Midsomer Murders - Season 15, Episode 5 - The Sicilian Defence - Full Episode

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember these I try hard not to 1996 we bought these in Puerto Vallarta you wore a red dress los cabos and the dress was blue at least I've got the year right we went dancing in these yeah that's tequila for you right boxes are for charity bags are for recycling so take your pick you can't give these to charity no you're right no one's that desperate recycling it is them have you no heart woman these are part of our history our memories please attend on a sombrero exactly they weren't cheap come on put this on do you Clint I'm not doing my Clint come on do you Clint you know you want to in this world there's two kinds of people my friend those with loaded guns and those who dig you did wearing sombreros you can see why they made him sergeant why are you here on a Saturday how are you a farmer woke up [Music] check-check only the first round Allen other middle of atonement the hospital's been on the phone why doesn't this case ring much of a bell look at the date May last year you had the forensics conference oh the May Queen so go then remind me Harry and father found unconscious in the woods near her house on the night of the Bishop wood festival - nurse T head wound nasty enough to have put her in a coma for the past 12 months who found it her dad David farmer you went looking for her after you found a letter what kind of letter Harriet was running away with a lad from the village Finn Robson an elopement a romantic another romantic about Robson we reckon the heavens his doing did he say why he assaulted her no he disappeared before we got a chance to talk to him so it might not be his doing then why run away she's not ready for interviews yet it's really just a few questions she won't be able to answer them but she's awake isn't she from a prolonged a vegetative state aside from her pure physical health her cognitive and recall abilities have been diminished right now I don't know what damage the past year has done so David hurry hurry hurry is me it's me mr. Fong how are you parrot this is Sir this is sergeant Jones and DCI Barnaby they're police officers and they've been working on your case we'd like to talk to you about what happened if you feel up to it it's all right so yeah can you tell us anything about the night you received your injury you'd gone to the woods remember I don't get it at work you'd arrange to meet Finn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] being our child must be going his mother distracted you losing your edge I suppose there's nothing wrong with my egg sightings and as you'll find out fancy your chances do you there's still seven rounds to go you can't win seven on the trot on not with your endgame Robson's a good scalp to take remember it's tanning time we want I think Harry it's okay there's no time to get distracted Jaime sorry remember our motto Grandmaster nothing that's right GM or nothing finally bucks planes going through misery Oh give me strength although they bring the money but your walk away they're not there talk about boarding for isn't it going on about prom look Chisholm whole thing gambit you think they left something else at our about yeah oh good news about Elliot she's awake David got a phone call from the hospital no surprise me I've written the kid off so it's not falling hey Oh mr. Barton hospital discharged him it's got my phone away so it's down to us a feeling did you rather he starved well rather than in the nose love it's our duty to help the old and the vulnerable asses yeah that's fine but after village he's old and vulnerable at all adds up so I should just abandon him even to Ross on his own I'm late I just want any other chance to look at the proposal I told you I'm not interested it's a great deal i but then you should have little trouble finding another investor [Music] well did you win I always win did you speak with Arthur we had a conversation and I told him to get stuffed oh sure we can't happen shoes off it's just he's such a good egg is this all the poster came what the post is this it oh no a letter recorded delivery I had to sign for it one of there's some little electronic things you scrub your name with a plastic pen and up it comes on the screens it's ingenious where is it if Korea took it I expect he needed it for his other deliveries where's the letter on Vivian must be important just some research I have to go out that means it's time for you to go back to your part of the house of course sorry bishop would fair this was shot the day Harriet was found in the woods what's with all the chess bishop what's claim to fame chess champion was born there ages ago scraping the barrel on him it was a pretty lucrative barrel and make a lot of money from the tournament there's Harriet that's Finn Robson well they make a lovely couple yeah David farmer would agree with you before they got together Finn was a bit of a ladies man I'm a food for Harriet searching hmm tried to ban her from seeing Finn hence their decision to elope my dad disapproved of John when he first met him until I want him over with my charm he took him to the pub and got the poor man drunk very low alcohol tolerance bless him who's Harriet talking to them oh that's Wendy Robson Finn's mum looks a little heated Wendy Robson mentions I'm having a conversation in her statement and she said said she congratulated Harriet on being crowned may Queen doesn't look like congratulations [Music] Robson's moved here in the 90s when Alan Robson hit it big what's his line computers he developed a chess game called Knight to King made millions clever man that like a geek the geek shall inherit the earth [Music] this is Robson it's TS Jones have you found him no but there's been a development and she can't remember anything it may be some time before Harriet fully regains her memory he had a conversation with Harriet on the day of the festival can you tell us what it was about I don't recall him probably nothing did you know Harriet well no no not really she was just a lot of fins girlfriends more than just a girlfriend they were running away together we only have her word on that her word and the letter oh yes famous matter why would you doubt the letter all right wouldn't be the first Miss interpreters intentions oh the police came to tell us that the Harriet girl is awake I know apparently she has amnesia it's temporary we hope so while we wait for her memory to miraculously return you're still no closer to finding my son you sure he wants to be found Finn wasn't responsible who had happened to that girl he was the last person to see her you don't know that you know who was in those woods she could have been attacked by anyone like who I don't know but whatever happened out there my son is as much a victim as Harriet farmer who do we have on the books who knows how to lip read ah this fable from the Deaf school another look at the tape I want to know what Wendy said to Harriet you coming back hey come on show yourself [Music] [Applause] victim's name is Edward staning ttan Rambler founded this morning where is our Rambler still throwing up lovely so what can you tell us deep penetrating blow between the shoulder blades sometime last night no sign of the weapon what was he doing here oh it's a popular spot for walkers nobody goes walking in those shoes what do we know about him he's a writer apparently bishop wood born and bred got a place on the green merit single lives with his aunt this is recent there's fresh tire tracks at the entrance as well heading for the road someone in a hurry you might want to have a look at this found it in the victims mouth chess notation when did you last see your nephew yesterday he came home in the afternoon and then left again did he say where he was going it would rarely told me anything he just read his letter and left what letter was this research for his book recorded delivery must have been important what was this book he was working on a biography on Vladimir Koslov he was a chess player in the eighties could we see your nephews office I shouldn't think so Edward doesn't like me in the main house unless he's around he gets a bit sticky but he's not here anymore is he no no dad's busy yes I forget this is all mine now every cloud quite it'll take some getting used to what about your nephews friends acquaintances oh you didn't have any of those bit of a loner was he no no he he just wasn't very likeable huh what's your nephew a member of the chess Society he was president we are descendants of Reverend staning tynin sterlington he was our great-great-grandfather chess world champion 1893 to 1894 ah bishop Woods claim to fame it would love the society even if the other members didn't love him he liked to win you see and then he liked to brag about it a lot do you recognize this sorry don't speak chess do you own a car as standing to them I did before where Edward confiscated it after the incident the incident at the petrol station the pumps went green should have gone black Edward was furious she seems a bit chipper she's got a lot to be chipper about the woman's finally free [Music] he'll have to forfeit still has five minutes DCI Barnaby is there a problem we're here about mr. standing ttan he was found dead this morning not a popular man I gather Edward was very talented he liked to tease I mean most people shrugged it off most people some took it personally yeah like who Alan Robson he was runner-up to Edward six years in a row did he ever threaten standing ttan not physically it was just verbal spats have you ever seen this before it looks like the opening of a game it's white opens with e4 and black counters with the Sicilian defense is that unusual no it's very common lots of players use a variation on it mr. farmer whose car is this a silly prank a van ran into me when I was pulling out on course in High Street and the van drivers name I don't know he drove away so he left the scene of an accident obviously Karsten High Street has CCTV doesn't it Detective Sergeant Jones full colour there should be no problem identifying this mystery van then I woke of a moment sir we're missing practice time Jamie you go home and get started I don't want to go home on my own I'll be there soon shall we start again I didn't kill Edward but he did meet him last night we had some things to discuss can I ask what they were have you any idea how hard it is to get to the top of this game not really no it's week after week tournament after tournament building up your ello rating in poxy competitions like this if you want the big game you need to know people and standing tonneaus people his name alone could fast-track Jamie so you wanted him to sponsor your son I wanted him to live up to his responsibilities where do you think Jamie gets his talent from certainly not from me it was a short sordid affair and the only good thing to come out of it was Jamie does Jamie now no and I wanted to stay that way so did Stanton agree to help what I'm not the risk have been eclipsed by his son that must have made you angry I was furious he said he cared more for his car than for Jamie so you rammed him yes but I assure you he was very much alive when I drove away did you see anyone else around no I barely glanced back well at least we know what standing tonneau is doing at the car park so our murderer followed in there well not necessarily could have been an opportunistic killer no the chess notation proves it was premeditated he was followed easy we have that both David farmer and our Robson knew standing tton you looking for a link to Harriet it's certainly a coincidence well until we have a definite connection that's all it is so phone email internet check it all find out who's standing Tain's been in contact with recently and do some background on Vivian nobody forgets that they're inheriting no matter how scattered they are [Music] they were stirring us it mr. Barton need to eat it while it's hot [Music] I'll be back for the dishes later [Music] and this was the parade after you a crown but funny you look beautiful do you remember anything someone to see you David all right I got your text how is she I have memories of it foggy I'm sorry I should have called you in person it's been a bit hectic David you don't need to apologize you've been a rock this last year you have real help to me look em why don't you come for dinner tomorrow at the cottage I want to thank you for everything okay good great I'll see you [Music] leave me alone [Music] [Music] and the loft is finally finished so my university box yep and another box the Sykes's old toys and they're both out of here today I'll need to go through that sure will be my guess I have to be tonight I've got a run oh come on don't even think happy anniversary Oh lovely thank you sir I didn't manage to get you anything don't worry I've got it all sorted a boot there's a table tonight at the office tonight yeah it's been ages since we went our victim died of a massive hemorrhage caused by a penetrating blow to the subclavian artery any advance on the murder weapon interesting the upper part of the entry wound is smooth and clean but the lower part suggests that the weapon had a serrated edge like a hunting knife um too wide for a knife possibly a tool of some kind the degree of taper suggests low and thin that narrows it down we found some fragments in the wound but lab will possibly be able to give us some idea of composition anything else you can tell me um oh we've got a new coffee machine nothing on Vivian's background check standing Tanaka was an email drew a blank I hope there's a but coming but his recent internet history makes for some interesting reading is it going to make me blush he's been researching black King productions Alan Robson's company Stanton's been reading everything company profiles old interviews filed accounts this is the team behind Mike King that letter starting to receive the day was killed mmm courier company said it was sent from London from a Kevin Pearson and he is back row 4th from left we're trying to contact him he worked for Robson what about Knight to King what about it our standing Toulouse researching it before he died any thoughts maybe he wanted to emulate my success or maybe he was looking for dirt there's not defined would Kevin Pearson agree I would heard that name for a while he and staning tonry in contact well that figures figures how Pearson was a coder on the original game not a very good one he made a mistake which said his back month that must have been frustrating not as frustrating as a fussy ma whom he tried to sack him a disgruntled employee then a pissed where was this picture taken on Pyrenees two years ago I had an epiphany and what prompted this epiphany fatherhood I want to set an example for Finn I taught him that the world is there to be conquered and yet he chose to run away is there anything else no that's all for now dr. Parr friend of yours a friend of my wife's it just goes on and on relentless it will stop I promise just thought when she woke up we would get some answers and you will thank you know the meantime I'm just left thinking the worst you mustn't torture yourself but what if something has happened to him what if he is dead Angie you have to be strong we've discussed this please the only one who understands what I'm going [Music] [Music] still looking for the Harriet link staning Tennille Don the same day that Harriet woke up there has to be a connection we need to track down pearson and find out what he told Stan it see if he can get the lab to hurry along so take the tool with a serrated edge then you look at the Pyrenean photo [Music] [Applause] [Music] they might have been extending it but your ever kept a great seller accounting is bagga-t nice your birthday cheers ever cheers oh this takes me back maybe a festival 1971 you were the white queen and what a beauty you were I don't check my eyes off you all day long on your hands when you think what could have been a day Ice Queen got her claws into you come on quite a wild woman when you get to know her she's a co-host on though that I can you know if I had my time again we'd be together maybe we can have something else something better [Applause] Courbet business partners now revered god bless him couldn't see the big picture but you [Applause] [Music] how about this one Jamie from the phone good what about this handsome devil very funny dad oh it's all coming back now let's get to hear how it needs to rest no I'm fine there's no arguing with dr. Paul okay she's making really good progress yes but we mustn't rush I know and of course is everything all right tips edits are cold I'll get them to eat it for you it's no need it's not a problem I'll stop sit down I'll see we do what's right these days let's just eat and I can't just go I paid good money for this I've got something to do as a cake Kauai I thought you were going through it I got distracted what is all this University stuff lecture notes textbooks all their sex the birth of grief memory and loss in human evolution by John Barnaby 1988 Durham University you should read that one if ever you're grieving the only thing I'm grieving for is a clear love so that's what it's about the importance of hanging onto things how objects connect us to emotions it's hard to get emotional about essence oh not just essays look what else I found some of your old love poems these are awful oh let me so hard on yourself I'm not I didn't write them what find your ever constant Jenny ah now that reminds me I did mean to get rid of those [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's David farmer we had an anonymous call this morning we're tracing it as we speak Ches killer strikes again different code this time different weapon to strangulation by ligature furries are wide know braiding or patterns so we grew all out natural fibers could be climbing rope shall I be mum by all names he was also the expecting someone table for two soft lighting music stick my neck out so it's a woman agreed there's a cheese souffle in the oven it's a tricky dish that's in the tablecloth says he was out to impress so either a new girlfriend or potential one could be an old girlfriend but a special occasion music choices no I mean this is a safe bet says I'm romantic but I'm not gonna get all Barry White tenuous but gone new shirt he was gonna put this on before she arrived but the killer turned up first [Applause] but thanks Yannick Jewelers receipt was wallet for a cross he bought yesterday a gift for the lovely lady hey bag this may be the killer attacked him when he went out to the car to get it so questions who's the mystery woman did she show up did she kill him and what's with the cryptic notes does the killer like playing games but there are no games here these killings are quick and brutal this doesn't fit with that style of murder it's like a distraction from what the real reason why all this is happening Harriet farm we still don't have a link sir dead father says we do [Music] I'm so happy yesterday [Music] it's telling where you are not stupid old car gonna miss I don't feel anything shock when you lose someone who can take time for it to sink in what do I do when it does whatever you need to grieving is that a personal thing you have to let that process take its course and then just move on instead of it we never forget we hold our loved ones in our memories I want to go home I don't think that's a good idea I want to be my dad that was nicely handled thank you I wish she wasn't going home though you don't think she's ready physically yes emotionally could the hospital help her I'll see what we can do can't be easy for you treating Harriet and being friends with Wendy Robson it's not ideal but what can you do I was Wendy's friend for I was Harriet's doctor what are your thoughts on Wendy I'm grateful to her she was very good to me when I first moved here now that she's having a bad time I just want to repay her kindness Doktor power do you know this woman her husband owns the hotel she often visited Harriet myth David Elle is wrong with you what's the game is all to a class-d player it's not good enough Jamie it's just that what it's just what nothing I'll win the next round too right you will how would you describe your relationship with David farmer well David was a friend in need so I provided comfort and what form did this comfort take a few times I'd go with him to visit Harriet more than a few times it was almost every week in the past year David didn't like to visit her alone so he'd asked me to accompany him did mr. farmer invite you to dinner at his cottage last night he may have suggested in a yes and did you go no I had something else on can I ask what that was since he isn't counting hold on diversity Cala Lila and I went to the oaks he went there I'm gonna go Arthur Potts Caroline's husband DCI Barnaby so what's this about love David farmers dead Wow I'm sorry for poor David but Caroline's been looking after David for the last year what would the common man so I hear my rice is saying she's always looking after somebody it never stops and what did you do after dinner but became bucking for a nightcap and then early night you know I mean that with the chess buffs excuse me mr. Barton [Music] you wanted to talk to me what happened to it not here I want your assurance that this is off the record a lot of journalists miss lannington I should have come to you sooner I expect I'm an accessory now go to prison banged up in the neck why don't you just tell me what you know and we'll take it from there I know who killed Marian Green okay it was Marian Green she used to live in the village until she came calling who came calling Caroline Potts Marian broken hip you see was bed bound for a week pots turns up for the chicken korma two days later Oh Marion's dead murdered by a chicken korma a poisoned chicken korma and to top it all Charlie went missing who's Charlie Marian's cat of course it is I should have said something sooner but Arthur said not to he said it was just my imagination I usually listen to our Thurber lately well lately I've seen a rather different side of him and then this poor mr. Barton what about mr. Parmenter this time it was a girl ash yes the names are Marion Greene and Jack Barton quick as you can yeah thanks David farmers mystery woman Caroline Potts she says that farmer invited her to his cottage for dinner last night but she didn't go she's holding out though I want her story according to Vivian staning tenango love death what she uses her meals-on-wheels to poison the village old folk apparently Wow yeah that's what I thought but she gave me a couple of names I'm waiting for the medical files let's not wait maybe it's best to go over the hotel and bring her in now well can I help you I've arrived I'm fine I'm here to look at type uh you're the lip reader yeah no how do I talk to about a pint of this that makes sense I never thought that Pharma would be your type but there you go too much milk you could at least admit it I mean I deserved that I liked at a place for you necessary so where did you go last night just get mad I'm sure screwed alone she's people are wasting I'll have to get you so eighty because we're sunk the batter's cold alone in the hotel's finished always feeding in the 5000 it's all wrong No you don't care here I knew you would have cold fish the bet ik little man you know nothing about me I can't work out what the younger one is saying but the older one who do you think you are you're nothing but a see this slug will slack probably the latter the younger one responds and then it's love what do you know about love wherever you think you're going you won't get very far she's my son made for better things she knew they were eloping so I knew what's of it how did you know Finn he came to see me two days before farmer wouldn't lesson to see Harriet so he said they were leaving and what was your reaction told me it was ridiculous I mean eloping in this day and age so then you moved on to Harriet no reasoning with her caught up your romances rule did you tell your husband about it mrs. Robson did your husband know that Finn was leaving with Harriet he went after Finn I waited two hours later he came back she want to do this [Music] [Music] I'll put this in your [Music] [Music] [Music] all right Charlie I presume she took her summer job the great level drafter bit uptight lie but not as bad as years now I thought would make a great team you know build up the hotel I mean that the meals on wheels seeing that did start tiller a couple of months after we got married and soon she was feeding out the village you know I mean business was slow and I was losing money I say that charity begins at home huh what's the part the feed in the world that we can't feed yourself what about the cat mr. Potts about six months ago the fridge gave up the ghost at last I mean as I was such a waste and then Caroline us with some chickens and you gave her dodgy stuff it wasn't rancid just a bit on the turn I didn't think it'd do any harm but then Miriam green died yeah an appanage a new Caroline's throw the key so I went on to the house I must be found Charlie yep they decide of all of our feet and chicken I knew then I had to do something like wrap him in a plastic bag take him home and dump him in the freezer yeah I meant to get rid of him but you weren't doing any hour in there was he is there anything else you'd like to tell us mr. Potts yeah last night Caroline walks out halfway through dinner and where did she go [Music] get out get up on wall because tell me where he is Finn this is where you arranged to meet then he disappeared what happened I can't remember yes you can it's some wearing that every little head of yours oh yeah I waited for you to wake up sitting in that awful Ospital with your dad boring on they don't for him ought to find out what happened to my beautiful Finn and it was mine before you stolen off me so you're gonna tell me what happened [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] back I'll do an autopsy on Charlie because he's frozen and he's a cat but I can tell you that Barton had a massive heart attack and Marian died of breathing complications neither of them showed any sign of food poisoning so the only thing that Arthur Potts might be guilty of is poisoning a cat where are we on farmer we've traced the anonymous call to Caroline Potts his mobile that puts her at the cottage yes [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] look at me just gonna shine a light in your eyes company finger Davidson well I've got I wanted the missions I wanted to do God's work in Africa and it was only when I came here that I realized I didn't have to travel halfway around the world to do his work I should world was full of people who needed me how did you meet fin the van broke down one day master mo rain pouring down he appeared from nowhere oh I can angel such a beautiful boy when he smiled the rain stopped later when we were laying in the van together I knew God had planned it but God took thing away from you know it so I'm like it did that Caroline we know you were serving at the hotel when staning Tennille but you were at David farmers cottage last night poor man was dead when I got there there's nothing I could to he could have stayed with him leaving him like that lying out there in the cold not exactly what I call Christian but he was now used to me anymore I only went to find out about Finn this has always been about Finn sir Robson came home we've got him waiting upstairs for you do you think meadow flip home she's lost the love of her life and she's not been allowed to mourn him but publicly anyway a modern psychology says that's a bad thing right nothing modern about him with an expressing grief since we'd climbed down from the trees let's talk about the night Finn disappeared were you angry when your wife told you that he was leaving with Harriet was i angry now let me see my son was throwing away his future everything I'd built for her for some simpering village girl we'll take that as a yes then please do so you left the house got into your car and went to try and stop him that was a plan yes until I had a change of heart another epiphany I decided Finn was his own man if he wanted to go I know right to try and stop him so I turned around that was very understanding of you was the worst decision I've ever made I wish I'd gone back I wish I'd found him thrown him in the car and dragged him home if you think I would do anything to harm my son you really don't know the man you're dealing with we all need to talk to you again if you must mister Robson [Music] do you know this game [Music] I'd recognize it anywhere [Music] both codes were found at the crime scenes this one withstanding ttan this one was found with farmer 6 months before we launched Knight to King who brought Wendy on board to manage the marketing she suggested an internet tournament the idea being that we invited online gamers to play an ex-world champion this ex-world champion it wouldn't be vladimir kozlov would it Kozlov cost us a fortune but worth every penny the amount of interest we got was staggering Erik the time has started and that's when silver fish popped up do silver fish that's what he called himself he came from nowhere met Kozlov in the final and beat him and I mean thrashed him and that's the full transcript that's it so did you find out who this silver fish was took us a while but tell her to be one of her own programmers it's Kevin Pearson music in fairly play draughts no so next time his name was Jason winters and where will we find mr. winters you won't he killed himself a month after this was taken okay so Jason winters computer genius by all accounts but genius comes at a price and a history of depression died of a barbiturate overdose in Cambridge in 1993 any family friends partners spent most of his life in London care facilities chaotic family background mother with children through several fathers his old social workers sending over the file so we've got a killer referencing an obscure chess game played by a dead code writer with no links to the area apart from Alan Robson robsons too smart to use weapons we could trace to him and I don't buy an outing Harriet so he's been set up why this has always been about Finn so something Caroline Potts said this has always been about Finn we've been focusing on the link to Harriet that maybe she was just collateral damage maybe Finn was the target we need to know what happened in the woods you do realize the risk you're taking I appreciate its unorthodox not to mention scientifically suspect there are precedents for this kind of recall therapy I think this could help her taking her into the woods forcing her to remember it could do untold damage I'll do it when your [Music] I want you to try to go back to the night you're meeting Finn I tried to remember you were alone it was dark Finn was coming try to let it come back arm is just blank don't try too hard the things right all right I'm fit he came that's good just keep a hold of it [Music] one else is here who's there hurry [Music] who is it current Harriet Harriet check checkmate [Applause] this is outrageous what's Jamie got to do with Finn that's what we're hoping to find out in this car we found this at the house it's Jamie's alright the little stalker how'd you want to handle it delicately how about a game of chess Jamie why do you want him to play chess well I hear he's very good I can't stay here just won again then you can go why do you like chess so much just beautiful every game starts the same they all end up in different places [Music] infinite possibilities beautiful do you think Harriet's beautiful [Music] you like her don't you for heaven's sake you like her a lot [Music] [Music] am i right just a schoolboy crush that's all stop calling it that Jamie how it's special so you were angry that Finn was taking Harriet away I didn't want how it to go so you attacked Finn I didn't mean to hurt Sam not bad but you did hurt him and then I went for help who helped you Jamie I can't tell you why not because I made a promise and me being here means I've broken it and if I broken it then she'll be hurt your mum's safe Jamie not mum Harriet don't you see I'm being watched all the time everything they do everywhere I go if I'm here then Harriet's dead jug's I'm on my way she okay no thanks to your boss giving her something to help her sleep stay with her and lock the door what why just don't leave here until I come back okay stay and watch the door okay [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] you're definitely real onion no imagining things oh I'm real all right how long have you been down here since the first of all what was our 3-4 months yeah all of us how's hurry is she okay she's doing fine she's great yeah can you get to this door it's locked even if it wasn't it's not gonna happen you 10 feet on the ground no I'm not being funny but it's still a lot much of a rescue mate I know I know listen I can't stop this unless you tell me what you know [Music] Harriet's safe we have people with her right there [Music] so you went to get help for a little ooh I ran to the road [Applause] quick I was still crying I tried to stop it but I couldn't [Music] told me if I said anything haria was dead they're supposed to help people who are doctors so you find yourself a friend Jones mrs. Robson there's something you need to know why did Jason winters kill himself Jason was the real brains behind Knight to King not Allen so Allen stole his game no Jason signed the rights over to me the night he took his life why would he do that because he loved me I'm genuinely sorry about what happened to Jason I truly am it's his sister you should be apologizing to but he doesn't have a sister he was brought up in care they were split up when they were young but they kept in touch her name is Laura Parr my brother was a genius built that game single-handed Wendy Robson stole it from him he used him and led him on until he signed over the rights why take it out on Finn they took my only brother from me so I took their only son this is about watching her suffer that's why I moved here to find a way to make her pay the brothers had all but given up and then Jamie flagged me down and I saw thin and it just it just came to me why not just kill Wendy instead I've been top 10 awesome murder Eduard standing tynin David farmer might disagree with you there was only a matter of time before stunning Tintin dough I was Jason sister and farmer well he was too close to getting Harriette to remember exactly exactly what are you going to do when Harriette does remember well Harriette will remain conscious for another few days then mysteriously relapse I'll do everything I can of course but I'm only human make this any harder than wait wait wait wait well just think about this is this what Jason would want oh I guess we'll never know you're a tarnish his memory by doing all this buy into all that honoring the memory of the dead stuff then why the chess notation why leave parts of his finest game at the crime scenes if if it wasn't to honor his memory he beat a world champion Laura he annihilated him it was his king but nobody's gonna remember that now when they think about Jason they'll think about what you did I'm offending him this isn't revenge this is grief really the grief speech if Jason was here right now what would you say to him you do know psychology isn't real science don't you indulge me what would you say all right I'd say Jason why didn't you tell me how you were feeling I didn't want to always see what you're doing you you're your being Jason now yeah yeah very clever I didn't tell you because I knew you tried to stop me yeah the voice isn't right because in the end it was none of your business none of my business I was his sister doesn't that matter no not at the time I just wanted the pain to stop good what about me what my my pain didn't you think I didn't think about you at all well you see that's just like you so much headed let me take I could hope to you know there was nothing you could have done to help me ah however don't return that that's what I do there's nothing you could have done you don't there's no there's nothing you could have done but I'm sorry I didn't let you try I'm sorry to him because look at me [Music] [Music] to be young and in love a couple of months they've been nagging each other like the rest of us so cynical well she taught it goes to for over a year he tortured people to keep the memory of her brother alive why not put a plaque on a park bench like everyone else grieving may be universal but we must express it in our own unique way Sigmund Freud John Barnaby 1988 Durham University [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FilmRise
Views: 167,005
Rating: 4.8187876 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Midsomer Murders, Based on a novel, British series, Detectives, Crime scene, Murder investigations, English countryside, Suspect, Mysteries, British accents, TV, Free TV, Television, Free Televison, Series, Full Episodes
Id: Czy7oMmTc88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 14sec (5354 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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