Midsomer Murders - Season 12, Episode 2 - The Black Book - Full Episode

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can I help you madam oh yes hello I'm so sorry to bother you but I was just clearing out my loft when I found this I don't know how it got there but it's rather nice I don't generally look at paintings found in people's lofts madam there are several house payment films lately if you'd like to try there yes I know I I'm so sorry but he is rather nice I've got no space on my walls but I thought someone might like it No I'm sorry this isn't something I could help you dear but it's so pretty the frames rather nice I suppose I could possibly give you something for that ring same fifty pounds fifty pounds how wonderful there's a birdbath down at the garden center that I've had my eye on now I can buy it excellent just get you some money thank you so much I'll just pop down to the costume gallery and see what they think and if they're not interested we've got a deal I have to tell you that sadly the gallery you mentioned does not have a an honest reputation at all sadly no I couldn't recommend the place look how about I give you 100 pounds for the frame how would that be 100 pounds oh are you sure this is absurd love it you could buy two burgers oh oh generous thank you so much I don't believe the coarsening gallery could better that he's a sake of tricular surely not okay here's 200 pounds take it can pop that here 400 pounds look I'll give you a thousand pounds mr. Preedy oh this is something about this painting you're not telling me [Music] 725 look of a Henry Knox the 18th century landscape artist who lived and worked in mid-summer the scene is of Bishops drift a local stretch of river the figure is almost certainly bishop john fletcher as you can see his fly-fishing look might don't believe what people tell you I'm a nice guy honest ah silly come tell the man I'm a reformed Cali hello Graham enough trouble just go home [Music] pleasant fellow why is it called Bishop's drift good question you could drift his fly downstream hence the name still used for the spot today low assistance he certainly does ah when did you first realize that the painting was by hawksin stupida well when he first laid eyes upon it yes yes it was obvious right there in fact Parkson developed arthritis in his early 60s and I have been able to date this painting to 1792 because of the subtle changes in his brushwork yes yes and that date coincides with a payment of 50 pounds made for an artistical work that I found in Bishop Fletcher's papers along with a preparatory sketch of that painting ladies and gentlemen mrs. Patricia Blackshaw president of the Hoxton Society who will be bidding on behalf of the society tonight and let me assure you that if we win bishops drift will go on public display for all to enjoy yeah and how much of you how much you've raised so far Patricia oh I'm sure the treasurer of the society won't thank me for giving you that information but I can tell you that Joyce Barnaby and her team have worked tirelessly to fill the coffers the moment has arrived let us take our seats ladies and gentlemen in the bidding room well it's over no just wanted to say I'm sorry about all that unfortunate business my my hands are tied yes but by whom Neville doesn't she run the sims art school into the the author therapy yes Matilda Sims one of her ex students tried to muscle his way here just Graham speaked one-man crime wave he was up six so who's gonna get the painting our frozen from ink man he seems very interested Allen best why he's got money to burn a machine got a hundred and twenty thousand ladies and gentlemen we now come to the main launch the oil-on-canvas bishops drift by henry hobson guess that's saying this is a very rare opportunity to acquire work by a muster landscape artist well let's get going who will start the bidding at 70,000 thank you sir have seventy thousand do I have eighty eighty ninety one hundred one hundred thousand pounds I'm bid thank you madam do I have 110 110 120 murder thank you 132 mr. best he's got it 142 the hoaxes in society thank you 150 160 Patricia sir I am the treasurer of the Hoxton Society and I'm obliged to say that the society hasn't the funds to cover those last two bids I shall continue the bidding in a private capacity love you talking about I have to have it well I have 160,000 pounds so mrs. Patricia Blackshaw sir no that's 160,000 pounds going once going twice 170 it's George Arlington here's half the Hawks ins in the world 200,000 Papas oh you're not living in a bond 220 if you live in a pigsty I don't care 300,000 at the back sir are we all done 400,000 pounds that's serving at 400,000 pounds anymore we'll just give him the painting at 400,000 pounds for the last time so [Applause] [Music] grouping digit Tamia Patricia please the gentleman asked what I plan to do with my windfall and I will tell you I will take two thousand pounds for a short holiday the balance I will donate to the Arnold Simms School of Art which is run by my her friend Mathilda Simms as many of you know the sim school does vital work with delinquents and the mentally ill but has recently lost its funding from the midsummer council I have had a good life and my gift will allow Mathilda to continue with her important work and I asked you all please to support her may I take this opportunity to congratulate you my name I know who you are come to my hotel tomorrow 10:00 we have some business to discuss yes of course miss Terrence and I'll be there not a minute late better luck next time there won't be a next time George Arlington has pushed the price of hoaxes work through the roof still at least Matilda will put the money to good use having I thought that daddy had left for a fortune oh that's all gone the last few years she's been relying on a grant from the council and with that gone she was in trouble would I be right in thinking it was Patricia Blackshaw husband as chairman of the Arts Committee who removed her grant yes but it's just so lovely that it's finally worked out for Matilda Darell felicity what a wonderful present nice work daddy would be proud of you I think so sleep tight oh I will [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] hello Felicity law a black book it's missing someone's got into the safe no should I call the police we can't you're in terrible danger you must be very careful I understand don't worry I'll be fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] she died about eight hours ago and Tom signs of torture I think someone held her hand on the hot plate no sign of a fourth century Sun I wouldn't be surprised if she was the time that left the back door open or else she knew her color this is a crime scene miss Sims I'm sorry that's Felicity law is damned how looking at a murder investigation here Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby of this investigation now listen kid tell me his what when did you last speak to first along last night I called her what time was that about 11:30 why why did you want to thank her she sold a painting and she gave the money to the school Oh God well who'd have done such a thing stop I'm gonna be this is my draw I'm here my official capacity I'm afraid I have to tell you that Felicity law is dead she's been murdered now I was at the auction yesterday and you were very upset when - you're very angry yes what of course I was we'd all worked very hard to raise that money where did you go after the ultra oh I may not have liked Felicity and her degenerate friends but I would never wish I'm sorry what do you mean by degenerate you must be aware of the rumors no I'm not aware of the rumors ah back in the seventies there was a great deal of Liberty up at the art school Arnold Sims Matilda Sims his father was known to work on several canvases Immelt Aeneas Lee Felicity lore was one of them and your point is what merely that beneath that sweet little old lady demeanor Felicity lore was um clearly she thought nothing of carrying on with a married man but that was 40 years ago sure Matilde Sims remembers it like yesterday believe me this is not what it seems all that show about giving the money to Matilda's school people really do things like that out of the kindness of their heart hmm since its detector silence thank you for singing it's nice to come in oh this is affected hundred your father purchased this place 63 it was virtually abandoned this is my father's work it's it's so beautiful who's the mobile not one of my father's people's it's very intimate she was his lover at the time oh right nice rods split came they belong to my father I'll show you around [Music] this is our workshop [Music] so what inspired your father has set up this therapeutic school well sort that life is cruel short and painful criminal behavior is over the manifestation of mental illness a fear of life or withdrawals from pain my father's message was simple make pain you're the teacher not the master and then you can prepare yourself school has a very high success rate was great success Graham was one of only a small nervous she was got nothing on we're done again atmosphere much we go to various I'm thirty usually filling some of them quite a few comes straight from the streets it's the work they do that helped us sort out their problems yeah can I help you with anything else yes you tell me about felicity oh she she knew your father didn't she yes how well did you know your father very well she was his lover she was in a menage with my father and my mother how did your mother feel about that it's hard to explain my father was such a generous character the normal rules didn't seem to apply he had so much love in him there was plenty to go around yes I can imagine that she does have the most wonderful body doesn't she mr. Jack [Applause] what do you think mr. Phan me I thinks he's lovely Muslims isn't she I understand there's been a lot of local opposition to the work you do here is that right yes it all came to a head over the grand spate oh great I just was a lot of trouble that boy crime came to the school after being released from prison he showed great promise as a painter but it was all too much for him he reverted to criminality he was the excuse the arts community were looking forward to cut off funding so the sale of Bishop the drift comes at the very opportune moment you could say that we were scraping along before but Felicity's gift pulled us out of trouble her desk came as a terrible blow [Music] [Applause] [Music] Allen don't do any stupid [Music] [Music] I wanna cool oh yes we'll do our best please do that you've got an alarm system well cool suck-up senses all the windows and on the doors they must have found some way of bypassing it managed to do that now you're the detective you tell me oh sorry it's just all been a bit of a terrible shock actually home waiting was here I was at the auction the other day well so you say you know that another hawksin went for four hundred thousand pounds how much you think your painting would fetch I think in today's market must have been worth five hundred thousand maybe more favor what was it insured for two hundred thousand or I was gonna speak to the insurers this week about upping the premium [Music] just this how neighbors report hearing gunshots last night was it thieves who fired for sure not who fired the shots look things are bad enough as they are look you have to understand about Hobson when you get into it it changes your life I love that painting [Music] so the price of foxtons work goes to the roof and alle best has his painting stolen coincidence hmm here's something further I saw Graham speaked being thrown out of the auction rooms the other sale now you're talking yeah I'd like you to pay him a visit yes sir and I I'm gonna do some research we're gonna get anywhere with this case I have to know my hog sin' little research to centuries of past look it's pretty much the same isn't it this is where he placed his easel and this field here still used to raise pigs different kind of pigs but otherwise it's just the same remarkable that's my local people love hogs and so much it hides the past of the present well it's it's a chocolate box oh no that's where you're wrong lush it may be beckoned but there's a social realism there to take another look the man on the horse is the landowners surveying his magnificent estate he commissioned two oxen to paint midsummer meadow as a wedding gift for his wife but look here children playing sweet take another look they're not playing they're digging up roots to eat because they're starving you see they collected them in a basket well I have to say I wouldn't have seen that not the first glance I wouldn't never underestimate oxen so that's part of it look this pictures called the parson preaching it hangs in the national collection but notice where his gaze is falling on the old woman's personal exactly silver tongued parson james retired in some style after being left a fortune by his parishioners that's nice work if you can get it there's a lot to his stuff isn't it he's over mr. Barnaby he'd have his own [Music] George Arlington Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby from Causton CID I don't worry sir I'm just here for this all them art appreciation congratulations on your purchase mr. Oliver thank you ma'am ah this is Matilda Sims she runs the local art school yes I know about your work so this is bishops drift this is the spot where he set up his easel rivers change course a little but otherwise that's about it your father was a keen fisherman was me he was yes I heard what happened to felicity law is there any news in the investigation well it's early days yet sir but as I say we're we're working on it hello Graham can I come in so you've been behaving yourself interview absolutely I'm a reformed character then you don't know anything about the theft of Allen best sockson Allen who did you do all these yeah I don't know much about art but erican you've got talent you're right you don't know much about art well Mathilda Sims think she could have gone a long way if you'd carried on what does she know she's just a spoiled little daddy's girl I think she's quite interesting got her hooks into you as well as she uh-huh is that why you stopped painting no so why'd you stop crimes more creative well I'm sorry you think that Graham I thought you turned a bit of a corner with art it sort of shines a light into the dark areas doesn't it you never know what you're gonna find you I suggest you stick to plotting mate because you'd make a useless shrink [Music] [Music] it is a nice picture I like it you can imagine Wordsworth or Houseman coming over the prow of that hill country yeah that's the secret to understanding oxen he was an early romantic he was a contemporary of George crema you know and very lush may be very thickened but with just a touch of social realism yeah yeah very second is amazing what you can pick up in an afternoon with Matilda Sims you mess out with her yeah I told you research I talked to Graham spate about Matilda since he got very defensive I got the impression they've been close it's interesting isn't it he's done the pigs really well my uncle had pigs did he yeah hey Tim Wirth's I think yeah good pig the tab was easy to rear and a nice eater let the porcine expert Andrew Jones even know anything about Anthony Trudeau he's got gallery in the High Street Stephens you check ups he's got form yes sir Oh [Applause] five six hello good morning how's business brisk the auction has stirred the waters yes I've sold several prints of Bishops drift already oh when I think of the pleasure the local people would have got out of seeing bishops drift on public display here breaks my heart still life's full of tragedy yes indeed like death the Felicity law though I shared little with her in this life I pour the manner of her passing if I remember rightly at the auction you mentioned a preparator sketch that hawks have made for Bishop's drift do you still have that of course come with me I had a vision Fletcher's descendants had dumped his papers into a skip outside their house I took the Holland home and I spent a summer going through them and I found this among them the thought somewhere out there there might be an undiscovered Hawks I couldn't sleep a wink for a week now that was in 1979 and I've been searching for bishops drift ever since and there was all the time in Felicity laws attic yeah only she'd come to me first stirlitz snake Antony preed oh excuse me yes can I help you I got held up in New York missed the sale of Bishop's drift I was hoping to acquire a hogs and locally and thought this might be a good place to find out if other works for coming on the market ideally something you know big I wouldn't know I'm afraid oh sure tell me is it true bishops drift went for a song if you consider perhaps you'd like to go and see the exhibition in the gallery oh great thanks hello hi I'm sorry I couldn't help overhear Rob's mine yes I was on my way over for the auction when all hell broke loose on the markets but I'm here now I just had to see hogs and country welcome thank you are you a hog some buff oh I you know I dabble well if you know of anyone who wants to sell my name is Christine Miller and I'm staying at the Golden Hind Hotel well I will certainly keep my ear to the ground for you it was a pleasure to meet you mister I'm Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby from Causton CID well like I said it was a pleasure to meet you my class goodbye goodbye and have a nice day who's that that Jones is Christine Miller newly arrived from New York or so she says the cars owned by an insurance company based in London which specializes in fine art so she's not a fund manager from New York she's an art insurer aful Fulham what is she up to [Music] so so what your snooping around Alan bests house taking photographs why my company ensured Alan best painting midsummer meadow obviously we're not keen to pay out the 200,000 look if you're trying to get the painting back by offering thieves money may I point out to you that paying for stolen property is a criminal offense we call it a finder's fee do you really it's no defense if you hold up in court we are exploring all options it's possible the best is in financial difficulties and he arranged for the painting to be stolen for the insurance hmm no the hoax was recently sold for a record for you four hundred thousand why wouldn't he just put his painting up for sale a gallery or auction house can ask up to 40% selling is risky what if nobody wanted the painting the smoother you do know don't you that the owner of a Hobson's has recently been murdered and we think whoever stole missamma meadow was involved you're dealing with killers yeah I know all about that but I have a job to do miss Miller I'm prepared to offer you a deal [Music] excuse me mr. Barnaby hugger now could let me have everything you've got on fly-fishing and pigs please fly fishing and pigs fly fishing pricks [Music] you can't take this that refer to us [Music] Jonah's this is something I miss him a meadow know you correctly identified the breed of pig in Timnath now these got their name from the founding father of the British police force it's a Robert Peel of Tim Wirth who brought some pigs over from Ireland in 1809 but the breed didn't fully establish itself in England until 1865 whoreson died in 1810 which means does it not that the painting predates the things which means it is a forgery exactly and Ellen best did arrange to have his horse and stolen we now know the reason why you the things worthless thanks for calling it christine Miller's just had a phone call from a man with a hog son for sale she's meeting him in half an hour did he say who was said his name was Toby Smith and that he had a Hobson's for sale at quote a reduced rate keep him toy Johnson [Music] sorry the Keystone Cops I presume mr. Prado right Jose take a look browse if you can find anymore if a Hobson's you'll need a search warrant show me a warrant if you're gonna carry on like that sir I'll take you down to the station right now charge you with receiving stolen goods thank you carry on Jones so which oxen were you planning to sell Christine will have a mr. pritter I think there's been a misunderstanding here it was merely an exploratory meeting I was merely suggesting that if she was in the market for a hoax and I could introduce her to someone who might perhaps have a hawk summer sale it will help you and it will certainly help me if you were to answer my questions truthfully I have not seen your questions truthfully because as you know Felicity law was murdered this is a very serious oh now Paul we have ways and means etc accessible you've chosen the wrong man this time down a bit because I am made of sterner stuff I know mr. Prado what do you know I know Midsomer meadow is a forgery no now that is where you're wrong completely wrong might I suggest you leave out to the experts and concentrate instead on matters within your intellectual grasp on what makes you think midsummer meadow is a forgery ground spade told us that name is unfamiliar to me he says it was your idea to steal midsummer meadow from Allan best I never do it was stolen and how nothing about this spate or his crimes I'm a professional with an impeccable reputation and two previous convictions for receiving stolen goods where's the painting now and his bed [Music] [Applause] [Music] well Graham Speights [Music] here yo [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll organize a full search the hassle [Applause] repeated blows to the skull with a blunt instrument and not so long ago body's still warm to the touch more sounds torture again very nasty any ideas except whatever did it must have known that painting was a forgery otherwise there's good news yeah yes we've got it back hard junk food excellent I'm thrilled okay what is that on it that's blood but there's been an incident okay a j-class emesis you must upgrade your alarm system I will that's what the insurers about it next week thank you so much ah mr. best do you know a grim spate at all our knives familiar he's a local say lately si man yeah I'm sweatin to know cuz grim fate it's just been found murdered mr. best and according to his phone records he spoke to you several times on the nights mid summer meadow was stolen well I'll get a lot of crank calls yeah sure ya do curious thing isn't it about the Tamworth pig sir in your painting there that weren't introduced into this country until years after oh man holiday I think you know that don't you eyeball this painting in good faith look mr. best I think you should tell me everything that happened somehow despite discovered that midsummer meadow was a fake and he was gonna reveal it to the world unless I paid him 50,000 the about the pigs some of the other errors the forger had made other errors yeah you point them out to me [Music] [Music] it's the four swineherd look closely yes they're the Beatles it's just fooling around yeah I knew he wasn't going to be happy with 50,000 quid soften him a better deal if you stole the painting and destroyed it you could have a hundred thousand pounds of the insurance money so what did you do get greedy trying to sell the painting on instead of destroying it yeah you do understand don't you mr. best that you are now a suspect in this case when was he killed he was killed sometime this morning well ask me in the clear then because I've been in the church all morning with your bomb we've been rehearsing our wedding mr. best I heard the news I'm really pleased for you where did you find it oh that's a long story but there it is mr. best don't you think we should up your premiums now our new son oh why not because this is junk [Music] [Applause] [Music] found these what do you make of that well she was my art teacher forensics found prints all over the shop Matilda Sims if I want to take your fingerprints they match those we found all over grand space cottage yes what were you doing there I still have a key I went there last night it's awful why didn't you call us miss Sims I was looking for these pictures well by the look of it you were very keen on mr. Speight I was in love with him he's all the anger and violence has something very tender would it be fair to say that he hurt you and he damaged the reputation of your school to see where I'm going with this you suggesting I know I didn't kill Graham I didn't kill anyone [Music] what is a woman like that doing with a fret let grams Fiona come on must know his way around the ladies sir Thank You Jones well we go [Music] [Applause] what do you notice about this passage dude I think we're about to tell this yes félicité law told Prideaux she found her painting in her loft but there ain't no loft it's just an expression though isn't it it's all evidence oh right no don't you're the fisherman look of a loop shape the bishop was made with this lying there yes pay cast is it is and for you're the expert now well I can tell you Jones as a result of my research that kind of casting the spell cast wasn't used all known about until 1850 that's 40 years after Roman hawksin was dead so bishops drift as a forgery - yes I think Felicity lawn near that I think she knew the identity of the forger - Trisha black Shawn now I've seen patrushev lectures meetings at the Hobson shop and she sighs she's really awful but whoever painted this is good and he got indeed looking at her have surfaced a proper artist here not a talent senator so intimate local knowledge profound appreciation of Hobson a superb technique who could that be [Music] I know again new forwards Bishop's drift didn't you it turns up the left is waiting for you tell them to start without me come to me [Music] why are we gonna to my father's studio [Music] my father Ford midsummer meadow and bishops drift in this room he developed her deep respect for Hoxie he saw him as a fellow radical and artist struggling against materialism why turns a forgery it was an accident he was particularly in all of hogs ins brushwork and in order to understand it better he made a copy of the parson preaching a gallery owner from London happened to see it mistook it for the original any off of my father twenty thousand pounds so you're telling us that he couldn't resist the temptation but your father was a famous artist he had a considerable reputation and he was earning lots money his paintings sell for silly money now but back then we were broke he was desperate to keep the school open so from time to time he paint a new Hoxie what about the mistakes you put in like the the Tamworth pigs and the Spey casting what was all that about I think at first he wanted to be found out but when the so-called experts began to lock them up it became a game for him it's but on the other hand he was a great pains to cover up his tracks wasn't it I mean preparatory sketch for bishops drift did he deliberately put that into the Bishop's papers yes so that when the work appeared at a later date no one questioned it my father left me several forgery is knowing I need the money whenever we ran out I'd sell a painting and that's what happened midsummer county council cut off your ground doesn't yes Felicity and I decided to sell the Final Four jury in my possession Bishop's drift we've got the same scam several times until mr. Graham's bait discovered your little secret how did he do that my father made a record of all the errors in a notebook the black book what was that the black hook it was a sort of insurance policy I kept it in my safe but on the night of the auction it was stolen by spate he knew where I kept the key to her safe [Music] Speight could have contacted George Arlington and told him he paid 400 thousand for a forgery Arlington could have murdered felicity in revenge and if there are four jurors in Arlington's collection you lose millions so spate was killed for the black book not the painting mmm no it was got the black book now got great power themselves killed [Music] mr. Arlington could we have a word please [Music] mr. Arlington did you kill felicity law that dog don't hunt why in heaven's name would I do that because you were angry because she sold you a fake painting fake what the hell are you talking about after your collection of hawks and paintings fortress did you know that my entire collection has been examined by the top art historians in the world you really should check your facts before making wild allegations may I see a book okay the salmon fly by George Colson published in 1895 so you've taken the trouble to find out about the technique of Spey castings developed in Wales and Scotland long after mr. Hawkins did unless I'm under arrest I intend to leave good day gentlemen the black book so you know about the black book that book has already killed two people I think you better go home so before it kills you too [Music] [Music] Arlington mr. Arlington its anthony bleeder here what do you want you never would have bugs you have until midday tomorrow George or I will ruin you good day [Music] old ring a sham George [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause of death seems pretty obvious don't you think yes indeed no sign of a weapon till the last call Prideaux made was to George Arlington hours a surprise mr. Arlington not a pleasant sight visit I had nothing to do with this I swear I've been in a pub all afternoon come on please you haven't been entirely honest now look you can see what the situation is now will you please tell me what was going on between you and mr. pritter he was blackmailing me he was blackmailing you that's right he had the black book he'd identified every forgery of my collection the forger had made a small error in each Payton you're an expert and you didn't notice that we see what we want to see don't we was he trying to sell you he wanted a million pounds you're gonna pay what choice do I have a great deal my wealth is tied up in my hogs and collection when was the exchange to take this tomorrow you people sure know how to road a vacation oh I do apologize say I'm in no no no again I'm sorry but you can't do that and why not because whoever did that to mr. Prudhoe almost certainly has got the black book and it won't take him long to work out that you're the best because you're the richest black male target now listen when they contact you you get in touch with me immediately I want you to say as you'll pay them the money Arlington's alibi checks out he was at the pub down to half a dozen whiskeys apparently yes I bet forensics have some interesting fibers but don't hold your breath so grams painter steals the black book from Matilda's safe he realizes midsummer meadow is a fake somes first port of call is Ellen and best he steals the painting and offers it to Prudhoe [Applause] look um you go through Pradesh phone records see if you make contact with any other hawksin illness I mean might well have been blackmailing other people to Mundy and whoever killed him must know about the black book mr. Arlington [Music] [Music] collect two million pounds in used 50 pound notes place the money in shopping trolley and place a plastic bag of groceries on top to hide the money leave the trolley beside desk three of the reading room in Corson library at exactly 11:00 a.m. tomorrow you will find the black book on the desk take it go home to America and never come back here again can you raise that kind of money in the time to Marion is a lot [Music] [Music] little lady sitting near desk three well he's on the move it's got the money which is that it's all quiet here nope books there [Music] [Music] [Music] he's taking the Brooklynese left the money [Music] hold on you like you what's happening nothing I can still see the trolley by the table bunch of it [Applause] [Music] like badass pair up the money it's never black shoe [Music] setting your way level level Blackshaw mr. portability how are you I'm very well and you are under a sickness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's my money what are you doing that's my shopping it's God my money's gone mr. Blackshaw where is the money money I don't know what you're talking about I just went into the library to pick up some shopping what do you forget it or did someone ask you to go in there and collect it for them Patricia rang half an hour ago she said she'd go home realized she'd left the shopping in the library next to desk three I love work just rather cool I saw a popped out to pick it up Tricia black shot all must have switched the Troy's how could you better tip that what she's in there your woman at there's three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you must be mrs. black show yes my name is Melanie I'm here to show you a board now take your box no thank you that won't be necessary and gee thanks do your car what the flight plan has been cleared for your trip to Florence [Music] [Music] little radio transponder in the bank with the money failed to spot it when your husband walked out with his basket but once you were on the move you could track you sure Blashaw let me put it to you you killed felicity law Graham Speight and Antony Prado didn't you that's a ridiculous suggestion no it's not how did the black book come into your possession I don't know what you're talking about all I'm prepared to say is that my actions were entirely honorable I merely sought to expose little Matilda Simms for the criminal that she is and to rid the world of fake toxins thus ensuring his reputation for posterity now if that is a crime I'm guilty as charged ensuring his reputation for posture that is just not true is it your actions were driven entirely by a greed and passionate hatred of Arnold you were his pupil and you were also his lover tis you Stan you in the painting hanging in the hall you loved him but he rejected you tell me about that business of yours you did love him didn't you it's all too long ago he was not teacher you admired him I did admire him yes he was older but so brilliant so alive yes we became lovers I was so happy I wanted to paint live a bohemian life of adventure daring I loved him so much but he rejected you how could you do that he said it was because I had a boo-boo schwa mind and Felicity Laura took your place mm-hmm that was the final humiliation despite my perfect beauty he preferred her and Felicity Law got a life of art laughter sexual adventure what I got was Jam Jerusalem and bloody never blech saw Patricia when did you first realize that someone was forging toxins Felicity told me after the auction I went around her cottage to make my feelings flame and things got a little out of hand you should have sold it to me no more I beg you I was doing you a favor it was a four journey I'd long suspected they were forgeries flip ting around well paintings kept popping up and it occurred to me that I could get Felicity to tell me who the forger was I could sir well at a blackmail him or her you tortured her didn't you [Music] she wouldn't tell me a thing so you killed it what choice did I have [Music] the painting midsummer meadow that was stolen from Allen best didn't suspect a connection then no it was very coincidental why did you suspect Graham Spader he said he told me enough for that hmm he knew his art he could have been the forger so I took him a bottle of wine and while I was looking for a corkscrew I hit him over the head by the time he came round I'd got him will tiger [Music] oh are you the forger though how do you know it's for just the black book it lists all the forgeries our father ever made where is it [Music] I don't know [Music] Ebru those girls working together I suspect that you have no qualms about killing grass bed no it was such an unpleasant young man but no we have to do was to find the black book [Music] [Applause] [Music] and right as a motor to power Linton as you need to do anything in the world to protect his collection and his reputation precisely I nearly got away with it you know well missus Blackshaw I hope when you're in prison that will be of some comfort to you two million pounds disappointed sir sure are you gonna do with it you've missed the banks my hotel has a good safe you want one of my men to a school to you no that's very kind of you I'll be fine you could call you a taxi [Music] [Music] [Music] where's Artie he left for the hotel sir isn't the book he switched it at the library [Music] [Applause] [Music] cab company says he's not going to though tell he's heading for the art school and Matilda Sims is the only one who can prove a harvest collection for true students will have gone for the weekend she's on her own come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who is it [Music] long come on out son [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the six [Music] it's okay sure the sense and I do a little bit you tricked me awesome you stole the black book The Sims and I have reached an agreement have you I will remove the remaining forward resume our collection and destroyed in return she will destroy the remaining four trees that her father left let's bring in an end to this unhappy chapter you told me that bishops drift did i yes so if you go on doing that you'll lose yourself millions since the auction the value of my collection has dulled and once the art will discovers this half of my collection has been lost why dissipate that value my collection may well double again can we just leave it at that no actual things should keep quiet about all this she knows everything what about the other forges and other people's collections who believe the rantings of a deranged murderer against the opinion of every art critic in the country how about we all go downstairs and have a drink oh that's very nice suggestion moe we're still on duty and got a mountain people work to do I've got we're going to have a flight to catch would you be so kind as to take me to my hotel Barnaby oh yes certainly that's nothing to thank me for I should be running a new course next turn on Henry Hawkes hmm 'since you've acquired such an interest why don't you sign up you know there's nothing in the world I'd like better than me but I mustn't that's sir I know someone would enjoy that course very much [Music] Oh Tom what a lovely present a course on hooks and how thoughtful of you I knew you'd like it I shall look forward to it until the Sims is so interesting yes fuse [Music] you
Channel: Midsomer Murders - Full Episodes
Views: 550,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midsomer Murders, FilmRise, Mystery, Drama, Television, TV, British Drama, British TV, Great Britain, England, Full Episodes, Free TV
Id: H9g4HaK1b-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 24sec (5604 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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