Micro Hydro Increasing to a 6 inch Down Pipe

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i just stepped down here to film and there are some canadian geese i may have to try and scare them away there's a three over there and two over here they can be pretty mean especially with some babies anyway let's see if we can get to work welcome to land the house i'm seth i'm working with langston's alternative power to test out a four inch micro hydro unit so what happens i've got this pond here occupied by a couple of canadian geese water is siphoned up into this four inch pipe comes along here makes this four inch turbine spin the water drops down into this bucket and the bucket is what helps maintain the siphon and then we've got three phase right here coming out and in the previous test i found out that the power was about 18 watts we're hoping for more so i have to do a couple things to try and get more power in this video the first thing i'm going to do it's not going to make more power but it'll make my life a little easier i'm going to take this inch and a quarter pipe stick it into my valve right there so i can hopefully just use my vacuum cleaner to start the system up here and not have to walk down there so that's going to be just helpful for the testing but what we're gonna do today to hopefully increase the power is step up from this four inch down pipe and put a six inch in there so we'll do that so the thought is the um as the water goes through the four inch pipe it then tries to fill the six inch pipe and causes a venturi effect and that should spin the turbine faster so let's go ahead and give all of this a try okay i want to remove this ball valve and put the pipe in its place [Music] i meant to buy a 45 but i forgot so here's a 90. i swapped it around that might be a little easier to work with until i go get a 45 here to bring it more upright so anyway let's go try it out okay i've got my miniature shop back here let's see if it's easier to pull the siphon from up here nice yep it's going zoom down there so you can see water is coming out of the bucket so if i were to touch the turbine here it should start going yep there we go nice alright so that's going to work out just fine as a siphon start the setup that we have now is producing about 18 watts so what's gonna happen when we go from four inch to six inch i think it's going to be a significant improvement in wattage also we're gonna be dropping down this much lower so that will also increase the downpipe okay it's actually been three weeks since i have filmed out here i had to go out of town and film a wedding and then it rained seven inches last week so uh it's been quite a while and i am happy to be back out here filming so i've got my stuff back out i got rained out last time and i think where we were is about to install the six inch down pipe here so what i'm doing now i've got the water flowing through the siphon to lower everything here so i won't get wet whenever i am repositioning everything down here so what we're going to do is add an additional six inch pipe onto the four inch pipe and that should hopefully increase our pull and speed of the turbine so we'll go ahead and step down there real quick we'll pull out the bucket and drop our whole system down on our little wooden structure to support that piece right there all right what i need to do is pull this bucket and bring all of this down a little wooden structure here so that my six inch pipe can fit onto this piece right here so let me go ahead and get this bucket out of here okay go ahead and get this board off of here we've got a few minutes before that water comes back over the top all right so got that board off didn't take much so this thing i'm guessing is about two foot so we're gonna have more power just because we're adding that extra two foot but i'm hoping when it steps up to the six inch we'll see a lot more power i hope adding all this extra weight doesn't pull this out of the socket up here if it does we have to figure something else out [Music] yeah okay so our bucket can almost rest down here on the rocks you may try that as beautiful as my wood structure is here see if i can rearrange some rocks real quick [Applause] what do you think pretty good all right there's our new setup so it is going from right here down into the bucket so almost three more feet of head pressure but you can see from right here down to there i think we have another two foot of drop so in the next test instead of this piece here we'll put a 45 right there so it over it'll have a four inch pipe that goes down a bit and then step up to the six inch over here in the water and that'll be our most drop potential but for today i think this right here will show us some nice results all right super exciting now that we have the six inch piece on this four inch turbine i think we're gonna have the most power that we've seen so far before we hook this up and get a power reading i want to shout out a youtube channel that is also here in western north carolina it is the greenacre homestead they have this soap product which is amazing i've been using this now for about a year and i just want to shout them out you should go check them out if you like homesteading videos with a family that works very well together then you're going to enjoy their channel when i first met sam and angela they had i think like 500 subscribers and i was the big channel at like i don't know 20 30 000 followers and so we met up and uh we talked for a while exchanged some youtube ideas and now they are uh pretty much at 50 000 so if you head over there subscribe it would mean a lot to me and also give them a shout out for the stuff that they're doing over there all right let's crank this up and see what kind of power we get just in case you're joining me for the first time here i have a pond with thousands of gallons of water in it i have a 90 degree four inch here which goes to a four inch pipe and there is a four inch turbine which drops somewhere around six and a half to seven feet now into a six inch pipe down to a bucket the bucket maintains the siphon that is pulled in here in the previous test without that six inch it was making 18 watts so today we are anticipating somewhere above 18 watts so here's the setup i've got a 12 volt battery we've got a little amp meter that will show the watts down here and that's going to be reading from the source we've got a really cheap pmw charge controller and that's just all it is right now we have a load we can put on it later but we mostly just want to see it charge this battery so let's go ahead and get things started and to start this system i have moved the siphon up here as you saw before so i won't have to go up and down here over and over again it is three phase coming in right here which goes into this ac to dc rectifier and over here okay that has the siphon started but the turbine's not going yet and it just takes a little touch i can see it dancing wanting to start it's going to pull all the air out of this long pipe here very nice all right whenever i touch this right here to that charge controller it's going to pull that down pretty quick [Music] all right that thing locks down pretty quick doesn't it okay let's see what we got here on our charge controller it had 30 watts there for a second now it's at 14.5 interesting i think i may still be hearing some air in here maybe it's pulling it in from right here but um it's definitely spinning faster i believe so let's go ahead and hook up the multimeter and see if we can get a different reading than 45 volts which is what we had previously so we want to go here [Applause] okay yeah 66 volts so that's more than we had before which was 45 so that is doing more having that extra drop but as soon as we throw that load on there i did see a 70 watt there that was pretty cool so 24 23 21 19 15. the open circuit voltage is 66 volts instead of the 45 we had before which is an improvement i'm not sure if that's because of the six inch or if it's just because we added two more feet on the down pipe way down there but the watts are actually less so we were hovering around the 17.8 to 18.9 or so if i recall correctly from the last time so there's one more thing we can do to improve this and that step up from 12 volts to 24 volt on the battery and that way it will be able to make a higher wattage so my neighbor actually has a battery that he's ready to get rid of so i may get that from him and hook these up together and we should see an improvement on the watts at 24 volts so the reason i'm making all these tests is so that langston alternative power knows how this small four inch turbine operates in a system like this and the battery system needs to be 24 volts and i just spoke with spencer langston and he said that the four inch pipe going down here can only pull so much water and the six inch that we added down there isn't really helping so i need to step up to six inch from right up here so that piece of pipe is going to be rather expensive i think what i'm going to do is take out the six there and then 45 over to the pool and that should give us the full amount of drop possible here and with that we hopefully will see the most power out of here and i can also increase this up to 24 and we'll get even more that way so that is the plan for the next video if you've got some thoughts on what i just said please leave those in the comments down below i'd love to hear what you have to say one thing good happened from this video it sure is nice having the siphon point up here instead of having to walk all the way around every time to restart this thing so it's an improvement some of spencer langston's other installs have this kind of system right here coming up next to the turbine and that's what he had mentioned to do to save a lot of hassle so if you're considering one of his turbines he will probably suggest that to you as well to have your vacuum point right here at the turbine thanks for watching and i will see you in the next video also remember to check out the green acre homestead link in the description down below and also in the pinned comment there'll be a link to their channel all right i'll see you next time you
Channel: Land to House
Views: 18,341
Rating: 4.8816199 out of 5
Keywords: land to house, land two house, green acre homestead, micro hydro, water power, turbine, water turbine, hydro electric
Id: AH7hPgWJqIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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