Midjourney ART STYLES Submitted by YOU! Volume 1

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for a while I've been pumping out these mid Journey Style videos but one thing that's really cool is that people often chime in and share styles with me in the comments so today I'm going to be sharing those Styles those User submitted styles that I think uh look pretty awesome we're going to test some of these out some work really well some don't work quite as well but uh I want to thank everyone for their suggestions but today we're going to get into it by looking at some comments and checking out some of these Styles I'm not going to re out usern names because some of them are pretty hard to pronounce but the first comment here if you can see the username at the top you and your videos are amazing I'm learning a lot congratulations I tried with futur armor South Park Funko Pop and Lego so I've tried Funko Pop and Lego we're going to move on and try Futurama and South Park the Futurama cartoon style woman's face as you can see doesn't really look like futur armor but it has made it futuristic so it does have an impact but not always and one whereafter however the futuristic car I think actually has added a little bit more of a Futurama style to it Modern Family Home has a much has a very close futur style to it just not with the outlines and Batman it's got the outlines more of a cartoon style than a futur arm style but with a little bit more of a play I'm pretty sure we can make this work so maybe I'll come back and see if I can get something that nails down that Futurama style a little bit better moving on a South Park style this one was really hit and miss I've tried to focus on the ones that work really well but sometimes it just didn't work quite as well for instance the woman's face doesn't really look like South Park but it's given her Kenny's orange Hood which I thought was pretty cool um so it does tend to bring in elements if not the style itself Batman now a few of these didn't turn out in the South Park style but I really like what they've done here very South Park looking picture of Batman and uh just really spot- on the Incredible Hulk he's not green he's wearing a green shirt but this is really cool looks like South Park artwork as opposed to like a TV screen cap Barbie it still tried to keep like an action figure but shaped into more of a South Park style character I thought this was really interesting result and and Pikachu just added the hood doesn't look too southb style except for maybe the body but overall it's still pretty interesting and I'm definitely going to keep playing with some of these to see what I can get the next comment is this is a really nice and cool series you have here I have a suggestion Neo in impressionism and to cut it short he's saying this is a very artistic and neat style Japanese ink Style with a high level of splatter so let's check it out Neo in impressionism woman's face looks much like the last image so very cool effect overall now Pikachu this is another great examp example of it we've got a picture of Pikachu with ink everywhere much like it was described in the comment Batman same again that that ink Splat that goes all over the place really painted style I really like the impact it has reminds me a little bit of ink alcohol dreams but not quite the same color-wise futuristic car now this I thought was really cool doesn't have quite the same effect but still has that impact which I think turned out really well next comment I really love the Star Wars style prompt and thought to suggest using Ralph mcari as a prompt so Ralph mcari was the concept artist behind the original Star Wars so you can see his style pretty present here obviously very futuristic being Star Wars but also a really sort of sunlit style kind of like the Tatooine Style with Deep Shadows and with Barbie it's actually just popped her into a uh Star Wars scene but you'll notice if we move on the Incredible Hulk doesn't look too star warsy but that really high sort of light and Shadow that sunlight style this is more his art style in regards to shading and uh I think it has turned out pretty cool Pikachu has a lightsaber I like the way it's kind of had that uh Star Wars mix to it so uh it's actually done a pretty good job with that also futuristic car this really looks like a car you would see in Star Wars very reminiscent of that Ralph mccy style and uh even the background has a little bit of a Tatooine sort of feel to it and the Modern Family Home really looks like a Star Wars home I imagine that if you are doing well and you're an upper middle class person living in the Star Wars Galaxy this is probably what your home looks like now in response to faded photo we have a comment saying instead of faded photo I do worn photo nice tips though well thank you very much we have worn photo has got some very similar results but still very cool there's a little bit of a difference and I think it's worth worth mentioning so woman's face you can see it's an old worn photo she's got a picture of a woman's face a lot of wear and tear bit of a crinkle in the paper if you look at the upper right hand corner and almost like a bit of water damage on the left Pikachu hasn't done it as much but it does look like a photo uh a little bit like uh just someone wearing a downtown on the street just like an old photo but without all the wear in t The Incredible Hulk it's actually done something with the skin and the clothing I think it h tried to translate into what he's wearing but also applied that kind of photo style to it so uh a pretty interesting take on that and the family photo with the family modern home I should say looks like an old photo of a family home it's a little bit faded looks kind of fake in stage if you look at the grass it doesn't actually look like grass it looks like fake grass but an old 70s style home which I thought was interesting Samurai standing in front of me at Fuji has that worn photo look in the sense that the color's been sucked out of it um not really worn texturized or anything like that but just interesting overall the way it's kind of suck the color out of that photo the next comment I like this series very much appreciated I was playing around with some different printing techniques like color type print blueprint cross processing print and melan type print I pronounced and half tone print maybe inspiration for your next video this comment is what gave me the idea for the video in the first place so we're going to check out some of these Styles however I have done blueprint in the past so we'll omit that before we get into it color type print is kind of like a gelatin based photographic printing process uh used in sort of in the 1800s so it has that old feel to it a woman's face does look like an old photo very sort of like a lot of problems mixed up within it but still a pretty cool look overall Batman very old looking photo almost looks like the background has an 1800s feel to it but a bit of Destruction around which I thought was a cool addition Barbie very oldfashioned oldfashioned looking print but also the the blue and the pink a little bit different than what I expected not really true to the style but it still has an interesting effect Pikachu does look like an old 1800 style print with the brown and uh it's only like that two color like brown yellow with the red added to the cheeks I think it has followed that style pretty well Modern Family home now this looks like an old drawing more than an old print but a little bit of a photographic feel to it but overall I think pretty interesting cross processing type print it's kind of like mixing two printing processes together with like kind like a different process more than my understanding but that's my basic understanding of it but you can see the impact it's had on this image moving on to the woman's face you can see it's got a little bit of an overlay and almost like a little bit of a mix almost like there's another image laid over top of it unintentionally but a cool effect that has that kind of unintended look to the film processing Modern Family Home it kind of just looks like an old photo bit faded but it's stuck to having like a very strong warm and a very strong cool so like that orange and the blue almost like it wants to stick to two main colors within the image and the same you can see with the samurai standing front of Mount Fuji very blue image with some Reds or sort of burnt orange mixed in there not a lot of purples greens or anything like that just those two colors very present in some of these photos again with Pikachu although Pikachu is very yellow so it's added a bit more yellow and a little less blue almost like a little bit of a Duo tone type effect Batman doesn't look like a photo at all but uh does have that effect with the color so I do think this tends to affect the color a fair bit and um depending on what it has to clash with in the prompt will sort of determine I guess how much of the sort of style will be applied to it the Milano type print is kind of like a print really old process where a print is produced onto like a piece of metal and you can kind of see it with the color here and with Batman the way that uh it just looks like a very sepia black and white image but that oldfashioned dress style he's got no eyes for some reason but kind of gives it like a really vintage style photo look and you check out the woman's face and it has got that worn look to it as well oldfashioned with a little bit of a reflection in the dark areas we can see it on the right hand side there uh it does have a very Nifty kind of like very old very corroded image effect but with Barbie it's completely thrown away that effect alltogether but just gone for an oldfashioned style which you can see with the hair and even like the wallpaper so not always going straight for the effect but applying elements of the a to the image Samurai staring front of Mount Fuji is more of an illustration but still has that same color and oldfashioned kind of look to it and the futuristic car again a little bit of the CPA has been applied to it but more that really oldfashioned style design kind like retro futurism if you will something that um I like the impact the fact that it's not always the same is actually kind of interesting to me and I think that you can get some interesting results when experimenting with this kind of stuff halone print if you've ever been involved in printing you'll know that that every image is comprised of tiny dots uh that's why they have such things like DPI dots per inch and if you zoom in you get these little dots but people use it as an effect so these dots here around the woman's face uh kind of showcase that uh when you move on to Barbie is a halft tone print it has got her there but with dots around her but this is still a bit hit and miss the Incredible Hulk it doesn't have the dots in that really obvious effect but has added a bit of a dottiness to some of the shading if you were to look really close so it's not an identical effect across the board and this was perhaps the Dotti version of Hulk that came out but uh it can you can still get some interesting results with it depending on how it sort of pumps out or what image it basically works with and Batman you can see we got some dots around him it's added in there they don't really look like half tone dots but more interesting is the subtle effect around the mouth you can see some dots around the mouth Little Dot effects like a little sort of like rectangle area full of dots uh here and there on his mask on his shoulder so it has added a sort of subtle dot effect to that Image modern family home it doesn't have any dots but it does look like a print if that makes sense uh so not really a half tone effect but kind of like what you would get if you printed something out uh kind of look look like an old print the futuristic car there's a few dots around it a few dots texturized into the image um and it's kind of more styliz that image without really getting too harsh on the tone dots but they they're in there so it's interesting to see how far it will go with some images and not with others this AI art Enthusiast has said slot machine art if anything should raise human CR art to the level of prestige human crafted luxury art that comes with a ludicrous price tag M journey is great for kids if they want to mature Beyond Star Wars and breasts they might one day create captivating works of art so this is uh I'm a little bit offended that I haven't thought of slot machine art before I think that's a really great idea so we got slot machine art here which I think uh this is just the image straight up slot machine art add the woman's face to it and it's like she's embedded in the slot machine and uh this has probably been one of the most impactful phrases on this video I hope you're enjoying the sarcasm now Barbie has popped her popping out of the slot machine I really like what it's done with that and uh you do get an interesting effect it's not always the same as this Pikachu again popping out of the slot machine and a lot of these images actually had people just sitting at slot machines which was interesting but um I really prefer to focus on the images it's impacted the most so moving on to the samurai standing in front of Mount Fuji this is almost like what you'd see on the screen there's some slots either side of him but he's still composed standing in front of Mount Fuji I thought was pretty interesting and this is an example of what I mean before futuristic car has placed a nice car in front of a bunch of slot machines but still a really awesome looking image and Susan Miller in the style of stained glass as her suggestion I have done stained glass before but not in that exact phrase but I thought I'd try it out and some pretty decent results as you can see this is the kind of impact this is what stained glass looks like applied to a woman's face and you'd get a very interesting look the way it's pieced those colors together I think looks amazing The Incredible Hulk the way it interprets this into stained glass is really quite interesting I'm actually really impressed with how it how M Journey handles stained glass overall the futuristic car again very nice effect stained glass in the background almost like it's a stained glass window but in stain glass window image if you know what I mean Mickey Mouse I really like the oldfashioned eyes and the way it's sort of laid this one out it looks like a legitimate glass window stained glass window and the Modern Family Home I thought was interesting because the home obviously has stained glass windows but the image itself is still in a style of stained glass but not surrounded it's kind of like a cutout piece of stained glass it's like a hybrid mix of all these different elements and layers of stained class so this one I thought was really interesting this was the only one of the GD that turned out like that but um still a good result next comment also I'm not too sure if youve tried it already but photographic Mosaic style is another good one where hundreds of smaller images make up the main image now what I did try I didn't quite get that same result but I got an interesting result either way because it's like a photo photo but there's lots of Mosaic tiles within it so it has turned out different than I expected but still really cool now the woman's face same as the image before it's like an woman's face made up of a bunch of tiles like a m Jake Terminator same again just a nice photograph but made up of those tiles and a very interesting result and this could be very handy for certain styles of art however with the futuristic car the car is actually just a photo of the car surrounded by sort of Mosaic tiles and this effect was very interesting uh as a as an image overall Mickey Mouse has done something a little bit different again where it's Mosaic different objects and pieces into the image in the modern family home if you take a look at first glance doesn't look like anything too interesting however you look at the the entrance way you look at the windows and you look at the walls and everything is like some form of Mosaic mixed into the image which I think is done a another way that this particular Modern Family Home phrase just has a a bit of fun with the style you throw at it by mixing it into the build of the house instead of the image finally this is not a suggestion but Hulk looks like those old pinball screens and I thought old pinball screens is actually not a bad idea so you just get this pinball image when you just put it in by itself but add the woman's face and there's a woman's face and a pinball layout printed over the top like you're looking directly down on a printed PR pinball screen and uh it's done a pretty interesting job especially when you add the Terminator to it it's got like a pinball machine with a giant Terminator head hovering over the top which I think turned out pretty interesting this I don't get but I had to include it the futuristic car looks like you've actually taken the point of view of the car and he's driving through the city you could possibly even look at the buildings and think that maybe they're like the little pins inside the pinball machine but I don't think so it's just done a different job and every single image in the grid turned out as a point of view shot which never happens with this uh but uh it is interesting the way it's handled that in the Incredible Hulk this looks like a really bright eyeg grabbing pinball machine that you would have played as a kid I like the way it's handled it and and sort of embedded that crazy Hulk face into the design and a samurai standing in front of Mount Fuji he is a just a guy standing in front of a bunch of pinball machines however there's Mount Fuji painted on the wall behind them this was surprising because this Samurai standing in front of Mount Fuji is probably one of the least impacted images in the style videos which is why I include it because if it looks exactly the same you get an idea that it's not a strong style but uh very interesting impact overall so those are the User submitted Styles a massive thank you to everyone who submitted to make this video possible uh I hope you really enjoyed them and if you have any please pop them in the comments below cuz if I get more of these I will continue to make these videos and have a bit of fun and if you enjoyed this video please consider giving it a like otherwise I hope you're having a great day and we'll see you again next time
Channel: Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
Views: 4,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney prompt tips, midjourney art styles, midjourney prompts art styles, midjourney keywords for art styles, ai art midjourney prompts styles, ai art, midjourney ai, midjourney tutorial, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney prompts, midjourney prompt, ai art generator, ai generated art, midjourney art styles prompts, art styles for midjourney
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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