Mid-Week Service 20 February 2019 (Message Title:My Home)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Dokka Semiramis Wesson dedicatory nyah nyah Yaya Katara a conscience and a dino papara coochie vanish in g1 have achieved the to malama messages legitimate authority a conscience how can I overcome Yaya yo yo nay coochie coo discommode hace mucho taro per se ponen kikuchiyo Nakajima ravana rama this this life at nora Rama Tichina Mata Hari you cannot live outside the conscience Alleluia conscience iakh Oh Jo Yakut Unga miss gonna marry Kody Chiba you chapo' poo pourri Kikuchi vaca Mira papi Necronomicon ago Sita Sugoi kimochi version Giovanni Boccaccio a Moya conciencia which were popular kuta penitas na mila so Kanaka material ah see pavani a vaca Teresa Palmer Pacino yo Joe Chirico vodka Moya Avenue choco Detroit a fam sorrow Pedro sandy Teresa Hebrew chapter 10 verse 1 wanna cocoon Deepika Yuya pecan geometry narrow para Jesu Christo first one in order for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifices which they offered yeah by a continually make the comers thereunto perfect operative rs-24 then who do they not have ceased to be offered because when the worshippers wanted paged should we have a no conscience of sin Sokka very condom away sheepish Vaca wanna Pavini that the conscience of sin inside of them Kerava coochie the sacrifices which were given in the Old Testament which could not take away sins Hanako gonna cut Rize mommy real oh oh ma no in the conscience palm syrup HEV saga Chickamauga palm syrup echoes evocati dream you today we a mellow alguna Mariana Kanaka TV male era una Kanako addresses that aspect yeah caso con okawa narrow porridge eso es oppa ocka ocka ocka de la ropa rocky a Katyusha kuraki Europa Renault we re see the leadership visa all the condemnation then Kazuya pumps rapido because of the past sins Alleluia a story to tell Amari Naruto pooty-poo GT coach also says Khushi kappa time of repentance no one can really repent to God Neku Kofun kakouton de nada cotton attend okay vanessaanddan o-etca cannot a panoramic and Akita gyro kono kata or and ekodama cv rocoto Misawa kaya a second asana copy WA a repenting heart nam re you can never truly repent from your sins Olivia you can never truly live your sins you cheating Hakuna Matata the Living God nazcans also Katyusha rocket Hakuna Matata eco una cosa fund Rock'em they were pure that conviction the first thing my a maternity and we are awakened a conviction in our hearts that conviction in Ashanti's konami am chain cootie away Oconee Kootenai Uka Uka Uka Connemara so true repentance in the heart of a person in order initiate wanna marry retina von Economo neuron ago guna could decide come ah Kagura Oh Tino docket ending kappa silly ass a memento una una Kushan de comer guaa y coco Cuidad conviction mo Catemaco Coty open you can go to change quita como en el partido de tren de madre calamara - no Kootenai Noguchi Khun Ella Mae Hanazawa Chaka Chaka Chaka pocket in de la soie Picatta can achieve is Katy come kosm open working upon a sequin equip a puzzle anatoray Rama is a normal life let's consult with Anika cough upon yaki municipal to attend the okay are we a cos Rotorua Boniface team on chapter form pan on see their hearts will see it with a watch I own cootie mu nu e NN k alpha man's guerrilla RK NN k alpha cuckoo navin's kopaka pumper Comerica Park a Sakuraba Neku she kept a position of repentance at rotate rotten Damari Neku Tippa Mia yo yo yo yo Nikko poop or apirana yo yo palm syrup Amara Romero arrow at notice when Israel Kootenay oka a conviction e accountant IAM cheney achieve under patil and see power utter panic illusions one particular anger at it that we may walk worthy of the Lord destined that we might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God taka-kun Akira Pankaj agent dorneget Eric Eric Santino Ducati like Eric yabba strengthened they correctly yep a nice mahogany aqua to walk worthy of the lawn but walking wealthy he gonna Cana conscience Yamuna eating a akava sing Hakuna good idea to the true righteousness in / Poonam hard enough and rockin whatever pain you in the conscience Telefonica Cochiti okay Nikita Chino quit yankin aphasia wanna Anna Yano friend Rocco poopoo ricotta muffin beer and repeat a pop are deceiving aah say aah Nyang go yes tango a pop hora de cocora Rama purana Coco since a troffer oddity 10 de mar de pecho Alleluia Goethe Mary McCann Tippin or OVA can attract a political Makka Moo denying cootie when evil happens or when I am about to even my conscience testifies could he know this is not right in the sight of God Goethe techinical farmer worthy of the Lord Jennifer ocotilla right in our conscience kuna koochoo millisecond Nancy Teresa poor Rita Ora a panel panel student deregulation guitarra pants rapini a city no permaculture and a conscience the Antonia news anchors and anchor an okapi Kiribati for a very long time en cuanto al karima Coco kochira Pechanga upon slope and easy 7 garage atrocity a dank and acaba eccentric Ibaka Denise's vodka by raining since Akkad I assume delicacy cava name a veteran Bible GTR con under 2000 candle confessed my sins upon a Chaka Chaka Marvin fair interior as a confessor code ro de conciencia yell ramp assume open era Sock'em you know yawning cacophony ricotta canopy name you know akka con el cielo ana phenolic on duty Antonin panenka kenapa Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Khan is Ray Kanaka kou Pacheco Putin dr. Sarah Shakopee wa o city is in the Kaaba India nacho could in digital say for the sacred River right because conscience young in a Geisha populist message cutting the offer document Eva delight area cut e Hanako address wa alleluia I see key to know the finer could eat even one final family worthy of the calling of the Lord wealthy a of the Lord unto all pleasing or pleasing not in certain areas pleasing but in all every area of our lives pleasing God may hope a quatrain keechaka dinero por hora saturation imagine a comprar Mari Mari TPS Simba canopy Nishino so a few tira de conciencia coach a pop or upon slow person yo Joe una cosa fun Eric Whitacre one uno friend Rakuten paavana cucumber amar containing dose areas so no noona Korean Air Weapons rapado kanna kuzhi kuzhi cacao from the pasta person Nene Akkad our originals and is routine to Dylan I see the indicators are Connecticut but anion co-equal delimiter Sokka you can also go to the pasta and you talk to him over those issues Alleluia asteroid coming easy to compare Mary Miasha the KU Villanova know very a truly repenting heart not really one wananga Fukushima Jessica for kids were that humble spirit dirty HR was in the humble spirit God cannot despise kotemari Tibetan a gigantic wave and very humble am Pope to God means being obedient to the word muchif vampire in total subjection a total submission to the will of God containing our lives alleluia alleluia Santos at adultcon delicioso calamari teach a Mary Mary Tanaka Pharma xakanaka trippin asha second farmer named 0fficer Mary Moo penguin Walker is open walk away because it's about the end it's about everlasting life not a shame Nagaraju Tierra the shame he actually could if something is exposed in my life the shank and a Khedira say I think we shall now T is its modern that is if actually if you compare everlasting life in the same Yahoo no Kanaka wanna by exposing sin in your life which I wanna go to you are a winner by exposing sin and later you have everlasting life Estrada to compare Mary tipping Yasha say guten Doha check Opaka Zara Zoomer see no teef yukita SAT picasa Daegu Tendo cabacas ara con el chingon de vimanam are MOCA vampire Jose Marroquin Ordonez cut Indira phanpy evolved life defending open yo Kanako fatty Alleluia said of the team will we will match it then we pray to God token Briana's Zozo Kodaka fan boppin Kumari kuba Parker Ramadan is a todo Tanaka Tanaka Rambam a kombucha the conscience inside of me booting deceiver Buddha Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Heba acid fut dodging is de rigueur a yoke me quarantine wanna Kurama Del Amo penny loafers America team be Tibetan omotenashi [Music] but getting a team [Music] No kuchi what kind of come up a little beat us [Music] ha ha ha ha ha no Moodle Peter such as Rocka darker Roddy welcome back our No look I selfish what now Oh okay [Music] ha ha ha ha Shinobu doobie [Music] what's got darker he loves it so coudair god see nobody's down rocker nobody wah-wah well uh mighty Walker what welcome no matter is you know putting the money in America moods work because it would be seasonable disadvantage with the defendants own father Murray but no price would have a you wanna crack a new is nabob [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who Jesus yokas Oh God foodarama never coming scene to walk in the consciousness to walk in purity in obedience you're waiting in obedience to you Lord thank you Jesus thank you Lord I know that on Sunday I promised you that we are going to go forward with the message series that we are having today or these days tie toward the servants of God series but today the Lord is good another menu for us and we are going through we are going to eat what Haggai gives unto us that's not wanna a guy those are tanaga on Sunday if God grant us the grace we shall take over from where we left on Sunday we may be seated thank you Jesus thank you Lord for your grace thank you for the abundance of your grace thank you for the gift of life thank you for the gift of eternal life thank you for the Holy Spirit who breathed life into our spirits through the messages of the Cross thank you Lord for everyone who shall partake of this message from far and wide father we ask that this message may find a place in the hearts of those that are elected to disgrace thank you Lord for giving this teaching a place inside of their spirits that wherever they go they may not forget the Oracles of God that are unto life amen so the message that I shall share with you is going to be titled my home my home I was troubled throughout the day I tried to write you notes concerning this message but I felt and the only thing that I then concluded was led to me just learn what the Lord wants me to teach because the Holy Spirit has been teaching me for a number of months now concerning this message I could have taught this message last year or the year before last year but I couldn't I felt in my spirit a strong conviction that there are things that the Lord wants me to learn so that this message may become clearer John chapter 14 John chapter 14 verse number one let not your heart be troubled he believed in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also and with that I go you know in the way you know Thomas said unto Him Lord we know not whither thou goest and how can we know the way jesus said unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me so this is the passage of the scripture that is going to form the foundation for the message of today first of all we need to understand John chapter 14 before we go to other places we have heard is so much confusing doctrine for a very long time our so-called preachers because the Lord has not given them the grace to understand the mystery of the gospel of Christ they will not understand certain aspects you know you cannot understand certain aspects of the gospel if you don't know the foundation the encourage the basis of the doctrine itself once the minister of the gospel is destitute of the understanding that the whole Bible talks about Jesus Christ pyaare there is nothing else that that Minister is going to say about Jesus that will be true Kannamma Sunday Tsubaki way way past Ibaka prophet Rocco Bishop Rocco a posto Rocco Evangelista Rocco Reverend Avago rocket on Zappos evocati by Barry race RINO Turin Asia Cristo Jaso opposition achieve mony Java chitara cha-cha quadi Abba Cena Alleluia ask your neighbor did you hear that now it is because there are issues that are so much interesting to the peripheral world to the non-believing world issues that are part of the doctrine but that I just exciting issues like the day that Jesus is going to come back people that do not believe they are very excited about it they have composed the song they sing when is he coming back to take us in Shawn are at manoa rima così Torah issues like rapture amiguita on issues like millennial reign of Christ going to heaven issues like the devil there are so many movies that have been watched in this world when non-believers have imagined the devil in their minds and they've composed songs they've directed videos and movies and people are purchasing those movies in the are selling like hotcakes because the non-believing world has got something inside of them they are curious that curiosity is actually a means for alacrity of business to other people and so a lot of people have spoken a lot of things about the issue that we are going to learn tonight the issue to do with this body this body that we have is it going to heaven is this body going to find its way into heaven that well in place of God is it going into heaven this body I have attended the so many funerals and when the pastors are putting lowering the coffin into the grave they do so and then the pastor says let's bow our heads and let us pray Lord God of heaven this is this place of waiting he will be waiting for your last return whereupon all the dead shall rise up to go to heaven with you we concentrated this grave by the power of the Holy Spirit that no witch no wizard should do temper with this body this body must be safe until the day of the Lord I am sure I am NOT the only person that has had such a prayers but the question is is it true that when Jesus finally comes is the judge of all the earth this body shall resurrect from the dead and amid Jesus whereupon it shall be taken into heaven we have spoken a lot about these issues but there's something that we didn't teach in in detail if this body is not going to have him so I shall go to heaven and in what to form those that are going to go to heaven go van andhaka danga cannabis Sangha in DNA movie uno watch and a very very very similar Chaka D movie no no in the cannabis singer in the cheese agenda it's a church which named Abu anga chemin de Shinichi Mero Chaka D Alleluia before we explore John chapter 14 let us read the following scriptures Ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 to verse number 9 and then Colossians chapter 1 first 25 to 29 for this cause i paul the prisoner of jesus christ for you gentiles if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of god which is given me to you and how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery is i wrote afore in few words in brackets whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of christ close bracket which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men as it is now reviewed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the spirit verse 7 where of i was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of god given unto me by the effectual working of his power and to me om less than the list of All Saints is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ and to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world had been healed in God who created all things by Jesus Christ we have read this passage up to verse number nine because I wanted us to go into what he mentions in passing in verse 9 God had hid the mystery of Christ in him hallelujah the mystery was hid in God the same God who created all things by Jesus Christ in other words Jesus Christ is the creator but because he had obtained a mandate from God it is not robbery to say God created those things the mystery not the mysteries the mystery of Christ was hidden in other ages but it is now reviewed unto the holy apostles by the grace of God the other ages that Apostle Paul is talking about in the book of Ephesians 3 he is talking about the era that begins with the story of creation right up to the time of the last prophet who is John the Baptist I know many of you you were thinking that I was going to talk about Malachi but you know the last Old Testament prophet is not Malachi it is John the Baptist the people of the Old Testament we're never given access to this mystery this mystery is now only revealed to the holy apostles and prophets by the Holy Spirit because of the grace of God it was hidden in other ages the men of old we're never privy to the details of this mystery this mystery is a top secret of God if you find yourself in contact with dismissed the happy IU the Grace has been granted outside the grace you are going to find yourself in the gloomy situation of the Old Testament people let us hear what Apostle Paul says in Colossians chapter 1 verse 25 where of I am made a minister according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you to fulfill the Word of God even the mystery which had been healed from ages and from generations but now is made manifest to his Saints to all to whom God do to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory whom we preach we preach Christ warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus we run to I also labor striving according to his working which worketh in me mightily the idea of preaching the mystery of Christ to the Saints so that when the opposed to present himself to account for the wake to which he was put by the Lord in the gospel he may present the Saints perfect on the day of the Lord that that's why we preach Christ we preach Christ unto you the mystery contains Christ this is the Christ that we preach so that we may present you perfectly pure undefiled and adulterated on the day of the Lord we are preaching this mist which was eaten in at the edges and to you to the Saints remember in Ephesians he said the mystery was revealed to the apostles and prophets we are their posters and prophets there are posters or a note a certain group of people and then our posters and prophets know they are posters away they are posed to and prophet because of chapter 19 verse 10 of the book of Revelation which says the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ so the revelation is given to their posto he becomes the opposed to in the profit of the mystery of Christ what does he do he preaches he teaches this mystery of Christ which is centered on Christ Christ in you the hope of glory why is he preaching Christ so that the preacher the opposed to the pastor the teacher the Evangelist may present the saint pure unto the Lord so let's not forget that the mystery was hidden in other ages the mystery was hidden in other ages Abraham did not have a chance to learn of this mystery as much as we have people who are gloating that they have become Abraham's children let me tell you I am NOT a child of Abraham I am a child of Christ I am a child of God Alleluia ah how can I be a child of Abraham who died without knowing nothing abraca vaasana' charnot's Eva and what I'm saying here is not a revelation nor is the revelation twenty just to say everything is a revelation now you end up in a revolution it's not the revelation I am simply citing Scripture this is what Jesus himself said of Abraham chapter 13 verse 16 and 17 the book of Mathew Abraham died without having access to this mystery remember the mystery is now revealed either to the apostles and prophets all to the Saints because the Saints are going to have knowledge of the mystery through their posters when their posters have the revelation of this mystery it is not for them that's where a poster says in both books ephesians and colossians i am in a poster for you to you what the gentiles I have been given I've been entrusted with the mystery because of you because of the Saints which means if you are not a saint this mystery who never be close to you you will never know this mystery if you are not a saint you can't be a saint if you are not born again you can't be born again if we don't wrote a true gospel you can't wrote the true gospel if God has not written you in the book of life maybe she'll totally invested in what does it say but blessed iii's for the sea in your ears for the year blessed are your eyes for the sea blessed are your ears for they hear for very I say unto you what do you want to say master that many prophets and righteous men if desire to see those things many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things that you see and have not seen them and the righteous many did not see the things and to hear those things which we hear many prophets and righteous men desire to hear that that you hear in DF not yet there they have not heard the things so is Abraham included in the list many prophets and righteous men Abraham was a prophet so is part of the people that desired to see the things but did not see them Genesis chapter 20 verse 7 Abraham was a prophet and this is not some supposition or conjecture it is actually a truth from obtained from the scriptures of the Bible itself Abraham was a prophet now therefore restore the men his wife God was speaking to Abimelech the king of Gera he says to Abimelech restore this man his wife for his a prophet for this man is a prophet and he shall pray for thee and he shall pray for you and thou shalt live in thou shalt live and if thou restore know if you don't return Sarah to Abraham no doubt that thou shalt surely die know for surety mister Abimelech you are going to die Abraham was a prophet and the Bible says the prophets desired to see the things to hear the things but they could not Hebrews chapter 11 verse number 8 Abraham did not see did not have access to the mystery of Christ he did not by faith Abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing whither he went by faith is a journey in the land of promise as in a strange country dwelling in Tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob the heirs with him of the same promise why did it were in Tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob the heirs together with him of the same promise why did it were intense for you looked for a city which it found Asians he was looking for a city which has foundations whose builder and maker is God go to verse 11 through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed yes it was delivered of a child when she was past age yes because she judged him faithful who had promised 12 there for spring there even of one and him as good as dead so many as the Stars is the sky in multitude the stars of the sky in multitude and as the sand which is by the seashore innumerable let's read verse 13 together go this all died in faith not having received the promises but having seen them afar off and were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth they all died in faith not having received the promises but one may wonder what were the promises when the promise is not concerning Kenan and the regions that were in Canaan let us not try to guess these issues let's go to the book of Acts and in the book of Acts we are going to find out which promises did Abraham die without having received we don't need to guess these things hallelujah the ACS's that's what we do here we always read the scriptures in chapter 3 chapter 3 chapter 3 verse 25 to 26 ha ha you know inveterate in Scripture he was under the influence of the holy spirit a powerful Scripture it is greedy arrogant she seyde allas ET bugatti veyron resort aqua regia villaggio it was ville rotorua live aguar he attitude of the profits our history she read again you are the children of the prophets you see now we are talking about the prophets who never got a chance to see the things to hear the things what are the things the mystery of Christ read and of the Covenant which God made with our fathers you are the children of the prophets you are also the children of the Covenant which God made with the father's designing to the children of the prophets the children of Israel are children of Abraham the Prophet was Israel is a grandson to Abraham remember Israel is Jacob who is one of the twin sons of Isaac who happened to be the second born of Abraham Segarra album self ivanova prophetic is radius raul dynamo non-oem prophet was on durango abraham i poor Evita Shaka proven among hakuna Abimelech quickest a miserable post Rabinowitz with the provision in Jesus so guitarra common are human opera vita Abram ha no our computer Oh Jonah I see tomorrow I will see you go very honestly why Joe Giudice's Abraham a proper of telling us deputies verified even Angus from the Okinawa Japan hoc approach an Abraham agenda item re panic amputee me Ocarina Brahman Bible acoustic operatic Aria WA Abraham was a prophet start afresh verse 25 X chapter 3 III hope as we finish this message everybody is not going to forget egg chapter 3 verse 25 and 26 it's a powerful scripture very powerful yes you are the children of the prophets you are the children of the prophets and of the Covenant which God made with our fathers the other children of the Covenant of the law which God made with our fathers on their way to Canaan from Egypt yes saying unto Abram you see the fathers are mentioned now God said unto Abraham and in thy seed shall all the Kindred's of the earth be blessed in thy seed shall all the Kindred's of the earth be blessed God spoke those words to Abraham that's why Abraham is decided to be a prophet who was he received word from God not to concerning US dollars honor their promise which is the Testament of Christ the spirit of prophecy but to Abraham the Testament was hidden was nothing about Christ was mentioned to Abraham God simply say to Abraham in your child shall all the Kindred's of the earth be blessed and Abraham assumed that the child was Isaac that's why the scripture says the mystery was hidden in other ages was to Abraham there was only the promise of the mystery but it was not revealed so God said in your child Abraham all the nations of the world would be blessed in your child yes so what are you going to say about that promise until you faced God ah in verse 26 Peter says and to you Jews God the first what did you go to do first having raised up with son Jesus the first thing that happened to Israel is that God raised Jesus he is his son Pierce sent him to bless you and Jesus was sent by God to bless the people of Israel what kind of a blessing is that is that so that when we receive the blessing we will invite the Lamborghinis and the Ferraris and the mercedes-benz what was the blessing so God raised Jesus to bless you placing us using what by what in turning away every one of you from his iniquities ah I want every raggedy Udo each o so what God to say to Abraham was all the Kindred's of the earth shall be blessed in your son the way the seed means his son in the contemporary English but when in Peter now the apostolate prophet of God because it was revealed unto Peter but not unto Abraham Peter now explains what it meant when God said to Abraham your seed shall be the basis upon which all the Kindred's of the earth will be blessed Peter says unto you the children of the prophets God the first raised Jesus his son from the dead and he gave him unto you to bless you yes if Jesus came to bless us lady embrace us I receive Patersons count down come down who your engine the blessing is not in heaven dollars in your wallet in turning you away from your iniquities that was the blessing but what did God say to Abraham God say to Abraham in your son shall all the Kindred's of the earth be blessed and the pita when he explains it he says God raised Jesus and Jesus but God never spoke about in Santa Monica Cunha brahmana walkway where way dear ajahn Apophis Danica's si Pete Rose de la got no una rata to boot Savannah Wacha Imre kupaka cava pero tu meri pocket eNOS and I sat on a bra I tore a graph ah Warren Report Erica Oh in Sasha's olaparib Gucci Lorenzo Israel without a Shah Maran Raghupati Raghava Rajaram Yakov Abram and Leticia Gore noted the Blazer is going to be the one to be superior than the Blessed the Bible says the lesser is blessed by day by the beta so was Abram better to be the father of the Blazer no Peter says God raised Jesus and to bless you but when his bow to you Brahimi said no your son shall bless them the interpretation is his son was to bless them do you see how the mystery was hidden there is no way Abraham was ever going to find it hallelujah but obviously we have got to read 50 Peter chapter 1 from verse number 92 off because the description also tell us that the profits you nothing about this mystery they profits you nothing receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your souls of which is salvation the prophets it is always about the profits listen receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your souls which means the end game of your believing in God it is eternal life the salvation of your spirit then in verse number 10 he says that of which is salvation concerning the topic of salvation their profits have inquired and associated diligently who prophesied of the grace that should come unto them and to them and to whom the prophets prophesied and sent diligently who wanted to know the grace that should do come not unto them but unto you which means all the work the prophets did they were not going to get the grace the grace was going to be given to us which means they are our servants because they prophesied concerning the grace that was to be given to us verse number 10 searching what the prophets were searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was there in them did signify when eat the Spirit of Christ testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ all the things that the prophets were talking about they were talking before him about the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow verse number 12 and to whom it was reviewed and to whom and to the prophets it was reviewed that not unto themselves but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported and to you by them that have bridged the gospel unto you with the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven which it thinks the angels desire to look into the mystery of Christ grab Branham tomorrow and God he desires to hear them Makai camerota Pio cannot see oh those are demons they do not have a clue about these things hallelujah so this is the reason why you have got to be proud because of this Jesus he loves you so much he loves you so much amen that is revealing to you their folders which Abraham was denied access to when Abram tried to log into that account it was reviewed unto Him access denied and he died looking for access and I wonder why today we have people who say I am a child of Abraham I told it Abraham Abraham needs me I am greater than Abraham was what I know about Jesus Abraham does not know at least according to scripture I don't know about you what you say but the scriptures say the prophecy means that those things and to us and not unto themselves but I like something that Peter said in verse number two off remember in verse 10 he said the Spirit of Christ which which signified beforehand and to them but invest coffee says the things which are now reported unto you by them which are preaching these things unto you by the holy spirit is sent down from heaven you see the preacher of the New Testament church is basically reporting like group in a bar way when you are reporting you don't report about things that have not yet happened we report about the things that have happened already remember the prophets when the Spirit of Christ which was in them signified it talked about the sufferings of Christ now the preachers of the New Testament cannot be bringing in something something new because the Lord has already suffered that is why they oppose so in in Chapter 1 of Peter he says the things which are now reported we are now reporting of the sufferings of Christ which is already happened curry porter Kutaragi Ramnagar Guangzhou vacati Vitara Machoke wakati Kailash Tarasova Chattanooga prophetic reporter Tatsu a Virgo Dario Testament event ver si la poro fita new park at ITA's illuminizer mano John Kasich as ro ro selection Sakura Vita agos reservoir Congo terrazzo ketika a Cahuilla a que hace mundo a Kurosawa akava a kombucha boku wa kafa a caucus bodega Miami Seneca peruca van gary Katanga cooperage wa Isadora's automatic aqua poop or zakat Radhika reporte Sana'a who report our Taurus is no idea welcome Gordon delivering to Tomas non-political no Britta every disease we will easily pass ad Paco caws identical copies also so Reverend is our tankers I will reserve until potatoes a little so no no he totally Manchester United near Liverpool who got out of the Manchester United's Angelina 15 map lesson ground celebrity yoga piezos Fernandez is 0-2 God will open 11 one country shortened my política de how is very historical Amidala fan Gary Pettis Varma Kavita refugee Phuket goetta Radhika Matakana Ultimo fancy a drama piece o kopaka so funny copula Puerta Magica Cuchillo reporter Oregon can imagine Samana papazilla reporter genetically Sipapu Navigon Makati knows a complete ikkaku pre-cana minima Cardinals which a switcheroo reporter array and it otaku Paula Gutierrez erotica who reporters a guy tika Shinagawa mark with Ashley Bishop genetic agribusiness Murugan reporters are ethically I want with them - visualization azo coupling dinner buffet style the committee of the president with a diesel food Elvis is preferable to the suppressed addition of a chicken suppressed in - no boy tika taka Romina please the dumbest reporter vines monotony a fake news testosterone retailers amatory I didn't appreciate the changes and Jeremy Jeremy Jornal a tsunami teenagers you know - Takashi nobody can hallelujah ice Tigers you know what I say for the ghannouchi reporter you are required to be faithful truthful in the factual that's why Jordan Jordan Jordan chapter of this one in Savannah reporter my reporter a Lolita is revenue report ecology reporter Lenart is Osaka City poor Cooper Da'Ville Tonga saticons one missile technology mas de cerdo meseta Katerina naso tang apart anymore great sanshoku pleasure hopefully portico Kudo quipu tomorrow critic when you wanna become a legend Zagreb record Malaysians Alleluia campaign emojis Eva and Eva theory anyway a certain political sort of a religion is working up so reporting is explaining or sharing or testifying about events that have happened already it is required in a reporter that he be truthful in his reports if you report of things that never happened you are a false reporter if it was a country with the rule of law you will be taken to court for false reporting not ours of course I was ours is a different historian now I give you this scripture so that we may understand that the things that I want us to learn about tonight they are a mystery they require great grace for one to understand them now give us back John 14 verse 1 to 6 let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions in my father's house how many houses are they there are many mansions if it were not a true young there were demands shown there were demands shown the word mansion is a very good word it's a very important word I want us to take note of that word in my father's house there are many mansions yes if it were not so if it were not so I would have told you I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again I will come again unto you and receive you unto myself yes yes yes yes yes that's all this is a very important aspect who wants to help me writing the things that I want us to write I'm just going to give you some wealth to write you and you are going to write for me go then I'm sure I'm going to find the damaja markers no they're not here can you give us the markers in my father's house there are many mansions if it was not so I would've told you Alleluia now we wanted to understand this the Greek word for the way the house is IKEA the Greek word for the way the house is IKEA it is written as oh I K I a Oh a Kia the way the house in the Greek language it is known as a IKEA or I ke I a and the meaning of the word IKEA it means the residence but the Greek word for mansion is Monay Monay is written as M or n e but it is pronounced like it spells is M or an a why Monet but it's M or n E this is the Greek word for the word mansion the word mansion in the Greek language Monet it means place of residence but the Greek word for place in the Greek language the way the place it means tapas tapas it is written as T or P or s and the word atropos means a spot or a location so what we want to do now I want us to understand the meanings of this words in the Greek language we are mainly focusing on the Greek language because the New Testament manuscript is in the Greek language the Textus Receptus so if you look at John chapter 14 verse 2 he says in my father's Wikia in my father's Wikia many Monet if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a tapas for you the Lord was very flowery he was very flower with this choice of words because the the appearance of these three words in one scripture it is not a coincidence the Lord was intentionally intending to hide the mystery of this home that we are going to be learning this evening in my father's or akia they are many more money if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a tapas for you so the last word the place it is actually a word that means the spot location can you highlight they were the place there so I wish we could write John chapter 14 verse 2 when our notebooks so that we can put the the the word or akia on top of the way the house and the word Monet on top of the word mansions and then you put the word atropos on top of the word replace that's how we can remember what we were learning about so it's very important for you to understand that in my father's Rukiya you have written a iike a DRA to Ikea its IKEA ok there is this mark here which means this from this word is pronounced you extend the pronouncement of the word a Monet okay but when you write a Monet it is written like this more Monay Monay is like Monet but it's pronounced is Monet this is the pronunciation but this is how the lay the word is written down okay I go to prepare a tapas for you I go to prepare a tapas for you now listen to this John chapter 14 is a very important chapter in the book of John because the Lord intro used a subject that he did not teach in many scriptures in in in the four gospel books now Jakob at Wenatchee moo booyah John 14 in on a rock with Chaka in a Magua Romo shoma I in a muumuu mosquée I shall we do he says in his father's house in his father's house there are many mansions and then he goes to say if it was not true that there are many mansions in my father's house then I would have told you I would never have left back and went back to heaven without telling you the truth they are indeed many mansions in my father's house in my father's in my father's Rukiya they are many Monet if it was not like that I would have told you I go to prepare a tour pose for you now we are we we are repeated in Scripture so that we understand at the time that Jesus made this scripture when he pronounced these words what was already there and what was not there that's what we are trying to understand parkinson agenda Bongo money zebras mentions it Simba but Attenborough to name permit Simba Moomba moon permanent Simba you see what I am talking about is no darou Darryl zanuck whittany tanaka Khedira topos haha no dinero Khedira Oh a Kia Rio Tinto Nagendra mone mone rego Daraa Oh inky Aleppo gazebo it opposed hallelujah Tarara Posada Paco couch IKEA Rico mone in eco she's Sepoy tapas tapas do is support you see so we have got to be very very very particular here now you can tick or IKEA you can take money but put a question mark on the tapas so are you learning if you're letting lift up your hand so at the time of writing at the time of the publishing of this scripture at the time of going to press at the time of going to add the oil kia was a there the money was there what was needed to be prepared was the tapas so before we talk about the tapas let us learn about the money and the oil Kia if Jesus said in my father's house there are many mansions we need to understand is it true that the oil here is indeed there because he said if it was not so I would have told you which disease I am telling the truth we want to verify whether indeed the Lord was telling there dude okay dude other in other words I am trying to ask this question is heaven Rio that is the question den gari requiere Canandaigua cocina nasty gone on Jenga Cunha a parsonage a no-go company sir Amazon goes okay Akuma Bora Gangavaram o fambissig Eric on occasion a uno Quechua can attend an Azteca or naka scene kuvah'magh waar jawad jawad that para a raga away the fugitive mo mo mo tobu Dita motivated as a canal kia piscina now I want to emphasize that if you are reading the Bible you really need the counsel of the Holy Spirit because there are so many words that I used interchangeably some of them you may find them in certain scriptures which if you want to apply them in your in your setup they will not accommodate that it would be extremely impossible for you to apply certain scriptures with the same words that we have in certain scriptures to say the same things are you understanding this yes for example in Revelation chapter 12 verse 11 Revelation chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 verse 9 verse 9 the Bible says in the Great Dragon was cast out that all the snake the word separately means the snake called the devil and Satan which deceives the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him so according to Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 the word the serpent refers to the devil but not with the journey chapter 3 verse 14 and 15 in that scripture the way the serpent does not refer to the devil if you say where the serpent is that therefore square fine no other issues you will be disappointed one day when you come across a serpent that does not talk about the devil yes as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up why why are you comparing yourself to a separate didn't you say the separate is the devil I know you are saying the serpent that was lifted by Moses you are going to be lifted the same way why share isrikuz friends Anna's nakaka ah no guys right you can do yoga Viva Yoga each Academy mukha jacuzzi Fernanda Jana's oh and when it is water you find out that there are certain scriptures that use water to refer to the Holy Spirit and certain scriptures that use water to refer to the Word of God and the certain scriptures that use water to refer to the underworld that willing place of the devil there are certain scriptures that refer to water is the doctrine of the devil is in Revelation chapters hoff but before we do that let us open a scripture that uses water to refer to the Holy Spirit and another time when it refers to the Word of God is John chapter 7 verse number 39 Lester from mr7 in the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink he that believeth on me as the scripture said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but he this is Becky of the Holy Spirit which they that believe her name should receive for the Holy Spirit was not yet given because that Jesus was not yet glorified so he said he that first let him come to me and I'll give him water he spoke of the holy spirit that was the word I was talking about but in Ephesians chapter 5 verse number 24 to 27 the word water refers to the Word of God according to the scripture therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husband's in everything husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave him so for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word which means the word is the water but not according to Revelation chapter 12 verse number 13 water represents the doulton of the Antichrist same Bible same product different meanings depending on context and when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth he persecuted the woman which brought forth the men shout and the woman were given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness into a place which is nourished for a time and times and half a time from the face of the serpent and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood same product water we have read scriptures where water represents Holy Spirit water represents the Word of God water represents the doctrine of the Antichrist the water that comes out of the mouth of the dragon it is the doctrine of the Antichrist I am doing this to prepare you to be able to be sober when you read the Bible nothing is rigid in the Bible God is very very ambiguous in in the autography of the Bible and he was doing it in order for him to hide these things from the people that are not wealthy to hear them but is heaven Rio is there a heaven then Gary require a revelation chapter 1 verse 1 to 5 Rangiriri read the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass so this revelation was given to Jesus so that he might show them unto his servants they concerned the things that must shortly come to pass and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John so Jesus signified the things that must shortly come to his servant John who bare record of the weight of court John very code of the word of God and of the testimony of John the record of the testimony of Jesus Christ and of all things that he saw John be records of all the things that is so blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of his prophecy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at the end John to the seven churches which are in Asia in Asia in Seoul in Asia praise be unto you and peace from him which is and which was and which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before his throne yes and from Jesus Christ who is defective witness and the first begotten of the Dead thank you thank you yes finish up verse number five and the Prince of the kings of the earth and to him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood let's go to chapter four from verse number one we are we read chapter one so that we may and who was writing who was writing it is John the servant of God what authorized who authorized him to write it was Jesus who signified the things John bear record of the word of God the testimony of Jesus Christ this is the testimony of John and all the things that is so so journal wrote the book of Revelation as a servant of God he was writing concerning three things the Word of God the Testament of Jesus Christ in all the things that is so is heaven real let's hear from this first number one chapter for the book of Revelation after the way it is the book of Revelation and not revelations a lot of people get this way dry wrong it's not revelations it's revelation after this I looked so John was at the Isle of Patmos and after the things that were said concerning the seven letters that were written to the seven churches John looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice which I ate was at each way of a trumpet talking with me which said come up with ax and I will show thee things which must be Hereafter and immediately I was in the spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne and he that said was to look up upon like a Jasper verse number two and immediately I was in the spirit right in the spirit there with another ink immediately I was in the spirit now we are beginning to learn certain things that are very important problem of attack this body remember the message of today is titled my home why was your in the spirit why was Jorn in the spirit because of 1 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 12 to 15 that was the reason why John was in the spirit 1 Corinthians to 12 to 15 1 Corinthians to 12 to 15 this is the reason why John was in the spirit now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Spirit teaches comparing spiritual things with us with the spiritual but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness and freshness unto Him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned Alleluia so the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit Alleluia so they say there is a boundary there is a boundary there is a barricade there is a border line there is a chasm that is exist between the physical and the unphysical world the physical body was designed to operate in the physical world the physical body is a gentleman of the physical world if you are going to have an experience that is of the unphysical the supernatural the spiritual world there is a requirement for you you have got to put off the physical body now there are things that happened to men who are like you and I today men like Daniel men like Isaiah men like John the Revelator men like Apostle Paul and this is the end of my list I do not want to add myself onto this list I want to stick to the men whose names are written in the Bible the things that happen to them if you are going to learn of those things you are going to understand that those things happened in a supernatural manner they had to walk out of their body Carnegie dago's angin anima karna well kuzey Vaziri co-coo seroquel kono kata Nogueira Cano organic organic an American occupation au o asawa a okay no kadai Parrish Machado Teresa Vasya who sat when de jure Goethe Kanagawa Nicosia a ena you are required to put off and it is possible to put off this body temporarily and go and wander into the next theorem if God God is the only one who can do it the buttons that need to be pressed nobody knows where they are you can't say on your own tomorrow I will be the spirit muara Buddha or God Allah refers to square and a waveguide yard Alexander say I will remain the reward if you want to go or to experience all two people into the next theorem there is a requirement you have got to put off this body of the corruptible Eddy hallelujah hmm ha you know what I have good so many messages my message is of good ii-i've had done a big colloquia Rwanda and I am deciding that on Friday I am going to be teaching a message I am NOT asking you to come to change but I am a beautician I would just come here and I will share that message I think BPM we know paribus message i guy aloo 20 villages ow Raja Gosnell Gazzara in a noon Booga cinema very togas knock on doors and lock tomsy Friday drum beating is no partner the message that I am going to share on a Friday it is titled the serpent in the dust saga don t share with the para cada vez de una semana de Andy Burnham karna we purge of angry you saga deeper Hamza Friday they were the five okay sorry about the personal internal popper it's integrin do you want a gap operator urology emerges I'm single Z would negate birth and Integra mukha end up a SoundCloud dependent marriage the Anansi two men of people panic a telomere is a inositol bombs all my jokes there is all my jokes away sir Nevaeh part I was in the hotel room in India I was alone that they never than the dagger those retailers oh yes so I'm telling you this it's a message that I really have to teach I don't know Shepard I should never next room but marriage I own in a shack we turn a New York Knick guruva Paniccia Gavin the Rosetta God did this one Asha Janik worn out indecision get a canoe Arriba Scylla grommets ago and America - so you may come oh you may not come that is up to you but cut a path to five the message will be starting inside here it's an extraordinary service there is anyway I will be teaching that word it is simply because I want it to be recorded so that the people that are given merger a gap I know it comes for a certain people so in when this feeling comes inside me pressing me to bring it out I know there are people who really need to hear that message and then I appreciate on Friday so you cannot go into another realm with this body you cannot we are going to let so many things today nasty judges are on now let's go to Daniel chapter 7 I'm going to give three examples we have read the read the first example John was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and a door was opened in heaven and the voice spoke to him is of a trumpet and said come up hither and I will show thee the things which must be Hereafter and immediately I was in the spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne so heaven heaven is existing there is a heaven my beloved brethren John saw it Johnny saw heaven heaven is not just a place that the Bible talks about there are people on earth who were given access because heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven is the Canaan that God spoke to Israel concerning he said live Egypt and I'll take you to Kenan a land that flows with the milk and honey and in say to them you are going to inherit a land that you did not so you are going to into average crops that did not so we are going to live in houses that we did not a butte and you nobody took those words into perspective why did God say you are going to live in houses that you did not build it was because of what you are learning today when we go to heaven we are not going to be given a task to beauty a house for us the Lord said in my father's Oh icky the house is already built so you are not going to be allowed to help in the construction of the house that's where God say to Israel you are going to live in houses which you did not build but of notice numbers chapter drove over notice numbers chapter drove in numbers chapter 12 God spoke to Moses and said choose twelve men from the tribes of Israel so that they may go and spy into the promised land hallelujah give us never self that you cannot go into the promised land if there are no people among you we have been sent to spy into the promised land if we are going to go into the Promised Land among us there are people who are going to spy give us numbers of the truth what is your problem numbers chapter 12 let me read from my Bible Alleluia now okay it's numbers chapter 13 in number 713 the Bible says ascended ah main phase number 2 that they may search the land of Canaan which I give unto the children of Israel of every type of their fathers shall you send Amen everyone a ruler among them and Moses by the commandment of the rod send them from the darkness of Paran all those men were heads of the children of Israel and these were their names of the tribe of Reuben Shamu are the son of Zakir of the tribe of Simeon Schaffer the son of War II of the tribe of Judah Caleb the son of Jephunneh of the drape of Asaka Eagle the son of Joseph of the tribe of Ephraim or Shia the son of noon of the tribe of Benjamin empowered the son of raffle of the tribe of Zebulun Gaggia the son of a soldier of the tribe of Joseph namely of the tribe of Manasseh god the son of suzy of the tribe of dan amiyo the son of Gimli of the tribe of Asher set a the son of Michael of the tribe of Naphtali not be the son of woopsie of the tribe of God zero the son of these are the names of the men which Moses sent to spy out the land and Moses code or share the son of known Joshua and Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan in say done to them get up this way southward and go up into the mountain later let me skip a lot of scriptures verse 14 says and verse 25 in very tender from searching of the land after forty days and they went and he came to Moses and Aaron and all the congregation of the children of Israel under the wilderness of Paran to Kadesh and brought back word unto them and unto all the congregation and assured them the fruit of the land and they taught him and said we came unto the land whither that was sentenced us and surely it will flow it with milk and honey and this is the fruit of it so when they came back they give a report they said surely the land is there so an adjourn was given that that that revelation at the Isle of Patmos he was one of the men who was sent by God to search the land to spite the land is there heaven truly speaking Venga requiere an iguana booty a Purim commoner kumbhaka Bongo Canadian body hogar de cocinero and every life in Baruch we're cutting acrylic we're a resin American avenido Canaan Vanover Ghana bhastrika perturbative a new propaganda power Oh Anna Karenina sollozzo catch it a rocket arrows appear echoes echo Raja taratata seeker I adore my son Billy guy he always does it equation so let's go bill to number 13 let me show you something else so this number 28 is nevertheless they people be strong that were in the land in the cities are ordered very great and moreover we saw the children of anak there they are Malachi's it were in the land of the south and the hitters in the Jebusites and amirite - Oh in the mountains in the Canaanites drop by the sea in by the coast of Jordan and the Kaleb withstood the people before Moses and said let us go up at once and possess it for our able to overcome it but they meant that went up with him said will be not able to go up against the people for they are stronger than than we so there were 12 of them ten of them came back and said ah the land is there without any doubt their problem is they all the cities are all dedicated they are strong men the sons of anak to be truthful to you we are never going to go in that land the people they are too strong they went and sold the land but the report was evil and this issue speaks to the so called remain who say they've had revelations of heaven but when you ask them what did you see in heaven they say I saw Michael Jackson there whenever I go out in the outer scale Alleluia only two of the twelve gave a correct report it is true there are giants there their cities are old you know there to say to Moses their cities are world which you can't sneak through one of the boundaries at the enter into the city every city in Canaan it is what would give us great you see that the people be strong that it were in the land and the cities award and a very great you Xena it means there is no access into the city tightly guarded upon a shootin star jump aboard re jumping can Anna in apparel Jacopo de deur gang Gary testimonial when God allowed this doubting men to give this testimony he wanted you to see that when Jesus said I am the way I am the truth I am the life no man can come unto God except through me he would see that it is true if the cities are wood that means there is only one way that leads into that world city and that is the way of Christ the doctrine of Jesus Christ the kind a wok / kadhai definite opinions Opa Opa Opa Opa Opa turnip or panic get the wine is repeat diamond but to believe Anna Monica cool so you read John writing the book of Revelation he talks about the four beasts which arise in frightened before he talks about the 24 elders and you say these are the Giants not tiny Canaan these are the sons of an art / Joshua and Caleb said no despite the size of the people that are in Canaan we believe in God who said he would take us into Canaan we don't care the size of the sons of Honor we care about what God said unto us ha this lightning on the throne of God we don't fear that lightning they say rainbow about the throne they are fires and lightnings and thunderings his voice is like in the sound of the great army his eyes are like a fire fire we know about others but we want to go there even Romania where we are no matter now when demand ecco homo queen decision tsukune main turn on the arizona and the managers oh they were truly domina how can God to change that I would be dajatol on a mini talk did you come upon wrong whenever I did she was using it what are some say but it's data scratch it Daniel chapter 7 so we are reading the scriptures to find out if heaven Israel is there a heaven to go to we really need to read these scriptures hallelujah nah man Daniel chapter 7 verse 1 in the first year of purchase our king of Babylon yes Daniel a dream and a vision of easiet upon his bed then he wrote the dream and he told the some of the metas something that amazes me Obama futa I don't know if you have ever thought about it that blushes that dies in Daniel chapter 5 do you still remember just after Daniel interpreted the handwriting on the wall Darius the median came in he captured verses are in the queue diem and dahlias the king of the median kingdom set up his capital in Babylon so Bible only became a city that is now belonging to the kingdom of Persia Daniel chapter 6 is the reign of King Darius over Babylon but we know that Darius was a median I understand in this so I was asking my mother if he has ever thought about it how that diner rights of the vision that happened during the reign of dosa in chapter 7 when bushes that dies in chapter 5 parish's re mano a nebuchadnezzar ii a katana Babylonia chapter 5 chapter 5 no parkas rita Zadora carrier a Kazama capillary to open or gamma zero tannerite vaso Pentagon's revenue or Oh Topher Daria saw a CIO dovabear parishes rahiba moongra no / Darius Maberry media are Tonga aku tada mom popular in the media dr. Garber Babylon not vegara Babylon sakip a chapter 6 Papa Rizzuto whanau a Goomba rumba Daniel Archie telugu monisha Hanukkah sheet and a delicious are a cotton a dahlias dahlias in the a Chiquita super babylon but a kanga serum babylon a kangaroo mo media gurus eager trojans episode media mono opera market Anika to rock and Rosie's right but Fernando agency open up a signature a bona Segundo and an entire album of tender Takayama's wanna hear a cootie torn or no is charketa by chapter 7 cha-cha-cha jicama slaw a bizarre uncle Chiquita Melissa as a junior barrister watch Oh alpha the achiever chapter 7 as Chiquita comas epic chapter 5 Virginia Daniel chapter 7 Inga dark renewal chapter 5 no tiara tikka masala a breezes are in the first year of Belshazzar king of babylon time you had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed listen to how it is written he had a dream okay he dreamt I was asleep know there were visions or visit while he was upon his bed why is the right are telling us where d'ye was when he had this vision because God wanted us to tell us that something was somewhere when this thing happened his body was on his bed [Applause] then he wrote that dream and told the some of the metas verse number two Daniel spake and said I saw in my vision by night and behold the four winds of the event strove upon the Great Sea strong winds strove upon the sea these are for in the fight team on the sea yes and four great beasts came up from the sea yes the best one from a novice beasts to a different one from another the first was like a lion yes indeed the equal swings yes I be awed to the wings thereof were plucked and it was lifted up from the earth and made stand upon the feet as a man and a man's heart was given to it read faster and build another beast a second like to a bay and it raised up itself on one side entity ate three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it and they said thus unto it arise devour much flesh after this I beheld and lo another like a leopard which it upon the back of it four wings of a fowl the Beast had also four heads and Dominion was given to it yes after this I saw in the mighty vision in the night in the night vision and broad effort beast dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly and it had great light great iron teeth it devoured and brake in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it and it was diverse from all the peace that way before it in the 1800's this world shadows and I considered the ones in reward they came up among them another little horn before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots and brought in this one way eyes like the eyes of men and a mouth speaking great things now if you are going to be excited you read revelation 13 and you are going to learn that the vision that then you saw in Chapter 7 he saw the Antichrist now the Antichrist that Daniel saw in Chapter 7 I want you to now be very careful when you read verse 9 because after talking about the Antichrist Daniel then introduces something in verse 9 that we want to learn about which is going to tell us where the heaven is there or it is not in existence I brought to the thrones were cast down you build to the thrones were cast down in the Ancient of Days did seat the Ancient of Days set it down who set it down the Ancient of Days we don't know where he said was it in America or it is what it was in Washington DC we don't know was it in Lisbon Portugal nor we don't know the Ancient of Days settied are aghanim or infernal da ba da da moon Raza moon we disagree res graziano cheaper ah ha ha saccharine Delta ah dr. decider dr. saga change era Judas in decor necropolis rocky yannick will grow Misaki tokura nditions he is not ancient but his days are ancient akka garlic da da da da da da da no Carmen who got nobody's initiative Daisy Luke wrote a column children I don't wanna have children sang gradually initiative but these are young guy refresh but my teens I can do any change - Daniel says this ain't this man it doesn't look like he said a few years ago on the throne he said hello ancient days he is not anything - no but the days of him sitting on the throne they are innocent [Music] today dear Akane nakahara pocket alarm Onaga Canaan predict America - a phenomena kano enugu pterocarpus indicus evoke a garage garage garage eeeh Oh corner Jesus mhmm has a tampon waka Mira eyes eyes more Naga Kagura we are going to open that scripture Isaiah saw him he was seated micaiah saw him he was seated and we are going to the scriptures to verify if Jesus statement was true in my father's house there are many mansions if it was not so I would have told you is it true there is a father's house heaven was the father's house and Italian saw the Ancient of Days he did sit wonder what what happened with garment whose garment was white as snow his garment was as white as snow he is talking about his righteousness why it is the number of righteousness why it is the number of purity why it is the number of holiness his gospel was as white as snow no blemish no Rinku nor sport no such a thing yes in the air of is it like the pure who he the hair of his head was like pure white as well his throne was like the fiery flame the fiery flame patron was like a fiery flame listen to this the chair was made of fire he didn't say there was a fire on the throne no he said that blood was like a fiery flame Ganganagar Apache hey moto moto ato dolce gabbana givenchy garage' you who to end upon very particular route agua trauma temperatures a pop oh um visualize oh no charge a Palermo drop the throne was like the fiery flame yes his throne was like a fairy flame and his wheels as burning fire so the throne had wheels and the wheels of the throne we're burning fire matochkin guru guru maharaja srila guru gur ki would more talk so what happened in verse 10 a fairy stream issued and came forth from before him there was a fiery stream a river of fire it came out from the throne immediately please jump into the vision 22 verse 1 I want you to see how the scriptures will never argue one with another they are always in total agreement another right agreeing with another writer they don't contradict the testimony concerning God and he showed me a pure river of water of life clear as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God and of the lamp go back to Daniel this is the river that Daniel saw John saw the same river in revelation 22 it comes out of the throne of God the river way is it going it is going to the church the river is coming from heaven to feed the Church of God [Applause] yes what happened thousand thousands ministered unto Him ah how many ministered to him thousand thousands not a thousand a thousand no thousand thousands in those days when the Book of Daniel was written the way the million was not yet in existence Daniel simplest wanted to say millions of millions ministered unto him but their numbers only amounted to thousand in the days hundreds of thousands hallelujah yes and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him yes the judgment was set the judgment was set and the books were opened the books were opened yes I be awed then because of the voice of the great words with the one speck there was only speaking graduate and then I beheld I remember the little one from that photo beast so I looked on account of the words that came out of that horn yes IPO even till the beast was slain the Antichrist was a kill - on Judgment Day and his body destroyed and his body is changed the birth of the Beast is this change his body was destroyed and given to the burning flame it was given to the lake of fire tiny also telecon fire can you imagine tiny also the lake of fire yes is concerning the rest of the piece he said they are Dominion taken away yes yet their lives were prolonged for a season in time yes I saw in the night vision you saw in the night visions and behold one like the son of man came with the clouds of young ah ah ah listen kiddo speak Arkady mr. Daniel so judgment has already been done the Antichrist in the post false prophet they were put into the lake over the body of the Anti Christ the Church of the Antichrist was bent into the lake of fire what more did you see and came to the Ancient of Days no such a fresh verse thirteen I saw in the night vision it was in the night and be warned one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven where was it going and came to the Ancient of Days he came to the Ancient of Days where was he coming from Daniel saw him coming to the Ancient of Days what happened to him and they brought him near before him and the son of man was brought near the Ancient of Days yes and there was given him Dominion and glory and a kingdom that all people nations and languages should serve him yes his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion yes yes which shall not pass away yes in his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed the unshakable Kingdom Therapist Oprah talks about in Hebrews chapter 12 so Daniel saw Jesus going back to heaven from the earth he didn't see him living dead he saw him arriving in heaven he came to the throne of the Ancient of Days but they opposed to saw him living the eighth chapter 115 the Apostles saw Jesus living the eighth Daniel saw him arriving in heaven when a pataga manages some cocoa pop Anika is no grounding tangihanga Mona Jessica Vanga but Daniel a capacitor clippings for Jesus privilege potential Republican tried a lack of ideas a cetera but as a toughie ten-year our college is educating when a pretty miserable Danny ruff donaga zoologist I'd assume gardener but daniel Akaka Monica chica and while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel and which also said Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven these same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall also come in like manner as we have seen him go into heaven how many times does the word even appear in eggs chapter one how many times to emphasize that heaven heaven truly exists we cannot doubt because of time I can only give you extra as a chapter 6 verse 1 to verse number 6 but let's read the book of first kings we want to hear the Micaiah testimony concerning heaven Micaiah is one of the people who was given access into Canaan he only went there to spy remember that government did not go to dwell there they were only given an assignment to spy Alleluia so let's hear chapter 22 first Kings this number 28 let's hear from this number let's hear from this number between 19 and he said here thou therefore the word of the Lord I saw the Lord seated on his toe sitting on his throne and all the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left and the Lord said we shall persuade the Arab that he may go up info it's remote gilja in one side on this manner and another side on that manner we cannot read the rest of the passage I simply wanted you to see and to hear how Micaiah provides his testimony he says I saw the Lord seated on his throne Makar did not say I heard it from some other person he said I saw the Lord now we want to hear Jesus talking about heaven himself is there a heaven according to Jesus let's hear John chapter 3 verse number 13 is there a heaven let's see it from Jesus from Jesus mouth Canadian garelu and wha character on out chandâga channel danga river Ganga is there a heaven to go and in know many ascended up to heaven ah but he that came down from heaven yes even the Son of Man which is in heaven yes and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must be the Son of Man be lifted up yes that was so ever believeth thank you thank you thank you no man has ascended to heaven except he that came down from heaven even the Son of Man which is in heaven he says in chapter 5 verse 48 of the book of Matthew be therefore perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect there is a perfect father in heaven and the reason why this body shall not go to heaven it is because it is not it is not perfect Alleluia amen so Jesus says in John chapter 14 in my father's Wikia there are many morning I go to prepare what a tapas for you I go to prepare a tapas for you so there is a mansion they are mansions there is a house in the father's house there are many mansions there is a father's house which does have many mansions hallelujah amen now there is a scripture that I want to give to you first of all let's read second Corinthians chapter 5 from this one 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse number 1 for we know that if our earthly house of this Dominico we dissolved we have a pudding of God in the house not made with the ends antenna in the heavens for in this we groan earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked for with that are in this tabernacle to groan being doing that but for with that disturbin ago to groan being burdened not for that we would be unclothed but clothed upon the tree what mortality might be swallowed up of life now he says in verse number 2 let's see what it says in verse number 2 for in this we grown immensely desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from what heaven from heaven now I want you to see that there is a certain technicality between John chapter 14 verse 2 in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 2 if we had that soft way we would require it now give us big chapter 14 verse 2 in my father's house are many mansions Korpela chapter 5 is 2 for this week groan earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven this is a technicality anybody a cinder technicality there are two things remember I said there were demand Shona means place of residence but the way the house it simply means residence ok so the idea is this the house is so big that it can accommodate various so many places of residence do you get it now in my father's house there are many mansions and then he says I go to prepare a tapas for you do you see there is a relationship between tapas and management because they weren't Monet it means place of residence and the way the tapas means sport it means place hallelujah do you understand that so what was there and what was he going to prepare before we go there something was said by Apostle John Apostle John said something very important first John chapter 3 verse number 2 let's start from verse number one first John chapter number three first number one read be awed what manner of love the father he bestowed upon us listen carefully to how he introduces his subjects what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be quote the sons of God just being called the Son of God it's a great amount of love that the father has bestowed upon us therefore the world know it as not that's why the world does not know us because it knew him not because the world anew Christ not beloved beloved now are we the sons of tyranny but now are you the son of God not before now because of your knowledge of the gospel of Christ you are now the son of God yes and it does not yet appear what we shall be ah it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is aha I thought we are talking about the idea that we are no sons of God he says no no the issue is much deeper than that you know what we don't know what we shall be it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is how Richard your hope is if you believe that we shall be what you are like today the scriptures are saying we don't know now what we shall be why is he saying that if we are going to ever with this body I know what I shall be our bateau like this somebody says I will be portable it daedalus to be Jumeirah so there are three bubbles will and in a Jordan had said to Ziva could you canal is she - she'll get a caddy why it was Joseph's wife was in second world in Chapter five opposed to a poor 23 things that I say shall about home because we are not at home today but we are it we are not at home tell him we are not yet at home we are far away from home and in order for us to go home we have good walk away from this house seguramente un pájaro children braga much otaku energy Moochie gerontology which can finish already Goomba could ruin their composure to Buddha which is erotic but Bellini Arabic and that is either kutiman swallow yet genetic Adi - saketini intelligent and the citruses I would never see royal - and I what a blessed message now opposed to forty three things number one he talked about taking off the body number two he told you about a new house body number three he addressed the mystery of the scapegoat when the Lord ascended to heaven those that saw him they saw him going bill Griffeth with his body and they thought that he was going to arrive in heaven with that body that's why so many people say we are going to go to heaven with this body that is a lie a lie that even is signs who I will defend me today now in evolutionary a movie rule even personal Bible science JD Garamba people who died 2,000 years ago they are born are no longer in existence so name varam want a cha'aka a cha'aka Papaji conover Novikov a commercial ship a marine day why even wa kafa 500 days ago from adapt 500 years from now manifest Oklahoma State nakhon Zulu Kanaka and gossiped area good night shad is a sheet or charcoal ipagora walkway Ashtanga Yoga is a zero grab mokuba as we know Cassie she knows acavano game El Camino de negocios Raghava Peru garage mokuba rigid a Latino cultural determinants of wood wood macabre algorithmic webinar but in radical form this we grown to Tampa Zika endlessly desiring to be clothed upon with our house our house which is in we're right heaven on top of the way to Ikea right in black find a black marker this is the idea now you see when he said in my father's wikia there are many more name he meant there are places there is available space to put those to pause but the tapas was not yet there he was going to created him when he went to pick to heaven I was to hearing so they Monet the Monet is a structure the tapas is a steady number you see what I'm talking about so he says I go to prepare a place for you when is what is your first name Baba when is no unison going to be when it comes to heaven here then he goes on to make their more name that is in in sync with the size of the tapas that was allocated to him because before he died on the cross there was no way he could have made him a tapas because he was not yet in existence in the plan of God even though in the grand plan the lamp was lit from the foundation of the world but he needed to pay so that he can begin now to allocate the stance he allocates the scales the stands as the Savior is the high priest as the Messiah but the Masonic duties were not completed at the time of going to press when John 14 was written he was not yet qualified to make the allocations so when he says in my father's idea there are many more nay I go to prepare a tapas for you he was saying I have got to go and then start to prepare I can't do it now why did you come here before you eat prepare those places form for us it's a there was no but to prepare the place for the changes go to exist this so that I can then make a location for the Saints at this point they are no Saints to talk about doctrine suppose I knew he was not upon Ezra abandoned a new panel no ciénaga Xena program yo pay no not welcome on the Aqua Desiree voice are a machine which is the funky news asuka watarai pantego cathedral Jimbo Diego car and Chicago so torah deut o7 Dorota cathedra car blow and a junior of a Kivar Alleluia so first things first the Lord here to die on the cross and after dying he was then going into the oil Kia he walks into the oil Kia and then it begins to make allocations the tapas and then on the tapas he then built the money so what was already there was the oil Kia the Monet was dependent on the tapas hallelujah let's go back to second Corinthians chapter 5 aha remember first John chapter 3 it does not yet appear what we shall be but we are sure that we shall be like him when he comes this number 3 second quadrants of the five if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked yes for with that are in this Tabernacle to grow on to grown read again sorry for with that and disturbin occur to grow on being burdened not for that we would be unclothed but clothed upon that mortality might not might be swallowed up of life this is mortality the human body is the mortality that he was talking about face 5 now he that it wrote as for this so for self same thing is God who also has given and to as the illness of the spirit for this therefore we are always confident we are always confident knowing that whilst we are at home in the body whenever we are at home in this topic or this body we are absent from the Lord so those who say we are going to take back visible they are saying they are going to be absent again from the Lord so this is the border that I spoke about there is a chasm there is a border if you want to go into the next realm you have got to be absent from the body so a posto PO was one of the people that went into Canaan in the blood of roots to tell us that he can and indeed exists second quarantine subject off from verse number one second corinthians chapter hoff it is not expedient for me doubtless to glory I who come to visions and revelations of the Lord I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago in brackets whether in the body I cannot tell or whether out of the body I cannot tell God to know it he knows he was not telling the truth he was hiding the gospel I knew that it happened out of the body to us everything else that he wrote he never mentioned whether there was in them or out of the body it happened when he was out of the party this is because as long as you are at home in the body what are you from the Lord you are absent from the Lord such an one was caught up to the third heaven I knew such a man whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth close bracket how that he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful for a man to attack why did you hear those words if you are not allowed to say them you are not hearing him didn't say I'm not allowed he said Amen is not allowed he is simply saying as long as I'm in the body I cannot say them but if we meet out of the body I will tell you those things she no Madeira all know each other I agree the Christian era corner Italy pinion Samara I think God was I know what it is to be absent in the body I can say this to you with all the confidence and it didn't happen once in my life several times not ever a few times very few times oh I wish I could continue to have those experiences but when they happened I never prayed for them so I can't pray agree for those things to happen they just happened but this upholster was caught up into paradise and read carefully how he is careful about the vena in which he shares this testimony he didn't say I went to paradise he said I was caught up he can't explain the process that took him there did you go on a trip no it was really it was a translation when these things happen you don't release it down to experience how it happens it just happens you are converted into a certain area home and you are allowed to see the things that are allowed to see and then you are brought back in the one thing that I can tell you that happens with these issues is when you are in the body you know because this thing is physical it is food us into living that it it is the only place where we can experience the reality but when you are out of the body you are then put into a realm where for the first time you are given an experience that shows you that the physical world is a very fair out there is nothing real when you go into an Atari oh that's why you experience reality I don't know if you can understand it Oh Gabrielle Amanda panting record a quick equality reconnaissance a real compelling tokenism Cyril here Kanaka kou nationally new but because no quarter carat aqua aqua to zero we like exposure that's organs una vez Oh a news of a machine-readable mera continue faintly when el dia de Indias prevention observe a zero very important kakuida damn pokhara OTA akikazu costa rica kulfa pues no from were to cafe or iguales ah pues no go Jonah yeah praise against amo piace among solo Mahna Mahna Mahna Winky D regime par whimper and she Amirah Zaveri fantasy world to fill out our well Raquel that was insanity but he can't irrigate already it's unfortunate that not Romania we allowed to go and spy into Canaan if only God would allow everybody to go inspired come back we would not have behaved in Cabo with late coming projection now economic aware we change in our routine I was very very gentle yet ok coz you marry Rita soba Kanakadurga go to Mira roads Avenue tog am a sahaja yogi beside Lutheran how does it become willing to step into another arrow step into another you but the problem with this rail this rail in the next there is a chasm Alleluia there is a chasm okay let's go to faith second Corinthians chapter 5 let's go back there there are a few things that we need to solve before we open another scripture a very important one so we say the Apostle Paul he was talking about three things and what things did we say they are we said number one he was talking about taking of the body and then he was talking about the new house the new house and then he was also talking about the mystery of the scapegoat the Lord in the flesh when Jesus comes to judge the world is it going to be coming with that body that he was crucified with that is the mystery of the scapegoat khadijah Park we also Tanganyika in oh ouch owie owie anima very physical vanish in G aroused eh-heh-heh Gavin's garage but today we don't need to struggle there are enough scriptures to help us understand that we have enough scriptures so he says in verse number seven for we walk by faith and not by sight invest eighty says we are confident I say we are confident I say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord what is the calculation what is the equation the body plus you equals to know Lord you - the board equals to the Lord that is the math double security can until it warm in the body we are absent from the Lord but we are confident I say and willing rather to be absent absent absent from the body that we may be present with the Lord it is simple it's as simple as that this board as long it as it is present he will always be absent from the Lord so everybody who was given access to the Lord they were asked it to be absent from the body they were allowed to walk away from the body and then be with the Lord and for a short while go back to their body and be absent from the Lord they were the twelve men who were asked to go in spite the land so that they can tell the rest of the people of Israel who are marching to Canaan don't tire don't grow weary do not lose heart there is the promised land it is in existence if there we saw it John was given access into heaven opposed to pause given access into paradise Daniel saw heaven Meeker saw heaven eyes are so heavy so that way we say we are going to heaven it does not just become a theological aspect that we are preaching one to another about heaven genuinely exists Rangiriri Co Harris record of atari-kun a rocket or una Chicano Chicana Alleluia Hanazawa corona logon Coronado Chavez de Toledo average iguanas are gonna die on Z T chato so Tita Sol Mona toe Sinatra Gangetic itís a nice ooh coup de otros rotator Caribe record attack Africa Aparna and Ziva Sotomayor away a kite word I joined by George Jeffers George chapter three in your elizabeth is too there are no time c'mon walk up on a lark quarry near Pawnee so post connection that is loaded Sangeeta gotta say as Italy chalk-white here we can attest homeowner Chephren night Cody Carrasco zoo - enugu Gator saying come come on Guam Zilla redo Metallica say [Applause] [Music] that it would never pass a divination we're kinda you know signal twinning oh hey Tessie my Yokogawa's EDD will quranic ever get a say and a mirenkova tnt oka uterus defeated agronomy Rocco when I'm grande de una manera to Bhutan I mom Brenda con una voz graviton Delaware so Moscow anga moon amar amar taka Pascua Nicole Erica will nobody forgot Landon Imam Abu anga yamaraja t it does not yet appear what we shall be you expecting to see a female body in heaven yoga retreat aconitine removal Authority mom out till coronation saga marijuana in America Merkel is very intelligent secretary mo movie little coronation Cannizzaro indigenization otaku Samui tsunami editor movie roller coaster a chain on say my Portugal donate Tomba kanima's amore mio so noggin a movie review Jean Tigana we now en guarde Sokka my unicorn America rain from the represent Picaro corner my mouth anyway sushant manager precept upon precept my warm let's read verse number eight let's read verse number eight second called in Chapter five together go we are confident I say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord PS verse 9 again wherefore we labour that whether present or absent we may be accepted of him first gen together again for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he has done whether it be good or bad ok let's go now to this number 16 let's verse 16 together goal wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh ye though we have known Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth know we him no more did you hear that it means from henceforth we no longer know Christ in the flesh from the moment you are born again you are never going to know Jesus as the Son of Mary in the stepson of Joseph no it is not possible if we no longer know Christ after the flesh that's why he says when we shall when he shall appear in faith John chapter 3 verse 2 we shall be like he shall be tachanka takayasu's Onondaga das a cravat a disk of stars von ihnen amin Nemedia weeow a caddy from geneva till corner crease to earning are in his glorified state Alleluia ah this is kilchers so there is an Ikea but we are going to have Jesus preparing ammonia on the tapas for us let's go to first Corinthians second Corinthians chapter of chapter 5 this time let us read this number one but before we did chapter 5 verse 1 let us read chapter 4 verse 16 to 18 for which cause we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day for our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while look we look at where we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal did you hear that the body that we see is temporal but the spirit men that we don't see is eternal the way the temporal means the casual the way the casual means is short-lived Alleluia chapter 5 verse 1 for you know that if our earthly House of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God any house not made with hands eternal in the idea did you see that now there is a house in the heavens this is now the spiritual birth day the morning is the spiritual body which he was saying in the house there will be many bodies you see now go to this number this number four could visit number four in verse number four he says we that are in this depth Abednego do groan being burdened not for that we would you conclude but closed upon that mortality might be swallowed up of life hallelujah give us with number eight verse number eight says we are confident I say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with a lot so what he is saying is this every type in eco according to chapter five verse 1 it will be dissolved dissolved it is destruction into non-existence it is destruction into obscurity movie rule which eight were dissolved and out could you come acid Iowa or geese remove Oh belly how is the dissolution of the earthly beauty Alleluia now before we go to Genesis chapter 2 verse Genesis chapter 2 is our final scripture you are going to see that we are going to get a spiritual body we are going to get a spiritual body from the Lord so the Lord is going to come and he is going to give each main area where the 40 has done he's going to bring with him as spiritual mone is going to bring a spiritual Monica verse right here spiritual man a spiritual house was according to second Corinthians chapter 5 there are two types of houses there is this earthly beauty and then the heavenly beauty did you see that the earthly house in the heavenly house which is eternal in the heavens so this is why Apostle John in 1st John chapter 3 verse 2 he then says it is not yet dawned and to us what we shall be he is simply saying the Lord has not reviewed unto me they boarded the type of body that I shall put on but I know that the body that I shall have is going to be like him it is going to be like his body not the physical body the earthly building which is to be dissolved you know he is not coming with the physical body he is bringing a spiritual body but we have not seen that spiritual body at ease even kucik itís a as eternal Ziva go DJ poye a Porteous pergola saga park Uzi Rockefeller yo yo tengo hambre parking a panic as Eva could panic a patient's recovery jamocha upon sutulova kapha ratcheting avenida de Aranjuez no pony squad that's why Revelation chapter 20 is not Arabic Africa Pony squad and I saw the spirits of the Saints which were martyred for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God they dead are the non-believers they are going to receive a body which they shall burn with in the lake of fire body thuds Okamoto I will be stained my temperatures with our motive our motive is Masanga Park we are both in ofany rocket racing a pair a special body they are Quiana kassapa the children of disobedience in suitable a special body the Econo it is tender more to attach Susana tenure could secure a jagged-edged Emoto who knows atropos economy demands you chill conseguir en cuatro cha seguro go pour votre know Jessica's Oh Martin reach a sustainable transport a gigantic ka-chicka partisan a topo tre nao second Eleanor Watson succour T Nagar tower davao movie rua de o ter away now numero uno de Seagate a Tazawa no tengo una spend each equation major Uzumaki barrage a magazine which is general manager Hanukkah item Sangan americium solo de Valera's Cote par munanka upon an ottoman de una wa kafa majora no goose a goddamn mascot my chain narada Rosarito non-ohmic magoffin ago cooties are an entire new Rue de l'homme winner ha ha no more photo Jean de Maggio SOT way gara gara magazine pasta double birthday tomorrow so Trevor agua de way a general copy busca bishop Patera weenie mahana hookahs capacitors Laguna Maria - oh oh no no - Wow good amp in the name when I'm when I have indium car - those artists Iowa Carradine girl group in Dawa when I go in Marana winning Yama Sakura Kasab Gonzaga dekimasu on Orion Ngati Toa and as it starts at have tight aluminum I tried to a chatot se and it'll occur for meningococcal first row but rock upon a Lana guava paradise vana classes in America Sbarro's Meeropol Villa Park Avenue G Laramie to Bimini saga Joseph Park we also compiled an english movie rune angel and Nakayama Ragini chakra gap Indonesia Singapore so Grimaldi's vassakara Mary Jane Gaddy theresa harvey Simorgh the amount of glory hierarchy supreme you are you Godzilla organizer [Applause] fundamentals in Zuccotti Park weirdness it a trip over which each occasion to attention a movie watch oh and we toss a now regatta idea television face 11 chapter 2 in the book of Revelation top an answer woods in Apollo movie watch Anita or it was say a Kakashi Karen saloon an o2 guru guru cobham surrey ray ikkaku Shiro kabocha big machine so whichever guru Saheb was not asleep opposite invisible transients our water business education partners variwatt area and the prosthetic Enzo Vera's will maniacally - ah yes the - food storage the sake of our economy but Manurewa sake - ah acceptable now musu our kuia continuity squeeza marquita say I teach Giza Caracas campus lag and Abuja mob Arangetram ground to momentum oppressive upper arm ground carter abetting show pop ajeosshi no name on you cheatin you compose a few days cockroaches guam are not rational or part open quando 50,000 Osaka community de Cerio Valhalla hoon important artists reducer a disability remarry agua personal or acaba de la tarte au gratin watt AC nobuseri quokka ouya van watch Okavango pataga Volta as marisota sat on on squad Zack digital i/o area poverty no budget traveler ago at this time were more Eve over the moon about mythology capability we all judge made buddy Tanaka mera mera saath kitchen electric gratings way revelation chapter 20 verse 11 we are reading this scripture to understand what is going to happen if Jesus comes to those that would be still alive in the body are they going to find the time to bid farewell to their beloved ones so that they can approach the judgment seat of Christ so if Jesus comes into us - in the flesh where exactly will he come is he coming to Zimbabwe always coming to Argentina what mode of transport are we going to use to go to Argentina for judgment we are we read those questions from there from the gainsayers and the game says assume that when we preach the gospel the Lord was with meticulous enough to cover every aspect whenever you do from karate bata sahaja so far we also to manikarnika record P Konerko you can aluminum.aluminum can catenate to anyakara Quattara wan-soo London Victoria Falls you can agree upon Javy together Priya wastrel Gaara today me Lorenzo pinna was de rigueur Geronimo promised an educator this was not without yoga where are you guys somewhere Pumbaa really a food connoisseur 19 and I'm pooja Japan Vanya JD now you know pooja TV so condiment in etiquette nopales with iran's are ghosts real and plate as they trade as a yes Babu who knows a gate which we see you in Korea come again assess and I got a lot of we are quirky could Germany's I Jessica yes Busan rocket one day boom Agata general so very self in point something vineyard totem practically read me I think I didn't go to negate what was yeah the question were walking when she poked with the masses in a pseudo bukuvu Rapids and everyone else co-workers oh but I defy you as Italian scientist seven billion years Bosnia monokuma cotton owner there are three weeks ago moi so no can address every Bureau Baba a polluter a very pakka taqueria rocket Parque de Vaca words of robbery po Bengal Joker Russia from where we which is that you go don't go and get one one we won't go out with tourists with Moran you think I've bandana resign won't warp into a name yeah hey Mendoza expand gara go pupula no nets ago Shakira's a Thomas Ando long ago permit an entirety you guys very much are gonna battle i and vaca 1ds who would you Foreman from body say sadza i'm darris germinates of our kuia independent revealing a revelation chapter 20 verse 11 to 15 Nikita missoula the cigarette Iran Iran the surety from this video Rocketeer Peregrine's Vega Reba the governor diverged to spend more time at imperative am sorry pocket are Kuya say she not bad silver running a sitter so bad Maria are with us right so the Lord is covering let's hear what happens on Judgment Day revelation 20 by the way it chronicles the events that shall happen on Judgment Day what does he say and I saw a great white throne he is saw a great white throne and him that sat on it he so the one that set on the white throne from whose face the earth in the heavens fled away the moment is sits on the throne the antifreeze away from the presence of the Lord I chew on sow ashitaka Whitaker polish a comma stems a panna cotta similarities and the every FPS in 800 note ISA judgment you know Tsarevich WA fer Tisa a pecan approaching the abdomen para pasar watchin EJH acaba move au jus sanguinis removal arena karela wound Anwar was Oswald kuru removal at Segovia which I cross the road all we are the goose Rocc de ah you know so to remove irresolute Rosarito sahabas day every Socrates Socrates Turin Posada pass a packet it will be Socrates I know so REO Korea the L to flee away from its presence sir opposition abuse occurs oh yeah Jaime de mundo para la piscina monogamy remebers oh yeah Ganga's a vast narcotic FES G team the motorcar atheism pisacas whenever that what they said Evo panetolikos our acquisition estate as coxey's mosquitoes eh acaba move Panna personal access corner contribute ISA my honorarium to terminal illness was not our kinda sorry empathy Rani Nagi is Thai Linda Emma Papa who forgot his route is agenda anger marijuana possession that would be from us first the earth and even the way Devon is referring to the celestial environment there will be normal sky to talk about there will be no more Sun there will be no more moon and stars they all run away they are celestial objects that are hung on the heaven which means the firmament why did they ran away and there was found no place for them a single chicas notice is that at CSUN and Jimbo the Lord doesn't want to see us what happened then and I saw the dead small and great stand before God yes and if the books were opened yes and another book was opened which is the book of life years and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the according to the awake seers and the sea gave up the Dead which were in it and death and he'll delivered up the Dead which were in them yes and they were judged every man according to the xes and dead in the air were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death yes and whatsoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire now go to 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 8 we are talking about the eighth I want to show you where the earth is going to flee to but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up until when the goofy Kuramoto the elements are Wendigo be ZOA kooyenga rescreen a rotten re Ruby roads or moto Moran Engadget Wapato graft niganda juicy cryogenic even Kuno Quattro guru da oregano gangaraju food no para basmati Mazar goo goo goo da mode on my temperatures essa sorry Rubenstein so thorough moto latter day upon Ando saga sukira saga to go v-neck revenues Clinique eh-eh kuma-chan de un OCHA say no Kanazawa region de gozaru moto kona beautiful raja sagara kakuzu garam tengo un de una lucha no fear a Gucci Gucci Gucci and now ponies wha our objective again rajashekar apparent SATA jet cutting kakugane wa naze ninja sheena json catmoj oh oh so the lord is going to make the mone so that the mone can stay in the OE Kia but Genesis chapter 1 has got a secret verse 26 to 28 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air in over Decatur in over all the earth and every of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 and the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul let me read 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 45 and as it is so it is written the first man Adam was a living was made a living soul the last Adam was made a quickening spirit how bad that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual the first man is of the eighth epi the second men is the Lord from heaven is the earthy such are they also that are Fe and is eased heavenly such are they also that are heavenly and so we have borne the image of the earthy we shall also bear the image of the heavenly now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God neither does corruption inherit incorruption 51 behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in the twinkling of the eye in a moment at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed I don't know how many scriptures we need my brethren but the Scriptures are not only explicit and clear but they are also conclusive there is no opportunity that this flesh and blood body shall find a moment to sneak into the spiritual realm we shall all be changed we shall all be changed can we repeat this scripture according to verse 51 let's repeat let's read after the scriptures on the screen together go reward I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed ah including forget about the remote rajachandra wow those that are going to the lake ohrid they will also be changed they shall take an image that is similar to the master of the lake of fire the devil himself they shall be given a body that shall been eat generally in the lake of fire Alleluia so the Lord created men in His image in Genesis chapter 1 26 to 28 and then he gave orders be fruitful and multiply replenish the earth and subdue it have dominion over the fishes of the sea they follow of the air and over the beasts of the earth and every creeping thing that is upon the surface of the earth and that was the instruction lead to did people learn that when God is speaking Genesis chapter 1 he was addressing the spirit men he had no body on him that is why in Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 he then says and the Lord God formed man out of the dust of death he formed man out of the dust of the earth listen to what he does in chapter 2 verse number 10 after forming man of the dust of the earth what did he do in verse number 10 Novus number 8 Courbet verse number 8 listen and the Lord to go the planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed look at me look at me look at me when God did something in Genesis chapter 1 he created and God said let us make man he created men after his image after his likeness but in chapter 2 he formed man of the dust of the ground he formed the tabernacle of weakness this motor body it was formed and after forming the body he then plants a garden and what does he do after planting a garden he put amen did he put the man that Lida created you know he put him in that dear deformed so what did he do he formed the body first before he planted the garden the garden was demony that's why the Bible says he formed a garden he planted a garden eastward in idiot which means the nemedian is not the name of the garden the nemedian is the name of the place where the Lord planted the garden God planted the garden the eastward of the nation of Eden is to add of the country of Eden so it is very clear and if the garden is the money the money was in the idea the garden was in Eden the garden was not eaten like our ears in Zimbabwe simple is not our alley it is a large that is in Zimbabwe the garden was in idiom what I'm coming to is this when God planted a garden he was not going to be stranded for the inhabitants of the garden he specifically formed a product that gave him an idea of the type of garden that he wanted to plant he could not have formed a spiritual guardian because he had not formed a spiritual body for this feed from this Adam Adam a Katanga Godzilla movie you know or no pass of a key to a garden is nor Chaka God vdy team with Chaka Godzilla watching a movie Lee movie read or Godzilla got a cut in Anoka - ah muy Grande Jo garage Rebecca Godzilla movie Emily the heavenly house that I posed to poor bridges in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 he would have created a spiritual gaudi their physical garden was created for the physical men that's why the Bible says and the Lord God planted a garden eastward of Eden and there he put the man whom he had affirmed quote verse number seven verse number seven says and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground so the worm that was put in the garden was not the one that was created it was the one that was formed that's why Adam behaved in a fleshy economy nah because he was in a carnal garden and he was supposed to react in a kernel manner because God put that that which was affirmed and not that which was created alleluia the spirit man remained homeless look at me from the day Adam was created the spirit man has never found a home here on earth ah man I discuss big evaru their spirit man has always been homeless because the main that was given home in the garden is not the created man it is the formed man so Jesus came and he knew they say homeless men around he knew that people have beauty money shot for themselves beautiful luxurious houses but who are they building those houses for they are building for this for therefore the sucks and you not afford a new ma we know the human is ability is known in the Greek languages the pneuma the body is known as their sucks their sucks was the one that ate the garden planted by God for Shaka Godzilla garden amun-re sucks new Maya Adam Nakamoto an apricot garra rufa messua Akasaka Shakira yes a chihuahua so Ana Jesus says in my father's idea there are many morning I go to prepare what a tapas he you if I go back humanity's doomed I am the only hope for humanity their speech made me the place of residence their spirit man is destitute the speech many miss the house hallelujah I mean what I'm telling you here is that heaven is not an optional home for us it is the only home there is they has never been wrong for us from the time we were born there many inside has never been home that's why he longs to go home he longs he ends he desires to attain the eternal life in heaven when you go into an ghost car and you enjoyed the good right there guys - Brenda you it is some comfort in the seats you are enjoying in the Suns it is like the garden that was given to the one that was formed the spirit men remained homeless corel coated canvas acai a temple ma-a davao crocodile was diatomic eyes asthma puja de la Vega caranas pues angada por tu cara Whanganui you know aunt amber ogia Jason Afonso eeeh no tengo Hazira Musha una tira Munnar Makati a Santa Monica Clara kuzava mizrahim contender tanga tanga tanga a PI tag Rafa so Takeda need a new sample Chivas Rocco the accommodation is accommo highest accommodation ichika sequa Alleluia that is why when Adam had not sinned God never spoke to him about everlasting life but when he had eaten the forbidden fruit the Bible says and God put two carbons and a fiery sward that change at every point by the gate of the garden to prevent him from finding access to the way to the Tree of Life because God says this man is now knowing like us lest he finds the tree of life and eat of it and never die when God spoke about eternal life to Adam he was talking about it to find ways to stop Adam from getting it was Adam the first was never going to be the means by which humanity was to find eternal life eternal life according to smith credence 15 the first I mean Adam was of the ffv but the second amend the Lord from heaven is spiritual as we have borne the image of the first Adam we shall also carry the image of the second the last Adam the man which is spiritual shattuck attacker a movie no Adam katakana a future movie or a drama comedy sarah asanga or a second now a movie I knocked on ganas who got a neon Jericho Maharaja saw Adam garden a communal second caution share cooties amantadine summer garden in Zippo Iijima Umbach Kochiyama ceccacci shigera p it was a secret until now because the mystery way was hidden in other ages but is now being reviewed under the holy apostles and prophets by the spirit which is sent down from heaven for interesting for interests sake the idea of this body killing us until we arrive to our borderline where we are to be translated into another realm where we take off this physical body in a process that is usually and naturally known is dead the idea has been preached in several scriptures that's why I invested five of his : 15 opposed to us this Christian but one may ask how are the dead raised to life and with what body do they rise opposed to poor answers and says now foo that which thou sawest does not germinate accept it it dies yahshimabet Shinagawa hatch Americanized chat anga kapha look at the story of the ark when the children of Israel left Egypt the ark was in the tabernacle of congregation but when they arrived way into Jerusalem the ark was taken out of the tent of congregation and the Solomon had to build a house for that act of God what happened to the tent of congregation anybody knows what happened with it broke down it was destroyed Saka pata Negra Telemundo syndicated much attained a reverse angle so the geometry mutiny who sang Ghana see from bottom tenor who sang Ghana Petruchio Jerusalem ah ah Solomon out in the floor Gremory Americans do not defeat us and Iraqi local MP a Guerrero de val kilmer get us a Antietam watch a pornography Tamura machi de chantier empire vicious MC gonzaga rusinov a kimono general secretary ha cerrado regards bakugan fastening a permanent place for the tent of congregation was the tempo beautify Solomon but the tempo was not a good well they were en route to the promised land the temple was built in the promised land and it is not every tomandjerry who built that house it was built by the king of the city of Jerusalem so Jesus is building as a Monet a body of incorruptible seed but we can't carry we can't have that body where we are to march into the Promised Land we are in the road where Bertrand we are going home we have not yet arrived let us merge to Canaan when we are live into Canaan we shall enter into the tent the temple that is built by the king which is the spiritual body move in watch otra cosa wanna Cana teaching teaching guitar sheikah Samanas Arwa [Music] suyama akio till mukha karate 9 momentum even famous oh la la la casita kora Munnar Carrera map Anika akattak remember show quorum on our agenda katenka Osmos wanna repeat the Ganga Sagar knows in America Rafael remove you know Pindar economical tourism tourism he knows I am okatee knows my Ramona's otaku Buddha and eadamson abuddin amigo Komal Nahta mochas go garage a second America but Rebecca's go come on a nova Kahoot away New York and open the world with anger ears in engineering images I she's a Sigma V is a ruby a mocha mangie mangie Monica Monica she would have agenda so I know put Action News you Buddhist or happen under which one of these you go visually Rasta you cannot say what I say happen on bananas could she wish coach go coach of my presidency no cheese Jeannie Oh chucka Oh chucka Oh chucka socket Iike those who with a butcher in a chicken or a squat you psychotic when worn a new at Yahoo Farber you know Paula Ron are you a talker Amerika Amerika putting the cuckoo's sequel new google channel and a good a move move much you know they were any chicer i talk about the material you then dream to remind OG circuit a change no simple comes out new mesh I want to come over I think up Lindsey una muchacha de hallelujah quit my stampeding gosh I had not seen one I just a poker machine weighing machine wash I know I wear palace coaches gingerly show any charges remove interior Amazon vinegar and tomato kind of a homicide peeling away the now position you know when our prayers I will put it away would turn away in rain delay una Mambo she don't know no partner no in the other day require a macaque why cause you know I now assume we are acquainted anger quantity Makoto move away now who knows Soraka who got a new come on that watches in my mama's a bingo Alleluia gotta say okay my home this is my home it is my money there is a Monet for me in the oil Kia and the Lord is preparing his tapas for me so that he may build a Monet in the okiya I shall go to heaven now the Bible gives us a certain scripture and we are going to open it as the last Scripture we shall read second Corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 second Corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 but we all with open face to a neighbor with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord we are changed into the same image from glory to glory from glory to glory even is by the same spirit of the Lord Spirit of the Lord so you see now as we hear the gospel we are beholding with an open face what do we see when we look into the scriptures we see the glory of the Lord and when we see the glory of the Lord we had any transformed into the very image so that we may take the image of what of the Lord from glory to glory every sermon takes you from glory to glory when the Lord finally comes he is not going to see you his whim to see himself in you because when you look into the glass of the scripture you are not seeing yourself you are seeing the Lord and you are being transformed into the same image that you are seen in the scripture that's why we always reiterate that do not see yourself or the pasta in the scripture but if you see the pasta or if you see the last of the flesh in the scripture you are transformed into the very same lust and you are changed last two last unto the Lord returns and he says the same words in Romans chapter 8 from verse 29 he says for those he foreknew he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren to be conformed to the image of his son if the gospel is teaching about Christ it is so that you may be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ because the door of heaven is in retain my son only and if there is no Jesus in you you retain Tiye a panic onand the durability and arrogance Jesus Christ only that's why we must take the image of Christ so that when we enter through the gate of heaven the Lord do not see us he will see himself and you will say enter it is my son how about those that are hearing all about the men of God in the seamen's my car this my money this my business this my education this you are being confirmed with the image of your pasta from last two lusts from corruption to corruption from lies two lines from here sc2 heresy Nova participation Ruggieri's Uchida premature expanse or Sahara's Oh Fernanda Moammar it's a Gorgon Oprah moms or o sin la pasta ah go goof on Gordon Cooper mom's recipe lenga yoga zumba Bukit Sungai area oh boy I shall upon Jakob Ammann I'm Suriname on as decrease our moms are Oahu degrees he also wrote a new column a new cooperage the new moms reputable do you need moms or do parity my vision has Okada and Oguri mom zone as if I could be a supergroup Sokka got this DVD let us be cognizant of these two things number one as long as you are in this body you are absent from the Lord number two you shall put away piece of hell sorry there is a scripture that I was almost forgetting I cannot go without opening it it's in the book of Philippians let us open the book of Philippians chapter 3 verse 22 21 I cannot go without opening this scripture it says for our conversation is in heaven description whether for our conversation is in heaven our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the Savior the Lord Jesus Christ this is where we look to see the Lord where in heaven let us read verse 21 slowly gradually and paying particular attention to the very ways that are in the scripture let's read together God we shall change read again with methods but yes we shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself fellow Jesus Christ shall change our vile body how what kind of language is this do you agree that this body of yours Israel is will able to vulnerable to ravishing body no Arab is she in oka tazza the Lord shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body if he was coming back with that body that he was with on the cross then the bible scripture should not have said his glorious body was that body wasn't glorious it was as vow as this one that we have today which means he is not coming back with the motor body is coming with with his glorious body the exalted body the glorified body the majestic our body hallelujah amen how is he going to achieve that according to the working whereby his able even to subdue all things unto himself the last part is simply saying he is a bow he is the one who did everything he can't fail to change this body how does he change it number one he allows it to decompose a barrier number two he brings the greatest body like his when he comes to pick up his bride to take him to heaven with him Saka article from Governor Bevin and I my Hungarian second Anka a policy abortion on Kapadia mafia arpel an erotic movie no no I was who do they wait you are wise you file Theresa warnemunde Jeremiah gate and this could be a movie walk Iowa wait wait wait the Kootenay Rama now which is you know go to Miranda or Nevada we shine the Sun to a certain point where you are going to take off this body so one day I was wondering as I was driving home you would want to know what I was thinking about I was thinking about our same ones I was saying our sermons are too long when I browsed on the internet I never met a minister who preaches for more than one and a half hours our seminar two hours three hours four hours there are some that are even five six hours long and I was in not expending myself I can preach one enough our same one and it's to finish my same one with NH you know every time when I am done with my sermon I'm too exhausted sometimes I can't even eat my supper and then the Lord spoke to me and he showed me a lot of things he told me number one you are dealing with people's timetables there is a calendar some of the people that are coming together with mode are less than two years on this earth in less than two years they are going to be going some of them in less than a year they are going to be taken out so it's a crutch program and it took me to the book of Ephesians of Ephesians which say redeeming the time because the days are evil but then he showed me something else as I was driving home I was I went through a certain place and there was a long a few OQ and I asked one of the people that were they and I said how long have you been waiting for view he said in three days they were on the fuel queue for three days and I asked Jim when is the fewer coming he says we don't know we are just the cueing so that whenever the fuel comes we'll be there to have it and the Lord said to me look how people are patient with the things that are of no spiritual value in somebody can spend seventy six hours on the few of you without knowing when they are going to get the viewer nobody's addressed them from the service station garage to say whew is coming on such and such a date no they have never spoken to anybody Landrigan community I do a pop or 21 some of them were car to enemas see Poornima toothpaste kusanagi somas you know puta face or arabasadi pepper rock Amira petrol and the Lord said to me look at how people work very very hard to achieve corruptible things how much more a life-giving same on which when some years he is a sure to affect analyze and the Lord spoke to me again and he said do you know how many hours women are seated on the saloon to receive a new hairstyle and he said some of them spending five six seven hours vamos a loonie baba Maz Kanata Manama oho Mona Mona Mooji Darwin out this now swords no katasonych Agora fondest ambition is Oh suppose we Ocampo guess wha home bones invent a pentamer Oh enemy who Shakira Picardo Chico Chico after five or six days high-definition footage as you know Catanzaro Moo cards are nourishing Gilda with a seven hours our EMU saloon but it'd be our seminar una ceremonia three hours when ro complainin and the Lord said to me this is the nature of the people that are not meant for eternal life people that really know the value of the word dot they don't mind how long the same one is because it is food for the spirit man who is on the journey to eternal life in Jerusalem which are Sangha of a service station is even a barcode a few open Yama yo kita Maj sumoto car wat abode ful render my innovation Gorham Inari why do you eat on sequoias hurry mucho mucho la patrulla Wendigo beer company Nuria Party voter or una cosa que da cunha Tejano kunafa lenita sequoias civic ecology tuna Sango Miroku Herrera isaku not Robert DiCicco si akka Cara Mia walk o qu to Anna coupon Nicoise movie La Macarena OSS energy bar 0 1 go Sarah go to be dissolved in a module [Music] ios7 agua Mucca Mucca Mucca Negrita home bar will be removing auras all while may was air freshener on Vicari my mom what he quit was that were put them in Yama one way to O sequencing welcome to my show Karima nakami normal re who are equal to such a Buddha manana over what you wanna share which one appeared to acquaint Akuma heya una muchacha kakora a pseudo ceremony muchacha Copa Asuka penny una vaca mujer lift up your hand and I shall pray Lord Jesus we thank you we have established this because of your weight because of your testimony that indeed there is a place that is being prepared for us in the father's house we thank you Lord for the house that you have prepared for us a mansion that when this body has failed we may be received in the realm to come in the world to come thank you Jesus such as you said in the book of Mark chapter 10 from 28 that there is no man that has left house or land or brethren or mother and sisters in this world shall not receive a hundredfold of the same and in the world to come eternal life thank you Jesus for a promise that is authenticated through Scripture and variances of those that were given the grace to go and spy into the promised land to come back and tell us indeed there is a heaven to go to there is eternal life to attain after this world life has expired thank you Jesus for a grace to lend the mystery of the kingdom which was hidden in other ages from the sons of men even the prophets could not understand this mystery because it was only reserved for the Saints thank you Jesus Jesus for giving us this enlightenment thank you Jesus for giving us such a teaching that gives us a sobriety which when we walk into this peripheral world we may not be hoodwinked and blinded by the casual things of this world teen or aromatic is Eva crew Yangon iconic event a tragedy remains ubukata stop America China Mouton AJ's oh no pain no Singapura Makati cheng a Tara new movie wonjun a shock or annuity Siva Kesava taça de Nez rare or sth Agua Dulce fauna enemy Kozue AJ's Oh Nellie Chocolaterie kunwari kudi Fernandez Anissa naming critical Scorponok mocha buena de grandes kapa haka mokopuna to know Jane died amen ah clipping for Jesus is there anyone among us who says I was not yet born again this idea of going into eternal life this idea of getting a mone prepared for you the starting point is repentance the starting point is salvation if there's any one among us who was not yet born again you may want to respond to the call of salvation tonight in come to Jesus this ceremony is there to bring all that are written in the book of life to their Lord so that they may be prepared for the Great and dreadful day of the Lord if there is one like that please stand up in comfort this is an opportunity for you to come to salvation come to Jesus or appearance at wat PO n'est pas lui Peraza to attend yoga show porins WA a thousand police work we are policemen and I did move away we all put in so many hot we are policemen in the church in America Reba I saw two opponents potato cows at Canal repos simcha a Rotorua shamanaka Temba whose cigar Wabash Avenue Japan wotty wotty Raja Janaka Morocco Jo are you bananas marinas we are poorly square we all put in square under development by who's a producer Messiah only somewhere he can our reporter to a police but we all tend okay Televisa mo no mo cha cha Mon Ami Jesus our asset ah noryeok my services as Jane Doe homicide Chaka Chaka Beauty transliteration of course of a man's we understand this market is to you miserable don't watch it while W dine with Shakopee more than one machine shop or a policeman and now repose at work Puttanesca we open in script you can Alleluia alright the doctor Muslim is a local venue I want you to lift up your hand and follow and follow me after this pray after me say Lord Jesus I confess today believing with my heart that you are the son of the Living God I am a sinner and you are my only hope to salvation thank you for dying for my sins and God raised you from the dead on the third day and you are not modified by the Father amen let's clip in for him let's flip it for Hitler statements for him ah here we go to posterity [Music] [Applause] [Music] need [Music] Oh [Applause]
Channel: Jesus Revelation Ministries
Views: 13,982
Rating: 4.5500002 out of 5
Id: -0tC5A1_LKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 17sec (13097 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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