Michael Koulianos + Jesus Image Worship | Jesus Houston

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are you guys ready tonight as impartation night anybody ready to receive a touch when the Holy Ghost tonight come on well let's just lift our hands Jesus we love you we love you God Holy Spirit we invite you to come into the room come into the room even right now could we just let's just start pressing in let's just lift our voices let's just begin to sing out it and lift our hearts to him God we come hungry we thank you Jesus that you never left a hungry person unsatisfied when you walked on the earth when you came you never left the thirsty thirsty Lord Jesus so come and meet our hunger tonight fire fall fire of the Holy Spirit fall in this place but your people in Jesus name touch your people and set your servants a fire in this place in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name oh I'm excited are you excited alright let's do this let's bring him a sacrifice of praise a man let's bring him let's bring him a sacrifice right now [Applause] go come on just lift your praise tonight lift your praise tonight come on lift your praise tonight come on come on come on we entered then it's gorge we pray thank him right now thank him right now for his goodness thank you Jesus for your blood come on come on lift up your sounds tonight lift up your sounds and leave yours down come on come on come on come on come on right with everything that you thank you for your polite Jesus the King of Kings the Lord of lords [Music] where the Spirit of the Lord is there is when the Spirit of the Lord [Music] heavy chain is the rope do you Jesus [Music] where the Spirit of the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] come on [Applause] bring away [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it's [Music] [Applause] three to ten [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] where the Spirit of the Lord there is every day there you're gone to turn my boy you turn come on [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] come on come on [Music] so we in Turkey Hey raises our weapon we put off our heaviness the problem good tonight as we worship this [Music] I'm gonna praise come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the palm the praise is a thousand generations are you are worthy and then to you [Music] we live towards heaven singing worthy [Music] hello [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] until okay [Music] give me around the Intel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] worship lifting [Music] we bow down [Music] Wow [Music] to bow down [Music] we bow down [Music] with all of Evan we are singing [Music] Shyne [Music] ah [Music] [Music] for the family we are singing [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on we get to join in with heaven tonight we get to join with the Angels and sing come on come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] let it [Music] let it [Music] [Applause] [Music] let it Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you were [Music] you were you were [Music] you worthy you are how am i worthy you are you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on just look at his face [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Lord we've come tonight to bless you we've come to bless you Jesus long just close your eyes where you are lift your hands to heaven just forget about everything right now just gently begin to love the Lord let it flow from your mouth the scripture says your name our Lord is an ointment poured forth [Music] softly every voice issue [Music] keep singing [Music] welcome you here tonight [Music] lord have come tonight to bless you to lift your name there is no name like your name or there's no other name by which men can be saved there is no other name with the name of Jesus you've been given the name above every name because you died even the death of the Cross so you are worthy tonight of our love of our worship we enter tonight by the blood and we plead the blood tonight I plead the blood tonight thank you for the blood that speaks a better word so that we can approach your throne the throne of grace with boldness as children yet we're aware of your amazing holiness your worth that you are the fairest of ten thousand that you are king of kings and Lord of lords so tonight Jesus bless us bless us with you bless us with your glory and presence that it would feel to fill every square inch of this property that you fill every body here every mind every heart Jesus that you've captivated us with your presence won't and you Marcus tonight oh Jesus don't leave us don't leave us this way don't leave us to our own ways there is a way that seems right to a man the end thereof is death so tonight Jesus we say we love you come on lift your hands to the Lord we love you and we need you when you died you died Lord for us so we pour our love on you right now just begin to bless them come begin to bless you Jesus we need you oh don't look at anyone don't look at me and just begin to worship for all over the room you are worthy of glory and honor and we come tonight with gratitude with Thanksgiving in our hearts thank you Jesus thank you for your love thank you for your wounds thank you for the blood of Jesus thank you for the cross you are high and lifted up Lord thank you for your amazing grace thank you Jesus for saving us for snatching it Lord you are worthy of glory and honor you are this generations only hope you are the hope of the nations it is you and you alone you are the centerpiece of heaven it's you and you alone Lord you are the answer for every issue you're the answer for our hearts your joy unspeakable and full of glory and so tonight Jesus we bless you come on just just let it out it's only Thanksgiving if it comes out it's got to be given it's got to be given thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you for the Holy Spirit that you give in your church the the Holy Spirit the same one you walked with the same one who empowered your ministry you have given to us Lord holy spirit you're welcome here to move and flow and touch and transform like a Mighty River tonight [Music] should be glorified Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] break open every hard hard [Music] every pound might lose them and Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the days of great revival metal God was everywhere we went we were captivated by the God of Israel [Music] Jesus [Music] you and just you justyou so we've come to love you tonight that's why we're here we've come to love you we've come to adore you there is none like You there is none like I draw near draw near and deliver the broken tonight deliver the broken liver the broken Jesus display the power of your covenant here crush the head of the devil [Music] the name of Jesus can you just Minister the lawyer for 30 seconds and we'll see who wants to do so just putting in their blessing just close your eyes Megan duplicity [Music] [Music] it's not by might it's not by power it is by my spirit some of you have given up hope there are issues in your life that lock the power of the Cross and you've given up hope Jesus is coming tonight to give you hope more more could happen in a second in a second and his presence then years of crying out come on every head bowed every eye closed with blessing [Music] my Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on lift your hands to the Lord Jesus this is for you tonight every verse every melody every word preach from you to you three we are helpless without you and we boldly confess it and I think you like that more she loved children so we come tonight as children we know nothing outside of you we're lost without you but yeah we can do it [Music] but you can we can do all three so be glorifies Jesus snap I want you to lift a radical real genuine phrase and seal everything [Music] [Music] are you happy give Jesus praise one more time and then go find [Applause] all right can I have my pulpit fleas or the church's pulpit the Lord's pulpit go find your seats love on some people on the way back come on you like that clown how many of you been blessed this week and I caught myself saying today I don't really need to go tonight the Lord has done so much and to be honest there's no greater theme than I've been the theme the Lord released this week but the amazing thing about Jesus is that he gets better and better every day and that he takes us from glory to glory so I had to show up to see what he do so that he'd blow our minds again has anyone just been so touched inside you feel like you've you just never recover anyone that's the point [Music] [Music] all right a few I want to thank the Needham's once again all of you let's all stand and thank them [Music] love you go [Applause] so many wonderful people serving Jesus for no other reason than because they love him and I want to thank the entire dwelling-place team and staff so if you have volunteered your own staff here at the dwelling place would you please stand if you yeah can we let them know we love them thank you love all of you thank you so much so special with the Lord is doing here and I pray that that the church the dwelling place will be blessed because of what the Lord's been doing here this week I pray that there's a deposit that will never lift and that there'll actually be increased hopefully we've come and served this environment well and maybe the Lord's trying to fix him or hem a breach that's just been too fractured for too long between the local church mass movement at the time we all start working together for the glory of Jesus amen we tried to buy a building a few months back in Orlando near downtown and unfortunately well the Lord has a plan but they didn't take our offer and the reason is is they they've sold their property to developers to build condos and it's almost beautiful acreage how many of you came to descend did anybody come to the sunday night after the sand to Harvin to our star Jesus night it was that property we tried to buy and you know they they actually sold it to developers to build condominiums because they're gonna get more money than they would from a church and I thought I wonder if the man who built that building who paid a price to build that building who walked the tightrope of faith who believed God when nobody believed with him I wonder what he would do or feel if while he was believing God he knew that those who took that building generations later would sell it off for condos and I'm praying that what happens here in this environment that there'd be a sobriety and a a holy vision regarding our stewardship that all of us not just the dwelling place team but all of us are carrying something we did not pay for and we owe the Lord a greater harvest and what we received freely and so I'm really hoping that that there would be such an installation tonight oh really this is from this whole week not just from the meetings but just being together I pray that that the drivers were blessed driving our team around I I don't think the woodlands mall will ever recover from the 200 of you who invaded that place with the goodness of God I remember talking to Bill about reading and he was telling me in tears how they so consistently shared the gospel and the goodness of Jesus in certain areas of reading that the people who needed breakthrough who weren't even believers would show up to the same bench knowing that it was like Tuesday and then one of those wild Bible students would come so non-believers were beating the outreach people to the locations isn't that amazing and bill was telling me in tears that they were so convinced these people of the goodness of the Lord of it they didn't understand Jesus they just knew if they could get close to these people I thought oh wow Lord let that be the case at the woodlands mall I personally don't enjoy malls if I went with the teams I would just call it a missions trip [Laughter] mph Jeremy the sensory overload noise tons of people uncirculated air I leave them all feeling like I went on a 40-day fast I survived that's what I feel like nonetheless I'm glad you went oh wow what a week I am uh you know I watched live Julie sitting next to us jess was right next to in we were just like what about you guys were just watching Lewin he's just he is a message he he he texted me tonight he said Matt please be excused I'm so tired he flew in from a meeting last night came here preached today and then he flies out to another meeting I said Lou enjoyed the bed get some rest but I mean gosh I don't know why you kind of feel like you're walking with an Old Testament prophet of some kind he uh he's just something you know and before the Orlando event he he called us on the phone before the send and we were in faith mode you know we were walking on the water and we didn't know if anyone would show up I don't think that ever leaves you you just wonder okay is people actually gonna come to this so Luke called about a couple months out we had already got in the stadium and he says what are we doing the stadium meeting and I thought yeah you we talked about this a year ago like we're full-swing we've had teams and staff and he's like are we doing it guys we're like yeah like you told us to do it you're the one who got us into all this I'm like what are you talking about like a week second-guessing I said what meeting are you talking about what Stadium he goes to one in Charlotte and I go no we're going Orlando you you know all this he's like no I'm talking about down the road we're going to Charlotte too and I thought wow trying to administrate with that type of vision is his something special it's phenomenal but what an honor to walk with a man like that he's paying a price for all of us true prophet of God and then last night was just beautiful I don't know about you I felt like I went deep deep deep into the heart of God and Miller we were sitting there on the floor you know I'll get into the meeting here in a second I don't wanna preach too long but the presence of Jesus his glory his presence his manifest presence it it requires more stewardship than his power and his gifts so it requires a more meticulous life and value system to carry him wherever you go and when you get into those moments I don't know if you notice but the Lord began to weed out the crowd I don't want y'all to get jealous with one another but I told Miller I said watch this one by one people will go and I'm not this isn't condemnation but this is the way of the Lord I just want to let you know there's no shortcuts to his presence it's one thing I'm learning really walking in first love requires a price it just absolutely does and so one by one row by row people are eating out and I told Miller I said give it a few minutes at some point the bridal heart will be revealed and a remnant will remain in the room and we will hit a wave of God's presence that's gonna touch us deeply and Miller looked at me and he said now we're buying oil the oil of the virgins and you don't you don't want to wait for persecution to come to buy oil you want to buy oil now I believe that virgin parable is is is speaking to the church not not the non-believer and the believer these are people invited to the wedding yet there is a group of people that bridal heart who understands when God comes in the room I everything is done I had nothing else matters this is what I live for and as a leader I want to speak to many of you leaders if you don't demonstrate that the people never will the people around you need to know when the red button is being pressed everything stops for this right here God is here and and that's what changes life so we've been blessed to be in the presence of Jesus and I pray that tonight many of you will be set free and set on fire your hearts would be liberated that sickness would leave your body that many of your minds would be cleared again that you'd get your joy back that Jesus would set you free you'd be filled with the Holy Spirit amen amen lift up praise and just give you that give that your Amen come on lift the praise thank you Jesus do it Lord I love all of you I do want to thank Kurt sellstrom Kurt thank you for putting on this event wave at him Kurt would you do that love you love you Kurt taught me how to catch I'll never forget his advice first this first bit of advice was get in the spirit it's my first crusade with my father laughs okay yes we'll pray in tongues come on let's go so I prayed in tongues when he goes step one never use one hand step two find a partner step three never let him fall I holy smokes and then he kept going and then back my head I'm going I can hit a 2-iron 240 yards and make it move four feet that way I certainly can catch a body and keep it from hitting a little ground how hard could it be and then 400 people in my back was going my hamstring was pulled I thought he was right I need to be in the Holy Spirit it is not by might I need help I wake up the next day like you guys know the story you know I once had a wig get caught on my watch class yeah there's my one of my first events I felt an itch on my wrist I thought there are like 400 cameras and Kurt used to have these like signals like he was like a base running coach he'd do it and the other guys knew exactly what it meant you know when there'd be catcher's crisscross and now I had this wig on me and Mike have one for this what do we do so my father log goes and I'm like they're like 15,000 people there I think I don't know where we were some some arena and he goes I put back on the lady the lady was just some con in the Lord she was like wow she didn't even know so I had handled a wig like for Halloween once or something you know I was like like when I was a kid I was like I think I'd like at a Halloween party in third grade or I was like wow I don't know what you took put it on so I didn't know there was a front and back to it wait so the poor lady was just like so funny and then I it was great so I put the front or the back of the wig on the front of her head so the hairline came down to here and the back went to like here was going like this you know looked like those bikers who race around indoors on the circle with the speed helmets or like the speed skaters that's what her helmet hurt well wig looked like and finally when I put it on wrong my father along goes he wasn't my father at the time I think I was trying to win his approval evidently wasn't working so well so he goes just so we walked her down and she she went back to her seat with this big glory wave on the back of her head is so funny so funny so you guys have it easy trust me I promise you you do one time in Sweden this was my first overseas event with with my father-in-law he's probably watching he actually watches my stories now which is hilarious thinking of him on Instagram is so funny and so he goes he this crowd it was at omens Church they have there was this conference to see it like 10,000 people and he goes just points to the crowd and he goes grab that man and he doesn't even tell me what man haha so I thought about it I'm like well what man so I hesitated and he goes move it so you know I don't know if you've ever how many of you ever been to a call one of Lou's events okay if you ever speak if you're a speaker there you don't know when you're preaching until like the day before and they give you like a 9 o'clock slot I had a 9 o'clock spotted Azusa I took the mic like one and you're told you have 15 minutes and while I'm ministering at Azusa Lou that's what he was referring to today I we were singing a more precious than silver and before I said Lou what do you want me to do he said this is what I want I want mass salvation the whole stadium baptized in the Holy Spirit and miracles and I'm like wow that all yeah so I don't you feel good tonight I just feel the river of God yeah so so I said Lou how much time do I have he goes eight minutes so I looked at Daniel kolenda I go dude that's crazy I can't I'm not like a genie and I said I can't do that because it takes time to worship the Lord and see what he wants to do dad goes I would even be because I wouldn't even try just just preach the gospel that's what I did so mid-song as we're singing more precious and silver I hear the boom boom and I look back and there's Native American drum sets coming on wheels and there's there's a Native Americans that was they were doing a beautiful reconciliation which I guess meant get off the platform to me so Lou as we're singing Lou walks up stands next to me whispers in my ear he says I gotta cut you short like loud in my ear Mike okay and my eyes are closed more shipping Jesus okay goes like now so I left I mean I got other way you know what do you do where am I going I was going somewhere what man what man Oh from Sweden yeah yeah yeah so anyways at Lou's events at Lou's events this is what you this is what happens you you're calming your heart to get ready and then some wild-eyed crazy man who's been on a fast along with Lou who's running the platform goes here you go and then you throw you out there you got this Mike and the only thing you know what I do is scream really you go you're just like you don't know like and even bannings like why do I always scream in these events he's like you're so fired up and you just start screaming you have no clue what you're doing at all so when my father lost said go get that man in the crowd of 10,000 it was kind of like what hit me I'm just like well I just tore off the platform because I don't want to get yelled at again I grabbed the first guy I've had in the crowd I just grabbed him we brought him up there and he prayed for him like I found the right guy this is awesome so jess was actually there and afterwards Jess got mad at her dad because we were dating that she's like dad you yelled at Michael he goes no I did not yell at Michael I yelled at his temple his flesh because he said he said ha ha ha he said the real Michael is a spirit who has a soul he just lives in that body I yelled at his body I thought if that makes you feel better fine you're gonna just roll with that one huh it certainly felt like you yelled at the real meat certainly did people always say I want to do what you do I want I want to be in the ministry like you I'm gonna yeah I don't know that you do I don't know that you do I'm just just begin praying in the spirit would you do that for about 30 seconds praise you Jesus oh come on just lift your voice just begin the minister to the Lord how we love you Lord how we love how we love you Jesus how we love your name how we love your name how we love your name you are beautiful and kind loving perfect in all your ways I sense the presence of the holy spirit already you are perfect in all your ways the Lord has done it it's marvelous in our eyes you've done everything Lord we thank you for all you've done I thank you that you will continue Lord Jesus to magnify your precious name among us in Jesus name Amen same ok as you know thank you David as you know a David David Jessica by the way thank you David he always has different color shoes on [Applause] Jessica kicked this off and I really believe set the God used her to set the course of not only where this where Jesus Houston is going but I believe that an entire generation is called to go right at the face of the Lord Himself and I was given a book by someone and I don't want to it's always risky when you read from a book I have not read the entire book I want to preface it with this and and and I felt like my library at home is pretty vast and I'm I'm a church historian junkie I think it actually helps to understand who God used and what God is doing and well the price paid to step into what we're stepping into which is a worldwide Jesus Movement say Amen if that's the case if we will step into a Jesus Movement that is going to require Jesus is that too simple it's gonna require Jesus himself I want you to say that say Jesus himself say that again Jesus say it again yeah so for too long the thought of Jesus has been limited to the thought of Jesus or we pray and we use this name at the end of the prayer as though it's this holy FedEx postage stamp that somehow takes our prayer to the destination or Jesus has become our way to heaven so Jesus is the bridge but heaven is the goal that is not the case Jesus is not a means or merely the way to our destination he is our destination he is weighed truth and life that means it is impossible to know truth outside of the person so it is quite possibly a theologian and quote the entire Bible and be absolutely deceived and demonically influenced it happened just go up to the Northeast there are theologians so-called theologians who don't believe Jesus is the only way to have him well that's not that's not the Col yet there's a church mama who's on a rocking chair maybe somewhere in Shreveport Louisiana you like that huh Shreveport Louisiana who knows a quarter of the verses that theologian knows up in his leather chair some Ivy League university yet her heart is burning with love and her eyes drip the nature of Jesus so Jesus himself is the point he is the goal he is not a delivery man he is prayer itself and you you know you're praying when he alone becomes your prayer where you find the place with the Lord where your whole being is pining for him now is that to say that he will not use what you need to get you there no he'll do that that was my journey I got tired of burying sick people and calling it God's sovereignty it's really easy to do that you know there came a place in church history where if you studied the history of the church and I was raised a Greek Orthodox so the church issue was huge to us and the life and writings of the fathers were a big deal to us I had much family that's clergy still is priests and had one my one cousin was the Archbishop of North and South America another was Bishop of Hong Kong in Asia so I understand Orthodox theology very well I was raised in it and there was a time in church history where some of the followers of the church noticed that when people would come out of the waters of baptism they stopped speaking in the spirit and instead of wondering why what gives what have we institutionalized that was meant to be wild they just said God's done doing that which is a which is a much easier path it requires much less sacrifice you just say I guess he's done but it's tough to believe that way if you read the Bible if the glory of the latter house is greater than the former why would God send the Holy Spirit if he's done all the spirit as a person he's also the spirit of Jesus that's what the scripture calls him spirit of Jesus that being said if God was going to be done why would he send us the same person in power that Jesus walked with and was filled with so Jesus himself is the point and the Scriptures call this Jesus in the midst if you ever came to Jesus school you would find that we refuse to change the subject we won't do it people say what's the name of your events Jesus what else nothing you mean you're not about like soul winning oh no we are we win souls because we're in love you're not about healing no we are we've met the healer he's awesome it's phenomenal but what's your lane him what's your specialty him well that's just for you that's your calling I thought we're all married I thought we're all married if I'm married I should be in love Jesus said it's from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so if he's in my heart he should come out of my mouth I don't get it I don't get a lot of stuff I have the joy of traveling in them I've had to honestly present this perspective and frustration to covenant friends and say tell me if I'm wrong which I would I would advise all of you to do find people when you're burning and a bit frustrated and and and don't trust yourself when you're low frustrated you have to know when not to trust you because you don't want the Holy Spirit to think that you'll use that pulpit to be passively aggressive in her people if you can't meet with someone in private don't talk to them indirectly from the pulpit it's really lame in a week it's just a week way to live so I bring my when I start burning this way I have to go I think it's God I think it could be and I asked my friends our fathers in the face and recently something that's been getting under my skin is the lack of the declaration of the name of Jesus it bothers me it bothers me because because of his grace I'm addicted to him and I I certainly don't deserve that there was a time when I was not there was a time when I wanted a move of God and not the Lord Himself not realizing that he is a move he is on the move like bill says I love revival but I've got one in about a three-foot diameter non-stop I'm living there not to say we need more I want God to come and live among his people in a greater way than he lived among Israel in the Old Covenant we are no better covenant I'm burning for this but something that's begun to bother me sour focus on the peripheral our focus on these issues and we're leaving out his name and we're calling it the gospel it is not the gospel let me make this oh come on can I can I be a family let me make this really clear if you leave Jesus out of it it was not the gospel if you leave the cross out of it it was not the gospel if you leave the fact that Jesus died and shed his blood it was not the gospel if you leave the resurrection out of it it was not the gospel it is a problem if we lined up 10 leaders and we got 10 versions of the gospel that's an issue that's an issue and there are people who'd be given platforms because they know how to build social media who haven't built history with God and they say things about the Lord and the scary part is what generation is after Millennials because it does e or something okay all these letters well there's an actual generation program to believe more followers equals more anointing that is not the case it's not the case you're telling me some fashion bloggers more anointed than Heidi Baker to talk about Jesus I'm saying somebody who's never left their leather chair is more qualified to talk about Christology and what it means to lay your life down then Heidi who's planted thousands of churches and given her life and have has faced martyrdom multiple times if not weekly so there's a generation program to go this is what it means to be anointed it means fame fame does not equate to anointing let me also say this gifting does not equate to Authority does not equate to authority Authority is found in the depths of secrecy you build a history with the Lord and you pass tests when no one is watching you go through things that try to kill you and when they don't kill you you gain authority over them that's the way it works so there's Jesus now is like he's either a catchy phrase or he's often left out of gospel presentation and teaching because he's just a little much he's a ma he isn't he's much he is much Jesus dying on the cross is a full-blown stumbling block the call to follow Jesus hear me out is a call to deny yourself follow him and come and die that's why we wear a cross on our back oh I want to be me but I can't be me because we're on Facebook this thing is not like a fashion show the Christians uniform is a cross on their back if you want to get in line and follow him and requires a uniform it's a cross on your back and that cross says I have relinquished my rights I am a walking dead man and because of that fire will fall on this cross that is on my back see the fire is drawn to the blood not to your gift set when you put that cross on your back like Simon of Cyrene you're signing up for fire you're identifying with the Lord you're identifying with who he is so I'm I'm in a very hard I feel like I'm in a safe place I've given this to many people and they're all like bro you've got to let it fly we need this it bothers me when people don't say his name deeply bothers me because he died he died for us he died for the world and so what we do is we we take what he does and we turn it into a movement and forget him that's what we do I'm have even following our ministry I don't know for three years or more okay how many of you would say we love the manifest presence of Jesus okay that there's a phrase for that a term in the Bible it's called the glory of God but the Apostolic message is not the glory the apostolic message is this is Jesus Christ son of God you say well what's the difference he is I know he is the glory but he has a name and lovers are jealous for his name listen to me listen closely does Jesus heal the sick yes can you build a movement on healing yes but I'll tell you this you build a movement on the healer and it will outlive a movement based on healing every time what some people build topically God is trying to raise up and erect a people who will build on him so for instance you say I'm a word girl that's wonderful I believe this book is inspir fect I want to say that so I don't have the right to create my own Jesus I don't get to go I love Jesus I just have an issue with the Bible nobody you have an issue with Jesus do you have an issue with Jesus he's the word and the there's only one Jesus it saves it's the Jesus that this holy book reveals so you don't get to go now like the Jesus of Matthew but the one of who the one of Revelation Jesus no well I like the one who you know the one who puts kids on his knee he's great yeah he's phenomenal the one who pets the children multiplies food he's fun he's great but that one I'd follow I don't like the one who turns over tables I love that one I love that side of him I think he's fantastic haven't you ever wanted to do that someone's trying to sell the gospel don't you ever want to take a table and throw it through the wall sure you like what no we need that zeal again that's but that sanctified zeal presents it humbly and that sanctified zeal it's it comes through the filter of humility that says I can't speak out against this if my heart's not broken because then I step into hypocracy I promise you if you teach something authentically you are signing up for it if you say something in the name of the Lord authentically you just signed up for that test guaranteed I promise you I trust me when I was rating when I was writing the Jesus book I was writing the chapter on the sufferer and I was just so moved by Jesus and fellowship with his sufferings that Philippians 3 talks about remember Paul at the end of his ministry is going there's only one thing I want now I want to know him this isn't that amazing I've Christianized much of Europe and Asia Minor I've been shipwrecked I've been beaten I've raised the dead I put a guy to sleep he died fell out of the window Paul talked a long time he failed to read a church growth book he put people to sleep with his sermons he went down a few stories raised the guy and made the guy go back in this Bible study a ball did some amazing stuff shook a serpent off his hand he raised the dead and then he trained his disciples to raise the dead so they raised him most theologians think when he laid there as dead after he was stoned his disciples oh we don't to do let's do what he taught us to do but we'll do it to him bawls phenomenal writes over half the New Testament what a mighty man of God but at the end of all that accomplishment he goes you know that's really one thing I want now I want to know him I want to know him in the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his sufferings what does that mean I want to know the a and Z of God I want to know the God who is just magnificently powerful this line of Judah who walks through the Sea of Galilee who the crowds follow but there's something beautifully amazing about the Jesus who nobody wants who was carrying a cross who's been forsaken and he's walking all alone and only the women stay there and follow him with John that Jesus is beautiful too so Paul was addicted so I fell in love with that side of the Lord the wounded heart of God the man of sorrows who still grieves today over nations that don't want him over the sick because nobody will go because they're fearful Jesus is not look he is not some robot up there he's married to his people so when they are suffering he feels it he's a faithful bridegroom iiiiii in my heart purposed to discover that side of Jesus as I could not deny that it was in the Bible but as I was writing that chapter called suffer the Lord said you write it you'll have to live it and I took a step back I was typing on my computer there in my my aunt our Gees condo she's gone on to be with Jesus now and I was typing and the Lord spoke to me you write it you're inviting yourself into it and I thought I need to count the cost here took a few minutes at prayed I said oh no that I'm ready I know this is truth okay I'll write it I read it publish the book thought maybe God forgot about our little deal our covenant but if we're gonna be authentic we cannot declare what we don't live and you can't have authority unless you walk through it you can have a little bit I should say so I wrote it a few months later all hell broke loose and I thought that if I just prayed more and walked with Jesus that that would keep suffering from coming it just intensifies it a broken heart is a rite of passage battle scars are rite-of-passage persecution is a rite of passage misunderstanding is a rite of passage doing something in it in people questioning your motives these are rites of passage when Jesus went to heal all of the sick in Nazareth and they rejected him how do you think he felt about leaving his hometown with all of the sick remaining and he came in to bless them those that he grew up with his heart was broken he was misunderstood this is just Joseph's son and Mary's son we don't want him he was misunderstood they judged him all that to say what you release you will have to walk into if you yield listen closely to me if you don't your parenting somebody else's message you're not a voice you're gonna echo at that point if it's not flowing from authentic devotion it's not yours a ministry sent a couple guys to our one of our Jesus Knights to examine it we did not much to examine there's no secret recipe we did not do like this computer marketing radius search and we didn't do any of them did I don't I don't know who lives around our place I mean I there are great people but we don't have all these studies done and we don't know the age the ages of the groups that comes I don't have percentages for you we don't tailor our worship to the age groups we don't we don't know what we're doing we worship the Lord so they come in they're like we want to see what's happening here and so one of them told our staff this is just hype this is just excitement and because I guess they started up a meeting in which we bless we want more meetings in Orlando I pray there's a million Holy Spirit meetings in our city we need it but one of them said this thing will this will be gone in a few months it's just this is just excitement in just a few weeks we'll have more people than they do and I thought to myself how sad you think that way but to you it's about the people it's not about the people when we sing for an hour and a half and you hear people go you sang so long that's hard on that I know but we weren't singing to you this has nothing to do with you doesn't even do with you I just think I'm like I know I know that was a long time it's super long but we the song state they weren't written to you you're not Yeshua like you don't I love you but you're not even in the equation like because I can't fix you he can so my value system is if can I get him here so that he can bless you I don't have all of these answers I in the natural how can I get a tumor out of your body I cannot I am NOT a healer he is the healer but I found that he loves to be adored so so we bless Jesus and he comes and stuff happens there like and what else nothing you preach the gossip oh yeah super clear when I know he's there and he's manifesting I step in Chris and Amanda will tell you we preach the gospel every Sunday night the same gospel it doesn't change you know why we don't change it because there's one how can you change it if it's one you can't change the gospel if there's one new your board tonight okay okay okay so I went on a television show this guy had a precious man he had a church of about 15,000 he was interviewing me oh no no he was the guest after me and he goes ah son I was so nervous to be honest because this was around the world and I was really freaked out I just started I think of what do you talk about I mean I only had one subject and I was like oh man I go out Jesus he goes what else I don't have anything else I really don't like I don't I don't have anything else pastor I'm gonna talk about Jesus he goes we've got to fill 26 minutes and I'm like oh I'm like I go you gave me the mic I'll go for 26 hours he's phenomenal what do you mean so I'll never forget he he got all nervous he got so nervous and he said he said uh you how are you gonna fill 26 minutes just talking about Jesus and you know how shocking that was because I've been locked away for like two years in secret all along with Jesus my Bible and a couple books like mild for him and I had read good morning Holy Spirit again and experiencing the depths of Jesus and all these wonderful books by the Church Fathers and I learned that all they talked about was him just him and I was not trying to be a smart aleck but I literally had no other subject I couldn't tell you how to start another like Kingdom beauty shop I which is fine if that's what you do if you have a beauty shop preach Jesus there I don't even know what the seven mountains are there's mean they're just all Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus do I believe in a mall but I think the same remedy takes every mountain Paul went to Caesar preach the gospel Jesus Paul went to Felix well he says I that the Bible says he preached the gospel everyone Caesars household when he went to Felix the Bible says he stood there regally and just declared Jesus when he raised the dead he declared Jesus he preached Jesus and Ephesus he preached Jesus clearly in Athens he preached Jesus everywhere he went why he was addicted he was addicted you see Jesus wasn't a supplement he was not an addition he was everything he was everything so this is what's been stirring in me we talked about prophecy more than him we talked about the glory like it's separate from him but the glory didn't die on the cross Jesus died on the cross you start leaving his name out now you put a scalpel to him and now you start playing with it like it's some substance and you can't have relationship unless it's a person you cannot have a relationship with the substance imagine if imagine if Peter James and John as the food was multiplying in their hand that's actually what happened if she read the text if abs as the food is multiplying somebody said I mean could you imagine them going oh my gosh this food is multiplying hey hey John here's what we're into let's start a movement I'll start a movement ministry it's good 501c3 quick quick quick call the CPA let's start a 501c3 to teach people how to multiply fish oh I wish I could do that when I'm fishing but they're not in other words let me keep going could you imagine them going I know what we'll do let's start a movement teach us how to multiply food or how about when Jesus walked on water and Peter joined him did Peter go start a water walking ministry a movement can I keep going did any of them write books focusing on angels now hold on don't misunderstand me don't you dare do it I am glad I am glad that God sends angels our way I had been assisted by angels on the road when I really needed them in dangerous places and without doubt but I've learned something if you fall in love with the one whom the angels ascend and descend on you will never have an angel deficiency but the opposite aaalac message is not these are the angels it's this as Jesus and so Paul literally has to write an entire book called Colossians to reposition the church in that city to focus on him and that's why the writers of Hebrews says this has it ever been said of an angel no there's one who this has been said of Jesus Christ so Paul begins to write to the church in the book of Colossians and he says look in him all things consist in Jesus the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily the message of the church the addiction of the church listen is not the supernatural but Jesus is so supernatural you get close with him you are signing up for perplexity he will stretch you challenge you your home will become like heaven oh absolutely absolutely no doubt but we are not called to preach some ethereal supernatural concept or teach people how to hear God and get phone numbers and leave the name of Jesus he'll listen to me we've to be jealous for him again your spiritual ears need to be on a swivel I didn't hear his name so it can't be Christian you should think that way too much well it's the last night and I've been bubbling you say this about first love this is what first love sounds like first love goes no no he's too beautiful to look away from he's too beautiful I'm not in to look once one person said hey can I come on our TV show send us your book I said great I sent him the book they wrote back the Jesus book they said not not supernatural enough I said huh the Lord Himself what I go I'm scratching my head I'm like and I had just gotten started in the ministry they're like well we don't want beginners that's what they said beginners don't really watch our show and I thought oh so the Lord is the doormat in front of the front door and somehow you open the front door and move on to the deep stuff and in my heart I thought I've just wrote 16 chapters on the one whom heaven adores I don't have a story about a green Martian flew through the third portal and some dimension of heaven blowing a shofar gold dust over my face I'm sorry that's never happened to me but I met him I met him he raised me up he took me out of a pit he took me out of a dark den of destruction he set me free he broke chains off of me He healed my body He healed me of an incurable disease he fell on me in fire and in power he fell on him he touched me he raised me up he took my weakness and made it a strength and he's alive I said that that did happen to me that did happen to me I'm sure he that's not good enough for you but it's good enough for the father sit down you see it requires Christ to be Christian my god this is elementary all right I'm gonna be honestly I'm not interested in any prophet talking to me if he doesn't mention his name I'm not interested in I just I don't care I don't I don't care if you can tell me everything about me if it doesn't magnify Jesus it is not the spirit of prophecy I don't care I would rather have a relationship with the bridegroom than have you as my personal profit are you hearing the bride is addicted to him his name is not a sight issue you know what his name means the Lord who saves Jesus it within its name all the power of heaven resides yahushua that is the name of Jesus the Lord who saves this thing is about him I some somebody challenged me they said up juju don't preach the cross I said really man try him try my best if you didn't say the cross enough and I'm thinking I know but you didn't say Jesus you say if you preach across with an O Christ you preached religion you preach death but here's the deal you can't kill you and if you breach Jesus who has not been crucified you're preaching like New Age of I don't know success moral excitement stuff that's not the gospel Paul said you know what this is what I've been whittled down to I know nothing except Jesus and him crucified so bro I'm into the one-ders me too but I'm into Jesus who is the greatest wonder Jesus giver I said this last Sunday night I heard people talk about the throne room and they don't mention him and I'm thinking what throne room did you go into what throne room I'm into the one who sits on that throne you talk tell me about the room I I want to look at him the one who has eyes at Flickr with fiery love she's part of like even can I just keep going you can't even make prayer an idol I should say you can but he doesn't want you to [Music] say I'm about prayer oh I'm about Jesus everything's being like cut away even that which is good can you hear it in the spirit can you feel it can you see what God is blessing can you see who he's giving voices to now why these stadiums are filling again what what is HAP can can the church see it can you see who he's entrusting the masses to different gifts s yes but one common denominator they are obsessed with the man Christ Jesus that's what the man why would God give us a microphone if we don't talk about the one that he talks about the Father has one message this is my son how many worship leaders here a lot of you look at this God's raising up a new Levite a new Levitical heart who's not just comfortable with the harp or the guitar with the short on their side they're there they're discovering oh the Levites also have a sword what do we do with it we destroy the idol of mixture listen to me if people tell you what that song won't sell so I didn't write it to make money the church won't sing it I didn't write it for the church Church didn't give it to me I wrote it for Jesus now we know exactly how long the song needs to be the labels know exactly how long the song needs to be how long does God want the song to be they think for a long time up there yeah what if I told you everything about Jess but never told you her name what have I never talked about her what if our students never heard me talk to Jess never saw me around her they at some point go does he love her or not soul-winners you can't win them and Jesus isn't just a little piece of your salvation appeal he is salvation itself Simeon grabs that little baby Jesus fasting and praying living in the presence of God he looks down at a person and says Lord I can go home now my eyes have seen your salvation let me say that again he's looking at a person and he says mine eyes have seen your salvation therefore salvation is not system salvation is not method salvation is not the prayer you pray unless you're talking to him isn't it wild that you can go and talk about the Spirit of God you can talk about a higher power you can even talk about your Father in heaven and you're pretty safe you mentioned Jesus now you've got you got an issue to deal with let me tell you something no praying is gonna cause that issue to go away for he himself is the stumbling block and God has made it so you say that makes it challenging that challenge will never leave Jesus is not basic training on to a greater dimension of SEAL Team six some supernatural experience he is it he's it you say what do I do fall in love with him how get with him get with him how do I do that go in your room close the door well nobody's in there teach me oh he will oh he'll teach you because that's what he wants more than anything well God's not raising up professional speakers I'm all about being able to communicate but there's a higher dimension it's your being communicating you're dripping this this this person you're dripping Jesus wherever you go he's just like radiating out of you man people cut you open they just see a big Jesus sign flashing and this guy's got one thing this woman has one thing to talk about what that's the one thing well it's that simple but it's not easy it's that simple Adam did not eat from the tree of pornography he didn't eat from the tree of perversion he didn't eat from the tree of drug abuse he just ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in other words he chose to know things outside of Christ the church has not been called to be merely more moral and void of presence so our commission is not go and teach people how to just do better and leave Jesus out the moment Eve turned her attention from the Tree of Life and had a conversation God never told her to have death began this thing is about him the cross is about him he makes the cross beautiful Jesus right there there were millions of crosses prior to his death and millions after what is so magnificent about that cross on Calvary between two thief's what Jesus Jesus makes the cross beautiful how about the tomb all 15 in Israel I'll be tour guide argues about it all the toria's well this is the real in this room what forget about that what makes the tomb so beautiful that Jesus lay there that his body lay there but the body his father prepared for him lay there that's what makes it so beautiful what makes Galilee so beautiful anyone been to Galilee its butyl is just gorgeous but what touches your heart when you're there oh man his feet touched this spot I walked on some stones on the walkway and I think then and my father-in-law goes Mike Jesus walk there I go ah what started crying I can't I can't go on to the ice-cream stand like are you joking like literally you watch people they're like oh yeah the tour guides are up Jesus Jesus Jesus walked on that stone like cool oh there's our harvest and we get some mud masks from the Dead Sea and I'm going what is what wait what do you mean what do you mean you need more humus Jesus stood Jesus the Christ the Ancient of Days the Alpha and Omega bright and morning star the one who put on a body and is God and man and is still God and he stood there the one who bled and died yeah I don't care about the ice-cream man Jesus was right here what he makes everything beautiful you picture him there the Galilee is eight miles wide the Sea of Galilee eight miles wide at its widest point and you read the scriptures and you say that Jesus was up praying for his disciples he was there with the Lord and the Bible says he saw them struggling in the weather but here's the problem is that they were in the middle of the sea well you don't need to be a genius to figure out that in the middle of an eight-mile-wide asteroid to look for miles in the natural and we're worried about being supernatural just fall in love with Jesus he's so supernatural he's watching them from four miles away knows exactly what's happening with what gosh come on so Jesus is there watch and then the Bible says he just comes walking on the water for miles and I'm on this tour boat and people are singing as the deer and they're shooting fireworks up and I'm going dude what's wrong with you the Christ walked off this water I wanted to take it and splash it in my face and jump in I'm like oh my gosh like doing Ken I didn't know how like wait is your heart alive you say well Michael it just for you because of the ministry God gave you no no before there was ever a ministry Jesse will tell you I was a rabid addicted just wild man in my room and I put my communion elements out like a night before and I would and I write on my calendar Tuesday with Jesus oh it felt like I was going to Augusta National but way better and I was just like Oh to tomorrow I get to be with the Lord put my elements out my Bible IVs ready go in there shut the door have no clue what I was doing but my heart was screaming that I got to be with the one that my soul fell in love with he's the one he's the one there's something about his name do you understand that his name changes everything and and the church is leaving his name out in place of like this teaching and they're calling it Kingdom but there's no king in the verbage so they've taken King out of the kingdom and it's just dumb and it's just it's not there it's you can't do it that way and you can't it's his name you understand so Jesus said you're ashamed of me if you're ashamed of me my father will be ashamed of you if you declare me before men you will be declared by the father do you understand the scene these are teachings that need to come back to the church who Jesus is the fact that there is a judgment that we will stand before the Lord trust me you don't I don't look may the Holy Spirit just shake you up today shake you up to the reality that we will stand before throne this is not judgment this is real there is no praying there's no Papa Daddy good in this confession that can get you out of you will stand before the throne one day and give an account of all all you've done in the body and you will wish on that day that you have been faithful to that name if somebody asks you what is divine what is God this would be your answer Jesus Christ son of the Living God case closed what else Jesus Christ Son of the Living God why there's something about his name it's a name of demarcation the the pronouncement of his name causes this fidelity this fire just to rise up within you this is the heart of the bride there will be no miracle lack it in your life they will not he will increase I've seen more miracles than I ever thought I would see but when I went after those and those alone I was so discouraged because I wasn't seeing anything happen and people were dying then I fell in love and the Lord started doing it but you know what it doesn't matter of course I want people healed but I didn't fall in love with him so that he deal people I fell in love with him because he's wounded and died and gloves me when I'd want to nothing to do with him and that he's there every day every day he's there he's so near so wonderful so faithful every morning I want to be with you every morning even when I'm groggy he has never missed a morning he's just like hey let's go Lord you're here again yeah yeah yeah I'm right here that's what I said I'll never leave you nor forsake you even the end of the age I'm right here do you want to be with me you see everything changed when I replaced the word prayer with being with Jesus because prayer to become a mechanism but now of a sudden I begin to walk in that prayer room oh all giddy I'll never forget when sister Rebecca said Jesus when Michael comes back to pray wait for him be here to meet him I thought I couldn't wait to get back I walked back to the sisterhood in the prayer garden and I was like a little kid he's gonna be there he's gonna be there now and I opened my Bible where's my Bible Oh thought John stole my Bible when I open my Bible I'm not I don't open it and go I need to load up my arsenal to prove someone wrong what a waste of time what a tragedy the Holy Scriptures the Word of God people died to preserve that I've seen Bibles that were defended in the Dark Ages I've held them that had the blood of monks who protected the holy texts the actual blood on them they died laying over the text what is shame to open the text to attack and divide the church or to prove your mom wrong who has a different theology don't go to the scriptures for any other reason than this Jesus you said this this is what you said you said from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks Lord that means that is true with you this is your heart on paper this is perfect written by the Holy Spirit himself show me Jesus here Holy Spirit so that I can fall in love again this morning and so jesus said these scriptures they they speak of me so you open the Bible it's like you're opening the very heart of God if you're not checking off your devotional responsibility because devotions don't save only Jesus Saves devotions don't warm the heart and you start reading you're in love and every word every comma jesus said now not one jot or tittle would pass away all having a nurse would pass away my word will never pass away not even one jot or tittle everything means something to you in that place even the way he's speaking how he said it who he said it to the way the order he said it in now you're in love and as I say all the time you you're crying reading the genealogies you don't know why and someone's like oh you get him now no I don't get the genealogies yet but I'm in love he's amazing I can't shake him I can't shake him I find him even in the people that don't like me I can't shake him he doesn't give me a way out there's there's no wiggle room there's no back door I can't can't get out of this thing with him he's just always there someone doesn't like me they're persecuting me I want him to be mad at them and Jesus says pray for those who persecute you he's drawers of sin on every front I'm sick I have to go to him he's my great physician by His stripes I am healed I'm lonely he's my shepherd when I'm lonely I could turn him up I'm depressed he's the glory and the lifter of my head I can't shake him I cannot shake him I go to church and I find that he is the life of the church I go to the mall and all of a sudden I just want to shake Jesus and his presence and all this church stuff and now I'm looking at people that aren't his and it's not me versus them all of the sudden it's I'm in love with them because he loves them I can't even shake him at the mall Sun comes up and I'm reminded that he's been raised from the dead I look at the blue sky I realized that Tabernacle was blue in many parts because he's the heavenly man who's come down to live among his people and dwell Sun comes up in the morning Sun Goes Down remind me of his death you can't shake the Lord fresh breeze blows you reminded blown north wind blows south wind there's a new move of the Holy Spirit coming oh I know it only sudden you just you just you're addicted you are gone you are just you are caught you you have been ruined you have been ruined you go out in the yard to throw your football with your son you find the presence of God in that you start thinking about your father who loves you and you're amazed that God would give you children and now all the sudden you discover the you look at your wife you watch her sleep and your heart is burning you're thanking God Jesus thank you for this precious wife and you realize ah if I love her that way how much do you love me there's no way away from me every tree reminds you of Calvary every flower reminds you to worship everytime the leaves change colors you reminded that it's the wind of the Spirit that changes the seasons in our life and even when the tree is dead sap is flowing right through it when you feel like everyone's left you there's a life within there's a fountain that never moves of sweetness that nobody can take from you if your ministry dissolves there's a fountain of SAP of nectar within there's a vine there's life to drink from he's amazing he's absolutely amazing he used to preach about it now he preaches through you you were begging your husband to get born again beating him over the face with tracks making him watch Christian TV he thinks you're crazy you're blowing shofars in his face he should he come on come on you got prayer cloths shofars all this stuff of course you're freaking him out of course you are he doesn't want to do that you don't want to do that and then you read Peters Peters epistle he said hey wives your unbelieving husbands this what you need to do just serve them and love them then you find you find that a home-cooked meal works better than your shofar you set the alarm on your TV Christian TV think the poor man you're driving him crazy that's the issue just get him some meat loaf pray over it pray over it I'm telling you this is amazing Jesus is amazing he's phenomenal and then people have a different gifting than you and used to think either off oh no maybe they just carry a difference out of you you can't shake him whether you're on outreach or mission or laying in bed and he storms your dream life then you have a dream and that keeps you up all night so you want to rest and then he says hey can we be together like 5:00 a.m. uh-huh you say Lord don't you care are you doing don't you care that I'm tired and he says oh I just been waiting for you all night this is the Lord this is the Lord he's who he sing - there was no other message you say I like faith he's the spirit of faith there's no other message that days gone let me declare it loudly that day is gone all these streams are colliding into this one massive river under the banner of Jesus himself and you know what that's you know what that's you know what that is communicating to heaven maren Mantha it's the hearts of the church going oh it was about faith 20 years ago and then it was about the river and then it was about revival Jesus is a full-blown revival guys listen to me he is revival and then it was about the gifts totally totally God did all that but in this last hour God is going it's not now it's about Jesus now it's about Jesus now it's about Jesus now it's about Jesus now it's about Jesus all the sudden our hearts are beating in unison Jesus Jesus Jesus and this is what the bridegroom hears come Lord Jesus come come come so their hearts are communicating that corporately privately so the bride's heart is going I don't want to walk in church if you're not there rather stay home flowchart Oh shred it maybe pastor like that makes me nervous good good how do you know what the Lord is going to do I don't get that one huh how do you know and then how is he supposed to fit your construct Jesus is not on our payroll move here don't live there okay this is Jesus time this is us time this is Jesus time this is visitor time this is balance time have a seat on this one Lord take the field here you have from 1044 to 1058 we'll do the rest what he's a living moving River Jesus said of the Holy Spirit you don't know where he's coming from or where he's going you can't see him but you know you see his effect you see the effects of the wind this is the one we love it's all about him the whole thing is about him listen to me don't stop praying until he becomes more real to you than you don't stop reading until your heart be holds him don't stop singing until you forget you are and when you forget you are at last year worshiping it takes time I know there's a way Thanksgiving praise worship but don't stop so shy make it all about him what is success him him if somebody says oh what should I do about my child you should say you need to fall number Jesus they're like well pastor what else fall number of Jesus pastor we thinks gonna happen America I don't know but fall in love with Jesus you can't go wrong how are we gonna handle coming persecution will it come probably it most likely will how are we gonna handle that by oil now store it up store it up find first love so that if somebody goes you stop speaking in that name you look when you go I can't obey you rather than God I'm married I can't cheat on it I can't I can't cheat on him for you somebody came to me once they're like hey we think you have potential you're you're you're a decent speaker and I thought wow and they go here's what I like to do like to book you and I'll book you around the world and I'll keep a small percentage I'm like of what they're like you're honorarium I wanted to throw up I thought you're gonna book me huh am I like a Backstreet Boy like what do you mean I don't understand I don't I don't I don't get what do you talk you're gonna book me to do what backflips I thought God sends us I thought we've given ourselves over and I said no no I'm good I don't this is what I said I I said in my heart I don't want to die with that legacy when my children and their children go to my tombstone I just wanted to say one thing Jesus Michael colleano's Jesus I don't want some thumbprint of human ambition and flesh and I don't want that I want my story to be oh he was in love and Jesus did the rest that's all I want I don't want that we're not in this for we're not building careers I think if that's the case just I'm just saying go do something else but well that's not who we are that's not who we are we've we died we died and we we're walking as Paul said we were led to the slaughter daily you like dude this was not on the website [Laughter] this is not what we signed up for this was not what we signed up for this is what Jesus signed up for this is what he said as the father sends me sent me so I send you how has he sent nevertheless not my will but thine be done father Jesus said I don't say anything I don't hear him say I don't do anything I don't hear him do people say if Jesus still heals today then look at the Pool of Bethesda or they say they say something like this if Jesus still heals today then go in and just clear out a hospital just go in and if you have some gift and I've never I have never claimed to have some gift they're his gifts they are the gifts of the Spirit of the Spirit not of the preacher they are his gifts so we don't just take them and use them like toys this would be why don't you why don't you just do that I only do what I see the father do that's the whole point of Bethesda the whole point of Bethesda is not that God only likes to barely heal the whole point of Bethesda is he loves to heal and Jesus only did what he saw the father do this is a radical message I know it's radical and I've got I've got I might be good news I don't know for some may be bad news for others it's not going away because if I if we screw it up he's just gonna raise up a hundred others it's just all that's gonna happen because he this is the message for the hour it's the only message we have it's the only message you should have if your grandchild goes I'm depressed you should go I want to tell you about Jesus he's so beautiful and he loves you when you go to somebody's bedside who's dying you have to give them the Lord I walked into a girl who had leukemia her room I didn't know her from Adam but Jesse sent me when Jesse sends me somewhere I obey I walked in I didn't know from Adam I felt the zeal of God come over me I said you're not gonna die you will not die she said really I said you're not gonna die her husband sat up he'd been sleeping in there hadn't showered for days she was in the middle of bone marrow transplant I said Jesus loves you Jesus died for you Jesus shed his blood for you gave his back for you by His stripes your heel I had nothing else to say what was I gonna give her she's around today she's around today he is just just in the Florida Keys - just in the Florida Keys diving for lobster that sounds great right now Soph he is looking for faithful love faithful love listen focus love focused faithful unchanging love as I said I'd read this to you an hour and a half ago I want you to read this I want you listen this just a little more David just barely a little more listen it says the most that's too much listen this the most excellent subject to talk about or write is Jesus Christ Augustine having read Cicero's works commended them for their eloquence listen but he passed this sentence upon his work this is what he said they are not sweet however they are eloquent they are not sweet because the name of Jesus is not in them do you hear that they're good they're just not sweet because Jesus knowing them listen if you write if you write it does not touch me unless I read of Jesus there if you argue if you debate it does not touch me unless Jesus is sounded there indeed all we say is but unsavory if it be not seasoned with this salt for Paul said I determined to know nothing among you but Christ and him crucified Jesus Christ in him crucified Paul resolved with himself before he preached among the Corinthians that this should be the only point of knowledge that he would profess himself to have skill in listen to this and then in the discourse of his ministry he would labor to bring them to this that the breadth and length and depth and height of this knowledge the doubtless said he icon all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus some of us have gotten too smart for our own love father just give just just lift your hands to heaven just very gently lift your hands to heaven father you're calling your people again yet you're you're jealous for your son's glory he paid a dear price to be honored in love and as the father no man comes to Jesus unless you approve it and no man comes to you unless Jesus allows it you jealously love one another now Lord do what only you can do well this is too deep for me to do Lord only you can reveal this fall into our hearts with holy fire and awaken us to love the lamb for in the center of the throne was a land who'd been slain I'm telling if you just close your eyes right now the Lord is so close hey Court can you come up here thank you Lord just close your eyes just forget about everyone here Jesus Jesus come to your people and begin to sweep them off their feet come Lord in all your glory and begin to touch one by one one by one you love everyone here just right where you're at just begin to receive just begin to receive just begin to receive the touch of his presence I give you glory Lord [Music] praise your father I praise your father oh let the love of Jesus flow let the love of Jesus flow would you all just gently begin ministering to him in the spirit all over this place just very gently [Music] very gently the spigen didn't minister to him let the Holy Spirit minister to Jesus through you [Music] yeah yeah there is I don't want anyone working on our team nobody worrying about anything right now just blessing the Lord every heart and perfect attention to Jesus right [Music] I give you glory Lord just lift your voice a bit more and just begin to minister to him in this spirit that's right [Music] I praise you father I praise you long for your presence here that is beautiful and holy [Music] that is beautiful and holy loving [Music] Josh and John [Music] it is beautiful and loving father [Music] change him forever tonight if your voices are just a bit more just is very very softly very softly [Music] change them forever [Music] honors sacrifice [Music] I worship I wish raided prison way depressives yeah yeah I let your heart minister to the Lord and the most beautiful love affair that's right cor the most beautiful love affair just every eye closed engage the Lord engage engage give him your attention I give you praise for your the won our hearts adore your the won our hearts adore on her reward her sacrifice Jesus with the most beautiful awareness of your glory do it Lord the love of Jesus with no other love there's no other message there is no other ambition no other obsession no other focus eyes for him in the movie he's the greatest accomplishment he's the only destination he's the one that the angels worship he's the one who receives glory holy holy holy is the Lord Almighty the earth is filled the earth is filled filled with his glory that's right that's right just if your voice of the Lord [Music] hey Dom you run up there real quick just just get up there quickly Dom to stay up there the earth is filled with his glory blessed be the lamb bring me hope she's right there hope mcknight come stand up come to Jeff we gave you all the glory keep blessing the Lord to bless no we give you all the glory who is like you Lord in the heavens in the earth there is no one Lord there is none like you take all the pain give her beauty for Ashes give her beauty for Ashes beauty for Ashes Oh all we do to you from you three our souls desire the one our souls the door Jesus yourself Jesus himself Jesus himself Jesus himself Lord come upon Chris in a greater measure [Music] let him walk as a holy servant losing I pray he'd labor for the imperishable crown of your present that his offering to you would be of silver gold and precious stones not wood hay and stubble protect him protect him and reward him with the greatest delight when he's weary when battles wage reward him reward him Jesus be mighty through be mighty through him let him carry the power and presence of the Lord Jesus to the broken our Lord on a shield about the you are the glory and the lifter of my head you're my glory and the lifter of my head anoint protect preserve name of the Lord is a strong tower the name of Jesus is a strong tower the righteous run into it they're safe safest presents save Lord Jesus [Music] annoying Amanda [Music] with the fragrance of the king oh just come to continue the blessing it's not my hands tonight the hands of the Lord don't worry about me you can he can touch you right where we are you've come too far to look at me just turn your affection of the Lord come precious father your name Oh Lord is an ointment port for release the beauty of the Lord over her the endearing presents the love of Jesus honor their sacrifice that's right keep playing court your father everyone worshipping nobody watching everyone worship thou Oh Lord our shield for me you're the glory and the lifter of my head come precious Jesus come either hearts desire their souls obsession lord I hear [Music] but David wrote over Phil's life I hear what he wrote in the scriptures as like a banner over Phil Lord David speaking of himself David the sweet psalmist of Israel before you as a warrior is the sweet psalmist the battle is not yours feel the battle is the Lord's you have one job to be the sweet psalmist of the Lord every song every key every melody from the Holy Spirit [Music] through him and back to him as a reward a reward for suffering reward for his love make him a rare vessel a rare vest holy verse pure vessel is not for sale filled Jesus had food they knew not of because you know Jesus you have food their food cannot satisfy he and he along satisfies come Langton very power and substances Lord Jesus bless father bless bless Lord Jesus bless last one Jesus bless with you grace them with the spirit of the law undo every tie every tie those their soul every weight every waste it so easily ensnares us to hold us down every weight slipping cut it away Thank You Jesus for the sweetness of your presence lore that is life that is life flow-through this family keep blessing the Lord all over this place I praise You Father I praise you for Chris thank you Jesus which have called into the river rage but the pace of the spirit increase but if carry straight to your heart nowhere else to live crazy bring me those guys from Tasmania quickly and Josh [Music] everyone lift your voice here for a moment [Music] Lord Jesus they need you and not me they need to leave knowing it was you they need to leave knowing it was you so I pray now in Jesus name for fresh and filming of the holy spirit that what is taking place in this room would touch their nation and their City you'd burn we fire come precious Lord and Phil bumming film Phil Phil fill and touch head-to-toe no doubt you've come to touch them [Music] there is none like you or touch somebody's mom in the name of the Lord Jesus fill her again and again and again and again and again and again touch it fill come Holy Spirit come just just give him your affection that's all you have to do is give him your affections precious precious presents one precious Jesus filthy roaches fill Phil or fill our family for more keep us Lord keep us keep us Jesus you still go use of Jesus to walk right there before name of Jesus keep blessing the Lord father come and fill it's beyond the new assignments a new season it's bigger than the Jesus it's about Jesus show me her delight beard joy be the air she breathes be her everything I pray the days would go so quickly because of the wind behind her and under her I pray father for the deepest love affair and the deepest satisfaction just come for a future the deepest love affair I praise your Lord bring Austen to me your signal Lord everybody everybody crazy wonderful Lord it's the currents of the Lord blessed presence of Jesus that's what the Prophet said I had fire shut up in my bone come Lord come and touch your people and touching people come and touch your people come look come come and feel touched and strengthened Lord filled dawn in Jesus name Phil dumb Phil David Phil Corp let them be faithful lovers faithful lovers fill the whole team Phil Jordan more filth Yohan mud fill the whole team fill everyone who can everyone here touch and Phil touch and Phil or touch this couple let them leave [Music] clothes in your present [Music] I worship you I worship there was none like you I worship your father touch touch and Phil just the most beautiful simple love every Idol dying ever all the confusion gone because now there's just one to look at touch Lord touch touch touch with fire touch precious Lord touch touch touch touch touch touch Jesus refresh touch refresh touch refresh and touch any praise I give you all the praise it's a touch Lord touch Lord touch everyone the entire team touch touch touch touch touch come on just just minister to Jesus he's the one he's the one he's the one he's he's the one he's the one whose hands dripped with myrrh Lord touch touch Ali and Jenna carry touch one touch touch them all touch farm touch Jesus touch touch pressure touch touch faithful lovers faithful faithful Friends faithful Friends of God faithful friends of the Lord Jesus faithful friends faithful friends touch them all touch them all touch them all touch them all touch them all touch them all touch them all gee let's begin to join hands here join hands on this side right here not the whole place just this side holy spirit come and still come and fill with the awakening presence of the Holy Ghost come and fill just close your eyes until the Lord great Baptizer and the Holy Spirit fill fill change lives Lord call call them let them hear the call to come away and serve you call them two nations call them father Commission tonight in Jesus name Commission tonight in the name of the Lord Jesus I praise you lord I praise You Father I give you all the glory all the honor all the brace touch touch touch touch touch touch touch from front to back touch touch all of all of all of every volunteer touched on every attendee touch don't leave every child to touch them I pray in Jesus name yep that's the Lord touch precious Jesus wonderful Holy Spirit who is like you who is like you join hands here on this side draw an answer on this side join hands join answer and come and agree now come and agree and receive receive touch in Jesus name touch touch in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord touch touch join hands join hands in this road join ends you see that anointing it's transferred in the name of Jesus touch a holy wonderful presence of the Lord he is our satisfaction he is our satisfaction touch them Lord this side join hands right here join it precious Jesus fall let your spirit fall let your spirit fall let your spirit fall join hands here join hands here joint run hands to an answer on end join hands here join hands quickly quickly quickly drink it Jesus let your precious presence flow let it flow and awaken the bride to love you come Holy Spirit precious all this weird calm Jesus touched Derek fill fill in touch away camp awaken let him hear your voice to come away always like your Lord always liked you who is like you so faithful and beautiful and all your way all your way you you have wounded us forever join hands join hands here join hands here in this section and sit right there join hands quickly quickly in the name of Jesus Holy Spirit begin to touch means why we've come to be with you no you touch Lord Jesus Lin I give you praise then those you go back to see in the name of Jesus touch there we go film film Phil Phil with new eye [Music] what your word says my cup runneth over Phil Phil speakable full of glory you'd raise up a holy bride as David said I love you Lord you are my strength you are my friend my strength is found in love this back section here join hands to him Jesus touch touch and Phil touch and Phil touch and Phil touch touch touch touch touch touch bring this young man to be here with the put the hair praise You Father Lord use him and give him more morsels more love more shows more love more souls more love yeah front to back learn front to back all over all over you're the one who imparts Lord you're the one you're the one let them walk away let them leave carrying a love for you your precious power name of the Lord Jesus in the name of the Lord Jesus emergency you are worthy of praise hey Peter 10 come up here buddy get on your instrument God's gonna touch you as you play it's gonna touch you as you play give it fresh idiot praise give you glory and honor power strength all is yours Dominion wisdom riches or touch Meg Jesus name touch her team clothes Meg in the love of God worship I worship I wish I worship Lord of come to love [Music] visit your people praise You God bring me that young man Aaron come here Aaron wonderful anointing [Music] touch now the power of God flowing right now power of God's law power of God we praise I'll give you all the praise yield yield yield yield to the Lord you don't watch me I'm I have nothing to do with this yield to the Lord Phil oh nine ten at the last days company Lord to rightly love you to storm the gates of hell as faithful lovers coming your power tonight and fill Phil I don't know she is prima jasmine get up quick Jazmin [Music] right here right here right here filled with faithful love and power strength fire [Music] and the fire of God [Music] holy fire right the right time real fire Hey closer thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] gently add to it don't pick up the pace too much let's not blow this way get praised can be praised give you praise hey Julian you be faithful to the original vision God gave you the original assignment don't you leave it for nothing in the law he'll give it to someone else he spoke to you in the early days I don't even have a grid for it I just know that he spoke to you you hold on to it though the vision Terry it shall come to pass the scripture says though it tarry it shall come to pass jesus said when the Son of Man returns will he find faith on the earth don't stop believing give yourself away now every bondage dies in this presence every bondage a rebuke fear in Jesus name depression leave now now you leave you fell devil leave Leave leave Leave leave the leaf name of the Lord Monty elephant ah wonderful warrior minister to your inheritance law we worship the Lord and we are the Sheep of his pasture we are yours you've lost mad one fear if a complain complain complain keep playing keep playing keep playing keep playing keep playing playing keep playing click like i bind every sickness in Jesus name find every distraction in your life and bind all the allies that you've been believing the compromise stops tonight fully give yourself to the Lord it's the only love he receives because it's the only love he knows fully fully bring me Elizabeth Needham bring me Elizabeth Nina bolli give yourself to the Lord it's the only love he knows partial love is a foreign love and makes no sense to him touch Jesus name touch makes no sense I've loved you he said with an everlasting love the only love he knows touch touch touch touch Lord Phil Phil Phil Phil holy oil holy oil Lord holy Hart holy judge fun touch touch touch holy oil holy oil holy oil the anointing oil holy holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty the earth is filled with his glory you're safe in your anointing their safety in your safe there as long as he sought the Lord the Lord caused him to prosper [Music] O'Leary were they are you forever [Music] radar you might even mighty one ninety-one I do tracie father if you've been given a report from the doctor that is fatal and either jesus heals you or you're in trouble I want I want you to raise your hand you need a full blown miracle in your life I want you to stand up if you've raised your hand stand up very stand up as a child of God in the presence of the Lord what is the problem here what is it who your mom is she here she's Hospital stretch your hand what's her name father you are the god of miracles we lift Barbara up to you right now we rebuke that cancer Lord right here in your presence we command that cancer to go [Music] we command that cancer to go and we declare over Barbara that by the stripes of Jesus she is healed Barbara live live they're floored live in the name of the Lord Jesus sir what do you need from God I can't hear him what is wrong with them what's wrong with the legs Father and Jesus clothed him with strength a life flow into those legs right now but the life of the Holy Spirit flow from head to toe through those legs behold in the name of Jesus who else stood who got a fatal report what's wrong man what did the doctor say just blind father in Jesus name with the one who gives sight speak to your eyes commend them declare in the name of Jesus hope huh anyone else someone's standing here there's someone standing there in the back what's wrong with you your brother what's wrong with him father Drive HIV out of his body come on let's agree father Drive HIV right out of his father can you scream his name huh Brian father we lift up Brian before your throne thank you for your mercy and we ask you Lord to have mercy on drive that sickness out of plead the blood Jesus name Jesus love you Father we love you for why did you stand men did I already pray for you why did you stand what you need something what's wrong he's a private okay what is it I can't hear come we're doing our finger slowly Facebook lord don't worry about us just close your eyes and worry about us Lord you hold all things together and anew all things consist [Music] find you heal the brokenhearted bind up the rules let the words that went deep the arrows and her family pierced turn broker all the trust that's been squandered and relinquished she lives in this dark tunnel thinking it will never end arise tonight Lord [Music] just pray out there arise on healing wings that's right now give yourself to a men if you can hear my voice give yourself to clothes are now father from head to toe in your goodness head-to-toe he'll heal the brokenhearted Jesus bind up the room keep playing keep playing key key key key key buy somebody's elbows being healed right now in Jesus name somebody's elbow move that elbow move that elbow somebody's elbow it's being healed gently gently gently somebody's elbows being healed move it move it move that elbow move that elbow there's been a pain in that Oh about as Luke who got his healing that elbow that's you raised your hand that's you is that you little girl that's you raised your hand wave it wave at me waving me if the pain is gone is the pain gone is it gone is the pain gone in Jesus name is the pain gone in Jesus name thank you Father for a lot I give you glory I give you glory thank you for what you're doing here thank you for what you're doing here thank you what you're doing here thank you for what you're doing if you have pain in your face if you have a pain that touches your face wave at me it's like yep stand up stand up stand up goes down the side of your face is that right in the name of Jesus receive now receive receive from the wonderful Lord Himself the healing power of God be free be free Lord be free Lord Jesus touch her be free be free woman in Jesus name she's a slam you go check see if you feel any relief you do you do come here come in come in come to me come to me bring her to me bring her to me quick come here come here you're gonna give this away to other people you're gonna give this away to other people now bring it right here you're gonna give this away to other people you're gonna be a beacon of hope to the hurting father Phil Phil filled with the power of the Holy Ghost that our flow and the healing ministry give hope to others who are suffering in Jesus name we give you praise they give you praise father I give you all the glory and all the honor all the praise there's no one like there's no one like there is no one like there is no one like you there's no one like thank you Father thank you Father Jesus name give you all the praise I give you all the praise the Lord of feeling someone's hip somebody's hip on the left side stand up and start moving that right now just end up right here and this president start moving move that hip and find the painters go left hip hold on wait wait look I don't want you look for the pain I want you to look for the touch of Jesus Jesus name if the pains gone wave it pains gone way I rebuke the pain now and Jesus all over this place left hip do you are you still in pain the man with the beard are you still in pain no is it gone what are you do you have paint or not what do you feel on it get a microphone cut quit come on let's follow the Holy Spirit come on come on what do you feel what do you feel you hold the mic Josh vo the mic what do you feel [Music] check-check doll don't don't don't let your heart ship and let your heart ship what do you feel [Music] he'll hold the mic he's got them I feel a feel warmth oh no it's all the pain gone used to there used to be a pinch and there's no pain no what did you shoot him I tore it look at me in football football what does that warm feel like you're feeling just like liquid something we need to do is get better at at being real and letting the holiness of God permeate the ministry we did with that we are involved in so we've been on playing we can be happy yes joyful yes this is quite holding it leads to return Jesus name father thank you thank you Father Jesus money I wish I wish it was like Oh Oh seeing the knack of a woman and believe the Lord feeling of thyroid decide stand if that's you many of you father in Jesus name just put your hand there if you're near them put your hand on his shoulder it's for your mama okay she have cancer what is it okay she has a tumor what's her name father visit roof drive that kids in Jesus name what's your name Lord filled Diana with joy and peace right now film filler with joy and peace I rebuke every thyroid issue here in Jesus name just be praised take the fear out of your name is Ruth your name is Diana Phil Diana from here Diana [Music] the Lord is good you trust him Saro last through the night joy cometh in the morning film Phil I felt the power of God right I love I would hate to do this without it holy spirit [Music] seeing a side of a person there's an issue at your side do wave at me if that's you it's the side of the body so anyone here stand it's right here is on the side John put your hand on it is that your husband next to you soon to be good enough did God put you together are you sure then I'll let you do it go ahead put your hand on John go to put your hand father we curse that pain and let her sleep like a baby Kirstin commanded to go believe you and the precious name of Jesus were you in pain before you came in check for check see how it feels any pain how much that much John father Chris will you go over there all the pain leaves right now but the stripes of Jesus you are full leave no more fear all our concern more chains check for check for is it gone it's gone give the Lord Frey this is so beautiful [Music] this is so beautiful because this is not about a man or a woman this is about Jesus this is about in touch thank you can you just worship him for like 30 seconds [Music] can I have help picking these people up just throw Aaron on the front that's what our young people need [Music] how many of you been touched by the Lord tonight indeed boy [Music] how many we're not touched by the Lord you were over here buddy [Music] just put him right there anyone else feel like they didn't come they didn't get what they came for come in [Music] we love Jesus do one more remember if you raise your hand the first time don't come walking up come close come close who's this man are you from get in my car how about now [Music] what's happening now sometimes just need a protein huh sometimes you just need to bro Deline what do you feel baptized in the Holy Spirit fine touch I want our team to come our students come praise you Jesus I want you to line up up front your students come and if I could have two catchers for each student please I don't want you guys to start praying yet now students look I don't want you praying a long time okay no novels God will hear you the first time you just you know what to do you just don't say Lord Jesus touch them it's really simple now here's what I'm asking I want all of you who are who I don't want you to stand because if you fall there's nobody behind you so I want you to remain seated I told you tonight was importation man now listen it is not our hands that bring the importation it's not us we can't give you anything it is the Lord it is the Lord so I want all of you I want all of you - stretch your hands out like this very simply not like this just recently nothing special about this this is what I'm an ass look look live what's resting on this ministry that the Lord would that he himself would impart to you what he wants to give you okay where this ministry is just a bridge I can give you nothing the Lord can do it so I want you to close your eyes right now I told you this was in partition the Bible says man can receive nothing unless it comes from the Lord from heaven now Jesus said wait until you are endued with power from on high not from man from on high so right now as your hands are lifted your heart this is it's just beholding the Lord and I'm gonna pray and agree and many of you are gonna feel the power of the Holy Spirit come upon you many of you may not feel that but you grab it by faith amen you grab what I'm about to pray by faith okay let's receive Heavenly Father tonight I pray that you would reach down from heaven and fill touch your people that the anointing of the Holy Spirit would come upon them to do good as Jesus was anointed to do good went about doing good and destroy strong healing we healed destroyed the works of the devil but God was with my father I prayed tonight would be a marker that this week would be a marker in every life and that divine a divine change would take place they would see the works of Jesus through their hands their hearts would burn that their mouth will declare the gospel and the your ministry Lord would flow through them that's what you promised so I asked now in Jesus name for a divine impartation to take place in every life here come Holy Spirit and touch in Jesus name touch touch at the Ministry of Christ flow through his body [Music] thank you God students you begin praying now catchers make sure you're alive pay attention Jesus Nate Jessie come here baby [Music] just gaze our hearts upon Jesus room clerk yeah if you feel like you still need prayer we have our students here I'll pray for you I just want to disclose this event by just thanking Jesus for his goodness yeah thank you God for your faithfulness thank you for your love for your mercy Lord they're new every morning Jesus we thank you Holy Spirit and print the love of Jesus in our hearts let us never forget who he is God let us burn let us burn with love for Jesus and fullness of who he is god bless your people god tonight Jesus I thank you god this was just not a conference they came to God they came to meet you Lord and let them never be the same never be the same in Jesus mighty name amen
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 74,642
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Koulianos, Reinhard Bonnke, Bethel, Jesus is king, Jessica Koulianos, Bethel Music, Bill Johnson, Holy Spirit, Upper Room, kanye west, Eric Gilmour, Jesus, Todd White, Benny Hinn, Jesus Image, UPPERROOM, Image
Id: hqrn7q0OO_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 42sec (13842 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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