Mickey's Flightdeck - Live Stream 20.02.2021 - Talking to Captain Bob

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello and welcome everyone here to another episode of mikey's flight deck the live stream today and when you're talking yourself why i'm looking like this here oh i see it's very difficult to have good uh eye communication with sunglasses on and then it's because we have a special guest today here let's say hello first to the stream of course to all our viewers here hello fluxfreak good to have you here steph r hello good evening stephen86 good to have you here and the boeing 737 ng project 737 god what a name hello enrique lang hello rico black hello good to have you here all and now i think we shouldn't let our guests wait anymore and say hello to captain bob hello hello captain hello good to have you here this evening i think this works out good for us here you have stoned my outfit nice that's that's all absolutely original no you i have never seen a youtuber uh with a boss uh big enough to go online with this uh outfit here okay yeah let's get serious now man so good evening ladies and gentlemen okay let's uh have a look into the screen some people are already here king instincts how do i uh pronounce this i don't know how good to have you here so what is planned for this evening here um evening here it i think it's uh mid of the day right uh where you are right yeah it's noon okay i i hope uh you miss the lunch and now because of the live stream here oh no okay no problem so uh thank you for having investing the time here for uh for being here and uh let's make a small introduction from me about you and then you can say something about you um i have seen captain bob of course here on youtube and he is one of the general aviation builders he is building a cessna 7172 uh there it is right this is a small plane i think every one of you is knowing this the famous plane in the beginning times of the microsoft flight simulator everyone has has flown the chestnut yes and he is making is making a very good running youtube channel i think and so right to you um trevor um can you tell us a little bit about your connection to flight simulation how have you started uh this hobby okay so i actually started a flight simulation i think december 2017 so it's been about four years i think no three uh so i started december 2017 when i got fsx steam edition and i've been tinkering around with that flying around learning how to fly until i started building my simulator in the summer the summer of 2018 so it's been almost a year and a half after i first started i guess so yeah roughly a really fast switch now i have again here um hearing myself again um a really fast uh change from just flying uh on your desktop pc to uh having real cockpit i think for many of us this is a process of several years and this was only one for you was a what was it that uh yeah um how to say um hold you two to the simulation scene what was it that um yeah excited you so much that you um to go this step to a real size cockpit uh i think it was primarily the annoyance of learning keyboard shortcuts because i'm not very like i don't like to memorize things so i don't want to say like oh ctrl shift enter y is open the door or something so i really wanted just a bunch of buttons to click everything so that i could have my own uh cessna 172 and it kind of sprouted from there it got crazier and crazier until eventually now i'm embarking on a fantastic project yeah um so so right uh switch to the to the full size chestnut it wasn't uh an option for you to have only uh for example uh the so-called button box uh so just a small um plate where you have some the the most used keys or something like this uh it actually wasn't i started with a little button box and then i i think i just wanted to impress people so i i went bigger and bigger but i it kind of grew from there and from a little button box just connecting switches uh bare wires instead of using switches to add a working switch panel and it kind of just sprouted from there [Music] a big learning process when you are making a building your own own carpet you have to deal with everything electronic uh programming uh and all these uh craftsman stuff yeah right um so let's come to the the type you have choosed of the plane i think when you are starting a cockpit or a full-size cockpit there aren't so many options out there um the airbus a320 is there and the boeing 737 uh i have seen some seven six sevens uh something like this what about the reason for you to choose the chestnut uh initially it was because uh if i was going to go on to flight or if it's kind of part of the flight training path so i could use the cessna for instrument flying a little bit and also learning the systems and i could use it as a trainer so that's something that really made it sense made sense for me to do so i could do a lesson re-fly the lesson in the sim see what i learned from the flight before and learn on the ground which is a lot cheaper that was a huge factor in it and another huge factor was the fact that cessna 172s are a lot smaller than 737s uh so i can easily fit it in my basement yeah it is so so much less space that you need for uh for a tesla okay when we only look uh to the the hardware model not the um uh projector view for example um is this so so much less space yeah have you er a dimension for us how how much is the width of a of a chestnut uh the width of a cessna is about i believe 42 inches i can translate that to actual measurements oh yeah give it give it to me in metric uh that's 1066 millimeters or 106 centimeters okay okay yeah yeah i i haven't i haven't measured mine okay i think it can be a little bit smaller you see sometimes out there when you are looking to other youtube channels there are i think um paper card boxes they are looking like like this uh which is a chestnut and you are sitting here and the co-pilot is is here is this is this really right is this the um the feeling in in the chestnut uh a little bit it is pretty cramped uh once you have someone next to you so but i find it uh comfortable enough to fly and if you want to get a little more space you can go with the 182 and that'll also get you a little more speed too okay yeah and uh i think for all of uh though first of all to the chat to everyone uh if you have any questions uh to captain bob here then write them down here in the in the stream i will have a look from time to time there and we can discuss them here live um yes the uh the chestnut is also a model when you are building a smaller model just for you out there when you're building a smaller model you are able to land in much more air ports and small airfields then you could would be able in an airliner i mean are there small airfields you are you like to fly uh in the simulator ah that's that's a little funny of a question because i have only really flown from international airports in my cessna 172 which kind of completely uh removes the point of having a cessna 172 with a super short landing distance uh i do fly from my local airport a lot and that's really fun i can't do that in a 747 uh safely i have done it though uh and i also like landing at uh soft field runways yeah okay so yeah it is a luxury to be able to land anywhere everyone has made a seven for sending landing on lukla uh before absolutely it's a must in a simulator okay so uh where are you can you say this where are you located uh in the in the usa no right i i'm in the u.s yes yes and uh where are you so what is in the home airport there for you oh i don't think i'm allowed to say it ah you're okay having uh the the let's keep the secret hot so if you if you can get this keep it for you so uh have we any questions here in the chat computer yeah that's that's a solid uh name awesome to see captain bob on this channel i'm super amazed by his skills you me too that's the reason why he's here so how old is captain bob and and i i think it's a it's a questions you don't really answer even in your live streams right i it's another fun secret uh so everyone gets to to guess so if you put it put a guess in the chat i'm not gonna confirm it but it's just fun uh so i don't i don't share my age online just because then you have like a birthday and then the next thing you know uh the faa wants to take my sim it's it's much better than ours let's take it okay so yeah let's let's raise the the user interaction here uh right in the the age of cap and bob in the chat while i'm asking another question here do you think general aviation cockpits are easier to build than an airliner we have talked about this is a smaller okay but is it easier to build okay so this one is a really loaded question you could take it a lot of different ways but i think if you look at it initially if you're just going to go for a simple flight training device absolutely uh yoke rudders throttle switch panel and instrument an instrument panel those are like a few things you can slap a monitor onto a desk put a yoke on a desk a desk mounted yoke get by a switch panel by a radio panel and that's basically it whereas a 737 has a lot more systems but i guess it's a little bit of a you could take it either way because i think it's yes and no because the cessno 172 is a lot more analog than the digital newer 737s if you were going to do an an older steam gauge 737 it would definitely be harder than the 172 analog but just because you have it's so analog you you push air actually with your control surfaces to get it perfect i think it would be harder because you have to do uh you have to get your yoke force feedback and i think it's about the same if you go super deep into it and yeah yeah right when i think about um the the um artificial horizon i think it's called um this is one gauge what i would uh wouldn't know right of the box how to build this uh because several things are turning there even if you are reducing it to an absolutely basic version it's still very complicated to build yeah absolutely and another thing i realized was that the coarse deviation indicator the vor it has like one needle and then another needle for the glide slope and then it has a little flag and you'd have to simulate the flag and then you would have to simulate maybe even another flag in between the needles so it can get really confusing to build and you really fast can run out of space behind in such a gauge for these mechanics to move all these these needles yeah okay yeah you certainly need a tighter tolerance so um so what have we um prepared here for you to ask you so um have you a plan of course i think you have a plan uh behind this uh project um but is there something like a rough uh schedule for your whole um project or are you building just uh from like me from one problem to another but i do have a like plan for what i'm gonna do first and i do have like a number in my brain for when i want it finished but if you take the engineers rule where you take your time you think you'll need double it and then increase the unit so like if it if i was like i want my simulator in two years then it would be four years and then it would be 40 years so four decades so if you use that rule it could theoretically go on forever but i think it'll be done uh within 10 years kind of um yeah then yeah 10 years i think this is a it's a realistic um size for every cockpit builder i have seen a post on on facebook uh some month ago where someone has written he has now finished his 737 cockpit after 12 years of building yeah wow and i i think this can happen really really fast when when you are doing everything by yourself i think when you buy panels then you can increase the build speed i've seen an another one who has uh started um professional cockpit he was also in my my cockpit show and he has the goal to build it in [Music] maybe under a year then the cockpit has to be viable so yeah um when i have uh talked about this buying panels um was this an option for you on any time buying things or was it always in the goal to make everything by yourself i i think the idea is to make most of the things by myself if there's something that i can't easily make by myself and it would look better purchased for example i have these these altimeter motives panels that are just an overlay for the panel so that you can have all the instruments in it i think this would be a lot harder to fabricate myself and then because i don't have a laser cutter or legend let alone like anything big enough to cut it precisely so i'm going to use this overlay for the panel and then i'll try to make most of the other things myself yeah are there some parts that you would recommend to buy instead of build i think uh it really depends how like deep into the cave of flight simulation you want to go because if you want to just start up a simulator that you can fly around with i would recommend buying a yoke and rudder pedals just because those are they get worn down so much that if you're new to building things you can make them too flimsy in fact the yolk i'm i was designing about half a year ago is super uh super crazy my cessna yolk i haven't ever talked about it but it's super weak and if you um it doesn't feel realistic at all so i would recommend buying yolk and rudder pedals but definitely make the instruments if you or use a monitor and then i would recommend making the radio stack too because you can do that a lot cheaper okay so let's have a look to the questions here again in in the chat here uh matia monopoly how much did you pay for pro 77 i think this is a question uh to me not not much i'm paying with my work because i have a cooperation so uh kings isn't is there a limitation on how many switches you can connect to the ground of an arduino or is it unlimited sure i think it can can also maybe answered by by you uh trevor i think you also have uh much knowledge in in arduino and connecting switches right as long it it's not like unlimited but it but you have to make sure it's like practical of course because if you get like a short in one of the wires and you wire them all in series uh and you you have a lot of configuration and uh troubleshooting to do so i would i would i wouldn't make it so enormous that it that it's painful if you have a mistake but i would i would probably go with like 50ish uh yeah just do one part as much as you need for an arduino you could connect an entire arduino with one ground but i usually split it up so there's like probably 15 to a ground that usually works pretty well in my project i'm also trying uh to keep everything modular um in in several panel sections now right at the moment i'm building the overhead panel and there i'm concentrating that the ground of every panel section is connected and shared and then it goes to the arduino and not more um connections then um yes other switches go out it's it's not that one arduino is the ground arduino for example for for me there i can connect now with mobi flight up to i think 69 something in in the 60s switches or leds to to the arduino um and so many uh ground connections are there yeah not everything uh not every switch has its dedicated ground connection to the arduino the switches share the connection and one connection goes out always to the arena for every panel section uh so steph r yeah there is another question can you show pictures of your cockpit captain bob i think i can yeah we will come to it to this i have one question i think i'm very excited to ask this one and then we we go uh to some um pictures of um your cockpit so that the audience can see uh what you are working on um we have talked uh right at the moment about buying panels and i think this is an uh yeah an option for many builders when they build a full-size cockpit they are looking for a manufacturer and buying these panels maybe the full package with switches and and so on or they get the um switches cheaper anywhere but they most of the the builders are buying some stuff this costs money of course and um i think for for a young builder uh there is a lack of money i think for uh building such a full-size cockpit and uh how are you dealing with this situation or do you say i take my money i'm i'm buying uh what i need oh this is such a good question i i really like answering this the primary way to save money is to be creative that is probably the best advice i could have gotten as a young flight simulator builder you don't have to do things exactly through the laws of aviation you can kind of tweak things find things that would work and then put them together and create new solutions if you're thinking that you need like a bunch of cnc milled parts for your rudder pedals it's going to be really expensive i if you find a little if you like make them out of wood things that people wouldn't think about and go for it try new things and learn from your mistakes you'll save a lot of money this is something a little bit it's a little bit of a catch-22 because you do spend a lot of time making creative solutions and if you if you like take time out of work to work on your cockpit and you don't enjoy working on your cockpit you might actually be losing money because if you work like a hundred hours on something that costs a hundred dollars uh it'll be pretty it's i don't know you have to make that decision for yourself oh and we also have a quote from the tooth fairy um lower your expectations that's the only way you'll be happy in life that's when hey that's the joke uh because you obviously don't want to lower your expectations too much but we find a creative little solution yeah this is uh something i i hear from from viewers of my of my channel sometimes uh yes when uh when i have the tools you have or if i would have uh yeah such a big shop like you have then i could uh make my my cockpit and and i think many of your videos are a good way to show no you don't need very high-end tools or big machines or a shop to start building um a cockpit just 3d print some parts or or even yeah drill holes in into a plate and put a switch through it and connect it to an arduino and you're ready to go yeah absolutely this is a huge point so let's come now i think to the to the pictures of you have you some pictures that you can uh show to the audience so that they can get an um yeah an uh an image of your uh of your work i do uh i'll share my screen right now very cool switch to our fancy screen sharing view uh not my recycling bin that's not where it is i did do a picture essay just barely in for school so i have tons of pictures of my progress uh and calculus homework but uh we'll focus on the progress here's a picture of my current simulator i guess this would be the most recent one where is it come back uh right here this is just a picture of one of my panels and having it all cut and right here i'm measuring to make sure it actually fits on the wood because that would be a little embarrassing if it didn't something maybe even cooler than this picture is i actually have it right here it's it's pretty heavy but it'll do ah so i have it right here and you can kind of see just this this isn't uh not this is from the shell right right your building yeah that's always this is for everyone who hasn't uh seen um the live streams of captain bob right now uh he has modeled uh in in fusion in 3d the the chestnut um model and now um there came out the first parts for building it in real size right yes so these these are the first wave of parts and i just hope my mistakes i haven't i've made on them aren't too big yeah so a good example you don't need a big cnc for cutting out this make a printout and there are even um cheap or non non-profit programs out on the market to print out pictures in in real size here in um in posters in in several segments here you can bring them together and use them as a original paper layout yeah template so that's a call yeah yeah let's go on do you have and and any uh pictures showing something um yeah more an overview of the actual build i don't have any pictures that are more descriptive than that because i've just started design building everything but i do have a picture that is not a picture but actually a fusion 360 file so right here you can see my most recent project progress and i will make it bigger and you can see right here this is how i'm going to make all of the ribs they're going to be like this and i'll push them together yeah okay and um how long have you worked with fusion before this so was there a long um learning way or have you learned on the job but both actually i've learned so much in the past month about fusion 360 but i've also used fusion 360 for probably about a year and a year and a half a year a year and a half ish i think that's that's about when i started so yeah because yeah last year i think i was designing things that were super hilarious so i've been using fusion 360 for a year which definitely makes it uh easier once you're more fluent but if you just start out and learn as you go i'm confident that you the viewer can figure it out yeah he did it and you can do it too yeah cool so what is the pl and the plan behind building this in 3d i think there you are all also are based on a on a yeah a printout or some measurements there and the goal behind this this modeling what is it to get a one-to-one taper pump templates or anything else okay so i do want to show you my method of getting paper templates because i think it's pretty cool although i do need to fix it a little bit but basically i created this model right here and you can even see it printed out on in plastic just as a desk toy i guess it spins but you'll see it right here and then it's really fascinating because this is one to one scale so i could take dimensions from this uh i guess from like here to here or something and then the distance is 15 inches right there so it's really cool uh you can take dimensions from it they're they're going to be rough because it's not perfect but the coolest thing is you can actually take drawings so this is a drawing of the front section since i redid it i need to fix it but let's see i just want to show you the first rib right here and then i have a pretty solid drawing of the first rib that's this huge piece of plywood i'd have down here so you can take a fusion 360 model and make a one-to-one drawing out of it yeah the scale is one-to-one so that's something that i think is really powerful with fusion to drawing okay then uh yeah for you the viewers are out there so this can be an an option here you you have to invest a little no not a little bit time uh time designing this and also learning the program but um otherwise you only have a 2d mostly 2d image a blueprint yeah that's the name of it from several perspectives and measurements on it and here you have the the 3d model built in your ribs what would fit in your simulator yeah here we can see this is um uh the base i think for for the construction and um and then you can uh take the print outs uh for your cutouts and make these uh these ribs and so on yep okay that makes definitely sense then yeah so basically what i did uh as he said was i took drawings like this and you can do this even if you don't want to model a simulator you can take drawings and kind of figure out the rough shape and dimensions from just drawings like this and you'll notice it says fs and that's firewall station i think i think that's what it stands for and it's every inch from the firewall which is right here so yeah you can find tons of diagrams like this that really help out oh yeah this is fun graph yeah okay yeah and this is the then the base for your uh your first measurement or rough measurement then here okay and how much of the uh chestnut do you plan to have build original in your room then later okay can you uh you know can you show that okay there yeah right here i have all of these sections in my bodies folder and then we have section one that i'm working on right now i'll even isolate it so that it looks cooler as section one that's what i'm working on right now it's just the slightest bit of cessna i've sectioned two that's the important part with all of the with the panel and part of the windshield that'll be a fun adventure in itself and i think also it'll carry the yolks too they have section section three that is the pilot's chair and then section four the co-pilot's chair so all together it makes up about this much space so roughly this okay we will have a look uh to the 3d printed model uh right now when we are back to a bigger view okay and um do you want to uh keep this modular to uh your chestnut okay first of all here your model the three model there it is now just for you this right here so uh this is the model it's 1 to 25 scale so of course i didn't want to print one full scale that would be kind of waste of filament and i think i calculated it cost like 20 000 so here's one to 25 scale um and you can kind of see the shape of it which i really like uh i just like to see it and it kind of gives you like a feeling of where it is yeah so yeah absolutely cool and uh i like the way you come later uh you your way to the to the finished drawing then and i think for everyone who wants to start with a 3d model then you come out with good plans to build this especially when you want to build a shell so for me i'm not planning to build a shell i'm just building from the inside to the outside most because i'm sitting in this cockpit but i also have seen uh many builders like the famous seven norwegian 737 project who started with a shell and went to the inside when the fully polished outside was finished so let's have a look to the chat again um static 86 can you tell how to divide the simulator into several computers one for instruments one for screen etc is any i i don't think any one of us here is uh right at this uh moment or have you done um this already divided to several computers i i personally haven't done this uh i think you can do this with simvim and air manager uh i believe if you get an ethernet cable and link them together air manager is super good at this because it i think it sends via wi-fi to like an ipad so you can have multiple devices connected to each other uh and then you'd have to have the main one showing visuals another way i think would be wide fs so you can use that it comes with fsu ipc i think and you install it and then that would let you do special things so i think you have to register that one i think that's yeah the most advice i have yeah i think this uh ydfs it's uh the peter i think it's called peter dawson developer of fsu ipc and he has also this white fs and some other pro programs um in his repertoire and um yeah this would be a method simwim i think is uh only uh for x-plane or am i wrong there i i have think only for x-plane but i believe they're working towards fs2020 okay okay here then i hope there are some attempts to do this and i have also seen a project a 737 builder who has who is running a full cockpit outside view everything on one single pc so it is possible and he's he's doing this with uh with a pmdg uh so this is the base for the the simulator i don't know which uh simulator version if it's fs 2004 or fsx uh or prepared um but one single pc so if you are asking yourself out there how to do this uh it is also impossible on on one pc but i think many builders are doing this on several pcs so okay that was it from the chat right now um let's come to another question here to you um we have seen the uh the plans for the chestnut right now some blueprints and so on um do you have some recommendations for getting uh knowledge on an airplane or a cockpit building project absolutely so some of the cessna 172 like specific to cessna 172 resources i have are basically specific are alan glenn uh so uh he's building a cessna 172 i think he kind of uh it's been a while since he updated it uh so he has a lot of free 3d models that are super good for the flaps i think the he has his radios all good to go and then he also has i believe a key a good model for a key flying for fun i think that one as well has a good amount of resources behind it home sim pilot is really good for if you want kind of a modular like buy panels and put it in a simulator i think that's really a really good resource if you want to do that and then flight sim maker is building g1000s primarily and they're phenomenal i really like using them and building them uh in terms of manuals i go to your general aviation planes have a huge advantage because especially the cessna 172 there it's so common that you can find manuals online super easy the maintenance manual is one that i really recommend using it's it just has a bunch of pages and it's like oh if the landing gear is broken do this uh so i found i find that super easy because you can kind of take their instructions for fixing things and build it and they have a ton of pictures uh poh so the pilot operating handbook that's another one you can use and you can find the dimensions like i had earlier with the um just the dimens rough dimensions of everything you can also have illustrated parchment catalogs so the like catalog of all the parts they need and those can give you inspiration yeah and i think uh also good to know for all of you out there um the more um yeah known or used a plane is the ease that easier it is to get knowledge and you have uh said this that chestnut is the training uh plane for for everyone um so there is tons of documentation out there in the net and the more rare your project is the more difficult this will be to get knowledge group yeah let let's come to uh to youtube here and when i'm saying youtube uh let's have a look at the the stream a330 fan hello the aerodreams team hey good to have you here yeah so again if any one of you have any questions here to the um chestnuts 172 project of captain bob just write down the questions in the chat and we will discuss them here so youtube is also a big topic for you because you are doing a weekly live stream i think this alone is always um a number a big project especially when you want to bring uh content uh for your viewers and and not only uh having a loose chat session for example so um what was the reason behind this that you are doing a weekly live stream uh yeah and isn't this uh costing you much time that you could uh invest into your cockpit build uh that's an excellent question i started these live streams a while ago somewhat to practice public speaking and i think i've gotten better at that recently through live streams and honestly one of the reasons i did a live streams when i was starting was because you had to have a certain amount of watch time for every live stream and i really wanted a certain amount of watch time for monetization to like get ad revenue and i when i started i was really like angry about that or something right so i really wanted to start live streams to kind of get watch time a little bit but as i've done them i've realized that they're a really handy tool and even though i've passed the the amount i need i find that they're a fun chat room that you can kind of connect with people of all all different flight simulator backgrounds and it's really powerful to see so many people like come together in a hobby that they all love and have a positive aviation atmosphere yeah and then you're not only doing a live stream there is a a podcast to the website you're doing is there anything i have forgotten now um uh youtube podcast live stream and website i think that's it i was doing a few articles but i realized that those are really boring to write and i could i'd rather work on the simulator uh so the discord channel right i think there's no yeah you're also having a discord channel right where people are meeting yes i do have a discord channel so in any of my videos you can check the description and there's a link to a discord community you can join and then that's really helpful because you can connect with more people in like a friendly chatting way yep yeah uh youtube regularizations uh concerning concerning ads that was a that was a big hit also uh also for me uh when i started the the project uh you i think um there was uh the possibility of getting ads after it was not much uh thousand views or something like this then they changed uh it was um i think 10 000 views uh i think i think that or or thousand hours of watch time something like like this so i also get this uh this obstacle and then they changed it again now for all you out there uh um when you are seeing ads before uh the videos uh then the channel must meet some um points and this is 4 000 hours of watch time the year right now and the minimum of 1000 subscribers i think to the channel and and this watch time can be a problem especially when you are a small a channel starting and and if you are a very specialized channel and copy building is a really specialized thing it's not i'm jumping into a pool of coke for example you millions of clicks yeah and um are you getting input also for you from the live streams or is it uh is it just entertainment for the community absolutely i've gotten so much input through both live streams and comments on how to do things better and how to like create things better so i've had once i start a live stream they'll sometimes be people they're like uh have you considered doing something like this and i'll be like that's a good idea i'm gonna write that down uh so yeah that's one of my catchphrases i guess so it's really powerful because you get like it's kind of like a think tape think tank everyone's so smart and if you type it down that makes you even smarter because i can tell now oh yeah so i get so many great ideas through these live streams too yeah so yeah when you are watching a live stream uh concerning a project uh you like out there just uh um yeah be part of the stream and if you have some input write it down in the chat and you have also made a new um uh format i i think uh you're getting uh right the the big late night show uh people could call you via discord and then they are live uh in your live stream life or ben life yeah i figured out how to do that it's a little interesting though because you have to uh because it is live and you have to be it's funny with that but yeah i like it a lot so you're planning to uh continue this uh this format or uh or doesn't it it uh help you much because you are you can't uh continue your work modeling life for example uh i think it has a lot of helpful attributes to it because you can see other people's perspective and they can talk live about what they're like what's on their mind and any ideas they have mm-hmm a quick look into the the chat again uh static 86 i remember that when i started building the simulator captain bob was my first inspiration i have learned a lot so thanks a lot to everyone who is recording their process yeah yes you can say this in enough recording and yeah working on a youtube channel is a big extra time package that you have to deal with uh i can only talk for me it is uh i think nearly a third of the time i'm uh investing to this hobby is youtube just bringing out videos cutting it and making thumbnails and so on is this a comparable amount of time for your channel i i think honestly that's a pretty good estimate uh i kind of i might just slack off a little bit because sometimes i'll just rush through my thumbnails and be like i just want to work on the simulator like or actually more often it's i just want to go to bed because usually i'm editing at like 11 the night before or i'm i want every video to go out on a tuesday so usually i'll edit like at 11 um 11 o'clock tuesday that's like when i'll finish up it's very similar how i do english essays it's it's really funny how that editing works but yeah i think a third of the time i use for the simulator about the third would be editing and that would i think that's a good estimate yeah so when you are interested in in such a topic uh go on also on youtube there are several videos uh about this topic and people are showing you how much time they invest you can invest hours just for something because something is a the first thing and maybe the only thing uh viewers see to click on and to watch your your video and this is even only some seconds they they see this somewhere and scrolling um to other thumbnails and there we are again a guy jumping in a pool of coke yeah so back to you and your cockpit build um what was the most challenging part that you have built until now oh let's see oh oh as i said before the yolk i made was super flimsy so you're like you'd be doing it along and the potentiometer would just snap and you're like oh i don't think that's how i don't think that's how i wanted it to go so i had a ton of challenges because i'd have to make the springs around it it would twist back and forth and return to center uh i think the most challenging part was definitely the yolk i was designing before i've kind of scrapped it a little bit don't worry it's still going to exist uh but i think now that my skills have improved it'll be easier to do yeah um i haven't seen all of your your joke views i i remember of one um and this was more like a a 737 joke this one coming up and uh with these uh springs uh that hold it back in position right this was your your video yeah but the original chess chestnut yolk is is like the you all know the the honey uh comp uh yolk that goes in in and out no right yes yeah okay um are you planning uh and you have said that this would be an um an object to buy for builders are you still planning to build one yourself yes i'm too foolish to put a pre-made yolk in my panel so okay here on there so uh again an another interesting topic and project for some some videos i think yeah i'm excited here so i think we have talked uh our topics that i have prepared for today nearly uh absolutely pointless now one one hour of stream here and guys if there aren't any more questions then uh we will come now to the end so this is your last chance for questions here to to captain bob so um i think is there anything else that you can uh tell us about upcoming new projects on on your channel or something really excited that you have planned uh for uh this year for example okay i think the entire project is exciting that absolutely i i am looking forward to using bending thin plywood to cover up the rib here's one of the ribs i don't think i showed you but it's super huge uh just to like carry in so that that makes it really interesting just how big the simulator is going to be so i'm really excited to build all of the the sheathing i guess for it 737 project i think there was also the uh the amount he has made i think two two layers of of plywood and and always uh um ascending and filling between and this is something you will have too yeah yeah i need to become good friends with my sand paper unfortunately definitely definitely definitely yeah um i don't know i i had this question in my mind before uh when when i hear this are you planning to to keep this modular so uh when you are laying plywood over it this can be a moment where you can't disassemble it uh maybe all right well that's a brilliant point i think you asked that earlier but i i think i flossed over it or something uh but but i plan to keep this as modular as i can because that'll make sure that i can replace pieces and with my drawings i've made i've already made like three revisions so it'll i really want to be able to just take something off be like oh this looks better and then put it back on so yeah as modular as i can make it but i don't i also don't want to make it so modular that it looks hideous like an octopus sea creature yeah you have shown this uh the the the sections in your model pilot co-pilot section and so on and uh you are planning to build these as a as a section so you can pull out the pilot section for example for itself yes that's a plan and uh i might also want to have like a an ejection thing so if the co-pilot is being super annoying i could just like shove him out of the plane that would be pretty fun his entire section get out of here okay yeah um again to you the the viewers here out there when you are building um a full-size cockpit you should take into consideration what you can do when you have to move with this uh this cockpit and um the other way would be uh destroy your cockpits uh saw it into pieces uh but uh i i think there are more clever ways you can uh yeah pre-think this and uh plan your cockpit on a modular base yep okay definitely yeah me too i have planned the uh the cockpit uh the sides the the the roof are three parts that can be uh taken apart yep okay here definitely good good plan to keep this uh modular so a little bit again here in the chat um why why did you choose the name captain bob i think okay this is a question that is interesting for me too so i don't i don't know why i chose it actually uh i guess it's just a generic name my name is obviously trevor uh but when i started the channel my parents were super against me sharing my name because i don't know it's just kind of a creepy thing being on youtube especially as like a minor because yeah creepy stuff can happen sometimes so i didn't want to we didn't we decided to not share my name and to instead go by the alter ego captain bob and it does sound like bob the builder and i obviously build stuff so it kind of goes along with that just a little bit uh so yeah captain bob is inspired part by bob the builder and part because it's just a it's a name that i've like pretended to go by uh part of my childhood life too it's a little funny okay um yeah when you say this uh these creepy things uh on youtube do do you also have a negative uh things here on youtube i think for for me here you know these when when you get a bigger a big channel then uh they yeah you have reached the goal when you have the haters on on your channel i think on on youtube i haven't had any of these until now is there are there some problems in on your side oh i i've had i've had a few uh but that's just because uh because i would agree with them some of my earlier designs i would on i honestly like agree with them like yeah i probably shouldn't have gone with um plywood for like a bridge um or like i'm like yeah i would definitely be better to not use melted plastic unless i um unless i like perfect that method more using like flatter sheets so it definitely i do agree with a lot of them but it is painful when i don't agree uh but i it's okay though uh everyone has their different opinions and uh if you don't kind of respect that i guess that says some stuff about you too yeah in my my my channel too people can write down in the comment section what they would have done on a different way or what they would make in a different way and maybe better but yeah but but always over this all stands it's still still my channel i can take your uh advice but uh i'm i can uh make it uh so or stay to my plan yeah absolutely uh yeah it's feedback is definitely good but you don't always have to follow it either you can do whatever you do you yeah you you can make it right for everyone uh so you make it right for the for the first one then the the second one will uh tell uh how how dare you and and and so on yeah definitely so what have we here in the chat uh to bob are you planning to build a 737 or a320 sim after the chestnut in 10 years 12 years i think uh i don't oh this is a brilliant question because i don't know if i'm gonna even finish it i'll probably be like no i need to polish the yolk or for like another 40 years or something but my plan is to start building another simulator and go off of that i don't know if it's necessarily going to be the 737 i might want to do something exotic like a flying car or something i don't know that would be fun uh i just wanna i think a 737 would be a good project though especially because it's documented so well yeah definitely and to finish your uh project faster you can buy my plans just just a quick hint for you okay yeah so yeah trendy fan yeah you know you can start dissing me if i if i want to no thank you i think uh we keep uh polite here everyone and uh keep up the good quality of material we all produce here so then this will be the end of the stream now first of all to captain bob here to a place somewhere out there in the u.s um um thank you for being here and uh in investing your time i think it was um it's very for for me very interesting to get a look into another project cockpit general aviation is a totally different uh project than i'm working here every day thank you out there you all for here being part of this live stream here for your questions some last words here from captain bob um don't forget to be awesome and have a fantabulous day okay that did bye you
Channel: Michael Schulz
Views: 689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mickey's flightdeck, homecockpit, home cockpit, 737-800, b737, boeing, flight simulator, homemade cockpit, michael schulz, how to build a home cockpit, live stream, overhead panel, MobiFlight, Captain Bob, Cessna 172, General aviation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 36sec (4236 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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