98% Cloud Cost Saved By Writing Our Own Database

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for those that don't know this article is clearly designed for me how we saved 98% in Cloud cost by writing our own database I don't see how that's ever a good idea like yo dog why not just host postgress like how is building your own database the move I we'll find out here we go uh what is the first rule of programming maybe something like do not repeat yourself or if it works don't touch it or how about do not write your own database this actually is a great first rule of of programming it should be don't write your first don't write your own language which is why we have all the languages uh and two should be don't write your own database well too late I feel like databases are the only things growing faster than JavaScript Frameworks right now is that fair to say so Jonathan Blow disagrees I think the thing is is that I think Jonathan Blow disagrees but when you write your own language usually you start writing it after decades SL Decades of experience and I think at that point it's pretty okay to say hey I think I have an objectively better way to do something I actually do agree with that statement Jonathan blows a walking LTE l meaning lovely perfect he he has a lot of good takes I think he has a lot of bad takes especially his ones about open source I I'm like half in half out on those ones I don't really know where I land you know they're they're pretty good anyways that's a good one uh databases are a nightmare to write from autonity consistency isolation and durability uh requirements to sharding to fault recovery to admin rtion everything is hard beyond belief if you haven't seen the video we I have a video on my Channel about tiger beetle the presentation for it starts off a little slow but man it gets so good and then it turns into a video game they wrote in Zig to represent what's happening in the tiger beetle database it is wild it is wild like writing a good database and how they go about with testing and everything is just incredible fortunately there are amazing databases out there that have been polished over decades and don't cost a cent so why on Earth would we be foolish enough to write one from scratch well here's the thing this is actually how every bet this is how every bad meeting started for me all right we are running a cloud platform that tracks tens of thousands of people and vehicles simultaneously FBI NSA what's the name of your company oh it just it it just happens to be NSA okay cool what does NSA stand for uh every location updated is stored and can be retrieved via a history API the amount of simultaneous connected vehicles and the frequency of their location updates varies widely over time but having around 13,000 oh they're from the EU okay hey this is hey hey this isn't America people this ain't America this this not America that's not us that's you guys that's that's you that's on your side of the pond that's not my problem this must be marron's M Cron's creation okay uh simultaneous connections each sending around one update a second wow that is that's a decent amount of updates come flying in uh via just persistent connections right a squish mess our customers use this data in very different ways uh some use CA cases are very coarse EG when a car rental company wants to show an outline of the route a customer took that day this sort of requirement could be handled with uh 30 to 100 location points for a 1-hour trip and allows us to heavily Aggregate and compress the location data before storing it oh yeah that makes sense okay I'm start I'm starting to understand what they're doing what they're tracking and kind of what they're reporting but there are many other use cases where that's not the option delivery companies that want to be able to replay the exact seconds leading up to an accident Minds that with very precise on-site location trackers that want to generate reports of which worker stepped into which restricted Zone by as little as half a meter what's the accuracy of a GPS I thought it was like 6 M has that uh has that changed three meters these days okay when I was doing stuff in college and and at post colle it was six well I mean 6 m is super accurate rtk can get down to 10 cm what the hell is rtk so I don't know I don't know rtk what's rtk rtk makes it even better what what is that I've never heard of rtk you wouldn't use GPS for this okay okay rtk so yep this beyond my abilities I haven't been I haven't been in the hardware bids for uh over a decade real time kinematics oh interesting so given that we don't know upfront what level of granularity each customer will need we store every single location update okay this makes sense in other words you have uh you have like a table then you have aggregate tables or some sort of post-processing tables I wonder why that doesn't work uh at 13,000 Vehicles that's 3.5 billion updates per month and that will only grow from here so far we've been using aw Aurora with the post gist uh extension for GE geospatial data storage but Aurora costs us upwards of $10,000 a month already just for the database alone and that will only become more expensive in the future okay but it's not just about Aurora pricing while Aurora holds up quite well under load many of our customers are using our on premise version and there they have to run their own database clusters which are easily overwhelmed by this volume of updates okay okay this makes sense I'm not going to lie these costs are pretty tame these costs are pretty tame as far as like a uh you know a tech company goes I mean they they actually have customers here they have literal they have literal captures right so we burnt about 28,000 on our Aurora migration this week yeah yeah I I figure a lot of people spend a lot more why aren't we just let's see this is such an interesting choice to make at this L I mean I guess if you're trying to Future proof yourself knowing it's going to go from 10,000 to say 100,000 over the course of the next two years maybe it makes more sense to start pre- preparing for this stuff but I'm just curious if maybe just not having a managed database but just hosting your own database would have been a better choice right maybe you could have reduced it without so much engineering talent and time and and and and all the things that go with you know what I mean uh unfortunately there is no such thing if there is and we somehow overlooked it in our research please let me know many databases from uh and H2 to reddis support redis boo can we Boo Boo redis Boo uh so for those that don't know uh redis uh is not Reedus the original open source as we learned like two days ago reddis is actually a company that usurped redus the open source what appears to be kind of pressured the guy to sell the IP the guy didn't really want to be a maintain or he wanted to go off and write Hardware or something so he was like all right whatever and he left and then reddis the company which was called something else it was called like redis redus online or something like that then became reddis and then changed the the labs redis labs they were from reddis labs to reddis and then Chang the license and all that yeah g gargan or garanta garanta or however it was and so anyways there's a good video on that but they are exclusively extensions that sit on top of existing DBS post just built on top of post squeal uh is probably the most famous one there are others like uh geomesa that offer great Geo spatial uh spatial queering capabilities on top of other storage engines unfortunately that's not what we need uh here's our requirement profile looks like extremely high right performance we want to be able to handle up to 30,000 location updates per second per node they can be buffered before writing leading to a much lower of uh iops so the thing is I don't know much about geospatial databases I know they exist and obviously there's some level of already solved nature to this in the industry and I I don't want to like just on something being recreated because obviously tiger beetle got created and it and it turned out to be incredible for TIG tiger beetle right you wouldn't want to use Cassandra you'd want to use Sila right Sila's the the way to go for any of those things uh Sila is just Cassandra but written in in a fast language not jbm um but 30,000 updates per second doesn't sound wild right this doesn't sound like for for larger companies I mean obviously for for smaller companies right for anyone with 20 or less Engineers this is probably uh probably really you know this would be a much harder thing to solve because now you have to actually have a dedicated staff to trying to solve these things maybe two dedicated staff trying to solve these things right which could be a real big hit to your bottom line but it doesn't seem like this isn't already there well you got you know you got man you got on call you got stuff you got things you got to think about right if you to try to go from a manage service to you managing a service I mean there's uptime requirements being you know setting up all the infrastructure and all that it's per node yeah per node okay so per per node per database H I'm still not sure I I mean hey I could be wrong remember tiger beetle came from necessity that I probably would not have understood and probably would have been like hey that's kind of silly to write your own database and then tiger beetle is absolutely amazing 30,000 privacy violations a second it doesn't look like privacy violations I actually don't think this is privacy violations at all because it's talking about tracking uh uh workers in sensitive uh areas and uh rental car stuff when you do rental cars of course you're you're getting tracked on that that makes perfect sense that the rental cars want to be able to ensure that they're you you did what you did right you guys made a contractual agreement that you D would drive their car like this they would get this out of it right right uh keep saying per node per node I know I see per node okay so per node that maybe that makes more sense 30,000 uh you know write operations per second uh unlimited parallelism multiple nodes need to be able to write data simult simultaneously with no upper limit small size on dis given the volume of data we need to make sure that it takes little space on the disk as possible to be fair when you have your own data format and this is all you need to store and you know that this isn't changing much it technically is most efficient to write your own bespoke storage for this specific operation but man you'd have to have like you'd have to really convince me that this is a good idea cuz it is I mean you really just hired five Engineers to do this right you can do yeah famous last words I know I I'm just saying this is crazy this is this is very interesting moderate performance from read uh reads from dis our servers uh our server is built around an inmemory architecture queries and filters uh for real-time streams run against data in memory and as a result are very fast reads from dis only happen when a new server comes online when a client uses the history API or soon when a user app rewinds time on on our digital twine interface these disc reads need to be fast enough for good user experiences but they are comparatively infrequent and low in volume okay so optimizing for rights okay low consistency guarantees we are okay with losing some data we buffer about 1 second worth of updates twin our digital twin interface okay stop making fun of it I said twine okay whatever uh in the rare instance where a server goes down and another takes over we are okay with losing one second of location updates in the current buffer okay they even have full tolerance I I am curious why the other Solutions didn't work out for this uh what sort of data do we need to store the main type of entity that we need to persist uh is an object basically any vehicle person sensor or machine objects have an ID label location and arbitrary key value data uh for fuel levels or current Rider ID locations consist of longitude latitude accuracy speed heading altitude and and altitude accuracy though each update can only change a subset of these fields in addition we also need to store areas tasks something and object has to do and instructions tiny bits of spatial logic uh The Hive kit server executes based on the incoming data altitude yeah like how high up they are what we built we've created a uh purpose-built inprocess storage engine that's part of the same executable as our core server it uh writes a minimal deltaab based binary format a single entry looks like this okay entry length nice okay okay so this is starting to look like a TCP protocol it almost looks like something you could also just UDP over to another server kind of interesting kind of interesting that because given the fact that they don't need consistency they could technically UDP it on too many servers to be stored right it's got it's interesting right Flags ID uh type index timestamp okay uh latitude longitude um uh bite length data bite length label okay interesting sounds like Overkill it I mean I'm sure we're missing many pieces of information here that make this make sense but let's see they might lose data they said they're okay with losing data which I think is probably fine right uh UDP reliability doesn't work great in lossy Fabrics yeah that's fair uh each block represents a bite the two bytes labeled flags are the list of yes no switches that uh spec uh specify has altitude and has longitude has data telling our Purser what to look for in the remaining bytes of the entry we store the full state of an object every 200 rights between those uh these we Only Store Deltas that means that the single location update complete with time and ID latitude and longitude takes only 34 bytes this means we can cram about 30 million location updates in a gigabyte of space okay okay very interesting I wonder how they I I wonder how they decide when to do like iframes right so iframes if you don't know what an iframe is iframe is the frame of video that's coming down that has the like the full position and then then you do p frames which P frames are the differentials right and there's also p frames which is like backward forward differentials but we're not going to talk about that uh and so like how often do you do diffs versus how often do you do full data point storage pretty interesting stuff it's kind of like they've created their own video encoding on top of spatial data right every 200 oh every 200 oh yeah you know when you say it out loud like that it makes perfect sense pread pre-read uh we also maintained a separate index file that translates the static string ID for each entry and its type it's uh to a unique 4 byte identifier uh since we know that it fixes uh that this fixed size identifier is always byte index 6 through n of each entry retrieving the history for a specific object is extremely fast interesting it's a b tree probably somewhere uh the result 98% reduction in Cloud cost and faster everything the storage engine is a part of our server binary so the cost of running it hasn't changed what has changed though is that we replaced our $10,000 a month Aurora instance with a $200 a month elastic block storage volume we are using provisioned iops SSD io2 with 3,000 iops and are batching updates to one right per second per node and realm I sure a lot of people are thinking something very similar that I am which is the engineering cost has to be significantly more than $10,000 a month for this to actually be written tested validated all that kind of stuff improvements you now have a binary storage which means you need versioning one thing I can see right away that they goofed up right here if you look at this the header does not have a version field like one of the biggest mistakes people make when they do novice binary encoding is not considering a version field this is like probably the single most important thing to do and the thing is is one bite is probably enough for your version uh field but two btes if you want to be super safe like real talk like how are they gonna know right how are they gonna know when they need to change the format right so for me the the version is a dead giveaway that this is maybe a bit more novice of a binary encoding uh attempt so each block represents a bite the two bite labels uh labeled flags are a list of yes no switches okay so there you go like has altitude has longitude has data so again again so this is what of again this is why you would desperately want a version field right here because again imagine if you needed more than 16 Flags all of a sudden you might find yourself needing to change your header format very very important to do uh let's see we start oh okay we already talked about that uh all right as a result so cool they've saved some money I'm very skeptical I mean obviously the layman in me says you save $10,000 a month but you might have cost yourself $50,000 a month of engineering effort which theoretically would get paid back but I think the thing that they're that they alluded to earlier makes this make a lot more sense which was they uh on on premise part there you go on premise version so they have an on premise version so maybe my guess is that this is what it's attempting to solve also is they have the on-prem kind of like thing that's kind of coming down on them that's actually causing a lot of difficulty why we added a a version field to our DB I really hope they do add a version field because honestly it is dude the the boy just bet that he could get it right first try and trust me every single binary protocol I've ever written in fact if you go to uh Vim with me Vim with me uh and we go in here and we look at what what do we got do we got do I have any word anything that's called encoding TCP uh the first thing I did when building our own TCP packets was put a version in it version is the first part of our encoding right this is Step requirement Numero Uno right because you just have to whenever you build anything that involves just raw dog and TCP or any of these type of stuff oh man you got to be ready for you to screw up you screwed up that's all there is to it you didn't foresee something it has to be step one uh EBS has an automated backups and Recovery built in in high high uptime guarantees so we don't feel that we've missed out on any reliability guarantees that Aurora offered we currently produce about 100 gigabytes of data per month but since our customers rarely uh query uh entries older than 10 days we've started moving everything above 30 gigabytes to uh a AWS Glacier uh by the way Glacier I thought was one of the coolest characters and Killer Instinct for those that are just wondering thus reducing our EBS costs but it's not just costs writing to a local EBS via the file system is a lot quicker and has lower overhead than writing to uh queries have gotten a lot faster too it's hard to qualify or quantify since the queries aren't exactly analogous but for instance recreating a particular point in time in a realm's history went from around 2 seconds to 13 milliseconds super cool again I feel like I've said this more than once which is creating your own storage for your specific needs will always be and if you're good at it of course assuming you have no skill issues will always be the single best way to store your data cuz it's bespoke to you but it is also absolutely the hardest most challenging probably you shouldn't do it move throwing that out there okay just saying you probably shouldn't do that but this is very very impressive cuz this is several orders of magnitude it's a nightmare of skill issues it is it is a nightmare to do and you should effectively never do it unless if you're tiger beetle or apparently these guys of course that's an unfair comparison after all postgress in general uh uh purpose let's see postgress is a general purpose database with an expressive query language and what we've built is just a cursor streaming a binary file feed with a very limited set of functionality but then again it's the extra it's the exact functionality we need and we didn't lose any features if they have started archiving everything after 30 GB then I probably would have started by keeping everything in Ram and buffering 3x machines yeah that's kind of interesting and then you could do that whole like UDP talk cycle right cuz once you hit the backbone you're you're probably going to get very low packet loss and you could just like have some sort of crazy round robin everything stays up have a node that can just kind of handle it at all times and then hit hit it with the cold storage the glacier afterwards we do not have skill issues the riter very very interesting yeah that feels like a little Overkill but still I mean it's super cool though let see you can learn more about Hive kits API and features oh cool okay so then they did they open source this as well location infrastructure for the internet hi kid provides okay when you say it this way it does make you feel like this is actually the NSA again okay I know you tried to trick me NSA with your European unit writing with periods instead of commas but you're not faking me this time I know what's happening here I know what's happening here you're trying to bamboozle me absolutely uh moral the story just use ETS constant in memory store built in erlang dude shy never misses an opportunity never miss an opportunity every every good story can be made better by mentioning erlang it's just a fact of life that was really cool though I actually really genuinely liked this I really genuinely liked this article again just please if I if somehow this gets out to you creators of said product um I didn't even realize that we are we were reading like an actual product with pricing and all this I didn't realize this till now is this an ad did I just get an ad can can you pay me money you want to pay me money for this uh no anyways please For the Love of All Things good and holy put a virgin field in here you will never be sad that you put it and you will always be sad that you didn't have it hasht did we just add ourselves did I just give you guys some AIDS I think I might have SL NSA NSA if you could pay me I don't know what I don't know how much money I'd need from the NSA to sell out my soul for being able to track people but I mean I assume we're getting the bag NSA all right hey that was awesome now let's talk about being un unplayed the name is the database aen is the is the binary aen
Channel: ThePrimeTime
Views: 252,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, software engineer, software engineering, developer, web design, web development, programmer humor
Id: vi-qMzxxtYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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