Living Untethered with Michael Singer

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[Music] thank you [Music] my name is fritzy Horsemen and welcome to compassion and action my guest today is Michael a singer Michael a singer is the author of the number one New York Times bestseller the untethered soul and New York Times bestsellers the surrender experiment and living untethered which had been published worldwide he had a deep inner waking in 1971 while working on his Doctorate in economics and went into into seclusion to focus on yoga and meditation in 1975 he founded Temple of the universe a now long established yoga and meditation center where people of any religion or set of beliefs can come together to experience inner peace he is also the creator of a Leading Edge software package that transformed the medical practice management industry and founding CEO of a billion dollar company whose achievements are archived in the Smithsonian Institution along with his nearly five Decades of spiritual teaching Michael has made major contributions in the areas of business Education Health Care and Environmental Protection Michael Singer welcome to compassion in action it is such an honor to have you with us today and I would like to start with a quote that came from living untethered if that's okay sure why would you kill Rob or or harm someone if you were content within yourself it is only because people are struggling inside that they are driven to struggle outside people left on their own create great trouble struggling with their inner disturbances and I bring that quote to you because I'm working with the people in prison who have killed who have robbed who have harmed people and the message I want to bring to them through this interview is ways for them to to find out how to make it okay inside as you say yes well that that's what it's all about as you know I did 30 years of prison work working maximum security prisons and it was one of the most fulfilling things I ever got to do I just totally loved meeting with the gentleman and we did very very well together for a long time so it is all about how are you doing inside if you're not doing well inside you're going to try and compensate for that by trying to do things outside that make you feel better that's the bottom line of all humility Humanity like the subtitle of that was the third book you talked about living untethered all right is right um beyond the human predicament right that is the human predicament which is I'm not okay inside I want to be okay inside and there are things I've learned during my life how did you learn them not by reading but having experiences right I experienced that if somebody really loves me I feel better I've experienced that somebody goes out with my best friend I feel worse I feel that if I have the money to feel secure and take care of things and do what I want I feel better if I don't I feel worse so we're programmed by the experiences we have it in a sense it's not our fault because we all have different experiences to say it's not our fault doesn't mean we can't do something about it right it just means you have to understand have compassion that we all had different experiences we all went through different things and they left different Impressions on top of us I don't care if you're in prison I don't care for the CEO of somebody company I don't give you rich I don't care if you're poor the same thing's happening all right you're having experiences and they're either making you feel better and they make you feel worse and you get programmed like data that now I know what kind of things are actually better now I know what kind of thing that makes me feel worse so if I'm not feeling well inside I'm going to try to get those things to happen I'm going to try to compensate for my lack of well-being by external situations and that is what causes all the trouble not just troubled people in prison that's why we have wars that's why everybody gets divorce that's why drugs every single thing is going on because I'm not okay and like you said if I am okay inside which we will talk about can you be and how do you be but if I am okay inside I don't need the outside I don't need it to be doing things for me or against me I don't take it that way I'm holding complete with it myself I feel love I feel Joy feel inspiration no matter what's happening all right because I live inside of me so that's that's the foundation for a good discussion is is that true and everyone knows it's true I've never had anyone anyone I've done this I'm a teacher 50 years all right I've never had anybody say that's not true no matter who they are the situation they're in that if they're not feeling well they try to figure out what can I do to feel well and if they are feeling well in order to figure out how do I do to keep it so you're always struggling like Buddha said Buddhist first Noble Truth is all of life is suffering doesn't mean you break your arm all the time right it means that's what's going on inside of you I'm not okay and I have to struggle to be okay or I'm okay and it's a struggle to keep it that way but it all ends up struggling doesn't it yes yes and so what you say is we must use the adversity in front of us use the trials in front of us the struggling in front of us to go to God and I think I jumped a lot from what you just said but um all we're ever doing is trying to be okay in there but we're using out the outside to make it fine and once you know I think of the people in prison when I get out of prison that's when I'll be fine or you know when I get my package that's when I'll be fine or when the parole board listens to me then I'll be fine and it's always um being fine is always never basically never attainable because the minute you get it you're looking for the next thing that's beautiful you know why that is then you're cooking deep you're deep is why is it that we really believe that if I get it it will make me okay we say it I love you so much if you would marry me I'll never need anything else the rest of my life right no one ever lived today why because happening is I'm not okay and what I need to do is be distracted from myself people understand that's all you're doing when you're on a vacation when you do this when you do that when you do Sports you're being distracted from hanging out with yourself you understand that your Consciousness is being drawn off yourself I love you so much just to look at you melts my heart okay in other words I don't have to deal with me right then I can feel the beauty that you're bringing so this distraction is what it's all about that's all you're trying to do is get distracted even violent I I had a young man beautiful young man in in when he was in prison maximum career in prison and he was very sincere and meditate all the time like real real beautiful being and he would sometimes not show up for class I do the weekly class it would show up and then ask him I don't use his name but basically what why what happened he said I was in lockup he was a black guy but it wasn't very big okay right and I said well why why why are we even lock up because I was fighting I said well why are you fighting right he said I don't care if I win or lose a fight it makes me feel better in other words during that time I am distracted from the garbage that's going on inside of me whether you're in prison or not doesn't matter is going on in there right and that distracts me and I release all this energy that's pent up inside so I don't care if I get beat up I don't care what happens I don't care if we're going to lock up it's the only thing that I can do in here that creates enjoyment now he grew past that thank God it's all the same thing right it's all the same thing that people are trying to create outside situations that are strong enough to distract themselves from themselves and then during that time you feel energy You Feel the Rush you understand that that that's what happens even people do bad things they feel the rush like like robbing is exciting a plan and there's all this energy and anxiety and all that stuff right well that's the same reason people get in business they're all doing the same thing okay they're just doing it a different way so the question is not how do I get what I think I need to be okay just like you said it doesn't last why it stops distracting you you get used to it you understand there's not a single thing if you had a food that you loved and I had the best chef in the world prepared for you and you ate it you would love me the pieces you melt oh my God this is so good it melts in your mouth so would you like it tomorrow night too oh man can I really yeah we'll we'll get the chef to stay all right all right would you like the next night yeah we're like a breakfast lunch dinner no give me some cauliflower it's you get used to it so it doesn't distract you from yourself that's the whole key all right it's what we call the law division returns you you it doesn't keep turning you on and so you have to keep doing different things so like you said it never ends there's no it doesn't work that way but people don't understand that and that's where spirituality comes in which is is there another way of being okay inside other than this way that doesn't work I don't even like to say it's wrong I don't like to do that people are different they go through different things and so on it's not that it's wrong it's that it doesn't work that's a deeper you understand that like so somebody's sister says yeah but when I do this it makes me feel good it's wrong well okay you're still going to do it you're gonna sit there and say but if you notice that after you do it you don't feel good again you notice that it just keeps going on and on yeah all right well maybe there's another way to be okay inside other than trying to get what you want or try to turn yourself on or trying to get distracted from yourself that becomes the foundation of the discussion yes and um disturbances and preferences are the keys to our suffering things that disturb us and things that we prefer you've said you know if we just talk about the weather um those are keys to distracting us and not and not paying attention to letting go and surrender which to me are those are the two after reading and re-reading and rereading all of your books those team those two send those two phrases letting go and surrender seem to be the key is that am I am I on the track oh they are the absence okay but let's go a little slower okay so now we understand I'm not okay inside okay and every human being can say that I want to be okay I want to be okay so the question is what can I do to compensate that's the key word that for that I'm not okay because then that comes and goes it doesn't stay right why don't I find out why I'm not okay instead of I'm not okay what should I do about it I'm not okay why am I not okay and with the mind because we're silly says to say well I'm lonely because I don't have somebody special that's not true finding somebody special is an attempt to compensate for your loneliness if you felt full and whole and complete inside yourself right you're welcome to share that but you don't need things to be okay all right so you start looking to say well why am I not okay why am I not okay and that is what the essence of what we teach which is if you will look you are wise enough everyone is to see you're not okay because you stored every single thing that ever bothered you for your entire life inside of you if somebody said something you didn't want to hear if mommy did something daddy did something you didn't get the toy you wanted your first girlfriend dumped you whatever it is if it came in there and didn't feel good I know what you did with it you pushed it away right you can't change the experience because it already happened but you can work with or manipulate what it feels like when it comes inside so the experience happened outside came in through your senses and now it's inside of you what are you going to do with it instead of saying which a wise person would say this was not a nice experience I don't want to keep it right I can't change it it actually happened but I don't want to keep it in here we don't know how to do that we've never taught how to do that so what we do is say no no I don't like this that should not have happened right and we push away the inner experience even though the outer experience already happened we can't do anything about that so we push the inner experience away and someday you will everyone will hope will understand when you do that you just destroyed your Interstate what do you mean you just stored something that bothers you it will come back in your dreams it will come back if somebody said something and will come back as you thought something it's still in there isn't it 20 years 30 years later Troy says it's in there you know from childhood all through your entire life right because you stored that inside how many things have you stored in there how about everything that bothered you everything that ever bothered you if you said go to a high school reunion because my boys can't do it but you go to a high school reunion all right you're gonna not like the people that you didn't like before you're gonna tend to be attracted to the people that you like they're totally different people it's 20 years later when you're crazy the answer is yes I have stored inside of me that which bothered me and that which made me feel good right and now it's running my life and you have to understand that when you push something away inside it actually blocks your inner energy it's an extremely unhealthy thing to do it may feel better at the time because I don't want to deal with it right but it's here the example I always use is you went to a restaurant find restaurant but somehow something was wrong and it got you sick okay you didn't you got real stomach ache what you're eating something was wrong do you ask for doggy bag so you can take it home and have a room where you store all the food that made you sick and every morning taste it to make sure you remember how sick it made you nobody would do that okay that's what you did with your experiences you stored the bad ones inside so what I always say to people and everyone gets it is if you store everything that ever disturbs you inside of you you're going to be disturbed yes that's what it's gonna be like you there and that is what it's like in there you call them sorry you you call them some scars I call them trauma right trauma's a big word I mean at least in our in our society a trauma is a really bad thing that really bothered you right yeah to me if you're having a birthday party so it's a birthday party and having it outside it hasn't rained for two weeks and it rains on your birthday party right psychology wouldn't call that trauma but the truth is you can't handle it right it bothers you right it bothered you and so you push it away even minor things you say hi Sally friend you shouldn't say hi it bothers you all right so yes yes respectfully they are traumas right in the sense that they bother you that much but I like to make the difference between something really big that bothered you and these minuscule little things that go on every single day all right like who uh like I said somebody didn't say hello or somebody said something yeah I like this one my best right I don't think I like what you thought you said okay we do that all the time and then the next time you see the person you feel uncomfortable so you literally stored every one of these things inside of you so you have a storehouse of disturbed things inside and you're going to be disturbed and that's what causes every single problem and all of the Earth forever is that people store this stuff inside so what's the answer well we went very quickly here what's the answer stop it stop stop storing that stuff inside and whatever's stored inside Let It Go and I love when people say to me well how do I know it's stored in there are you kidding me it comes right up and right in your face and what do you do you push it back down right yes out here you talk to me like that my mother talked to me like that exactly that's exactly what happened to me that happens all the time I get yelled at or I think it's I think it's criticism and then I decide I shut them off I'm like I'm not going to talk to you anymore you're out of my life because that's that's my thorn that's one of my Thorns right as you call them okay so you weren't able to handle the normal pretty normal situation people get yelled at this happens that happens people don't get what they want it rains on your birthday cake things happen life Life's a happening place right if you can't handle it no matter what it is I don't judge that somebody else couldn't handle something I can because if maybe things I can't know that they can all right so it's called compassion understanding right so I don't judge that but when it comes in you say I can't handle it well if you can't handle it you shouldn't be dealing with it because you're the worst person in the world to handle it because you said you couldn't right well I say I can't pick something up don't tell me I'm the one who should pick it up I guess I said I can't so instead you sit there and say and there's an entire path and this works people run me from all over the world you know my first book you know the untethered Soul four million copies published in 38 countries all right why I didn't do anything right you're just talking about what I learned and they said it works what works it works to say I'm going to handle this because the cost of not handling it is it will bother me for the rest of my life if I think that bothered me now hear me somebody yelled at me but then they went away they don't yell at you every second right they yelled it to they went away if I can't handle that they yelled at me right as bad as it felt that ceiling will stay inside of me my entire life which is better learn how to say fine people had a bad day they yelled at me they took it out on me right and that's all that really happening right people people don't yell when they're okay if somebody's happy and filled with love joy and they just their entire existence is filled with exuberance they don't yell at people right it's when you're not okay inside that you see as an opportunity to let some of this energy out and you yell at people all right so at some point you don't take it personal that's very deep we're talking about very deep you take it don't take it personal not yelling at me they're just yelling I just happen to be standing there when they're yelling okay well that's what happens to kids right you got a father drink so father that had any anger problems the kid that fine the kid didn't the dinner right or didn't do this a tiny little thing and all of a sudden this all this anger and frustration a lifetime worth of anger frustration is coming out on the kid the kid didn't do anything has nothing to do with the kid it has to do with the father and at some point you're mature enough to realize that they're not yelling at me they're just yelling and I happen to be standing where they're yelling that's what I would like them to be yes but I'm I just turned 60 and people were yelling at me at 59 and I still it was like my mother was yelling at me that's right and it bothers you yes yes well we're talking about how to learn the Deep Stuff how to learn to be okay no matter what's happening if you're okay inside it doesn't matter where you are we used to say right they can imprison your body they can't imprison in your mind or your Consciousness okay that's a true statement so the problem is that I'm so uncomfortable inside that my mind can't be free it's too busy excuse me puking up all the garbage that I stored in there it just keeps coming back up and I can't be okay so the answer is to be willing to work on yourself and sit there and say what if I could handle the day that's happening now and didn't store more of this garbage inside okay and when stuff came up from before you know to go find it it'll find you when stuff come up from before I'm committed to letting it go right and that becomes that's the spiritual path that's the entire spiritual path all right is letting go of what is blocking you inside and what is blocking you is the stuff you stored in there you will find that as you let that go all of a sudden every day is a little happier all of a sudden every day is a little lighter not aware you are including in prison every day is a little lighter every day is a little more open you're smiling more you feel more Beauty inside right and eventually that beauty can get really really beautiful to where no matter where you are it's just beautiful inside right and then it spreads out to everybody so that's the path so the question is how do you do that and you know what I teach that's another reason I said something about trauma because I like to throw up low-hanging fruit right right like a distinction between the big things and these tiny little tiny things matter it doesn't matter right it does matter everything that you're not comfortable with and you don't let go you store discomfort inside yourself and you're not going to be okay that night you're not gonna be okay so are you willing to practice what I teach is relaxing that's what everybody says works right now you resist you have hands in there you resist okay and certainly you know people are in prison tend to be people that have resisted a lot okay and they express themselves in ways it wasn't wasn't good for them all right all right so basically how do you not resist when you're resisting you're tensing you're pushing you're using those inner hands to manipulate what's going on inside of you and outside right what if instead you relax it's so counterintuitive what if somebody says something it hits you the wrong way and before you freak out and get all upset and Etc et cetera relax relax but it doesn't feel good so relax hey football players like football players get sprained ankles and broken thumbs and they keep playing or I know sure it doesn't feel good right you're capable of doing great things in there if you want to clean up so what you do is you start practicing with little things to relax just relax breathe if you have a mantra or some something you a song you like or something saying hang out with something nicer instead of the part of you that's freaking out I throw all balls down to can you use yourself inside to make it nicer in there you don't need things outside to make it nicer you're the one who lives in there there's nobody else in there but you it's I call it a single occupancy apartment right so if it's a mess clean it up the only way for somebody else to do it or don't complain to somebody else isn't doing it it's your inside State you're the one who stole this stuff so little by little you practice relaxing through things that used to get you upset just relax something you need to find out that there was no benefit in getting upset all it did was cause more trouble it didn't do anything for you or anybody else you understand that okay and I love when when people that aren't used to living that way like I said I did a lot I did prison working I dealt with Hell's Angels and outlaws and people that killed a lot of people all right and once they learned what it's about is you can't handle yourself you can't handle the energy that's happening inside of you and that's why you throw it out and express it that way if you're supposed to be so Macho and so tough how come you can't handle things I talked to him right and I'm still alive they didn't kill me so basically they basically they love the teachings if you're supposed to be such a tough guy how come you can't handle yourself I can't handle if somebody said something wait come on give me a break right and so they start getting challenged to say I can I can handle this I just let go I'll relax through it right and next thing you know there's no penalties or no problem your relationships are better your interaction is better you feel better but the big benefit is you start finding out that because you're not suppressing or pushing down more stuff you start feeling better you start your body feels better Everything feels better and your mind starts saying more light nice things right it's a nice day you look at Sunny all right instead of problems and then like I said bigger stuff will start coming up by itself why because it's down there and if you're really mature you catch on I remember one uh it was remember the outlaw it was a Florida motorcycle gang very large being a large guy strong and he caught on and he started meditating and started doing these practices and he told me I said I don't know what happened I just started feeling all this beauty inside of myself I started feeling love all right because that's what's in there but you blocked it so when the bigger stuff starts coming up remember he told me the video stuff starts coming up he would step back and say I don't want you in there forget who you don't want outside of you it's nothing it's been going on inside of you that's determining that's where you live you live in here all right and so I don't want that in there and so he worked it through he just let it go he worked it through right you have stuff from the past in there like you were talking about right why is it in there it's over it happened a long time ago well I should still be bothering you it's not rational no not rational that anything in the past bothers you now Noah will tell you that but I will and you should tell them that and I know you do right in fact I saw your stuff I see that's the main thing you do right the past is over it's not even happening anymore why would something that's not happening be bothering you because you stored it inside of you well let it go how relaxed when it comes up relax when it comes up relax at some point you get high enough to where you welcome it to come up you're excited that it came up why because you realize the more I let go of the more beautiful my life is the more beautiful beautiful everything is I don't want it in there so if it comes up and it's painful good good no pain no gain just like working out except this I call it working in instead of working out okay and so it comes up you relax through it you breathe through it you you could say we call Mantra because I mean monsters were generalized so but Oprah wants to ask me right what do you give as a montage I'm not a girl I don't give mantras right if somebody doesn't have a mantra or something like that right it's not doing Easter teachings or something like that right here's a good Mantra I can handle this I can handle this I can handle this I can whoa get that going on in there and where do you see how much you change I can handle this I can handle this that's a very good thing to train your mind to say so this becomes the path this is the spiritual path notice it doesn't belong to any religion or no religion right an atheist can do it perfectly well a Christian can do a well a Buddhist can do it well a Jew can do it well it right now beautiful it's it's about the real growth the real growth to God right which is the Chrysler Must Die to be reborn that's what this is this is dying of the personal self the garbage you stored in there and then you're gonna find out there's all this beauty inside of yourself and it will raise you up to a very high State there are beings that got to really really high states by letting go of themselves in prison right yes yes and but it it it's you call it Darkness like these things inside are our darkness and you call it transmuting right that we're transmuting this energy that we've stored and and he also say the energy wants to go up right is that right always always it always wants to go up right and it's funny you call it Darkness that's like saying that that night is darkness that is not Darkness the sun is shining out there exactly the same as did the entire sign for 4.5 billion years there's no Winters or no summer there's no this or not right it's because something's blocking the light it's not that the light is not there right the cloud is blocking the light if you you don't have to find the light right you know to make light underneath the cloud get rid of the cloud and there's nothing but light that is your natural state as your natural state right period period and in The Beautiful People start to realize that that hey I made a mess of myself nobody else did it right they did things that I couldn't handle but I'm the person that couldn't handle them and I'm the person that then stored them inside and made myself angry and made myself fearful and weak and or whatever all right I did that I'm in here let go let go of the cloud I don't want to call it Georgia let go of the cloud let go of the blockages that you put in there and store it in there even if somebody did something terrible to you they didn't do it inside they did outside right you understand that right yes yes you don't have to keep it inside I've kept lifetime lifetimes of my parent with my parents and my sister and my boyfriend all these things that happened to me I'm just clouded my my life yeah made a mess in my life my inside life that made the mess of your interstate and then what you try to do is manipulate the outside to make it feel better understand it what can I do to distract myself from that and what can I do to make sure that everybody behaves everything the weather everything behaves in the way I needed to so when it comes in it doesn't hit my stuff and it never behaves in a way that hits my stuff you follow me yeah next thing you know you're just manipulating and struggling whereas open up to life there's nothing wrong Life Is Life you know is it right no is it wrong is it just no is it fair no it's just life right the Buddhists say very deep it's deep stuff right then Buddhism says flowers are red the water is blue and the grass is green that's the teaching go home there was things things are the way they are you understand that you're welcome to say I want the flowery be blue and the grass to be whatever all right that's just your stupid mind fighting with God fighting with reality right so instead you just be willing to say okay nobody said it was fair nobody said it was just nobody said anything they just said reality is reality it happened you can work with it to make it better in the future but you can't do a thing about the past until they develop time machines that ain't gonna happen so you have to accept the past let go of the fact that you couldn't handle it before now you're in a better position to raise the future otherwise all you're trying to do is make sure the future doesn't do what bothers you in the past and does do what made you feel good in the past and since we all had different experiences we're all fighting with each other yes one of the things I say to the people in prison I say you're in prison because you're in prison and that's it you know the what the crime that they committed 20 years ago irrelevant that's in the past they but they're now they find themselves in prison so if you can except that there's a from that place everything can happen but if you think you're supposed to be somewhere else you're not going to be able you can't move on from that because you're waiting for something to change right since I'm going to yoga all right that's my whole life all right yoga meditation and just those teachings some of the highest beings that ever walk the face of the Earth that are in complete ecstasy live in caves willfully they chose to do that the ancient great Masters okay all right so you're in prison it's just a forced cave okay and it can be used accordingly and it is as bad as you make it is it fair no is you know Etc nobody said that it just is what it is now how are you doing inside and the answer is that's your choice that's your choice I want to make sure we mention it I always taught this to my men all right I talked about this last night you are somewhere around 18 square feet right yeah three feet by six feet whatever it is 18 square feet and how many cubic feet all right how much of that is of the city you live in how much a visit of the planet earth oh my God how much space do you take up on the planet Earth you think you're the most important thing in the whole world right it's you're nothing it's okay you don't have to build your ego to feel good it is better to sit there and say hey I'm fine I'm just I'm just standing on the planet for a while I won't be here long right that planet is spinning through black empty space you've seen it the astronauts took pictures of it it's just this little tiny ball spinning around black empty space and you are on a municipal dot somewheres on that ball correct yes and you're and you're sitting there making a big deal out of things right and then I sit there and say for those of you who like to think understand that way and I'm all of my men did they like talk about this stuff all right that ball that part of which are nothing and you're on there for a few years it's been here for 4.5 billion years how long are you gonna be there it's hilarious all right 1.3 million Earths inside the Sun 1.3 million Earth fit inside the sun okay the sun is one of 300 billion stars in one Galaxy and there are two trillion galaxies and you're doing what worrying about what making a big uh what wake up all right and that ability to expand your frame of reference right that's that's a true full frame of reference you're sitting a planet spirit in the middle of nowhere think like that you're not in prison yes that's what it means to say they can they can imprison your body but not your mind right but you but you did is let them imprison your mind because you kept worrying about what's happening and wanting things and making a mess out of things you have the right to say at any time I am on the planet Earth spinning through empty space around one star of which 1.3 million Earths fit inside that star and there's 300 billion stars I think I'm okay expand your Consciousness and you're not in prison now nor are you in a bad relationship nor are you in a bad job you're standing on the planet Earth doing whatever's happening in front of you and it changes everything it liberates you as a form of Liberation to to open your mind that's what it means that they can't imprison your mind right it's such wisdom because we we think it's also important all these little minutia and the middle of nothing yeah I mean you know I'm walking around the house I'm about to meet Michael Singer and talk to him you know it's there's a supernova out there right and like a tablespoon what did you say about a tablespoon I don't know it's yeah yeah it's very it's very these are the teachings right notice they're not about believing something or forcing yourself to be a certain way or you know all any of that kind of stuff this is reality everything we've talked about so far is just a common sense this Common Sense react science agrees everything's reality right so you wake up and instead of trying to work on everything around you to make yourself feel better you work inside yourself to let go of the stuff that's making you feel bad because you can have you have a relationship to to all of that that we talked about to all those stars and all of that that's your relationship to God okay you know your your mind is very expansive and now I have to talk about it more expensive than your mind is your Consciousness you are aware of what your thoughts are doing you are aware of what your heart is feeling you're aware what your body's feeling what is this awareness because that's who you are you've been into the whole time you were there yesterday you were there five years ago the thoughts were different the body looked different the situation was different outside but it's the same you that's experienced it all the essence of all of spirituality and all of Truth is what is that you what is consciousness where did it come from right and what you'll find out if you go deep enough is you're not limited to looking at your mind it's just you happen to be staring at your mind and it's so powerful what's the mind is doing is so poignant and fearful to you that you keep if it's a rattlesnake I would ask people this if you have to have a 20-foot rattlesnake in the room with you do you want it behind you or in front of you everyone says in front right because you're scared of it right that's what your mind is it's like a rattlesnake filled with things that bothered you from before and you stare at it because you're afraid of it and then you try to manipulate things and so on if you realize that your Consciousness is not limited to staring at your mind one way to find that out is as you expand your frame of reference of your mind into you know 300 billion stars go meditate on that okay as you do that your Consciousness expands with it because your conscience is watching your mind do you follow me yes I used to say I'm a child of 60s right and they talk about you know expanded Consciousness right expand your Consciousness no no no stop constricting your Consciousness Consciousness is already expanded it doesn't if your mind starts thinking about all the galaxies the Consciousness has no trouble it doesn't hurt to expand out to that it expands to the area of the room it has you understand you locked it down to this tiny little three by six foot area of the universe which is so small it's ridiculous open up the mind and the Consciousness becomes open and eventually of sometimes I don't know how much time we have eventually if if you really are sincere you'll find out you are not your mind you are watching your mind you're the conscience of watching your mind and yes the Consciousness if the Mind expands Consciousness expands with it and feels Freer has Elbow Room is not locked inside there's a body understand that right and eventually it will catch on I don't have to look at them line Consciousness is the thing of itself it has its own nature its nature is God its nature is is in India they say the nature of Consciousness is such and on the Eternal conscious ecstasy that's the nature of it all right and if you let go Christ said you must die to be reborn you understand that these are all really Christ teachings all right but they are of all the great Traditions so if you stop staring at yourself you find out who's staring okay and that's where when the Bible says Man was created in the image of God that's what it is that your Consciousness is one with the Divine Consciousness it's by Christ said my father and I are one it's really neat that we talk not I don't ever talk religiously anyways but not spiritually and all of a sudden you're saying what Christ said you're saying what Buddha said Buddha merged into Nirvana into the void into the Oneness of all things the creator of everything like it's you can too that's the beauty is you can do all that in prison you do that no matter where you are because you're free inside that's the message isn't it absolutely and I'm just love how expanded you are talking about it I'm I'm with you I'm I'm growing with you as you're as you're expanding into the universe and and I hope our listeners are are feeling that and and Gathering gathering this wisdom but Consciousness you say Consciousness likes to it'll go where the the noisiest where it's noisy it gets distracted exactly yeah it gets distracted by a noise by light by a word by Mind by heart if your heart hurts what a silly place to put your Consciousness if your heart hurts but that's where you put it if it distracts you it distracts you and all of a sudden you're lost in that that's what it becomes really traumatic when you get so lost that you can't talk that you can't interact with the world that's you know real trauma right and that's because why is that happen because the Consciousness got fixated on this one thing and it can't get off it can't take itself off of that yeah you know what I'm saying yes and that's true for me and and my family all of the all of the pain it seems to like overtake us all over that's right and you're distracted by it and then you try to do whatever you can to make it stop and now you're you're lost out there you're suffering you're struggling and we lose all this right we lose that's right you lose reality yes we lose our connection to God and our our Sublime being that's right but by letting go by practicing little by little with the easy stuff first let go let go let go let go all of a sudden because you let go of the lower stuff you'll find yourself in the higher stop because then you're not getting distracted by it you are already the highest and walk the face of the Earth everyone is it doesn't matter what you ever did there's nothing any difference the only reason it makes a difference is you're storing the stuff inside and if you did really really bad stuff now you got to avoid it you're afraid of it and all kinds of junk goes on and so therefore you're fixated on the bad stuff if you can let it go you're free then don't worry about Karma nor with sins or any other kind of stuff all right it's there because you keep it there if you can let it go just okay you have to forgive yourself you did stuff when you were look if you failed fifth grade math but now you have a doctor in a theoretical mathematics I hope they don't still feel bad that you're fail fifth grade math if you learned people ask me that sometimes important to talk about this right I feel guilty I realized what I did I hurt somebody really really bad not to imprison anybody right I hurt somebody and I it was wrong and I know it was wrong it was a long time ago and I just can't get rid of it right I asked him a very simple question all right if the same situation happened again would you do the same thing you know they say no way I would never do that then you grew you learned and that's what you're here for guilt doesn't help you you understand that remember that stuff doesn't help you feeling shame or guilt or so on that just binds you down to lower energies now if you say to me you damn right I would I'd do it again double all right well then let's hope you feel guilty better do something there's something to make you not doing that stuff right but if within yourself you grew through the experience that's what it's here for somebody once told me way back in the 70s Earth is a place where souls are sent to evolve Earth is a place where souls are sent to evolve well you just evolve Mazel Tov wonderful that's great that's wonderful that's what you're here for now don't carry that burden on top of yourself right so that that's how you let go just keep letting go of stuff to the best of your ability and where do you see where you end up yes you're right no matter who we are life is going to put us through the changes we need to go through the question is are we willing to use this Force for our transformation I saw that even very intense situations don't have to leave psychological scars if we're willing to process our changes at a deeper level correct exactly I love that book living in tethered and the third book right the intended soul is the most popular I don't know why but somehow it hit it because it was the first one because it was the first one no it it somehow I think it's because the beginning of that book does a phenomenal job of making you watch your mind and realize you are not your mind and from then once you woke up then it's all fascinating what do I do what do I do now that I woke up it wakes people up I said Oprah said that she sees it wakes people up all right so but basically the second book uh um surrender experiment all right that's like yeah that's an um an action movie watching you you go through your life and a lot but the the company that published the entire soul New Harmony republications right so obviously the New York Times bestseller of The Whole Bowl game right they told me they didn't publish the second book a random house from the second book right uh surrender experiment but the head of sales of new Harbinger says when she gives out my book she gives first a thread experiment to our friends and family and then she gives them the internet of souls right because people can relate business people and so on right yes this book the one you keep reading from I'm very proud of you living in tether is the deepest of all all right it goes way deep it doesn't play around it assumes that you are ready to listen to these deep truths and and guide you through that stuff all right and that's very as a tribute to you that you you took that book that deeply and people read it many times over and over like you said you did right someone told me they read the book 20 times from well from all the books the books techniques for freeing yourself and um I'd love to go through them even though you already did kind of but I'd like to really have the the listeners really have it that there are three things and I'll let you go if you want to write I have the list if you need help no go ask him one at a time so positive thinking that's the first thing all right so we talked about the fact that the problem is that the mind is this is very important if your body gets sick sometimes you don't even know it because there's an immune system an autoimmune system that creates white blood cells and go out there and fights the bacteria and the viruses you don't even know anything's going on right sometimes your temperature goes up a little bit why because hotter temperature kills viruses okay and so your body's doing all this by itself what an amazing thing it is right and it purifies itself to the best of its ability can't always do it but to the best of its ability it's an amazing thing your mind is way more brilliant than your body your body's made a matter of mass your mind's made of theoric Brilliance God okay it has its purification system it doesn't want that stuff you stored in there it wants to be open and explore the universe and feel expansive you understand I don't want this personal garbage a little tiny little person making all this noise right and so it tries to get rid of it that's why it keeps coming up into your mind it's trying to purify the garbage that you stored in your heart that you're stored in there all right so it will tend to be negative people ask me why is the mind so negative because you stored all this crap inside of you and the mind is trying to push it out it wants to be pure right and so it has to pass through you and so it comes up into the thinking mind so positive thinking says okay I'm in here this is Tara there's a mess I don't want all this negativity going on inside my mind and so you start to take charge of your own inner State you sit there you're going to the Great Master you're gonna do in my Guru you're going out of taught every time you have a negative thought replace it with a positive one okay so basically that's what positive thinking is it's saying I don't have to sit in here and listen to all this garbage I have the right to say what I want to say so the mind says oh it's raining I hate the rain right I have the right to say hey I eat because of the rain it makes all the vegetables it makes plants grow and blessed rain is beautiful it's a it's a wonderful purifying thing I love rain I can say that he can't stop me from saying that he may appoint at him not me all right the fact that he wants to be negative from underneath I can be positive from above all right it doesn't mean that underneath my positive he's saying you're lying you know you don't feel that way you know you hate the rain I don't care it doesn't matter I at least neutralize to some degree the negativity by saying something positive over time light dispels Darkness over time the positive will dispel that negativity and you'll start enjoying the rain why because I said so why don't you join the rain because I said so right you're better off are you better off liking something or not liking something here I'm going to give some food right well are you better off if you like it or if you don't like it better off but blue cheese I can't I can't I can't that's okay you're better off if you like something right of course therefore who decided you don't like it you did I did so decide you like it you use affirmation I mean some things you may be allergic to blue cheese or maybe what's the problem right but in general in general regular life unfolding you have the right to say I'm fine I have had people write me from prison telling me I wouldn't be alive today if I'm not if I didn't get put in prison that's how bad the environment I was in this environment as bad as it is is better for me and my spiritual growth than where I was that's really beautiful that someone's willing to say that there now they're using the experience in a positive constructive way nobody said it's not a nice experience and we said that right but you can use it to the best of your ability to grow to to learn to Etc so that's what positive thinking is affirmation positive thinking it's replacing not fighting with the negative thoughts don't fight with them your mind will always win because it's your mind fighting with your mind I'll tell you one thing all the people in prison are not right if you if you want to fight with somebody and you want a knife fight don't let your right arm fight with your left arm that is a non-winter for you okay it's the same thing inside right don't let your mind fight with itself yes you lose you step back and say I'm going to practice positive thinking I don't care if there's negativity in there the positive will overcome the negative it's positive it's more beautiful it carries an eye so that's one of the techniques is it's a game like in a video game right Pac-Man's trying to eat you all the negative thoughts and I mean they're avoiding that and working with it and bringing positive light it's a beautiful technique all right but it's interesting in the book I say it's a starter technique there are deeper techniques than positive thinking but you still use positive things when you need to but eventually you'll be better in there and you'll start to use some of the other techniques what was the second one the next one is Mantra right so like I kind of touched on that before Mantra doesn't have to be you know or some Sanskrit saying all right why Mantra well positive thinking is work it says if it starts being negative I have to be aware enough to start being positive about it okay if you train have you ever had a song get stuck in your mind yes or what you do it just keeps coming back yes what if that song was I love life I love life I can handle this I can handle this and that was going on in the back of your mind all the time and now when something happened it came forward that's what Mantra is right it's it's a it's a friend that you you repeated it so often that your mind got stuck there right yes I can handle this I can handle this I love God whatever the heck it is that's your business what it is right but basically if you do it when you're meditating you say it when you're walking you say it it becomes part of the back of your mind your mind has layers becomes a layer of your mind you'll become your best friend because now something happens and the lower layer of your mind starts complaining and carrying on just you don't have to go down into the mind saying a positive is fall back into of the layer of the mind that's the Mantra I do it all the time right so something happens he starts talking about it right thank God God God or whatever Mantra you have you know just it'll just fall back to that place in your mind that is saying nice things right that's always there for you so positive thinking is about replacing the thoughts in your mind Mantra is about falling back behind them into this place that you built in your higher mind right that is a nice place to live it's a wonderful place to live right what's the next one and the last one is wisdom witness Consciousness relaxing and releasing is what you say which I think is the key here of course it is it's the highest state so one is you're replacing your thoughts with positive ones the other is you built a place in your in a layer of your mind that is nice to all you do is fall back into it you step back into it right then you start realizing when you're able to do that wait a minute who's watching all this who know notice the negativity who's listening to the Mantra and you realize like I said before you are the Consciousness that is aware of the Mind aware of the heart aware of the body where in the world through your senses fall back into that fall back further just relax relax and you'll end up in the seat of Consciousness which is ecstasy it is it's ecstasy it's complete Joy it's complete love it's Beauty right and not only will it carry you it will carry everybody you meet because all of a sudden your energy everything about you is different than the way it used to be and different everybody else everybody else is taking because they're not okay right period there's I need you to be a certain way so I can be okay all of a sudden you're okay you become a giver and it's really beautiful not I'm giving you don't even know you're giving you're just not taking right and if you're not taking you're an anomaly in this world and all of a sudden people are near you they get raised they feel they feel open they feel loved they feel so on it's so those are your stages that you're working your way through and then um we write about compassion at the end of living untethered you say compassion means you understand the root cause of people's behavior people have trouble handling their blocked energies and in most cases they have not been taught how to channel the energies to a higher level there is a higher level of our being and those energies can be raised up you have access to a much higher way to deal with inner energies than to Simply step aside and let them Express correct so we all have this and it's The Wizard of Oz over and over again isn't it that's correct you you are the most beautiful being that walks the face of the Earth I don't care where you are I don't care what you've done I mean that's what compassion is right it's not forgiveness forgiveness means I've judged you you're wrong but I forgive you that's not high enough all right it's I understand I understand I understand how difficult it is I don't care what it is don't even bother telling me what it is right I just understand I understand right and I also understand it does not have to still be in there if it's not in there it won't be guiding your life and ruining your life right so that is what you bring to the table there's just a complete acceptance a complete understanding and then the wisdom to sit there and say you can change it doesn't have to be like that right I don't care Mother Teresa wins the lepers and wants to hang out with levers she loved it and he didn't do it okay I'll serve Christ by serving leverage she did not do that she loved going there okay and you all of a sudden if you let go of yourself and you raise yourself enough you really lies there's something very beautiful in here and that's inside of everybody you know it's funny again most of the people aren't exposed to the Indian teachings and so on but in America we say hello you know what they say in India numbers say hello in India they go like this and say namaste what does that mean it means that which is God within me recognizes and honors the God within you the fact that there's something below that inside me and below that I say to you it ain't getting along very well still understand that me who's in here is the same as you who's in there the Consciousness is the same what we're looking at is different and therefore we don't get along very well you understand that because I want it to be my way you want it to be your way but that's what namaste me they're pretty neat it just means I see you in there I see you in there I recognize your greatness ah well we can stop in a second I'm going to read the very last paragraph of this Exquisite book now you understand why Christ said the kingdom is in within you it is the very essence of your being your Heights are incomprehensible and you are perfectly capable of doing this work your inner states will just keep getting higher and higher as you keep letting go the fact that you are even interested in these teachings means you've changed the world you who do the work of liberating yourself are to be deeply respected it is it is an honor to have had this time with you sir and I will meet you and I love the work you're doing I love the work you're doing it's so beautiful and I have great respect for anyone that would watch this video and be interested in your teachings and these teachings right and willing to work on themselves and realize the only problem I have is me I am my problem I have always been my problem okay so instead of trying to make everything else outside be more comfortable to me right I want anything more comfortable Inside by working on myself and if you work on yourself that's where Namaste comes from all right thank you it's a pleasure to meet you and I feel like I meet all the men and women that you're teaching right I just got to meet all of them all right yes yes and thank you so much bye-bye thank you Michael Singer well not only did that interview go better than I expected it I I mean I feel I feel like I've been with a master and I'm I know I have this talk has deepened my understanding of the work of Michael Singer this talk has helped me grow and I hope it has helped you understand more things about getting out of your mind and getting out of your way and getting into the seat of the Soul um thank you Michael singer for your wisdom and your Genius and your deep understanding of how we can all transform thank you for these road maps that you've given to us and thank you for your time as usual if you like this podcast or YouTube presentation please like And subscribe please share with your friends and if you're so inspired please go to and donate to our cause so we can ex expand this work into all the prisons in the United States and throughout the world thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Compassion In Action
Views: 52,269
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Id: Q9Rn_vNdRTE
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Length: 64min 55sec (3895 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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