MDT 8456 (Step-by-Step) Basic Installation Guide!

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Hey guys welcome back this is Bernardo from the BTNHD and today is all about installing MDT 8456 now this is the step by step process so let's get started now the first thing we need to do is download the MDT 8456 executable file I will provide the link for you guys so don't worry about it this is the website you're gonna click on download and once you click on download it's gonna give you an option to download the 64-bit or the 86-bit now for me I'm downloading the 64 bit so that's what I chose and I clicked on next and it's gonna start downloading it's pretty quick alright so don't worry about it now the next thing that we need to do is install the windows 10 ADK now I will provide the link for you guys to go directly to this website but there's two links and two installation files that you need to download one is the windows ADK for Windows 10 version 1809 and for some reason Microsoft kind of split up the windows PE so we need to download that as well so what you're gonna do is click on download windows ADK for Windows 10 and once that's done it's pretty fast and the next one is download the windows PE add-on for your ADK okay so it's three files that you need now I'm doing everything within a Windows Server 2019 why not because Server 2019 is going to be the latest operating system so let's get started with that now first things first I have a folder on my desktop called v8456 inside that folder I have all my exe files I have my a ADK my a ADK for my winpe and also my Microsoft deployment toolkit which is 8456 ok now the first thing I'm going to run is my a ADK ok I'm gonna right click on it and run it as an admin it's gonna start loading up and you're going to get this I left it as the default setting as installed the windows assessment and deployment kit on this computer click on next I hit no on this next again accept the license in terms I left everything as the default and click on install and eventually it's gonna go through grab all the files that it needs and it's gonna download and install on your machine and once it's done you're gonna get this. awesome right click on close next thing that we need to do is the ADK windows PE so right click and running as an admin again it's gonna start loading up you're going to get this by default it's gonna have install the Windows assessment deployment kit for Windows pre-installation environment add-on leave it as is click on next I hit no and then it's like on next accept the licensing terms and there's only one option so just leave it it's the default one that's selected so click on install this process takes a while because there's a lot of files that are being grabbed from the internet world and dropped inside your server and going to be installed once everything is completed you're going to see this and that's half the battle so I want to inside my control panel and the reason why I went inside my control panel because I want to show you guys that everything is installed the version that I'm using is 17763 which is for the support for Windows 10 version 1809 now it is time for us to install the MDT 8456 now this is a fresh installation this is basically a step by step installation guide for you guys so we're gonna right click on a Microsoft deployment toolkit and click on install and it's gonna start loading up and you're gonna get this so I'm gonna click on next accept the license terms click on next again I left everything as the default inside the C Drive click on next I don't want to participate on this program so I said I don't want to join the program at this time click on next install and you're done it's really easy ok we're gonna click on finish once you click on finish click on start and locate the deployment workbench and click on it it's going to start loading up and I eventually once it loads up the next thing that we need to do is locate your deployment share node right click on it and click on new deployment share it's gonna start loading up the wizard and give it a path now by default it goes to the C Drive I like to drop it inside a secondary partition and it's normally my D Drive so that's why I changed it click on next share name I always leave it as a default but is up to you you are able to change it and I clicked on next here the descriptive name I leave it as a default leave a lot of stuff as default especially when it's in a lab environment but you are able to customize all this stuff within your lab click on next the options again I'll leave it as the default but you are able to customize it for your environment click on next again a nice little summary next and it's gonna do its thing and once it's finished you're done click finish and now you have your MDT deployment share which if you click on the little arrow you get your application, operating system, out of the box drivers packages, task sequence, advanced configuration and monitoring. ok we're almost done now next thing we need to do is import an operating system now if you have been checking out all my MDT videos I love creating folders that's my thing so with an operating system node I right clicked on it and you guessed it I'm gonna create a new folder and the folder is gonna be called Windows 10 x64 enterprise v1809 click on next next and finish done alright how easy is that basic steps on creating a folder now it's time for us to import the operating system in now because I'm doing this within a virtual environment I already mounted my ISO my Windows 10 1809 ISO within my virtual machine so I'm gonna right-click on the folder and import an operating system you're going to get the import operating system wizard by default you have a full set of sources files selected so I'm gonna leave that as is and click on next now the source directory and I'm going to click on browse and I'm gonna browse for me it was this PC and I located the e Drive which the e Drive is my DVD or my ISO which is mounted on my virtual machine and I'm just gonna select the entire E drive click OK click on next destination directory name I'm gonna leave it as the default because that's what the wizard provided click on next nice little summary next again it's gonna do this thing now this process takes a while because it's grabbing all that content within the ISO and dropping it locally within your deployment share once everything is completed you're gonna get this awesome click finish and my ISO had a lot of different flavors of Windows 10 ok next thing that we need to do is create a task sequence again I love creating folders so within your task sequence node I right clicked on it new folder and the folder name that I provided was Windows 10 TS now TS for me stands for Task Sequence but you are able to call it whatever you want again you don't need to create folders but this is the way I like to do things click on next here nice little summary click next it's going to start doing this thing and it's done creating folders are super easy within MDT okay now from here click on finish and it's time for us to create a new task sequence so within my new folder I right clicked on it new task sequence it's gonna open up the wizard and you're gonna provide the following a task sequence ID and a name so I give it when 10 V 1809 it makes kind of sense and the name was Windows 10 x64 enterprise v1809 deploy TS stands for Task sequence click on next this is going to be a standard client test sequence it's just going to deploy the operating system and that's it but you are able to choose other templates for me I just left it as is click on next and then pick your operating system so click on the folder expand it and for me I picked the Windows 10 Enterprise click go next I'm not going to specify a product key right now click on next provide a full name organization and also a home page for your internet explorer I give to all this information and click on next also provide an admin now this admin password is for the local admin account within your Windows 10 ok this is not an Active Directory admin account only local so add it confirm it click on next nice little summary click on next and it's done awesome Oh easy right now before I even go inside MDT and update the deployment share because that's the next step I need to add a new feature within the server and that's WDS Windows deployment services because that's the way I like to deploy my operating systems I like to PXE so I'm gonna click on start and I'm going to choose server manager I'm gonna let that load up click on manage add roles and features you're gonna get the add and roles features wizard click on next next again next again and within this section right here with server roles you're gonna locate Windows deployment services you're gonna check it off you're going to definitely add all the features that you need and click on next next again next again you leave the default deployment server and the transport server you need those too don't worry about it then click on next click on install and done how easy is that click on close now you install WDS which is pretty easy but we need to configure it so click on start and we finish start you're gonna go inside windows administrative tool folder go all the way to the bottom inside that folder and locate Windows deployment services so once you click on it it's gonna start loading up next and then we need to do is open up and expand your servers node and you're going to see your fully qualified domain name of the computer that you're installing you know WDS and MDT for me it was v8456 . my domain and you're gonna get a nice little exclamation point because it needs to be configured right so you're gonna do is right click on it and configure the server you get a nice little wizard and we're gonna click on next here and i left it as the default i want to integrate it with an active directory so from here i'll just clicked on next now the path automatically goes to the c drive because my MDT deployment shares is on the D Drive I like to keep the remote install in the same path or the same location of where my deployment share so the C Drive I change it to the D Drive click next for my PXE server and initial settings I normally like to do respond to all computers known and unknown and I click on next and it's going to start doing this thing I like to uncheck add images to the server now because I normally don't do that right away and click on finish ok that's half the battle so let's go back inside MDT we're gonna right-click on the main node and the main node for me is MDT deployment share right click on it update the deployment share you get the nice little wizard I left everything as the default click on next next it's going to start doing this thing is gonna start creating the 64 bit and 86 bit boot images and once it's done it's done now I'm gonna go back inside WDS we need to add that boot image so we can boot inside our MDT environment and start you know deploy our task sequence so within the right-hand side we're gonna right click on boot images and add a boot image we're gonna click on browse now the location is where you drop your deployment share mine was the D Drive deployment share and is inside the boot folder within the boot folder you're gonna see to win file 64-bit 86-bit now I'm gonna be deploying within a 64-bit environment so this is the one that I chose and I clicked on open and that's it click Next I left everything as the default but you are able to change it depending on your environment click on next next again and basically you're done okay I have a habit of always doing this within my WDS but you don't really need to do it I like to right-click on the primary node of my WDS go to all tasks restart it and once it says successfully restarted WDS deployment that basically tells me that everything is working with no problems it's a good thing so ok that and within my VMware Workstation I created a vTest virtual machine just to test out the deployment and I powered it on once I power it on it started to PXE boot and i hit enter to PXE boot on to my WDS server and that's the IP address i hit enter and as you can see the server name is vMDT 8456 dot my domain hit enter it's gonna start processing and the only image that i have being advertised within my WDS was the 64-bit one and once the process is going to start loading up and eventually you're gonna get this run the deployment wizard now the only reason I'm I'm getting this is because I didn't really customize the custom settings.ini file or the bootstrap.ini file this is basically a straightforward installation we are going to click on run the deployment wizard provide your username password and domain click OK this is basically to establish the connection to continue on your deployment and once everything works well you should see the task sequence pick your task sequence we only created one task sequence together so select it click on next provide a computer name if you want to join it to the domain go for it for me I left as join a workgroup click on next I'm not going to move any data or setting I'm not going to do a restore of users data for your locale and time change it to you again you are able to customize all this stuff within the customsettings.ini file but for me because we're doing like a fresh installation I left it as is and this is the reason why I'm getting this for capture image I left it as do not capture the image BitLocker I'm not enabling that right now and hit begin and it's gonna start processing it and then eventually it's gonna start partitioning it and it's gonna start installing that operating system it's going to constantly reboot a couple of times you're gonna basically see these screenshots and I'm showing you guys right now and once you see this stuff this is a good sign it basically means it's installing the operating system successfully when you get the nice little high we're getting everything ready for you this is a good sign that basically tells you that the operating system was installed successfully and when I got this I was like okay it just it's a waiting you know it's a waiting game and eventually it loads into your desktop it's gonna start running all the actions within the task sequence it's gonna start applying the cleanup it's gonna start applying the tattoo the restore user state if I had that enabled restore groups and when everything is done you're going to get success that's a good thing right that means the deployment was completed successfully and that's it guys that is how we install a step-by-step MDT 8456 we basically install WDS pushed out to the operating system how to import the operating system within MDT 8456 how to create task sequence how to upgrade the deployment we did a lot of stuff so hopefully you guys enjoyed don't forget about hitting that like button and I catch you guys on the next one peace out!
Channel: BTNHD
Views: 36,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mdt 8456, mdt 8456 installation, mdt 8456 configure, mdt 8456 configuration, 8456 mdt install, install mdt 8456, install 8456 mdt, mdt 8456 Windows Server 2019, mdt 8456 step-by-step, step-by-step mdt 8456, 8456 mdt step-by-step, Windows Server 2019 mdt 8456, mdt 8456 server 2019, server 2019 mdt 8456, mdt 8456 windows 10, mdt 8456 windows 10 1809
Id: yIOotj2V118
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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