Midsomer Murders - Season 15, Episode 3 - Death and the Divas - Full Episode

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] can I be of some assistance it's late and you seem unsure of your way thank you I'm quite all right come it's a filthy night [Music] [Music] you do right to be cautious my child but you can trust it and marcus agrippa such a pretty healthy and there are beautiful [Music] who's that oh he frightened the life out of me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening good evening ladies and gentlemen please sit down please things I'm Colleen Ewell I'm president of the midsummer Langley Film Society and I'd like to I'd like to welcome you all to the opening night of our very first hopefully not the last very first festival we late yes but what are we late for oh you are truly perfect why do I suddenly feel underdressed that's Diana Davenport gonna be she's plenty but we'll take it but she's also Stella Harris's sister ladies and gentlemen I give you an icon of 1960s British horror midsummer Langley's very own mr. Harris [Applause] [Applause] that's Emma yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] aren't you going to kiss me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] hey Dad thought you could outrun your old man huh can you some credit it took you a year now boys greetings children of the night great I didn't know you to give a horror fans no that would be John he's always had a bit of a thing about Stella Harris excuse me Jones sir I'm in mid-summer Langley Rose Cottage near the green how soon can you get here in about three minutes okay Kate Jones hi sir looks like someone threw a party and didn't invite me happens all the time Jones we've been at the Stella Harris Film Festival at the village hall together yeah it's a chance pen and John stepped into the breach anybody need a ride yeah that'd be great yeah I've got my bike Thanks we're having a little party tomorrow night up at Langley Hall you must all come victim's name is Eve Lomax a landlord found that called it in 8:16 p.m. guy called Patrick Tillman someone's had a good look around there's a laptop charger there but no sign of a laptop none of the other rooms seem to have been touched where's this landlord then through that mr. Tillman Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby in Causton CID how long had miss Lomax been renting Rose Cottage from you about six weeks why did you come here this evening to check the boiler that bit of problem with the hot water but I ran the doorbell but there was no answer so um I I let myself in with the suspect key but Eve knew that I was coming so when she didn't open the door I worried can I go home now not yet what was ms Lomax doing in Midsomer Langley she was writing a book about a couple of old actresses one of them lives over there and I've just rented out now a hall to the other one Stella Harris and Diana Davenport that's right [Applause] [Music] it's so strange being back here now I see why it took you so long especially like a museum not just the houses the whole village I know wonderful Stella hasn't forgiven us though huh she might as you expect the Welcome committee Scott seems well though happy you think oh come on honey there's no sign of forced entry sir but there's a key under the flowerpot by the door are you making mr. Tillman he's hiding something that's for sure see if he's got any previous and find out who delivered this it could help us to narrow down the time of death come on the Lee's Apple warden that's Tillman's address maybe you brought it with him it odd not to mention it though warden organics water feels hot enough to me I wonder what really brought mr. Tillman here this evening [Music] you're late spend ages something in those film people at the hall till this time not what you think I've warned you Patrick dropped off at the pub had a bit of a skinful actually probably gonna snore like a pig I'll sleep in the spare room still awake it was unexpectedly interesting tell me doctor sorry babe were really naked you're always tired yes because I work hard and I don't leave you out ends so she was watching the TV DVD is still playing check the disc a thirst for blood ah this is the film Kate nice or tonight sounds like some trashy vampire film less of the trash you please Jones this is a classic of the late 1960s in which Stella Harris John you're not gonna believe this [Music] time of death was between 3 & 6 p.m. was probably around 4 she was healthy no lurking time bombs cause of death was exsanguination hemorrhage from the two puncture wounds to her neck 25 millimeters apart one of which perforated the carotid artery the injury was inflicted with what the winds were equal in depth and distance so I would say that she's been stabbed once with a two pronged implement metal probably steel not a vampire pipe then you must be disappointed hmm but somebody wanted to make it look like one it's as if they want us to make a connection with the film so who did in the film a 300 year old nobleman who can only drink the blood of female virgins mm-hmm I'll keep a lookout [Music] I know you're in there open up I'm not leaving until you let me in God knows things haven't always been easy between us with both diamonds said things we shouldn't hateful things but you're my sister and I love you I've dreamt of coming back here for months years even and now that dream is in ruins you come I laugh divided one can see why he didn't win the Oscar I was robbed show it to dr. Wilding before you sent it to the lab things whether it was found in the dishwasher yes sir oh you still have mother's clock how cute and Michael is so sorry to hear about Michael must be 2 years now 5 it's so great to be home it's been too long whose fault was that what I have been rather busy you haven't been back for 40 years Diana not to see mother not even for her funeral yes what I'm not like you I I've never been any good with sickness and death and but ugly things real life in other words that's why you wear now it's time for the family to heal itself miss Harris Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby Causton CID um just a moment you'll come to the party maybe not go miss Davenport I'll need to talk to you - please sir why would you want to talk to me I've only just arrived in the village nevertheless I'm at Langley Hall I saw the police cars last night but I had no idea it had anything to do with the Eve pork oh how well did you know her she was an old friend of my daughter's well she came to see me a few times about her book said all the right things but it was obvious she was more interested in my sister I'm afraid I rather lost enthusiasm for the project and now this were you surprised she wasn't at the gala last night I think Colin indicated that she wouldn't be welcome Colin Colin your he organized the festival he's very loyal and when I told him my feelings about his book he barred her I wish I hadn't said anything [Applause] morning morning I told you everything last night really you'd better come in some connection to warden organics he's married to the owner mrs. Talman I'm dears Jones Causton CID Eve Lomax has been murdered darling the tenant at Rose Cottage Oh was it a break-in it doesn't appear so no but one of your boxes was in the kitchen when was it delivered I'll have to check also I'd like an inventory of the contents of the cottage please how long will you be there at the cottage only we need to get it back on the market Juliette what you hardly knew the poor woman mr. Tillman found the body last night he didn't mention it no [Music] [Applause] this is very Stevens my driver he delivered a bottle to Rose Cottage yesterday afternoon what time did you get there mister students who was miss Lomax at home yeah alone um I don't know I just took the box into the kitchen and left it there there's a mark next to miss Lomax his name's some of the other clients what does that indicate a customers who pay cash I never have this Thank You mr. Stevens we may need to talk to you again nice bike yours yeah you got any idea what your husband was doing at the cottage last night trying to seduce her probably so why do you put up with it I'm waiting to see if he manages to flog the hall to those Americans first save us from utter penury my new home sergeant Jones wants to know if you were shagging Eve Lomax thank you mrs. Talman I'll ask the questions if you don't mind suit yourself here's the inventory for Rose Cottage Thanks were you sleeping with Eve Lomax certainly not remember this is a murder inquiry I need the truth she told me she was seeing someone any idea who hi there Wow nice place you got here how's your market good our plants go to a wholesalers but mostly we supply vegetables to a company who deliver organic boxes oh and this lazy bum huh he really works for you I couldn't be without him oh so you want to give me the tour sure thing dad this is very kind of you mr. you're not at all just up here inspector the nerve center of the entire operation [Music] this is um quite a collection mr. Yu I don't think you'll find a better one anywhere your first night was a great success you were there oh yes then I was called away to the scene of you've Lomax's murder a dreadful dreadful thing it makes you wonder whether any of us are safe in our beds I understand you band was Lomax from attending the screening why you know about the book yes even Stella fell out over it and I didn't want Stella to be unhappy on a big night was that the only reason when Eve first came here I gave her a great deal of help talk things through with her shoulder my collection I even lent her a few photographs I requested a credit and a modest consultancy fee she said no and so I asked her to return everything but she didn't there was one photograph missing a very rare publicity still from early 1970 a black-and-white shot of Stella in a sort of a third trimmed bikini Eve claimed I'd never even given it to her I see you know we hired a private detective to find you ha ha should I feel flattered so where are the security goons waiting to take me back to the desert huh yeah I need to get back to work Hey see you both tonight 8 o'clock yeah dress nice dress nice what was that about the desert Oh bootcamp for delinquent teens I was 16 I wouldn't recommend it for Rosie though with Harriet who's that yeah even I were at school - Kevin - until she was about 15 and then her family moved away and lost touch mom where's he going going through the chickens for me really love this yeah did Eve Lomax interview you for a book yes I wasn't much help mom doesn't talk about the past and I know we'll most nothing about our Diana until last night had never even better even though she's your mother's only sister and her son works for you yes mom there's another policeman here so this is detective Sergeant Jones and this is for a word with mr. Stevens here I had a look at your delivery schedule for yesterday afternoon yeah you said you got to Eve's around two o'clock your next delivery was less than a mile away mrs. Blake remembers you arriving at 3:15 what took you so long pulled over for a Kip I was tired I don't know whether I should be saying this inspector but he was landlord Patrick Tillman he had been pestering her he kept coming over at odd times checking everything was okay offering to fix things that didn't need fixing you didn't know how to get rid of him so one way or another Patrick Tillman and parry Stevens were the last two people to see Eve Lomax alive Kate's earliest estimated time of death is 3:00 p.m. so parry Stephens could have done it but only by the skin of his teeth and why maybe he was Eve's mystery lover we've only got Patrick Tillman's word for it that Eve had a lover well Patrick would have known where to find the carving fork but if he did it why would he make it look like a vampire Bible I think it's got something to do with the film or Eve's book Colin Gilman fan order to protect his idols or the idols themselves Stella Harris or Diana Davenport unique we can't rule anyone out can we sir of course Perry Stevens could have been acting on someone else's behalf [Music] hello you're early hmm I wanted to catch you alone come on sit down thank you for these a gorgeous so tell me everything how's the job yeah my father's been driving me mad with his arrangements for this evening we're in here put the piano in the wrong place oh so good work early huh sigh what good ah we need to talk about what your future it's time to get real Scott I told you I would handle this your mother and I going back to the states soon you're coming with us we've only just got here no way honey midsummer langley it's nice for a vacation we cannot live here it's my home I've waited 40 years to come back here and you agreed that was before I saw the place you do what you like but I'm not going anywhere I've had a life here a career garden is not a career it's a kind of thing I would do in high school there in a few books nothing I do is ever good enough is it don't be so pathetic try your macho [ __ ] routine out here old man yeah or what it'll be the last time you do [Music] it's so great oh you came I'm so glad I couldn't disappoint Rosie you know you both look beautiful Belles of the ball is amazing indeed less than 24 hours and you've made the place look like a bordello Oh God well you should know where sigh about a dreadful hearing you may be rehearsing a speech try to be nice watch Rosie champagne sir [Music] Harry for you here with me remember yes I feel the most cool just lady at the party [Music] mind me again what we're doing here saving our skins wait here [Music] hello stranger Patrick you look fantastic why did I ever let you go go away Patrick [Music] Oh Perry I've seen you you know driving around in your little fan I tried to call you have you changed your number you've got the wrong bloke health it it's Colin you remember naughty Colin thank you [Music] mr. Patrick Tilden owner of Langley all stirred Tillman I have loved this house since I was a child I wish I could live here forever no reason you should make me an orphan no I'd love to but my husband wouldn't hear of it I've stuff in you were renting with a view to purchase yes what my husband's changed his mind we have to be back in the States almost immediately please excuse [Music] right that's very helpful you'll let me know if the situation changes thank you bye bye that was Eve Lomax's publisher two days ago side Davenport took out a high court injunction to prevent publication of Eve's book maybe she was about to expose some scandal about him or his wife Stella Harris didn't want the book to be written either well the house the house threw up something interesting one of the neighbors saw a blue Jaguar parked outside Eve's cottage yesterday afternoon they didn't write down the number plates but it matches the description of site Davenport's hire car and we've traced the overseas mobile the called Eve's number twice yesterday and three times the day before let me guess sy Davenport mm-hmm it's time we paid a visit to Langley [Music] looks like another party who haven't been invited to Jones what's he gonna do this time what's it day sighs gonna make one of his entrances is such an old ham used to be a stuntman one house really thin he'd swing down from the chandelier Diana [Music] everybody please stay where you are Keep Calm nobody is to leave the house [Music] so son Davenport must have walked or staggered along there the killer could have hidden out anywhere up here but where did they go afterwards not down there that's for sure John Jones sir this is unusual this is this lead to Touma Gramercy's apparently Patrick Tillman's grandfather was an Egyptologist we men with the guests whoever did this knew their way around the house the blade penetrated the body to the left of the spinal cord twisting as he fell it's a standard kitchen carving knife by the way put it with a fork that killed evil of and I said shall I go and stare you in a form of getting on with the guests do that I'll talk to the family they've been fingerprinted yeah who had access to the upstairs area tonight almost anybody we didn't think about security not here well Colin Yeol was wandering around upstairs a little earlier films society guy where exactly I just saw him in the corridor what do you know about evil Oh max mrs. Davenport Eve no max the woman who was murdered yesterday nothing but you knew she was writing a book about you and your sister no I didn't your husband took out an injunction to stop this book being published have you any idea why and you arrived in Midsomer Langley yesterday is that correct I couldn't wait I may as well tell you now inspector my father and I had a fight today but I didn't kill her of course you didn't [Applause] anybody who wasn't where they should have been immediately before the murder they're all too busy golfing and drinking champagne it seems everyone at the party has some connection with Eve Lomax Diana Scott Davenport's Stella and Emma Harris then this column you'll scott told me that he saw y'all upstairs where he had no business being we need to talk to him again right the Tillman's were here he owns the place and his wife told me he was hoping to sell it to the Davenports you sound like he had no chance without which sigh he was planning on getting back to the states as soon as possible not soon enough as it turns out the delivery guy Harris Stevens was here with Emma Harris - bit odd what do you think why well a van driver I do like this dating a film stars daughter you're a snob Jones it comes from growing up in the country Oh check him out by all means fancy taking in a movie then you come for a sleepover I'm sorry about this this is it death and the beaver the one with the staircase John come on it's turn the morning your gifts likes nightmares we'll sit down and give him a stroke there there's been another killing and the boss thinks the clue is in one of Stella Harris's movies yeah produced by side Davenport why is he the man who was murdered tonight it's a bit odd though isn't it watching this sort of thing for fun you can mock but horror films alike fair eaters they're aware of us exploring and defusing our deepest fears within safe boundaries [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I get the point but where does that leave us looking for somebody who is an expert on Stella Harris's films and trying to predict when and how murderer will strike next oh that's interesting morning mister you'll have a warrant to search the premises as part of our inquiry into the murders of Eve Lomax inside Davenport I told you all about Eve yesterday and I hardly knew sighed Davenport then what were you doing upstairs at his house last night minutes before he was murdered Mr Davenport produced death and the diva but he also played the monster isn't that a little unusual well it was a tiny budget and sy started in the industry as a stunt man were you close to your sister and brother-in-law miss Harris until the evening before last I hadn't seen either of them for 40 years why death and the diva was big success SIA and back to Hollywood to set up his first studio picture on the strength of it and I was going to be the lead my big break it's 1970 Emma was 8 months old and it was Christmas I left her with her father and grandmother and went with her gone just before filming started Diana came to visit and within a week she was saw his girlfriend and his new leading lady and I was on my way home tail between my legs and you never worked again if I could have killed one or both of them there and got away with it I probably would have done but 40 years is too long to wait for revenge [Music] careful careful with that mister you'll take it through to the kitchen would you Juliette said to let you know there have been a substitution this week spinach in charge as long as I get everything else that I ordered he tried to say she gave them to him but in the end they admitted they were nicked trophy hunter so that's why he was sneaking around upstairs unless it was a cover story in case he was spotted so which film we're gonna watch next then I'd like you to check out everyone connected to the films see who's still alive find out if any of them were at the party last night for every film start with a thirst for blood and death and the diva anything else yeah turns out Perry Stevens has got a better form a couple of convictions for supplying class bees ah do you think that he might be expanding the definition of organic vegetable to include weed he's got a brand new motorbike he's a bit of a stretch on a van drivers wage turns out mr. Stevens isn't the only one with a yeah druggie past [Applause] [Applause] canceling the festival right it would be inappropriate with all this unpleasantness going on anyway I expect to be quite busy I spoke to Eve publisher this morning about taking over her book frankly Eve got most of her ideas from me anyway and well what with you and Diana being close personal friends of mine he was extremely interested in what you do well to remember what happened to the last person who tried to write about my sister and me [Applause] it seems the Los Angeles Police Department have quite a file on you Mr Davenport so I got into a little trouble when I was a kid I wouldn't call two convictions for driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol a little trouble sir what are you doing in mid-summer Langley a rehab in LA is full of people like me mr. Barnaby after my last and I knew I had to get away and so I thought I'd come to see where my mom was born I didn't expect to stay long but Stella and Emma made me feel like I belonged here and before I knew it I was living a new life and when your parents showed up a couple of nights ago did you feel that new life being threatened my father was trying to force me to go back home yes but like I told you I didn't kill him [Applause] they're going to see my sister so I gave me that for our first wedding anniversary used to belong to the last queen of Poland how much it costs Rosie it's worth about a half a million dollars take it off what do you think you're doing this is a house of mourning God dinosaurs okay leave her be Stella that she makes things a bit more bearable to have someone of her age around who takes pleasure in all of this I see you throwing yourself into your new world the grieving widow mom don't worry honey I don't pay any attention did Eve Lomax interview you for her book I meant Eve a couple of times through Emma but I told her straight out I preferred not to talk about my parents as she respected that are we done for now who do you think you are please stop I'm back here acting the big star I mean that's ridiculous us you stole my career now you want my life as well you wanna try that line again darling this time with a bit more feeling feeling mum feeling don't you what do you know about Perry Stevens Mr Davenport he's my cousin Emma's boyfriend you don't like him I think she could do better listen to me I sound like my father as mr. Stevens ever off to sell you cannabis now face would break into a thousand pieces she's already hypnotized poor Colin into thinking I would write a book deserted I'm sorry Chief Inspector my sister's just having one of her little toes oh and still it go easy okay mom just lost her husband where was he well I lost my husband well I wasn't standing in your bedroom throwing China at you sweetie that's for sure so that's what they call artistic temperament is it Stella and Diana were enjoying themselves Emma was the only one who was really upset hey I spoke to my ground by the way Wow always good to hear Stella and Diana's father was head gardener here in the old days so his daughters would know the place well oh hi it's um Colin from the party you're not there I just wanted to say don't worry I'm not going to tell anyone about you about us it was good to see you again yes if you if you ever want to give me a call sometime then then I would like that very much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] silence child it's your father who's to blame for this and now it's his daughter that will pay the price in blood for the vile sacrilege [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I tell you these people up there part of us they were about to sacrifice that poor young girl tonight master [Music] [Music] the CEO [Music] call it [Music] leejohn I'm afraid I pulled the bandages off its head the wadding out of his mouth in case he was still alive he wasn't he's been dead eight to ten hours maybe mummy Rises it's in the DVD player downstairs [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've checked out everyone involved in the films nothing doing this is the picture that Colleen claimed evil omec stole from him found at the back of a drawer in her cottage good of you to return in person I don't remember ever seeing this film I had a question for him about the date so yesterday we heard Stella Harris telling her sister that Colleen Ewell was taking over the writing of Eve's book also present was Scott Emma and Rosie and today Colin Newman is dead sorry Jones by boring you just a minute sir this is Colin yours fund and the last person he called was Perry Stevens time we spoke to mr. Stevens I think I'm onto it [Applause] [Music] morning mrs. Sylvan can you give me a copy of Perry Stevens's delivery schedule for today please what do you know about Colin you'll mr. Tillman who thank you [Music] can I have a word I love this perry leave a message I'll get back to Perry Juliet that policeman's been snooping around again I had to tell him where he could find you so be careful okay [Applause] [Music] Colleen you was a good friend not a friend exactly it's impossible not to be flattered by his devotion especially since I have so few fans well don't be so sure of that where were you between the hours of say 10 o'clock last night at 1:00 this morning that heard him alone was it was this like another of the films mmm yeah suffocated his head and body were wrapped in bandages mummified The Mummy Rises this is deliberate isn't it the murderer is copying my films it would appear so why that's what we're trying to find out well recognize this miss Harris did you take that up it was found in Eve Lomax his cottage though it probably didn't belong to her have you any idea why it might be important in a furnace steel no it's from a film called slave woman bit of nonsense from 1960s finance collapsed winter shooting was never completed mercifully and you're sure it was the 60s there's a handwritten date on the back February 1970 is that Colleen Ewell's handwriting I think so it was what so long inspector it's that time again [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] oh come on [Applause] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] great folks thank you in a film called torment Stella plays twin sisters one is possessed by the devil who tries to kill the other one in a car crash the brake pipes have been cut just like in the film so which one's the evil sister Stella or Diana that's what we're going to find out this is Davenport did you ever meet or communicate with Eve Lomax no what was your relationship with Colin you'll she's no relationship I met him at that's my sister's screaming and maybe he came to our party Sarge please how is Emma she's alive when did you last visit her home I've never been there so how do you explain this set of your fingerprints found on her kitchen window sir wood I have you arrested my sister mrs. Davenport is here voluntarily you've got it all wrong whatever else Diana might do she would never harm Emma because she's Emma's mother you told me this picture was taken in the 60s Colleen Ewell has it dated February 1917 he was right wasn't he filming began on February 8th and folded 10 days later just two months after that Emma was born on the 15th of April 1970 the woman in that picture is not about to have a baby our mother was fiercely ambitious for us and Diana got into trouble she was beside herself she told me I'd ruined her life and mine she said having an illegitimate child would end my career before it had even begun so mother came up with a plan I was already married so we'd pretend the baby was mine and you both agreed to this believe me she was a remarkably forceful Walker you don't say I had a home birth without any complications Michael my husband registered Emma a few weeks later as his and mine and that's what she became luckily for us since it turned out we couldn't have children of our own who is Emma's father so cheer up my drama school does he know what happened to the baby I told him she'd been adopted where is he now dead probably a good deal older than me smoked like a chimney and Eve Lomax worked all this out from that photograph as did you she came to see me few days before she died she said she had proof that Emma wasn't my child wanted me to confirm that Diana was their natural mother I refused does Emma know any of this no unless you've told them of course not she wasn't even there when I went round to her house this morning I just wanted to see where she lived she's going to be fine you can come and see her at the hospital if you like yeah excuse me sit down please I haven't finished yet said my sister was not under arrest as far as I'm aware neither are mine either of them could be guilty still do you think either of them would not as sabotage a Land Rover I won't put anything past those two anyway I don't think Perry Stevens is our guy I found out what he's been up to really hmm thing is it's a bit close to home Emma got visitors mom not a word Aunt Eller how are you oh hello mom hi what are we having we are having a vegetable tagine ganic ingredients Oh trust yes as it happens I assigned us up to a new delivery service Warden organics that's all good local stuff and they're very obliging and were you in when this lot arrived the other just got back actually it was well than addition to every man really and did the dishy and obliging delivery man offer you any optional extras come on don't spit it out vegetables with added spice you might say and I'm not talking about fresh chilies and hand gram cumin seeds okay scouts honor Jones has been doing some undercover surveillance oh what a Swizz all I got was a bunch of carrots for beet roots and a cabbage ah you must let me make it up to you and please let's get a takeaway why did you lie to me you should have told me the truth I was afraid I thought you'd look at the life you could have had I wish that Diana had never green you up forgive me Diana has a gift for making people love her she always did I'm not like that I know I can be difficult carry a wood ah mrs. Tilman you again Perry you're late I've just been busy Emma Hospital she's not dead then Patrick will be thrilled I go and help them in the shed actually mrs. Talman I I want to talk to you both I assume you're aware mr. Stephens here was employed by an escort agency before he came to work for you Perry is an excellent delivery man sergeant his past is of no interest to oh come off it mrs. Tilman we all know what's going on the little extras mr. Stephens offers special clients Perry Juliet you do know that living off immoral earnings is a crime don't you I heard about every Harris's crash how is she bruised and confused but she'll be fine your wife said you would be thrilled why would that be sir she's almost part of the family isn't she Patrick [Applause] [Music] loading it [Music] my daughter mrs. Harris your daughter's already gone she told me her mother was coming for her [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey hey my hair isn't she's still in the hospital yeah well maybe they've gone back to Langley ha what call me if they turn up okay hey is there a problem you think there's gonna be another murder I'm sure of it which film is it gonna be this time then the problem is Jones we've run out of films are these definitely all the films Stella Harris ever made yes after death and the diva she never worked again oh you're a genius Jones well yes sir obviously it's not about the films Stella made not anymore it's about the film she didn't think [Music] what is this direct replace every option since the beginning is buried here lying for you to join their to my wings [Music] all of the House of Usher mad aristocrat buries his sister alive in the family vault it's the film that Diana stole from her sister Stella's career never recovered you think it's Stella Harris then well someone who loves her very much and who's taken on the job of avenging her yes Jones so why are we here I want to show you something [Music] [Applause] [Music] so Scott honey Emma left the hospital with Diana and no one can find them [Music] come on come read it George William Tillman yeah I remember them both they were ghastly snobs their roadies other grandparents I thought you'd like to know Patrick Tillman is Rose's father unfortunately [Music] [Music] oh yes it is all right drop the knife Emma please sass to end Emma we'll get you help I am doing this for you I know love but I can't [ __ ] give me the knife Oh [Applause] [Applause] and what [Music] don't [Music] [Music] and yeah Diana's in the creek with my mother she's got a knife that's not true Emma is it you have to get that legit she's killed three people already if she tried to kill me nobody tried to kill you yes you evil Oh max warned you that she was going to publish her scoop that Diana was your real mother but you couldn't allow that could you so in Colleen Ewell announced that he was taking over the book you had to kill him too and destroyed that photo that ruthless [ __ ] me giving birth to me but she is not my mother press the doors locked and I can't find the key where's the key Emma the key come on and sigh Davenport you killed him because he gave Diana a part in a film it was the worst kind of betrayal and mummy never got over it you told me that your mother never talked to you about the past she put on a brave face but whenever she was drunk or depressed it will get no thanks he was part of who she was and without us you didn't feel her hating Diana for taking that away from her hate is a waste of time Emma I think Stella realizes that now what do you mean you've seen Stella and Diana together whatever happened 40 years ago they're still sisters maybe in the end that is what is really important family where's the key try to keep still they'll get us out soon when did you know it was her last night well I told her you were a birth mother she pretended to be surprised it's not a very good actress if only your mother and nobody made you you were willing to do anything but success in Fame give up your child betray your sister I was better than you would ever have been in that part you know it you didn't have what it takes he didn't want it badly enough and you've spent the last 40 years telling yourself then it was all my fault [Music] please give us the key Emma no I will never ever forgive Jones [Music] [Applause] [Music] why didn't you tell me I hoped I could stop her hoped it wasn't true though I knew it was when would I be able to see her Diana or Emma my daughter of course sir you were right all along about movies in the case head oh I take my pleasure from that Jones I'm never gonna be able to watch them again what about the matrix now there's a good oh you know your trouble said what's your offense know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
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Views: 147,063
Rating: 4.8262172 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Midsomer Murders, Based on a novel, British series, Detectives, Crime scene, Murder investigations, English countryside, Suspect, Mysteries, British accents, TV, Free TV, Television, Free Televison, Series, Full Episodes
Id: gMZzlTunGTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 6sec (5346 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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