Everything you need to build a Model-driven Power App

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in today's show we're going to talk about powerapps model driven apps that's right folks you've been asking for this for years so I'm finally going to delve into model driven apps and we're going to build the whole thing from end to end yes the videos a little long but that's necessary because we're going to do all of it we're not going to skip anything and I'm going to try to add all the contacts as we should go through should be fun but first here's our intro hi my name is Shane Young with powerapps911. those guys and today we're going to talk about powerapps model driven apps that's right we're finally going to dive into this topic and why are we finally diving into it well a you've been begging but B more importantly I finally feel like it's starting to mature right Microsoft's been creating this new unified interface on it and it's it's a lot less clunky these days so I finally feel like it's it's solid enough to walk you through not that they weren't solid before but the the building experience has gotten a lot better also you know remember Microsoft continues this idea of convergence where they want model driven and canvas apps to kind of become the same or you know be one interface and so I think now is the right time for a lot of us to start to get deeper into dataverse and in a model driven apps to understand it so in this video what we're going to do is we're going to start at the beginning right we're going to build a solution we're going to build the dataverse tables we have a relationship in that table then we're going to customize the forms the views the charts and then assemble it all in a model driven app that we're then going to share yeah we talk about the security at the end so yeah I know this video is a little bit longer than what you probably wanted but we're going to try to teach all the pieces of the puzzle also remember if you know some of the pieces or you want to jump to a specific piece look in the description below and there are links there are chapters I think they call them that let you jump to specific sections if you already know about making tables great skip that part um also along the way I'm going to try not to make this just a demo that you should follow one for one but a demo and I'm going to explain things enough not in too detail but enough so that that way you can you know do this yourself on your own environment instead of just following the demo sound fair and then finally at the end we'll talk about my favorite YouTuber for model driven that's right I'm gonna give you another YouTuber to go watch for more model driven content we're gonna talk about a free training class that is available through powerapps 9-1-1 yay and then also a upcoming live power apps uh model driven app class that we're going to do through powerapps 9-1-1 also right so a lot of learning opportunities but we'll kind of save all that stuff for the end because right now what I want to do is just dig into the details so let's switch over to my desktop and take a look alright so if you haven't seen a mile driven app before let's just do a quick little demo so over here is the model journal app that we're roughly going to build and so here you know one of the things to take in is like look at all these buttons up here right it's for running reports Excel templates export import emailing links you know deleting new all of this stuff is just pre-baked in and this is one of the amazing things about model driven apps is you get so much for free what do you think about a canvas app what do it take to build all that we could do all that but it would take us days weeks long time to build that and so then if we click on like Allison's record here look I just now have a form right and so we could quickly we could go in here and say hey I want to edit it I changed her favorite color to Blue you know hit save and close and it just works right it's a very form driven is what you're going to see with model driven apps also here you could show charge so if you want to see all of the employees so there's two that are in it one executive one accounting if we click on it it filters it in all of that's pretty much magical and just built in like three minutes we're gonna build all that um also if we're over here um you know you can see if we click on Daniel so he's in the IT department if we click on it Department it loads us over here where we could create or edit the IT department record and with that you know we've got the the department name and then also down here at the bottom we're kind of showing the different people that are in the IT department so once again like all these word templates emailing all of these things that are built in you know is it the prettiest thing new um you know can I go and make it a lot prettier no right canvas apps give us that Pixel Perfect Design model driven zap so gives us you know views forms um those charts you can do a dashboard it gives us some stuff and then we can just kind of you know as long as that stuff works for us it is so easy to do so that's we're gonna spend the rest of the time doing is building a version of this app or we're pretty close to what we got here right so the first thing we want to do go back over here and what we're going to do is we're actually going to go to Solutions so anytime you're building a model driven app you're always going to want to use a solution and that's because they just package up so nicely and some of the functionality only works if it's in a solution so we're going to go here we're going to do a new solution we're going to give it a name we're going to call this a video employees I almost called video and so then we also you know we have to select the publisher this will be more important later we can learn about Solutions on another day in great detail for right now just take one of your default Publishers and roll with it don't overthink the versions and say create so this is going to create us a blank empty solution and it should pop up here in just a second there it is we'll click on video and so then now we're in that empty container so now all the things that we want to build around this solution right about this app so all the pieces whether it's the tables or the app itself if you're going to do any workflows or any other pieces even the security model all of that happens in the solution so that not only do we have it all bundled up nicely here but we can pick it up and move it to other environments and because it's all in a little bundle it just goes oh happy bundle of joy all right let's give this one second to finish one all right that's all there right and so it didn't find anything there's nothing in our solution yet that makes sense so now what we want to do is we want to build our tables right so you need to build your dataverse tables to make model driven apps work all right because model driven apps only work on top of dataverse tables they do not work on top of SharePoint so we're going to do is we're going to click over here on tables and we're going to do new and then table okay what do we want to call this well you know me we're going to call this employees actually we're going to call it video employees just to make sure there's no confusion so video employees and then the primary column here we're going to change this to title so we're going to say save now as we create this table keep in mind that we're going to go quick ish and we're also not going to do lots of columns there's another video out there that if you want to get into more of the details of all the columns what I created you know I did that as a separate video before the UI was a little bit different in that one but the process and the columns and the decisions around what column types you want to use that was all explained in more detail over there okay so this drops us into this lovely little interface and now we're just going to add some columns so our first I guess first thing I'm going to do is get rid of the other ones so we hit the little plus here we'll deselect everything and we really just want to see title right dataverse has a lot of built-in columns we only want to see the ones that we're we're building right now to avoid confusion so now we'll do plus we'll quickly make one called first name we'll do single live text boom perfect and then now we'll do the same exact thing but we'll do it for a last name right and we even all the defaults and just hitting save that's all we're doing now I do want to throw a couple other column types in there so we'll just do it add here we'll do um higher date and then for higher date here we're going to change the format from single line text to date and time and we're going to do date only and remember one of the things we've shown that other video is if you really want to do date only and you only want the dates then date only date only is the way to go I explain that over there so we'll say save again okay and then we also want to add another one we want to add favorite color I mean who doesn't track their employees favorite color and then we're going to uh change this here to make it a choice column so do a choice and then for this one we're not going to make it a global one we're going to just make it a local so we'll do no and then we're just going to manually put this into red blue green and then once again I have another video that talks about the choices up there so we'll just keep keep pointing you that way right because the idea is this video is going to be long enough as it is we're trying to cut out things that we've taught before all right so first name last name heartache favorite color easy enough um let me know what other ones we'll add another one we're gonna add two more um one we're gonna add face and we're gonna make this one a file and an image and we're going to set that as the primary image so that that way when you're referencing this record that image would pull through so we'll say save there and then the last thing I want to build is we're going to build a relationship so we want to have the department but we want to have a separate table for that so we have to do before we can add the department column here we gotta go build that other table so this table is saved so far um we're just going to go back here to tables and then we'll just do another new table and we're going to call this one uh video departments and primary column we're going to put this as Department name I just try to make these things obvious to us as we go through you might also notice okay doing like with spaces without spaces I purposely do that so we can kind of see where those surface and how that may or may not affect us so if you're building one of these to kind of learn from having varieties in there helps you be like oh they don't look the same on this screen how do I make them look the same on this screen so you can kind of start to figure out some of the extra knobs to turn there you go we'll save this one and that will get us a Department's table and then we're just going to quickly add a department manager column to that one so there you go it rendered I would probably do this whole thing again get rid of all those Department name save and then add one here and we're just going to call this department manager client text right we're not worried about relationships with our relationships we just want to have a relationship so we can see how that works out so save now also what we're going to do real quick is now we're going to fill in some fake departments right or real apartment so yeah some executive is a real Department and so then we're going to then just give them all a manager and this is another one of those tricks right is having some sample data in there is going to make your life easier as you construct things work on views and all that so throw three or four fake records in there and you'll just be happier when you get uh you know when you're as you work through the UI so we got three fake records here perfect we'll go back to tables and then now we'll go back to video employees and now we want to add that other column and so what we're going to do there is we're just going to hit plus and then for our display name here we're going to say Department and then for the data type for this one we're going to do a lookup lookup right here and then what table do you want to pull from well this is why I named it video right so there's no confusion oh look I have multiple video employees and Departments of course I do why wouldn't I have done this to myself before how rude let's try this one I hit save I forgot to say that so I hit save and we scroll over here we have that and if we hit the drop down here County Executive I.T all right I think I got that right cool so then now we're going to fill in the blanks I'm going to hit edit I think this isn't the same interface just gives it more room and so then now we're going to add a CEO and then we all know that that is Nicola young her higher date was it does not matter we just wanted that in there her favorite color blue today you can't do face in this interface so it doesn't have controls for doing images or file column types or since ignore that I'll have to do that later and then Department if I click in here we can say she's an executive cool all right I'm gonna pause when I add a couple more fake records I'll be right back okay so you know I quickly just added some I didn't worry about the higher dates being different or different years all that right because we're not using that data right now so I just was trying to quickly uh fake it out there we got some employees they've got some departments they got some favorite colors we're in good shape okay so there you go we've built our two tables so now the next thing we need to do is we want to um you know what let's just build a mod driven app right now it's going to be a little weird but we're just going to jump straight I'm going to jump straight to the end and then we're going to come back in here and kind of refine it so we'll just click back up here on video or back on you know we're just trying it back up here so we're going to apps let's use the left side there we go and so then now we want to do a new app we want to do a model driven app okay so when you build a model driven app right we're going to call this video employee model driven right really big name I want it and then we're going to say create this is going to create us a model driven app which really all it's going to do is going to drop us in an interface like so right I guess this is their version of Studio but what's crazy is we're not going to like build the way that you think so all we're going to do is it says hey add a page all right we'll add a page and then table based View and form okay next and then select existing table and so if we search here for video we've got um video departments and then video employee here now do I super wish I had not uh named them the exact same thing yes just remember made my mistake but it happened but I'm pretty sure I've got the right two selected well hope so we'll say add and look right now it's done it's like hey here's your app right there's video employees so there's my people that's right here's our video departments all created today cool we picked the right two now the app's not super awesome yet right like if we said hey I want to uh let's just go ahead and save it and then we're going to play it here in just a moment what we're going to see is that yes the app is done technically the app is up and running so we'll hit play um oh we gotta publish to do that first but what we're going to find out is that it's a little missing some pieces right so how do we add those missing pieces that's the reason we're doing it in this weird order because I want you to see what sometimes people do right if you have dataverse tables so you can make an app just like that but if we drill in here to video employees and we click on CEO which we know is Nicola like look we don't have any of her fields we don't have a way to change her face or pick her favorite color what department she's associated with none of that is here because we haven't built it yet right go to show chart right there's no charts to show so yes we've got a monitoring app technically Mission overt yay but we want to make it a better one so this is where it gets interesting right you're like all right so where do I go in here to customize this view where do I go in here to modify those forms or create those charts you don't that's the weird thing weird different thing about model driven apps with model driven apps we're going to make all the changes over on the table the model driven app just takes what tables you point at and it assembles the pieces that are there so what we're going to do is we're gonna go back up here on the left and now we're gonna go back to our tables we're going to go back into video employees and so now let's make this thing better right and so the first thing the easiest thing to make better is probably the view right because when we're over here the view just showed us oh let's go to video employees just the title and what was created a I don't care when it's created and I want to see more data about the employees right so over here the table level what you're going to do is you're going to click on views right data experiences views and so then now what you want is you probably want this active video employees right there's a lot more to learn about all these different views we're not worried about that right now we just want to get the primary one working so active video employees and dataverse keeps up with active or inactives kind of its own mechanism but you can see that that shows us everything shows us the same thing we saw over there so we're in the right place we're going to get rid of created on right so remove it so now we just have title and so then over here now we can just grab first name and drop it here we'll grab last name drop it here Drop it like it's hot chocolate no I can't sing um and then we're gonna grab favorite color we just drop it in higher dates no there you go right look awesome so what about Department the whole reason I want a relationships so you can see a little bit of how that worked so if we drop Department here we're going to see that their executives are County RIT but what if I want to see the department manager in this view oh what you're going to do is over here you can click on related and then here you've got the department and so in this case Department video departments so this shows you all the lookup columns or all the lookup yeah columns the tables and so that I can see all the columns from that table and look there's department manager so now we can drop that in here as well and we didn't right we'd have to jump through a bunch of crazy hoops that's it if we want to change our view name let's change it from active video employees to um powerapps 9-1-1 employee apps 911 employees right and once again you change these little things to kind of see where they show up on the other side we can change our sorting we could do different filtering you know that's that's basically what's here though right add some columns pull in the related columns sort it filter it name it boom you're done so there you go we're good we're going to say publish and that will get us this view all done so now we're also going to jump over to um the Department's view or the Department's um list table table and we're going to create a view over there all right my publish did take a few seconds to run um but just keep in mind right you do want to get this published make sure that the changes are out there so we're going to see them and what's crazy though is like if we go back over to our model driven app over here and we're going to refresh boom right like we didn't have to go in and change the model driven app or nothing we just publish The View because it's using that view already so it's like ah here you go awesome okay so there we go we are in good shape there with that one so now we'll go back and then we want to do the same thing quickly for um departments right so video departments views and all we're going to do here for this one right same active video departments we'll leave this one named active video departments right so that way we would see where that showed up but we're just going to get rid of created by here and then we're just going to pull the department manager in all right nothing too big there there you go we'll publish that also you can skip the save you can just hit publish that does the save and publish I probably should have done that the first time oh that one happened almost instantly perfect now our views are over here we got video departments look notice that's where the name shows up active video departments powerapps 911 employees remember that's why we change little things so we can kind of see how they surface but I'm feeling good right you feeling good all right so now what's our next challenge right our next challenge is the forms so we clicked on nikola's record here bit not good let's go back so same thing we're gonna go back into video employees and so then over here now under data experiences we're going to click on forms we're going to bring you to the different forms and so what you want to do is you want to change the main form right there's different forms they have different purposes not for this today that's in the live class if you want to like learn in super nerdy detail we're just trying to be enough to you know get ourselves going here so we're going to click on that form and so then now once this loads up we're going to get just a cute little form designer it is different than the canvas app form designer which is okay so now that we're in here right what it really did was it just made this one big one column form so if I wanted I could click on the form say hey let me make this form a two column right so notice that I had the whole section the whole tab chosen here but by clicking here on the form over in the right now you can see I'm in a different area we're going to change this to two columns and then now that we're into the two column now I can just go over here and be like all right well I want to put um their first name in there and now there's last name and then how about their favorite color uh we'll go over here we could also drag these in so if I want drag make sure higher date goes right here that's great um we've got Department that needs drug in right there oh I missed it happens oh there's Department I just took a second update and then the last piece here right is face so throw face over on this side and so now we've kind of got our form now you'll notice that the owner is right here and that is preset to me um so the owner is a required field now I could just say you know what but we can't change it owners just built in right so I could either go here and just set it to locked and read only so that way they didn't mess with it or what you we often will do is grab it and we'll throw the owner right someone I should do it slower click on owner and now I'm holding my mouse key I'm going to drag it up here and I can drop it up here in the header all right it has to be here somewhere you can't just get rid of it but by putting it up there it automatically becomes editable or uneditable but then now the owner of the record is kind of up in the top right it's it's a nice little place to kind of dump it in there but there you go um you know if I wanted to then you know like for example notice here that this is called the general tab so if we click in here um right so that's the label so once again changing things just to see it uh let's see we'll call this employee info um it also it says hey it has a required name field technically it'll let you leave it blank um I just kind of put something in there okay I hate the I hate the red um but you didn't have to but we now have a form so what we're going to do is we're going to publish this one and look at that after a quick refresh boom we've got our form over here for Nicola and so now we can at our face right so click choose file and we'll use this picture of her with a balloon hat that she really hates I use and then we can just say save and close and it works the way you expect right if we jump over here to like Allison same type of thing choose file there's Allison cool all right now also same thing if we want to do a new there's a new button up here once again we didn't coding this buttons are always here and so we could walk through create a new employee notice like for the face uh those image columns you can't do those in the original creation you have to save those after the fact but are interacting editing adding you know deleting employees all that's done and all working right uh same type of thing if you want to go here to video employees and we wanted to delete uh Daniel right by Daniel let me just select him here and say delete now on the department side we have not done any of that so let's go quickly customize this form and show you another cool little feature so we'll go back over here we are done with this one so we'll get out of this interface same type of thing we're going to drill back into our video departments table now and so then over here what I want to do forms and then the same main form make sure you click on the right one and you'll know you didn't if you get here and it looks weird but so then we're going to first drag the owner up out of the way right goodbye owner we need to add department manager right we've done all that before but the other thing that I really enjoy about this is over here on the left we also have um components right so from Clear components a little different interface so this is where if you want to start designing it laying it out into multiple uh columns and that type of stuff totally could um the interesting one here is the grit and so there's an editable grid and a subgrade we're just going to use a subgrid the editable Grid's pretty new and I still get hung up on how to use it sometimes quite frankly but if we drop the sub Grid in here that's why I have one right one would explain to me how to do the editable growth we're going to do here is we're going to say show related records and then now look it's like hey video employees Department employees right that is um related records so we're going to say done so now there's gonna be this grid down here at the bottom and with this grid what we can do is when we choose the IT department we'll see all the IT people choose executable C executive so it understands the relationships and it's exposing that back to us we don't have to build that to get any you know thoughts around going there now I might I knew SG control one six blah blah blah no one wants that just jump over here to the label and then just change that to be um powerapps 911 employees right apps 9-1-1 I can't spell employees I seriously who was in charge of me learning to spell it was English teachers in the state of Kentucky they didn't do a great job sorry there you go so now that's kind of updated you know there's a lot more I should hit publish instead of save first there's a lot more that we could do here you know there's lots of interfaces lots of things just click on publish that runs um you know about spacing redesigning having things span across different columns all of that is possible we're not trying to teach all the mechanics and forms but now you're you're dangerous you've got the pieces now you can start to dig in there okay so that's all published and then as we know right since it's published we can just refresh the screen and so not only are we going to see um oh let's quick out back in video departments let's go to Executive there it goes so look not only do we see the details about Executives and you know still editable of course but we also see that look here are the people that are Executives um I think accounting had multiple people right so let's go back over here and go to accounting so then there's Juan and Allison and we can drill straight to Allison like all of the dots are connected and we didn't write it in that think about doing that on canvas apps how much work we would have put in to build those types of interfaces it's where I can't get all excited about this okay but we're good there so we've done that um one other thing we'll show you on forms kind of meant to the first time let's go back to our um employees real quick so employees and So speaking of customizing these a little bit more so back to main remember make sure you get into the right one or you'll be really lost um so say for example we want to make one of these columns let's just make title span the whole thing so if I click on the title one right so over here like we can change the label so remember like we did the whole you know some of these have spaces some have capitalizations so you could change any of these labels here if you wanted but I also could take title and change it from one column to two and so then that's how you'd make it span now then I kind of got to rearrange everything a little bit like you know kind of Reflow and I'd probably do it like I don't know we're not gonna refill the whole thing but you get the idea right then I would just kind of work my way through designing it the way I want so there's a lot of flexibility it's not the Pixel Perfect craziness of canvas apps there's still a lot of cool stuff you can do so we'll publish that and so then where you should be good okay one more mechanical thing to do and what we're going to do is we're going to talk about charts so we're going to go back over here again and now we're just going to go once again it's all table driven so we're in the video employees table we're gonna go over here to the right and we're going to click on charts and we do a new chart now I will warn you as this lows I'm about to pause but this sometimes the very first time you get in takes forever and that is hilarious because it happened almost instantly but it's not unusual for this screen to take like five minutes to load so if that happens to you it's okay all right the good news is the first time it loads it might take longer than you want after that it loads pretty Snappy or today it loaded instantly made me look like a liar yeah what do you do so we'll give it a chart name we'll call this um and then we're going over here set the legend field and we're going to set this one to be a favorite color and then um what we're going to do is we're going to set um this field right here to be by first name and so then now what we should get is all all the different people oh I did that wrong whoops I didn't mean to do that I'm glad the preview showed me I did it wrong right we actually want to choose favorite color here as well there you go so now we'll be able to see that two people like blue one personal ice cream one person likes red there's different types up here you can use there's other things you can do but this is not power bi right power bi is the right way if you want to do awesome amazing uh charts and stuff we just want to do simple ones to kind of get you exposed to the charts working there right so now we can save and close this it says hey are you done we are we'll say done and there it is and now if we jump back over here go back to video employees and say show chart and so there you go our chart is in awesome and even better is look it already is hooked up if we click on Blue it filters out just the people whose favorite color is blue if we click on green does the same thing we click on green again to DEC or click out of it kind of Click nowhere we're back to whatever so the charts kind of like the canvas app charge not super robust but they're better than nothing and they just showed up over here and they automatically were integrated like like right this is what gets me interested in model driven apps is imagine having to do that in canvas apps I know how to do it in canvas apps but that would have taken a lot of effort we just made a chart and it showed up if you have multiple charts like we don't have multiple charts but if we did we could kind of come here and we'd see them in the drop down also notice the trend here right I'm not doing a whole lot in the model driven Studio I'm doing almost nothing over there it's really about designing your forms and your tables or sorry going to your tables and adding your forms adding your views adding your charts model driven apps just assembles all the pieces speaking of that let's just jump over and look at monitoring apps again for one second so let's go back over there we'll go here we'll go back to um I will map here apps after a few seconds it loads and then we're just going to go back in here and edit this puppy once again I you're not going to do a lot in here but I just want you to kind of be familiar with the interface and so like if you're looking at this like for example notice that it says group one over here well what the heck I don't want to see group one and so like if we expand over here you can see that under navigation there's group one and we can change this to be My Views I don't know or my tables or Shane is your favorite person on the planet whatever makes sense for you there but you can put you know so there are a few customizations you make here but if I wanted to rename video departments you know what am I going to do here oh well look at that so I can come here and just be like you know what I want to get rid of videos everybody's tired of hearing about videos they just want it to say departments so then we can just do that and then we'll click over here on video employees same type of thing so then this is not changing them in the system it used the system name so some of the things you change here some of the things you change over there just look in both places if you start trying to to change things you can't figure out where you want to update those type of things right um you know the sub area one it doesn't surface so why bother renaming it um the other thing you might want to do so add a page here so if you wanted to add a another view in like you add another table you want to kind of continue to roll out or and change your design then you would absolutely just click on this right here and then you could you know just next and bolt it in and then that same process we went through earlier would happen also what we're not going to do today but I wanted to show you real quick let's go check out add a page again so if we built a dashboard which we would do over on the model driven side we're not going to do that either but that would come from here custom this actually lets us embed canvas apps in our model driven apps what yes that's right with custom you can build a custom canvas app that will show up inside this model driven app interface not for today we're not going down that rabbit hole we should at some point but I want you to know that if you wanted to add a canvas app you would just click custom here next go through that interface I feel good right like we've done all the things we've got a great model driven app so now what we need to do is we need to share it with our co-workers right so we're going to do two things we have to set up the security and then we're going to share it so we are just going to hit publish here on the way by hitting publish even when you don't feel like you have to sometimes isn't bad like we find that sometimes things kind of get out of sorts a little bit you know everything that we've demoed we've not had to publish through but before I got out of here I just feel better by hitting publish there the same type of thing if you look back over here if you go to all you can publish all customizations and that would publish all your resources everywhere so things aren't looking the way that you expect off your changes don't be afraid to press that button and see if that kind of gets things sync sunk back up the way you want okay but now what we need to do is I need to share this thing now before I share it I need to set up security we can do security in the the solution as well so we're gonna go to new we'll go to security and security role this is going to let us build once so we're going to call this video and video employee um users all right just a role when I was giving a name and then all we have to do is we can go in here and say all right for this particular one what I want to do is I want to put I go to custom entities and we need to find our tables and so we know that it's I think it's this one I really wish I had a name the same and this one and so what we're going to do is we're just going to click on the name a bunch of times this is setting all of these to green and so if you go up here and look you would see that what we did was we gave everyone that is in those we gave that role think of roles like group we gave that group permissions to create for the entire organization read write delete append append to assign a share so we basically gave them full control this video is not about all the intricacies of the model driven app state-averse security model which is profound that would take like an eight-hour videos videos I don't know if it is so right now we're just trying to get people using it so we're just going to completely share everything but I encourage you to learn more about this at a later point so we're going to say save and close so that creates our security role so anyone we put in that role will have access to the new tables that we just created great and so then the last thing we need to do is we need to now share the app so we're going to do is we'll go here to apps we're going to hit the ellipses here and we're going to say share the security interface looks similar to what we're used to you can kind of see these are the people that these are all environment admins in my world so they already have access and so I'm gonna go up here and say hey app what I want to do is I want to give you I want to make sure that we're going to give basic user access and we are also then going to give um the one we just create what we call it we call it like video something I really wish it was a search in here but that would make my life too easy video employee users there it is okay so we're going to add all that and click out of here and we're going to say share so that gives the app the security rules that it needs and so then once that's done now we're going to say hey I want to share this app off with someone and so we're going to share this app off with uh Ferguson there's Ferguson to cat and so then now we select on Ferguson and then we need to assign Ferguson the standard the security roles and so we're going to give Ferguson the uh the cus the video employer users customer right so that'll give him access we're also going to put in basic users to make sure that we don't have any other uh account uh challenges right once again we're not trying to teach the whole security model we're just trying to get this thing working so that you can get interested in it so you can use it more and then learn all the crazy details about how this works but there you go and so then now we would share this off with Ferguson now with canvas apps Ferguson would have gotten a email with this particular one um Ferguson is not going to get an email or anything like that so we would need to provide Ferguson with the link to the app now speaking of the link to the app you know I have so far had luck with just coming here and giving them this one that we've been using I've heard that sometimes that doesn't work and so if you really want like the unified URL the short URL to it the only way that I know to find that right now let's come back over here and then say hey I want to edit my app and then what we're going to do is we're going to do something that is I did not want to have to show you but we're going to say switch to Classic because if we switch to Classic over here you know then over in this interface we go to properties and then down here there is the actual URL the so this is the URL that I would want to share with Ferguson there's probably a better way to get it this is the way that I know to get it and just like close your eyes no one could rest this classic stuff hopefully you don't ever have to come in in this interface this was the interface that I refused to make a video around so that's why I waited until this new interface showed up but now I've got that URL now we could give that to Ferguson so he would paste that in and then it would jump him into our app and because we set the security Ferguson be able to do all the things that Ferguson needed to do now as you continue to learn you can do more things you can set different icons over here you could have little things there's so much more you can do but hopefully this is helping you guys understand how to do your first powerapps model driven app right that was my goal is to get you going get it so that the app had all the pieces and share it so to continue your Learning Journey there's a few different things I want to offer you the first is since you watch this on YouTube you probably like YouTube videos so if you go check out my friend Elisa Crosby right she's from way on the other side of the world for me so she has a little funny accent but um Lisa is the queen of model driven apps she might also be the king I mean she is amazing at so she's got a bunch of great videos so I'll put a link to her Channel up there so go subscribe to her Channel if you want to learn more about model driven apps I'll do more content but not as much as prolifically as she does so check her out also if you go over to training.powerapps911.com we have a free class that teaches powerapps canvas apps powerapps model driven apps PowerApp or power bi um and so all of that is only in power automate all of that's over there in the free class let's go to training um Dot powerapps911.com and take the free class and so that model driven class is more in depth it's taught by Juan who is a constant professional unlike me and all my craziness and then last but not we at least Juan and I are going to be teaching a live model driven class um in November and so you can sign up for that over at training.powerapps911.com also right so one I'm going to teach a five-day live class where you can sign up take it interactively and do some awesome things but that's it for today that was a lot I apologize the video got to be so long but I didn't want to like half teach you I want you to really be able to understand how this all worked so hopefully you enjoyed that if you have any questions comments ideas for future videos leave them below I always try to read the comments and I respond to as many as I can but I get thousands and thousands a year so I don't respond to all of them anymore I'm not okay and with that I'm gonna say thanks have a great day hey me again before you go click on the Subscribe button right join the list of hundred thousand plus people that subscribed already or if you need any help right check us out at powerapps91 we do big projects little projects we do training we do everything and we can help you or if you want to see more videos you probably do then just click on the playlist above cool thanks and have a great day
Channel: Shane Young
Views: 45,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shane Young, powerapps911, PowerApps, Power Apps, powerapps model driven apps, powerapps model driven apps examples, powerapps model driven apps tutorial, model driven, model driven powerapps, model driven app in powerapps, model driven app, model driven apps power apps, power apps model driven form, model driven app views, model driven app chart, share model driven app, model driven app security role, model driven app solutions, power platform model driven apps, dataverse
Id: KFjJ97dKzO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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