10. Creating and managing deployment images using MDT (Step by Step guide)

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our next stop from the Windows Server 2016 module would be creating and managing deployment images using Microsoft deployment toolkit will jump on the IT train I wonder how crazy can this channel become over the years well let's wait and see hi friends this is Nick from Adobe solutions and today my video will be on the topic of MDT or Microsoft deployment toolkit of course there are a lot of other tools that you can use for providing creating taking capturing images but this one is a native tool that microsoft recommends using when you are creating and using images for servers desktops and so on so for the infrastructure for this video I would need two servers one is my domain controller and one would be my WDS server and if you don't know double D S stands for Windows deployment server so or Windows deployment services so I want install Windows deployment services on this one so I'll show you a bit easier way for you to achieve this but nevertheless we'll need this server to create and to install MGT create and capture our image next I will create a blank virtual machine and in there will we install the reference image and we'll capture the image so we can confirm that we have a reference image that we can deploy to multiple clients and in this image we can of course customize it the way our company needs it to be customized so the first thing that you want to do is you want to download so the correct MVP the correct Microsoft deployment toolkit and ADK which is Windows assessment and deployment yet I will provide links in the description below so you can download the latest ones these dadk package includes the latest Windows 10 creators update so you can capture Windows 10 using the and installing it with the creators update so I already pre downloaded the two packages that I would need and so what I did is I've downloaded the Windows 10 17:03 which is the latest creators update so we can test this out this is an evaluation copy of for Windows 10 enterprise and we'll use this one to build and then capture a reference image for our company so I will start by let's minimize this I will start by installing the ADK so if you double-click on the ADK it will ask you where you want to install the application or you can download the application on a different computer and then copy the files so this is the offline version of the ADK I will just change the path so it can be e I think it's e yep it can be e and I'm going to click Next I don't want to send anonymous usage data to Microsoft so select no I will accept the License Agreement and in here there are few things that you want to select not all of them are needed from for deploying images with MDT so the things that you will need is the deployment tools the Windows pre-installation environment or Windows PE and the user state migration tool or you SMT so I'm going to deselect everything else and you can see that the estimated disk space required will be around 4 gigabytes so I'm going to click install and select yes so this process will download the ADK and to install the ADK on my server in the meantime I'm going to pause the video and in you when the installation is complete after the installation for the ADK completed so I'm going to close the window any took around 5-10 minutes depending on your broadband connection the next thing you want to do is you want to install the Microsoft deployment toolkit as well so I'm going to click Next accept the license terms click Next and in here you have the option to select a different location to install the MDT what I noticed during my installations or deployments if you are creating an offline image afterwards this image will be created within the Microsoft deployment toolkit folder so if you plan to install on the C partition on a server that does not have enough space be alarmed for this in my case I'm just going to leave the defaults and click Next I don't want to join the program at this time next and install this should be quite fast and now that we have installed the MDT we are good to go we have our reference image ready of course I'm just messing with you this is just the beginning of a long long video so sit back sit back grab a popcorn and enjoy the next thing you want to do probably is if you are going to use your MVC server it's a good idea to create an Active Directory account and give permissions to the shares that we're going to configure next so this is going to be more like a service account that will be used to deploy and capture images but for this testing purposes I'm just going to stick with my domain admin admin account of course this is not a good idea looking from a security perspective but for the tutorial be advised that it's a good idea to create a service account and give the list permissions that you can so after we installed the MDT the thing you want to open is the deployment workbench click yes let's close this window and in the deployment workbench I'm going to minimize it because we don't need to see that much from it in the deployment workbench you can see that you have two things at the moment information center and deployment shares as right now you don't will not be able to see any deployment shares yet so what you want to do is you want to right-click and create a new deployment share you want to select the location for the deployment share so I want to be under E and let's just change the letter in my case please note that this deployment share will require some disk space depending on how many images you have in your environment so you need to be sure that there is enough space on the partition that you're going to deploy the deployment share the next thing is next the share name is going to be hidden so it's going to be deployment share with a dollar sign on the back and you can access the UNC path using the below link this will be used on a later state for my configuration so you will definitely see me using this path I'm going to leave the default and click Next the deployment share description you can rename this if you want I'm going to leave the default and in the next one what I usually do is I remove all the tick boxes because I don't want to be asked all the time if I want anything to be configured I will do it myself the summary click Next and it's going to start deploying the arm share the deployment share so if I go to my NV te you will see that I have a folder being created and currently I don't have any permissions for it I'm going to wait for this to finish of course I can see the script if I need to check it and of course it's our shell script I'm going to click finish on this window and now if I expand the MDT deployment share you will see that I have a lot of different options that we are going to use to build deploy and later capture our image so the first thing I want to do before I continue is to check the permissions on the deployment share you can see that I don't have any permissions at the moment so I'm going to double click and just give my account permissions to access the share of course this is a good idea now to add any accounts that for example if you configure a service account in your active directory this is the way for you to add the permissions in here so we can add permissions to this specific account on this specific folder of course what you can do is you can open the sharing settings under the Advanced Settings permissions you can add share permissions on that account as well what I'm going to do I can see that the administrators have full access but nevertheless I'm going to add on my account full control as well because while I'm deploying the image the image will look into this one into the deployment share for instructions later on well while I'm capturing the image the image will be stored in the deployment share so we definitely need to have access on this one so I'm going to click close and now you can see it's not that hard we have permissions on the deployment share so the next step from the guide would be to start adding cooperating systems to our MDT now if I go to operating systems you can see that I don't have any at the moment so what I need to do is I'm going to open my Windows 10 image and I'm going to mount that image so this is under F at the moment I'm going to minimize this right click on operating systems and import operating system what you need to select is the full set of source files and basically this is going to take this image and copy it on my deployment share and the files are going to be used next so you need to select where your windows image is and click Next and it's automatically detecting that this is a Windows 10 Enterprise evaluation and I want to rename the directory so it can be so it can be easier so I'm going to remove this and just leave Windows 10 enterprise you can add different versioning for example this is version 1703 for example but I'm going to leave the default for now and click Next and next again so this is going to as I said going to copy the files from the image and is going to place them in the deployment chair now that we have our operating system in editing to our MDT deployment share you can click this finish to this window and you can see that I have the name and the description of the update of the operating system that I have you can rename you can delete everything from here if you want to I'm going to just lower the name to Windows 10 Enterprise or e NT 64-bit dot win or I can remove the wim as well let me just remove and you can see I have the name description the platform the build itself the OS type and a lot of other stuff the next thing you want to do or you can do of course is if you want any applications to be installed on your reference in each while you're deploying the image itself you can add different applications in the application folder it's pretty much the same as the operator system so if you have an application what you can do is you can right click and add new application and add the application with source files so you can add different names like publisher application name version the and so on and so forth so this application will be saved in here and can be used as a task sequence you can see the task sequences on a later state while installing while deploying your image so I mentioned task sequences but if we go on this folder in here you can see that it's currently empty so what we need to do is we need to create a task sequence so this task sequence can be used while deploying the image itself so if you right click and select a new task sequence you need to create a task sequence ID what I usually do is create Windows 10 on Windows 10 deployment so the task sequence name would be Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit and if you want to add any comments you can put them in the comment section so I'm going to click Next and in here from the drop menu you can see that we have different options the option that you want to do is for deploying Windows images you want to create the standard client client task sequence or just leave the default on a later State when we capture this image we are going to use sysprep and capture which is going to be a separate task sequence so I'm going to leave this one click Next from the operating systems you can see that I can select the Windows 10 enterprise that we just added so I'm going to select it and click Next you want here to leave the product key and not specified at this moment it's always a good idea to keep track of your product keys so if you are deploying a lot of images depending on your scenario you want you activate it or if you want you can activate it on a later state so I'm going to leave this for now the full name I'm going to say it's going to be NL be that mean NL be Solutionz and I'm going to leave the internet explorer homepage the default so click Next and in here what I usually do is I when I deployed the first image before I customize it I do not specify an administrator password what I usually do is I specify an administrator password on a later state or even create a different account from the administrator a different local account and disable the administrator so it's a better security so I'm going to click Next and you can see that the task sequence summary is so you can verify your settings click Next to this one and task sequence process completed successfully so after we have the task sequence in place we can click finish and if I right-click on the task sequence I can click properties and in there I can browse I can check the tabs on the top and you can see that I have all the things that are going to be done while the image is being installed so it's going to start from the top with gutter is going together local information is going to validate everything is going to check the settings so what you can do here is you can see that we have the option to install applications so we can install multiple applications we can install single application so if you want to install an application and if you added the application under the applications tab you can browse through it and they will appear right here so you can choose different apps that can be deployed or what you can do is you can customize the image after you deploy it so this is going to be a clean image and then we can customize it and capture the way we want it to be but if you want things to be automated ultimate disposable you want to work here and see how you can do this of course if you want to install multiple applications what you can do is you can click Add under general you can see that we have another option to install an application and in here we can install again a single application so we can add multiple applications in here we can rename this one so you can see that we have different options for you to configure we configure the image that you are going to deploy so I'm going to cancel this one because I don't want anything I want this image to be as clean as possible and we're going to switch to the MDT deployment rules so the rules are really important and if you don't configure the rules correctly your deployment will most probably fail I've had a lot of troubles working with entity and deployment rules so you want to keep the rules as simple as possible not to be confusing not to have different tools that are giving different options instead of giving only only single rule that is a simple and can be deployed quite simple as well so you can access the rules if you go to the MDD deployment share right-click and click properties in here you can see that we have a tab named rules so if you open the rules you can see that we have different rules at the moment that you can say yes or no if you don't want to to see the different tasks during the installation process so I strongly recommend for you to check on technique to see how to configure the rules properly but in general what this means is the rules say are you going to install an operating system yes are you going to skip the capture yes if I don't want if I'm going to capture the image why when my custom image is done I'm going to change is one and you'll see how I'm going to change this one to no and I'm going to change the skip capture to no as well because I want to capture the image and I'm not going to install on the operating system so adoptions are as I said options from the wizard itself you will see the wizard and you will see how the operating system is installed and please note that this is a light touch installation there are different types of deployments and this is a light touch one so you are going to be needed to input some settings but you can configure an answer file and you can convert the rules you can configure the print elation environment if you want from here or edit the bootstrap so we can see that my root deployment share as I said is NLB WDS 0 1 so there are a lot of things that you can configure so they can taking help the normal local administrators to install this image on the client machines so after giving you some more information about the rules what I'm going to do is I'm going to remove the 86 bit platform supported from the general tab and I'm going to switch on the Windows pre-installation environment and go to the 64 bit platform because I want only a light touch iso image to be created for 64-bit platform so i'm going to apply and click ok and we are pretty much done all most of the settings are already configured so what you need to do in order for your settings to take effect you want to right-click on the deployment share and click on the update deployment share so I usually select the optimized the boot image updating process option and I'm going to click Next you can see is going to force it false compress it false and clicking next will start creating the light touch ISO image that I'm going to use and create a new - a machine from it so if I go to MDT deployment share and let me just see so if I go to boot I think it was sixty four-bit you can see that it's pretty much going to start creating the operating systems they are not there at the moment but yep I'm going to leave the because it's still melting the wind image so the wing is being mounted and I'm going to leave this wizard to finish it's going to take some time but later we are going to I'm going to show you what image do you need to take from this one so now that the process completed successfully what I can do is I'm going to click finish on this one and if I go to my deployment share under boot I can see now that I have the light touch PE x64 if you remember I've only selected 64-bit because I'm going to install a 64-bit operating system and the image size is around 360 370 mix megabytes so what I want to do with this image what of course you can do is you can pick up this image and add it into your windows deployment server and deploy remotely images to client machines or client servers but what I'm going to do so we can test this one is I'm going to copy this image and boot a virtual machine from it so we can see what is the process so now I've already built it into my virtual machine and so guys I'm really sorry about the image quality this is the pre-installation environment so I'm not able to change the resolution so it can be full HD but I just want you be as descriptive and as detailed as possible so this is an important step from the deploying process you can see we have three options to run the deployment wizard to install a new operating system to run the windows recovery wizard exit to command prompt you can change the keyboard layout and you can configure a static IP address if you don't have a DHCP configured so I'm going to click on the first option and it's going to straight away ask me for my credentials so I'm going to specify my credentials let's see you know B lat domain and click OK and it's going to connect to my server and to my deployment share and if you remember we configured a task sequence for Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit so if you have different task sequences they will be listed here and you want to select the task sequence that you want you use to be done on this virtual machine so I'm going to select the only one that I have click Next and you can see that I have different options and these options are controlled by the rules in the deployment chair so if I did specify that I don't want to change the computer details I will leave the rule no if I want you to specify that I don't want to move any data I will leave the rule now but if they were yes or if they are not mentioned they will appear here in this Windows deployment wizard so I'm going to leave the default settings we want this image to be a clean reference image so after the sysprep the system preparation it's not going to either way it's not going to work because it's going to change the name so I'm going to leave the default and click Next inside using the user migration data you can migrate data from old profiles so when you are deploying the custom image and if you are deploying it on an older operating system with for example Windows 8 with Windows 10 10 7 I've experienced some problems and it's not giving me the option to migrate the profiles but with Windows of eight it works so when you are deploying the custom image on a Windows 8 machine you can migrate the user data which is really handy so I'm going to select not to move anything and click Next do not restore any data next and in here you can select the different location and time data I'm going to leave the default and click Next and we are ready to begin so I'm going to click begin and the wizard is going to start deploying my image on this virtual machine so it's going to form a disk is going to contact my deployment share and it's going to install the operating system the Windows 10 operating system on this virtual machine you can see it's going to take some time to install it but if everything we configured is correct one this will go to 100% and the image will be successfully deployed so I'm going to pause right here and continue when the image is almost done we are almost done installing the image or let's say the wizard is almost done installing the image I'm sitting back enjoying a small glass of water and I'm waiting for it to finish so when the wizard is done is going to restart the virtual machine and it's going to basically boot in our new Windows 10 system that we deployed so you can see that after one restart its configuring the settings like we are used to see and it's going to prompt me to provide or is going to directly log me in with the administrator account to the profile so we can work with it and now you can see that it's pretty much creating the profile for my administrator user so I'm going to just sit back and enjoy my plain glass of water and wait for the wizard to finish creating my profile so after the actual profile creation is complete you can see that the wizard will finish up installing cleaning applications if I specified any applications on my Windows deployment server and you will be presented with the deployment summary where you can expand the details and I don't have any details but you can see that during the deployment process zero errors and zero warnings were reported so if I click finish to this one now I have successfully deployed my Windows 10 Enterprise evaluation using Microsoft deployment toolkit 2013 and so this pretty much is part one of the video of how you can deploy and part you will concentrate on how you can customize and then capture the image so that you have a reference image that you can deploy on multiple machines with the software that your company needs thank you very much for viewing this was Nick from NLB solutions and see you in the next video
Channel: NLB Solutions
Views: 299,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MDT Windows 10, how to create custom Windows image, 70740, deploy custom image with MDT, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 Update 2, capture reference image with MDT, deploy reference image mdt, 70-740, Installation Storage and Compute with Windows Server 2016, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, MDT install, MDT 2013, 20-740
Id: oWRvQgCi4aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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