Microsoft Lists vs ToDo vs Planner vs MS Project: Whats The Difference?

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[Music] if you're an office 365 or now microsoft 365 user you know that there's been an explosion of new apps including three that plan things to do in lists in particular what we're talking about here is microsoft lists microsoft to do microsoft planner and we're going to also explain a little bit about microsoft project so what we're going to do now is demonstrate uh how these different products operate and what you can do with them the biggest thing however that you need to know is that they're really all based on sharepoint and you think what's sharepoint do i care the short version is you don't care it's a back-end tool that your administrator will know about and it's used for all kinds of things from websites to forms to surveys but mostly what it's used for is lists let's get on to the three products we're going to focus on which is microsoft list microsoft do microsoft planner and then we're going to have a quick tack on for project to explain what that difference is the way you get into lists is you go to and sign in if you haven't already signed in you can either click the application launcher in the top left hand corner and go to lists or you can click all apps and go to lists or you can just click lists down in your uh menu here so let's click on lists and we'll bring one up so as you can see there's not a lot here and that's a good thing so let's go into this one i wrote a while ago on uh with a just a quick list of things i've got to keep track of for office 365 for some another video we're going to do microsoft list is the most basic of all of the offerings uh it's little more than a simple web-based excel workbook and it only has one column by default so let's go back and create a list from scratch here a whole brand new one so i'll click new list in the top we can call it whatever we want we can also import data from uh from excel i'm just going to start a new blank list and i'm going to call this one list and we'll color it doesn't make any difference let's go astral let's color it pink and we'll put a little icon in it doesn't make any difference click create and it will be done in a second and then you'll see basically you get the world's weakest excel sheet so i'll click new and in the top left-hand corner here we'll just put um new is show the first thing how's that there we go i can create an attachment but really not that exciting uh now i can click new here and i can say show the second thing i don't care about capitalization it's just lists so here we go click on that click save now you think well that's pretty basic yeah pretty basic uh i can push it out to excel however and really the only advanced thing i can do with this hardly advanced is to add a column so i go into here and say i really need a i want to put a choice link in here so i'm going to call this uh done and i'm going to call the first choice yes and the first choice no and the third choice in progress actually i'll call it in prague just so you see it can be anything at all right and i'll say save and now i can click on let's say the second thing here and you think well i can't really do much here yeah you click edit all and then i can say from the drop down let's say this one's in progress there we go right and it just shows up here that's it's nice and i can keep adding columns as i see fit but it's pretty basic now microsoft lists uh promotes itself at least on the microsoft website it's having an android and ios app but in fact the app for lists is microsoft to do which is the next thing we're going to get into this does not have an android or ios app it is also not available as a windows desktop app however lis is available through the browser as we're showing here and it is also available in microsoft teams so let's quickly show you teams the teams here go to our test team i'll go to the top and click plus and we can add a list in fact as you can see here i can add an existing list and you'll notice it says to use a sharepoint link so i can simply go here copy this go back to my teams and paste it in you can see demo list has come up at the top here and it'll take a minute and finish off and it will populate it that'll take a minute we're not going to wait for it let's just minimize that and let's move on to to do so microsoft to do is available from the app launcher again or you can just get it from the side if you're just going into from scratch i can go into to do now to do is a bit confusing because it used to be called tasks so it gets used all over the place so let's go to our test for demo here and you'll see i've got a bunch of stuff already written out the thing to keep in mind is that to do was really what probably most companies want their people to use lists is pretty basic but to do is the next step up and it allows you to do more complex things there is an ios app for it there is an android app for it there is even a desktop app for it let's show you that very so you can just go to the store microsoft store and it's free by the way you can search for microsoft to do and i already have it but there it is now take note there's a lot of other comp a lot of other dirt bags trying to steal the graphics and use similar things so you gotta make sure you get the right one this is actually it when you click on it'll say microsoft corporation there we go and i've already got it i've already got installed so let's click launch but i could just uh click at the start and click to do and it would show up there it is right and there is to do kind of a daily planner um it's a handy little thing and this does tie into your outlook so i'm going to get rid of this app because it's really the same as the web page and we're going to make the web page our primary here for this course but you get the idea that it's uh it's all pretty much the same so let's get rid of the app to do lets you repeat things set a due date add subtasks which microsoft called steps add attachments and even set reminders so let's go in and let's uh let's create a new list from scratch here we're going to call this one test 3 for demo call it whatever you want it doesn't make any difference we'll go in here and we'll add a task of uh eat pie because that's just a good idea and then get whip cream why not and then uh notify my girls there we go and we will jump through boobs okay so it's just a giant list doesn't make any difference what it is right now at this point i can share it which i can also do with a list but that's really what all you can do with a list that's interesting with this i can do all kinds of cool stuff so let's go through uh notify girls okay i have several girls i want to add in so i'm going to add a step which microsoft well they call it a step all it is is a subtask so i can say notify brim add daily add patricia right and there they are and you can see i've got three subtasks here i can set a reminder i could assign a due date and i could set it to repeat also there's categories so i'll set this to be um and you can rename these categories as you can see i've renamed this this uh this uh one to friend let's set this one as family there we go just pick that one i could also add an attachment quite easily if i go and look at eat pie you can see i don't have any sub steps let's go back to the girls i've already notified daily so i can just click on her there we go and scratch her off isn't that nice and i can go into jump through hoops already done there we go and i can select to add to my day uh and my day is just summary of the day and i could add all of these items or not i'm going let's go back to your or just my test now the thing that's interesting for most people with this is that this is actually something that's been around a long time in outlook it's called used to be just called tasks as i mentioned and you'll notice that down here there's a new icon uh well it's been there before it just wasn't called to do it was called tasks and you can see here this this stuff just got added right so here are all of my tasks not handy and uh now a couple of things that are interesting is let's uh drill into eat pie we'll just go into that one and you can notice in here i can assign the task to somebody else if i wanted i can also mark it complete i can also set a percentage completion which is kind of handy you can't do that with the web version which i don't understand so i assume that microsoft's uh developers are working hard on that now something to note here is that strangely to do that's not really strange but and you'll see why a minute to do is not available in teams so if i go into the plus and i uh try to find to do it's not there i could try tasks because it's really just the rename of it and yeah there's some add-on task tools but these aren't microsoft and no it's not there now the reason it's not there is because of microsoft planner which is the last of the these new apps we want to discuss so let's get to that we'll click back here and we'll go to all apps and we will go down to planner there we go you notice the little fake p there because with powerpoint and publisher they need another p app okay now apps is or sorry planner is really quite powerful you're not going to confuse it with project which we're going to get to in a minute but you can see that you can create different buckets these columns are called buckets you can drag things around uh you can categorize you can filter you can assign to people and this has instead of just assigning things to people planner has the notion of a of members what that means is i can go into members and i could add in somebody else that's in my group so lot indeed matthews and this will automatically send her an email and in her planner this uh the planner that we're talking about here this demo content planner will just show up no i actually don't want to invite daily so i'm going to remove her you can use planner completely by yourself you do not need to add other members lots of people don't but that's uh that's really its power is the ability to have other people interact and you can work on documents at the same time you can see each other's edits it's really great so let's go create a new um plan from scratch we'll call this one test plan two okay and we'll keep this one private i don't need a description on it i'm just going to click on create and you can see here uh it just starts it's very basic now there's a whole lot of things i can do i can click uh add task and it automatically assumes you want to add one so it comes up with one so we're gonna call this one let's say we want to build a building so in this case we need to hire architect right and we need to assign that to me and we need this done by tuesday because wow that's just going to be fast that's just how that's going to work now add task let's go in here and let's go pour concrete right because again you want to get to that right away you want to start pouring two days later also silly right now you think okay so this is a a to-do list here but i can i can rename that that's just that's just text i could call this i can categorize this any way i wanted all these buckets anything i want so i could i could have these as ian's tasks i could have these as free tasks so i'm going to call these pre-tasks um you know so sort of before we get going and then a new bucket i need a consultant task uh so these are ones i'm gonna deal with consultants now i need a new bucket here and i'm going to have this one for uh construction group construction group right so these are ones that the construction group are going to take care of and then we've got to sell this building so i need one for the marketing group okay and i can just keep adding tasks uh as i go now you think this doesn't look that complex well it actually does it doesn't have to be you keep it simple or you can go into these and they'll pop up and you'll see i can here's really where i can do more things so here are the sub lists i can go into here and i can i can add let's see here higher architect so this should be find uh architects right to consider and then the next one is get references and then the next is interview and then so on and so on and so on and so on and i can add attachments um and you'll see on the left here it's showing all of the items and that can get really long you can just turn that off see that on the left here it's kind of interesting and the notes are not going well seems like a silly schedule [Applause] and i think everybody would agree with that so at this point i'm going to say change if not started to in progress priority is high it's urgent in fact and i need to start that let's go with today there we go and um we'll put my comments on there um and let's close that oh labels yes labels are great so you can rename these labels uh i will call uh this label uh problem red will be problems so let's flag that as a as a problem uh and you can have multiple ones so i can go into here and i could say it's also yellow whatever you decide yellow is it again i could rename yellow let's uh let's get uh let's close that and you can see it's going here now i could say well this is actually something i'm not going to finish i'm going to move this off to the consultant so i can just drag and move it just works great i'm going to create a couple of other tasks here and not have you sit and watch because well you'll just get bored i've got my silly construction job uh in process and you think okay well that's kind of nice but really who cares well i'll show you a couple of things that you might find useful the first is charts it'll tell you where you are what the status of these of the whole project is and you think yeah okay it's kind of nice here's really where it shines click on schedule and especially if you change it to week you can see that these are the projects that have these are the things i have in motion that i have to get through i can now click on this one and i can say you know what this one i have completed i did talk to tonya it's actually no longer a problem this one's actually now blue and i really don't like the blue so i'm going to change that to all happy there we go right here we go and that'll change that label in all of the things all of the ones that are blue are now labeled all happy i can filter in lots of different ways here i can see just the items that are unassigned i only want to see those those are ones i care about i can see just a bucket i only want to see the consultant's bucket right because that there's just too many too many buckets here i need i need more i need to clear it up i want to see the consultants and the uh construction group buckets there you go so this is really handy and something else notice when you go back to board on the left i can just keep adding new buckets and adding new buckets it'll just keep scrolling along there are a couple of other things in planner that really get overlooked a lot and they they really shouldn't the the first is and where i'm going here is the ellipse so click on the ellipse and look if i click conversations what this is going to do is launch my email specifically through my through webmail and it's going to search through all of my mails for anything to do with this plan which i don't have anything but it's pretty cool it will do that i can also go back here and this is super helpful i can find files so you know that there's an excel file in here somewhere that you don't know where it is which which uh task is it under where where is it right i've got thousands or hundreds of these it's a mess but i just want to find the files well you just click on the ellipse you go to files and it will bring this up now i don't have any but if i did again they would be there it's pretty great another one is a notebook if i go to notebook it's going to bring up a onenote so i can have an associated one note with this and that if you don't know what one note is well now is not the time to learn but it's pretty cool so if you know what onenote is i'm sure you are excited about that another thing i can do is copy the plan if i need to uh move it into something else uh i can also export the plan to excel um and if i just want to rename it i can go to plan settings and you know change it there the last interesting thing i can do is click on the ellipse and go to add the plan to my outlook calendar these are really helpful things to have as we've mentioned there is a planner app for your android phone and you can if you click on this all it's going to do is send you a link to your phone just go to your ios store or to your android store and get the planner app there is not a windows app for it you just run it through your browser so it's not much of an issue and you can get it in teams so let's just go to teams and click the plus at the top here and uh we could look through here forward i'm just going to type planner it's faster there it is we can bolt a plan we can call this anything we want so that it doesn't make any difference save and it will populate this in just a minute i'm not going to wait for it now let's briefly go and explain what planner is missing the big thing that's missing are gantt charts now there is a product from a company as i recall and i'm doing this memory so this could go badly apps for pro gantt chart i think that's what it is and i tested this quite extensively a few months ago and it worked great apps4 pro there it is now i tested this and this actually works uh it also wasn't expensive it wasn't complex it takes your your data from your planner and it will create a nice gantt chart for you and it just works we also had regular staff test it and uh they were okay with it worked just fine for them as well so you can get around this limitation that planner has by using this apps for pro add-on app by the way we say an add-on app it this only ties into your browser which is all that most people want they just want to be able to see it and bring up this data as you can see here now let's flip back and let's talk about microsoft project for a bit so project um it really focuses on this notion of a critical path and a critical path is the idea that some tasks rely on other tasks to be completed before they can be started so for instance you can't start uh in the installation of a toilet before you finish pouring the cement for the floor and getting the plumbing in and having it inspected by the building inspector a gantt chart will give you this see this path that just keeps flowing down that is what an awful lot of people want however project is expensive you can see here in canada it costs between ten dollars per seat and seventy dollars a seat you think wow that is a lot of different price well why that is is this project online essentials is probably right for most people what the project online essentials is just the online version it does not come with a desktop install and the limiting factor with that beyond it just being web-based is that you cannot import your existing prj or prgx files so if you want to start everything from scratch project online is probably great for most people if you actually need the software you're going to have to go to project plan one and you can see that's just an extra 20 and then you move all the way up through project plan five and project plan five very few people will want these that that is for people that are building skyscrapers it lets you tie multiple projects together into a single project it's a pretty cool app but very few people here will need it all right so a quick summary on this is what is microsoft list microsoft list is the very basic tool that lets you do very little other than create lists uh not very sophisticated then there's microsoft to do formerly tasks bolts into outlook it's uh has an ios app an android app and uh you you can do all kinds of cool things with including subtasks and reminders and attachments uh repeated tasks it's a dandy little tool then there's microsoft planner and planner is really designed with the notion of groups now you don't have to work with other people but you can and that's really what it's designed around it's designed for the more complex things if you really need a gantt chart you can get an add-on tool or you're going to have to go to microsoft project and microsoft project is the real meal deal that lets you cost uh well doesn't let you it tracks costing it's easy to assign things to others it produces a critical path it gives you the gantt charts but it's um yeah it's not cheap and that's about it if you have any questions or concerns please get a hold of us at thank you bye-bye
Channel: URTechDotCa
Views: 13,612
Rating: 4.8525348 out of 5
Keywords: Lists, ToDo, Planner, Project, MS Project, Office 365
Id: Qb9TNNzb5VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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