Microsoft Power Automate - Business Process Flows Tutorial | Part 1

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what's up guys I'm back with Quran you guys have bugged me and bugged me and bugged me that you need more BPF caranas video was actually one of the most popular videos we've done and so it's due to popular demand it's true Quran they the first the first five days had 500 views which is actually the best we've done that was amazing it's a month old and it's almost at 2,000 views but I've gotten tons of requests to bring you back so you guys here he is back with us to do a four part series on vpf first things first we're going to go through how you plan your business process after that we're gonna go through how you build your database and create your entities and forms from there we'll build the BPM of Oz and and the model driven app will already get on as well I skip that and then finally we're gonna use that thing we will teach people how to use yep all right you guys four videos coming your way part one is here let's go get it yeah so so accepting the offer stars on accepting offer [Music] so then if we think about onboarding we have several different things we have the HR system which captures all of my personal information my payment information my emergency contacts insurance all that right so we have the HR bucket alright guys so you just saw Karen and I working through how to plan a business process now we've cleaned up the board and we have gone ahead and just put each of our stages in the BPF here and so now what we're going to do is decide that on how each of these will then be empowered in the database with entities and then what kinds of questions and things we need to be putting into our forms to then actually make this process work and move smoothly all right so fear on let's go ahead and jump in here and let's start with our HR team what do we think is is the first thing we need we got to decide our entities yeah then our forms correct yeah so look at these two processes you have very different roles of people involved yeah this is all about HR and the team admin just making sure that the new employee is in the system yes it's all about like employee information really so let's just have an entity called employee information okay right so in this particular entity we need to make sure that we have all of the attributes that we want for the steps okay but in addition because the PPF is guidance we need to make sure we're giving people a place to actually capture this information gotcha right so you might for instance want to have their LinkedIn profile that might be useful to have for the employee so so this is all of the information we want to gather about all of it across a VPN across the forms and then are we gonna assume that we have their name and all that already from previous steps or we do we want to capture all that here let's capture here let's make the employee info or one place to go okay everything about the employees so we want their name yeah so we need to make sure that we're capturing the personal information that they need to go in and verify things like address great okay so that's a pretty good list I think for okay that's all the information that's I inclusive yeah and so now we can have our business process colliding our HR our team admin and our new hires just going through all of these fields and making sure it's all populated that they can go back and verify it okay great these are two very different audiences what you think absolutely you think it might make sense for us to give them different apps altogether so we could give like a manager a separate app to help onboard and employee I think we should do separate apps yeah so this is like one this one ends this one begins yeah right yeah yeah and so each person gets their own specific app with their own vpf tailored to those for him perfect I like that cool so let's talk about the manager process so this one was all about helping your new employee be on board so they can start being productive so as part of the immersed stage we started with you know reviewing existing capabilities building up news cases and scenarios so let's maybe call one of the things you need to know is what thing they're assigned to right so like so their team or product yeah okay product area employee ramped up thing let's call it back and I think finally what we would hope it really cool for the manager to have is really sort of like an activity or a task list so they can kind of put down a list of action items and say hey I expect this person to be done by so and so date I'm suddenly gonna stay on top okay so should we call that expectations yeah so I think with that we've covered the business processes we're going to need okay the action items within each stage okay and the information that we're going to need along the way on the forms so that you can kind of use the process for guidance so then do we so basically all these will come over to here our goal is we're trying to capture everything here that these stages will need as well yeah okay okay got it is there anything else do you think you might need on the forum for either of these processes to permission yeah that's what's really important right which which could be something that we inherited from manager but you might have you might give up memos are like clearance yeah okay yeah okay you guys feel good about that with us so far all right right now sure you built this done let's do let's do that so we're going to start with our employee onboarding business process let's build that out put that out first so first thing we're doing is we're gonna make a database yep and entities right yep so we're going to build our data model and so if you recall from our previous video we decided we're gonna make an entity for employee information yep so to do that I'm gonna go to data entities and fill them there let's call this you know it's pretty exciting for me Kuran I've never built a CVS entity before oh really yeah I shouldn't admit that truth boom done you've been an entity alright look at that I already the best alright next let's start adding with the fields that we're going to need in the business process and on the form okay so I start adding the fields that we haven't performed to begin with let's call this in English that's good too good to specify yeah I'm gonna go ahead save that okay so now we add fields and each time we save it and that just updates that entity to then yeah have those fields so then when we go and make the app we could add all that in an auto driven tab and all those forms are there already exactly perfect so you don't have to save the entity every time you make a field you could just make a whole bunch of them and save at the end got it so I'm going to another okay let's see what we had enlist the fields here we have roll let's call this roll so in data type I think want us to be taxed right yeah type in type it in the air and unless we have some selection you know we could make it a selectable thing let's say it is a tough type option set okay and so here I can go ahead and start adding options uh-huh okay so let's see so what roles we want let's say project manager let's add software developer let's add this designer UX designer that's good marketing sales IT that's probably a good subset to start with yeah let's add one more next we had oh email that's another field let's say so you guys saw us outline all these on the board for the interest of time we're gonna go ahead and enter all these in but we're gonna speed up the video and jump you ahead to where we actually start building this now okay and that's it awesome so we've gotten all of the fields we need on the form and in a business process okay yeah so we have a new entity called employee information inside of that entity we've created all of our fields like you guys can see here and so now if you're following along make sure that your entities and data types match what we're doing here so that way you can come along and build with us all right cool I think we're ready to move on yeah so last step let's just save this entity and make it a real thing right on all right so we've got all the fields in so if you look along the top you've got all these tabs for like relationships to other tables in your database views if you want to like make reports and charts inside of your app I think what's interesting about it is forms right now so let's go do that okay so when you make an entity it automatically creates a form for you is called a main form let's just go ahead and open that okay you guys this is the first time I'm seeing this - this if this is your first time seeing it we're seeing it for the first time together right so as you can see this is the employee information form but there isn't much information in there okay so let's go ahead and organize our information on the form into like tabs I think that just helps to keep it clean right so let's make this sort of first tab call it general right now that's called like personal information that sounds good so I'm going to select this tab I'm gonna hit change properties and I'm just gonna call this personal information and do you want me to available in form - perfect next let's start dragging and let's actually finish making all that happen let's start dragging in the fields you want in the personal information okay so let's say you have name there so we need address phone number who's gonna drag and drop address in here we need all of our different email phone number and then we have mobile phone and well is the phone and mobile phone or what their mobile and what was gold there it is date of birth to your birth it's got to reorder some of these to make a little more sense okay address at the bottom now if you want to if you're curious about what this is gonna look like you just hit the preview button right here but we're not gonna do that right now okay let's add another tab who actually adds in the same tab let's yes I'm another tab so we're gonna go at I guess that's gone now okay chase Lance Lebanon subgroup really doesn't it won't see like a list of items insider yeah okay the section gives me like this guy here so let us add just another section I guess so this is call this employee information this is probably out better to and then we want to call this section personal info and let's make sure the label is visible yep and let's add another section at the bottom mmm okay so this is like what you do with tabs before now it's sections yeah okay so let this be sort of like personal info in plummet info yeah that's like their workspace and their managers yeah yeah you all right that looks good looks good I'm gonna go ahead and save this and publish it this is exciting and now we have four so we just built a model driven out we built the data model and the form okay the next thing I want to do is make an app that will have our business process the form and the data model all in it for like a super nice personalized experience okay so this I think gets us concluded for video one yeah would you say all right so so we have planned with you guys on how to go through and build a business process we have done a bit of preparation and showing you the entity and the fields that need to go in that entity and now we've come and actually laid down the data fields for our form so in our next video we're gonna show you how to put together the model driven app that houses all of this and then in future videos how to build the flows and use all of this okay so that was video one hope you enjoyed it stay tuned for video 2 where we show you how to actually start using all this awesomeness that you've just built alright guys as always like and subscribe see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Jon Levesque
Views: 48,614
Rating: 4.9028339 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft flow business process flow, microsoft flow bpf, business process flow, flow bpf, microsoft flow tutorial, business process flow tutorial, flow, msflow, ms flow, microsoft flow, flow tutorial, microsoft flow tutorial youtube, microsoft flow tutorial video, microsoft flow advanced tutorial, jon levesque, jon levesque microsoft, jon levesque microsoft flow, power platform, cds, business process flows, business process, business process mapping
Id: 7RiXDiPNZic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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