Mid-Week Service 22 February 2019 (The Serpent And The Dust)

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[Music] right why my dad [Music] by to back alleluia alleluia are you happy that we are going to be doing an Extra Ordinary service [Applause] [Music] let's check our seats the Lord is amazing because you can never have enough of his word you know there's something that is amazing with these messages that the Lord has given unto us at first when you come you will be a novice you'll be not knowing everything and because of the good the great test of the word you will be saying to yourself if I hear more of the word I think very soon I will be knowing everything but the more you begin to learn the word the more you discover that you don't know much it's not is unlike in the word in the word there is a syllabus in where you get to a steady stage of the syllabus we can actually say I've covered this much and I now know but with the gospel is the opposite the more you learn the more you discover how much you don't know so you have got to be very humble and you have good to always pray for hunger you know the Lord said something about hunger that we may want to look at today let's hear two scriptures Maitre chapter five verse three and Dmitry chapter five verse 6 so he says his first of all blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven and in verse number six he says blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled so you are blessed if you are hungry and thirsty for righteousness which is only obtained in the word for yours is the kingdom of you shall inherit eternal life if you are hungry and thirsty for the word of God it's actually a blessing if you feel inside of you that there is a desire there is a aiming for the weight of God but let's go straight into our message the message that I'm going to be sharing with you tonight it is a message that is titled the serpent and the dust the serpent and the dust now we have got a lot of things to learn so we have got to be very quick with our scriptures I cannot see my OPA I think he has been held by something else do we have anyone in the house who says I can try to read the scripture anyone the English Bible I want somebody to help reading the scripture anyone who wants to help come it's a marathon it's a marathon we've got to finish on time so that we may be able to arrive home safely so first of all first of all first of all let's read Revelation chapter 12 the book of Revelation chapter 12 is going to be a powerful scripture to us it is going to take us to a certain understanding so that when we get that understanding we may then understand the reason why the devil has been always portrayed by the biblical scriptures in the imagery of the cynic I think all of us we know that the snake is popular in the Bible for being an imagery of the devil but more often we have not really pondered to find out why of all the animals why did the Lord use the serpent to portray the devil why could he use the elephant why didn't he use the hippo why did not the Lord use the Buffalo why the serpent let us read the book of Revelation in chapter 2 off let's read from verse number one probably to verse number 15 so if go to rush was the scripture is quite long and there appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the Sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars and she being with a child cried travailing in birth and pained to be delivered and they appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven Crown's upon his head and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born and she brought forth a man child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and a child was caught up unto God and to his throne now wait wait so from this number one we see a wonda there was a woman and this woman is glorious she is wrapping yourself with the Sun the moon is under her feet in the upon her head a crown of twelve stars so the picture there in verse number one in particular it's an amazing picture because you would want to understand why the woman was clothed with the Sun but the moon was under her feet in other words she stepped on the moon the moon was the rock upon which the woman was standing under normal circumstances in order for the moon to show her light in the night the moon has got to be in the sky up there so if the moon is now under somebody's feet it means number one it has lost its luster it has lost its brilliance it has lost its effect then we have got to see this woman and define here before we go any further we've got to define the woman the woman is the New Testament church in according to Malachi chapter 4 verse 2 Jesus is the Sun of righteousness therefore if the woman is clothed with the Sun what it means is the woman is put upon him the doctrine of Christ is a garment that command of fine linen which is adorned herself with in preparation for the marriage of the lamb according to Revelation chapter 19 verse 6 to verse number 8 so the moon represents the Old Testament gospel the Old Testament prophecy the woman is stepping on the moon remember in the days of the law it was in the night because the light is not yet a shined Jesus is the light according to John chapter 8 verse 12 in John chapter 9 verse number 5 Jesus is the light so in the absence of the light it will be in the night so the moon tries to provide the light in the night but because of the weakness of the brilliance of the moon people cannot work under the light of of the moon even though the moon is there but people's to be in the dark the moon cannot provide a light that can direct men so that they may do their day-to-day living they need a brighter light from the Sun that is the effect of the law of Moses it tried to counter it tried to provide righteousness in the days of sin darkness represents sin and the moon trying to defeat darkness is the law of Moses trying to provide righteousness to a people who are lived in sin but because of the weakness of the law it could provide the righteousness so required that's why Jesus had to put an end to the law and launched a covenant of grace that is the platform upon which the of his suffering is proclaimed and therefore the message of his suffering becomes the full extent of the light of God that's why when John writes about light I want you to see how John writes about it he talks about the coming of light and in what he did John is because it was in the Old Covenant he could not tell the people why the light came at this particular time and if the light is now coming the people that lived before the light became how did they survive with that without the light John chapter 1 verse number 6 John chapter 1 verse number 6 there was a man sent from God whose name was John who was sent by God John was sent from God what did this man come to do the same came for a witness to bear witness of the light the many John was sent to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe verse number 8 he was not the light John was not the light but he was sent to bear witness of that light that was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not so this is now the light he talks of the coming of the light John was sent to bear witness of Christ Christ was the light that John was writing about like I said in the scriptures I have alluded earlier to that's John chapter 8 verse nematic off in that scripture John Jesus proclaims in no uncertain terms that he was the light then spake Jesus again unto them saying I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of Life you see now so John was sent to bear witness of the light the light that was coming into the world so the coming of light is the dawn in our day Kanazawa Isha Buddha ritual - no - Kruk weird ah so the coming of Jesus into the world was the dawning of the era of righteousness and to humanity but how did those that lived survived in the absence of light the light was born some 2,000 years ago in the light lived among men for 33 years after which the light was then ascended back to heaven and then the gospel of light is proclaimed from the resurrection of Christ up to this day who saw the light the ministers of the gospel their posters they walked with light they dined with him they heard him teaching the Word of Life but John was sent to bear witness of the light what it means is those that lived before Jesus came they did not live in light they lived in darkness do you hear that now so in the days of darkness now that's where we talk about the moon the moon is a minister in darkness he ministers in darkness so the law of Moses was the moon that John wrote about in revelation 12 verse number 1 the woman was clothed with the Sun but on under her feet was the moon which means she had stepped on the moon which means this woman is so glorious that the light of the moon is not anything to consider concerning the light that she needs she has got the light that shines the way to go to eternal life she is clothed with the Sun the moon is no longer operational it is now become defunct this fight is dysfunctional the moon has become dis an out so those who demand that they want to preach the law those who claim that they are practicing the law of Moses this is the scripture we are members of this lady that was clothed with the Sun the Church of Jesus Christ is the Bride of Christ we do not respect the moon we step on the moon Tatara Totsuka musica Chaka Chaka kudos ikazuchi a ticket Erica Gabbana hombre de agua que Akasaka Pacheco muchacha Nazi regime atresia autonomic Isaiah Schmidt Google silicon chip in DES that's the moon for us the moon is the law of Moses the woman is the New Testament church the Sun is the doctrine of Christ and upon her head a crown of twelve stars now the head of the woman never forget about that it is Christ the Crown's on the head of the woman according to Ephesians chapter 5 Christ is the head of the church which means you cannot meet the woman and then ask the woman where is Christ because they change in Christ are one he is the head the church is the body that's why the crowns are on the head and not on any other part of the woman Christian soul Wilma kazooie do you hear that now let's go to verse number two Revelation chapter 12 and she being with the car with child she was pregnant she was a crying travailing in birth and pained to be delivered and they appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven Crown's upon his heads and easy tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born so the dragon was there when the woman gave birth to the child this is a mystery that is quite complex but we need to understand that the pregnancy of the woman in the bed of Christ it is not the bed of Christ in the body it is the bed of the message of salvation which is personified in Christ member katewanamaker do you I see member yami-marik apologies Iowa amoeba - Gary Lupin a so so in the scriptures say that dragon was waiting to devour a child as soon as it was born the scripture there is telling us how the devil tried to fight the doctrine of Christ at conception when Jesus was born when Jesus lived on earth when Jesus preached on the streets of Israel and until he was crucified the serpent was there the devil tried by all means to stop the plan of salvation that's why the scripture is saying the serpent was there the dragon was there looking for an opportunity to devour the child as soon as the child was born now take take note of the time that the dragon wanted to kill the child the dragon was not planning to invoke a miscarriage in the woman no the dragon was waiting for the child to be born they fight between the dragon and the child then the woman was not in the period of a pregnancy no as soon as the child is born then the dragon wanted to pounce on the child and the bed of the child is not a bit of Christ the birth of the child the child I told you it is the daughter of Christ the birth of the child is the resurrection of Christ remember the Lord spoke to Jesus and said thou art my son this day have I begotten thee so in going to consider that Christ is born in the spiritual realm he considers that after the Lord is resurrected from the from the dead that's why the day Jesus was born they rose up a false message which said he has not risen we saw his disciples they came where we as we asleep in the story's body that was the attempt by the dragon to devour the child as soon as he was born I wanted to hear I don't want you to believe that I say without looking very much into the scripture there was no Panos over now yoku tomorrow market to know TT TT Magua rocket that's where we can stand firmly without any possibility of somebody making us Istanbul in our faith tada detonator Mira Loma guaro Yakutia van Takahashi that reserve at the end game here with Irina van we have got to stick to the scripture let me repeat the scripture is saying the dragon wanted to divide a child as soon as the child was born the child is the doctrine of Christ which is personified in Christ now when the scripture talk about the dragon trying or planning to divorce child as soon as the child is born the scripture is not talking about the devil trying to kill Jesus the day was born even though it happened but much more importantly the dragon was trying to do once and for all with the doulton of Christ its bed the bed of the doctrine of Christ is not a bit of Christ it is on the resurrection of Christ that's why God says thou art my son this day if I begotten thee when does Jesus become the begotten son at resurrection the begotten son is the resurrected Christ we are all aware of that right so let's check what is said now in verse number 5 and the ship brought thought a many child who was to rule all nations you Sina they shout was to rule all nations and he was not going to rule all nations before he was crucified was before he was crucified he was only dealing with Israel all the nations were to be ruled by Christ after his erection with a rod of iron and a child was caught up unto God and to his throne you see what happened as soon as the child was born what did he do he was caught up to God we're sitting on the throne I should wash our WA haqqin haqqa fan back apparent hakuna is ready a guru no partner moves our way according to revelation bhagavata-dharma Tokunaga apothecary shaggy Kurosawa a goose quill Maria do hope we are under cover of Korea cuckoo muga kava kava kava kava maha-bhagavata thou art my son this day have I begotten thee and then he was seated on his throne what happened let's in the woman fled into the wilderness you see now as soon as the woman gave birth she fled into the darkness with a shout the same child which is caught up in heaven she's also right running away into darkness with a child who was like I said the child is Jesus Christ in person stroke in the doctrine so the child who went into the ordinance is the church now that is running to the gentle countries because the Jews have rejected the gospel the ordinance is referring to the Gentile nations when the Jews rejected the gospel it went to the Gentile nations let's let's verify that extra protecting verse 45 in the egg chapter 20 25 28 X chapter 13 verse 45 in the eighth chapter 28 we are going to see which scripture we can read in that passage of Scripture Lesbia verse 45 extra protection but when the Jews saw the multitude when the Jews saw the multitudes they were filled with em they were filled with envy and speak against those things which was spoken by Paul yes contradicting and blaspheming yes then Paul and Barnabas watched the boat and say what deport Barnabas say when they worked the board it was necessary that the Word of God should first have been spoken to you yes but seeing you put it from you yes and judge yourselves and wait of everlasting life yes no we tend to the Gentiles we tend to the clippings for Jesus so Solomon wrote about it he said it is better to live in the ordinance than to live with a contentious woman the contentious woman that Solomon was talking about is not your wife the contentious woman was the Jews the wilderness was the Gentile nations chapter 28 verse 23 to 28 and when they appointed him a day appointed for a day there came many to him into his lodging to who me expounded and testified the kingdom of God so poor testified and expounded unto them and they spoke of the kingdom of God we're sweating them concerning gee persuaded them concerning Jesus what out of the law of Moses yes another prophet and out of the prophets yes from morning to even what happened in verse 24 and some believed the things which were spoken some believed the things which were spoken of for and some believed NAM rejected the message that poets spoken to them and when they agreed not among themselves the Jews could not agree among themselves they departed they departed after that poet spoken one way 22 passe will speak the holy spirit by esaias the prophet and to our fathers what is the SSA saying go unto these people and say here you shall hear hearing you shall ye shall not understand and shall not endure in the sea you shall see and seeing you shall see you shall not perceive and not perceive yes for the art of these people is whilst gracias and there is a Dao of the air ears and their eyes if they closed lest they should see with their eyes yes in the year with their ears yes and understand with their artists and with their heart and should be converted and I should save them and I should lead them yes be it known therefore unto you that the salvation of god is sent unto the Gentiles and that they will let it be known to the Jews that the gospel of salvation is now sent to the Gentiles so the Gentiles are the wilderness when the woman gave birth to the many child she was also facing persecution from this dragon so she left she she left the original house where she lived in shiron in today we dennis arranged a rocket is ergonomic RZ kanika Sarah Hayden Kuno dock worm cat we are the woman is here Tony buck the woman is here there is no need for you to go to Israel there is nobody there the woman is here let's go to Revelation now where she had a place prepared of God read again v6 and the woman fled into the wilderness she fled into the desert where she had a place prepared of God and she had a place prepared of God she is not looking for accommodation she is not stranded this woman there is a place reserved for this woman by God in the place there are the people of the Gentiles who are elected by the grace of God unto salvation the believers in the gentle nations the elect of God those that he did foreknow those that he did predestinate Alleluia that they might be conformed with the image of his dear son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren Alleluia so if you find yourself offended by this gospel you are designed like that there is nothing for you to do if you are part of the people that are prepared to accommodate the gospel then you accommodate you receive the gospel with gladness you will not be offended by the gospel that goes through a silver of life unto life unto you but if you are not earmarked for the gospel for salvation the ghost brought a sieve of death unto death Alleluia that they should do fiddy there a thousand two hundred and threescore days a thousand two hundred in the sixty days and there was war in heaven Michael in his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels so these issues are juxtaposed they are not written in chronological order the things that Apostle John is now writing they happened before Adam waswas created but he joins them in the story of the width of the doctrine of Christ and he joins the doctrine of Christ and it's Beth with the story of the rebellion of the devil why is he doing that there is a connection that's why we are in the book of Revelation there's a connection there there's a connection between the rebellion of the devil and the conception of the doctrine of Christ Panem karma which our natural Mamere al Qaeda we are preaching about the serpent in the dust so and prepared not the dragon was defeated neither was their place found any more in heaven there was no more a place for the dragon and his angels it was determined in heaven that the devil was no longer a komo to be accommodated in the heavens he was to be expelled from the heaven of God so what was to happen then verse number 9 says in the great drug cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him so the devil and his angels were cast out of heaven yes now listen to verse number 11 and then let's go down to verse number 16 oh they're about you are going to see when he says the devil in this angel they were cast out cast out of heaven they were cast out of heaven come on Elena Romanov our lockup or in squad Anglicans Buda Lovato Budda Budda kava kava kava TransAm genuine kunos hoc oxacillin swaying buddha terrace a morning upon I want la cabrona pecans rocket si la kaboodle what happens in verse number 10 I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night om Canyon is called dr. la boqueria is consecrated the cortical orgasm anterior a distress Revis came because when the devil was cast out there was a declaration made in heaven the declaration started with our dena which means the ouster of the devil from heaven marks the beginning of the gospel of salvation [Applause] the program of salvation does notice that with the full of men it is touch with the fall of Lucifer amen when the Dilfer was cast out of heaven hell fairy declared now now is come salvation vámanos is where is kudasai columns walk a single atom asset a sequel before adam was created the devil was cast out of heaven before Genesis chapter 1 at that time when he was cast out God declared you now is salvation of our God come c'mon c'mon ah da cunha Kalpana's Oh Rasika what it means is you can't separate the salvation from the serpents the timetable for salvation was pinned on the ouster of the dragon dead religious honor in Arakan swap Acharya Satanism marimacha to Musou Orochi aquata lucifer agenda cuneta saturd domo sooner tango program air pony so mr gonzaga mu D mu great acapella Rosetta near da ba da da da covilhã ideas okay logical in commercial telegram where is Marrero Jen Jen Jen Jen Jen chieh Jade I know you are a critic of Chateau humans monoliths R&M second Okotoks of a break well bear arteries at revenger in Agoura doctor's visits as a eco cadenza terasaka-kun oh my Buddha Swamiji my phone is worth of achieve nice anti-national Kuya Kuno quantumdigital snake into lockers or summon an atom bomb garden quite good cigar and they say there's no Jinghua the mystery now is come salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ Christ is mentioned for the first time you know what look at me look at me the first time the Christ appears in the Bible it is before Genesis chapter 1 but it is recorded retrospectively in Revelation chapter 12 who was this description that appears in Revelation 12 it was supposed to be written in a book that precedes the book of Genesis because when this statement was made Adam was not yet created Genesis chapter 1 was not yet in existence that's why the last book in the Bible is not written is not titled the last book the word revelation in the word Genesis you you are very surprised the word Genesis means the beginning but the last book is not does not the title does not mean the end it means the the revelation which was really ending here we are actually starting here the Bible was written this first issues of the Bible in the book of Revelation and you note in the book of Genesis go anywhere else nobody explained the details that have got to do with the expulsion of the devil from heaven the only person who gave those details in their elaboration it is John in the book of Revelation of course Isaiah wrote a few things about it of course Ezekiel wrote some things are out it but the details now regarding the things that concern us they are in the book of Revelation the power of his Christ Alleluia now I will show it another day - pretty Revelation chapter 2 verse 10 alone it was the answer that that appears in this chain be from that colony there which says for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day highlighted the whole passage there up to the Nevada 90s for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night this is the first time the Bible gives us the portfolio the resume the CV for the devil he is an accuser of brethren he accused them day and night before our God now there are two questions that arise out of this phrase the first question is who are the Brethren are the Brethren the angels if you tell me that the Brethren are human beings you have to explain to me who was accused because at the time of this read writing at the time of going to press there was nobody there was no human being existing so are the Brethren that's that's the first question the second question is the Bible tells us that he accused them before our God day and night and the eighth the Bible does not tell us that when the devil was ousted from here in part of the allegations leveled against him part of the reasons levered or justifying his ouster is that he acutely know the idea of the D values in Britain was not a problem Moustakas on zinc is a I say what I premiere our mascot new seeker day and night I'm the Papa man Ortega bomber Paul Merrill familiar in the way Pomeroy an album Tonga lakatos Ophir mor ganga zumba telugu meera criminal a conga sequence right Hanako variegated item common our cocoa generic Leto complain now i po mera say no konami revolver firmware in so tanaka Mira cabrona nama Goro coach azar Kudo an American our pinga coos aru rama i palmer a commoners top Ameri Westerners right Moshe every time mousakas importance of cancer or Cheng returns when we near pair Juanita para marker the accuse of veteran but much more important is the type of people that are being accused within God for those people he did not accuse everyone he accused veteran which means the moment you become a Brethren you qualify to be accused Muslim Nevada brethren were Bingham Pokhara Mecca Palmeiro I know you can see that on our Lord Himself everybody who resisted the Lord's messages when he preached them himself in person in Israel there is nobody resisted his gospel and went away quiet everybody who resisted his gospel he started to accuse him and these accusations are not just because people are just offended by the messages of Christ no it is because if you are finding the gospel of Christ offensive there is somebody inside you that Delvaux is inside you hallelujah the devil is where he's inside you so that's why you always find something evil to say about Christ he used the sick people they accuse him of violating the Sabbath he says your sins are forgiven they accuse him of of claiming to be God every time it does something a woman comes to claim his his feet they accuse him of not being a true prophet he should have prophesied that the woman was not a morally upright person you see that's what they do when we preach the gospel they say yes the gospel that they're preaching is good but they do not have the power of God why is it that they don't pray for people they don't deliver people from demons when we deliver demons when we cast out demons in the congregation they complain they say didn't you say that cutting of demons is not part of the practice of the church you ask them when did we say that they said you say did can you give us a video in which we said demons are not to be cast out from people we never said that we said the business of the church is not in casting of demons the business of the church is in the preaching of the gospel casting of demons can happen but the believers do not need the custom of demons because they have got the power of God is in the gospel but there are people who come to change their people I knew in the gospel there are people who are just coming today and then when you see Jesus walking he cast out Devils from people that he came in contact with but he never cast our divorce from his disciples was they were with him they lived with him they heard the gospel and everybody as my short in the gospel does not need custom of demons because the only durable form of deliverance is salvation but of course when we come across sick people we have got an instruction to lay our hands on them and there will be stilled the if the somebody who comes into the church and we are seen by the unction of the Holy Spirit that this person is being haunted by demons we have got a duty to cut that demon out yes but Ramona regime whereas a square airway night Aaron Davis Square area with cinema driven bangerra position I am going out man wanna out Munna do comic demonically as it as it was innovative manga v University revising our walked under a now house in Guatemala cavalry we will when ago at reward one a problem cutting worker one roof on a beretta right would change our code this - okay Rama Hari teaming area recognized over a gap in amore rock which Govinda can imagine Ashoka koto GA to military Phnom Penh agura Ginga partners in Garut cigar we are eight Tata grow so children who journeyed to a we know away Alleluia so they always find something to accuse let's go to Vesta by 11 and they overcame him by the blood of the can you read louder and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb they overcame the devil do you see that from chapter 2 verse 1 the Bible was talking about the woman but suddenly in verse 11 the Bible says they it appears like there are no more women involved no the woman is a body it is called the Church of Jesus Christ so the believers in the woman are the ones that the Apostle is now writing about they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony mm-hmm and they loved not their lives unto death hmm therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them now hallelujah first of all when I read this scripture I felt left out what we are here on earth and yet the scripture saying heavens should rejoice and all that it will in heaven yes war to the inhabiters of the earth woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea and of the sea for the devil is come down unto you fears having great wrath yes because he knoweth that yet but a short time and when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth he persecuted the woman which brought forth the manchild and to the woman were given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness into a place where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time from the face of the serpent yes and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood and the eighth he hoped the woman and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the Dragon cast out of his mouth and the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ thank you now a lot of things have been said I'm trying out try by all means not to leave out the most important but bear with me is difficult to go into the book of Revelation and explore everything there is for us to learn because our issue is not in the book of Revelation it's in the book of Genesis we are in the book of Revelation so that we may understand why why there is a war between the Church of Christ and the devil the war is on account of a 17 when the dragon saw that the woman was safe in the ordinance she poured out waters out of his mouth in the waters away like a flood in the water was poured out in a bid to try to carry away the woman into destruction but the Bible talks about two things which are related but which were not connected in the scripture because the Bible first of all tells us that the the woman was given two wings of a great eagle so that she may fly into safety if you look at that you are going to see that then there is no need for the dragon to think that he may destroy the woman because there is flowing on the app but the woman is now flying in the sky because she's now fly using the great wings of an ego they're great wings wings of an eagle at the doulton of Christ which is two-dimensional it is the doctrine that talks about the faith and it talks about grace so the two wings are faith and grace the woman is flying look at this situation the woman cannot fly but she was given the two great wings they're two wings of a great eagle which means if you see the woman flying don't give credit to the woman give credit to the great echo out of his out of his love he gave this flying ability to the woman the doulton is not ours it is a doctrine that belongs to Christ so the deliverance that the woman requires from that from the serpent from the dragon is not to stand up and throw fists at the dragon know the deliverance that the woman requires from the Menace of the devil it is in receiving the abilities that are granted by the great ego so that you may go into another level this is now the most important part the serpent is a ground animal but they follow the the bed is it is a celestial animal so we have got a terrestrial animal and then we have got the celestial animal the celestial bed which in this case is the ego you see now this marker is not overwriting the celestial bed which is the ego this is the terrestrial so if the snake is throwing out of his mouth out of his mouth water to kill away the woman this is water from the mouth of the serpent but there were money now she's here she's flying what it means is the dragon has been defeated but on another not the Bible then says when the altars came out of the mouth of the serpent the fao but the woman give us that scripture verse 16 the fao of the woman and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the Dragon cast out of his mouth what is the eighth then unbelieving people the daughter of the devil was cast out by the devil to carry away the believers of the daughter of Christ and there was up people who said I receive to the message of the Dragon and as they say I receive they are swallowing the flood which could have carried they change our way by believing the first message they are helping their believers [Applause] so the people that believe in Mahadeva they are taking in the flood water their Guti she-lion people they are swallowing the flood from the Antichrist they are receiving the gospel of the serpent and by so doing they I hope in us we are clean there's no more water to flood us to carry us away did you know that those that believe they rheticus was I hope in you did you know that so what comes into mind is Matthew chapter 24 verse 24 there shall arise false Christ's and false prophets and they shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect Alleluia Apostle Peter says many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 1 to 4 but they were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you even as there shall be false teachers among you who shall bring in damnable heresies who briefly shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them even denying the Lord that bought them yes and bring upon themselves Swift destruction many shall follow their pernicious ways and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom by reason of whom the way of truth the way of truth shall be evil spoken of shall be it was spoken of did you hear that many shall follow their pernicious ways hallelujah verse number three says in trucco viciousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time linger it not in their damnation slumbereth not listened there so many the earth swallowed the water that had come out from the mouth of the serpent and by so doing the woman remained itself if you go to the creation chapters Genesis one to entry you hear that God said in day number two that Genesis chapter and verse number six in God said Let there be a firmament in the open space of the heaven divide the waters from the waters Alleluia and there was a firmament and it divided the waters that we and from the authors that we above and God called the firmament heaven in the evening in the morning with a second day but what does he do in day number three in day number three he begins to say from verse number 9 and God said let the waters bigger that into the hollow places and let the dry land appear hallelujah and it was so the waters that were in heaven represented the gospel of God but the water that you own the earth represents the daughter of the devil and what did God to say God said let the waters on every God that in one place and let the dry land re and God called the dry land earth and God the coat the gathering of vortices in the evening and the morning were the third day so the orders that were here they were given an allocation let them gather in one place that a place collected the waters that were beneath ever they represent the people that received the gospel of the Antichrist now you go to Genesis chapter 2 and Genesis chapter 2 says from this number for these are the generations of the heaven and the earth which the Lord God created in the day that the Lord created them before the helps and the trees were grown up where were brought up in verse number 5 for the Lord gorgeous not to cause it to rain upon the earth and there was not a man to till the ground gorgeous scripture from Genesis chapter 1 to Genesis chapter 3 verse number 21 where Adam is expelled from the garden there is no record that there was ever an that fell from heaven upon Barnea Ala Moana Rarotonga kutaro na acquire morado para Zegna comedy's a Noah entered America by Barack Obama Organa part amaru note and Innocenti cámaras an agouti economy na no te amo an attempt among Munda go into elimination oh god Erica one on for a coupie Rasika pareve Valerio Kanaka Rao integrated a cootie okay so no Padayappa 55 days Erica prevents er 10 Panos December a no na na Chandos Ichi pagoda anga cease America Sonic we're gonna process in a agua Hassan America sublimity cootie penguicon emoji MPO como dark Oh patty dos Akitas show Korando no Buddha member oh mama Nilka showgirl or our guru Chaka quandaries Nikita's Erin Garrett ouma kurosu Brenda Sachin I say taro a shocker amun-re rankle cetera weeow [Applause] so Graham where Encarta travois Braganza jana kramer artemis a cha-cha kanga da nakka nakka kazimir massimo garden eco cocina con nya de la casa Kanazawa non free pass Neville Marriner Chaka Khan tracer we see rocky area okapi de la muchacha Luca panzanella guy to foreheads and deterioration on TV career an imaginary pigeon Naruto receive a second Franklin cotton a super console in propose Kumanovo sequence Anita's no quas Oh question a few chachi chachi Naga Naga no wonder why kappa gotta wear them in America I became a congressman a alright courtesy or gone a reboot in vraja pasta kappa saga maharaja yudhisthira any commas 100 kala local chiro JavaServer would talk on alaska very much a cigar cutlet they'd be like a moped a journey a light yeah Katanga como so tamanho da goo sangha now Cambridge a path with the console a cotton invaded when ago Sangan Vlad a console yokura manaro Gonzalez or Vlad a passive angry no Caravaca underworld saga Parker Gaddafi moment passenger average solos Diego sang Ghana name Vlad a pass Sugoi desu Sigma mu no puzzles bananita pasanda pioneer muka naka Treaty of Tamra didn't say the person or WA kappa i disremember la no kitaro destroy a bread or water is life Robin I never gonna go ahora afronta Haram Moroccan flavor is a reasonable sang Ghana because Sankara new Raya Jacopo Genesis is Irfan sharanam vraja' Sonia immigrant a solo American a ship opposite but as Santana food drop Apache wa sultanan a co and wonderful what you are an emperor julian assange kind of an Laura kisana Wilfredo riya sen ramadan Kurama yo possible ago pita society que pasa connect yay prison garb umbrellas Oh socket rhombus and an akuna know Chicago's Sangha Nabisco an Arizona stronger a young Frank arrivederci Jesu Christo do a can jim prappas upon doe in Empress's Laveau sangani Kenosha - Oh Cory syllabus sonken mirapanis satiny we are conga Eleanor who Iago Frankie really so Chris we are with HHS Oh Chris comer El Sobrante Sangan amosmoss ordinary whenever morena my Goodwin rhetoric the university hey Mitch oh good the send and receive comprise the second essay test Angeles a bright moon important manure concerning Masada Fatima Khan 2004 Toledo - Angela same fried apple menu a romantic Assange [Applause] ganas de PUE astanga-yoga corona Rajaraja terrorism you know era who consumed Amira Diane so the dome will my own chain soon Eminem azusa-san kannababu owner kazanka nombre de los de Guevara Kufa Maharaja sanas ahora sanarás mañana crazy pero hay viene de peaje Tonga's para Genesis account a console on console arrogance or c'est parti Negara pass table persons in a TCK moon named Oh Fernanda to Wed a chicken burger Ottoman Ankara Padre ground hozuki rock masses ConAgra padre ground our mainframe Okawa animal a nooner socotra do captain is a rock una become very raucous Renan Varuna question France ago captain ago cou even we may see 100 Road a week I would travel or I'd we came Hoover as an akuna calm presence in faretta Posse Alleluia sikozu no booty we are very careful Dan Whitaker mistake a dick dick regatta when a couple technique in vraja pass vaughn owen impressive azúcar misogynistic Anaka but be comfortable Rasengan no por una posibilidad IATA oh you know what governor say - Navarro zero Tea Party was the Gators a chicas Sangha now sukhasana panacea saga van Gary race evangelist at China even get a silver-gray Laura Ramona - Gary's Nora miss Shanghai Shakalaka us at an aperitif on a rocky Astana Kisangani Sonya Jaso who's a certain answer certain maneuvers ammonium change 2nd Avenue profiteering appear as not Raj sir Aconitum put in the name of the devil hakuna matada Una's Riverwood is done with the Nazi de Faria Che Guevara VanGilder Saturn upon a route I mean such a Netanyahu Sun Guardian was a non zero Tierra de agua para damos Nakata way to attend a Oh Kuno Rogers Arena tsukumo human ear asset an incapacity remove Americana satin windy co-commentator mata ji soo de tomate Emma's tagua telemarketer vas a ver si bon apetito wazoo Connor Vanover silhouette a service at Rocco gonna bode patent aura vanaf oppa gangam decenzo para ESO to Nora's Eva van de perder satin rock appalled Rossiter Oswaldo some cat could Veda Savannah painter a satanic America today soon as SOE Duarte denied mohabbat hai jai sri near Saturn Amy Motoko bata reward robot a boson de Guiche observe angry Morrison Ganesha economy taco machete Mario h8 a column at IndieGoGo Chiana Mandarin America Wanda canary partner physic Adaro fair see noted in zero Denisha wotty Dean who pain hakuna no hakuna Baba as in a quandary its vengeance ago intended the passage emerging disease Vanessa Frankie reacquainted danger it is only one road to member laureene manometer Pocahontas okuni Appa here SEO tip FSH OH kana Enomoto to climatic Luciana vermicelli Conover pay Internet to me real message boards appear upon impossible internet about Mira indeed very NGO officiate Oh Rene Oh in otaku nematic occasion asean azuma uhha on aficionado kenapa collaborative of interior algo para treasures alguna para pava a naturally a thorough do you know that last year I called out for egg for it in Java I said we are going to God everybody who says he was sent by God and I said contact us so that we can organize a meeting I invited people not even one person approached us and said we want to come they don't want to come I said later cootie Carmelita McGuirk omelette emic and welcome so that we can see together and deliberate on what is the true gospel let's challenge one another only around tempo put him attended their beautiful aroma in the gagarin dioxide Wong burger and a demagogue our lavish parinama notes [Applause] you know pretended I panorama notes Neku pastor and I will check out my face from a better which is HSH away one area show me where I wanna do bicho cazador yarmulke game reverse arrow he didn't really say so he cheating on a marijuana really die off this yes in this entire program you know opposite TV van resume to orna Ichigo a live broadcast sheet alert makan to Okamoto a GT car Oh God Mirotic will travisano Volta piscina koutaiev a way Okinawan Omaha rockadero Connecticut remedies Auto brocco Okutama now in dos de brito antoine de que tu mano Tohno Takaki Magendie on yo el Cuchillo chamber Amara aparajita mohanty Donna Berger accuracy Osaka rosetta Cusco Peru I mean in English a phenomena goochie goo time for some complaining Tomas Paris a hom de Paz ending a crock America guten Van de Parfum Garin Acharya and escazu cool dilute Rho quad can adapt in de muchos de panzerotto Sangalo Kamisha was developing a ganga or no kata Pavan Pavan Guerra Peters can sara rependa portals for zhamuhe Magua donut carry scarf and a saga Vannucci Danica's Akutan ago Tai Chan Paris or Imam Ossama seppuku mundo mooch hmm Americans were nude aways era gel so ah katakana Peter Anangu as yes anger equip Americana pita food are beset by water roses Ray Ray de patata kunas SOE Chaka tones in a piezo renowned American 21 don't we do auntie bev over serve one prophecy otto Jesus called Peter my children but Rita Rizzo Dodaro Jesus in the flesh Parma Coretta p'chepo Pechanga Kagura una wreckages Oh Patrick on gemenon Wakita Chopard Romana Newton vanna vanna journa cottony aqua dream kuru America computed Erica Perry John was six months older than Jesus vitam charondas mythology up Anika we are we are called theoretical nature we are no arrow until John wanna travel agency aggregate wanna battle moraga museum much not Lenovo yoga guru Chaka Fattah joseline root vaho was just a chia para para de lado de água Nagarajan you guys a leader Rogers was average web or drama trendy your vraja walk jesus said unto them children have you ever meet they answered him you know this is script who Andrew John 21 Jesus was addressing his disciples Peter 1 was one of the leading apostasy but Jesus called him child but in the flesh Peter was older than Jesus our Lord PJP tanga to carry bitanga decorator a guy Papa Tongarewa I hope you are my guru Tom jha janitors are a party demon impulsive are a bunch of linearities volatile guru D&D saga baba gasm photographer Jerry Marotta correlation items which - requires pero de Burgh de la putana basura de la Patrona maracucha14 morena way to attain a aqueon generation meu nome macaron for agouti yes Osvaldo Sierra Nevada over Botox aber crazy coot an idea en la grande en a move on so antiknock wanna go sahaja intro flirty cousin Jericho Hanabusa Kousaka Pamela Vaz McCoy was routing an anti-terror cutanea tarda parada a panna Indonesia with monotonous Naraku da Cunha Beauty named Jean le territoire de Putte rejuvenation were deuterium good Kakaako foreign terrorist scammed and I donate good Jana Jana Torah a Camaro a fruity patooty unintelligible a Telugu Desam arroyo Lanvin achieving tenderness son Kyra kutina Goethe for an hour kannada a great deal of Joran's pong kato an hour Kahuna's Lazzaro torah wanna toss bed oh no forgot a 10-gallon make a demon Narakasura Griffin Yama no epilogue which part are Oh Marone machinima Sauron and visible naked masquerade 19 years recoup is a coup de niñas jacques rousseau Papakura heart a moment I began dreamin on guru Iranian Revolution developer in knowledge indicates is a crappy mom gone induce Akamai upon o [Applause] segundo de Beauvoir Megrahi Navajo tofu gaggi nourishes Sakura Sakura in Morocco my aversion evasion heh heh if integrals of the same language de una computadora that'll work Eric sorry also we have food to do finger G which I wanna a voice because of your natural age it doesn't work like that this is a kingdom Cervantes and Laura margarita sangria Veronica Managua de madera the Delaware my dear Emmanuel pahud I can see Perez associate editor monopoly bonamana novel for America M do Bieber Mogambo nominee knows about for America antigen Rosie discover Bernama hood opens I'm Ahmad named Ana mama say oh my gosh I cannot cook I'm able to Quanah to design gonna completely lose weight and I never forgot somethin today they don't waste a Xiao Chuan's I open that doing ayah surah uno characters Dido with my ever gonna bomb which was a Gallagher Java C a marinovitch dagger avocado regular food saga Pope our no 2 Timothy my son Albert ala jami'a we should meet in my corner an apology wa my Basara andre with the dissolve Anna Baba Seagal John I don't teach myself I teach you about Christ I am your mother concerning spiritual issues because I nature you through the gospel and the gospel is not mine it was delivered to me by Christ hallelujah so Ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 Ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 it says and he raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus so we sit in heavenly places till your neighbor will sit in heavenly places we sit in heaven places together with Christ together with Christ now why if I read why if I opened revelation chapter evidence scepter to v6 it is because of this nabokov of revelations about hoff what does it say it says therefore rejoice ye heavens he that did well in them woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea for the devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he had but a short time you see now when they when I read this scripture for the first time I couldn't understand it I thought that this creature say those that I'd heaven are fine but because we live on earth war unto us but if you read Revelation chapter 12 estimate off in light of Ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 you understand that when the scripture says woe to the inhabiters of the earth it is not addressing the believers number 1 the change is no longer on the ground it has been given the great wings of an great evil of a great ego do you understand that number 2 according to Ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 we are seated together with Christ in heavenly places so that's why revelation 12 says rejoice all ye heavens and ye that it well in them to see that now we dwell in heaven according to Ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 or to the inhabiters of the earth or to the people that do not believe we are not of the world John chapter 17 verse number 9 we are not of the world so when he says war that warning is not coming to us we don't listen to it hallelujah John chapter 17 verse number 9 Jesus was praying and he said in his prayer I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou has given me for they are died can we read this scripture again together go I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou has given me for they are dying aha quote verse number 40 yes I have given them thy word and the world hated them because they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world clip-ins for Jesus so the world is ated us why because we are not of this world even is our Lord Jesus is not of this world so when he says woe to the inhabiters of the earth that warning is not coming to us it is coming to the Nano believing world we are not of this world in therefore the devil cannot hound us now let's go to the book of Genesis chapter number Genesis Genesis chapter number chapter number 3 from verse number 1 now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yea yet God said you shall not eat of ok ok ok I just wanted you to pause for a little moment on verse number 1 if we go back to Genesis chapter 1 verse 25 Genesis chapter 1 verse 25 invest 30 first 25 says and God made the beasts of the earth after his kind and cattle after their kind and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind and God saw that it was good verse 30 and every beast of the earth and every fowl of the air and everything that creepeth upon the earth wherein there is life I have given every green herb for meat and it was so vested 1 and God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good in the evening in the morning where the sixth day now this is where your attention is required most if we are going to trace the creation days day number one the Lord created light day number two God he created the firmament day number three God commanded the dry ground to appear after the waters on earth will gathered on the hollow places day number four the lord commanded that there be the Sun the moon and the stars day number five is much important because in day number five God commanded the creatures of the sea to be created including the birds so the the animals that live on the ground were not created on day number five together with the animals of their seas the aquatic life the alligators the crocodiles their fishes they see lizards and the sea frogs those are the things that were created on day number five but do not forget that they bathe also were created out of the water shirasaka Godzilla the Shiva Moon Vora such an amazing phenomenon the waters were created out the beds were created out of the waters the bells were created out of the waters but in day number six something very important happened in day number six verse 25 chronicles the creation of the land mammals the land animals so it says in verse 25 and God made the beasts of the earth after his kind cattle after their kind and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind and God saw that it was good take note though that the way the best indicator there is not referring to the kettle that we have those two words are symbolic of the way the beast refers to the predatory animals the animals that feed on other animals when the scripture says indicate Oh after their kind it is addressing the animals that are the herbivores the animals that feed on grasses and and the browsers but today we know these animals in respect of what they eat the Predators they feed on other animals they have beaver as animals they feed on grass and they the branches but if you check now on verse number 30 you will understand something but before we go into verse number 30 I want you to see that after the animals were created the animals of the earth verse 26 to 29 addresses the creation of men so men was created after animals were created what it means is God created the animals first and then the human being then Adam and his wife but let's look at verse number 30 and to every beast of the earth and to every fowl of the air and to everything that creepeth upon the earth wherein there is life I have given every green hair before meat and it was so and remember the way the media is a medieval biblical word which talks about food the way the meat refers to food and not meat as in food to obtained from slaughtered animals no food the way the meat refers to food are we together so according to verse number 30 when man was created when animals were created they both ate one meal they fed from the trees they clean hemp did you hear that now assuming that two are not our way that when Adam was created he was given the trees for food let us go into the scripture let us open Genesis chapter 2 verse number 9 and out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food The Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil verse 10 to 15 let's jump verse 10 to 15 let's read verse 16 because those those five scriptures were talking about the rivers that watered the garden verse 16 says in the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayst freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die so do you see that men and beasts men in the bed they both ate one meal they ate the trees they ate from vegetation the animals the beasts and the birds they were given they have the green herb for food and Adam was given every tree of death of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil do you see that do you see that so let's let's look at verse number 8 1 now let's look at wisdom at it 1 in verse number 31 it says and God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good in the evening and the morning were the sixth day now it is important for us to go le two steps back and consider that on account of Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 which makes the devil the snake the dragon the serpent is the devil according to Revelation chapter 12 verse number 9 and on account of that on account of that imagery it is important for us to see that God used animals to refer to spiritual beings to spirit beings I think that the serpent was created on day number 5 together with the beasts of the field that were created on the ground these are the same amounts these are the ground animals they were created on day number 5 before man was created if the smoke is a beast according to Scripture then what it means is the animals that we created or day number 5 are not only representing the physical animals that we have they are also representing the angelic beings which means angels pre-existed human beings are we together they are we together they but let's look at verse number 31 it says God saw that it was good everything that he had made he looked at it and saw that it was good when God said it is good it is not before the serpent was created the serpent was already created which with the serpent is part of the good that God had created what it means is we may want to revisit our definition of good in the eyes of God when God said the serpent is good what did he mean remember good and you only are two different ways the bad word did not say he looked at everything that deity created in the soul that it was holy no it says he saw that it was good and when we stand there we might need to go to Romans chapter 8 verse 28 to define good we need Romans 8:28 can we read this scripture together go and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose let's repeat the word purpose purpose what it means is when God said everything was good he only meant that it was going to save his vapors ah religious mago.net on the attack at the camera [Applause] when going to say everything was good he didn't mean that everything was holy he only meant that everything was everything was going to save his papers Alleluia now often not is Genesis chapter 3 verse number one it's a very powerful scripture and if we are not careful it will carry us our way into another detour where we may feel to Campbell to the message of tonight listen now the serpent was more subtle do you remember Revelation chapter number 12 verse number 10 do you still remember give us the description the Bible says when the devil was cast out of heaven he had a loud voice journeyed aloud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength let's take note of the wedge now let's read Genesis chapter 3 in with this word now in memory now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field that the Lord God had meant and Gordon you that when the word Asato comes into the Bible people are going to attribute to somebody that it is somebody who has created something subtle that's why when the Beast illicitly to a mentioned the writer Moses had to make sure that the beast and insanity was the Lord God who had made it now the Beast which is called the serpent was more subtle than any beast remember I said the serpent was made on day number 5 where the Beast to emit that's why the serpent is being described as a beast and we have got to conclude according to Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 that the Lord God of heaven is the one who made the beast was according to Genesis chapter 1 verse 25 the Lord made the Beast and all his kind all the kinds of beasts they were made by the Lord including the Antichrist which is mentioned in Revelation chapter 13 verse number one including the spirit of the Antichrist which is mentioned in Revelation chapter 13 verse number 11 all those bees are a kind of beasts give us a Franciscan faith and God made the beasts of the earth after his kind kurohagi carriages Jacques Akagi one amun-re 0zi with Shekhar but when God introduces the snake the serpent he says he was the most subtle of all the beasts that the Lord God had made if the beasts code the serpent is a satyr oh do we blame for his utility you are memory and it is straightforward loud answer who is responsible for the subtleness of the serpent yes Baba God is the one who made the Beast so he is responsible for his agility stepping back a little bit let's now understand that when he saw everything that he had made he said it was good which means the serpent places certainty it goes to good [Applause] now and he said unto the woman the serpent he said unto the woman yet God said you shall not eat of any tree every tree of the garden festro says a woman said to the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden God said he shouldn't eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die in the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die for God doth know that in the day you eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as God's knowing good and evil and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food in that it was a pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat now in the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked in there so the fig leaves together and made themselves aprons now coming back to Revelation chapter 12 verse 10 when the devil was cast out the scripture says there was a loud voice which was heard in heaven which they did now is salvation come in the strength in the kingdom of our God in the power of his Christ and in chapter 3 verse 1 of Genesis when the devil is introduced on earth the scripture begins with a now are we together it is important for us before we go further to read the second Corinthians chapter 11 verse number 2 to verse number 4 and we might also need to visit first Timothy chapter 2 verse 11 but let's start with this one for I am jealous over you with godly jealousy for I have espoused due to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ but I fear lest by any means as the serpent deceived Eve through his subtlety so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ for if he that commits appreciate another Jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which you have not received or another gospel which we have not accepted you might well bear with him did you see how the apostle of God connects this activity of the Delvaux to Eve with the coming in of a message that is titled another Jesus do you see the connection the Bible says go back to verse number three the Bible says I she left by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your minds be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ so who is Eve according to second Corinthians 11:3 who is Eve the church is Eve is that right the changes Eve is that right now do you see that in both cases in both cases in both cases the problem is not the cert ility of the serpent do you see that the problem is in the change and not the serpent because if the serpent was the problem then this letter was not going to be written to the Corinthians it was supposed to be written to the devil why is opposed to writing to the church if the one who is man bara is the devil he is coming in Sato his deceptive Eve was deceived by the certainty of the serpent I fear that you may be deceived it through the simplicity which is in Christ you will be deceived the same way as Eve was deceived Timothy first Timothy chapter 2 verse 11 let the woman learn in silence let the woman learn in silence with all subjection with all subjects suffer not a woman to teach but I suffer not a woman to teach or to a separatory to over the veil nor to a safe authority over the man why but to be in silence yes for Adam was first found it is because Adam was first formed then Eve and then Eve and Adam was not deceived Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression who was deceived who was in the transgression the woman so the Bible is putting the blame on the woman but they both eat Adam also ad-lib fruit but God is putting the blame on the oh man the serpent into the dust now we know that let's keep these two scriptures in mind first it remoted to verse 14 in 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 3 and 4 but let's go to Genesis chapter 3 verse 14 and 15 and the Lord God said unto the serpent so Adam had eaten and his wife and God came and he began to speak to the three he spoke to Adam he spoke to the serpent he spoke to Eve but you might also need to remember that when he began to pronounce his punishments in brackets to these three he started with the serpent he started with the serpent we will not read the whole of Genesis chapter 3 because of time but what we know is Adam received three forms of punishment Adam was told that he was going to till the ground from which he was taken in that it was going to eat from his weight and also he was told that tolded brass and thistles were going to grow on the ground and finally the expulsion from the garden and to Eve there were two punishments in particular number one the punishment was premised on the pains that way to be experienced by the woman at conception and a childbirth and a lot of people they say our women are suffering because called pronounced a punishment it shall bathe in every woman up to this day they they give birth in a lot of pain but when God spoke that that punishment he didn't say the pain was going to be experienced it child better he actually said I will multiply that pain and die conception in sorrow shalt thou bring forth children which means the old man I was supposed to have to get pregnant through pain but that pain at getting pregnant is not happening to our women was the woman that God was talking to was not the natural woman no it was not it was not the natural woman akram cars are not to remember what you are no man is getting pregnant any pain it is the opposite Alleluia now the woman that was going to be found in sorrow at conception is not the natural woman but the woman that our Lord speaks about in John 16 in John 16 there is a woman that gets pregnant and she is in Soul and she is revealing John chapter 16 John chapter 16 from verse number 17 Genesis let's start from 16 a little while and ye shall not see me this is what the Lord said in John 16 verse 16 a little while you shall not see me and again a little while you shall see me so he said a little while you shall not see me a little you shall see me because I go to the Father because I go to the Father then said some of his disciples among themselves what is this that he saith unto us a little while and you shall not see me and again a little while and you shall see me and because I go to the Father what does he build by all these statements they said therefore what is deed what is this that he said a little while we cannot tell what he's saying we can't do what he's saying what is this little well that is talking about we cannot tell now jesus knew that they were desirous to ask him and say that to them so they were desirous but nobody dared ask him they were just desirous if we could ask him what he means but it's difficult this man is difficult if we ask him you begin to bamba us with new proverbs and idioms that we will never understand let us just leave it at that and respect to them and decide what do you inquire among yourself of among yourselves of that I said a little while and you shall not see me and again a little while you shall see me do you want to understand what I mean verily verily I say unto you that we shall weep and lament that you shall weep and lament but the world shall rejoice and ye shall be sorrowful but your sorrow shall be turned into joy your sorrow shall be turned into joy what are you talking about a woman when she is in travail with sorrow because the hour is come but as soon as she's delivered of the child she remembered no more the anguish for joy that a man is born into the world so what does that really now you see now you want to explain what he meant and he brings people into more confusion now and each other come on Parvati come on - Anna Karenina Rebecca dirty monument a disco party nobody a Pharisee mishima sachet random katakana achievement Asuka mana a no shame about a canal goes nunca Mohana an affair in a no kangen water hm aluminum kimono genera become common asthma and when a brahmana do you see that every scripture in the Bible it tells us in no uncertain terms that the begotten son is the resurrected Christ he is talking about his death his resurrection and his coming back in form of the holy spirit but he talks about a child that is being born he is talking about his death and this direction is no my issue of being crucified and rising from the dead it is the same as a woman that is travailing she is going to give birth to a man shout now everything the Schaffer mamata that Warner when I would anger no joke Amazon donaga Jennifer named cars are Hazara cigar Menard aramco mana monochrome common arrows are WA but in Osaka Nagoya cuando llegué czar wa k mohanam come on a good memory I were in now yo Rivero walk in the Google Wallet cigar wounds and regime up and Jana go back to verse 19 now jesus knew that they were desire give assist quaint give assist quaint verily verily I say unto you that you shall weep that you shall weep element but the world shall rejoice and ye shall be sorrowful by the social change or be trendy who was going to be sorrowful who was going to be sorrowful and why is the change being sorrowful because a many child is being born into the world and what is the many child the many child is Jesus Christ and how is it being born into the world he is rising from the dead the churches the woman now we have established that birth delivery pains but we have not yet spoken of the conception pains taught our amar was dechkotzar Walker Mahana Alcoa no permission sequa our grotto MCATs anova chassis agra agra Kanagawa geochemical do you pocket or a kekkaishi pocket Erica remember because God said the woman was going to conceive in pain and also to deliver a child in pain a goon on cars are dopey depe 3:15 Toyota Genesis conversation korzos a new negotiation Ganza saccade son Gary Segura JJ Cho pahoehoe beberapa logic op o una mirada Muhammad my muffin and associated al-salam agua de hecho Kafka microrna are what are opportunistic Isildur Kufa there's big ganesha capital Manama hockey lansing Guccione michigan on a UK democrats on ebay achieve a su lugar sonography as never watch Joe Newton again energy Auto summons whoo natural undergraduate organization Olea per machine see map delivery area one day dem cheesy qua Ruffolo machines aqua locos agua come on awash Alleluia so because of our time let's go to Matthew chapter 2 maybe chapter 2 is a scripture that is going to tell us how the woman was going to give to conceive in pain Alleluia right let's open chapter 2 verse 16 then he roared when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men the Wiseman that had going to sit a bit of Jesus they the wise men were warned by the angel not to go back through the way that led to the house of a rod so in Herod saw that the wise men had mocked him by not coming big dream as he requested he was exceedingly angry and sent forth and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem in all the coasts of the coasts thereof from two years old and under according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the Prophet saying in Ramah was there a voice heard lamentation and weeping in a great morning who was weeping literally together go I shall whipping for a children and would not be comforted because they are not so right so was the woman that was going to be weeping for her children because when Rachel lost her children she has got to weep but who killed the children of Rachel it was he wrote this Jeremiah scripture that made you the apostille cottage is in Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 15 Jeremiah chapter 31 there was a voice heard in Ramah Elijah was weeping for her children and she could not be comforted because a children were not so in Jesus was born every male child that was two years younger was killed by her own so that a prophecy that Jeremiah had given could be fulfilled Jews Allah says o Kekaha morinda Picardie palin u.s. anger sorrow become an anemic or americanas not Zika a kapha a Chavira now Jesus rava Shetty Shetty sahaja yoga firaga choices Dijonnaise ovejita kana hanazawa - Sakura Sakura oh sorry we potamia kenzan and I Alleluia so the word ratio in Jeremiah and in the book of Matthew chapter 2 it refers to the Old Testament the Old Testament is ratio the younger wife of Jacob she wept because she lost a children toes way the conception pains no pocket remember H Oh yellow ponies coaches vamanos on dr. Zara remember I told you Gemma nacho openness odoru Gemini Bob aussi des des des hamana hamana Sagaponack are warming on upon or upon ESO la noche mengapa no fee wa Panos agua para no serviço Pinoccio Onofre djs dr. Alvarez Ville Papa no voyages open e Capano Panipat kwangmin pero por eso pues by no patron open op Annika pardon or over an open honest album image Sega Genesis digital epigenetics 314 f-15e akhaten dechaine's amar Oaxaca McCarthy Cubano to remember Nirvana's album when a person Papa patch HMO a single theory saga till MCAS dementia animal was via Armavir under par not to remember what you Pano's are and what ha Tina Perez a cheater amar wha Doya a cotton cardigan Idaho Zara Anand Raj hm Asuna guca para para su nunca ha amar da nakka nakka mophir Oh pants aluminum c'mon Doha Djokovic 800 million even a preteen Democrat watch Oh Sacopee Nemo cotton on Kazakh Zenda Kanna Jesucristo ah Carter epinephrine a ponzu canina P Topanga yoga's Angkor Wat Pho go to casino ishizaki a treatise a Brassica got a little while you shall receive me a little while you shall see me Chaka Chaka Chaka buchanan's de Sanabria yoga no Jim cot H ro G op iguana you go from gamma maha bua Momoko manga a bindi Boozer Vanuatu a pocket remember ok travel monogatari Linda Yuma garbage where en esta casa goo Chapel or abyss como va Rasengan Amato grip is America's a triple psychotherapist a devotee Hong M immortal maka to remember Papa camera C - ZJ Zozo kudos Rita Ora quadruple a Jetta otherwise the Papa Papa tarika food Dorothy Organa perineum saga me by root over m in Baruch porn ESO dome in Bellwood or wherever so in the Lord then spoke to the serpent now I want you to see that I was telling you the punishments that were pronounced on the woman first of all there was the issue of pain secondly there was the issue of the issue of the will of the woman on the men something very important was said and I am sure our women are not aware of this thing I think that is why our women are rising up today to demand that they be treated equally with their husband in their families at home but let's hear what the Lord said unto the woman I will greatly multiply thy soul in their conception in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee so when the marriage the first marriage was concluded by God he gave authority to the men to rule over the woman but our women are demanding that they are equal with their men they are saying we are equal partners in this marriage that is not true according to God even before Eve and Adam had fallen in the garden still the man was in charge but the territory of the men was enlarged after the woman had fallen paga Dornan cut the onion away the woman was the one that was deceived remember according to second Corinthians 11:3 the the influence of the authority of the men in the marriage was expanded by God the will of the woman is going to be on his own her husband the husband is the one who say we shall decide what the woman will use so no D won a MacArthur Arkansas which I determine when a Mormon listen this is Genesis chapter chapter chapter 3 verse chapter 3:16 indeed I desire shall be to thy husband shall know they were McCarthy gchat top upon blumenbach joining god are those onto the way where he was all know the person [Applause] so women are saying no no no no no we have equal voices in the marriage but the truth is even though they are denying it with so much a loud voice but it is happening look at me especially the women look at me I will show you a proof that your desire is on the on the men and not on you if you are married think about it the men that married you or the men that eventually married was it your choice mm-hmm occur or ome Maroma kokorin de Vaca chose a and in Turkish was developed in the Gaza want a de Patri Wow Oswald Petrovich of Aragon Navarre Vega he will imitate Oaxaca Yaakov arsenic we are gonna grow weary now a panel pocket Raja I uttered a prayer for guavas Kuya say hakuna matata no garage government Okuda delaurio as it poor Otis WA Kurata no Mangareva presa tanum sangha McCarthy on toga Mira no voy haciendo coup de Gras no party no votantes mood ever since Panama Gamboa reggae - voiceover Takamiya panama no Zowie Madonna no toes wrote upon our query any great ideas dragon egg or ovum gunas a Tyrande Scirocco Freddy Raja Co neuro arena Freddy runtime sanguine vaccaro an eva Cahuilla cartinacow eeeh 1100 kombucha columns quran chagum Rumi who can go tengo Mucha goomaroonie Otto dome and embarrass net convergence exam room a motto Jogi uno funny language agua we gotta share a noble chagas initiative Corrado patrol watch approaches Patricia Quezada SEM cards poker or watch education and Emma McAuley Ashton doctor from a bunch of Morocco Algeria Morocco yo chill mood education where Quattro reserve ratio area Chris Karma's goodness own territory shaman rejected as a goodness mercy to thousands in Telugu Naga ah Ruben Arabic MacArthur on garavato wish American Way like you wish I'm a genie and coordinate in the hakama never would and I would relish hey we were goofing on Telegraph Avenue in is Revati Chaka Fattah arigato vasovasostomy very taciturn Air France tomorrow humanitarian kilometer of the trevita seguro nosiness Asian screwin Khan is America agenda vittorio de guarulhos nate and kat rouhani harmony later Lauren Romano booty Tokuda don't ordinarily miss Vanga Yahoo December debate analysis Chris gray so I want my Georgia but Masada gone avocado are dangerous forever me vacati rahugana Kootenai para me with lava Rory Sabbatini semi familiar da gamba recognizes a hakama Navarro vassal Aurora in intermission me Rana Sanga en el siguiente mas Barack Obama canceled a marriage oh no not me oh you are a Democrat wocka chocka da Gama Gravano Nogueira vs. USA me show me oh Moo dah dah dah dah dah dah Azula - Inaba panel Bob Saccharomyces 70% era room a avocadoes Mariza Naruto reservoir in Arahama Goodwin whenever never tied to vomit or secondary a Suruga Paniccia open as I chose say so - joy a console or movie saga guru Bertrand Rizzo here kun hua una talk of marina marketers of monitors also as memorable for five minutes very vague Rizzo vanishing I drew taraji Aquitaine of my numerous acre as a situation and root or ammonium is empathy so I got Kolchak Romana would you can award a crore tango a masseur dosage of tanga tanga Amish or was this a sinner or evil Manucci shinji avocado avocado on track Aurora for the wrong reasons company restarick REM come an original or no bottom goes Rebecca Moomba receiver on day one are Okinawa citizen Sokka she calls your chakra goonpo tsunami lead you come very handy no chuckle Naruto come along what marriages ESS all Jacques I'll jump no gentlemen it is elicited shankha to National Mediation rude Elijah who tango do replay a simple set of mind she cheated to my values should not do any work which are awkward Rosario Croatia Masetto values a campus an apartment oppressor asada so to compromise the hie TK the order will change operative Ashok Kumar arizuka yakusoku yoga mats baba yaga Nogueira pessoas not gonna baby agate aqua gramma so mom - who are not appear would happy will he wanted a corner element Mutombo occupy corner honeymooner Adaro it don't gimme mumbles or baklava widget a panic and I see punished nor even cannot immediately but you know Yaakov angry rocket a mistake talk with us a talk with Ozzy was garroted coal miners at war or aluminum over Goethe was educated was couch Aurora whiny right frame of mind Kabakov a inclusive government Diego godín Democrat Integra macabre okay - bass a dude Mulan micarta seguirá nappa brains eager to grow garrison embryo ko mu cotton is demon forma de guitarra home becomes a hostile place quayne accumbens o with a dildo cigarette Rosario our own Wamba kapha Cunha Managua Darwin come terraces Lubitsch's rambha Menaka de nada between a Mariah called Iroquois work and the CSC drama Nicaragua crore in sahaja yoga Sutra norm come on Sakura Sakura - Victor original esse Sakuma Sakura tango a mature voice ro mo seunga's from Donna who's African such a kook we return a chocolate Sasha or could elaborate Asia are we not receive a wood panel a Camus cherepakhin mira a demoon de fanzini nine six months gory two years Costa Gravas hotel panel she to operations in Jersey of course the punishment is that our or an Apache you get a decision that gonna 0 panna cotta Machado de romandie nosy variety can Allison admire him catwalk - rebel waka waka Huia what - come quash effort Romano were in there Kanaga Democrats working owns we already pay tocome Cosmo yo Rock I said when disappeared the top one gradually McArthur gherkins was heated able to do for mind no no Moses even though for nyesha's Baba Ram Guevara speed-dial NMOS or jawbone Nagas no cor Akito agenda co2 to Saudia wonna Wonga ganas 1 whatever it is they're super and what is said is once the marriage is not in order the mindset of a man is not stable familiar a ndmp operation or inversion or a commission for me has got to be a place of peace Lopez aguado Toa Payoh to cannabis cabeza una hora de Pompadour on December Iago Kaito Toba Suriname Karuna booze bazooka combo Nikita Luger a nebula nama saya Welshman with some dibidibidip a knob sorry I'm cognizant of eroticism Oh garage maneuver on my window I'm just gonna do a pisser kuan-yin Luger over I will do a magazine you catch our cars run an entire hour to cut the to snuggle and remove in USA hello shorty car don't wanna go peace ambassador America days oh but you can open the bees saga I am saying this because there is some order that is in the scripture which we have got to maintain God has designed the husband to be the head of the family who is entrusted with authority to make key decisions in the running of the family institution so these are the things that we we have got to speak about all the time subin's got a new door yes yes yes yes yes Lorna what is our arakawa runs out - an iodine MCAT waka waka rural America from casual to do Rotom wash are not GMO or no would never Canada reassembled oghuz ie when I am in are appearing at the man am ii not easy i could i could not it tsunami which is a book of an awkward americano Quan cigar atomic attack iguana uno resort garage a corner to consider FoodCorps career equation Paz marriage Dino Bravo corner mmm she'd wanna NASA but Walker Google sure Michelle Monaghan above a Goomba Conshohocken gotta tell was agony it--is empirical member but it's difficult alright let us come to the end of our message so let's open the book of let's read Genesis chapter 3 verse 14 and 15 and then let's go further we want to understand something and the Lord God said unto the serpent because thou has done this thou art cursed above all cattle now the starting point is the serpent was the most subtle of all the beasts that the Lord God had created which means if you are going to write a priority list for cert ility the snake was on number one and when God comes to punish the serpent he puts the serpent or number one on the cast of the Lord on the priority list of the Lord in terms of cast ones the devil is on number one now this is very important if the devil if if God is going to kiss you you are never going to defeat the devil in terms of who is kissed the most between you and the devil the devil is on number one list of all those that are kissed okay now are killed above all the cattle and above every beast of the field now the semicolon on verse 14 is an elaboration of the manifestation of the case how is this case going to manifest could in that two-g Johanna Qusay opponent I beli thou shalt go number one the case manifests on working on your belly if the devil is moving he is going to be moving on his belly this this case manifests in two dimensions number one that the scripture is telling us that the devil himself in person is now restricted his movements himself the person of the devil he is not going to be allowed to walk in the garden or outside the garden they barely represents the offspring of the devil they are going to be the ones that are going to carry out the manifestation of his wickedness what it means is the devil himself is no longer going to come and deal with humanity himself in person we are going to see his seat those that come out of his belly sat on a park Azusa firmly domo arigato Yamazaki Pharma Allah go Gaara under Waldo communica hsema kaya Lana monotone Bhumika Lenovo more amok Novica farm Andromeda moon so Apostle Paul in the book of Ephesians he says in verse number 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against wickedness against wickedness give us with nabokov Ephesians chapter 6 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood yes but against the principle we're a so agonist principalities against powers against the rulers against the rulers of the darkness of this world of this world and against spiritual wickedness against spiritual wickedness in high places these are the offspring the seeds from the serpent now this is very important Saka cofrin boku nari kappa e kappa epic ana wickedness I can see a farmer is either running ARIMA principalities cannot my powers Kannamma rulers of the darkness of this world Karuma spiritual wickedness in high places ergo describe when a power of Jesus on Jessica dosa Raqqa Pharma those are you could can atomic or WA chemical 1s seed yes append this is the seed of the serpent we are not going to fight the serpent himself because he was restricted that he is not going to move but he barely shall move that's what Genesis chapter 3 verse number 16 says verse number 15 is number 15 says and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel you see now there is going to be the enemy tree between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent so the woman is the church we have we have established that already and the seed of the serpent is number one the total of the Antichrist in the spiritual wickedness in high places the principalities the powers in the rulers these are the offspring of the devil but much more importantly the second aspect of this punishment that the Lord pronounced on the serpent which said he was going to be working on his belly the word the belly refers to the things of the stomach Alleluia if the scripture says he was going to walk on his belly it means that whenever you see the devil on a mission his mission is a belly mission it is a mission and to the belly he doesn't have another agenda in his operations when the devil makes a move that move is going to address the belly and we have got two scriptures that are going to highlight the movement of the devil on the belly the first one is Philippians chapter 3 verse number 16 Philippians chapter 3 verse number 16 let us nevertheless where to we have already attained let us walk by the same rule let us mind the same thing 17 brethren be followers together of me and you mark them which walk so as you have asked for an example for many walk in brackets of whom I have told you often and you now tell you even weeping that they the enemies of the cross of Christ who are the enemies of the cross of Christ whose end is destruction whose God is their belly and whose glory is in their shame who mind earthly things Clemens for Jesus [Applause] so in God Satan put enmity between you and the woman between your seed and the seed of the woman he was saying this enmity between the doctrine of Christ and the daughter of the devil the Church of Christ in the Church of the Antichrist you see now so Philippines in the Philippines Apostle Paul says we have enemies of the cross of Christ in other words enemies of the old man of course they have got to be the seed of the serpent what do they do they mind earthly things they are God is their belly which means today we may not see the devil in person we may not see the demons in person but whenever we hear a gospel that is going to the belly that therefore has moved this is that therefore moving on his belly Mojang gonna pronto para la famiglia Goomba a fanboy before Deon was satanic on Seraphim on a satin an oaf upon a tomb boo so Fangoria boutique amici la Morocco de Asaka a nagato bomba Paz Aachen second Oahu para de origen o Partha uno para drat boo boo I said we are going to establish two scriptures the second scripture is Romans chapter 16 verse 17 to 18 Romans chapter 16 now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which we have learned and avoid them for such for they that are such evil not our Lord Jesus Christ but they are only barely and by good words and fair speeches they deceive the arts of the simple they save not our Lord Jesus Christ but they save their own belly Sokka fan Gary's Nora fan Gary's no padam gumbo Hungarian patatas sangria male monofin Gary sangria me Teahupoo Fangoria Manorama dumped a day a satin Makana a Perez watch a Pharma shanty la fábrica to cabeza de mujeres Oh CGT receive your money receive your car receive your miracle each o chaff amber amber monotonicity no patina saturday bubu oh God Saturn and family do tyranny babaco the devil works on his belly on his pain let me prove to you that the divorce on his belly Matthew chapter 4 verse 1 I will show you on our Terrace yahushua a deserter then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when he fasted forty days and forty nights he was afterward in hungered and when the tempter came to him he said if thou be the Son of God command that these stones be made bread [Applause] was Jesus gullible enough to fall into this trip but the answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord so the devil did not succeed verse number 2 of 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 it's chapter 2 verse 11 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 is the opposite 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 the Bible says lest Satan should to get an advantage over us for our not ignorant of his devices so the reason why we teach you we want you to be knowledgeable of his devices because if you are not knowledgeable of his devices you are going to have him have an advantage over you because if I were to device your own they eat oh boy they passed I'll be preaching at the peak of his voice sweating and needing to take a sip of the drink all the time but what is it bridging is that bridging the cross he is preaching to the belly he is bridging towards Romans chapter 14 let us talk a little bit about the belly we are just about to finish Romans chapter 14 Romans chapter 14 let us see which scripture we we are going to read now verse number 17 for the kingdom of God is not in meat in the drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy spirit clip-ins for Jesus the kingdom of God is not in word Alleluia this is an amazing scripture in amazing Scripture there's another one which says meat for the belly in the belly for meats but the Lord shall destroy both them it's chapter 6 verse 13 first corinthians means for the belly and the belly for meats but God shall destroy both eat in them now the board is not for fornication but for the Lord and the Lord for the body meats for the belly and the belly for means but God shall destroy both the means in the belly if God is going to destroy both of them why preach something that is going to be the strange does your profit you know that this belly that is preaching to God has got a plan to destroy it Porto ganas easier to do more are good parents rain plane Yamaha reforms rapido beam culpa Raja Nastasya Shakopee domineering now let us let us read verse number 14 Genesis chapter 3 and then we rush to a few other scriptures and the Lord God said unto the serpent because thou is done done this thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go the manifestation of the kiss pronounced on the devil he was to walk on his belly this is the thing that makes the devil number one on the list of those that are kissed by God and if moving on his belly is one of the top cases from God what does that make you if the message you are receiving is the belly message kanako-sama numerator on pro-family Dumba carrucha photographer angry doom Kanako favorite doom she reaches to mention is our gate of the certain organs they are killed above all the cattle of the field quano palliative Evangeline via doom and it was a Nicasio the other reason why you should shun the bellicose fear it is because of this case the moment you receive the bellick gospel you join the top list on the cast ones of God reward open terminal certainty so Marie talked way deeper number one Eva katakana mahara okeroa operative Hungarian book a commissioner I end up a number one pillar to cover man cannot have a katukov among our newly such an agenda per number one a kapitolina Wilkins Atkins which are upon a doom renew indeed a Kazuko quit Redondo what is the second manifestation of the case and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life you shall do what you wish our eat dust all the days of your life no do you see that the Serpent's meal was changed by God the diet of the serpent was changed by God before the devil deceived Eve he added the green herbs but when he deceived Eve he was reduced and he was now determined that he should survive on eating dust for the rest of his life which means the dust is the staple diet for the second step or diet I think there's a devotee he I don't know the staple diet for the devil is one P the stepper died for the devil what is it it is just sat on each coffee Jackie she cuchara Takenaga not ie what owner Allah a guru and make no mistake about it the devil step or diet was not the ground but the dust of the ground now let's open the book of Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2 let's see where we can read it from verse number 19 and out of the ground of the and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them and to Adam to see what you would call them now thank you thank you they're all the beasts of the field they were not made of the dust of the ground they were made of the ground there is only one animal that was made of the dust of the ground I mean all the other animals they were made of the ground and not of the dust of the ground Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul ah the sucks the human body is the only animal under the earth that was made of the dust of the ground move arathi now in llamó do yoga mohaka godwyn a Gurudev yarmulkes a zigzag occurred whenever insuiting occurs when a guru review there is a process that changes ground into dust that the process is called wind without wind there is no dust and I want to give you a process that gives pep mainly dust on the ground number one if it is rained the soil will be wet you can't find it dust on wet ground if you want to find dust you must disturb the ground of the rain that falls on the ground in the absence of rain the wind blows the ground and the soil is taken up and in the absence of rain there windy now since the so particles into dust which means the idea that I gave you in the earlier stages of the message that Adam Navis all rain when he was in the garden it is - you see now what I'm talking about in the absence of rain there was it does and the God took that just intimate the body of Adam hallelujah hallelujah and you now know that the rain refers to the weight of God rain refers to the Word of God which means if there is rain this happen to staff if there is rain disable to stop clapping for Jesus [Applause] if ever there is the rain the sipping to what will stop saying no kerchief and in Tarragona 1:9 ruins in Okinawan DJ mouth you can see is gay Gawron so rain refers to the Word of God if you are soaked with the Word of God remember that message this meta indicate rain the Bible says people are shivering because of the rain that poured and poured and poured and poured hallelujah now when they deal for is hungry he does two things number one he begins to preach the false gospel number two he brings calamity on humanity he brings calamity he brings nemesis on humanity now we have got this issue when the devil is passing by his working whatever he's doing you cannot just stop the devil from doing whatever that was look at me look at me there was going to be a solution to this problem if God they decided to do things the way we think when he came to speak to Adam and Eve after they'd fallen he knew what had happened and he knew that the trouble caused our disciplined and he knew that versatility versatility that he had not yet in the serpent was the reason why Eve was deceived you see what I'm talking about he should have the same simply said fire on the seventh and the serpent would have died and we could not be having this problem what he did is he prolonged the life of the seventh what the only did is he changed the diet of the seventh he said you shall eat the dust of the earth all the days of thy life which means God granted life to the seventh what is simply determined was his diet which means if we want to kill demons and the devil we are fighting a losing battle because we do not have power to kill him his life is guaranteed by God the God of heaven who pay no Santa no enema pepper ow moussaka see Kiran Ahuja Chava Atkins all the days of your life mas Bach Wesson M&P know who sambuca Satan a pimento Queen - auntie pieces grass upon Animoto no visa de pute otavalo daca is a satin de Vaca change era Altamira moto gray satin Langara a certain temperature Ania Cutrona Braga torta bouzouki torta how and when a satin satin a category so honorable sudoku to Minamoto Roberta Ramona Idaho chakalaka torta never seena Oaxaca torta Santa Naruto he came upon a gruesome acaba veteran so to charge the secret of defeating the devil is not in sending fire to the demons get wet with the word of God get to it with the Word of God get word to the Word of God soak yourself with the word of God and the devil never affect you Akasha cocoon upon a rock over horrid walk with otaku juga own Amaterasu very magical in abstraction so our joy and our ala private and a hundred Momoko tandem I wanna compete watching Danica career bong goo SEO solutions where the Gannicus oh la mamma Boca still more tokaiya ceramics and osmium Darwin donor TV the Guru Guru ofit Santana anaconda a notification Amato Atkins roll choco Matthew chapter 12 verse 3 chapter 12 made three chapters of matrix of that curve verse number that 43 when the unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through Dry places seeking rest and listen this clapping for Jesus [Applause] when the unclean spirit is gone out of him where does he walk he walks on water grout my ground was a dry ground produces it doesn't I don't you know busy flea the kind of feeling that you have but I'm feeling stronger this evening glassy shall walk out of this place retain the soft with that of God and to put us into a pocket like this and you say mr. serpent said I am self you can't touch me [Applause] signature I say what is upon Delta I will happy that you came to attend the extraordinary message read again verse 43 when the unclean spirit is gone out of amen when the unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through Dry places he walketh through Dry places seeking rest his sick at rest and findeth man he finds none then he said I will return into my house from whence I came out and when he is come he findeth it empty swept and garnished yes then goeth he and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there yes and the last state of that man is worse than the first even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation this secret there was about being dry and bring empty we have got to be wet with the word of God Isaiah 52 from 53 from verse number it says who yet believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground when Jesus was brought into this world he shut up as a tender plant a root out of a dry ground hallelujah he has no form nor comeliness and yet you know and when each we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire we simply read this scripture so that I can show you how that Jesus when he came there was no way to ground he was going to bring rain himself and therefore he shut up as a root upon a dry a dry ground hallelujah now we are going to read isaiah chapter as i chapter 65 it's a long passage but let's read 1 2 5 and then 17 to 25 isaiah chapter 65 verse 1 to 5 in verse 17 to 25 I am sort of them that ask not for me I am found of them that sought me not I say reward me reward me and to a nation that was not caught by my name yes I have spread out my hands all the day and to a rebellious people which worketh in a way that was not good after their own thoughts a people that provoked at me to anger continually to my face yes that sacrificed in gardens and bennet innocence upon odours of brick which remain among the graves and lodge in the monuments which its wine is flesh and brought of abominable things is in their vessels which say stand by thyself come not near to me for I am earlier than now these are a smoke in my nose if I had that Bennett all the day now let's read verse 17 to 25 for behold I create a new heavens and a new earth in the form a shall not be remembered no come into mind but be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing and here people a joy and I will rejoice in Jerusalem and joy in my people in the voice of weeping shall be no more head in a native voice of crying so the Jerusalem that he was prophesying that the Lord was going to create he's talking about the coming of the New Testament right now they shall be no more than an infant of days no in Ottoman that it's not food in these days for the charity shall die in hundred years old but the sinner being in hundred years old shall be accursed and they shall build houses and inhabit them and they shall plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them they shall not build in another inhabit they shall not plant in another eat for as the days of a tree are the days of my people and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands they shall not labour in vain nor bring forth for trouble for they are the seed of the blessing of the Lord and their offspring with them so you see now this is where they are showing us that is talking about the New Testament believers which are the seed of the seed of the blessed of the Lord in verse 24 he says and it shall come to pass that before they go I will answer in the world is speaking out here verse 25 says the wolf and the lamb we shall feed together and the lion shall eat straw like the Bullock and dust shall breed the Serpent's meat they shall not hurt nor destroy it all my holy mountain say the Lord so you see the issue of the serpent eating dust was pronounced doing Adam so we assumed that when Jesus dies and he brings in a new era of the new covenant of grace and faith then the diet of the devil was going to be changed but no according to Isaiah 65 verse 25 even in the New Testament the Serpent's eat diet remains the dust of the earth dust shall be the Serpent's meat in what does he say in the Book of Luke chapter 23 verse 29 to 31 we want verse 21 but we just want to see what happens there for behold the days are coming into which they shall say blessed are the barren and the wombs that never be in the pubs which never give sake then shall they begin to say to the mountains fall on us into the hills cover us for if they do these things in a green tree what shall be done in the dry even when Jesus was crucified he built those that were weeping for him and said weep not for me but weep for yourselves and for your children for if they do this on the green tree what shall happen on the drive hallelujah okay okay okay let us read Isaiah 52 verse 1 to 2 Isaiah 52 verse 1 to 2 it says awake awake put on thy strength or Zion put on thy beautiful garments or Jerusalem do you see that is talking to the New Testament Shh the holy city for him to fold they shall no more come into the the uncircumcised and the unclean let's read verse 2 together go shake thyself from the dust arise and sit down or Jerusalem lose itself from the bend of the knee or captive daughter of Zion read again that passage shake thyself from the dust arise and sit down Oh Jerusalem lose thy self from the bends of die neck or captive daughter of Zion you see now shake thyself from the dust journey but shake yourself from the dust so in the book of Romans now they are Postal summarizes the message concerning dust let's go to Romans chapter 8 he says very beautiful things let's hear from this number 5 for they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the Spirit for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace because the carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be a battle now and if you look at verse 7 of Romans chapter 8 you are going to see that a posto poet Adam in mind when he said because the carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be the history of the Bible before Jesus was crucified it gives us a long list of situations where God tried to put the colonel men to be subject to the law of God so Ana Paul writes chapter 8 of the book of Romans he is summarizing from the first man Adam who was a living soul he was not a living spirit he lived a carnal life but God expected him to be spiritual that's why when they encountered the devil they'd ever fisted on them what give the devil victory over the Festa capo Adam and Eve it was dust towards God they deform the Adam out of the dust of the earth in Genesis chapter 2 verse number 10 verse number 8 it tells us that God to put the men that he had affirmed into the garden it was not a spirit man or a spiritual man who was put into the garden you know it was dust that was put into the garden so the devil came to dust and he was able to deceive dust and when the devil is exceeded in punishing him God said the main that you have been able to deceive is going to be of food all the days of your life at that particular day at that particular time Adam should say to God how am i gravel to live if you have given the devil all thority offer me as long as I am in the flesh that's why the moment he was ousted from the garden there was murder Cain made that Apple because they were in the dust they became a prey to the devil because the devil preys on the dust and why was God doing that gorgeous design in mind gorgeous Jesus in mind Gordon you that when Jesus finally comes he was going to establish a covenant that was his spiritual he was going to give birth to spiritual children that's why chapter 5 verse 17 of second Corinthians says when a man is in Christ he is a new creature the Bible says amen and then a new Krysia he is not going to be a human he's going to be a new creature because we are no longer in the flesh we are no longer Canela minded we are not walking after the last of the flesh we have become spiritual and you want to be a spiritual we move out of the flesh and therefore the devil when he comes he sees the spirit remain soaked with the water of the word of God and you not the prey on you hallelujah that's why when we cast out demons demons are cast out of the body the spirit man inside cannot be infested by the devil by the demons the demons cannot invade your spirit they can only come in your body why because you are dust now we also change our inaugural party podcast it's an allocation the devil was given in a location when you meet people that are walking after the flesh prey on them feast on them pounce on them because that is your food all the days of your life hallelujah shaaka yone Noguchi oka Zheng He Man you are warned in a matrimony not a garage Nyong'o Aseema damn matter what we re macGruber my problems are your problems are - - problems - your neighbor your problems are - - problems Alleluia so what does what does at least as this chapter Jose listen to what what Apple what the preacher was talking about Solomon the preacher let us read Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse number 7 at least justice chapter 12 verse number 7 Leslie together go finish out there - they returned to the 8th as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it you see God does not want to dust it he doesn't have a place for dust guru arena Ramanujan boy ro do you never shake off the dust shake off the dust so what then the devil does is as long as your preachers are preaching a dust a beli gospel they are going to deliver you from one problem while creating another problem you are never going to be completely delivered the Bible says when the Son of Man set you free you shall be free indeed Khanna Monica Monica Goosen hungry mushara Bacchus Onizuka zero quash how do we become free indeed by getting soaked by the rain of the weight of God so that our soil may not produce dust while we are still in the flesh there is a way out of the trouble of the devil you can wet your soil and there will be no more dust arising up from the soil when the serpent sees you he walk away from you he can't come and eat there is no more food for the serpent on your life because you are wet with the weight of God alleluia alleluia so God spake unto Abraham in unto Isaac and they say Jewish children are going to be as much as the stars of the sky and as much as they descend by the seashore nobody ever thought about it why did you go to mention the Saint that is by decision hallelujah why somebody wants to try his then but wants to try yes Baba give him the mic day God's a problem your children shall be is deceived by this evil it's because the same day by the seashore does what you have dust it will be washed by the water of the synthesis let's play bands for him let's play bands for him so when God spoke those words it's in Genesis 22 after he had tried to offer Isaac by the mountain in in Moriah it's Genesis 22 verse 17 he says that in blessing I will bless thee and in multiplying or multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is upon the seashore in thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies so there are two similes the stars of the sky and the sand of the seashore innumerable those that were going to be as many as the stars of the sky are those that were going to come out of the loins of Isaac and those that were going to be as many as the sand of the seashore they're going to be the sons from other sons Ishmael in the other six sons we were born to him through cateura my beloved brethren the message ends like this we do not have so much trouble from the devil the reason why we are seeing the devil is a big stumbling block in the way of our lives it is because we are not learning the art of war in Messiah the Bible says chapter 4 verse 6 my people perish because of ignorance so people are not perishing because they do daily keep our no they'll acknowledge my people are perishing because of lack of knowledge when we learned in knowledge when we acquire knowledge concerning Christ we are going to be aware of his devices the devil is a serpent he feeds on dust dust arises from a soil that is destitute of water the water is representing the weight of God once you continue receiving the Word of God your ground is never going to be dry anymore you shall be wet in the way to always and it's going to be easier for you when we child is sick to lay your hand and say your sickness I command you come out of my child without needing to call a Polish window or pastor below to pray for a child you have that power the Bible says in mark 16 verse 17 these signs shall follow them that believe these signs shall follow them that believe they shall cast out devils they shall heal the sick in my name they shall drink poisonous substances and flee their hands or their fingers as corporal they shall not hurt them they shall lay their hands on the sick and they shall be huge that scripture did in the safe in science shall follow the preachers of the gospel no they signed the way to follow the believers once why a believer you are empowered you can live a life that is free from the troubles of the tear we have given the devil too much credit for something that he can't even afford to do the power that the devil has over us it is when we live according to the lusts of the flesh the dust if we live a life that is in lasciviousness in last few life a life that responds to the sensitivities of the flesh the moment we do that we empower the devil to trouble us we empower the devil to give wreak havoc in our lives but when we live a spiritual minded life which Apostle Paul says in the book of Colossians chapter 5 from chapter 3 from verse 1 to 5 he says lay your affection put your affection to things that are above and not on things that are on earth when we live like that we are going to be a wet people even though we have soil in our lives this body is made up of dust but when we wet it with the Word of God we are going to starve the serpent serpent inhabit guruva Dogon Garuda Garuda ricotta Teresa still guru Innova Yamazaki re-connect Uchiha Zeno karaganda language Kagura Chet reckon a guru or Nova Raja okay Teresa château ogier Garuda Luca Tessaro Vampira nuestra maka as the show Cory coochie serpent each era Rama Nagar OVA chromic or ESA open while that is explained in Genesis 3 verse 14 and in Isaiah 65 verse 25 even in the New Testament the serpent still leaves to eat the dust hallelujah I don't know what you are thinking of right now but I can assure you this message is good one I did agenda one objective to inform you why the devil is causing trouble in your life and ones who are aware that if I become a spiritually minded I am no longer of this world I am seated in heavenly places with Jesus Christ at that particular time you can stand up and make a declaration the trap was you have caused in my life today is your deadline today is your last day you shall hound me normal we shall persecute me no more you shall trample me no more I am a victim and no weapon formed against me shall prosper because I have been wetted I've been soaked by the doulton of Jesus Christ this is the rain that God was talking about hallelujah but the serpent is never going to stop because there are those who are resisting the rain they are remaining dry ground and because there are some of us who are not going to be saved those that are receiving the belly gospel of the devil they are going to remain it dry and because of that the devil is going to be having more than enough to eat we never have a snow your one bogey open you break I never know pyramids in ba na na kama umbrella could was a Tottenham for my second Arabica home Chaka Khan avid ro y ou K no a single single single single single single issue gazenga eurocar torta Wichita from Solano poutine yoga disc we akuno yoga GJ Madeira Kuno 0pt mezack uno lashes single matrimony man wanna watch it Super Mom you screamin garages in comenzó Toyota Tacomas SN daba da cunha kunio-kun are kounotori Kuchipudi Singhania sonic ocarina guruva Sugano castro Templar Koko Asuka nagorno-karabakh a torta no katsu yoku no gonna wanna buy one yes DiNozzo Taconic wanna acquisition logic of Sahara Badshah garage come from the wrong way to have active robbery Ramba let us stand up today I am NOT going to pray for you I want us to pray I want us to pray we are going to sing a song just for a moment and once we think that song even those that are attending this service on the internet through live streaming please do not go we are just about to wind up our message before we do that we are going to pray in the prayer that you are going to make it is a fervent prayer of a righteous man you are going to pray to go to thank him for waiting you with these words and after that you are going to make it declarations to the devil concerning your life I don't know the things that we see the fingerprints of the devil on your life I don't know the areas of your life which you say I am seeing the fingerprints of the serpent on this aspect of my life tonight you are going to be finding an opportunity to speak to the serpent to make a guideline to give him a boundary this is the end of your Menace this is the end of your disaster this is your the end of your genocide vaca do quadratic equation the zero nasty cough choco walk on zoological evaluation open opposition agora infer a partner rocket or Tanisha Rama Hari saga arunachalam bottom open angle how much on the bottom open you are good the chakra chakra hallelujah do you see that with such a teaching like this whenever you are coming to service we must see you running so that you totally miss even a drop of the rain who knows a Kilauea Carnivora solution goes up Farva Baraka Noir - Raja cause I ain't a car alleluia alleluia alleluia cannot you forever just for two minutes lead us into song so that you may thank God for soaking us with the rain so that they simply may not accompany us and after that we are going to address the enemy Hamato Yoshi daba daba Damona motto osot clay Akuma leggy yell Sakamoto Raina satanic a motif evangelise a time for Kenny Rogers Avenue Norma Rivera numata kasuga Mara muerte santa ana martinez work pseudocode is valid chakra Mahan address a matrimonial after a scientist is to address America with a sieve I know you have got the power the Bible says we wrestle against the spiritual wickedness in high places we are going to address those spiritual wickedness in high places and after we are going to do that after the song socata Nina NASA - Farah kuta yoga yoga asana problem now as long as naka corta de Carter Tazawa Jaffa Kazakh gara gara gara gara in the Posada cloud war tortoise issue Dada Dada Dada character Oh freedom offensive beaucoup pour Tortosa shoma Buchan character opieop i used to poo well poor tortoises shawarma oka Canada Alberta tyskie raise up my TV welcome to an illogical to retain what did Dora - Radhika hallelujah yes [Music] No the bay thank you Jesus thank you master thank you Lord for bringing us the rain that weighted us that we may not continue to feed the Serpent's with the dust of the great playground Evora gamma DL Mobile is a guru ah es RTC Barack Obama - amber Aisha kuronuma new Verano Fran aya you Sora palmarosa vernéa Puzo's una mirada de Marana ago so cheeky nerado survey you to know today Jason embora Dominus apocatip a domani Roja no cos wanna go sing appear a good while ago singer / - nagura us at all - no girl I remember when Iike to knock you right away auntie Kris - to knock you I remember Mucha tanga to know who I am where I know pharmacology bottle a query we challenged their rulers and the powers and the principalities that they should not from henceforth affect us for we are now a people that assuit unto salvation because of the weights because of the width because of the weight of God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah ah giggles Robert G grouchy I want you to hold the ends with the person that is closest to you Oh dance I want two people to audience I want you to hold both hands of the person that is standing by you and I want you to hold the ends yes just two people but Anna Chuck I cannot might about Saturday matinee mrs. walkways and a baton there's another one that is required there go there go there Cody and what you are going to do while you are holding hands I want you to declare deliverance to the person that you are holding the ends you know there is this spirit that it has been in operation for a long time that you believe that you are not a believer enough to pray for situations when they arise in your life you believe that if if the pastor was too lazy in Zona me if if only a posto could come to my house and say prayers I believe I will build polygamy - that is a religious practice the Lord has given us not the spirit of fear but the spirit of a sound mind we have got the Spirit of God in us we are saved we are children of God we are believers and we are authorized to lay hands on those that are sick how much more on yourself so you are going to start tonight to believe that I have got the power as a child of God by delivering the person that you are holding their hands I want you to declare deliverance on them on every aspect of their lives including deliverance from that spirit II that affects people when they are hearing the Word of God the spirit of destruction not destruction is destruction with a you but destruction with an a you will be distracted from the message when the message ends you don't remember if anything what was the pastor saying they were neither here nor they he were touching your phone trying to look at messages that you read a long time ago but whenever the message is being delivered something distracts your attention from putting much of your concentration on the weight those are things that we need live range from and you are going to do it on your neighbor as they are going to do it on you so I want you to make a declaration of deliverance on the fellow believer you have got a right to make that pronouncement you are going to challenge the spiritual wickedness in high places you are going to challenge the principalities their rulers and the powers the Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood weary so Arcanist spiritual wickedness is and this is the time to challenge the spiritual Katniss's there are times when you want to pray you don't know the difference when you are praying and speaking to God when you are delivering somebody you are challenging the dark forces all soon Ahmad or Goethe Hamas be a deliverance o address again Sunday hakuna Sam Brocato Tessa one is Simba I will challenge my richard engel Moyie River graphics a moonwalk o shaughnessy bazooka effect they were addressing social to abroad that your brethren this is the time to make a declaration of deliverance on your brethren start right now start right now do it with all your heart you have got the power to deliver your wife your husband when they are sick you can pray on them and they'll be delivered you have good that power is a child of God that is not the dutiful apple shochu anger alone that is not the dutiful posture following alone that is not the duty for pasta merengue you can do it the eyes out of God when you get sick you can lay your hands on your head and deliver yourself from sickness you have got that authority as a child of God deliver them deliver them deliver them deliver them every force of darkness I challenge you this evening because we are not dry ground we are weight of the Word of God we are empowered to wrestle against the dark forces of the devil there is enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent there is ever going to be war against the kingdom of darkness we don't entertained darkness we don't entertain the forces of darkness we don't entertain agents of darkness in the house we are there woman the testament of Christ the Church of Jesus Christ challenged those forces challenge those forces challenge those forces declare them free declare them liberated declare them delivered you can do it you can do it you can do it you are a child of God you can do it you are the elect of God according to grace you can do it you are a saint you are wise by the blood of Jesus there is no demon from the underworld that can defeat you the devil was defeated a long time ago at Calvary all you need to do is to enforce your deliverance to enforce your liberation to enforce your freedom from the influence of the dark world you can do it you can do it you can do it you can do it thank you Jesus you can do it you can do it you can do it you can do it you can do it you can do it pray with all your hearts declare deliverance with all your heart you are empowered to go to all as a soldier of Jesus Christ you can do it you can do it you can do it you can do it you can do it thank you Jesus thank you Jesus those data to tell affects those naturally but it it tells that few poets make a noise of joy make a noise of joy unto the Lord let a loud noise of joy and to the Lord and to the Lord and to the Lord and to the load yes the ladies come upon us we are the children of God and we are weight with the weight of God there is no food for the serpent he must move on to the dry ground and aquiver Akiyama Satan Aparna guru Appa Appa taka totally shocked Rama Hari shake off the dust shake off the dust clapping for Jesus [Music] we may be seated let's take our seats briefly [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jesus Revelation Ministries
Views: 10,709
Rating: 4.7300615 out of 5
Id: c2UMOSoVukA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 50sec (12710 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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