Midsomer Murders - Season 6, Episode 5 - Birds of Prey - Full Episode

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[Music] [Music] as long as Charles has kept out of the way of no one sees him in a week we'll all be done oh never stops ringing I'll refer to me out handling you handling Julian Shepherd I just ignore him so he's making trouble George I don't want anything to go wrong all right I'll season [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you better come in mr. Edmonton I have to talk to you the money I invested I I need you tight I can't get any sense out of anyone well they haven't seen the future a new future for the way we live I trusted you with my money but I can't wait any longer you haven't even told us what this project is all I want is what I put in back or I'll be bankrupted it has to be secret that's what holds this project together my simple invention to support travel and leave me in a perfect environment without fuels without pollution don't go to any lengths to get their hands on it any links they'll even kill I told you to make a fortune my boy and you will a fortune I have to ask my money now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're early miss me first I'm sorry mr. Pilcher really but I do need some sausages emergency is Eva's come in we've be alright pound it spork we want I'll be making some later my sister forgot to buy them yesterday they were on her list pork sausages if you lost it why don't you come back miss McPherson no those will have to do 240 I'll put the pork is aside for you there you are miss Bea I've got the branches great so I'll just order it shall I I don't know whether they'll fit it in the front garden I mean it's 45 feet quite big for a yacht brochures Tom Africa Lions rhinos giraffes next year's holiday we have talked about this yeah well I'm sure we've met it's something it's just a question of when isn't it it's a wonderful idea in principle I want to do this Tom and Cully can get us a very good deal mm-hmm I could go on my own I might not come back I always had a crush on that man from Doctore he'd be drawing his pension by now [Music] aha glad I caught you you can have a look at these at work what about crime won't go away dad realize that working for a travel agent was a conspiracy more of a happy coincidence thank you [Applause] [Music] swallows are still here they should be long gone by now good he was open he didn't have pork Jane [Music] [Music] that's how I thought this book might be a boost here don't want anyone to think the course in CID doesn't know its SEO from his elbow it's what SEO is in an hour I'll tool to be precisely the short eared and the long-eared in the event of an identity parade you don't need to be well up in that it's a waste of time it's a crime Troy you are a detective don't expect me to treated any differently to any other crime I'm looking for Deus Troy sir nobody found him hi I'm Katherine Pierce Sarah Wildlife liaison officer all right yes nice to me is that what you're wearing well Marcus and wellies I'm in the car park I'm away not all bad news in wildlife liaison it's like you said sir crime is a crime after all smells good Jay ready for me you know I don't eat these lab went to the butcher especially he didn't have any pole I was looking forward to them [Music] [Music] hi how is he oh I don't know what they use and they said it is Lambie rush to buy shares in the drug company I was high as a kite again for most of the night but he can only take so much well I can't control him when he's like that I'll up the dose then just get it right sis okay I know what I'm doing but you might remember whose benefit this is all really fool if I didn't make it better I would swear that you're accusing me of being an ungrateful [ __ ] you wouldn't would you don't those birds ever get in the mood to peck someone's eyes out Oh anyone I asked them to [Music] I brought your medicine office Remington and Mallory wondered if you fancied a fight to eat didn't we if we have the press conference well I'm still preparing that's it I've been working on my speech excellent never sir there was a man in here the other day I I knew him from he came in through the window yes all right hey I don't want any journalists getting held with a story that's where really I should be at a meeting but people from the city are they here it's very important that they're good to invest millions now they're downstairs isolate sure that everything is running smoothly well what about the conference room has that been swept again for bugs have we got good people in the best thank you know you can count just little rest I think yeah how about a nice nap hmm huh [Music] [Music] [Music] this angel said Marlene so what we got well looks like he went in sometime during the night is quite deep their car was right under the water do you know that man Julian Shepherd local lived up the road about a mile away I uh I thought that cool CID see there's no tire marks no sign of a scaredy did you try to break very observant of your customer whose family look now I lived alone I spoke to the woman to clean for him she said she wasn't surprised she thought it might do something like this like what kill himself [Music] [Music] [Applause] that all hate to see this airing how many other [Applause] how do they know where they are content there's a chance they could see them but they might not and the birds could just go but it's worth standing there all day on the off-chance they've been on there for a few weeks if they do winter here it's possible they could read in the spring it would be a first time to the baby sounds I should have said so [Applause] [Music] do you think mr. Shepard was in trouble I know he was kind of trouble all sorts his wife leaving not seeing his children for business the house but it all came down to one thing in the end money the business being a box buying and selling he had a shop in Oxford out until two years ago I suppose he made some bad decisions I don't know saying mr. Shepard was depressed because of his financial difficulties well wouldn't you be it's a long road from being depressed to coating sinister I know that mr. Barnaby it did cross my mind but I suppose I never really believed that he'd actually you can make a cup of tea I'll take a look around upstairs [Music] [Music] [Applause] mrs. Edmonton yes can I help you good morning to you I'm Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby of course since CID I'm making a few inquiries about the the death of a neighbor of yours mr. Julian Shepherd oh yes yes I heard about the accident terrible things happen did you know mr. Shepherd no well none of us greatly into popping around to borrow a cup of sugar you see apparently found here several times yesterday there was something he wanted to talk to your husband about did he actually come here I certainly didn't see him is mr. Edmund tynin no charles is away at the moment would you know what he wanted to talk to your husband about no idea absolutely no interest in my husband's business affairs you'd have to talk to the major major major who major George Hamilton and where would I find him he lives in the village that is beautiful beautiful he's not a big enough word it's like saying the seas wet [Music] that's one there [Music] it was it what about that one definite no that's a red kite [Music] there is where nope not the bird after a more cotton by the Toyota very serious egg here I've been watching him for some time the egg man who's that No it could be just a twitcher more cross pumping for information that could be another dealer or a buyer a collector how much money is there in it some eggs a bench a few pounds groans thousands look now doctor serious money serious enough not to care what species you could be wiping out in the process yeah you first so not bad for your first I was twitching why there's all you've just missed your first errand it's good job the villains a bigger a Sarge [Music] good morning looking for major Hamilton you found us are you mrs. Hamilton yes the vitamin is study you'll hardly miss the raised voices I'm sure thank you what was the element he said something was wrong I put a lot of money in tips did you refuse to give him his capsule because that's what Shepard Sharath is what we need I haven't seen Charles Edmonton in over a month where the hell is Charles has been in the States he's been in Swindon putting into place the last pieces before the launch now you're gonna make a lot of money what the hell is that got to do with the opinion of Julian Shepherd who was quite clearly mentally deranged major Hamilton yes the wife said I'd find you here I'm Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby you don't want anything no no thank you just taking all this in it's not quite what you'd expect from the outside I spent my working life in Africa when I retired I brought back as much as I could well Aileen has her side of the house I have mine it's not every house you can change continents just by walking through a door well I'm sure there's many a man who wished he could at times yes so you did see Julian Shepherd yeah yesterday morning and I spoke to him after lunch laid her on the phone Loomis has a shock to us all we knew that he was well he was on the verge of some breakdown there's no point in beating about the bush but none of us ever dreamt that he'd take his own life what did the two of you talk about well Julian was in a spot of bother on the financial front well you know how these things go divorce and so on ruin a man has his head screwed on well he did invested money in one of Charles Edmonton's projects I'm stood to make a great deal out of it but Julian needed to get his money out for the launch was only a few weeks away it's damn stupid he's throwing away at least ten times what he'd invested maybe more well I did my best to persuade him to change his mind and he didn't absolutely not and did you give him his money back well it would have written the check for him today I don't know what to do I presume he has executives well he'll be up to them and all this is sorted out terrible business brawl very upset yes oh my god ow what precisely did Julian Shepherd invest in I suppose there's no harm basically it was a fuel free transport system and that was the revolutionary part the invention and there Charles able to do the details not the understood them that was very trusting of them well he'd made several fortunes in his lifetime and not just for himself but for those who had the vision to back him Thank You major [Music] Oh Manny I've got two more spare I thought three Peregrine eggs and I could get a 300 Pat you know what it takes to get an osprey egg the nesting sites are all secret watch night and day 300 quid come on once I get an osprey I've completed all the British penury on a diet at your Pitre diets taking me 20 years can you really get one now said I can deliver can you we can sort something out this woman off of the whole missus end she's breeding get on me right um peregrines Merlin's gospel I don't know exactly oh come on Eddie you told me you could get in that you said you'd been in there to see that's all what did you take an egg laughs once money you underestimate yourself ready you know your way around I've got a buyer for some fertile eggs you get me enough of those and this could be all yours he drowned that's clear enough you're familiar enough with it mucus from the body mixes with water this is from his lungs it looks like he drove straight into the river no sign of him losing control Carl wasn't even traveling at any speed about drink no so suicide it could be right I can tell you what he had for dinner I could tell you it wasn't in the habit of rinsing his hair properly but I can't tell you what he was thinking hmm what do you mean he didn't rinse his hair properly and there's some guns at the roots turn out to be conditioner so when did he wash it early yesterday morning listen I guess later Tom there's nothing very suspicious about a man who doesn't wash his hair properly no but there's something rather odd about a man who washes his hair just before killing himself [Music] we got a deal Andy all right I'm trusting you you know that they're trusting each other nobody else um what I mean is you know more about what I do that makes me comfortable I'm not gonna say anything no you're not well working together on this if you screw up if you put me in it your head could end up under the wheels of my Jeep just so we know where we stand I'll see you tonight then what time's dinner about an hour I have a glass of wine with it I'll have some red and get something decent for a change you can flush the last lock down the sick might clear the dress and run me a bath nearly to the top turn that bloody music off now don't stand it [Music] Alliance what happened to you what you mean well I clearly hope you're not going to try and claim for a new suit on your expenses from me what about that good I'm glad to see you prefer to make sacrifices in the line of duty you look like you've had quite a day I have there's a lot more to wildlife crime do you think there's any chance you bring a little less of it back into the office with you tomorrow I don't think wildlife liaison is treated seriously enough in CID you don't spend enough time on it well after the road to Damascus you've been travelling on with constable Pearce I'm sure you'll do your best to remedy that very nice enjoyed it I got the pork sausages the butcher made them this afternoon I don't fancy them tomorrow I'll have mushroom omelet I think but that'll be fine I'm a little short of cash this evening and I need to go out we haven't been to the post office today instead Darwin oh that sounds like a fib to me Jay you shouldn't you know she shouldn't feel should she at that point hiding things from me I know when it's pension day look at that the guaranteed to get you that close to a lion delay I'm sure if I consider that a threat or a promise I don't suppose they walk straight up to you Tom the trouble is I've already been to Africa no you have one yes I have only today major Hamilton admits on the Magna he still lives in Africa it's not so laggy Brosius here does it be a luxury lodges oh yeah Adam don't be so silly I'm going to have a bath mmm are you read the brochure and in return I'll clean up the mess you left in the bathroom without even mentioning it almost without mentioning it I always clean up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you'll want his hot milk mr. Darwin what's happened an accident just an ice should call a doctor no I'm all right there's nothing broken I just need to rest I'm going to bed perhaps we should help him I better leave him we'll see how he is in the morning you know how he is if we fast dear what about his milk he'll call if he wants it why don't we have a nice cup of cocoa [Music] oh they I see the years have not diminished your powers of observation is it all right well all right isn't quite the phrase the first strings to mine but it's under control that is really we haven't done all this for nothing so it's we now it's always been we George always [Music] when a morning Oh [Music] that's right yeah needs were so impractical for this sort of thing 70 Superman can go through in a week sadly I'm gonna have to drag you away from your rural days on what now but I think could really be onto something is constable Pierce to manage on your own I know a dead body is for recompense for the call of the wild that's the best I can offer [Music] I thought mr. Darwin I'd like some of these this is so pretty and if he's not feeling very well I think he'd rather be left on his own just now you know how he is maybe we'll take them up later I'll put them in some water [Music] [Music] it just came I don't really know what to do with it the label says with compliments the Edmonton corporation what should I do with it see what's inside mazie I want to look at the bathroom again you didn't clean the bathroom did it I didn't even come upstairs looking through the house didn't get the impression mr. Shepherd was the tightest man in the world he certainly wasn't they might have cleaned the bathroom there Monty he looks at a thorough job to me in this bleach bath cleaner people do get fussy about the bathroom not mr. Shepherd I don't think he ever even wiper on the bath [Music] to scooter [Music] [Music] the coffee's the idea [Music] he is dead then [Music] I suppose we ought to ask dr. Robert Shaw to come and see him now it doesn't rule out an accident or suicide there's no evidence yet and no motive but there are reasons why it might have killed himself it was depressed he had family troubles money troubles the usual stuff I see your encounter with nature red in tooth and claw hasn't really more sensitive to the human condition Troy but in this case I don't believe that the usual stuff will do I though there was something we don't know about that pushed him over the edge or someone killed him I need to know Chief Inspector Barnaby yeah James Robert Shaw GP constable dangerous thought I'd find you here I've got a rather puzzling death I would guess the course of death will turn out to be internal bleeding how long's he been dead give or take four or five hours what are we talking about with the bruising some kind of accident was he attacked uh-huh that's what pathologist all I can say is that whatever did happen to him it's almost certainly resulted in his death I'll leave you to it yes thank you doctor so what are you gonna say don't know we're going to need a postmortem you better get a key for this room may need forensics in his name is it would Darwin talk to the council I know him I didn't know his name I saw him with a man Sara's got under surveillance the Eggman the Eggman we knew he wasn't feeling very well I did knock on his door and asked if there was anything he wanted he said there wasn't how long was he in his room since yesterday evening and he didn't come out of his room at all during that time no we didn't think there was anything very odd about that he was a very private person oh let me help I thought you might like something to eat just put it down there I'll pour and you can help yourself that's very kind you shouldn't have put yourself to all that trouble oh I know you don't eat properly when you're working mr. darling he was a very private man Chief Inspector T yeah could you tell us something about mr. Darwin's friends no no one ever came here never just the name Moorcroft Sean Moore Croft mean anything to you cucumber Sun Hamlet no no thank you he would have been interested in birds eggs as well like mr. Darwin mr. Darwin very knowledgeable about birds and he was very proud of his eggs but he didn't like us to talk about that he said his collection was very valuable I'm afraid it was also a very illegal miss McPherson still that's not important now is it huh I'll have to ask you not to disturb anything mr. Darwin drew Morehead oh yes that's quite all right will you be taking him with you I think we would prefer that [Music] [Music] it may do no harm to make some attempt to behave a little more like the grieving widow sis I've done my grieving there me Alzheimer's took Charles's spirit away from his body a long time before he died and what was left had very little to do with the man that I married except financially I don't know why you've always had a problem with the fact I didn't only marry Charles for his money and you stand to do very nicely out of it too so don't ever do the snide remarks yes The Undertaker's are here good can they do the funeral tomorrow yes it can be done good ask him to come in [Music] moniece add oh you're here great have you got the info on Moorcroft yes to addresses a family of reading and his girlfriend's platen stay and he spends his time Trina - but I spoke to Berkshire and the Toyota check his now so I guess he's that they could pull him in anytime rather do myself see his reactions get a look at his house I'll contact Thames Valley on route they'll probably want to give us a couple of uniforms for backup you won't need that's art course not just routine what you like on violence that's what he's had to drink he's well up with some aggro of a skinful but sober discretion has a better part good only for the pub doesn't look like he's up yeah what's on the back just open fields you do the front [Music] lots of our peers can deal with the eggs huh I want to talk to you about Eddie Tom I don't know any any Darwin you certainly do mr. Moorcroft or did in fact you were one of the last people to see mr. Darwin alive [Music] for God's sake part of the man's just died I've no idea what's happening you read the paper he's bloody bankrupt you know he got bloody scooter sent to us what kind of a joke is that what's that got to do with launching the project as soon as I know more I'll let you know truth is I'm as much in the dark as you are well a drink with him are you in his way I went mine you talked about bird spotting that's right I suppose you know mr. Darwin collected bird sex I didn't naughty man I forgetful all that mr. Moorcroft an examination of your cars revealed two things the first is blood stains on the carpet front passenger side some attempt has been made to wash the stains out very recently well it's probably mine will Eden outdoor life forever knocking myself about I never think about a bit of blood two convictions for assault seemed to confirm that although the blood you don't think about usually belongs to someone else that was a long time ago but not so long ago you were fined for trading in birds eggs and wild birds and this was also found in your car a feather big deal a peregrine feather like I said I'm an outdoor guy I get plenty of shite on his shoes this is another piece of Peregrine feather it was in the pocket of clothes Edward Darwin was wearing when he was hit by a vehicle we will be able to find out whether these two feathers came from the same bird and if the blood in your car came from mr. Darwin we'll also be able to establish the it will be a lot easier if you told us what happened that night [Music] hello oh good is it all finished it's all done last one went through your home and dry good [Music] the deal was done would steal fertile eggs Moorcroft had a buyer if you got enough he'd get this Osprey egg but he was definitely up at the hall last night Moorcroft met him in the pub then dropped him by the wall around the estate they met in the pub car park an hour later and the eggs no Darwin said something spooked him he didn't get near the birds Moorcroft dropped him back at the McPherson sir what's well the state was here he told more Kraft he'd fallen off the wall be torn his clothes heard himself he just wanted to get home that's what more cross said do you believe him yeah Moorcroft scared rigid at the moment what ever happened to Eddie Darwin he's telling what he knows [Music] good go buddy ready [Music] [Music] I could've chosen a better time mr. Ravi I can probably take any attempt to steal eggs very seriously indeed but with my husband's funeral talk nice exactly at the top of my mr. priorities I won't intrude on their time movement necessary it's very sorry to hear about your husband yes well I'm not quite sure adidas you're expecting to achieve I've already told you the thirds were not disturbed and no eggs were stolen from the incubator and I do take considerable pride in communicating with my welcomes and my hooks I doubt whether anybody would get very far by interrogating good right so there are the birds mrs. Edmonton I have good reason to believe that Eddie Darwin was in this building ninety was involved in a road accident hidden that accident resulted in his death and I want to find out where he was and what he was doing well not only do my birds not talk but none of them as far as I know has a driving licence so if you will excuse me I have a lot of things to be getting on if Eddie belvane did get in here I'd need taking the eggs mr. Burton flies these birds all over the estate he could have picked the feather up anywhere he lost his bottle never did get in here feather what's in his pocket wasn't it it's not impossible didn't got there when he was climbing a tree or a war but it wasn't just any fellow was it was a feather left by a peregrine and Darwin was heading this way to steal Peregrine eggs not a sport for vegetarians rosy sickle a li [Music] how's it going I've come to a conclusion it's not enough I mean I want more money yeah yes I don't think you're really in the position to refuse I am [Music] cause is ukulele I think [ __ ] years old from the way you he's worried me Thunder so yet to go see ya la la oh he sick la la [Music] [Music] while waiting memory when somebody dies somebody of the birds had respect it's important to tell them I think they probably know death matters to them like life I suppose I should thank you I don't expect Thanks what do you expect [Music] [Music] hi-yah is this alright I mean have friends expect no no no I thought I'd come in here destroy all the evidence and generally get in everyone's way he spoke to the past yeah and look at it mr. Darwin was a very meticulous man details of every a keyboard every oaky sold addresses of the dealers I think if we put this together with what I'm holding over Shan Warcraft or the offspring you can help me threaten more than that can't you obstructing the police that sort of thing I've been having some horrid dreams they'll go away it'll soon be over no it weren't telling her we've been very bad you know we have sube finished I hope we won't be troubling you much longer we need to talk to mr. Barnaby [Music] I am the resurrection and the life sayeth the Lord he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die we didn't know what had happened we knew he was hurt of course he just went to bed I didn't like to interfere mr. Darwin never liked us to interfere he'd shout at us is that why you didn't call for a doctor well he told us not do you see there was my decision mr. Barnaby Jane didn't have anything to do with it don't say that Anna weren't you concerned not at first a little later on I went in to see him he was still dressed he was still conscious then oh yes I helped him get his clothes off and put his pajamas on you could see he was bruised yes goodnight mr. Darwin we couldn't have it any idea how badly he was hurt could me he became delirious saying the strangest things could you make out anything he was saying somewhere he was a place he'd run away from it frightened him no it was the body that frightened him the one in the freezer I think had popped out there it was where the birds where the birds were flying and there was a freezer that's what he said and there was a man in it this one keeps coming back to casement Hall doesn't it it's both eggs and this takes another cuckoo in the freezer had dead body it was Charles Edmund they're burying him today this morning they're not burying him this morning that cremating him this morning and about now [Music] take the right thing mister all over done I'm sure it is yeah [Music] I'm sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ we shall change our vile body that it may be like unto his glorious body according to the mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself [Applause] [Music] I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me [Music] Charles was a great man he will trust it he invented a way of packaging know that half production costs around the world he'd invented a prefabricated building system that could put up a house in a week right from the Foundation's to running water and central heating that doesn't tell me what his body was in the deep freeze major I was trying to explain who he was why he was being disposed of so quickly and so secretly well in the past few years he's made mistakes big mistakes I didn't realize it when I first joined him and he was very nearly bankrupt he was spending millions on development and he wasn't as well as he might be in what way I wasn't matter with him alt silence by the time it's diagnosed he done considerable damage to his financial position and if it got out before Mallory consolidated her own position a euphemism for fraud absolutely not what was going to get out a major scooter seen one of those before this was the project that he'd been working on for years great secret Charles Edmonton invented the scooter but basically well we had no idea there was a great deal of money at stake enough to kill for no one got killed Charles Edmonton died of a heart attack I am merely the accountant chief inspector I'd thank you major Hamilton thank you the officer will see you back downstairs for now you'd have no communication with mrs. Edmonton or her sister okay there'll be a lot more questions quite understand another one three people have died Julian Shepherd I wanted to take money out of this mad project and couldn't a man who broke into casement Hall and saw the body of Charles Edmonton in the freezer Darwin Darwin yeah someone knew Darwin has seen that body and somebody wanted to shut him up because mrs. Mallory Edmonton wanted another couple of days to defraud the investors and shareholders the dog got away yeah well at least that begins to make sense what about the funeral there really is a death certificate isn't that all in order except the doctor who signed the certificate is one namely Sinclair Edmonton sister-in-law she's downstairs now hotfoot from the crematorium let's get him all into the neck for questioning time they found out the privileges are over I have nothing to say Chief Inspector until my solicitor arrives and as he's traveling from London that could be rather a long time this is absolutely pointless you refuse to answer no I refuse to be questioned without the legal representation to which I am entitled that is not the same thing try did you take mrs. Edmonton down to the custody sergeant I'm sure he can find a cell for her well I really don't need to be locked up mr. Barnaby but whatever you wish but I don't know what crime we are intending to charge me with but I don't show you a police cell isn't going to intimidate me it's got nothing to do with intimidation you are a suspect in a murder investigation we'll see I see you think I I murder Charles what yes yes I can see why some fairly stupid policeman might have left to that conclusion but no I'd really credited you with more intelligence should we go [Music] I don't understand what mr. Shepard has got to do with my brother-in-law's death or me but you knew what was going on didn't you the financial cover-up all I knew was how much trouble Mallory was in Charles had fretted away so much before anyone realized something was wrong I'm talking millions so the answer was to lock him up keep him sedated I treated him as I would treat any patient with Alzheimer's he died under your regime and dr. I treated him properly and discreetly how do you medical ethics square with keeping a body in a deep freeze so you can put a false date on death certificate then I shouldn't have done that that was a mistake Mallory was panicky how did Charles Edmonton die doctor a heart attack the date may be false but it's a true diagnosis I hope it is for your sake [Music] my client has answered all questions which relate her her husband's death and the circumstances surrounding the funeral that's just the beginning well unless you wish to charge mrs. Edmonton with something pertinent to all these other areas of inquiry it's not so much the beginning Chief Inspector as the end mrs. Edmonton told you she's never heard of this man Darwin and as for mr. Sheppard she met him on two or three occasions either in her husband's company or major Hamilton's you're on a fishing expedition Chief Inspector and you know as well as I do that there's no reason for my client to remain in your keep-net any longer heart attack that's what killed him good Edmonton's heart attack have been induced I doubt it he did have a pretty Dicky ticker I wouldn't say she was doing anything unusual she kept notes so it was natural causes was it I'm afraid so unlike our friend in the river you were right about what it's on your desk uh popped it in this morning I look for the microorganisms that should have been in the system they'd have entered his body as soon as you entered the ribbon took him water not a trace they did drown no question about that but Sheppard probably drowned in the bath which would have made it extremely difficult for him to drive his car into the river or even to rinse his hair just off at no Troy we're both off oh but I was gonna go and see Sentinel I wish to get a Saco unit round to Shepherds place right away they need to take that bathroom to pieces then casement Hall the Hamiltons and they're missing Claire's too what am I looking for anything that ties him to Sheppard on the night he died I am going to talk to Ella and Jane mcfist see you think they know something I know what they didn't tell me the truth [Music] so you to plot each page those are the two account numbers I just need to find out how much is in each yes the the password is for phone eonni pho pho n YN e how much and when was that transferred to South Africa I just need to check that the bank here sent the right amount thank you so much for your help [Music] well I hope this all be over very soon and when it is by I never had to set eyes on you again in my life I told myself he'd be alright I told myself we'd call a doctor if he wasn't better in the morning we both said that but I knew I wouldn't Chief Inspector what I really thought deep inside was that he would go to sleep quietly and painlessly and he wouldn't wake up and our lives would be as they were before he came we'd be free of him he took a house he took our money he made us his servants we were terrified of him you see but we couldn't say we were too frightened I'm too ashamed done I hope that's that a day in a police cell George must be pleased with yourself oh come on now girl I did say the sea might get a bit choppy well we weathered the storm they were here to police they've searched the house from top to bottom what do you mean don't worry they didn't find your little hidey-hole oh I've always known where it was a plane ticket to Johannesburg and that's where most of the money is already you're going back aren't you I was gonna tell you were you when you got there I thought given time after I set up a business you'd come around and that's what I've done I bought a lodge a really classy lodge no it's not gonna be like the last time look I can't stay here I mean you know that there's nothing here nothing for me nothing for you I have lived with nothing for the best years of my life a place I loathed people I loathed I loved you too I gave up what I wanted then you had to do the same for me when you retired God stay here I'm suffocating you think I'm good to let you walk out on me now well you're not gonna stop me now stop whatever it takes to do it I'll stop you George [Music] [Music] 1:30 budget I couldn't exceed current Thurmond sit down and finish your [Music] [Music] already major don't you want to drink with your old business associate oh nothing just say look I'm sorry that this happened a lot of people lost money I wish it could have been otherwise you knew you bastard it's no point per se Inuit Hamilton admit it all crap just like you I mean what do we really know about you tell us exactly what regiment you belong to major Hamilton or is that crap - it was a high risk investment you thought you make a lot of money by sitting on your asses and doing nothing but look on it as a lesson at least you walk away with something oh I walked away with something [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] get away [Music] [Music] [Music] when did you find him morning lasting I call the police straight away no point in calling a doctor you saw nothing last night I went to bed I didn't know where he was I don't care didn't hear him come in when I saw him this morning the first thing I felt was relief it's finally over expressionist belongings you drag the contents of his room into the garden you set fire to the bottom it he went to bed you say meanwhile nature Hamilton was killed and his body thrown onto the fire which you just lit he wasn't a major you know he's a sergeant in the Paykel all those years in Africa that's all he ever was a Clarke why were you so angry yesterday mrs. Hamilton what happened he was getting back after everything he said he was getting back and he was going to take everything all the money we had the money he promised we'd have a lot of money I don't know where they stashed it but George knew about these things the creditors won't see a penny you thought it was a good idea interview them to be involved in fraud why not what did anyone ever give me for leading an honest life George was lying to me he was going to take every penny and go back to Africa so you had to stop him I didn't kill him if I'd had the guts to kill him I'd have done it years ago someone stopped him I can't say I'm sorry it wasn't me she must have done it you think mrs. Edmonton killed him Mallory of course not she believed George was getting some money out for her though she was never going to see half of it no it was her sister dr. Sinclair [Music] [Music] Marie I'm an RA [Music] so you better see this [Music] we didn't know name he had another car the gray would be about match of the paint on Darwin's coat finally some evidence [Music] reason to believe evidence material to a murder investigation is about to be destroyed neighbor said she left about half an hour ago came in then drove straight off again surgery no [Music] all very mysterious I pushed it out of my mind but I know did you really think that I wouldn't know me no one can prove anything I see now that major Hamilton is dead no one can prove anything mmm I hear that do you hear yourself hear me people have died major Hamilton Julian Shepherd that that man who broke in here just to steal some egg I thought you'd approve of that one you listen little chats with the meter when you should have been looking after child he didn't even like the man I didn't have to we just wanted more than a few crumbs from your table did you kill Charles oh you're not telling me you really cared you never understood did you I wanted to protect the man he'd been the man I loved it was never just about money a pretty speech Mallory you could always afford the prettiest thing is there anything about my life you don't resent I don't care about your life I've got the money to live my own now oh that's a turn-up I never thought I'd see the day when you are afraid of your little sister but what I need now is for you to disappear as well as me you see you're going to be the main suspect in several murders I don't dislike that and if you're never seen again everybody will always believe that you got away with it the murders and the money very neat sorry Lambie I can't do that you're going to betray your only sister that's not nice now when I said disappear I didn't mean a flight to foreign shores and a new name it's too late for that it's the only way now what are you doing what are you doing sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right [Music] any news on the car oh yes Darwin's blood threads from his clothes and I got this I thought so oh yeah I do drink sometime you know Moorcroft was so afraid of what he got involved in he's delivered his whole network alright great well I did a win I mean I get off about but depends what's happening oh yeah you can get off now alright cool cool I mean thank you sir okay there we go my lovely is this an arrest no no it's not but I guess you'll have to face the court at some point how is my sister well let's just say she's not being as cooperative as you are but however much I help with the money I'm not going to testify against her I can't do that I won't I really did have no idea just gonna say goodbye to the birds I don't think I'll ever feel free again but they can be I wish that we could all just fly away when the time comes [Music] I don't know what it's like I've never even seen us in the supermarket before I thought it would set the right sort of mood it's not bad not very good what is it ostrich I thought you wanted to see the animals not each of them like a dude but it was the only thing I could find that was African well I say African the ostrich farm is just outside Cheltenham the wine South African Cheers enjoys what have you done since you were never going to look seriously at the brochures I took the dates and Cully did it we're booked we're going to Botswana in April here's to our holiday enjoys Huxley's people are sitting on top of an elephant that's right it's an elephant back Safari and it'd be wonderful Cheers [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Midsomer Murders - Full Episodes
Views: 388,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Midsomer Murders, Based on a novel, British series, Detectives, Crime scene, Murder investigations, English countryside, Suspect, Mysteries, British accents, TV, Free TV, Television, Free Televison, Series, Full Episodes
Id: HwVZ5BrPKfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 50sec (5930 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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