Microsoft Power Automate Preview - Immersive BPF

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Bigjon84 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up guys welcome back I am here again with Quran to talk about business process flows what's up Quran welcome back thank you good to be here dude I have gotten so many views and so many comments on the business process flows playlist I think that is actually the number two playlist only to my 50 video long flow tutorial list Wow lots of love there thank you yes thank you guys so Brock Quran back he has been hard at work slaving away for man well in four or five months or so because he was sick and tired of hearing that it took six videos to create a business process and he wanted to simplify that right yeah so today what are you introducing to us today Quran so today I'm going to show you how to build a business process in one video in one video so what we've been hard at work at is something called an immersive business process so if you recall previously we had to build a c.d.s entity build a model driven app build a business process add it to the model driven app and then run the business process from the model driven app we've simplified that drastically now all you need to do is from the portal create your business process and run it right from there without the app so so you mean that like video 2 3 & 4 where we built entities assigned attributes built a model driven app we can just kind of not do all that yeah we don't build the model don't up anymore see that's pretty nice and I think it's nono hate towards model driven apps I think they absolutely have their place in the women's but I think you said it best not every business process needs exactly an app if you need a model driven out build it the VPS are there you don't need the app you can still use it awesome all right so what we're gonna do with you today is if you were familiar with the previous business process video you'll remember we did an HR onboarding scenario what we're going to do is we're going to revisit that same scenario with the new immersive BPF experience so you can see how much quicker and how much easier it is to build the same exact process you ready I'm ready all right let's try right let's do this to get started I am in the my flows tab off my floor portal yep and I'm gonna go ahead to get the plus new button and you're on the business process flow section exactly exactly just as before awesome so I'm going to give this thing a name let's call it employee onboarding and for the entity I'm not gonna pick none this is how you make an immersive business process okay now this is going to take just a little bit of time but what this is doing is it's covering the first video of creating the entity insidious for you so you no longer have to go to CVS and click and create your own entity does it for you whoa so you guys you would have just spent 15 minutes watching that video walking through it creating all that boom look at that just did it for you one video one video all right ice so it's a and it might create my business process I just hit the edit button okay I'm gonna open this up in a new tab actually just think no matter how much time anyone spends here still less time alright so you know we have our VP of designer for employee onboarding and let's begin by looks like my mouse isn't working now it's just quit out nope well trackpad all right so you'll notice when I pick my first stay just from the BPF I now have this link to go ahead and add fields and forms so in this version of the preview you'll still have to go and add the fields to the entity okay but you no longer have to go into Cydia separately build the entity and then an attribute that's awesome so let's go ahead and do that before anything else all right so just clicking that link brings us right to the seediest entity that we created automatically that is awesome right so the next thing we're gonna do is go ahead and add all of these fields that's going to store the information we enter in the business process okay to do that I simply hit add field and I get this nice little flyout so let's go ahead and start adding our data fields so we had a dress and I'm gonna call out of type let's see you have like a rich range of options here and man that's just big text area because it's usually like multiple lines right yeah I'm going to similarly and emergency contact can see behind us here a little bit maybe we've already predefined some of the fields so when kurama's over a sure that's what I'm looking at yeah yeah let's call this contact phone number fix the case enjoy a little bit I want to picked up phone there's a lot of content types yeah it's awesome super rich let's see where's date date up was probably date don't late day unless you're really picky about those things and know exactly when you award trying to be real superstitious I can only hire people born after 5:00 a.m. and just call this text there's a lot of action items to take care of I'm getting some on board definitely good thing we have something to help us keep track of that you know and it's good though the more work you do up front the less work you have to do in the law exactly yeah let's call this and some yes done done you get your name wrong I couldn't be me go to Starbucks man that's true I shouldn't complain right so you've added all of the steps in our business process I'm just gonna go ahead and hit save entity at the bottom here so this is going to do is is going to add all of these attributes with all of these different types to the entity that was automatically created for us awesome and that's it so now back on our designer just gonna leave fresh this guy real quick so it has like all the latest information from the entity now also if I'm not mistaken right there you just finished video to that is correct cuz wasn't video to where we define the stages and Adam attributes to the entity yep so right there in this one video that's two videos down thanks for keeping track honestly I feel better yeah no problem no problem alright so let's get down to building things so let's call this first stage employee info right hit apply to save that so I'm gonna begin by adding name let's call this full name and let's make this required next I'm gonna drag and drop another field and this was address oh I'm noticing something that I did not see here before also while I keep working and I'll just call it out I see a little arrow there that says triggered process now that's something new that I did not notice the last time we were building these videos uh-huh and so is that just an easy place to drag a flow to uh you mean down here no yeah yeah right yeah so that so this works only with classic CVS worthless today okay but you can add a classic CVS will flow in that area and that automatically triggers and you get to pick this to run either when you enter that stage or exit that stage nice yeah awesome nice little touch also I don't if you notice but we now can outflow is this actual action I know oh man I've no idea as a button oh man if I was in preview try it out today okay shameless plug and he'll take some feedback if you have it absolutely or a percent so as you might remember if you've seen the previous videos Quran is just basically adding all of these attributes to the steps in the BPF here which will basically create your checklist that will give you your steps to walk through for the visual process in the BBF right so that's all for stage time I'm gonna drag and drop another one on here okay let's call this three resources and this is great really shows you guys have been putting a lot of work here into BPF bring in the two systems together oh yeah that's so much more powerful and all together yeah cuz you know the thing is not every process can be automated and you know fluid it's gotta help you with that too slowly you know what else I love about this is that we are consistently adding value to flow as well rightly what's what's beautiful here is this process now what we're showing you it doesn't require a model driven app so although when you need an app you can have one and and now what we're trying to do is build flows independent value as well to say if you don't need it no problem you can just accomplish this in flow and and so I think you know that's one of the cool things is yes we are part of the power platform we are consistently bringing everything together to create a better together story but then also you can really see our commitment to adding standalone value to our platform as well exactly yeah I mean at the end of the day flow should be the way how you think about your business processes yeah you know and it requires that you have a bunch of manual tasks to do then flows got to help you with that and that's what bps do for you yep yeah let's see request equipment I think we called it request yes we did this is where I went a little off board here because I have anywhere there it is man I love that flow step that is so cool I'm gonna go play with that later yeah and when you do let me know what you think okay there's a whole blog post out there follow the steps hopefully it's follow Bowl and easy enough to build awesome and now did you post that on the official blog or the community blog it is on the official blog official one okay right now alright that's it that's where BPF so I'm just gonna hit update and that's gonna make this latest and greatest version available so now again that's that's now the third video mmm because in the third video we then laid all this out in all the staging mm-hmm so right there third video done done ah right okay so now if you recall in our previous videos in order to use the BPF you have to you know go to your model driven add keep track of that URL and all that stuff yeah to run this I go to my flows in the flow menu yep go at the business process flow tab yep and you'll notice if I hover over our employee onboarding process I see a little play button much like an instant flow nice so when I hit that that's going to directly and keep in mind no one would have an app it's going to directly open up that business process for us to run thanks right so you see along the top these are three stages it's pretty basic right now yeah you might see a bunch of this white space here I'll get back to that in a little bit okay but here if I click in on the stage you will see that I have all the information in its lists and so now I'm gonna keep going on we keep track for you we essentially just skipped video for ya right cuz that whole model driven app keeping track of all that that's gone that's gone out the window we don't even need that but just go to fly all right nice yeah so there are Allen now here we are in video 5 where we could actually walk through this process exactly when I can fill out information I can move on to my next day's do all that good stuff awesome Wow yeah that is amazing so man that is huge time savings and so let's talk about this we did it the old way and now we have this preview immersive experience when would a user want to use one or the other and what purposes or what might differentiate the two for that yeah the big differentiating factor is the fact of whether or not you need a modeler of an app now if it makes sense for you to have a full-fledged app with a lot more information and you want your business process in there yeah but absolutely go use the embedded experiences out today yeah but if you have a case where you just want the process not an app like something like this is just keeping track of where you are in the pipeline you know and then go down this route totally and and so we wanted to keep it somewhat quick here but as in the previous videos you just saw even easier now you could connect flows to these steps so that let's say Quran finished that step one you could actually have a flow that notified the next user that it was their turn to go and pay attention in stage two and complete those items you could send out a request approval requests and and so that's actually something that we'll talk about in a future video before today go and get in preview check out the immersive BPF experience give some feedback to me and to Quran literally love to hear all about it if you want to keep it simple just go ahead and leave a comment right here on the video yep this is coming soon coming soon to preview near you alright guys that's it from us for today much love please go ahead and like and subscribe so you don't miss another video and from us we'll see you in the next video guys alright so you won't see something cool yeah sure all right so you see all this white space down here right poised to be able to do is actually like author a full form in here independent so you can add fields you can add sections and group in different ways even I like a canvas app if you wanted to nice right once again alright so right the way to do that is just as before right you go to like your stage you click on this link to add fields and forms okay and because of the fact that this is all in CD s you can use the wizzy wake Lake form designer to author a whole rich form I'm so excited for this you are not a freak out right so up here I can add forms oh by the way can I def course do I hear behind dashboards well you can build power bi dashboards on top of this that's not a special thing to show you home man okay but yeah like what I'm opening now is it's like the form that we can use to show when we actually use the BPF so I have all of my fields down here right and what this thing is loading here is the actual form like when you design it what you see is literally what it'll look like awesome yeah so look familiar yeah okay yeah and so let's drag things on there's something really simple right like I'm gonna add a tab yeah right and let's call this process like details okay and in here let's do oh I don't let's do two things right let's add just basic info of like who is the employee onboarding okay and then let's add like some information about who's the person who started the process and what the person will last like modified it if there's questions about changes you know okay so to do that I'm going to do at fields and let's do let's see there's the name there is that's employee and let's do what to section it kind of show this off a little bit I'm gonna have feel it here let's say create a by simply we started this process and we have created on as to when they started at right and I'm going to look for who last updated this process you know this updated is like things like you know what they completed a step or move forward when it's exactly and what if I not that's reading these sections I'm gonna hide this label because it doesn't make any sense I'm a hands it native forms experience yeah so right now to resume it right I just go into action items it's like this new consulted awake and see like your approvals and business process monitor I heard about this coming out I've been talking about this a bunch of finally yeah and so I just assumed my process I think yeah this was our employee I'm gonna open this up and just like that cuz you'll see like we have the business process now with it's important wait a second so but so that's awesome but actually I think I want to point out one thing that's like even cooler is you took a business process that was already in flight modified it those changes were then carried through to the process already in flight okay bro you're recording this you
Channel: Jon Levesque
Views: 11,609
Rating: 4.948276 out of 5
Keywords: jon levesque, jon levesque microsoft, microsoft flow, microsoft flow tutorial, ms flow, how to use flow, what is microsoft flow, BPF, business process flows microsoft flow, business process flows, microsoft flow bpf, microsoft flow bpf overview, feature preview, immersive bpf, bpm, business process management, flow bpf, jon levesque microsoft flow, microsoft flow examples, flow microsoft
Id: FEqaRV1gSx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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