Midsomer Murders - Season 8, Episode 4 - Bantling Boy - Full Episode

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[Music] [Music] [Music] and handmade parents never I lost you here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how is a Foley ready to run for his life possible design putting a real jockey up pumping for tomorrow's race top rider from Newmarket you can't do this you need a rider would have been a class that's a boy the race is mine you owe me I owe you nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and Lee boys eating up the ground pulling down Jake's done wonders with him I'm the damn trainer Mariana how many years since your last winner you win the Cup then maybe even you might find this in yourself to give me some damn credit car thefts not our superintendent is hoping for something better me too sir it's a nice outfit sir this is Barnaby Jersey for you yes you did I'm off to the charity event of coastal races oh you can have yourself a flutter certainly not it's a mug's game that's what I don't know I enjoy playing on the horses studying form well plenty of form there for you to study Scott enjoy go on get your glad rags on we'll make a day of this I told you I'm already committed [Music] dye polish surrender Saltine a what that vacuum egypt it Jeffrey sorry on Joe we're horse to shoot Peter thanks for having it now you be good always is [Music] she coming yes she's still on the phone oh it's work tom she's up for a part look mister first race I have an audition I have great cubby what is it Oh to play hero Jill not be heroine no dad here is a woman it's Shakespeare much ado about nothing let's hope this time it isn't [Music] [Applause] [Music] an x-ray says the cost of gold cups means a bidentate spread local hopeful badly boy is owned by syndicate of Midsomer villagers and is trained by Bruce Hartley when he's been working terribly hard the last year that's come on tremendous healer we've got the right man on top of him today as well he's a very genuine so more than can be said for you [Music] [Music] 500 - wind bantling boy screw the other five to get sympathy for Lady gaga steady I know my job mr. Hartley you must be just can't go through something that's for sure been going since I retired those guards wife thinks I'm mad but is the world and you sane about of it how many rescue horses a recover fella feels man too many but horses have rescued me often enough hauling artillery over the Italian Mountains in 45 splendor creatures yes and do their smile like a sunburst that gun of yours hasn't changed since our Pony Club days [Applause] well if 50 pills to win through his own pork spill that's 330 of the costing card thank you don't your money there's quiet mountain boy or a rump on there with me plenty oh yes you were we've got the mortgage on halfway on the negative horse could win put in a milk flow [Music] [Music] [Music] with Indian tonic on the rails and Carbonite moving while behind her but it's Hawksbill moving along pretty yes he's local become trained [Applause] [Music] in front of moving boy and then I came back inside the file photo with Oakes bills Tilly these kids out there folks bill Valley Boys go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sangtae's interested in sodium well then I'll give you 500,000 give me sip your life like keep away from my owner I'll talk to online he's not for sale get away don't push me I'll say you finish topic don't be the last or see where a train 30 pound bet three two one there's ninety that means dinner the bone steak up one know this money's going to charity to follow fields what I mean gonna spend our winning save some net from the default yes million quid 125 grand a page he'll be worth even more next year and if he breaks his leg tomorrow will be dog food the money would be very useful my father left us bantling boy as a reward for our loyalty I demand the same loyalty from you don't try and dress it up Bruce we all know why he left the damn horse to the four of you nothing to do with you the terms of the syndicate require a unanimous decision dr. Osgood a Ewing oil to Bruce on this yes I'm with Bruce on this well I say we sell I need the money yeah Mia no we'll get ourselves a lawyer you wanna break up the syndicate you're the truth to come out mmm-hmm well bunch Lee boy will be sold of Am I [Music] they get into bed with Santa you can give him what he wants why the hell should I bite his hand off mother before you're past his sell-by date [Music] you and that half-wit brother of yours okay [Music] if [Music] Bobby is Bruce that he would tell everybody that problem is they knew but all of them you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know it has to stop no no don't come round please John John [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mariana [Music] stay back we're here he's dead what happened I don't know I found him Jake's disappeared we need the police don't touch anything Mariana come away my dad it was a kick blunt heavy weapon I suspect what's good of studying the toilet although most been smeared with blood to make the death of ya excellent possibly thanks for your help mr. Paxton when did you last see Bruce Hartley alone berate his last night drunk as a hand card showed his head off Bruce was a pain in the ear with everybody including you I left here about eight by nine he was a Bank Lynn Hall having a blazing are given with a syndicate that's the way he was what syndicate Bruce hardly owned bundling boy with dr. Osgood Trevor Machin and Joanna my wife look I had nothing to do with any of that I'll get a horse to show ya mr. Jacob Foley stable lad fine dono seems he went last night and will need this hammer please the friends existent thank you why just routine mr. Braxton don't play Little Miss innocent with me you brought nothing into this marriage how dare you was it as good or the two of you to believe Angela now DCI Barnaby this is dear smart sorry I'm a mother-in-law mrs. Hartley do you feel able to answer a few questions for us please I can be of any help Jake Foley I understand he's missing yes Jake was the real horseman here he should have been unbending boy yesterday but Bruce took the ride from him how did Jake take that he put up with it he put up with it we all put up with Bruce it's drinking his violent temper was your husband violent last night mrs. Hartley towards you we did argue I um I fell sprained my wrist what do you argue about it was personal just one more question please were you alone here last night with your husband yes you know very angry wound swinging a heavy weapon thank you I just do that kind of damage to herself you mean the sprained wrist it's very neatly bandaged from there it's got the people in this syndicate that owned ventolin voice I met one of them yesterday sir yeah Trevor Machin lives in a wheelchair but breath like a badger you can start with Trevor Machin then where exactly did you meet him the hammer and pennant the hammer and pennant Scott I thought you were supposed to be investigating car thefts what I noticed that most the car thefts took place in pub car park so I do have sort - it's a forensic pub crawls at public house to house inquiries so I'm off to bantling Hall pull down the course of his Jake Foley yes sir yes come on those are next go for gold yes shoot it again I can do it myself gonna help no you can't excuse me Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby Causton CID come inside will you stupid you made me miss gold fetch this will hardly third Baron bantling famous Catholic involved in the Gunpowder Plot George fourth Baron bantling betrayed the king at Marston more Thomas Pampling fought in the American War of Independence for the Americans there's more bloodshed and treachery in the banking family inspector than all Shakespeare's plays put together shut the door will you you may as well know my relationship with my son had been in no water for some time oh I'm sorry to hear that was there a particular reason when my husband died last year he left me nothing but debts I was lady of the manor I'm now maid of all work I cook clean two accounts for tradesmen to keep body and soul together and I take it your son was unsympathetic there was a profound shallowness about my son a childlike selfishness which he inherited from his father what about his wife Mariana the girl left background my son made a bad marriage he lived here alone since your husband's death I live with my brother Geoffrey full-time occupation himself body of a man mind of a child men who remain children seem to run in my family um this horse Bentley boy your husband left it to a syndicate didn't he why did he do that Bruce and my husband wasted a fortune on useless horses bantling boy was just a home bred yelling when he willed it to the syndicate now it's worth thousands just another of life's are in history I understand there was some sort of argument of the meeting of the syndicate last night they had an offer for the horse Bruce refused to sell his death will make the rest of them considerably richer oh if one member dies their share passes two remaining members oh I see all of which is cold comfort to me I should have to sell bantling Hall to settle my husband's debts it's been in the family 500 years devastating us more devastating than the loss of your son frankly inspector yes mr. Machin I'd like to know where you were last night about 10 o'clock please oh no well I'm stuck in this wheelchair I couldn't kill him no matter how much I wanted to this horse of yours bantling boy how did you get sharing it I was 30 years of gardener uppity ollie broke my back Colonel Hartley left at me as a reward but you're chasing shadows if you think the old sis behind it no this is family matters in what way if you met out Lee's wife Marianna her with a swimming pool right right talk to dr. Roscoe a monopoly like that but between at least back I was good and Mary hunter are like that no Irving an affair a big problem with the other yeah and I saw I was good driving look at the stables last night like a bat out of hell what sound was this about 10 o'clock thank you that's very useful see yourself out come yet yeah [Music] jin-sang and dandelion sharpens the mind thank you I understand dr. Osgood that you and Bruce Hartley were friends grew up in a village climb the same trees chased the same girls two very good friends of him so it was Bruce Hartley left you the share inventing boy was I know his father bequeathed it to me I became his doctor in his final years dead long before they buried him poor chap with cancer when did you last see Bruce Hartley at Causton races french-kissing a bottle of champagne it's chateau them Fred would you you say he's got a problem with drink Bruce was a functioning alcoholic started like his father corsten races you say you're not being entirely honest with us are you dr. Osgood we know that you saw him up at the hall last night yeah you've heard about that oh yes indeed and we also have a witness who saw your driving towards the stables round about ten o'clock last night I'm assuming it was you who bandaged Mariana's wrist she a patient of yours yes Marianna called me briefs had assaulted her again just a housecoat was it doctor okay [Applause] Mariana and I are involved but Bruce knew nothing I love Mariana I begged her to leave him and how do you feel knowing that your good friend had assaulted woman you love did you confront him teach him a lesson he cleared off inspector I assumed he'd gone to the pub how do you like him force her love ripens into vengeance crime of passion possibly what about the Syndicates trains collects no locals were owned bentley boy well Trevor Mason was the Colonel's gardener Mozgov was his doctor yeah why'd he leave Joanna Craxton the leg of the horse Hey all right lunch then we'll find out he's off his food ray hasn't touched a note the vet scoped him done a blood test something or somebody's got to him that's for sure somebody who's worth big money now miss nothing in the way of security here maybe we should move him way I don't know anyway bit here let's be a million miles away myself yeah me too but I'm only going as far as the fort so call me if you need me [Music] [Applause] [Music] then my uncle was a bookmaker was he yeah in the blood members it yeah he's the carry the central from a Kempton Park do the other tic-tac hundred 230 Burlington Bertie Lester what a sheltered life only actually very your moment sir Alec Kenton pardoned [Music] [Music] discretion we're here to see your wife this year soon by God it's just you sir here we have we have medieval tournaments of a band in all every year for for charity that your son yeah he loves all that malarkey Matt over it this way dude they're nasty tenderness Co WMD Scott weapons of medieval destruction mrs. Gregson I understand that you're one of the owners of bantling boy yes I'm a visiting nurse and I looked after Lord bantling during his illness and he left me sharing the horse we're trying to establish the whereabouts of people ran about ten o'clock last night well I was here with Peter and William all three together all the time and no Ray had gone for a walk walk tell him Johanna tell him what you like what he just done he wanted to get out some air you know wanted to be on his own can I take it to a husband is not entirely happy about your involvement with bantling boy you'll have to ask him about that yourself excuse me oh yeah what's your secret of three what's a guy yes miss me here hold this okay no wait steady when I tell you yeah you got him he's killing people your idea of fun young man it's only a game sir we've got a trouble nine call from lodge stables he's marrying a Hartley I think we should get down there right if all the killing in the world was only a game nobody'd ever be hurt would they that is true he's very true after the mouth of things somebody's pounding around I've seen them twice now dancing boys ailing I'm worried he's been got it I don't like saying this but Jake surely was in trouble a few years ago a doping scandal race-fixing was it prosecuted no nothing was proved but mud sticks he had trouble getting rights that that's why he came to us I presume if mantling boys a sick horse that could reduce his value oh yes that's been up it'll be all around the county by now so Sam Tate who wants to buy the horse he could save himself a lot of money yes you don't think Sam Tate's behind this to you we've spoken with dr. oz but mrs. Hartley and you haven't been entirely frank with us have you about your relationship with him no sorry last night after Bruce hit me he stormed off I called John he came up here but he left he has nothing to do with Bruce's death and what about you were you angry with your husband angry as he detect you did you go looking for him find him in here and then no no I married a vulgar bully of a man and yes I've wished him dead often enough but I didn't kill him all right now the most important thing is to increase your security isn't it whoever killed your husband they've been trying to steal a Banting boy I didn't disturb I said to Rae maybe we should move him somewhere safer yeah that'll be a good idea and in the meantime sergeant Scott can stay with him he's very good with horses it's pretty many happy days with them yes sir not sure I fans he's been in the Nile with one sorry Lee Atika I was wrong for the part again it'll come with it you'll say useless just sitting around waiting for my agent to ring I'm not making any money just throwing away my life you know I'm sorry hey you remember the fella seagulls yeah why don't drop myself up there you come along with me take you out of yourself it's all right dad you don't have to just a misery right now don't come on you know they say misery needs company come on 90 pounds yes 90 pounds mrs. Barnaby one that I'm been telling boy and she insisted that you have it it's blended need every bit of help we can get I wonder major if you could help us out here we think that Banting boy's been got at and or someone is trying to steal him you need stabling somewhere you know out of the way somewhere safe this is the back of the arms get nobody out here except the old bird watcher Rambler been willing about you safe or not yeah so you think you could manage Bentley well George my hit man's just retired ninety-two this lovable old biscuit complete horse nuts like myself ribbing its left us a bit thin in the ranks well perhaps urban [ __ ] good to help you out while you've got some time anyhow it's good news no wonders why you've dragged me up here doesn't pay much I'm afraid just three square meals and bfh us fares hope that agreeable sounds great I get a better offer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please stay where you are [Music] [Music] why did you go on the run mr. Foley the only running I did was to catch the last bus to Causton Bruce fired me told me to clear out why from what I hear the success of bantling boy was very much down to you why Bruce was a wannabe jockey but a few sizes too large that's why he jerked me off jealousy and that made you bitter course it did why did you go back to the stables last night jack I heard they called a vet out to bantling boy yeah because someone got to him was it you I've raised that horse since a yearling he's not sick he's pining for you there's a bond between a horse and his mind other ghosts deep your four-legged friend is he of course you've dopes to feel your friends in the past haven't you fix the old race that was all malicious I was never charged with anything I have to ask you this mr. Furley did you kill Bruce Hartley no you want to know I think did it Sam Tate tastes bread why him and Bruce had a right set too after the race if anyone's gonna be dancing on Hartley's grave it'll be Sam Tate with Bruce gone that just leaves the doctor so don't disappoint me it's the police I don't want to be seen here I don't want them digging into our business no just keep her aside if I'm on your list you can cross me off right now mr. Tate you would have ever run in with Bruce Farley at the racecourse the other day he made a backside of himself if that's what you mean I offered to buy Brampton boy and what so once I usually get mr. Tate have you or any of your acquaintances been anywhere near bantling boy since the ruse no nowhere near to live here alone mr. Tate yes divorced two years ago P Napoli unmarried ever since ever heard of tapes oven-ready bread indeed I have the crust you can trust aster well it's disgusting but people buy because it saves time and time is money I've got a board meeting in an hour inspector bye oh thank you mr. Tate thank you very much for your valuable time Scott you want a car check on that yes sir certainly Sarge's dear Scalia did you want a vehicle check on a registration for me please kilo one five three echo Yankee Mike no I'll wait for it thank you can you make a stamp taster they reckon you started as a delivery boy on the bridge man yeah I don't suppose he got rich keeping the right side of the law yeah thank you sheis thanks very much Joanna Craxton sir is she doing up here I suspect he's come to see a man about a horse Broussard Lee as Richard the liner with a biggest chicken I ever met are we going to meet here Peters indoors I don't want him here in our business Sam Tate wants an answer by tomorrow night we sell me and Joanne has agreed what's your vote I think Marianna as Bruce's wife should have a say in this but that's not the syndicate rules doctor we own Bruce's share morally Marianna has a right morally you're still not gonna slice off her Trevor will be laughing all the way to Bruce's funeral that for sure that settles it the horse is not for sale goodbye don't care do we bloody Tom we've got another problem bantling boy is ailing he's been shipped up to fallow fields who's gonna pay for that I'm skin it's a charity Trevor if word gets out is price will drop oh damn arse good we've got to sell that oz before it drops dead in its store this takes me back the pony club trials you bet course to ensure five-foot wall yeah you are not wearing that yeah and you were lucky to go just as a broken arm there anything grab an green stick factor this is a lot of exercise allodynia hmm and these it seems second son of computers all the time okay playing games the entire purpose of which is to kill people the Craxton boys obsessed to them he's not nine years old you never like you play games viola I hated computers don't--all my thing who said that when I was nine my favorite film was Terminator fascination with gruesome deaths does run in the family thanks dad I'm gonna go they're gonna pick up packing boy three yeah Thank You Kelly thank you hey the phone ring you know my agent died I need to see it keep away from that hole he's pining that's what's the matter with it call the police I mean it calm down my way Jake if anything happens a bundling boy because I haven't got anything on him I think he did it right he hated y'all hated Bruce the way treated the Moose's the wait really do you made my blood boil I spun from there think of it as a marriage of convenience Angela Hartley in a bent leg of Bentley Hall and Santa roughly robust liam and in evidence and peas this place will be sold off developed maybe even bulldozed now is that what you want the you and Jeffrey not now Jeffrey please we have business to discuss great tradition showing the flag well he settled in still not feeding Jake Foley reckons he's pining for him possible oh yes it could be the major mentioned he'd lost his head man did you check on Drake following well he's very experienced but isn't there a risk don't you suspect him no no I suspected you genuinely father this horse timing for Jake are you boy you know kill them don't ya all right it's not gonna hurt I don't want you touching me go away any vomiting no but he's been having nightmares and cold sweats Joanna's out on coalition yes you did right to call me it's always better to be safe than sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know just show that to you George hello to the skull exactly as with Bruce Hartley but this was found tied round victim's mouth like a gag was that applied before or after the blow to the head can't be sure what's certain is they had blow killed him the skulls very crushed anything back from forensics on Craig Stern's hammer I'll chase it up next ridge Bruce motley John Osgood they both opposed the sale of bantling boy yeah yeah which leaves travel matron and Joanna Craxton free to sell the whole yeah yeah and sent I do always gets what he wants now has a clear way to buy it I'd say that makes us free of them joined favorites would you remind me what horse to do back for the course to come dr. Osgood is dead no death sir cost of living for all of us in it well have we no more problems cuz me and Joanna will sell not sure I can trust you driven you've been keeping things from me haven't you battling boys a sick horse it's not you've been getting at him he's been shipped up to fallow fields most sources come out of their faith first are you buying or not two hundred and fifty thousand that's what you've said you're no worse off your stakes doubled now Osgood and heart they're out the mixture this isn't it sweetly money we're talking about two of the owners of this horse had come to a sticky end Trevor we don't want you suffering the same fate are you threatening me just making a once and only offer for Mitchum same spot dr. Osgood paid a visit to the craic stones yesterday why the doctors always write in sounds but can even kind of tail about no nobody means they might have been the last ones to see him alive just give the crack stones a house-call of our own shall we he was ray you call the doctor Peter was having nightmares I was out visiting a patient good name of this patient Dickinson but she's got Alzheimer's she can't remember which ways happen if her mind who was where when and the night's Bruce Hartley died you say were at home here on your own my husband got from walk yes I was here with Peter are you implying that I had something to do with these murders well the two people who refused to sell bantling boy are now dead and you are much the Richer volunteer it's not my doing none of it oh who have we here I'm Sepideh bantling are you rehearsals for the tournament where do you up at the hole I hear if he's a you've been having nightmares it could be the secret of the Ring I was computer game certainly give me nightmare but the secret of the Ring I'm never scared never ever look I'm late inspector raise up they're waiting Peter get in the car bye-bye so Peter he's a fine little Ernie see what's been troubled with nightmares no more than most its troubled world isn't it indeed it is Trevor what is this proposition Sam tidy as cut is offered to 250 so persuade him to what with bid and I'll give you 20% of every penny more you can get out of it what makes you think I have any influence oh you've got him around your little finger he's a ladies man what about Joanna well she ain't got your class a she now tell Tate I will not sell not for 250 grand never you may regret saying that I'll take my chance thanks for the veg I'm through to the kitchen for me would you you may be fiddling yourself a disabled pension Trevor but you won't get me waiting on him hand and foot [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. Carson have more questions please what in the middle of all of this I'm in the middle of a murder inquiry mr. Craxton I believe you were the last person to see dr. John Osgood alive when he left mine that was the last I saw of him excuse me I'm in the middle of a battle [Music] [Music] you pull yourself a horse it mr. tight no cuz I'm working on it [Music] I wish you'd leave Sam to me Trevor my trust in pillow talk no Peter would you take mr. Machin his drink please no you young man will do as I say okay [Music] make ready approach what's she doing sir she's giving her favor to her chosen night making him the favorite is that it that's where the phrase comes from sir let battle commence [Music] [Music] [Music] get messy Oh Brian Jonah cracks inaudible answer they'll share the money from selling the horse that's the motive Trevor Machin also stands to gain from the sale of the horse if money is the motive behind all of this but it's not money sir what is it the boy Peter he's clearly upset having nightmares you should have seen him this afternoon running and Trevor mating with his little sword I'm not with you on this sir it's not there is something between his mother and Trevor Machin makes the boy very angry you think matrons got some hold over her yep it could be he was certainly keen to finger dr. Osgood when I spoke to oh I thought you'd want to see this straightaway just back from forensics no prints on Fred but it's a pretty close fit with the head wounds on Hartley and dr. Osgood definitely the type of work when you're looking for thank you George right Craxton spent a lifetime swinging hammers like that sir with deadly accuracy it's what everybody knows that Scott the killer could be using that fact [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the same hammer-blow exactly the same weapon profile tom skull crushed in this again why would you do this it's a statement they're being killed then there get there being ritualistically silenced would make sense of it it's honest about what respective on Miss card I better go take care [Music] [Applause] yeah I was on my own we've been here till 10 on them shields when did you last see Trevor Machin right what's going on Trevor Machin was murdered last night oh my god you think I killed him and dr. Osgood and Bruce hardly am i right can we continue this conversation at the station mr. Creston he wouldn't harm a fly don't kill anybody just his hobby is it mouthing people I like none of them no nevertheless your wife now owns outright horse worth half a million pounds what everybody mix some of the money out of that horse even the vicar troves at a fair few quid look it caused me and Joanna nothing but arguments I killed nobody I don't why you're picking on me because you don't have an alibi for the time to the three murders what I was Sam Tate and that two-faced cow Angela Hartley you um pulled them interview no we questioned everyone alike no matter whom they are I'm not gonna get the right answer questioning the wrong man I didn't do it [Music] the police think that ray killed all three of them well they're wrong aren't they what if ray starts talking about the syndicate he knows everything Angela all of it me you how does he know did you tell him I had to Bruce threatened to tell everybody I wasn't ready to hear it from me stay calm Joanna we don't need to panic I can go after Peter as long as you like we're in this together always happy we searched Krakens coaster we run our places to look so nothing and he like you're in it now he's denying any involvement I've got nothing you've got nothing for reducing take a look at that that's the penciling family Chris dinner sir surely it's gotta be him can we lean on him a bit keep his feet to the fire sergeant this is Midsomer not the met they not teach you about the Holy Trinity up intended everything's required before you move from suspicion to conviction motive opportunity and evidence and the greatest of these three my son is evidence which in very practices case we do not have yeah they say he will be released bring that along what do you see well it's uh it's a coat of arms isn't it yeah hammer and the pennant now we have three people killed with a hammer and two of them were gagged each with a piece of triangular cloth in the shape of a pennant that could be a connection said why not gag all three of the victims why not indeed something different about Bruce Hollister we were just going to Fallowfield see batting boy lady Huntley could you tell me where were you last night you and Geoffrey I was working my office on some accounts the boys were playing their computer games is that all inspector Geoffrey that shield up there what does that mean to you the rest of the band links into the car boys goodbye get up if you think Jeffrey had anything to do with these dreadful murders you're very much off track he's completely harmless I'm sure it is I have to ask these questions lady hardly sometimes the most unlikely people do the most extraordinary things Billy I'll drop you off at the station scada I may head up the fallow fields with them put it away now Peter [Music] secret of the room secret of the Ring I want to get out right yes oh do I I meant you and me and our pizza we just pack everything and go I want us to start again we could be back to how we were just us three no Joanna guys no going back you destroyed all that you and I usually and now hold it down the model right it's all played with the custody sergeant mr. Craxton you're free to go thanks for nothing doesn't bantling boy look at picture yes he does can I give miss Kenny I think he'd love it can I still can course you can't he doesn't like you Geoffrey he only likes me can I ride him all right major you can sit on him years okay better one Dean Peter on his charge of Midsomer girl by Banton brave from Knights maiden by Kings Charter he was out of royal Dennis alright Peter we've heard enough it's breeding you see it's in the blood everything's in the breeding [Music] [Music] ready [Music] are you in there I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's Joanna Craxton head caved in dad yes there's the others ray Christ and founder my money says he forgot I thought you were holding him we were I've deserved the super I wanna know why he's released good question where's the Holy Trinity apparently motive opportunity and evidence the greatest of which is evidence which the wreck wreck since case we did not have yourself a mini I preferred my doubts to your servant maybe Hartley can you look after Peter again his father will be with us yes of course you never get your hands on an airbase never thank you [Applause] we never get your hands on Imogen meaning the whole top lorrison question clearly resents Angela heart is closeness to Joanna and her owning a share in been telling boney did Scott there's something staring us in the face here and we are missing it about China with a syndicate syndicate yeah as each member of the syndicate died their share was passed on to the remaining members of The Syndicate young until Joanna Craxton owned the lung but now she's dead who owns the horse it's a matter of your husband's will requests of been tling boy I've left my notebook excuse me now the giant cracks instead who owns bantling boy the terms of my husband's will are that the horse now belongs to Peter - Peter oh come on Barnaby or a man of the world Peters mother Johanna nursed my husband were they lovers nine years ago my husband raped Joanna Joanna was Catholic so with the Hartley's just as a divorce was out of the question for me so was abortion for her I paid her money every week she kept quiet and she kept the child Osmund was his doctor machen was his gardener and I take it they and your son Bruce they all knew what had happened to Joanna they knew and that's why your husband left all the bantling boy shares to the four of them as a reward for their silence yes [Music] [Music] PETA is very Hong the bantling boy I doubt he'd want him sold to mr. Tator you see it will be Peters decision oh I hope it is your sergeant seems to have gone missing perhaps we better find him sergeant [Music] you're looking for something sergeant uh toilet this way it's a proprietary game originally taken off the internet but it's been modified they've added some variables different loops and an English that is well someone's taking the original game and expanded on it but the object now seems to be to redeem the honor of the battling so followed the pathway plan through to the final level where I found this secret chamber and then this [Music] victims names are Alessa Bruce Hartley dr. Osgood Trevor Machin and Joanna Craxton Haas Grotesk yeah all the deaths are described each one using medieval language nyhammer or vengeance and the appellant of pride the quest seems to be to take revenge on the rim for betrayers of the secret could the ring be rescinded the ring governors are planting boy the hero of the game is a pizza riding a mighty steed it all ties in with crack Stern's obsession with recreation medieval weapons why put that on Peters computer I think he's used the game to rehearse the killings before he cares enough good Geoffrey we've created this nice house beyond him he's got an IQ of about two I think the when Joanna told Raya Peter wasn't his son Tipton I was the agent of this I don't know what games you're talking about the secret of the Ring again you downloaded onto Peters laptop his laptop I hate them things and work of my hands inspector I'm computer illiterate when did you first discover and the Peter wasn't your real son mr. Craxton Joanna told me the night Bruce Hartley was killed that Peter wasn't mine they all knew the whole syndicate they'd be laughing behind my back for years mr. Paxton the form of people who are to be buried the very ones that you say were laughing at you behind your back I didn't kill them my wife is dead and to me Peter is still my son so he that charged me the game on your computer and Peter secret of the Ring what's it about the quest of the bantling quest to take back the secret of the Ring did your father invent again Peter did you plant with right he's not my father I don't want ever again I had to tell him inspector it's his birthright to know who he is what he is he's my husband son he's heir to the lordship and manner of banking that lady Hartley finally I'd like to examine your computer please feel free I have nothing to hide that looked champion yeah it's only good order thinking I always been ended up for another race in costume next week is that wise I'm thinking after setback yeah you're thinking if battling boy wins you'll be a more expensive buy and how that never occurred to me sure he'll take his chance next week you can bank on it he'll see he might have a new owner Byron mr. Craxton mr. Craxton you are free to go but it was seriously advise you not to try and approach Peter okay I want my son please be warned for his sake and for yours stay away from Peter did you get anything from Lady helpless computer funny that would interest the Inland Revenue's but nothing for us so far no I had electric Sango I mean you got nothing on enough we we've got no blessings no weapon no fingerprints got money it's a bit of a risk isn't it soon yes yes it is no it's got you can leave him you follow crash them don't let him out of your sight and sit tight on that cottage we had a deal you can't back out now after everything I've done anything you've done Sam you did for yourself always have always work in your lady bountiful carpet Angela yours ruthless as I am two of a kind I hardly think so you see dick and it's free now now you can control thousand boy through Peter no way please don't raise your voice in my kitchen I will not change my mind oh yes you will Angela Only Fools and the departed never changed their minds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's another word for conman nine letters ending in our very excellent son Peter it really is extraordinary fraud stuff puddin conman nine letters in your name he can remember bantling boy his pedigree going back for four or five generations the sires the mares everything and all by heart do you know that hadn't occurred to me I never thought of that even as a possibility what something Scott said it's a quest to take revenge on the ringing the the betrayers of the secret to redeem the honor of the Bentley mystics me [Music] honor and been she been through dancing oh of course sleep well Peter sleep tight no Jeffrey say goodnight Jeffrey goodnight it's the three of us together now boys nothing more to worry about Jeffrey nothing not now this will be our family home that [Music] [Music] [Music] Barnaby sir it's color yeah I've lost Creston eggs on the loose on the Freddy okay Scott get yourself over to Bentley hall as fast you can right [Music] I told you to stay away from me who will my sight [Music] No I hate you it was you Jeff it wasn't you did all this killing Bruce and Trevor John Joe and I do Jeff it wasn't me did you yeah but no boy himself anything by himself surely you're not suggesting that he did it at Peters bidding he's not right Peter Peter [Music] Jeffrey Jeffrey on the night Bruce died can you remember where you were about 10 o'clock angel and that upset you - yes he was mean to her I wouldn't sell all the horse he wouldn't help Angela keep mantling home you're the how off with brother yours see this is home I want to stay here yeah so you went out looking for him I never yes my crept up on him he didn't see me [Music] and I found a hammer sorry [Music] what did you do with him I hate it in the presiding home oh you couldn't find it but the idea for that game Jeffrey that was pieces wasn't it yes yes all my dears isn't he Beata and you are his best friend Jeffrey you don't have any secrets from one hour that you told him didn't you you told him what you've done to Bruce he said be telling me if I didn't they would take me wet he taught me a prison why Jeffrey why did Peter want you to do to the others what you've done to Bruce because because they betrayed the secret what secret the Peter was apparently yeah he overheard his mum and dad fighting about it they've been arguing about you hidden they Peter yes your mother told your father that you weren't really his son but you were the bendling yes I am the panting the word panting listen ancient medieval term for bastard isn't that right and you knew that word new from your medieval myths from your codes of chivalry you knew what it meant to be a Bentley to wear the badge of shame to forfeit all on a be mocked scorned outcast forever and the ring were the owners of bendling boy who knew the secret they were the possessors sworn to keep it safe once betrayed the secret must be taken back but I don't Peter by the night champion of the banding with the hammer of engines and the pennant of pride in his hand he could steal back the secret of the Ring and Geoffrey was your knight champion was he [Music] I want to be lord of the manor now no your night champion sir Jeffrey brave and fearless so Jeffrey stole back the secret by silencing them one by one that was his request in the computer game that you created yes there's almost one that Peter came o heartless panting boy and Colonel Hartley's title be holy old its breeding class Hotel horses and people it wasn't a game Pizza Pizza don't think he can hear us mr. Gregson [Music] why don't understand saris much Jeff returned on patron the end after doing his bidding all that time he does last command to Jeffrey was to kill Angela because she knew about his meddling secret as well but Jeffrey loved Angela she was his sister his carer he couldn't do it so he turned on Peter instead they feel a bit queasy sir yeah well a little kid like that using his computer to turn murder into a game Scott and killing becomes entertainment did all those touch with reality how about we turn in here sir tell the landlord we're onto the thefts in his car park leave with two Philips ago plenty of chances Ruby misters taken over battling borders shoulder check phony sitting with a double handful and Foley Astra an effort now man badly boy stalled into the lead by late to lights and badly boy which is cool I have Scott made myself a nice little chilly [Music] you
Channel: Midsomer Murders - Full Episodes
Views: 153,272
Rating: 4.8214564 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Midsomer Murders, Based on a novel, British series, Detectives, Crime scene, Murder investigations, English countryside, Suspect, Mysteries, British accents, TV, Free TV, Television, Free Televison, Series, Full Episodes
Id: M4T-3KDBTr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 5sec (5645 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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