Microsoft Deployment Toolkit for the enthusiast, home or small business

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hi there everyone and welcome to another video my name is Mike Galvin I'm the author of the website Galvin AGA lvan and I wrote a lot about MDT and those deployment and they're usually in a sort of networked environment domain environment enterprise type environment and in this video I want to do something a little bit different what I want to go through in this video is sort of cover NDT and OS deployment for people who don't have a domain might have a network I have a small network could be home home office small business anywhere where you would need to sort of deploy Windows and also I usually focus on Enterprise Edition and I want to take it right back down to sort of home and pro and go from there and speaker for home users like enthusiasts who want to build their own sort of edition if you like of Windows 10 there unbuild just for when they were installing their own pcs and I want to see if that was possible with MDT and I kind of hope that a lot of people who see this video won't be aware of MDT already and this might open up to them and how I imagine this video is gonna be a little bit lengthy cuz there's gonna be something to my previous one where I'll go through and say nope MDT and I want to cover some of that stuff in maybe a bit more detail because people might not be so aware of it so I've got a couple of VMs here just to sort of demonstrate and that's what I'm going to be going through with this is using these two VMs to sort of demonstrate everything they're both running Windows 10 home I realized that I'm using hyper-v here and I just double checked that hyper-v is only actually available and Pro I don't know if VMware or VirtualBox run on the home and so I'm using hyper-v but I'm hoping that those two products will work on home so even if you're on home you can still benefit from this and use a virtualization product because I'm going to be relying on that to make the image that we're going to be capturing at the end of it so this this is this is obviously nothing special this is Windows 10 home this is installed from an ISO that I I created with MDT and I included Chrome Firefox and the new edge aquarium edge visa because I figured people might be interested in that I've also put some gaming stuff on there so we got origin and we got epic game store room cost for cos team and we've also got OBS studio notepad plus plus PLC seven said just a bunch of software that people you generally use and that was all automated so that's what I want to go through in this video and show show how you can do that yourself as well so to generate that image I've got a base Windows 10 box here who actually got all the bits installed in this but I'm going to we're gonna go to to a fresh VM and new door from scratch in a minute but just just to explain what we're gonna do imagine this is your your main PC or another host PC that you've got doesn't have to be a VM you're gonna need to install a few bits and bobs on it create shares you might need to create user depends but we'll go through all that so I'm gonna reset this back to a base standard Windows 10 home box and go from there okay so as you can see here we're on Windows 10 home completely blank build nothing else installed in this at the moment I am so assuming that this is the your main PC the PC that you work on we're gonna take it from here and then install all the necessary it's a pieces for MTT now I do want to cover one thing before any further and that's currently I'm running just a local account on this called Mike I'm not administrator and as in the compute management there's no local users and groups and Windows 10 home really pushes the whole Microsoft account thing it'll probably just be easier if you create a local account on here to use for MDT if you don't already currently have one that's a good way of doing that as soon as you can't do it through the UI there is will do it through command line so to get this menu if you go to the Windows Start button and right click that and then go to Windows PowerShell administrator and open up then we're gonna do a CMD to go back to command line and then what we're gonna want to do here I'll just get my notes is we're gonna want to do net user and it'll list all your users and now we've got our Mike one here but let's assume that you've got a Microsoft account and you need to create another user for this if you don't need this thing you can skip this so to create no user okay that user that's pretty self-explanatory space and create your new user I'm gonna call this user one we're gonna have a password I'm gonna call it pass one and do a slash ad and now create your new user and then we need to add that into the administrators group so to do that we do net local group administrators and then name of the user that you want to add so in this case it's user one and then just slash add and I should add that to the administrators group and so there you go that's all you need to do okay I might need that later so put her down there so let's get all the software we need for MDT so go to my website count off in go to the blog if you go to this installed in Marcel's deployment toolkit and deploying Windows 10 from scratch post yeah we can always search it if air if there's other posts say basically you just want these links here you know this last one because we're gonna where we're gonna get up we're gonna get Windows 10 from the media creation tool so we're gonna need the ADK I'm gonna say the system update just in case but I'm actually going to be doing too much with that in this in this video and you want the PE and on and then you just want to plumb and talk itself and that's all you need here so I'll go to this page you want deployment toolkit I'm sorry ADK and the windows PE I'm gonna save that and then deployment toolkit here and I'm gonna go 64-bit because this is home 64 that if you're running 32-bit then go for the 32-bit okay now we're gonna go to our downloads folder which is yeah alright so we've got a lot of damage so first thing we need to do is install a DK it's very straightforward install you can pretty much accept the defaults and I should want to put it somewhere else but I would advise a second it defaults I will just accept the License Agreement and then you just want the these these four here and so another not the top one but deployment tools imaging and configuration manager configuration designer and use a state migration tool we're going to install these it's gonna take a little bit done okay so we've installed dadk now we're gonna want to install the UDK wooden PE setup this is going to take a little bit longer because it's got to download some more files so depending on your internet connection speed this might take some time but again you know install with the defaults accept license agreement and that's already ticked so just click install and then click yesterday UAC prompt and go make a cup of tea alright so when the ADK windows PE pre-installation environments all installed you can close that and then we'll actually install deployment toolkit and again this is just a accept the license agreement and click Next no special configuration and just say yes to the UAC prompt and you you easy MDT some stuff right so in your Start menu no I have some new programs and you're gonna want to look at deployment workbench that's the that's the main one we're going to be looking at deployment workbench in case for whatever reason it isn't in your recently added or maybe you've got that turned off or something it's under mmm for Microsoft deployment toolkit and right there deployment workbench so I'm gonna pin that so that sighs Paul I'm working I open that up okay so what we're gonna need to do now is we're gonna need to create a deployment share and this is gonna be really easy you leave the defaults in there I'm gonna go next it's gonna recommend this show name deployment share with a dollar on you and that just means that's hidden if you want to keep up that's fine for security reasons or whatever but in this case I'm gonna take it off just to make it easier to to see and you can say let me go back one you can put a description in there if you want we're just going to leave it for now it'll work just fine without that we can leave all this because we'll configure this later and just go through there was a next next next finish let us do it's like the do its thing and then we'll worry I finish it up and continue on there we go and there we go we've got a deployment share and if you go to Windows Explorer and see deployment share click continue they're just so gives you access to see other files you're all done so what we're gonna want to do now is we're gonna want to right click in the empty space here and go to properties anger to sharing and it's already shared it's got our name of the PC here which is this whole thing and then deployment share but we never want to go to advanced sharing and then permissions you've got your bin Astraeus group and fault control that's fine no problem below you in my testing I found out that justice alone doesn't work so we're going to need to also put users in there so just typing users and then ok and then take the for control box again this isn't very secure but in a very small network environment where you don't have a domain and it's just like maybe a few pcs or just your home network shouldn't be too much of a problem so you can close out of all that and that should be good to go for now so the next big thing is we're gonna need our operating system and to get hold of that we're gonna go to we're gonna go to the internet and search for a media creation tool you're going to download Windows 10 from Microsoft so I'm going to download the tool and this is going to download 1909 which is properly released now and all that so we're gonna go to our downloads and there's our media creation tool 1909 so let's run that I'm gonna say yes to use it you is he okay now once again we're gonna accept the License Agreement the next what we're gonna want to do is we're gonna create installation media I'm gonna go next and you're gonna want to pick your options here you can always take the recommended options down here if you want to on take that and then make any changes you want here but long story short I get in English Windows 10 64 bit there's just no other options for Windows 10 that's that's what we're getting so we're gonna go next and then I'm gonna get ISO file I'm gonna go next again and it's gonna ask us where to save it so I'm gonna put it in our downloads folder and I'm just going to append 1909 to the end of this I think I save and then it's gonna download the ISO okay guys so once you've got your ISO I know click finish if I double click the ISO it is going to mount it and we can see inside the the ISO if you're the sources and then scroll all the way down to the eyes we've got an install DSD here now if I tried throughout these source files into NPT it's not going to allow us to do that because there's no wim file in there and it's it's an ESD so obviously that's the problem let's just do this you go next and it says yeah no you can't do that because I can't find an install dot win so we're gonna cancel that and basically we just need to convert this ESD file to a wim file so we're gonna go back to our CMD box here don't let the powershell for you if you're just joining us open up a powershell and then type in CMD and it'll become a regular command-line it does need to be a regular command-line for this to work and then we're gonna use a tool called ism to convert that ESD file into a women so let's do that okay so the first command we're gonna need here is right first thing to do is let's get into our our iso image so it's mounted is drive-e so we're gonna go to drive e and we're gonna CD into the sources folder and then we're gonna do it ism the dism slash get with women foe space slash wim file colon and then install ESD and when you do that it's gonna list the indexes of that ESD file which basically means that there's multiple versions of windows like pro as you can see pro education home home n so these are the different editions of windows they're essentially you're both off the same core and then the additions to just add on like the extra features so what we're going to want to do is to convert this ESD into an i wim file and then we're going to need to tell it which one of these editions it needs to be or which one it needs to include when I use the disome tool again and we're going to export image it's going to say source file installed DSD and then say source index one so we get the home now if you want education or maybe you want pro or any of the ends then just choose the index that reference is there and you're gonna go destination mo file installed om compress : max and then flush check integrity okay obviously I just got an access this denied there that's because I'm in the ISO file and the ISO file writable so what you don't want to do here is go and in the destination image file if you put C colon backslash there then they're all export the image so the issue there is that basically didn't have write permission to the ISO file it's going to take a little bit time to export it and now if you also wanted to like this ESD image include all of these different indexes into that wim file you just run this command again exactly as it is with the index indexes the source index number changed and what it does is it just adds in those those are extra indexes into the the wind fibers already there so you don't have to create different files for each one okay so once the export has completed we're gonna want to go back to the the PC and back to the C Drive you should see we've got our installer in there so when I create a new folder I'm gonna call this one 10 1909 that's called a SRC for sauce and we're gonna go back to our mounted is over here I'm gonna copy all these files I'm gonna put them in there and paste them in our windows 10 source folder and then what we're gonna want to go into the sources folder and we're scrolled down against that installed ESD and we're gonna delete that and then we're gonna get our wim file and then move that into that sources folder and there we go so we're gonna unmount our is ov because we don't need that anymore I'm gonna go back to MDT you know the operating systems gonna right click on that go to input up here in system and full set of source files and next browse and browse to our folder our source folder and they go next and it's gonna say home up there what I like to do is because the addition sometimes changes I'm just gonna put 1909 division then x64 because it's 64-bit and they go next and next again and it's going to copy the files in there and once it's finished we're gonna have an operating system ok and then once that's finished I'll go finish and we've got Windows 10 home in there and all we need to do is going to going to go to task sequences and then create a new task sequence we're gonna call it win 10 - 1909 and I'm just gonna put H 4 home and then I'm gonna call this build Windows 10 1989 oh I go next now we just want our standard task sequence I'm gonna choose home as our OS and we're going to not specify product key because the idea is that if you've got your own project heating you get into that as is or if it's built into the PC if it's burned into the CIO so then sorry the BIOS not the icer that I should pick it up so do not specify product at this time and I just filled this out with whatever you want really so I'm just gonna put user and an old action answer and then go next and that you can enter a administrator password here if you want or you can say do not specify demonstrate password you just got summary and then click next and then finish and that's that's the main thing that we really need create it on the tar sequence sorry let me just go do that again we're gonna go right click and open properties and then tar sequence so the only thing that I would change here at the moment is forgot install applications and we've got windows up to pre-application and windows update post application so what I want you to do is click one of those and then go to options and disable this step will be ticked so you want to uncheck that and you want to go to the other windows update and do the same thing there as well so you just want to enable both those steps really and then just okay that and at the moment that's all we're gonna want to change ok so now we're gonna wanna get some applications so we can install these applications and at our sequence and build our image so if actually gone ahead and I've had some application say this is like a good spread I think of apps that you can download free online at VLC steam that's just the stub installer from steams website because steam updates so often if you can oh install it you might as well just installed the stub and then when you've deployed your image think you started up saying goes and gets the most recent files anyway in the case of origin I went and downloaded the the actual full offline installer or the full installer you could tell exit site to it to make welcome back to this but there's a batch file here that I made to help install in origin and I'll go through that and it's relevant even if you don't want to install origin because you might have some applications that install like origin so we'll come back to that and then I've got office 2019 here I'm gonna make a different video like a separate video and going figure office and how to get the files and all that sort of thing but it's here just so we could install that as part of the image if that's something like one but I'm going to make a separate video about that just because it's it's kind of a bit more involved there's a bit more to configure with it and we've got OBS you know this would be good for gamers or streamers or content creators any of that kind of thing as well as office and small business users start sorting we've got no published bus got the vs Visual Studio 2017 runtimes that's for OBS I am named OBS requires needs to be installed first I've got don't know frameworks that's always handy to have at the edge beta Chrome Firefox the epic game store just in case that's the thing you want at least they provide and so I will give him that and this cord like I said that installs as part of the user profile but I might be worth going through anyway and then adobe reader this will be the enterprise installer which you can basically just google out together and then 7-zip which is just the msi again and all these are just normal options on their website which you can find or search for so what I'm going to do here is we're just gonna we're going to move all of these applications into our deployment share and then into the Applications folder there so if you were downloading these from the internet you would want to download each one and then go into this Applications folder make yourself a zip folder and then drop the MSI in there and then that's all in there and then when you go back to MDT it's not going to pre-populate them so you do still have to do a bit of work but what you're gonna want to do is gonna run over click again here it's a new application and you're going to want to pick application without source files or elsewhere on the network and go next an application name again the say 7-zip so I've put some zip in there go next and a command line so this is going to be MSI exec and then slash I for installed and then the name of the MSI which in this case it's kind of got a long name with the version number on it so we're going to copy paste down from that and then the working directory so this is really important this is where you're going to need to remember so it's dot backslash and then just applications then backslash and then the name of the folder that you created with the 7-zip MSI in so for me that's gonna be seven - zip and I'm just gonna door check to see if that's right hey if I can find my applications for home I dunno put that so yeah seven - zip it's not case-sensitive so you don't need to worry about that so just to be sure for MSI's ms:i use X slash I and then the name of the MSI and then on the end you're going to want to put a space and then a false life and then QN and what this whole force it to do is Q is quiet and an N is no GUI so MSI exact will install the MSI file without showing any GUI or asking you any questions it'll just accept the defaults and install it and I saw you install an MSI sorry Emily don't go next and next again and that's it now you're going to want to do that for each of those applications which I'm gonna go through and do here as well for Emma sighs that's what you want from your size for the standard exe s it's a little bit different so let's do like a standard exe so can go in your application again application without source files or elsewhere on the network and next and I think this time was a normal thing at C like Adobe Reader perfect so we'll do a doobie reader let's call this adobe reader DC then new command line because it's not an MSI and we're not going to use MSI exec we're just going to launch the executable and this is where things get interesting so I know from just by generals job I suppose that the silent install for this is slash s and then capsule a ll and in some cases with these these extensions these are case sensitive and in other cases they're not in this case this is and for VLC for example that is as well like that's a slash capitalist so that's what you can need to remember there these are different per application peroxy some of them so Maxine's just don't have a nice on and install options whatsoever I which is why MSI's are kind of preferable because at least as an expectation they're of a quiet install and sort of a pretty much standard way of doing so with the eggs is one way you can find out these extensions is a command-line arguments is you can run this XE from the command line and put a slash in their question mark after it and sometimes they will give you the the silent options and sometimes they weren't it depends on the XE and how it's made really the the well-made ones do I would say in the slider you pour our wet ones usually don't I would say so yeah just to just you point that out so and then working directory again its backslash applications and it helps if you spell it correctly as well unlike me up there okay Shen's yes okay and then Adobe Reader DC if you've got spaces there that's okay you can leave you can leave the spaces in then go next and they go next again and there you go if you can't avoid spaces I would avoid spaces just that's general a generalist aside been wrong I was there for a lot of this sort of stuff but then it doesn't matter too much with MDT lovely so that's the Dobby reader I'm gonna go through and do the rest of these because they are pretty much the same light Epic Games is emsi so that'll be an msi msi exec /i /qn just like with 7-zip and just the different head names for the folders Firefox that's an msi you can find Firefox at Maasai's and they mozilla do make Enterprise enterprise packs available with them so that's that's all cool there google chrome is an Emma sighs that's good at edge unsurprisingly why Microsoft is an MS I don't know framework that's Niazi an exe rather and that is one that you can run in command line and do a slash question mark I know install quietly but I believe the switch for that is a slash passive for a quiet install the vs 2007 runtimes I forget what that is I think that might be yes I think there might be a slash yes welcome to in a minute now past plus plus that's a slash capital S because it's an open source application and a lot of those seem to use the slash cup less sort of standard and not all of them but no Power Plus dusters voz does and I blue Firefox the normal exe version and Firefox does OBS is yes welcome back to that pretty sure that's it slashes office has got the sound one like I said yeah basically you've got to generate a configuration file and then go through that whole thing but like I said that's there that's a different thing so let's talk about our agenda seeing as this is where we're so for adding origin in this case you would still go applications new application application will outsource foils going next and we'll call it origin go next command line and the command line we're going to want to put that batch file so it's just the full name of the batch file with the extension he's going to want to put that in command line and then in working directory same as before even um one that put just dot backslash applications and slash origin now in this case what I'm doing is instead of launching the Installer we're launching the batch file which will run the Installer but the contents of this patch file is important this is going to run the origin setup with a slash silent which is fine that's how you do a slightly install with origin the problem is is that the the Installer here launches then another executable which then does the actual install and if you're running this in MDT the problem with this is that's what that'll do is it monitors the executable that is currently running so when that when that initial executable the the origin set helped taught us see here when that stops or closes or whatever and it continues on like normal like it moves on to the next application I needs to do halt its next job whilst the system installing the background which isn't ideal that's not problem with MDT so much as it is a problem with the origin setup so what this does is this code here it's just a batch file it's fairly simple all that does is it loops well that does that loop area there basically says this is the loop and then the loop here is to wait for 10 seconds and it checks the task list to see if the origin thinset up internal tory XE is start running and if it is then it just goes back to the top and wait another 10 seconds and then checks again and it just goes through and when it when that closes that's when this exits which basically tells MDT then it's done you can now move on to the next thing so that's a nice way around to work around this what I am going to do is these diesel batch files because you can just replace the XE name here with whatever issue you're having with whatever installer you're you want to run if you're having this was like another program I'm gonna make this batch file and a couple of the other files as well and not the installers and not the the windows files or anything like that because they are all obviously a copyrighted and I don't have permission to redistribute them but this this batch file and a few of the files I'm gonna put all together on my github and I'll leave a link to that in the description and you can go hold these files and modify them to your heart's content so that's origin okay so moving on and we got steam that's an exe I think I said either a queue or an S as well and then got VLC here the reason I'm not actually 100% sure about these is because quite frankly I just can't remember so let's find out okay let's find that now I know VLC is a slash capitalist but let's find out how you can find it out so you go back to your command line here and we're going to change directory to C Drive and in deployment share and an application zone VLC and because we were in the e Drive we're gonna need to put C colon in there to change directory as I change a change Drive and then we're gonna grab our VLC XE here and then we have put slash question mark and as you can see it doesn't show us anything wonderful right so let's say - help still nothing it just goes into the Installer I will try - question mark still the thing about slash help still nothing okay so there's no way of finding out here that there might be something else maybe you know what scene as it likes capsules so much we do a capsule h-help know okay fern so I think what I probably did here is probably just looked up online and found are loads of /s but in long so joy it's a slash yes I can tell you that for certain that VLC is a slash yes hey for the most part you can google these online and it will just tell you what the silent is but there is a way I've determined to show you this awful so there is a way of finding out with their some of these applications and finding out what their solar installers are so let's do that I'm pretty sure about readers got in there don't make me a liar a carburetor so some installers will do this they'll extract and then pop up the box saying what they do or whatever some of it will display in the command line yeah in the command line and some of it will display display in a GUI yeah I guess this is a GUI so as you can see it says slash little less capital a ll silent mode for product that's it and if you want to do any extra stuff than there's lots of extra stuff here if you need to but for me flashes all there's always just done it it just installs it and that's it okay so I just want to show that I'll fight it it does anything like you can actually find out without having to use the internet like now a good one to find out would be the vs runtimes so let's do that I'll go to the directory and then just run the XE I don't want to run the XE sorry let's cancel that I do the question mark there we go so as you can see I've got install repair blah blah blah passive quiet display is minimal in a UI with no prompts or displays no UI and no prompts by default UI in de-spawn surprise so quiet displays absolutely nothing and passive displays minimal UI and no problems so for Visual C++ runtimes working at one slash quiet okay so I'm gonna add the rest of these in and then we'll come back in a sec okay so I've put all of the applications in here now and there's just a couple of things I wanna go through so if you remember that I said about the folders and the the spaces in the applications area space isn't in these folders are fine however with the USQ tables and the MSI's if you do have spaces I'm just going to demonstrate with the Firefox one here you have to put the executable the actual MSI in quotes because otherwise they'll crash out or fail because of the because of spaces and it's fine with the folders like that won't bother it but it's just with the command line so you're just got to remember that just to go through the restaurant so we've got the MSI there we've got a cabal reader that we did edge beta Rossum lemon sized that sorted as Kira and Firefox it's on songs on dotnet framework 4.8 so that one's passive and you're also gonna want a no restart because I know it's got a bit of a habit sometimes I'm restarting and breaking the MDT at a sequence it's not going to hurt putting no restart there so I would I would say add they had no restart the Visual Studio C++ runtimes I really mentioned about that's quiet so slash quiet should be fine no populist + / capitalist OPA slash capital origin we did that's the bats steam is harsh capitalist and VLC is / capitalist office 2019 if you've got your XML file and all that as I said I'll deal with in another video but if you've got all that stuff it's set up though you see / configure and just the name of the XML file make sure they're all in the same folder and you'll be good to go so that's it that's the application sorted and we've got that our sequence and then inside our task sequence here there's a install applications option and what we've got here is it's currently set to install multiple applications so what they'll do is when we go into build the image it will give us an option of all the applications that we want to install and then that's a nice manual way of doing it as thought automates the application in Seoul but it means that every time you build an image you can choose what applications you want to you'll want to install the part of the image which is good personally I always prefer to have liked a sequences with specific so your configurations and you can add in each innocent individual application that you want and in the order that you want them as well just for that extra control and then it's also even more automated I'm going to show both of those things here coming up here because there's one thing which I keep missing in all the other walkthroughs I do so I'm going to bring it up here as I mentioned my OBS relies on the Visual Studio C++ runtimes 2017 to be there before it installs so if you've only got all your tick boxes here and then for some reason installs OBS or tries to install OBS before install them in the runtimes it's gonna fail so what you can do is in OBS in these application properties where you put in the details and you've got the command lines you've got an extra tab here called dependencies and you can add in other applications that this application depends on so what you can do is take the Visual Studio 2017 runtimes and then that will always be installed before OBS is installed and then you won't have any problems like that and that's great but as this this GUI doesn't show that any of these applications have dependencies so if you move these around a lot and you you're adding in your applications or removing old applications it can become a bit of a nightmare to manage especially seen as there's no GUI way of seeing what depends on what and you have to go over here to each one and all that sort of thing so unless you keep a list or we just prefer to do it all individually like I usually do this this is another way of doing that and it works really well to be fair like I've never had this fail it's just it can be kind of a pain to manage so we have to configure the actual deployment share and we have to make the the the boot media for the environment to build this image so you're gonna want to come into your deployment share and let me just do that again so you're gonna want to come into the deployment share and I right-click on the the top here and then go to properties now you've got platform supported you can on one that untick x86 unless you really need x x86 but i would generally on ticket and it will speed up the generation of the Daboo media i've got all this information here this is fine there's no problem with that they're going to go to rules now I'm going to make available my file with all my automated stuff in here but I'm gonna remove all these options here just so we can go through what this looks like when it's not automated at all so gonna apply that and then in bootstrap you just got the name of the deployment share again no problem with that not sort of fine we'll come back to this later and as I say these are some of the files that I've got customized which I'm gonna put on my github like I mentioned with the the batch file so you can get at this and then you go the wimpy that's fine doesn't change there and monitoring nothing to change here that's all fine ass is so you we're gonna go to deploy make sure again right-click and update and then completely regenerate the boot images and then set that off if we come to our deployment share here and go to the other caches folder we're gonna go to the boot folder and then we're gonna have a boot image in there in a minute okay so once this is completed if you click finish and go back to the boot folder we've got a light touch PE underscore x64 dire so that's what we're going to need for our VM where we're going to generate this image so I've got my demo VM here which I'm gonna use to demonstrate where we're at with this boot image right now so this VM is booting off that ISO so if we start this up right so my VM has booted up into wimpy and into the Microsoft deployment toolkit and the point I'm just gonna make here is that as long as your machine and the machine Microsoft deployment toolkit it's running on the share is running on can talk to each other over IP then you should be good to go so I'm one I'm on a single subnet here 1.66 and in on this PC on the MDT PC we're 1.65 so that you so these two you should have no problem talking to each other so if we just go to run the deployment wizard install the new operating system it's going to come to a username and password screen so when I log in with the user account on the home PC so I'm running as Mike we could also use that user one password is just pass and then the domain is going to be the IP or the name of their PC I only put the IP in because that's going to be easier to type than the actual name of that PC so I don't you wanna wind up 65 I think it was yeah 65 so click okay we've got access to that empty t-shirt and then we've got the task sequence here that we made we're going next there we've got the option to give it a name which we don't need because we're just using this to make an image we're not using this to set up anything so the name can be randomized that's no problem the work group is totally fine theoretically we don't have a domain to connect it to you anyway so we're gonna go next there it's going to ask you for when we move data again we're just creating an image so we're gonna say no to that user data we'll say no to that predict you'll say no to that and the point is is that all this stuff can be configured in MDT and this can all be automated and skipped but I just want to go through it to actually show it first and here we are with the applications and as I said there's the runtimes and there's OBS so we should just be able to take OBS and it will automatically install those runtimes so let's just do that anyway if we just take all this just to just to show it really I'm gonna uncheck the vs runtimes because it should detect that the dependency is there for what OBS and you're gonna wanna go to administrate password and we'll put in a demonstrative password again this isn't important because when you where we're creating an image when we deploy it later on none of these settings will matter because all these ends are going to be generalized and then this is probably the most important bit but again you can automate this section as well so you're gonna want to capture the image once once it's been created so this is basically where to put it so the deployment share folders captures that's totally fine and you want to call it a file name that's fine for us it's just the name of the TAS equals ID and it also asks here says whether you just want to sysprep it which you can do or whether prepared to capture an image these are just other options these are all useful in the room right for other things but for this case we're just kind of want to capture it let's go next so you've got this little ready screen here and a summary of everything it's going to do if you say what into you can't select and copy baseless but all this syntax here aside from the stars with the password is pretty much the same as the where it's laterally the same as the configuration the custom settings rules any file and deployment toolkit so it's the same as what you would put in here to automate a lot of stuff now there's even more than that but there we'll go into that in a bit so I'm going to click begin and it's going to start installing Windows and it'll install those obligations you so as you can see when it's done running the task sequence and dumping the capturing the image file it'll give you this screen design that's all complete and you can just click finish and it will reboot so time to turn that off now that we've got our image so if we go back to our main PC here in our deployment share we've got a folder called captures and in there we've got our without wind file now I'm going to cover more customization of this image after this next section in this next section I'm just going to talk about integrating this wim image into your iso into a format that you can put it on a USB and install it onto other pcs now you can deploy this image with MDT over the network hence the name deployment toolkit but as I said in this video I want to concentrate on using this to making USB that you can then use to install on other computers stand-alone if you do want to deploy this over the network other ways of doing that to lightly touch on it basically you've got a generator boot image that will an at a sequence to deploy the image that we've just made and you'll have to get this light touch to is set to a USB and you can do other things like PXE booting and all sorts of stuff that's very much outside of the scope of this and as I say I've done other videos and other articles on this and so of many many of the people so to keep this sort of on track let's grab our air captured image here so we're going to cut that and we're gonna go into the Windows 10 sauce here and I suppose we should dream to make a copy of that so let's let's move the image just to the roots of the C Drive I'm gonna make a copy of our source files here so we've got a separate copy for our or our customization that we want to do okay so once we've got a copy of our source files there let's rename this to source for an input custom on the end just so we're just so we know what we're talking about and we're gonna rename this one file that we captured to install and sort dot win it's gonna ask for a permission I'm going to say yes to that and we're going to move that into the sources folder here so I find the old one we can get rid of that now and I'm gonna replace it with a new one which is substantially larger than the older so now we've got all our folders files together we just need to basically turn us into an ISO which we're gonna do with kind of a a very long command here but let's see what we can do we're gonna need a elevated command prompt so let's go back to the powershell one as that's already elevated and remember we're actually CMD mode here with not in PowerShell mode so we're gonna come back all the way out to Z Drive then well I've got written down here already and again I will make this available on the on the github with the other files but ahem we're basically gonna be running a batch file which is part of the ADK talking and we're going to be running this so that some settings and path are already set up so that we can use the rest of this tools so we're just going to execute that that's it there's no output other than that and we've got to take this this long this long piece of text here then we put on to the power shop before we go any further with it right so all this one who uses it leave as Liz I will be honest with you some of this stuff I'm not even quite sure what it does I'm not an expert when it comes to this specific program but there but this works I would imagine that looking at this this is setting up a CD file system a CD file system a DVD of our system UDF says right there UDF version 1.02 i guess then there's some boot data it's got some boot stuff here and the rest of what that's doing here oops we don't want there closer what I can say here is we've got to change the paths to wear our custom files are because it's going to be using some of the files here like in the in the boot folder here it's going to be using some of these files as part of the boot boot structure of this disc so we're going to want to change the see back slash ESD so it says see that flash and then the name of the folder where all our stuff is and then the boot folder and the FS that's all fine now and then again same here we've got C colon backslash I need to get rid of that est the Year for EFI is fine because that's that's already there the rest of that is fine no problem and here we go again so we've got another C colon backslash you know folder again so when 1099 source custom and then basically just where to put the ISO so I'm gonna put it here but I'm gonna call it 1909 custom die or so so that's just gonna be in the root of the C Drive and then if we press ENTER that this should go through without any issues we go salon who's generating now and we're gonna come back to that in a minute so there is au has been generated here so let's just pop over to a VM and get it to boot off this and we'll just go through the boot process and you'll see that it's a customized and working version of Windows 10 home and here we are regular install screen so nothing different so far and we're gonna skip product key because I have one of those at the moment so this is just gonna be a quick test so accept the license do a custom install well wipe out all the partitions so so far so normal nothing special okay now it's just going to install and when it's done installing we'll get to the desktop and then I'll demonstrate that the applications are installed but everything else is same as normal okay guys so Windows is installed them were at the a box experience in the movie one thing I want to mention is that with Windows 10 home if you just want to make a local account and you want to skip past the Microsoft account basically if you unplug it from the network or disconnect it from the internet which I'm going to do I'm going to simulate that by disconnecting the network adapter and go back let's get to this screen and then if I just put Mike in here and a password then we'll just skip all these best we can and then you can just make yourself a local account and you can skip the Microsoft account that you just have to disconnect it from the network so I'm going to skip all of this stuff and get past this as much as possible okay and one thing I forgot to mention is during our task sequence obviously as the Windows Update steps in as well so this build is actually going to be completely up to date with all the cumulative updates for the current cumulative updates and all that as well so as you run these that are sequencing generating your image you're going to have a fully up-to-date Windows at the time of generating the image that's another bonus as well as that you'll be able to deploy Windows for the up-to-date okay and there we are as we understand got all our applications installed let stop me would be your the default but that's something I could be customized and then we've got the icons for the programs that we installed in here as well and if we we can actually back up to the network then it will sort of see the network and just say yes to that and okay to that take us to this other screen but we can just skip this and stove oh yeah local account and that's it we run window you'll see that we're Microsoft Windows for on home where is me up to date and if we go to update and security check for updates there will probably be some antivirus updates some security engine because they get pushed out quite a lot but the skirt or the community of updates and service stack updates all that stuff that's all that's already integrated and so there we go so that's the main thing done is that we've got our Windows 10 custom image done it's naya so one thing I didn't cover but we can only do is if I go back to our admin machine here if I search for I forget what it's called now Windows DVD tool and see if it still called this like a store called oh yes a USB DVD - yes I believe this is still available and I think it's on a CodePlex last one right okay so this has been listening migrate to the Microsoft site moved around quite a few times in the last few years or so but it's still there yeah that I'll do it and I'm gonna corrupt the English one so I'm not actually going to be able to run this successfully because I'm on the VM and hyper-v one so I can't pass through USB devices but that should be should be done down right now if we go to download and then install the windows 7 USB DVD tool who said they don't call it the window 7 tool okay it requires don't know framework which I totally forgot but that's fine basically you could install that tool and you tell it which is oh that you want to put onto a USB stick so you point to that this is oh and point to that year's B stick and say didn't I basically put this on there then after that you can move from that USB stick and you can install witness from that okay so we're going to go through some customization now and we're going to go through automate automation of MTT and removing a lot more of the the prompts so that you can automate the whole process a lot more right so before we even get started I've got a collection of files here which I'm gonna add these to the list of files which I'm going to make available on my github specifically for this video so I put it under a like an MDT so forth and leave the link in the description and then you can grab these files and just make the changes that you need for you and your own shares so these two files correspond to NDT deployment share if we right-click and go to properties there and then rules this rules window is essentially that custom settings diony now that lives in the deployment share under control and you've also got a bootstrap and a custom site engineer there those two files are basically these Duke files but if you want to edit something through the GUI that's fine too so we're gonna go do the bootstrap inning first and now it's worth remembering I think that any changes you make to this this file you need to regenerate the boot image when when you make changes to this because this gets baked into the light touch I so that we use to boot before so rephrase these changes we're gonna have to regenerate so we'll go do that first and you'll see that I've got a couple of extra things here let's get BD welcome doctor Skip's that opening page that we had forever it housed us furred like it gave us the option to reconfigure the static IP address and just open up MBT so if you put that in there for now just give us that and then these next big things are using the main user ID and user password this is the user name and password and ISO domain but it's a computer of the MDT the computer hosting the MDT sure if you put these lines in then it will just automatically log in you'll be presented with the task manager screen so that's what we're gonna add in to our I have bootstrap any here I mean I close all this down because I'm not actually sure which ones which now there we go that's the bootstrap button and then what we're also gonna do now is we're gonna do the custom settings which is on the desktop and they're prepared and there it is okay so this file as you can see bit bigger just gonna copy all this and I'll put it in the rules window here and I'll just delete a few sections here which is all duplicated so that the settings bit I can go to so for what we're doing here you can pretty much ignore these top lines it's not really relevant to what we're using MDT for here so if under the default you've got I always install I think this is pretty pretty clear is that why means yes and it will skip it and or in this case it will do no earth install and skip capture it means it will skip capture you saw the get where we're coming from I thing with this so this gets to skip all the windows and questions that it was asking us before all the prompts from the previous install that we did and and what's important here is that because it's going to like we've got the skip capture so then we need to sell it to do the capture because it's gonna skip it which the fort is don't do it and so we need to tell it to do it so it's one of those things when you get it to skip the question but then you need to tell it what the question what the answer to the question was if that makes sense so we've got do caption and then compute a backup location it just fills in that share that half that was in there in the previous one or the server and then the the share name and then the capture the father the backup file this might look a kind of long and complicated but you can just enter in a name here and what happen is every time you generates a capture it'll be the same name the same file if there's one there previously it will overwrite it so you may want that for this situation all this does is that it names the backup file it names it after the task sequence ID and then it puts the year the month the day the hour and the minute as the name and it's just a way of using variables to enter all that as the name so all lives up there just because I think that's kind of useful but you should know that if you just want to make this you know I just want to call it captured or win that you can just put capture dot whim in there and they'll do the same thing okay got finished action shutdown so before when we finished the task sequence it just sort of stayed there on like the finished screen and it had the details bit and then when we click finish it we booted so this is where I've done they get to basically skip that and just shut down you can also put rebou here so when it finishes it and this also includes when it finishes capturing it just either shut down or it reboots depending on what you put here now this line here is kind of useful if you have any problems this question wasn't in the manual one that we did before what this does is this or when the capture is finished or when it fails it will dump the logs from the operating system into this area it'll make a folder under the name of the PC and logs deployment share and then the computer hosting the empty to share and it'll pull the logs into that folder it can be useful for tracking down problems and stuff I'm gonna leave it here because again I think it's useful and it's not obvious there's not a lot of them it's not a something which is made obvious I don't think I think that's you sort have so we're going to keep up ahead and I just want to chew on these two things because I didn't really mention these I kind of skipped over this is just kind of a gooey thing it's just a way of putting in some text into that box that comes up when it's opposing your OS it's entirely visual you can leave it out entirely I'm just pulling in here because again I suppose it's a it's a nice to have and then as I kind of said before all these things it's just getting it to skip no questions because they're not relevant you're just making it an image to then deploy to other computers for real so none of these questions are really relevant the computer name doesn't matter because you're going to deploy again anyway and the same thing with the time zone and all the rest of stuff you can I said that when you actually deploy the image not just when you're making it so that's why I choose to not set any of these things now there are ways that you can sell these questions if you really want to I'm just doing this as a way to sort of show this is a nice quick and dirty automated way of getting this started okay so we're going to apply all that and okay now and then as I say another regenerate the boot image so we're going to go update and then completely regenerate the boosting footages and we're gonna let that go through its thing so we've got that demo vm again here and i'm going to boot it up off the new boot image that we've just generated and what you'll see here is that it automates through all the steps that we basically configured it to so here you see that it's automatically logged in and we've been presented with the choice of a task sequence and there's no other options here so if I just click Next it's gonna ask us the applications because it's still programmed to ask us the applications so I just take PLC for example and then conext it skips all the other all the other questions it's all its gonna do is install Windows do Windows Update install PLC and then capture the image and then shut down so we're going to shut this down again and we're going to do a bit more automation with the task sequence and automate those applications okay so we're back at our MDT machine and our Windows 10 build here so the first thing I'm gonna do is I open it up I preferences and then star sequence and what we want to do is I want to install those all applications are installed specific applications without being house two like this this task sequence is going to be the task sequence for Windows 10 1989 home and a specific list of applications and I don't want it to ask me about the applications so to make this a little bit easy to manage I'm going to go to add up here and then new group and it's going to create a new folder just underneath our applications here so I'm going to move that down and what that does is that puts it in the new group so this new group I'm going to call install apps and then installed applications I'm going to change this to install the single application and I'm going to go browse and go 7-zip and I'm just going to copy and paste that name come to install applications up here and then it takes a little bit to update sometimes but once it does I mean I copy that paste copy and paste that again and you can do it with right click copy and right click paste as well so we've got three 7-zip sir I'm going to change the 7-zip to Adobe Reader and I'm going to change this one to edge beta and then again I'm just going to change the names copy and paste them just so we know which ones are which and I'm going to do this again let's do let's do Firefox will do the game stuff later and I supply that just so it saves it I would say as you're working through this trying to stay apply button pretty pretty regularly just to save your work because sometimes it does crash okay so that's going to install all these applications I was going to install OBS is prove acquisitive or OBS and a steam origin epic games now we've covered origin with the batch file obviously that's relevant for other software installs was well not necessarily just origin so we've got all our applications ready to install here so if we started this task sequence again it would automatically boot login ask us which test sequence we wanted and then just move right on into installing Windows and then it would install all these applications run Windows Update capture and then a shutdown the VM okay so next up we're going to talk about adding some more features and customizations into Windows 10 and in this one I want to cover dotnet 3.5 and now as you remember earlier on in the video and that windows 7 USB tool I had that needs done that 2.0 or 3 I think it said um I needed that to be installed so it could they could run so it could be installed now that's a feature in Windows 10 that's the the backwards compatible slightly older version framework and you've probably seen it before pop-up and you needed to go and get it Windows is pretty good at sort of basically automatically installing it when when requested but if you want to build that into your image so that it never even pops up there's a couple of things you need to do it's a little bit different from don't net 4.0 because that's just a standalone a separate installer so it's right in net 3.5 normally I would go to Windows Features and then tick this and okay that that would be installed to do that with the MDT it's a little bit different firstly you need to go to the source files of your original image and you need to go to sources and the sxs folder and you basically just need to copy these two folders here I'm sorry these two files here is effects sorry net effects three on demand and those two files you're gonna want to copy those and put them inside the deployment share and we might as well put them in applications you don't have to put me in applications I think it's important to mention here that these dotnet files specific to each version of Windows so when the new version of Windows comes out and you get a new ISO you've got to grab these dotnet files again they don't seem to move back and forth between versions of Windows very well they haven't done in the past they might be better at that now but that's just something I remember with within the live run of Windows 10 like you know the 1607 done that three point five files didn't play well with Windows 10 17:09 for example so you may have to heat these up to date in future so just just keep that in mind and to sort of remind myself to keep that in mind whether I like to do is I put like dotnet FX 2.0 and I put the version of Windows on the end just so I know that it's from that version of Windows so I'm going to grab those files and copy them into this folder here now this folder is important up until the applications section so like before with the applications we could just add this in as an application but I want to show you something a little bit different here just to show how to do it really if you go into task sequence and the properties for the task sequence and then the task sequence tab of the task sequence properties box and then go to you install apps folder and we're just gonna make a new general option called run command line and then just because I want this to room first I'm gonna move it above 7-zip and then I'm gonna just put don't know FX as a name and in the command line what we're gonna one here is a another disome command line and again because this is an option of Windows 10 you're using dizon to enable the feature in an online fashion because the operating system is running you got the feature name and that affects three and then the source this is the important bit so you notice I've got the Zed colon backslash here and then like a folder so I'm gonna copy and paste my folder section into there so it's a Zed colon backslash applications and then the name of the folder I'm also going to put that in quotes because it's got spaces in it I predict that it is embroil they're a bit forfeit if it finds spaces in this in this source section so I'm going to copy that line and I'm going to put it in here and this is essentially here you can run command line tools and programs in an amputee task you can do it as an application and do all this put all this syntax into an application command line if you want to an end you start down here or you can do it as a command line section here either one is fine they both run pretty much the same but I think it's worth showing now I did want to cover this but you may have noticed here that I mentioned about there's a drive so this is a drive is when an MDT process is running when the tar sequence was running the Zed driver always gets mapped to the deployment share so if you're for example in a command line environment you can't use U and C pass for some reason or or anything like that basically anything where you can't use the command line or a variable or something like this ver Drive is a nice easy way to always get to the deployment share and then usually treat it like any other driver so that since we're gonna save that and let me just go back in there to make sure we did save Robley so go okay a 3.5 dotnet framework so that'll run an installed not know framework before everything else in here and if you wanted to add other options in here what you can do is you go entire sequence once again and let's go just after the command line now sure if you get into ad and then I believe it's in was it rolls that's the one so if you go install of roles and features you've got an option here for Windows 10 and all the previous versions of Windows as well up to seven and then in here you've got this dot no frame worker so that doesn't currently work because it needs to be added in if I had the three point five command line that we've just done because it needs two extra files but the other things are sort of pod the windows files like hyper-v if you want to add that and you can tick then add hyper-v in there or the FTP service or telnet the italic client you can add that in there as well you can do that via this just to just to mention it but I'll remove that and well okay that okay so the next thing and the final thing we're going to talk about is application associations so in Windows 10 as you are probably aware we've got the four applications and as you can see I've made a couple of changes here because just because I could really to show this show this working I like the the web browser usually as the default is edge you probably want it to be five hops or Chrome or something like that or maybe the edge beta but I've changed it to interpret Internet Explorer just because there's nothing else in the list and just to be sort of different really and then I made some other changes to these apps as well so if you make these changes and if you go through like any specific changes you want to make two file types or two protocols if we do them and what you can do is you can export these settings out and then put them into the image that you're you're creating so when you deploy a new image it's already got all this set up so if you get a machine like a demo machine or a test machine or something and make the changes how you want it to be and get all this like as you want it basically then close out that and you're gonna want to go into PowerShell you're going to want an admin and then you're gonna what come out online again then again I've got a command here which I will make a part of there the usual file packaged I've mentioned a couple of times already and what we have here is let me just find it there it is so yet again as it is in command and we're just going to be running the slash online / export - for up associations and then give it a path where where to put those app associations and as always it's an XML file so a nice easy file for us to edit after the fact if we need to so there we go we've got ah we've got the Araya application associations and if we open this up in notepad you can see it is very straightforward there's the there's the the follow extension and then the ID and then the application name so if you want to you could make some minor changes to some of this as well if need to be but we're gonna hang on to that and I'm going to show you how to put that into the image so to do that I'm just going to grab the instant win from our source files here so now that we've got the hope win we're going to go back to our command line window and we're gonna run Dizon now we're going to mount the image and it's C in C colon backslash installed that one and we've got the index of one and I'm going to mount it mount it to the c mounted directory and we're also going to optimize it so we're gonna do that it's going to take a little bit time to go through but basically it's gonna be mounting that image into the mounted directory here so that we can modify the files all right so our image is mounted so now we're gonna run the disome command and we've got our image into the concert into the c mounted folder and we're going to import the full associations and then C colon backslash app Association so XML so that's that's the XML file that we just exported and once the command come in completes successfully now we need to basically save that image so we're going to run the design command once with simple arguments and it's slash unmount image and then the mount directory and then commit so that's gonna save the image back to that initial wim file now once that commands complete successfully then we've got our final installed Alwyn file and what we would do is just like I showed before we would put it into the source custom folder into the sources directory and then we'd run the command that we ran before to generate a customized oh and then you can put that into a USB stick or use it to boot a VM for testing and I just so happened to have already built a test VM with that wim and what we've got here is we've got all the applications that we already installed if we go to up some features if we scroll all the way down to program some features and then turn Windows Features on there off you can see that dotnet Frank 3.5 is already installed along with 4.8 and all the other applications that we we installed and if you go to default apps you'll see that the default apps are the ones which are specified before so I hope that I've given you a decent introduction into MDT and how to use it without domains and without servers and that a lot of this stuff can be done with Windows 10 home and also how to do some of the customization and stuff there's a lot more into it than that but I really just want to sort of give a introduction into it there's a lot more information out online and a lot more customization you can do both with the digital and in MDT and part of the built and so on so with that I hope you've enjoyed the video leave a like if you did if you've got questions comments a good Twitter's all good it would help me an awful lot if you could donate to the work that I do and check out my patreon and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this in future I've definitely got some all stuff in the works we've got the office through so sorry of 2019 video that I teased in this this one a little bit and some more stuff coming out in the future as well so thanks very much for watching and I will see you in our next one
Channel: Mike Galvin
Views: 14,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft, Windows, OSD, Deployment, Operating System, Powershell, information technology, IT, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, Windows 10, WaaS, Windows as a service, Operating System Deployment, Application Deployment, WIM, Hyper-V, MDT, Walkthrough, How To, Automation
Id: OEp-qPdUyeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 44sec (4904 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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