Microsoft Flow Tutorial - If and Approve

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in today's show we're gonna do a Microsoft flow tutorial we're gonna walk through an if statement and then the conditions to go around with that and then we're on approval or just have a little bit of fun with flow so you get some more ideas to kind of inner workings so should be fun should be fast but first here's our intro hi my name is Shane young with power apps nine one one those guys in today's show we're gonna do a Microsoft flow tutorial and what we're gonna do in that flow tutorial is we're gonna grab some content off the internet and then based on the title of that content we're either going to go down one of two paths and then based on which one of those paths we go down we're going to add an approval to it so we only have to approve certain content so something a lot of fun it's going to be those videos we're just going to try and show off some of the different capabilities some of the branching object in ways you can break a branch up and then bring them back together at the end so you can get a little more familiar with with flow right the flow we're gonna build you probably wouldn't build yourself but we're gonna show you the mechanics of how it all works you can make yourself an awesome flow alright enough rambling let's just jump over to my desktop and take a look okay so over here my desktop I'll go pro a browser to float up Microsoft comm and I've already signed in right so we went through that process we cover that in a previous video we're good here and so we're gonna do this we can go straight over to my flows and I don't know about you guys but I'm a big fan of the youtubes so we're gonna use YouTube here in order to go in and kind of demo what we want to do so once again we could create from template but I find it's harder for me to teach you from templates so we're gonna create this from blank all right then we're gonna say we want to create from blank and don't take this in as slight as the templates I definitely think you should use the templates where they make sense for you it's just easier for me to walk you through stuff if we build all the pieces and so the first thing we need is we're gonna do a trigger and so I don't know about you guys but YouTube is near and dear to my heart so we're gonna look at the YouTube triggers today all right so you can see down here I have a when a new video matches a search when a new video is uploaded by channel or when I upload a video so what we're going to do is we're going to say when a video is uploaded by a channel so click on that and then says now pick your channel ID so the way that you can do that to go over here to YouTube and we're just paste in the URL from my channel right okay and so when you're on the channel what you're going to see is you're like oh I have Shane Yong cloud so that'll work for my particular channel because I have a full name but of all the channels don't they'll have different codes so for example if you go over here to about you can see that here is a channel or here's the actual channel ID for mine so you could grab this out of the URL and then we're gonna go back over here to flow and I'm gonna say alright channel ID I'm gonna enter a custom value and we're gonna paste that in okay so that'll get us to the channel more importantly to my channel but so now we have when a video is uploaded by a channel then boom what do we want to do and actually just to make this easier because I don't want to put a bunch of bogus videos to my channel we're gonna do is we're gonna use one of my test channels so alright anyway you don't care we're using a YouTube channel that's getting us in here alright so now we got a channel I'm gonna do is I'm gonna out of steps we say add on your step and this time we're going to add a condition and so condition is just a basic if if for then and so for a choose a value we click in there notice we have the dynamic content right it says hey from that trigger these are the things I know and so what we're gonna do is we're say all right well look at the video title and what we want to do is we want say video title where you contain or contains and will look for the word below okay so video gets uploaded to the channel if the video title contains flow what do we want to do well we're gonna say we're at an action and we're going to say alright we're gonna go to SharePoint and we want to create an item so then what's SharePoint site do I want so I'm hit this drop down hopefully my site shows up it does if your site doesn't show up click on the inner custom value so there's my site and then you know you're successful when you hit the drop down and there's all the lists and so I already created a list called training videos so we'll click on that and so then now it's going to show me the metadata columns from that list so the list hasn't required a column called title well I'm gonna grab the YouTube video title perfect I have a column called video description hmm that's all mostly I plan this at a time there's a video description and then a link to the video now here's an interesting problem right it's okay wait a minute I don't know how to provide you with dynamic content that relates right that namely content tries to understand what it is what type of column you have and what to show you well in this case it's like I can't I can't match anything else what do you wanna do well what we can do is we can say you know what I just want to see more so this is gonna show me all the dynamic content flow doesn't think that it's useful but it's gonna go ahead and show it to me and it turns out that this video web link down here is absolutely what I needed so no big deal float it and understand my hyper link column it's probably cuz SharePoint high point columns have some different properties about them that makes them confusing to flow power apps that type of stuff but either way this will work just fine you could do the show Advanced Options there's you know just the one of all the views right but number one my tricks is I always click show Advanced Options just to see what's there so I'm putting the old memory bank and remember maybe I need to know later but there you go so one of videos up would by a channel and so that channel we chose if the video title contains the word flow then go write it to my training videos list if it doesn't right now we're silent do anything and that's okay you can have conditions that don't do anything right this would just mean if it gets over here the flows done nothing happened life moved on simple enough so let's give this a quick name we'll call this you - well what's quick in there where I can actually tell you if we call this YouTube to SharePoint list like so alright that looks good to me we're gonna hit save and so then now what I'm gonna do is I want to jump over to the other browser so I pause when you guys for just a second I'm gonna go upload a video where the work flow into that channel and see what happens okay so you have the video uploaded over there now keep mine with YouTube this particular check happens every 900 seconds which is 15 minutes for those of you that aren't math inclined so this might take a couple minutes I'm not gonna ramble the whole time though but I want to talk to you about a couple things so we're gonna say go back to our previous page say okay so here you can see the the flow right we've got our my flow here we can make sure it's active so we're good and then honestly what I'm gonna do I'm gonna hit pause I'm just gonna hit refresh here about once every minute until I see the run history trigger so you will get to see me in just a second okay so then after sitting here diligently hitting refresh for you guys you can see it succeeded woohoo so we switch over here there and we click refresh and SharePoint alright we have a video about flow this is the text and then there's the link and if we click on the link it would then take us over to that video directory and flow that's pretty awesome right very straightforward not really complicated but if we go back over here and click on editor flow all we did was looked at the video title contains the word flow but so now let's take this thing go a step further so what if the video title doesn't say for right because we know that I upload videos on flow and power apps and SharePoint and PowerShell and so you know you don't want to take all my videos and stick them in your training list the only way I grab certain ones so we're going to take all the flow ones by default if it doesn't have flow let's go give you give you an approval process where you can decide whether or not you want to add that video to your training library so if no add an action for our actual images with a search for approval and so there's an approvals connector here and we're going to say we want to start an approval so it proves is probably letting this do a whole video on there's a whole bunch of coolness and probably the most popular features but today were just going to power through and make it work the way we want so we're gonna say what's her approval type well we're going to do anyone from the assign list right so we only want to have one approver if we send it off to five people as long as one of them says approved we move on or you can have everybody approved and in that case all five people would have to approve we sent it to five all right so what's the title going to be we're gonna say do you want to approve and then we will say oh this again scroll over here so we can see this well say we want do you want to approve video title right so we're using the dynamic content mix with text to make a nice experience we're just going to assign this to me you know I could definitely see you know you having maybe a dynamic more process here but I'm just gonna assign it to myself today so what are the details well the thing that I like to do in these type of situations is make it real easy for us to figure it out right because we're we're learning so we're just gonna type in here this is what I type for details just like that the item link well go over here we will use our dynamic content for that we'll say grab video web link boom and what item link description we will grab the video description right so that way when we look at the email here in just a second we'll be all kind of piece it back together and figure out what we did listed then again we're going to start an approval now once you start an approval you're going to get something back so we need to add an action but not an action this time we're going to add a condition so we're gonna add another if we're gonna keep scrolling to the right this is why I have this big 34 inch widescreen monitor I'm going to say alright if the response right so this is dynamic content come from the approval so the response and then what we're going to do is oh i press the wrong button scroll back over here response is equal to approve right so that's what I do because what's going to happen in the email is there's gonna be an approved button or reject button and so if they choose if they click on approve what do we want to do then we're going to add an action and we're going to add another SharePoint we're going to create an item we're going to choose our SharePoint site again and we just did all this so I'm not gonna go slow here we're gonna choose our training video and then we're going to do now notice right here you see the approver stuff so you have to scroll down and you'll get back to your YouTube pieces I'll scroll here let's really say all right video titles video title video description scroll the bottom again is video description and link to video same problem no problem we're just gonna say show me more video web link boom now what's interesting right is this create item and this create item are exactly the same so after we solve this we're gonna figure out how to make that so they're not even have to be we don't have duplicate but right now we're gonna duplicate no big deal okay so that's we're gonna do so if they approve it we're going to create an item if they don't approve it we're just done we're not going to you know we're just done we're not gonna log it we're not gonna do anything because we don't care okay so that looks good to me and so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna say save alright that looks good we'll go back to here well ignore this message okay so then now I'm gonna hit pause again I'm gonna go over and upload another video where I'm not gonna put flow in the title alright so I'll see you in a second okay so perfect so I see it's running so that's interesting this time there right because instead of just flyering right we know they have that approval step that that got triggered and so it's waiting on me to approve it so what I can do is I can click on approvals here and then you can see that I have do you want to approve the videos so this is one I did earlier so it's this video now keep in mind also that if you have the app right this is the stuff I need to cover better for you later but the my flow app actually buzzed and said hey you have an approval to do so I could do the approval for my app I also got a separate email and so in the email I could go over there and click the button but I thought since we were in flow we would show it here so you want to improve the power apps for cool why not so we'll say approve here I get the chance to look at the details right so this is what I type for details the link the description that we did under advanced we have you know we the bility to reassign it we're not going to do that and then we can approve or reject we can also leave comments we're just gonna say approve hope there it is remind me if you want to comment and confirm okay so then now that we've approved that if we go back over to my flows and click on YouTube to SharePoint list we didn't see that succeeded and if we go over here power-ups are cool and why because I said so alright so there you go so that was a multi-step process so I said it the flow is look out again I'm video got uploaded the channel the video title did not contain flow so we started an approval and the approval we had another if well we'll go over here we'll see and they responded approve was yes so he went and created the item it didn't we just didn't do anything alright so that's two two thirds away one right so we kind of went through the ifs and the approvals so now let's talk about the fact that we have create item twice right so create item here create item here they do the same exact thing I hate having to do the same exact thing so what we can do let's go down here the bun so we're gonna do if we click on no and yes okay this is just letting me collapse things right so we're going to say I want to stay in the if and there's a yes or no but if we do a new step now this is adding a step that comes after the condition portion right make that smaller it's a new step add an action and so then here we're going to do our SharePoint action again all right so create an item where's our list it's this list what's our list name that one what's our title well our title is going to be woo scroll all the way the bottom I there's a lot of stuff to scroll through it why did I name it content but video title Bo description it's going to be our video description and then once again link to video it's like I don't really know what you mean well that's alright we're gonna hear once they see more and we're gonna say video web link okay so just like we wanted but so now we go back up here we expand our conditions we expand the yes branch we say all right we're gonna get rid of you cuz I don't need you anymore so we'll say okay we're going to no we're gonna go expand its condition scroll sideways here and we're going to get rid of this one also so delete okay now the problem here though is right now is this that you'll know it would still go down here to create item three we don't want that so we're gonna do a bonus you know a little more complex of a topic but real quick run just run here add action type in the word terminate so there is a control called terminate and so what this is going to do and we'll say status is canceled this is going to stop our flow so our flow is going to terminate when it hits this with a status have canceled so then now the idea is that if it comes through here right so condition two if they say approve yes branch just lets it go flows right through boom creates our item the condition two here if they say no terminate flows over and it will error will error it will end with a status of cancelled which is what we wants that tells us they didn't approve it okay now the other neat thinks we're gonna hit save alright so now it's saved so the other neat thing is we're gonna take advantage of test so quick on test over here alright so I'm gonna say I want to use data from a previous run so we know what data was in these two runs so instead of me going uploading another video to YouTube waiting for five to 10 minutes for it to actually get processed and then coming back over here I'm gonna say I just want to use that data from last time so we need to kind of keep going through this service they succeeded so we're gonna take this one this is the one that has power apps in the title instead of flow so we're gonna say save and test so then now it takes us over here you might have heard the buzz of my phone right it's like a condition was seen here the condition is still running but because the title has power apps instead of flow it was a no and so it started the approval and so right now it's waiting on me to prove approve and so just to be different this time I'll grab the email let's say here you can see the email I got right hey do you want to improve power apps are cool this is what I type for details link why Shane said so right that was a video description and so if we click approve so then it dumps me over here into a browser window it popped up right it's that same approval experience and so we're just gonna scroll the bottom say we approve boom the request has been approved we'll get rid of that browser we'll get rid of our email and so you can see our flow ran successfully notice over here in the test I can see the outputs right so we can see what happened they prove her with Shane his email is this and what did Shane respond with approve good job Shane and then the conditions it's like well we evaluated it true and the true there was nothing so then we got out of here and we created the item and if we go over here there should be another entry yes okay last thing to test and then we'll be done I promise go back over here let's go back to our flow yes we're fine leave me out of there and at the flow and so now let's test what happens if it's would you describe that same oh the same one again we'll say save and test let's test what happens if I reject let's make sure that the item doesn't get created so there is all of that we'll just click on open approvals in a new window there's the item we need to approve so I'll say approve hope you know what we didn't mean to approve I do not want to do that so click on reject I meant to reject it say reject we would confirm we could leave a comment right cuz a very technical comment and we could grab that right we come dynamic content if you needed to log that somewhere later so say confirm this request has been rejected go back over to the run history and then you can see that none of these steps ran right because the flow was dropped out I'm here in just a second the page will refresh and it will show us but we won't wait on that go over here we're good see there you know test cancelled right because we set the Terminator action to cancel and there should still just be three videos over here instead of a fourth perfect so there you go we've walked through together now and now you know how to use the if conditions and then you know how to branch out and use the approved conditions which I want to do other video on later I'll hopefully link to that the bottom might be a month but I'll do it do video improve but we were able to do different things based on the approval status and then we showed you how to bring it all back together which was something a new that I just learned today honestly and we're using terminate to make sure that we didn't accidentally rung that bottom step so very exciting stuff hopefully this helps you guys with flow you know I've been doing lots of flows here recently myself so that's why you know power apps 9-1-1 we've incorporated those we were we're helping customers with projects with flow so i thought i'd start teaching you guys some flows and hopefully help definitely if you have flow questions things you want to see me cover whether it's more details here or just ideas to inspire me for future videos that's where most of my videos come from questions like you from you you can leave me comments below you can tweet me at chains cows you can hit me up through power apps 9-1-1 right fill out the contact form you'll see the flow that we use to run the business that says hey do you want get added to the mailing list then you can say no i'll be sad but you can do that alright thanks and have a great day hey it's me again have you got a second could on the old subscribe button out here always helps me out and if you want to work together on your flows hit me up through power apps 9-1-1 yes we do power apps and flows it's good and if not you check out the flow videos over here I'll have a playlist right here and then over on the page somewhere else I'll probably have a video that I think you might want to see alright thanks and have a great day
Channel: Shane Young
Views: 31,820
Rating: 4.953846 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Flow Tutorial, microsoft flow tutorial - if and approve, microsoft flow approval workflow, microsoft flow sharepoint, microsoft flow demo, microsoft flow email, microsoft flow, shane young flow, powerapps911, shane microsoft flow, flow, Microsoft Flow If, Microsoft Flow YouTube, microsoft flow approvals, microsoft flow approval process, microsoft flow sharepoint approval, microsoft flow sharepoint list name, office 365, microsoft flows
Id: Z7R_3on_jDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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