no gone back Hajus it was a fence you see if we're still in goods you knew that and he knew you knew we can see what he was up to what can he do songs we didn't take too much he won't worried all of you call him and Molly Thomas - Carlin was up for it Molly was unhappy she tried to get him to stop she succeeded in that he wouldn't got involved in the murder and tearing though there would he I didn't mean a killing he broke in he knew that paja sir was in London so didn't expect to see anyone there and you took it on [Music] what stands on the antique table on the carpet of course when you walked up the blood hmm and we buried him in the woods then Colin lost his nerve to me real right it'd be all right there two-toned emollient over every single participant we've talked it over Stan it's the only thing to do they wanted to go to the police apparently but you kill them we did the body you think the police are gonna be understanding I don't know what they do I don't go to prison I need that much we was on a good thing up there at the Priory if only they'd listen a reason I thought I'd keep in the woods till they saw sense and then Colin decided to have another ago of me thing was I didn't really kill him either it's just one thing after another you know just one thing after another you buried colleague Thomas justice is very terry louder I make the women do it ya know I was gonna go back later and make a property over there but I knew I couldn't trust them so get to keep moving around the woods stay ahead of the police but I'd to find someone to keep her somewhere safe so you thought of this Shack well I used to work as a keeper on the estate before I work to the Priory I know every inch of these woods but something went wrong did this Stanley well they tell us somehow managed to escape they thought I was gonna kill him walked out that I haven't thought about anything much money ran indoors I was close behind I saw where she went [Music] there's nothing for it oh no way back now by I couldn't you couldn't look at that could you turn around [Music] perhaps I should have killed Nestor yeah I should have killed her I didn't the fact is sternly you very nearly did that was your fault aha I put her in the well keep her out of trouble then you caught me and she was stuck down there and she must have been down there when we found you the first time didn't even have the strength to call out and this is my fault definitely huh oh yeah I was there with you missed only you could have told someone where she was she's getting ready leave me I knew that stealing things to pay for it all did you know it was Linton pargiter that she was having an affair with not until he come at me with a knife I want to expect in it always had never look close enough to do me on then it was him no choice in the matter they caught up with another priority I don't understand this how you got there so quickly in all he had to do was grab his case check it into a car and he begun Ivan if Rambo Clayton all my life I know every track every shortcut he's bad luck he got back first but I came across the fields he wasn't quick enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't tempo is very anxious to cooperate Z shouldn't be long before we find Padgett is delivering them good sing forthcoming yes surprisingly so except perhaps not such a surprise sir he could have been miles away by the time we found the body yet well chased him where does he come comes back yeah well we found her in the fence fulness perhaps he wanted to be caught but she wanted her to be found so your thought really still doing his mad act then not sure exactly what no a horseshoe over water which is signed by Welsh grannies to say she's in the dark maze it's dark dark she cannot speak see nice read the sign of rich no nonsense I preach to the people Sara now the truth has been heard the blasphemer is unmasking Sara tell me what is it I've had enough what do you mean I I don't understand no of course you did surely it's too late for the postman no perfect timing so it was your fault what was my phone was your fault that Cyrus Levin who was accused of fraud well he's a fraud you're such a cynic does people like ghost stories they enjoy being scared basic human nature you don't believe in home dear oh why not I have an open mind unlike some people come on I don't care how you rationalize it there's definitely something spooky here hello so people say perhaps with the mass murder monks but in the woods have been handed down from generation to generation Joyce there is a theory that the very stones of the priority even the earth where the victims fell it's somehow imprinted the psychic recording of those terrible events that Cyrus the venue traded on that theory I was wrong about the venue just in one respect it was positive not live any put speakers in the tracer scare off the locals right let's see we can summon a ghost it presents five what [Music] choice [Music] guys why is it he all right [Music] very strange and difficult to explain really is it Jorge sangil fellow encounters him in the woods thinks he might raise the alarm and kills him to keep him quiet no song this man died recently this morning in fact long after Stanley good fella was arrested no it's the manner of his death I've heard of it I've never seen it parasympathetic rebound it happens when someone is so terrified that the whole metabolic system reacts and tries to calm herself down the problem is it can make to graduate from the heart simply stops beating I don't know what it was he encountered in mugs Barton woods frankly I hope I never find out parasympathetic rebound you're telling me that Cyrus Levin who died of fright [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you
Channel: Midsomer Murders - Full Episodes
Views: 532,891
Rating: 4.7801528 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Midsomer Murders, Based on a novel, British series, Detectives, Crime scene, Murder investigations, English countryside, Suspect, Mysteries, British accents, TV, Free TV, Television, Free Televison, Series, Full Episodes
Id: u1Ia9u0vQ8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 14sec (5594 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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