Midsomer Murders - Season 6, Episode 1 - A Talent for Life - Full Episode

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[Music] no I will not leave it what do mean limited skills yeah life one the costly final three times in a row and do you call my skills limited Oh dare you is that any better Isabelle come on Isabelle I'll give you a lift [Applause] aren't you going to do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's right what a breakfast I'm warning sir actually I'm about to take a statement a woman who wants to press charges of assault against Isobel Hewitt Isobel Hewitt the Jaguar owning pension the very same seems there was a bit of a Barney at the midsummer fly fishers last night I was the one who was provoked mrs. hughitt provoked you she told me I fished more downstream than up the river is a strictly dry fly an upstream nymph right and where did this happen outside the old fisherman perhaps I should explain my husband Eric his club secretary called a special meeting we've been finding weighted lures caught in overhanging branches on the river the sort of thing you find in gravel pits anyway he wanted to spell up the rules particular to the newcomers like Isobel and make it clear that anyone caught using such unsporting tactics would be ejected from the club on the spot and did anyone suggest that Isobel was responsible for the the weighted lures no of course it is odd that they've only started to appear since she joined the club and she has caught an extraordinary number of fish some some very big ones and that might have been mentioned in front of mrs. Hewitt the point is Isobel Hewitt assaulted me I have witnesses dr. Goff is there he'll tell you and I intend to press charges assault outside a pub the woman was hysterical someone had to do something what's gonna happen next we're used to the endless speeding thighs and parking tickets but physical assault it's all over the village but that's not what we came around here to discuss Melrose yes the thing is aunt Isabel we can't go on paying off your overdraft you are consistently spending more than you've got we're not a bottomless pit I'm sorry darling I'm just not very good at finances perhaps we could get Quentin over no we will not get Quentin over he's got one of those calculator things [Music] like wedding still making a living oh yeah just about tore do we owe the pleasure I'm moving back to the village Andrews taking me to look at a house you might keep your eye open for a Georgian dining table 10 seater I've got the very one thought you might be in touch [Music] you shouldn't worry so much something alternate but always down no it will not you'll have to sell the car you have no alternative is Isabel you at at home Isabel I've come to say a very belated thank you Leo Leo ban talk you and your husband help my business out of a tight spot years ago when no one else would lend me a beam I'm afraid I'm a little hard pressed at the moment if you wanted a further injection oh no it's not that no I sold the business did rather well actually and as I was passing I thought I'd drop by let you know that your shares are now worth a bit not a huge amount probably 20 grand or sir 20 not a bad return on 2,000 not a drawer that has three two view to come and tell me can I give you a drink yeah actually I'm just off to look at her house and we're late already I'm moving back to the village Oh lovely you see you again then these a few Rebecca look I'm the gorgeous [Music] [Music] you're just in time what are we celebrating getting the Gosling red back off my back there couldn't be a better reason that [Music] there are some of the VE Day celebrations and one or two others just ignore the ones of my sculptures I don't think there'll be of any interest there great thank you so if you know of anyone else with early photos that'll be she's gonna kill someone one of these days you should try Isabel huge sure have some photographs about Transat silverstein well yeah I knew fishing on my mad but I suppose I'd love to get a statement from Isobel Hewitt yes I'll come with you we can call it on Cully on the way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you stop the car [Music] just [Music] don't think is about here it'll be at home that's a Jaguar straight-6 twin count come on sir you can't tell that from here carry on [Music] [Music] she insisted on pressing charges nothing I could say would change her mind I've never seen my wife so willful still I bet there's a few people who might be sorry to see Isabelle here at get our comeuppance Keith the renewal for the lease of the fishing rights is coming up you know what a stickler Sahari is for correct form still using weighted lures on Trevor oh it's Rory won't be too pleased I don't think sir Harry's interested in malicious gossip from a sacked keeper with a criminal record easy now you want to try and get that wife feels to stop up in cafes help side pub old village knows about that one certainly won't do reputation up fly-fish is much good ah Leo Eric please it's true then you are moving back to the village fine please yep sold the business I've been looking at the old manor-house this morning I'm pretty well for yourself better at business than years with women then oh dear I think I hit a nerve there forget I said anything I'm surprised you come up with a common-law back Keith that business I heard about your wife and Duncan golf business one of my surprise is that it huh those are the photos I've got so far I see go ahead mum's coming out later no good no libraries were your soon I kind of got talked into it I'm setting up the exhibition in the hall tomorrow so what brings you to Malin Bridge oh you know run-of-the-mill stuff interviewing an old-age pensioner for assault where's about Hewitt well you might catch her at home she's roared through here in a jam here apparently she likes to practice her skid control at the old airfield what is your dad ever wrong II what isn't we go to ask you a question and I'll know if you lie to me so think very carefully before you reply [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what there [Music] I'll help you it's all right Quentin it's the rozzers hello Tom have you come to arrest me I'm not sure yes no sergeant Troy no we haven't met hello sergeant this is Quentin Roka my friend had to do what's this about I rather think it's in connection with my alleged assault on Margaret Seagrove last night assault is all complete nonsense the woman was hysterical we need to ask you a few questions oh don't worry we have no secrets Quentin and I do you think you should have a solicitor no no Tom's not gonna do anything sneaky are you Tom Oh will you join us I think we have a couple of spare glasses I had no things well thank you for saying of course of course so what exactly happened outside the pub last night well you know it was quite extraordinary we've all heard the expression foaming at the mouth but I never actually witnessed it so you just slept her across the face yes well we none of us wanted a bursting a blood vessel no I can't deny there was a little thrill of pleasure when I actually made contact well you met her but that wasn't the motive and that's what you detectives care about didn't you [Music] we're gonna go and see old Charlie fulla painkillers aren't strong enough apparently and then this missus ants come so don't bother about supper I'll pick up a sandwich make sure you eat something Duncan don't wait up [Music] we do want me to move out you said it was over didn't you it was over three years ago look I'm sorry I'm really sorry Ruthie I don't blame you not with your delicate mental health because nobody in their right mind could have done with that old brat feigning competent quack I don't blame you [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] course on how to make a detail examination but it looks as though the cause of death in each case was from a powerful blow to the back of the hand the state must have been taken from the tree-planting which suggests it wasn't premeditated exactly see this looks like his cause of death is pretty similar just saying I had my line go to the tree I was looking up trying to pull it free just fell over them you didn't see them earlier on the river further upstream so the last time you saw them was at the meeting the old fisherman Club yeah that's right well done good so Isabelle just yesterday morning we took a chap called Leo ban tock round to her house before they got to see a property Leo bento kuzey businessman he knew the here it's a few years ago what did you tell Isabel about some shares she had her two gone up in value twenty thousand pounds got his number in my briefcase he's looking at another house tomorrow morning the old mill perhaps we could see him there right what time you meeting midday that'll be very useful thank you hey will you excuse us I found him fishing further upstream sir and you are Derrick Seagrove club secretary what's happened here Seagrove Margaret C gross husband yes CSI Barnaby this is detective Sergeant Troy mrs. Hewitt and dr. Goff are dead oh my god I swirl the both fishing just watch an hour and a half ago 100 yards upstream that would have been 10 o'clock yes I suppose it was yes is it murder no question to see anyone else just the four of us no not today look I don't know if it's relevant but um we've had a problem with poachers of late I saw one a couple of weeks ago across the meadows camouflage gear did a runner what we've got to do first is to establish whether they were murdered together and for the same reason or whether one of them just happened on the murder scene and was killed to protect the identity of the killer in which case we need to know which one of them was the real target there's no way the two of them could have had a thing going yes I know other we're getting on a bit but you never know where these wrinklies may be Quentin got jealous and decided to do him in he's weird a bloke is there any family who could come and be here with you mrs. Goff there's my daughter in Causton how am I going to tell them Oh Duncan is he how well did you know mrs. Hewitt we were at school together you see me oh he waitin dr. Goff he just did why would anyone want to kill them Isabel who knows but dr. gulf probably one jealous husband too many [Music] sorry what is it do you feel up to answering a few questions mr. Plunkett go ahead I have to ask you this who benefits oh I'm sorry it's just my aunt Isabelle had nothing to leave when Kenneth died a few years ago her husband we discovered he'd had a little trouble with the stock market there was nothing we helped out by buying the house and contents on the understanding that she could stay there for the rest of her natural life it gave her a bit of capital it was all about board solicitors written contracts what happened to the capital I wanted to buy an annuity but she wouldn't have it she spent it all of it bailing her out for the last year and the 20,000 shares you heard about that well it means she dies solvent but only just a big chunk of that money will be going on settling bills comprehension of economy as you can see we don't exactly live like Lords it's a very stretched bus nothing to live in that hearse and we've had to scrimp to get by Isabella course continue to live the high life I don't think it was quite like that I'm sorry it was I know she's family and you feel you have to be loyal but the truth is Isobel was a very manipulative woman men ran around after and she did nothing in return which men and after my husband for one Quentin Roka for another around tick dealer playmate god knows what was going on there Quentin runs the antique shop near Isabel's he often helps her out so we lean his way into her confidence with the finances Quentin paid the odd bill for her at the post office that is all out of the goodness of his heart yes I think it probably was anyway to answer your question I am the person who will benefit financially from Isabelle's death in that I now have possession of my assets Plunkett's other strongest motive the house the land it's gotta be worth a million or two in the hands of a builder me but if they had planned it they don't know and they were talking and I'm more interested in the wind for twenty thousand coming just the day before the murder he seems a bit worn like a wind and certain well whatever Quentin Roka gotta be worth a look I thought you should know I'm sorry [Music] something terrible's happened Duncan and Isabel had been murdered and returned I found their bodies by the river when did it happen but between 10:00 and 11:00 this morning thank God for that you were here with me doing housework and you are here all morning this is because of me and Isabel falling out isn't it that's why you're talking to me we're talking to everyone mrs. Seagrove can you tell us what you know about dr. Goff did he have any enemies of the club that you were aware of not really I'd say he was generally liked and Isabel did she have any enemies besides me you mean oh I did not kill her Oh dr. Goff I may have disliked Isabel but I could never matter my condolences about Isabelle I suppose as her closest relative Melrose will be getting the house they have she'll be moving in we already own the house and have done four years Isabel didn't have a bean and it could be a confrontation with a poacher that got out of hand then there's Margaret Seagrove who we know fell out with Isabel we haven't even got to Quentin Roka a gay antiques dealer toy boy wait could we keep a bit of an open mind on this one the village has lost quite a character in Isabel what about the doctor was he well-liked I suppose so poor wife she was obviously devastated it's a bereaved partners that really gets you there's something about elderly people being bereaved when they've you know been in love for a lifetime suddenly all alone so you've not heard about his womanizing then dr. Goff cereal apparently the night before the murders he was seen climbing a ladder to an upstairs window of his own house at one o'clock in the morning word is his wife locked him out I'll give you a 650 you'll give me the full asking price fact no I won't accept it I'm putting an embargo on all ill-dressed bad mannered people my furniture deserves more don't come back bloody right I won't come back thank you they can get to you after a while to be honest I'm finding it's all a bit hard to come to terms with have you managed to make any sense of it yet like to ask you some questions if I may when did you last see was this good it's just before she went fishing I went on to breakfast I live above the shop here and I often go to used to go to Isabel's for breakfast I'd pick up milk and a paper on the way I was a bit of a routine do you have any idea who might have killed mrs. Hewitt or dr. Goff have you spoken to Isabel's nephew and that ghastly wife of his we've spoken to the Plunkett's yes and you know what about the arrangements with Isabel's house we know the Plunkett's owned it the whole thing was a disgrace they didn't mention how much they paid for it no well I suppose they wouldn't it was just after Isabelle's husband Kenneth died Isabel was out of her mind with grief and they persuaded her she had to sell it to them that rushed it through paid virtually nothing for it furniture alone was worth twice what they paid they were lie think I lived there till she died yes but at the time that didn't look as if it would be for very long I'd say they were looking for a quick return why won't was she unwell of the time she'd lost the will to live she was fading away in front of our eyes and then the pneumonia Duncan thought it was just a matter of days so what happened I suggested a spin in the Jaguar that's all it was frankly I saw it more as a farewell to the other great love of her life besides Kenneth was the first time I'd ridden the thing we just got up to the wood by Mellon cross and she she said I was driving like an Edwardian governess and she'd take over and she did and that was it pretty much Duncan persuaded her to take up fly-fishing again she hadn't done it since she was a girl she loved it she got fitter stronger Sparkle returned she could have gone on for years but somehow I don't think the Plunkett's approved of her new lease of life well you do to get anything in the world I doubt it is about suggesting had to bean stir up together we have to ask you this where was I yesterday morning between 10:00 and 11:00 well I was here apart from a 10-minute walk to the village shop little after 10:00 I would think they'd remember inspector there was a lot of resentment in this village toward Isabelle I think summer she reminded them of everything they were not and they didn't like it very much thanks for your time [Music] he should be here shortly he's obviously worth a few Bob this Leo bontoc oh I think so I'm waiting he's the murderer you're pathetic she chose me not you that's what this is a boy you come on you all right you little bento okay what are we right who's that fella and when he accused being a murderer he's scolding the local restaurant oh I'm sorry what made you believe he used the murder I'm so stupid I told him his wife had had an affair with dr. Gough and you believe he killed dr. Gough in revenge I told him only the day before the murders bit of a coincidence don't you think and what did he mean when he said she chose him and not you yes nothing to do with it I used to go out with Ruth's the woman he married but that was years ago it's nothing it's nothing to do with this what can I find you I'm staying at the pub right and please stay away from mr. Scully all right he says he was nowhere near the river at the time of the murders I was in the restaurant with my wife and she can back me up did you confront your wife about the affair Leoben talk said she'd had with dr. Goff she said it was over years ago and I believed her did you confront dr. Goff about it I went round to his house but he wasn't in I told his wife you told his wife and how did mrs. Goff react to it which she was upset which is what you wanted yes I was with Keith when did you arrive at the restaurant and when did you leave um I got there at 10:00 and helps in the kitchen we did lunch and I suppose I left about 3:00 Keith stayed on the affair you had with dr. Gough hit under three years ago and it was never serious Duncan was there's just a very nice man and it was a mistake what about your relationship with Leo ban taka that has that happened years ago before I even married Keith it's got nothing to do with this your husband seems to think that Leo resents the fact that you married Ethan not him it all happened a lifetime ago have to settle this I've got nice work put the house on the market straight after the funeral and have to think about the arrangements drinks after the service created wine no more case what it's a case of wine a crate of beer whatever forget 12 bottles and be grateful family only that's final mum don't you think some of dads old friends and patients would like to come pay their respects I will not have a procession of his old flames filing past the grave I will not good afternoon I'm Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby this is detective Sergeant Troy are you mrs. golf's daughter yes is your mother at home yes come in thank you mum it's the police is this a bad time no not at all I'd like to speak to your mother alone pleaser for me mrs. Goff we've learned that mr. Keith's Kohli came round here to speak to you on the night before your husband's murder what he told me it was no surprise oh you knew about the affair not that one specifically but my husband had always had something of a wandering eye and I tolerated it we've also learned that later on that same night your husband was seen climbing into the house through an upstairs window he'd forgotten his keys and he didn't want to wake me if you think I locked him out I didn't mrs. Goff I couldn't help noticing the vegetarian society magazine are you a member yes why just curious I know your husband was a keen fisherman and did a bit of shooting we had a live-and-let-live household you didn't eat the trout he caught them fish may not be the cleverest of God's creatures but I think the class summers vegetables is a little unkind [Music] [Music] our losses what do you think oh good it's gonna major gap I haven't killed yet it's about Hugh at the bitchery quite a woman demon racer society hostess apparently there's quite a collection of photographs up at the house be a pity if we can include some of them last Melrose you'll help you out oh I nearly forgot I heard something else about dr. Gough today Keith's Coley's mother died of cancer last year apparently Keith blamed him said his mother would have survived if he'd diagnosed it sooner he made official complaints and they came to nothing Keith said it was a cover-up [Music] [Music] all right you're coming the pub direct you coming to the pub [Music] I don't know why you're being so ridiculous batteries for everything is about dead I wish you behaved who are these people [Music] bit of a turn-on there it's not a politician peanuts expressed for Moosa and with mistress that was an actress in cheek I don't know poor old Quincy did you find anything on him it seems he's managed to keep his record clean sir [Music] this was a lovely service would you excuse me may I offer my sincerest condolences telegin slate we thought we'd keep the service simple hadn't really planned on this many people yes yes I can see that would it be terribly forward of me to contribute a little something to Isabel sending-off and a couple of bottles of her favorite bubbly in the car fine and I brought Hastings with me he's very keen to help out aren't you Pistons right good [Music] [Music] I'll try the kitchen here seems it straight through the back for Sunday Oh champ give us a hand would you did see I was so sorry to hear yes you must be devastated [Music] sounds like a bit of a party sir have you heard she didn't even own her own house not even a stick of furniture races [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look Acho cease fire to come down I wouldn't be here at all if it wasn't for Izzy oh yeah back in the sixties she was my best customer I went for a bad patch for a while the old cash flow and as he kept me going in fact she upped a regular order lobster just to keep me in business great lady loved the oysters this is just thank you please thank your Lordships ladies and gentlemen honorable members not such honourable members it's um it's a very sad day for the soul we're gonna miss dear Isabel rather badly it's certainly my regret that I didn't see more of her during the last few years I remember telling her how moving out into the country amongst all the inbreds and hayseeds how she lose touch with her city mates and indeed I was proved right but we can see today how her old friends did not forget Isabel now she may have come to somewhat of a sticky end but he should not stop us from celebrating a will live life one that I think few of us could hope to match too easy and her talent for life [Music] [Music] I'm so sorry now you know why Bertie was such a bargain I'm sure it's only something minor you mean nothing fell off this time listen thanks mom I really do appreciate this you're a lifesaver well the man from the garret said you'd be two hours but I've got to start doing music have you got enough for a good show do you think Hudson Moore promised I think people have been coming to the gossip as much as anything else about the murders loads of theories most of them ridiculous well I'm sure Tom will sort it all out but Gavin's help [Music] see um I didn't deposit same as it as you need as quickly as possible I think perhaps we should second [Music] oh you decided to count Derek I've found another way to do this time in the three willows stretch you'd be to the river isn't that where you were last night when you thought someone was watching you yes and didn't you fish that stretch planting waited years so as to make the midsummer fly fishes look like a bunch of unsporting gravel pitterson someone who resents being sacked someone who's hoping so Harry was when he walks be [Music] [Applause] huge it's so serious good reason they're in the workhouse most of them will probably never reach adulthood look this one looks cheery what are they celebrating the end of the first world war do you know Malin boots lost 15 men three from one family alone Mrs Cooper gave me this one she said she still remembers her grandmother weeping the day that would have been her brother's birthday darling sure this isn't getting to you what it's other people's stories not yours you must have let it affect you too much exactly what you say to dad but and you are just like him it's James taps all got to be sister lose the lease out of sheer sputter I'm working the river with Sahara the day after tomorrow said we're going to have to keep around the clock watch catch damsel in it and I count on you I think he more likely Isabella was the target when did you last see Isabelle I spoke to her by phone the night before she was killed she just had the most terrible Roy with a mutual friend if you want to hear who Chief Inspector we have to refill my glass he'd be partners in the antique shop awhile let me talk to him everything he knows he was running a bistro and I first met it I had an antique store Portobello Road seven years it was obviously very close to Isobel it was Dixie she just found out Duncan have been carrying on with some local woman and Isobel they were very big on tact told her a few home truths but takes a tree she knew about her husband's affairs century apparently not I wouldn't read too much into it though they often had flare-ups he went back a long way his moment off traveling around the world with her glamorous diplomat husband Dixie stayed in the village sculpting Labradors being a doctor's wife but she was interred Isobel could be quite mischievous she liked to tease Dixie anything from her Morris Minor to her vegetarianism fixies never had any sense of humor about animal welfare she used to fall out with Duncan about it as well excuse me it's bitter isn't it Isabelle told me all about you I'm Quentin oh you're the poodle of course it's a Belle loved pool rules anyway it's lovely to meet you I know you did so much for her excuse me say I just been hearing one or two things about Quentin [Music] it seems Quentin made a bit of a habit of befriending elderly ladies but she's bent orders old partner Steve when Steve first met him Quentin had just inherited several thousand pounds from a woman who was a customer at his Bistro in Notting Hill how does she die I'll have to check that out but the point is Steve reckons Quentin was expected to make a few bold from Isabel as well I design the furniture you should listen to a word that little rap says Steve was poison he's been creaming off the profits from the shop and that is why Quentin had to get rid of him the truth is Quentin saved Isabelle's life when Kenneth died Isabelle completely lost the will to live I was her oldest friend but I I could do nothing but then Quentin asked her when she had pneumonia he cheered her up he made her laugh without him I think she would have just faded away no Quentin was very kind to his Belle Isabel yes if Kenneth and that was me believe it or not mrs. Goff very glad to have found you here I wanted to ask you about the argument you had with Isabel before she was killed how did you find out about that I did have an argument with Isabel that night didn't you I'm afraid I was not entirely truthful when I told you that I had always known about Duncan's affairs it's not true just thought you should know I wanted to see if Isabel knew anything I knew Duncan he would never do such a thing you don't think it's possible do you I'm sorry you were saying you had no idea about Duncan's affairs affairs how many of her god I'm sorry I just assumed you knew we all did are you saying that I have been an object of public ridicule and pity for my entire married life who well darling if you will marry a man ten years your junior I mean really I don't know what you expected you have affairs with younger men you don't marry them but we did marry for love at least I thought we had [Music] is it true you're moving back to the village I was intending to I'm not sure it's the right thing to do anymore all this has shown there's a lot of history right but I could leave it in the past move on no I'm beginning to think maybe I should stay in London not that I want to there's nothing for me there don't stand farid if you didn't talk to my wife you're lucky I don't do you for assault and slander I still than you did it you watch your mouth if you do gonna start hitting each other again you think you could it outside my good lady wife backs up my alibi didn't they tell you what you bullied her into lying for you you be careful look if you two can't be civil to each other under the same roof one of you should leave I'm not going anywhere I'll see you tomorrow not his goal is for his fan is he you just missed a bit of a scene they're cheating spam [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you can get the chairs oh yes still moving back then have you seen they've already put the for sale sign outside Isabel's well why hang about it's what they've been waiting for are you thinking of saving the place from the developers Leo what did you mean yesterday when you said that Keith had bullied Ruth into lying for him oh I was just being bloody-minded it's just that I couldn't accept Keith wasn't involved but what did you mean exactly it was just well true that apparently said she was with Keith in the restaurant at the time of the murders it's his alibi and the restaurant that's right why nothing anyway I've gotta go [Music] troit the old lady that Clinton inherited the money from he died of cancer I still think he's dodgy I spoke to the home beat officer Notting Hill myself he remembers cleansing Roker says he's straight there's a tie good morning what can I do for you a few more questions I'm afraid mr. Roker far away when you lived in Notting Hill we understand you inherited a substantial amount from an elderly woman you'd befriended and mrs. Glendenning is all right I think I can guess where you got this from is it true what are you suggesting just answer the question please yes she left me some money I liked the woman we'd been friends for some time before she became ill it was cancer by the way it's not an easy one to fake we know how she died but you think I was tempted to speed up the process in Isabel's case is that it if I was going to befriend elderly women to get them to leave me their money don't you think I could have picked somebody a little bit better off than Isabel are you still on for tonight I'll pick you up at 9:00 [Music] when do you remember on the day of the murders mid-morning seeing me at the village shop yes Jim at what time it was about a quarter past 10:00 yes that's what I thought yes sorry that was all thank you [Music] [Music] what do you think [Music] the lad was very stupid wasn't it double murder a few days ago will you go down there and the didn't I'm sure it was James capsule not old gamekeeper we had to sack him when he sold some trout he taken from the river to a fishmonger on Corsten now he's trying to turn Sir Harry against us out of spite but it was him I'm sure of it may or may not have been James taps all who was at the river last night but if it was you were lucky to get away with Grace's and the bloody nose exactly he could be violent what if is about and Duncan had surprised him on the river James taps law is one person who does have a solid alibi for the murders he was working in the cellar of the old fisherman with the landlord all that morning yes well I don't know about that thing is I caught him a good'n so whoever it was I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have a black eye this morning mr. Ruka thank you for coming I didn't mention well I told you had gone over to the shop that morning the morning of the murders but I had knocked on the door of Keith's restaurant on the way a Keith had asked me to look out for some paintings for him and I wanted to tell him about one that I'd found anyway the thing is there was no reply and you didn't think this worth mentioning before well there was no one there so I don't think it contributed to any alibi I suppose I just didn't think it was relevant do you think he's relevant now well now that I know that Keith's curly said he had been there at the time 10:15 well look I don't know if any of this is of any importance I just thought I got to tell you well I'm not sure way is that is it important it could be when did you last see your husband last night and he stayed out does he often stay out at night well I think he was making a point we would had a bit of a round he sometimes sleeps on the sofa in the restaurant office if we've had words that's Scully's car isn't it let's go leave hello bloody hell 30 quid for off a lobster well the mussels are bare a fiver Sooey in the middle of cutting up the vegetables stops summers [Music] [Music] there's no obvious cause of death it's probably asphyxia nor exposure to the cold of the fridge yeah as soon as you can Thanks so someone deliberately shut him in what I don't understand is why he didn't go for it from the inside standard safety features on these walk-in fridges rock-solid down oh look it's been wedged with a nail what thought he tried calling for help dropped his phone why didn't the murder just close the door and put the pedal on my envelope witching the boat if you drench the safety bolt beforehand then once a door was shut it would be effectively locked from the inside whereas if you had to put the padlock on it could have taken vital seconds in which time poor old Keith could have pushed the door open the murderer wouldn't have wanted Keith another identity he could have written it on the wall inside smeared it with something perhaps you know gets not go to check that so whoever it was would have waited outside the kitchen heard Keith open the fridge door running saw it shut and that would have been it apart from turning the light out what Scotty wouldn't have gone into the fridge with the light off nasty touch there wasn't not nothing should die had to be in the dark [Music] [Music] as far as I knew I mean the door was fine and if no idea when or how the bolt was jammed got the phone does this belong to the restaurant yeah why where did you find it in the fridge you seem surprised no no it's just it's normally kept over there by the cash till when you spoke to us earlier you said that you'd had a row with Keith it was just nothing really it was nothing mrs. Scott Lee your husband's been murdered you had a round with him a short time before they've got to tell us exactly what the argument was about please he said I was being disloyal but I wasn't I wasn't I was thinking about both of us see I was I wasn't sure about the timings of the alibi he said I joined him at the restaurant about 10:00 and well I thought it could have been a bit later how much later or anything up to a half an hour but I'm not sure I'm not saying I thought he was the murderer I didn't think that for a moment I just I was concerned that someone might have seen me coming into the restaurant later looking as though I'd lied about the timing that's all it was [Music] ah uh yeah I thought I'd better drop these off Duncan left them at the clubhouse [Music] [Music] it's keep scooting he's been murdered [Music] [Music] thank you thank you for your help it's going I understand how hard it can be the Obon tock appears again excuse me oh great can you deal with it but I'm not look at this French sergeant Bruce I'm so sorry I don't feel anything Ruth and I made the wrong choice there in case why did we break up it's all a mess now if I can do anything I'm glad you're here Lee but just give me some time please [Music] there is I told you [Music] can I have a word please James we're satisfied you have a solid alibi for the murders and between you and me I'm not too interested in doing you for assault but we could waste a lot of valuable time trying to track down the person who's been lurking around the river now if you tell me off the record that you were at the river last night saves a lot of time I don't think you should be looking for anyone else okay thank you chuckles our man in the camo gear sir but it's all to do with the fishing club stuff I don't check his alibis for the murders and the landlord's wife backed him up how we doing here we have a dead Chifa suspect we know the piece Scully had two very solid motives for killing dr. Goff and he persuaded his wife to give him an alibi which she says was false so it looks as though he wasn't where he said he was at the time of the murder so enough there to charge him but if you're gonna kill someone in a kitchen full of sharp knives why go to the trouble of wedging the safety mechanism of the walk-in fridge why not just stab him mm-hmm I think sure I think why why the walk-in fridge er do you think the phone's significant how loose caller surprised you found it in the fridge she said he normally left it by the till my son I've got a signal could you swing the tour to say there was no signal and now there is again the phone signals are being blocked by the door what was led in the door sir well maybe that's it what if Alan what if Keith's Kohli was the murderer and he knew we were on to him and he's getting nervous because his wife was suspicious which we know she was because that's what the rouse about and he wanted to do something to throw us off the scent he set up a fake attempt on his own life but he cooked it up Keith wanted to make it look as if the murderer tried to lock him in the fridge that's why he jammed the safety bolt he couldn't do it any other way he could hardly put the padlock on from the inside I think he planned to save himself by phoning for help from inside he did a trial run with the door open I've got a darling tone but what he didn't realize was that when the door was closed there'd be no reception because of the lead in the door never Shirley did he test his phone with the door shut it's his life depended on it maybe you didn't curse it was very stupid not a double check that honey well there's nothing to say that murders have to be members of Mensa sir well there is a certain surreal logic to that yeah so you think it's possible yes I do but you start to get the reports from forensics and pathology but it looks like it could be case closed fantastic well done Gavin I'd like to have been a fly on the wall when he realized he wasn't getting a signal on his phone must have felt a bit of a twit poor man in a walk-in fridge he was a murderer man still right salmon again everyone right Oh normal for me thanks I'm driving all right come on you deserve it so good day's work out in the dark as well hmm so Isobel Hewitt died just because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time that's right just after a windfall to have you heard she didn't even own her own house not even a stick of furniture and all those ingrates wheedling his way into her confidence with the finances Quentin paid the odd bill for her at the post office that is all same again same again yeah yes yes please thank you mrs. Scully it's Tom Barnaby yes you know you told us you were unsure about the reliability of your husband's alibi did you mention your concern to anyone else you see it was the phone that was the clincher your governor's just moved up for a second they asked me to bring these over said he'd see you at the exhibition this is Plunkett is a husband of us he's in the sitting room thank you front doors open now come in yes of course [Music] Quentin's giving me a hand with the furniture valuing and so on do you know where Isabelle's share certificate is I think so show me yes just a forgotten to put it back this is yep look at those is this the formal agreement between yourself and Isabel for the transfer the ownership to you of the house and furniture yes it is Melrose the Jaguar man's here I'm sorry what did you excuse me ma'am oh did one thing your agreement with Isabel about the house was that common knowledge in the village no not as far as I know she was a proud woman she asked us not to mention it - I knew it thank you [Music] oh don't worry there are no secrets between Quentin Elaine [Music] finished upstairs I think you ought to take him look at mr. Barnaby have you seen Melrose you jammed the safety mechanism so that it wasn't noticeable from the outside and then you just picked your moment I'm sorry you ran a bistro in London Quintin you'd know all about walking fridges you know about lead linings as you shut door you threw the phone in but who made a mistake shouldn't switched the light off in the fridge Keith wouldn't want to dial a number in the dark a lot of his life depended on it you're saying that I murdered Keats Gurley yes just spoken to Ruth she told me how she explained to you in garden but Isabelle's that she was worried about the timings and her husband's alibi do you remember that yes you suggested to her that she think about it for a day or two before telling us so what's that mean do you know for a moment there I thought you killed Keith out of revenge because you thought he'd killed Isabel and Duncan but then I realized it wasn't revenge keith was just a decoy I'm getting a bit too close for comfort I was getting questions about your past and you thought the best way to get it off your back was to convince us that someone else murdered Isabel and Duncan and the likeliest suspect was Keith with this iffy alibi and his solid motives but he could always deny it and that might cause us to doubt better off if he were dead couldn't deny anything then really and why not make it look as if Keith were trying to fake his own murder and accidentally killed himself that's even better must have been quite a shock he discovered the house sale agreement in the decibel that Isabelle was penniless what she promised you the furniture house everything and after all you don't explain to you I knew about the sale of the house no you didn't not until until they found this calling my solicitor how did it happen Quinton Isabelle asked if you could find the share certificate for yes probably just before she said off fishing that morning and you stumbled across the sale agreement as he was searching the two documents were I don't know what you're talking I sure do no I don't you're lying I have never seen that agreement you're quite sure maybe I did actually yes she did to me of course you did just after she signed it that's right you just realized we'll find your fingerprints all over it doesn't you that's it isn't it confused you loved her didn't ya I don't believe you cared about the money that's not why you killed her and it wasn't because she conned you and not because she didn't love you it was the casual assumption that you was someone who could be bought when you thought what was between you and his Abell was something beautiful I think you loved her more than you've ever loved anything or anyone but when you saw this document you realize just how fundamentally unimportant you were and always have been to Isabel you can't prove any of this 75 year old woman she was extraordinary like a bright jewel I thought that knowing Isabel was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to me she made me she brought out the best in me what happened oh please Quentin don't be so tedious god sake pull yourself together [Music] you thought I was here for what I could get out of it is that what you thought of me of us no I am NOT putting up with these tensions you really can be very boring I could embarrass [Music] I just wanted to talk [Music] [Music] but then she killed the fish [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there she was all that life suddenly gone Duncan it's about something [Music] my god what are you done [Music] [Music] yes I loved Isabelle Neffe was only too pleased to lend them a memorial I suppose Sudama well sorry sir it's been a development Quentin Roka was our man after all what it's just confessed to the murders all three all three seems your first hunch was the right one see suddenly occurred to me that if Gwen Dobson local gossip didn't know about Melrose owning Isabelle's house then it was possible no one else did either maybe not even Quentin it's a long story of course I couldn't have got there without Troy working out that business with the fridge I was good when I could work because you thought he was Quentin for the word go didn't you see the lesson in all this always follow your first instincts I get the cash I like yeah have to catch the exhibition of some other time line okay dad hang on I'm coming with you [Music] [Applause] you you
Channel: Midsomer Murders - Full Episodes
Views: 385,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Midsomer Murders, Based on a novel, British series, Detectives, Crime scene, Murder investigations, English countryside, Suspect, Mysteries, British accents, TV, Free TV, Television, Free Televison, Series, Full Episodes
Id: nbHi-6XbEHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 51sec (5931 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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