Michael Singer - Losing Interest in Your Personal Mind and Heart

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there is a state of freedom of liberation it's not a philosophy it's a state of being every human is capable of achieving that state there is nothing in life nothing that comes close to that state it is the source of all joy all love all peace all God everything the problem is to achieve that state to be that you must cease to be that which it is not if I look at a particular card of a particular color and there are other cards of other colors but I only look at the one card of that color the other thing is might as not be there if I am not conscious of them they don't exist they have no influence on me I have to renounce them they're nothing if I put my Consciousness on another card then the previous card is gone I experience where my Consciousness is that is always the truth you experience where your Consciousness is if your Consciousness awareness of being is on something other than your liberated State something other than the source of Joy love peace God then you don't know what's there just like you don't know the other chords are there when you're staring at one in particular how does one go about freeing themselves there are seven billion techniques there are lots of philosophies but I'm telling you when it comes down to it if you want to explore and take the chance that there are more cards than the one you're looking at you have to stop looking at the one you're looking at there's no other way that is what Christ meant when he said you must die to be reborn if you wish to see another state of your being to be reborn into another state of your being you must cease to pay attention to the one you're paying attention to now you must die of one state to be born on the other rather dramatic talk about dying if you're looking at a given card of even color I don't really have to say you have to kill your awareness of that card I can just say you have to cease to be staring at that cord if you ever wish to see something else you must withdraw your awareness your attention from one thing in order to be free to be aware of something else so I could sit all day I wouldn't mind telling you about the beauty that exists inside of you about the intoxicating flow of your higher bodies but what is the purpose of that if you're not going to stop looking at your lower bodies so to me the entire path is to learn to cease to be addicted to staring at your lower bodies period the rest happens by itself if I stop staring at one particular card of one particular color and there are cards all around of other colors you don't need to tell me how to see the other cards it's effortless the moment my awareness is ceasing to focus on this one card in a fixated addicted way and it is freed from staring at that card it's going to see other cars it's going to see what else is there but while it is staring at that card it will not see what else is there and that's all that's going on there are great States inside of you if you are trying to find them you are wasting your time because while you are staring at the one card let's just carry the knowledge a little further you are staring at one card it's red and you're just totally addicted to Red you're staring at the cord and somehow you manage to hear that there's this thing called other cards it's mystical but there was a rumor out there that somebody saw other cards all right you can think all you want while you're staring at the red card whether there are other cards whether you believe there are other cards how to see the other cards what technique let's do alternate breathing while we're staring at Red maybe that will help us see the other cards until you are ready willing and able to withdraw your Consciousness from staring at the red card it's all philosophy it's all talk it's all in your head you will never experience it you will go nowhere so all the entire spiritual path is about detachment attaching your consciousness from what it is attached to because what it is attached to now is very limited therefore you can't see the rest all right what is my Consciousness attached to I give you this talk all the time I'll give it to you slightly different today in truth what your Consciousness is addicted to is attached to is fixated on are your thoughts and your emotions I normally would say the outside world but you'll go deep enough to understand it's not true you are not addicted to the outside world you are not fixated on the outside world you're addicted and fixated on your thoughts and your emotions why because if your thoughts and your emotions are not pleasant they are not fun to be with if your thoughts and emotions are Pleasant they are more fun to be with but either way you're staring at your thoughts and emotions if your thoughts and emotions are very tumultuous and they are bothering you I guarantee you you are staring at the people that are depressed you think why do you want to have a depression that's right where they hang out all of their Consciousness gets completely buried in it it pulls it into it doesn't it so disturbing psychological States mental and emotional draw your Consciousness into them until that your entire Focus just like staring at the red card you're staring at depression you're staring at jealousy you're staring at disturbance you're staring at need so if the psyche is Disturbed you stare at it if the psyche is elated your mind is very excited about something your heart has fallen in love you stare at that too you like staring at that there's no way you're taking your you just fell in love you're feeling all this joy and wonder inside of yourself there's no way you're going to take your conscience off of that you want your Consciousness on that so both a state of disturbed mind and emotion and a state of nice psychological mind and emotion your Consciousness is addicted to these it hangs out with these it is fixated on these there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with the red card either except for the fact that there are many other different colored cars so to stare at the red one and say well what's wrong with the red one nothing's wrong with the red one nothing it is just that you are missing everything else so you're not having a full experience you're having a fixated experience it is exactly the same with the state of your mind and the state of your emotions if you stare at your Disturbed psyche and blog about it and get into it and talk about it and make it the center of your life you have limited your life to red I got a nice analogy going I'm going to use it you have limited your life to that because that's what you're paying attention to there are 800 billion zillion other things aren't there but you don't see them and you don't know you don't experience them because you're disturbed psyche has pulled you into it likewise if the psyche gets elated about something same thing there are 800 billion zillion other things going on but you don't see them and there's nothing wrong with this there's nothing wrong with red there's nothing wrong with these different Sensations and emotions and thoughts nothing but to become fixated on them to where they become your entire world you're missing everything else but not only are you missing other emotions and thoughts you are missing other states of your being while you are staring at your mind and your emotions and you are completely involved and Enchanted and tranced by what your mind is saying what your emotions are feeling I am telling you there are entire other states of your being that are Way Beyond your mind your emotions and they happen to be beautiful right there are higher states that don't manifest as thoughts and emotions normally the mind has to become still their hearts become still for you to not be attached let me just say this way why do they teach you to get to the higher States you must learn to steal your mind and steal your emotions because they still mind and still emotions are not very entertaining they are not very addicting they don't draw you into them and because the mind isn't drawing your Consciousness into it the Consciousness is free to look elsewhere it gets drawn elsewhere just like if you are not staring at the red you see everything else if you are not staring at your mind and your emotions I am telling you you will find ecstasy that is how Buddha went to Nirvana that's what Christ meant by the kingdom is within you with Heaven your inner State your deep inner state is gorgeous it's beautiful it's a river of Joy Of Love of overwhelming Bliss flowing through your being every second of your life that is going on inside of you right now just literally waves throngs of overwhelming Joy beyond anything you've ever felt beyond your intimate experiences beyond your winning experiences beyond anything you've ever felt Beyond holding your child for the first time just take the most perfect moment you ever had multiple times a million and have them going on inside of you all the time that is your natural state but nobody knows it why because they're staring at their psyche and they're staring at their emotions and their thoughts and because they are staring at their emotions their thoughts they are not going to experience anything else and because you were staring at your emotions in your thoughts they become the centerpiece of your life what does that mean now let's bring the outside world in because I haven't talked about the outside world yet I told you I'm challenging I like to challenge you you don't care one Hoot about the outside rule you care about your thoughts and your emotions the fact is however that the outside world affects your thoughts and your emotions doesn't it that's why you care about the outside world because you have noticed that if somebody walks up to you that is handsome or pretty and other people are impressed with them and they walk up to in public and they start saying really really nice things to you oh my God you're the apple of my eye you're the beginning and end of my entire existence and everybody's listening and oh you feel good inside don't you the outside can affect your thoughts and your emotions and also if somebody says terrible things while other people around it really affects your thoughts and your emotions doesn't it you have noticed that what goes on out there affects what goes on in here I'm telling you it's terrible that's why you care about what's going on out there if your husband or wife or girlfriend I'll be nicer girlfriend boyfriend left you and when they said they were leaving you you felt ecstasy I mean just like waves of Joy opened up in your heart it was the music to your ears it was just like oh my God it's exactly what you wanted to hear he's saying can I help you pack all right if on the other hand it sent you into depression you'd grab and try to hold on what you care about is your inner state you live in here this is your house of course that's what you care about you live in your psyche and in your emotions therefore the outside world affects your psyche and your emotion by the way you don't have to live in your psyching your emotions it is what you are staring at you are staring at your psyche your mind and your emotions so because you are staring and fixated on your mind and your emotions when the outside world changes and it affects your mind and your emotions you care and so what you end up doing is living the following life I am addicted to staring at Red meaning my mind and my emotions the outside World affects the card I'm staring at affects my mind and my emotions therefore in order to have a nice relationship with my mind and emotions which I'm addicted to I need to do things outside so that when the outside comes in it makes the mind and emotions be nice and I'm telling you if you aren't careful you will spend your entire life doing that exactly that and everyone will encourage you to do that you know Society will encourage you to do that your parents will encourage you to do that everyone will encourage you to do it because they don't know any better they don't understand that if what you care about is your thoughts and your emotions you should be working with your thoughts and your emotions you should not be working with every person you meet in every weather pattern and every thing that's going on outside in the past present and future to try and hope that they unfold in a way that make your thoughts and emotions be the way you want you've just seated control of your life to the weather like you understand that when you get all upset because it's cold or it's hot you literally could move because it's humid and give up a really good job and maybe your spouse doesn't want to go with you okay that's it for the spouse because I don't like the frizzy hair and I'm going to Arizona people do weird things to get what they want and avoid what they don't want what does that mean what I want and what I don't want what makes your mind feel good or happy peaceful contented what makes your heart feel better versus what makes it worse that's how you decide what you want and don't want you don't decide what you want or don't want don't you kid yourself if your heart starts turning again don't want it you might start bothering you don't want it if your heart starts opening up and feeling really good I want it if your mind starts saying really really nice things and it really turns you on I want it it is your mind and your heart that determine what you like and dislike it is your mind and your heart that tell you how you want the outside world to be you are appeasing your addiction to your mind and your heart and if you are not careful you will spend the rest of your life doing exactly that you would just go out and attempt to manipulate people placing things around you so that they be the way you need them to be so that when they come in your mind says nice things and your heart feels nice things and when they come in your mind doesn't get all freaked out and the heart doesn't get all freaked out well you got yourself a job you just took on quite a job what do you mean you took on a job of making the universe as it unfolds in front of you match what your mind and your heart feel good luck good luck because you're not running the universe you are not determined he was unfolding in front of you the forces of creation are determinous and fully in front of you and if you're only going to be okay when the thing's unfolding in front of you when they come in make your mind feel good make your heart feel good you're not going to be okay you're just going to struggle you're going to struggle with everything as an unfolds you're going to worry of anxiety all kinds of junk is going to go on because you've decided the world unfolding in front of me needs to be the way that makes my mind feel good and my heart feel good why would it do that it just doesn't even make sense and the part that really blows me away even if you want to argue well shouldn't I be trying to make the moment in front of me be the way I want you do whatever you want all I know is I could spend as much energy every bit of energy time and planning to try and get the moment to be the way I want you know what it does it leaves let a single moment stand still it's like a motion picture it's not a still shot did I turn around there's another moment I got the wedding exactly the way I want and now the honeymoon's got to be writing and the kids got to be writing it's got to be right and I go oh my God and nothing better happened every any moment oh my God no wonder we're neurotic you can't possibly win it's absurd so you come back and realize you work your way backwards and you come back to the real work which is the problem is not what the world is doing in front of you the problem is not the weather the problem is not your ex-husband there's nothing you live in the same town as you anymore the problem is not these things the problem is that you're having a problem with your mind and your heart and you are staring at them and because they are having a problem you are having a problem and you're trying to solve it by getting the outside world to be a certain way now there's two ways you can deal with this one is to say I want to get my mind so it's nice I want to get my mind so it doesn't bother me I want to get my heart so it stays open and it doesn't bother me that is a very legitimate realm to work in but I am not going to cop out and teach you less than the deepest thing there is that is not the deepest thing to do that will not lead to liberation what to try and make your mind be nice and try to make your heart be nice it's called satvik Nagita they talk about Thomas Roger satvik these are states of Nature and states of inner being and that's why the bhagavad-gita is as deep as it is it doesn't teach that what you should be doing is making everything pure peaceful Etc it doesn't teach that it teaches what I'm about to teach which is the problem is not what the world is doing and the problem is not that what the world is doing is disturbing your mind and disturbing your heart the problem is that you are addicted to staring at Red if you are not addicted to staring at your mind in your heart guess what it doesn't make any difference it doesn't matter what the red is doing if the red needs to temporarily lay down and take a rest well I'm looking at 43 other flavors all I care if the red wants to lay down and take a rest while I'm staring at it it's like I'm attached to it it's my whole being I'm dying come back don't I'm melting if your Consciousness is lost in one object watch a TV show that you're completely engulfed I mean I'm completely gone and have someone turn off the TV you would go crazy because you are addicted your Consciousness is resting on this your Consciousness is resting on the mind and the emotions your mind and your emotions while it's doing that you own it so you got to try and make it nice when your Consciousness is no longer resting on your mind and your emotions he means capable of not resting on your mouth of course it's cable not rushing on your mind emotions that's like someone's saying you mean I don't have to watch the Soaps every day of course you don't have to wash the Soaps every day you mean I don't have to smoke after dinner no you don't have to smoke after dinner you don't have to do anything you're a free being if you let yourself be there's no way you have to wash the Soaps the problem is you're addicted to washing the Soaps and that's why you think you have to wash the Soaps you do not have to smoke after dinner you're addicted to smoking after dinner and that's why you think you have to smoke after dinner if you're on heroin addict you do not have to do a hit of heroin you are addicted to doing heroin and therefore it is difficult to not do it it is exactly the same with your psyche you're telling me I don't have to be staring at the melodrama of my own thoughts and with the melodrama of my own emotions that's right you don't have to you are the one who's staring at it you do not have to be staring at it you're staring at it for the exact same reason that you have to take your smoke after dinner with heroin addict has to take their hit because you are not comfortable with it and you don't know how to let go of it so now you need to fix it right and by the way when that heroiner takes this hit what they call it a fix don't they okay he has to get his fix that means exactly what it sounds like it means I have a problem this is going to fix it and that's exactly what you do with your problem in your thoughts and your emotions all right under those conditions you're going to stay addicted to your thoughts and your emotions there is such a thing as not being addicted to your thoughts and emotions and that is the path I want to teach you I want you to know the highest the concept of fixing the world so it doesn't disturb your mind if you still think that works you shouldn't have come out here you should be out there doing everything you think you need to do to try and get the people you want and the job you want and the house you want and the car you want and everything and come back later when you find out it didn't work because it hasn't worked for anybody ever it can't all you're doing is trying to use the outside so that when it comes in the mind doesn't complain and maybe even it says I like it and for the heart to not close but to open fine how long does it last it doesn't last very long get the new car how long does the new car turn you on more than the old one did a short period of time get a new house and how long before the new house and the problems of the new house are just bigger than the problems with the old house it is not true that these things are going to continue to turn your mind on and your heart on the only way to achieve a permanent state of well-being is to stop hanging out with the temporal is to stop hanging out with the parts of you that can open and close so if you think the world coming and matching your mind and heart are the solution to your problem have fun you're wrong if you think fixing the mind and the heart so they're nicer and they say nicer things it's a solution to your problem it is definitely a solution compared to what you're doing now but it is not Liberation why is it not Liberation why is it not the highest state because you are staring at your mind and your heart if you are devoting your entire life to trying to make your mind and your heart feel better you used to do it by making people talk nicely to you by winning by getting Awards by whatever it is that you did to try and turn yourself on now you do it by positive thinking and doing this and different techniques and be careful where you go and what you read just very nice things very sophistic things that's the word sophic pure right but you're still working with your mind and your heart you are still completely 100 of the time working with your mind and your heart now don't get me wrong it is very good that you do those things because in the state most people are at which almost everybody if they don't do those things their mind and heart is a complete mess and they're not going to get out that way so it is true that when your mind becomes more peaceful and your heart becomes more peaceful it is easier to not spend all your attention to it I mean your mind is in turmoil it is very very difficult to take your conscience off of it if you drop a hammer on your toe and it's throbbing and I say to you don't stare at your toe get your conscience off your toe put on your nose it's really hard if when there's nothing wrong with your toe I say put your conscience on your nose it's the easiest thing in the whole world now you understand Thomas Rodrick something all right that's exactly what it is Thomas meaning darkness depression no energy regossic meaning passion desire wanting all that noise and Suffolk meaning quiet suefulness those are the three states of nature the gunas so this is there's a major part of the vedante teachings right that the Nature has these states you are the Consciousness the awareness you know when the mind is causing trouble you know when the heart is open or closed you know these things because you're in there if you devote your life the lowest life you can live is to pay no attention to your mind and your heart or yourself and your inner being but only pay attention to the world outside of you whether it's unfolding in the way that will make you feel better when it comes out that is the lowest life you can live by definition you get the furthest away from yourself that you can be you're way out here messing around with other people that's hilarious I'm trying to be okay so you do this I'm trying to be okay by making you do what I want you've done it haven't you all right and so we do other relationships and everything like that no Next Step which is very good wonderful step is to step in and say hey it's my mind they're my emotions I'm going to get them together and there's lots of techniques for doing this that's wonderful and it is very wonderful compared to trying to use the outside world to fix you because the outro world keeps changing and it's not going to fix you at least you're working yourself directly so I'm not knocking that it's important for times where you're supposed to step in your mind is going to start causing trouble you work with it you neutralize it you do something with your heart your source to close you work with it to keep it open totally natural but that is not the highest work you can do that is not the highest state the highest state is to sit there and realize I am not my mind I am the one who notices my mind I am not my heart I am the one who notices the state of my heart somehow if I can figure out that I'd love to help you if I can figure out how to cease being so interested in what a mind is saying and cease being so interested in what my heart is feeling that regardless of what it's saying or what it's feeling I don't have to stare at it I almost cried saying that that's liberation that's Liberation that's a liberated Soul do you understand that they are now free to explore beyond the personal self they are free to explore beyond the personal mind and the personal heart is there a place beyond the personal mind of the personal heart to me that's like saying is there something if I stop staring at the red card of course there is the red cars are the given place in time and space your thoughts are in a given place in time and space you think there aren't things above it below it on all sides 3D I have to go to other planes of reality are you going to sit there and say that the other colors are on other planets and other planes of reality no they're just in places that you're not willing to look it is the exact same part of your being that sees the red as the one that sees the orange you don't have another sense it is the exact same Consciousness that is staring at your mind and staring at your heart that does not have to stare at your mind at heart and therefore sees everything else other than your mind and your heart it sees the rest you have the ability to see you're a conscious being your Consciousness is not limited to your thoughts and your emotions but what is consciousness limited to nothing if you are sitting there staring at the TV in your room you know a little 24 inch flat screen you're staring at it then all you see is that that's your whole world is that but if you say to me if I stop looking at this what will I see everything else you'll see the whole rest of the room you'll see outside the window you can you don't have to go to another plane of reality you don't have to be weird about it you will see what's there well why don't I see what's there now because you're staring at this little tiny piece that's the importance of understanding what's going on so it is not that you have to learn how to have without body experiences and open your third eye and see other worlds and no no no no no no no I'm very grounded I'm into that stuff at all it's just another place to get lost with all this stuff right let's get real you are staring at your thoughts and your emotions and you know you are and you don't know how not to all they do is shift and you go with them the mind says one word you're off on a train of thoughts really seriously you don't know how not to look at your thoughts especially if they're disturbing you negatively or positively if they're saying oh my gosh you're so beautiful where'd she go I want to be with her I want to remember I forgot to get her number I'm like you get serious about that or if it's sitting there saying where is she maybe she's lying to me how do I know how do I should tell me the truth oh my God I can't live without it oh don't look at that good luck you think you're supposed to look at that I gotta look at that it's the funniest thing in the world so you are addicted to the negative and positive thoughts you're addicted to Disturbed thoughts Liberation Freedom the real states of yoga the real States cannot begin and exist while you are caught while you are fixated on your thoughts your emotions so the entire path if you want to skip all the in-between steps the entire path is how to not be staring at your thoughts and your emotions well how do you do that you first understand why am I staring at it why am I stay especially if I dropped a hammer on my toe and there's nothing to do about it's going to throb for a while the last place in the world I want to put my intentions on my toe it's so silly it doesn't help anything it hurts like hell why am I doing that because you don't know how not to if you had the ability to put it on your nose you'd do it in a second and let the thing heal doesn't need you down there but you don't know how to why for the same reason that you keep staring at your thoughts and emotions you stare at them because you are very interested in them why do you watch one TV show and not another why does one TV show suck you into it totally you don't even know where you are you lose your bearings in the room another one you don't want to sit down and bother because one you are interested in you are sincerely totally interested in what it's saying and the other you couldn't care less so if you don't care you don't stare it's totally natural if something's not interesting to you you don't have trouble not looking at it do you if your mind is talking about things that are like the commercials on TV instead of the main programs you wouldn't stare at the stupid thing you'd listen talk like this and say this is boring like of course I'm not gonna look at that stuff I don't know I'm interested if the heart didn't interest you they were just doing stupid things and just didn't interest you leave me alone I'm too busy you just go about your business but the truth of the matter isn't this is very deep your mind and your heart are doing exactly what they're doing because those are the things that interest you was it a conspiracy I guarantee you all the cards are stacked against you if your mind is talking about something it's because your heart has something to talk about there's a part of your being that needs to express itself and it is expressing itself through your thoughts if you had an argument with somebody three days ago and it didn't sit well with you you might be eating your lunch by yourself in the cafeteria and our argument's coming back up in your head you just chewing her right back over might as well be going on right now there it is everything everybody said oh man and I was nice to you I said three days three years people get divorced they hear all the arguments for the next 30 years of their life so you wake up and realize the reason my thoughts are so interesting to me is because they're talking about the things that I had trouble with they're talking about the things that I either really really liked or I really didn't like and those are what they're bringing back up and that's what they're talking about if the whole universe there were six thousand objects that you didn't care about and there was one that you did that one object would ruin your life if you could handle everything 6 000 things could have you couldn't care less but if one happened you'd freak out you'd worry about that one if you had ulcers but it's only one in six thousand doesn't matter you make it be 100 because it's the one you fixate on so basically there's a part of your being where you have stored the past experience that you've had that were disturbing to you and there's a part of your being where you store the past experience you had that were really nice to you therefore those parts where you stored it are trying to release they don't want that stuff stored in there and therefore your mind talks about them it reminds you of them it Associates free association with things that are going on remember I said the world comes in it makes your thoughts and emotions be a certain way that's why when the world unfolds in front of you you don't know the same reaction she does you know the same reaction you had a week ago because there's different stuff stored in there and so when it comes in it stimulates what you have stored inside if what it stimulates is negative you feel negative if it's positive you feel drawn towards that but either way I don't care if what is stimulated was negative you're going to stare at it because you don't like it you're going to fight with you're going to struggle with it you gotta rationalize justify there you are caught in your mind if what it stimulates is positive you're going to want it I got to get it again how do I get it well same thing either way so the stuff you stored in there is being stimulated by the world and being stimulated by thoughts can stimulate thoughts and pretty soon everything's going on in your head interests you because it's talking about the things that interest you if you sit there and talk to me about oh somebody's parents got divorced when they were six years old you say yeah and if your parents got divorced when you were six and it's the worst experience you ever had you ended up with this terrible stepfather all right if I just say these parents got divorced they're in trouble when he was when the kid was six oh you're freaked where what who did is he okay is the kid okay can I meet him oh you're very interested now aren't you what interests you is what's happened to you you're very personal it's very personal you've had past experiences they were negative they were positive and they interest the heck out of you and therefore when they come up in the mind and they will come up in the mind because it's trying to release them and it will come to the mind it interests you it's just like watching a TV show don't turn it off your ex-husband got remarried too no I'm busy no do do is he miserable I wonder if he's miserable and all of a sudden you realize what's going on that's why you're staring at your mind that's why you're addicted to your thoughts that's why you're addicted to the state of your heart because it is bringing back up reacting to things that are interesting to you and the only reason they're interesting to you is because you're the sum of your learned experiences that's what Skinner said you're mine you're not but your mind and your heart are the sum of the Learned experiences your psyche is the some of your learned experiences what else could it be it's not that some of the experiences it didn't have is it that's not some great Revelation that your mind is the song you learned experiences what's it supposed to be your mind is the sum of all the experience it didn't have that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of it didn't have the experience doesn't know anything about them here I want you to go and do an analysis on the computer here it is it's filled with data I want you a full regression analysis but don't use the data that's there use the data that's not there don't find other data just make sure you're not using the data that's there you have to be a computer scientist understand that's stupid you can't do that so it is the same thing inside yourself Your Mind Is Made Up thoughts in your mind and the feelings of your heart are made up of your past experiences and therefore they come back up and they talk and when things come in they associate with them and you're in trouble because the mind is very interesting to you isn't it what it's got to say is very interesting and the concept of not paying attention to it when it says well I don't know where she is she says she loves me but I've been hurt before that's not interesting is it oh you are very interested in that you're likes all yours what's he gonna say next maybe it has a solution and like wow man all right I gained a pound I gained a pound one pound today six pounds tomorrow oh my God what's happening to me this is terrible what did I eat what I don't you're very interested in that aren't you there's no way you're looking at that okay so while you're staring at it you're in trouble why because it's trouble it's just the sum of these experiences you had and because it's trouble it causes you trouble and because you don't want trouble you go out into the world and try to manipulate the world so people say only nice things for you that's why you want to have power if you're the most powerful person in the world you have to worry about what people say to you they're all in awe that's why you want money that's why you want Power that's why you want looks that's why you want everything that's why you want a special person in your life that your trust will always say nice things to you you want to be okay I don't blame you and so you try to manipulate the world but I've already been down there what is the method that works and now we're talking deep yoga deep Liberation what works you start little by little I've taught this before but now we really got it down little by little just like you learn to play the piano just like you learn to play tennis just like you learn math you don't do it all at once you little by little take really simple things let's take the piano like scales that's how they start you don't they they start you with basic C scales not even Sharps and Flash with basic C and you learn to move your fingers learn to pay attention to the notes you're just starting you're starting you got to start with simple stuff once you are good at that you can shift to other Keys you can do different things and little by little when you're really good with the scales you can try you know Three Blind Mice or something right you start with simple pieces and eventually you will learn to play the piano reasonable I'm saying you're gonna be Mozart but within reason you will be let's put this way eventually you'll be better than you were when you started how's that with the probability that you can't be better than you were when you started how about zero there is no way you will not be better playing that piano over time if you practice your scales if you practice the teaching techniques and so on all right what do you end up with the ability to play the piano good I'm glad I like the piano you play the piano I'm talking about taking that exact same methodology starting simple learning and growing but what you're learning to do is be liberated you're learning to free yourself from the bondage of this garbage that's going on inside your mind and your heart and forcing you to manipulate the world and worry about everything I would like you to be free I would like every one of you to be a jivan a liberated being which you're capable of so you start practicing just like the piano of how to free yourself and you will always get better just like you will always get better with a piano all right what do you mean free myself right now you are very interested in what your mind has to say I told you that I spent the whole talk lifting you to that state of realizing the mind is not the problem your mind is just expressing the garbage you stored inside the problem is you're staring at the thing the problem is you care about every word it says she doesn't like me what if she doesn't like me oh my gosh she said she like me but people lie I I don't even know if you should call her back oh isn't that fun are you having fun yet with your little cute little mind no it's not fun it's neurotic all right then you have to learn to not listen to your mind not change the worlds of the my matches now change your minds that always says the nice things though you should do that work there's nothing wrong with working with the world to make someone nicer there's nothing wrong with working with your mind and heart to make it nicer I'm just telling you that's not Liberation don't put all your eggs in that basket ain't gonna work so how do I learn to play the scales of liberation you start just like with the scales with the simplest of all things you start with something that's unfolding in the world that comes in and it causes your mind to be disturbed it causes your mind to get agitated causes your mind to think something and causes your heart to react sometimes people raise your hand and say well how will I find something like that it goes on every second of your life every second of your life something goes on that disturbs you there's either a thought that Disturbed you an emotion that disturbs you or something happened outside that disturbs your thoughts and emotions a car drives by it drives by and it goes by faster than you're going that disturbs you it starts to dry by but it's in your blind spot and it stays in your blind spot that disturbs you yeah a lot to say about that it doesn't use its blinker when you're behind it that disturbs you I want you to understand what I mean by disturbs you it made your mind not be comfortable it even said something your mind said something about it my mind always wanted to say don't you know if you're going slower than the traffic you're supposed to be in the right lane oh that's a good one it gets disturbed by everything how do I know it's disturb it said something about it it was not Disturbed it doesn't say squat it doesn't talk about the white lines in the road they're just white lines in a row that's not what the clouds going by so 99.99 of the world doesn't say a single word 99.999 of the world comes in through your senses your mind didn't say anything trees Blades of grass just all sorts of stuff it just comes in and it goes through and that's the end of that but there's always that one that gets it going isn't it it starts talking I want you I am begging you if you want to become liberated that's what yoga is about Liberation Union his practice is true yogic practice then you sit there and say I'm going to become conscious enough so I'm aware that my mind got Disturbed and I start with the tiniest things in the world I mean they're so small that anybody could handle them there's somebody beeps at you somebody doesn't go off the light right away the blink or anything just the tiniest stupid little stupid things the fact that you just get your hair done you walk out in the gusts the wind blows it these meaningless tiny stupid things that the only reason they bother you is because you said so why do you need to be bothered because somebody passed you and certain speed why don't they be bothered because somebody said something you couldn't hear it it wasn't loud enough they weren't even talking to you all right why do you have to be bothered by tiny little things because you said so if it is something that is only bothering you because you decided to be bothered that's how stupid but there are lots of those aren't there you get a little ketchup on your pants you get bothered on going back to work just whatever it is those are equivalent to playing the scales they are meaningless they are harmless there's nothing to do about the fact that the person in front of you turned without his blinker on he already turned what are you gonna go chase him you're not gonna do anything why is your mind talking about this that is like playing the scales you practice not being interested in the fact that your mind said something about that all right it says Hey then he says player just go oh you still doing that are you just play with it do something that gives you a distance from your addiction that every single thing the mind says you have to care about no you don't it's only saying it because it didn't have anything better to do your mind normally is not happy you're not happy underneath you know that you know there are all kinds of disturbances and problems and suppressions why in the world would somebody actually Chase somebody who didn't use their blinker pull out a gun and start yelling at them they do that they even have a name for that road rage why would you do such a thing because you have so much junk stored inside of you so much pent-up energy so much suppression so much disturbance that when something happens that your mind justifies it should not have happened it becomes a Gateway for all of this stuff to come up it's became a justification but he sure to use his blinker I'm right okay and the next thing you know all the garbage of a lifetime is coming up through the whole of somebody not using their blinker that is exactly what's happening you need to become conscious enough to look at your mind in these tiny little things and practice not being interested you practice not being interested so you start with these little things you say well what's the purpose because you learn to do your scales you don't answer what's the purpose of doing the scales you'll find out when you learn to play the piano all right they helped your finger coordination they helped your tone you know just their million things the scales do isn't it there are a billion things that accepting releasing not being interested in your mind's complaints about things that you can do nothing about are none of your business and you're just getting interested in something you shouldn't be interested in so you learn it's called Letting Go you practice Letting Go not of the mind and not of the event of your need to pay attention to the mind you let go of your addiction to the mind you let go of the urge that makes you watch it you don't work in the outside world you don't work in the mind you work in the energy that's causing your Consciousness to care what the mind is saying and I've taught you the highest thing I ever learned how do I work with that energy relax what do you mean if I relax when the mind starts saying like and I just relax I just relax I didn't engage if you relax you can't engage it requires tension it requires involvement to engage if I relax and then the next step I do is lean away what do you mean lean away it's talking somewheres inside I'm watching it but I'm relaxing instead of getting involved in it now I just Lean Back Lean away that's it you have now practiced not listening to your mind and you do it with the next thing then you do the next thing I'm telling you you will Free Yourself if you will do this every second of all the things that are meaningless such as the weather I always start with that's the greatest when you learn why you ain't changing the weather it is none of your business it's windy if it's rainy if it's hot if it's cold it's what it is you're welcome to go inside out of the rain and say to stand out of the rain but while you are in the rain and it is raining it is raining okay and you remind you they didn't they know I got a drain it now you're wasting your time because it ain't doing squat I wish I had an umbrella you don't these are meaningless thoughts you should not be paying attention to them you need to practice relaxing and releasing in the face of this garbage that your mind is talking about if you will do that I guarantee you when you get good at that you will get good at the next layer you will get good at the fact that somebody says something to you that offended you or that made you feel this or feel that okay and all of a sudden you're going to find out okay they said it and they would hit and run they said it and left all right they said on the left I can either let it bother me until I see them again or I can practice the way I did the weather I can practice the way I did the person who breathe I can let it go right now you can't doesn't seem possible but that's the same as if you don't do your skills you're not going to play Beethoven seems impossible doesn't it there's no way you'll be able to do that yeah there is lots of people done it but you got to start with scales so if you do this every moment that's where to me it's not a yoga mat it's every moment of your life you are back there letting go you're letting go Letting Go letting go and then it gets bigger and bigger and you let go and you let go until eventually you will reach the place where no matter what happens ever the first thing you do is let it go and all of a sudden you realize you're okay no matter what you are unconditionally okay why because you can let go if my minds are freaking out about something then I can just relax and release I'm not freaking out he is I'm not and you just achieved a seat of equanimity a seat of absolute well-being and that's the only seat in the universe that is absolute well-being you are never going to give this world to be absolutely well-being because nobody even agrees what that means you're never going to get your mind or your emotions because they are temporal they belong to the world they were made by the world they're programmed by the world there is Christ called it the peace that passes all understanding that's what we're talking about that place of your being where you've let go from now what you let go of we let go from all right but to do that you have to cease be interested in all your garbage and it gets very deep first you go through the personal interactions and this and that and the other thing and then all of a sudden you realize you've built in your mind these philosophies of what you believe in and what you don't believe in and what you like what you don't like and you're arguing with people or you don't like people who don't like what you like or that don't believe in what you believe in you just realize that's just another thing of mine is talking about you just relax until I want to see you when you get tested when you're letting go of your self-concept not just what hits it your mind doesn't need to be making up a you and then getting upset because people didn't accept you or because it didn't seem to balance how does it feel when somebody says something you do something that didn't fit what you normally would think you do you get all embarrassed it gets all weird in there doesn't it like a oh are you kidding me no I'm not like oh the mind will get Disturbed my gets Disturbed Ed Eagle superego they're all in there playing with each other it's like Freud said you're not any of them just relax relax and release don't I have to feel guilty if we do something wrong it'll just make you do something more wrong the more guilt you feel the more messed up you are what you need to do is feel I would never do it again I learned from that that's not something that I have any interest in it was the disturbance of my mind or my heart that caused me to do that then maybe hurt another person or went out of balance the question is not sure I feel guilty I better feel guilt so I don't do it again that's ridiculous you have to have Clarity so that you learn from the mistakes that you make guilt steals you is guilts of the mind and of the emotions it's just like dropping the hammer on your toe it gives a lot of fun to feel in it what you need to do is be able to let go of yourself Let Go by all means if you've done something that's out of balance I guarantee you your mind made you do it your thoughts and your emotions made you do it if you transcend you get above that you have remorse you realize you're definitely remorse and guilt you realize this this was out of balance I did this because I didn't keep my seat well enough then keep your seat well enough but don't build guilt because of it anyways I'm not gonna get everything but eventually right now that was like playing Mozart when you start letting all that stuff all right you should be able to completely completely let go of every single thing your mind has to say if you want to listen to your mind because it's helping with a math problem or solve some Physics problem that's your choice you're welcome to listen to your mind to use your mind but no more addictions and what you're going to find out is that personal mind is destructive it's not constructive it's destructive guilt fear anxiety need likes dislikes they would tell you what you wanted what you don't want you'll never be happy you need this you know you need this you're not God the mind's amazing you need to learn to not listen to your mind you need to learn to relax and release to where the Mind cannot pull you into it and the Heart cannot pull you into it and that one you all have trouble with but aren't supposed to follow my heart it's just like the mind is just full of personal stuff but what do you follow letting go I follow what's left after Letting Go nitty knitty you just keep letting go you let go remember if you're not staring at the red you see everything else when you let go of yourself where do you see you see everything you'll know everything it become a wise being a seer because you're not lost in the limits of yourself you can see the rest and all of a sudden you make much better decisions relationships Finance business every single thing in your life becomes totally clear because you make it not clear right so this ability I took you exactly what I wanted to tonight this ability to realize yes there are many paths many different things you can do for the highest is when you learn not to listen to your mind not suppress it not hate it I beat it up just you talk I don't listen I just relax and release and all of a sudden everything starts working out as it should not as you want you're going to start seeing the universe knows what it's doing and you just come into harmony with it and so it becomes a very very different a completely different life but you have to learn to not get caught up in your thoughts and emotions ever there's no personal thoughts and emotions they're welcome to be they're welcome to be but they are not who you are you are the one that's experiencing them stay seated in the seat of self relax and then all of a sudden the rest will happen the much higher stuff it will start to be able to experience the beauty of your own being I started by talking to you about that now tell me what your life is like when you're feeling nothing but ecstasy porn through your being all the time now go to work now get married now I have a kid it's fun because you don't need a single thing and nothing can bother you all right I hope you understand these things that is the essence the essence of the deep teachings jagrative
Channel: Trustlife23
Views: 74,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aaron Abke, Alan Watts, Bruce Lipton, Eckhart Tolle, Joe Dispenza, Kyle Cease, Michael Singer, Mooji, Neville Goddard, Oprah, Wayne Dyer, affirmations, healing frequency
Id: emAmEw2b040
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 49sec (3349 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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