Microservices with Databases can be challenging...

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microservices bring a lot of benefits there's no doubt about that but at the same time it gets kind of tricky when you're trying to deal with storage and databases within your microservice architecture because the question is how do you actually properly couple them together well turns out there are different design patterns for that that we're going to learn in this video and to start with some anti- patterns meaning how not to do that and of course we're going to learn very important things such as eventual consistency Deadlocks transactions and so on over the course of this video so if you're ready buckle up and let's get started all right folks so we're going to start with the very first pattern or rather an anti- pattern and I'm going to explain why which is called shared database pattern and I'm going to use erasers AI diagrams here to save time because I'm lazy and I'm simply going to tell it that it's a cloud architecture and paste this text so I'm going to create two microservices payment and user services that are is to instances that to the same shared database separately let's click generate and let the AI do its thing so as you can see we have a shared database and our services are talking to it separately now why is this considered an anti pattern well we're losing one of the best features of microservices which is modularity and scalability and or you can say isolation instead of modularity so usually whenever you have a separate database attached to your service you can scale much easily you can simply create new instances automatically which is autoscaling but in this case we're bound to the same database so apart from the human problems or human aspect which is two teams trying to manage the same database and which is going to lead to worse consistency and design because yeah maybe sometimes it's not that easy to align with different teams on how to design your database but apart from that working on the same database with different microservices can actually introduce technical issues as well for example Deadlocks what's a deadlock let's read about it in a database management system a deadlock occurs when two or more transactions are waiting for each other to release resources such as locks on database objects that they need to complete their operation as a result none of the transactions can prede leading to a situation when they are stuck or deadlocked so basically when a payment service tries to make like a big update on the database it's going to lock the table so that there's no other service that kind of modifies this data while the update is happening which can lead to data in inconsistency or loss that's why it's going to lock this table and then at the same time user service tries to update this table and it fails because the database or the database table is under a deadlock so as you can see there are many reasons why not to use a shared database for your microservice of course you can go with this if you have a smaller application and not that much load on your plat platform but if you're trying to scale in the future definitely don't use shared database all right instead what you can do is the following so let's clean this up a bit I'm going to move this here and I'm going to remove my lines and arrows so what we can do is actually eraser allows us to modify this AI architecture or or use this AI tool to modify our diagram by simply editing a prompt so I'm going to say now use a separate database for each micro service and let's see what it's going to do all right it recreated the diagram and it created separate databases I'm somehow getting fascinated by how smart the AI is when drawing diagrams so now this is a better pattern because we can scale separately so we can scale the this service and a database separately now it's probably not depicted here but payment service and payment database are going to be living in separate Docker containers so usually it's not a good practice to pack them all together within one Docker container but if aside from that now we have better decoupling so the requests coming here are going to take their own time even if this database gets deadlocked deadlocked there's no issue that user service is going to suffer from this all right this is a better architecture when you're trying to deal with microservices now there are some things called transactions as you can see this diagram is kind of cool we have separation but how do we actually deal with transactions so let's say we have another service so let's modify and say order service is going to call both payment and user service so let's generate another service that's going to connect to our two services like this now imagine this diagram order service wants to update the payment information and the user information at at the same time this is called a distributed transaction now how do we deal with distributed transaction because if we were having a shared database we could easily do a transaction within one shared database and maybe lock it of course which introduces a problem but now we cannot the order service cannot simply do a transaction saying ay user service do your thing and at the same time payment service do your thing and we're just safe all right because what if this transaction that is Atomic so follows the asset principle the atomicity means that whatever started can be rolled back all right so if we're trying to assure that both of these databases are going to be eventually updated what if one of them actually errors out and but user service proceeds so the user database is going to be updated but the payment information is going to be old so we don't want that but how can you ensure this when you're having microservices this is one of the issues that comes up whenever we Dr deal with with distributed transactions and there is one work around for this called a two-phase commit what a two-phase commit means is that we're going to have two phases in order to ensure consistency within our transaction all right so what this going to look like is the order Service First is going to issue a uh one phase which is called prepare so it's going to tell user service hey guys prepare for an up database update and the payment services are going to start a transaction to begin so if we look here I'm looking at pogress so pogress lets you do transactions in the database like this so you can start with a begin query and then you can Define your query and then before doing an in or you can Define your query with an insert and then committing is already the second phase that we're talking about all right so before committing if there are no errors happen until this point this payment service can tell back to the order service that hey everything is looking good there are no errors there are no Deadlocks so I can actually commit as soon as the order service knows that the user service and payment service are ready to commit IT issues the second phase which is the actual commit phase and then the second phase lets the user service and payment service know that hey you have had these you already have these queries ready just commit them all right we're going to commit them and everything is good but if one of them fails the user service says hey I'm not ready to commit so what we're going to do do is we're going to roll back meaning we're going to close this transaction okay how cool is that so this is one of the ways of dealing with distributed transactions but there's one problem so in our use case we have only two microservices what happens if we have 10 other microservices that the user service is talking to so imagine we have another inventory service we have another I don't know customer service and so on it's very hard to orchestrate all of that so order service is going to issue kind of first phase to all of them and then it's basically going to be a mess until you wait for the second phase that's why people came up with another pattern called a saga pattern so I'm not talking about Harry Potter or Star Wars but it's literally called Saga pattern kind of means that these transactions are going to be relate to each other so for this I'm actually going to create some microservices let's say this one is order and this one is payment this one is going to be user so we're going to up update data in all of those databases and that's one is going to be inventory all right so user and inventory and they of course have their respective databases so let's take a database here and place a database for all of them here so they're going to be living in the bottom of these services and here and here so the Saga pattern is going to look the following way and this is by the way our second pattern that we can use so the S pattern is going to have a message br broker so something that we already covered in one of our previous videos this can be a rabbit mq all right so we're going to have a broker such as rabit m q and this is our broker so what's going to happen is the order service is going to issue an event that hey I need to update something to the message broker the payment service is subscribed to this it's going to pick it up and as soon as it's processed it's going to issue another event that the payment has been processed then the user picks it up and then the user issues another event that's it's done updating its database here and then eventually the inventory picks it up and updates its database here so as you can see all of them are updating their databases one after another and they're doing this in an event driven fashion so how do we deal with rollbacks then well the rollbacks are going to work the following way if this one fails if the payment fails then of course user and inventory are not going to be able to update their databases which is good for us but we can also roll back the order updates so the update on the database is going to be rolled back but not so fast because it's not so easy to implement that this literally means that you need to implement all of those roll back functions yourself so there's some overhead additional overhead is not always good but this is one way of ensuring an actual um distributed transaction consistency all right and this is the second pattern that you can do with your databases basically use Saga pattern just keep in mind that it can get a bit complicated all right so far we implemented two or looked into two different patterns the shared database which is an anti- pattern so we're not talking about that the separate databases and Saga pattern now there's another one which is called a composition so let's take our diagram here to make it clean so whenever we're looking at this one actually so this is already called a composition so let's change the title of this that we can easily do so API composition and you might be asking what does it actually mean so we are apparently already using API composition which is if we have two Services here payment service and user service and we need to query data from or their respective databases it's quite easy so quering is much easier than updating what we're going to do is we simply going to have an order service that can query payment service first of all and then it can query the user service and then wait for the events to finish and then simply aggregate all the results here in the order service okay so it's called an event or or API composition meaning you can always have a parent service that tries to aggregate data from other services and this is totally fine this is not a antip all right so going further what can we actually do in order to improve our throughput so to say all right so let's say we don't have the order service anymore or let's say we have the order service but no other services so I'm going to remove to other services and as you can see this is super easy with eraser .io and let's keep the database maybe but call it order database and we are going to connect the order service to order database like this and we're going to delete the other connection all right so like this so what we're having here is that the order service is going to talk to the order database but whenever we're dealing with a lot of data it's actually a good practice to separate your view database meaning whenever you're doing uh select compar to your update so what we're going to do is we're going to create another database like this so we're going to say order view database and the second one is going to be order write or rather not view but read all right so we have now two databases and what we can do is probably delete this and we're going to say order service reads from order read database and it's also going to connect to order write database oops so order ser is connected to order the right database so whenever we're reading the information we're going to read it from here and whenever we write we're going to write it here and as reads happen more often than wres we can separately scale this database many times so we can literally take this database and scale it one time and two times all right now we have more throughput whenever we try to read the information from our API which is cool and this is called CQ Q RS so command query responsibility segregation because we're dividing the responsibility between our reads and writes and now you might ask but how do we actually ensure consistency well there are separate ways all right so whenever you were writing to the order database what we can do is at the same time write to all of our read databases as you can see this is probably not efficient because we need to make sure that we ritee right to all the replicas so this is a bit of a overhead but we can also kind of make sure that there's an automatic replication from write to read database it's going to happen within a millisecond probably so there's an automatic script that can do every time you write to the right database it's going to update the read databases as well but as you notice this is also might not be perfect in some cases why because if the updates of your database are not that critical so if the fact that as soon as the right database is updated updating your read databases at the same time within the same second is not crucial maybe there's something else that we can use because otherwise updating all the read databases as soon as the right database has been updated also adds some load to your server okay otherwise this is quite legit but if our if the time is not so critical for example imagine an eCommerce website where users are updating their shopping cart and it's not so critical to update the shopping cart of a user as soon as the user clicks on plus but you know one or two seconds of delay is totally fine maybe we shouldn't be updating our read databases so quickly but what what we can do instead is use a an event sourcing pattern so what is an event sourcing pattern event sourcing pattern is especially good in some of the use cases such as finances I'm not talking about stock market because stock market needs realtime updates but finances like Banks where you want to see all of your transactions in the past so we're going to keep literally the log of every transaction or some other governmental organizations there can be many use cases so what is the difference so let's create a diagram and this one is going to be an entity relationship so let's say create a a user table with three different users as rows okay I changed it to ID name and surname and let's generate it now and we're going to get a database with three different uh rows all right so whenever we update our user let's say we want to update it surname or name the update is in place meaning we're losing the track of the old name but what if for compliance reasons we wanted to see their older name as well maybe we are some kind of a governmental crucial organization that need to track all the changes within the system well that's why you can use an event sourcing system all right so event sourcing is something that's going to basically append events to to to the database so one event which was create user and there's some Associated data with this another one was update user so we are already going to be able to find the information when the user was created so maybe the name was Tim and then later it got updated to John so if we go back into the events and see that whenever the user was created it was Tim can easily track this back so it's not that easy to do it with traditional databases that's why it's good to have an event log so how is this going to look within the architecture of your database so let's say you have a service backend service and it's going to or let's say it's actually a user service so like this it's going to update or connect to an event log and event log can be actually kka stream and we're going to write all the logs in here such as oops let's remove that such as update user and then again update user then maybe we want to want to delete the user so if if we if our business requires to uh save all these changes within our database we can save them within the cka stream and they can be stored there as long as possible all right so here's our first connection but what happens if we want to read that data all right this is very very tricky So reading the data will be from an actual database all right so we're going to have another DB here and this is going to be a read DB so what happens is we can have changes on this kavka stream and every time a change happens we kind of stream it to our read database so whenever there's another service maybe it can be a user service or some other service we want to read the data we're going to read it from a materialized view so first of all the question is how do we update the read database at the same time well you can actually listen to different events all right not only in mongodb collection you can listen to different events triggers in my SQL all right you have triggers meaning it kind of listens for events but you also have the same similar thing in Kafka so as soon as the event happens we can stream it to a database all right we're going to look into the code and then actual implementation in the future video but for now just keep in mind this concept okay so we have a read database and the read database is basically going to take all the snapshots that happened in between so it's not going to store all the events because otherwise it would be replication but it's going to save all the snapshots meaning the states of the application at a certain point of time okay one more last thing that I want to show you is actually something that has to do with documentation and razor actually we have this tab called document and eraser recently they actually let me know that we can now use their AI features fully because it's so great as you saw we can actually even generate documentation here so as you know we talked about microservices and databases so I can click on generate outline and I can kind of create documentation for our video so I'm going to say create a document that talks about micr services and databases with their different best practices and pattern also include the anti patterns and let's say what it generates so the technology stack I'm going to say SQL I'm going to say Kafka and so on so let's click generate what is the desired level of detail for now it's just an overview what's the primary goal of the document to offer to private a comprehensive overview what's the intended audience let's say developers and Architects what aspects of SQL in relation to micros service should be covered best practice basically it's going to ask you different questions that you can specify and then it's going to generate this document so let's click on generate and now our documentation is going to be generated basically I even could have used this to go as an outline for our video how cool is that so guys give it a try eraser is amazing and they're actually my friends that I'm also in contact with and I've been enjoying this application since then so this was it if you enjoyed the video always as always give us a thumbs up and I'm going to see you guys in the next video goodbye
Channel: Software Developer Diaries
Views: 19,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software development, software developer, programming, software engineering, javascript, web development, coding, event driven architecture, database patterns, mysql, mongodb, event sourcing, cqrs, database deadlocks
Id: tiHKefWOyrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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